Other than the graphics downgrade, this game was pretty good. why was it shit on so much?

other than the graphics downgrade, this game was pretty good. why was it shit on so much?

Attached: watch dogs.jpg (400x600, 87K)

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it was the uplay always online drm. People were interested but annoyed by ubi's antics.

The shooting was fucking terrible, Ubi can't write a story for shit, nothing to do outside of story missions and story missions are crap due to the above, and the police was retarded and extremely easy which instantly makes the open world boring.
Pretty good my ass.

does anyone have a mirror of that video of the guy scanning people and if they are a degenerate he kills them?

terrible driving

>tfw no clara gf
it hurts

Attached: clara.jpg (1920x1080, 240K)

It was alright at best.

because ubisoft paid people to shit on it to drum up controversy and score some free advertisement that would last years

It was fucking terrible, what are you on about. The sequel is miles better.

Imagine if this game was like Deus Ex mixed with Hotline Miami. Like what if the game’s plot was revolved around a vigilante hacker group manipulating people to commit massacrers at gang hideouts and such? I know I sound retarded but stick with me on this.

It wasn’t it got a sequel and tons of normies bought it. Otherwise most people didn’t like the fact that it’s another derivative GTA clone with a few gimmicks added like hacking and NPC profiles

Convoy missions were pretty fun, but not a lot of them utilised the hacking system. In fact, I'm pretty sure that the hacking system is one of the least useful systems outside of the story mode

it was not at all good
it was techno-brainlet asscreed with a ton of repetitive missions and bad mechanics

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>this game was pretty good
Today I will remind them

Story was a clusterfuck.

My friend said it was very repetitive and didn't have much depth gameplay wise. He ended up dropping it completely after a while. I have it also and still haven't played it lol

Dat backlog man.

Do you guys prefer the neo-noir atmosphere of the first game or the weird and wacky atmosphere of the second game?

the first by far

yeah the graphic complains just overwhelmed anything else.
gameplay wise it's just a better gta because it has a functional stealth system and the hacking for extra possibilities

side activities got repetitive quick but the story I think was varied enough.

why'd she have to die bros

Attached: sad pep.jpg (488x550, 35K)

>this game was pretty good
It was bad but it was better than Watch_Dogs 2.

Attached: Watch Kuffirs 2.jpg (960x600, 151K)