>Perfect games don't exis-
Perfect games don't exis-
you're a faggot
Harry Potter but anime
>mediocre story
>mediocre characters
>mediocre combat
>mediocre graphics
yeah bro it's perfect
b-but style over substance!!!!!
It's a generic shonen story that looks good
>mediocre combat
that's being incredibly generous
Not a perfect game by any means
if it's so perfect why is p5 royal coming out? also, is p5 royal going to be available as DLC for the regular version or a separate stand-alone?
What exactly is this supposed to prove. The game is very aesthetically pleasing, we all know that. It's just bogged down by turn based combat like most JRPGs are.
It was alright but 2 was better in many aspects.
I’m thinking about getting this, it’s the only “must play game” game I haven’t played this generation, I just know the anime tropes will annoy the piss out of me
That's not how it works you nub.
Literally not perfect
>find the enemy's weak point
>use a attack that hits all of them
>use all out attack which is completely free to win the fight
thanks for proving my point
If you disagree with that you are a low IQ subhuman anime nigger with terrible taste in writing.
P5 isn't even the best Persona game, and none of the Persona games are perfect. It's good, but certainly has its share of flaws.
This game has the worst written villains I have ever encountered in a JRPG. The absolute fucking worst, I'm still amazed how they accomplished that. You literally fight Evil Blueberry Man and the game treats it VERY seriously.
ITT: we post P5fags trigger words. I'll start
>Shin Megami Tensei
>Digital Devil Story
>Aya Nishitani
>Kazuma Kaneko
>Kouji Okada
>Persona 4
>Persona 3
>Persona 2
>good writing
I'm sure you anons can think of more.
P5 has loads of flaws but there's a good chance P5R makes it a near perfect game. If they fix all the shitty budget moments like the rat maze and the underwhelming Akihabara and the copy and paste mementos, it'll be an amazing game.
>The epic twist only works because game literally skips the part of the cutscene that would ruin it
What other game/VN is a good friend simulator or have a cool dating sim? P5 was my 1st of that type and I really enjoyed it.
"p5 is bad because it's style over substance," says the board that praises metal gear rising and asura's wrath.
Most VNs that dedicate themselves to that are better for that sort of thing because you don't have to contend with crappy JRPG gameplay for those.
Apparently not perfect if they have to release a newer version with 50% more game and everyone's and everything's shit changed.
jesus christ does persona 3 like to drop a ton of heavy shit on you all at once
its a wonder how the protagonist manages himself when everyone else seems nigh-suicidal at times
sometimes it feels like he should lean on a friend too
The only one that I found problematic is the mascot character, so , go ahead
Nobody praises Asura's Wrath for the gameplay, which is universally reviled. It's praised for the scale, fights, animation, and characters.
yes, so in other words, it's praised for its style, not its substance. thanks for proving my point.
"style over substance" is just a meme that shitposters are grasping for to discredit p5. if it was actually a legitimate concern for anyone on this board, a lot of games would have very different reputations.
Were you on easy mode or something
No, but I had access to save states so I might as well have been.
>Perfect games don't exis-
>"perfect game"
So far I have played about 15 hours. I really like the style, soundtrack of the game, that part truly is a 10/10 for me but the combat, dungeon exploring, social sim are just okay, not awful but not that great. Characters are alright but they often repeat the same fucking thing they said before like 20 times and your characters chosen dialogue answer choices dont matter most of the time if not all the time. They are literally the same thing just worded a bit differently, whats the point of having such obvious illusionary choices. Gameplay gets kind of repetitive at certain parts and kind of feels like it's holding the story progression back too much, making it painfully slow. The game is far from perfect.
How can anyone defend this?
>basic turn-based gameplay
>anime dating sim
No thanks. Shame about all that neat visual flair, music and demon-designs.
>dating sim disguised as an RPG for people who have ADHD and can't play RPGs
>perfect game
>exclusive to snoy
writing is a part of substance, especially in a 100 hour JRPG that is 75% writing
The shilling got me to watch the video (I was bored), and most of his criticisms are actually legitimate. A good chunk of it has already been posted on Yea Forums, as far back as the game's release. He just goes into autistic detail about every confidant and every main story plot point.
Persona 5's writing is bad. It doesn't take six hours to realize that but the video is very comprehensive.
>Good game
>P5 babby
>Style over substance, apparently
>Visual Novel
>Go outside
>good writing
>PS3 Emulator
>Innocent Sin
>Eternal Punishment
>Persona 1
meanwhile, all anyone has to say to trigger Yea Forums is "persona 5."
Including P5fags, apparently
upvoted XD
visual flair and musics seems to be the only thing going for it, the 10 hours I get to experience were really boring overall
It's at best a poor Death Note knockoff, come the fuck on. I mean I'm not a huge fan of it but everyone and their grandma has seen that.
How the fuck is it like Death Note?
Akechi kinda looks like Light if you squint a bit. That's all I can think of.
It's quite literally Death note.
It was good but story peaked early. The gym teacher story felt real, intense, urgent and relevant. It was incredible, I was really invested and fretted over every minute. From there, as the enemies got "bigger", they were more remote, increasingly shoehorned in and generally a bit crap.
The rest of the game was quite enjoyable, I liked the lifestyle simulator (actually made me consider how I spent my life and time), plus cute girls and fun companions. Combat was fairly standard turn based, good but nothing special.
Solid 7 out of 10. Completed it, enjoyed it, but it never beat its first 10 hours.
It's more like a poor Hell Girl knock off.
But it's called "Persona 5".
metal gear rising has fun gameplay though
it's pretty shit in all honesty but gets carried hard by the artstyle
I like the game too but perfect? Come on son. You think Akechi's "redemption" bit was perfect? Haru's introduction was perfect?
Seriously mate, just have some self respect.
You deserve better than that robot dialogue and forcing yourself to accept it is a slippery slope. Good writing is out there and never forget it.
Is "style over substance" to P5fags what "It's no masterpiece" is to SMOfags?
I want to impregnate Ann and make her a mommy. And have her give me footjobs.
>Weak story
>Weak characters
>Passable gameplay mechanics
>Shitty dungeons
>The absolute worst pacing of any game I've ever experienced
The games like a 3/10
Everything is great except the characters and the story.
Everything is great beside the game. Get an artbook, get the soundtrack. The game is worthless.
I mean you're full of shit if you think the game had more or as much substance as it did style
>The game had no substanc-
>Do you like what kind of game?
>Well, have been playing Persona 5, the game looks good and has a interesting stor...
>le evil god xD
Every game had a Japanese god as a final boss? That's a fucking SMT staple. How new are you????
Is there any reason why I should play JRPGs instead of just watching cutscene compilations on youtube?
So, here’s a question for you all: all else equal, which do you prefer: a game with a story that’s starts off good but gets progressively worse or a story that starts off bad but gets progressively better
Assuming the rate of quality decrease/increase is the same, the length of the story is the same and the total average quality ends up being the same
Not the worst final boss ever made but still a letdown. The final boss music is also much worse than Rivers in the Desert (they should have saved that for the final boss and given Shido/the cup something else).
zoom zoom
Maybe defend some of the valid points being brought up in the conversation instead of acting like an autistic wojak retard. It will help your case a lot more.
Honestly experiencing a story while you're playing it is completely different than just watching it on YouTube, even with story-heavy games.
Cool looking but it doesn’t really feel like it fit, given all the other bosses final designs
Not enough muh symbolism outside of it having part of the holy grail in its body
But none of those points are invalid, even if people are parroting them
Definitely the latter.
Especially if the gameplay is serviceable enough to not make you drop the game immediately.
People who use the term style over substance should just read books
3 houses came and pretty much shit all over persona 5 from great heights. P5 might’ve been OK a few years ago, but in a post-3 houses world? Nah.
Most of JRPGs have terrible fucking gameplay that drags the whole experience down and you can't prove me wrong
I think the only JRPG I actively enjoyed was Golden Sun
on lower difficulties its piss easy to just get every enemy's weakness each time but on higher ones u cant do that as often since youll run out of sp or bullets
>you can't prove me wrong
*blocks your path*
They aren't even the same type of RPG, retard. Literally trying too hard.
Nah, 3 house is garbage too. Trying way too hard to be Persona and you can't even recognize it anymore.
Just like Cold Steel T_T
Fire Emblem was a bad series before it became a dating sim coated in a thin layer of a 'tactical RPG'
The game is so braindead even toddlers can breeze through it
Nice non-argument. Nocturne is pretty much all gameplay with the story only serving as an excuse to go punch stuff in the face.
How can you say that when Persona and SMT are essential trannycore
Stop baiting
I like both but the issues one game has are basically the opposite of the other’s
P5 has a solid gameplay loop that lends itself to never having to do one thing too often and thus you never really hit a grindy point in the game. However the story suffers from various structural issues and unsuccessful attempts to juggle focus and emphasis among 2-3 different storylines at a time.
3H has significantly greater success handling multiple parallel storylines of various lengths and severity but ultimately it hits an issue in the late game where the majority of the gameplay becomes either too easy or unneeded and turns chunks of the endgame experience into slots, despite the writing being at its best
So now that this thread has been derailed... P1 chads where you at?
>chooses the SMT with the most barebones and easily broken gameplay
I just came to this thread and I definitely disagree with the post you replied to but are you alright?
SMT is tranny repellent.
Maybe you should make an argument first why Nocturne's gameplay is actually good.
cool design and setting. Long, boring, boss fight that you lose in a cutscene anyway. Style over substance
This series makes trans people seethe for not being LGBT friendly enough or whatever. Atlus is probably as based as jrpg companies get
If Persona 5 is perfect why are they releasing an improved edition?
t. personababy that got filtered
books can have the same problem, ever read Shakespeare?
>boss fight that you lose in a cutscene
Is there a worse trope?
Ever heard of being more perfect than perfection?
Faggots gives you a speech about how hard his life is and how special he is
I had such high hopes for this fucking game, both this and MGS V finally killed my ability to feel excited for a new game.
you accidentally posted the wrong image
I have a question you faggots.
The Persona 5 Royal is gonna be like a Complete Edition like The Witcher and H,Zero dawn got, or a different game?
I've searched inf about it in several webs but those mf ain't say shit.
It's a $60 DLC.
We still don't know,
it is a complete mystery;)
I know you're baiting but it's sad there are people that think this.
Like uncharted the lost legacy? No game base,just a DLC.
Anyway,Thanks user
I bet you think Nocturne is actually hard and don't touch EO because you're too mature for the artstyle.
Nocturne always eventually forces you to lean to STR because how incredibly weak MAG gets later in the game which ruins building your character differently.
Dungeons are simply too short and easy, usually with an annoying gimmick to pad it out
There are skills and combination of skills you can get on demons fairly early in the game that completely makes the game a cakewalk, especially stuff like Bright Might and all of Daisoujou
It's the original game with more content like reworked and new dungeons, more events, more confidants, more places to visit, 3 more months with a new arc, new music
Yes, just like that.
How one single game can attract so much shitposting and hate?
>P3 and P4 fanboys: wearing nostalgia goggles
>SMT fanboys: P5 simply stabilized Persona as Atlus' dominant franchise. Cucked by its own spinoff
>Nintendo/Xenoblade 2 fanboys: Nintendo added Joker to Smash and got a "fuck you" with Royal being PS4 exclusive. X2 fans can't stand that P5 stole all the accolades and prizes, game completely forgotten by everyone (except waifuposting on Yea Forums
>Square Enix fanboys and FFXV-kun: They don't accept their reign of the jrpgs may be on the line. We know that FFXV sold only by its name and FFXV-kun feels threatened by Atlus growth
>FFXV was utter shi-
>it’s a nocturnebabby that ACTUALLY thought Nocturne was hard
Add to that wrpg-kun and newfags from reddit who hate anything anime and retards who think any ounce of story means something is a movie (probably bing bing wahoofags)
RE6 is actually a lot of fun, even if it's the furthest RE has strayed from itself.
right here
P5 is the epitome of reddit. What are you talking about?
now that's a cope
I don't mind animu or story, I'm just not a fan of dating sims with FF1-combat.
s...stupid adult, shut up!
Way too easy and anime uguu artstyle that was absent from the first 2
Other than that yes it is quite literally perfect
Any good Yea Forums threads about this video user?
I'm curious about the criticism of P5 since I already played it and finished it but 5 hours is way too long for a video
XIV is now the king of MMORPGs so it's not all bad for Squeenix fags
Just put it on as background noise.
>xiv trannies actually believe this
I haven't touched any MMORPG since Cataclysm came out. I'm just stating facts.
Will there ever be a 4th?
Eh its fine I guess, I'm 50/50 on some things I think the game is to heavy handed on certain things and it comes off as super silly
dude adults lmao
You haven't played a lot of atlus games have you? It's a leftist company
SJWs love P5.
>the king of MMORPGs
aka the tallest midget. mmos are a garbage genre. main-series final fantasy has been terrible for 18 years now. the ff7 remake will be the first good non-spinoff game in the series since ff9.
have deep and sweet sex
hurry up and dilate
Mind sharing these cherries you picked
Grow up
Replaying it is a huge pain. The tutorials last for ever. I'll probably wait for royal.
A shame. I wanted to get the platinum.
>Grow up
>100+ hour game
>for people who have ADHD
actually they hate it because of all the Ryuji scenes with the cartoonish faggot pedophiles at the beach
>retards who think any ounce of story means something is a movie (probably bing bing wahoofags)
Look user, I'm sorry, but when I purchase a video GAME, I expect to be allowed to play it at some point, instead of being railroaded into 44 hours of cutscenes. The entire point of the medium IS interaction, after all.
Only a few complained about it, atlus is pro lgbt
He covers so much ground that it's hard to summarize all of it.
To give a short summary:
>anime cutscenes are worse than the in-game cutscenes
>protagonist's death leading to game over is annoying (combined with instakill attacks)
>combat is too focused on weakness spam and gets stale
>stealth is shallow
>dungeons are very linear and the puzzles are braindead
>most of the confidants are poorly written (seriously he goes over literally every single confidant in the game, spends like two hours on them)
>Mementos ruins most of the confidants that involve it by breaking the pacing and removing character agency (most conflicts are immediately resolved by changing a cartoonishly evil person's heart)
>most confidants contradict the main story and involve Joker solving their problems for them
>praises Yoshida, Iwai, Yusuke, and Haru confidants as the exceptions
>story peaks with Kamoshida
>characters act very stupidly (many examples shown)
>Makoto basically becomes the leader of the group as soon as she's introduced
>characters act like Makoto/Akechi are geniuses for stating the obvious
>characters repeat obvious things constantly because the game doesn't respect the player's intelligence (e.g. the Akechi/Shido conversation where they explain their entire plan)
>Kaneshiro's/Futaba's/Okumura's palaces have weak theming
>every villain being tied back to Shido is contrived and undermines the broader societal themes
>everything about the Phantom Thieves' philosophy is inconsistent/weak
>stealing someone's heart basically turns them into a new person
>game undermines its own preachy morals constantly
>game often introduces new concepts but proceeds to contradict them and/or not flesh them out further
>characters only achieve their goal of fighting against injustice by using magic and hacking, making the game's message hollow
I said "short" yet I still made a wall of text, this is my third attempt. I'm trying not to misrepresent his criticisms but he makes so many.
Thanks for the post user
He's unironically right about everything. That being said, I still enjoyed the game. I wouldn't call it a masterpiece, but it's better than most games I've played.
Haven't watched the 5 hour video, and don't plan too.
>anime cutscenes are worse than the in-game cutscenes
They seemed so sporadic and infrequent that it was really jarring when they occured, they didn't really add anything at all to the quality of the game. Same in P4 and P3.
>protagonist's death leading to game over is annoying (combined with instakill attacks)
Always been like this, stems from when the protag was the only controllable party member in P3 and stuck I guess, I see no problem with it. Instakill moves are so infrequent and encourage correct persona fusing, resist dark and light is so easy to get early on.
>combat is too focused on weakness spam and gets stale
Sounds like he doesn't like SMT combat in general, this will never change.
>stealth is shallow
There is no stealth in P5, it's literally just press X on a wall and you're undetectable, awful.
>dungeons are very linear and the puzzles are braindead
>most of the confidants are poorly written (seriously he goes over literally every single confidant in the game, spends like two hours on them)
They're enjoyable enough, I thought Futaba's, Shinya and Mishima's were awful though, social links can become a chore.
>praises Yoshida, Iwai, Yusuke, and Haru confidants as the exceptions
These are the best along with Sojiro, agreed.
>story peaks with Kamoshida
Somewhat, yes. I'd argue it peaks at the Casino.
>characters act very stupidly (many examples shown)
The shit with Morgana leaving the party was the dumbest thing I've witnessed in a Persona game.
>Kaneshiro's/Futaba's/Okumura's palaces have weak theming
The hell? Okumura's sucked but Kaneshiro and Futaba's palace both perfectly fit the theme of thievery, going into an ancient tomb or robbing a bank is a perfect setting.
Rest I agree with.
style over substance
>The hell? Okumura's sucked but Kaneshiro and Futaba's palace both perfectly fit the theme of thievery, going into an ancient tomb or robbing a bank is a perfect setting.
He argues that they don't tie well into the characters themselves (compared with Kamoshida, Madarame, and Sae).
>the ff7 remake will be the first good non-spinoff game in the series since ff9
Now I know you're either just baiting or console warring, I can't tell which.
So basically everything that shitposters on here regurgitate that has also been proven wrong?
Haha what a retard these are the stupidest nitpicks I’ve ever heard of. It’s like he’s never played a MegaTen game.
I have been in threads about the game since release and nobody has ever "proven" any of the major criticisms wrong.
At most you can say that a lot of his criticisms also apply to other JRPGs, which isn't a defense insomuch it's an admission of how low standards are.
I'm not gonna say there's zero nitpicks because obviously it's a five-hour video, but a lot of his complaints apply to large swathes of the game.
I'm not gonna defend the guy to death, just thought he made good points, if you want more detail then watch the video yourself. I won't link it myself since I'm not a shill but you can find it easily.
>nobody has ever "proven" any of the major criticisms wrong.
Keep lurking newfag yes they have
Okay, then prove this criticism wrong:
NO game in existence should have 44 hours of cutscenes. Not even one hundred quintillion hours of gameplay would justify this much story. It is objectively bad game design.
I was talking about Final Fantasy, fuckface
This is how I know you didn’t play the game
>NO game in existence should have 44 hours of cutscenes.
...in your opinion, acfag.
it's the truth. square is fundamentally incapable of making a good new final fantasy game anymore, so the best they can do is remaking the old good ones.
I don't know why you would purchase a 60 dollar product whose value can be freely extracted from a site like youtube. The point of playing a video game is to interact with it in a way that a movie can't be interacted with. Seems kind of silly in retrospect. If you want a movie, you should just go to
X and XII have actually fun battle systems though.
FF10 was still the apex of the series, and FF7R will be like 1/3 of a game so it's not even worth picking up until it maybe finally gets finished. I got burned by Half-Life once. I'm not buying into episodic garbage again.
>I have been in threads about the game since release and nobody has ever "proven" any of the major criticisms
I dobut that user. The game has been out for 3 years if you were really in those threads posting shit like “peaked at kamoshida” then someone would’ve proved wrong.
>100 hour """game"""
and how much of it is cutscenes?
Style over substance
x is a cringe hallway simulator with boring combat. the gambit system is the only interesting aspect of xii. as overall games, they suck compared to the classics and spinoffs.
99% of it. The 1% is when you press start on the main menu.
44 hours
>boring combat
>the gambit system is the only interesting aspect of xii
How are both in any way shape or form worse than the slow ass active time shit in FFIX?
>Not the best combat series
its not perfect.
>god out of nowhere ending
>that fucking mouse section
>Discount Adachi
Why do P5 fags deepthroat this game so goddamn hard? I get you like it, i like P4 the most, but i don't scream on every platform possible about how much of a masterpiece my game supposedly is. P5 has ALOT of faults, so do most games, but that doesn't mean the highlights of the game aren't really good (first section of story, the music, the in game cutscene animation, the aesthetic)
I really wish this game hadn't been the mainstream popularity explosion it was for the series, so fucking tired of literal mouth breathing retards blowing this games dick like it's the greatest thing ever.
It seems to be JRPGs in general. We have a Xenoblade thread up right now that repeats many of these posts word for word (in particular calling people ADHD faggots who can't appreciate a cinematic story). I think it's just hipsters who want credit for liking artsy movie games.
>Why do P5 fags deepthroat this game so goddamn hard?
I just like talking about the game. Just because someone proves you wrong with facts doesn’t mean that they’re deep throating it.
I hate the PS1 FF entries personally and consider all 3 of them a case of rose tinted glasses.
>in particular calling people ADHD faggots who can't appreciate a cinematic story
Saying that a game is too long or “like a book/movie” isn’t a valid point.
How did P5 manage to deeply hurt so many people here, many of whom didn’t play the game? If it came to switch or PC I guarantee the reception would be completely different right now from you fags
>If it came to switch or PC I guarantee the reception would be completely different right now from you fags
You can play it on PC.
Saying that a game shouldn't be 99% cutscenes IS a valid point. Games are not supposed to emphasize story or lore more than gameplay.
Reminder that Yea Forums's opinion on Yakuza got worse after it was ported to PC.
>44 hours out of 100
Well thank god P5 isn’t.
>13 out of 65 hours
How is XC2 99% cutscenes?
That video doesn't include the Confidants. You can easily add another 10-20 hours just watching that.
The writing sucked, and without good writing Persona is just a boring dungeon crawler with a nice soundtrack.
Every moment you're in combat counts as a cutscene too, those videos don't show that.
Take this for example. i.4cdn.org
Both Xenoblade AND Persona are filled with """""""combat"""""" like this. Now, I don't know about you, but I need my gameplay to require more than one button press every 15 seconds. Otherwise you're just shoving a quick time event in my face.
Persona 5 has way better writing than any other persona game, don’t delude yourself.
>Xenoblade 2 has shit comba-
The point is that nothing could work with that length. Fuckin' making a 10 hour movie is considered very brave and experimental.
You're complaining about a limit break minigame?
I see nothing wrong
No it doesn’t.
The latter
>PS2 era character animations ripped straight from a 10 year old game
>literally over 2 dozen hours of VA style unskippable cutscene where stock models and portraits repeat the same information ad nauseam
>braindead combat for trash mobs
>Tokyo is a bunch of boring empty sections distinct from each other with nothing happening
Switch version when?
>Dude the writing is bad lmao
Blame FATlus USA for the low tier localization.
Thanks for confirm there are Xenocucks shitposting on this thread.
>cluttered AI
>literally standing still
>just button mashing when a cinematic animation isn't happening
Personally I'd rather play a video game like PAcman or Tetris.
That kind of cinematic nonsense doesn't belong in a video game. At that point you're literally watching the game play itself. Why would anyone defend that?
>persona 5 was unironically too deep for him to the point where he thought ryuji’s ramblings were the theme
>>PS2 era character animations ripped straight from a 10 year old game
It’s a PS3 game and the models are new.
>>literally over 2 dozen hours of VA style unskippable cutscene where stock models and portraits repeat the same information ad nauseam
But you can skip the cutscenes, there’s a option for it in the bottom right.
Aren’t you little too old to be shitposting, boomer?
I take that as a compliment. I'd rather be a 30 year old man than an underage who thinks games should be "cinematic".
Fast forward != skip
I’d rather be an underage who thinks games should be "cinematic" than a mentally ill schizo that forces the same pic and argument in every single thread about this game
How long does it take for this game to really open up? I'm 20 hours in and liking it, just got the 2nd villian targeted and it just keeps railroading me into doing story shit day after day, not allowing me to advance social links or stats hardly at all. For a slice of life style game it sure doesn't allow you to participate in any of those things very regularly.
Thanks for agreeing with me
I barely even post in Persona threads. That image that posts the Persona cutscene amount isnt me, because he never discusses indepth why such a huge amount is a problem. He literally copypastes his posts, and I don't find that reasonable in discussion.
Maybe the game isn’t for you user
I'm not seeing how.
Like I was said I am really liking it. It's not that I hate the story, I'm just wondering if there's more freedom to do the skills, part time job, and confidant stuff later or if you have to squeeze it in the whole way through.
>hyperbole about fast forward
Oh come on. I hated the game, and fast forward was a great feature that made it tolerable/beatable.
>He literally copypastes his posts, and I don't find that reasonable in discussion.
your posts might as well be copypasta since it's the same shit every time, acfag.
It says skip in the bottom right.
Stop moving the goalpost
Never. And you should be happy about it. It's shit.
You know what has more “gameplay” than your favorite game? Sports, so why don’t you go outside and play those since that is literally the only thing that matters to you autists. It’s better than seething about a game you didn’t even play.
>the same shit
Except I always explain my position while being respectful.
Sure, but that's still not skipping.
I'm actually some different user.
>VA style unskippable cutscene
was obviously talking about the VN segments which can't be skipped. It says FFWD in the bottom right.
I play soccer irl
So soccer is better than your favorite game. Deal with it.
I'm sorry to say, but I would unironically play a sports game over the majority of JRPGs.
I love how you pressed 5 buttons to do that and 3 of them were the D-pad.
If it's so fucking perfect why do I have to play it on the PS4. And why do I have to buy Royal at full price if I already bought the original. This fucking industry sometimes
Blitzball as a concept would break your brain.
Sports are better than any video game since they have no cutscenes or story. Pure gameplay. Why even browse Yea Forums, just go to Yea Forums.
Another seething switchnigger
I just played through it again for the platinum trophy, and it's crazy how many hours you shave off by fast-forwarding and skipping all the dialogue and event scenes you can. Took me around 20 hours to reach the final area. With a new director in charge of the series from now on, I wonder if this will continue in 6. It's way worse than western "movie" games. Ironically, the literal interactive movie Detroit has a better balance of gameplay/interaction and passive storytelling. Even worse is the fact that there's so much repetitive stuff in P5. Putting aside the daily life flow of everything, you constantly have to skip the same kind of text messages and conversations about the party members worrying if they've really changed someone's heart, for example.
Try again, snoy
It’s the same thing. You can skip it or not do it at all.
A videogame is nice when you don't have anyone around to play a sport. A good singleplayer is thus essential.
>blitzball as a concept
You mean a game that takes place in a 3d water sphere, but you only move around on a 2D plain?
Friendship simulator
Futaba is a smelly neet
High school sim
Newgrounds sim date
>comparing an interactive adventure game to a jrpg.
>You mean a game that takes place in a 3d water sphere, but you only move around on a 2D plain?
And it's a sport.
It's not. Even fast forwarding can take minutes at times. Skipping would quite literally skip that.
Complete editions of The Witcher and HZero has all the DLC for those games plus the base game.
The only DLC that P5 had were extra personas from past games.
I’d say P5R is somewhere in between: most of the content is reused, including the story but some stuff is new that would normally qualify as a DLC expansion if it were sold separately
Detroit was honestly a pleb filter.
You can’t handle 3 mins?
Fast forwarding doesn't reduce the whole story to 3 minutes.
A sport with trivially broken AI.
>If it's so fucking perfect why do I have to play it on the PS4.
because the shitch would either hold back atlus' ambitions or melt trying to run the game.
Both games put emphasis on the story at least
There are more platforms than the switch user.
The entire game isn’t “VA style unskippable cutscene”
Stop moving the goalpost
It's still a Jrpg sports game.
>The entire game isn’t “VA style unskippable cutscene”
Fast forwarding doesn't reduce all VN segments in the game to just 3 minutes. And even if, that's not entirely skipping them.
>Stop moving the goalpost
I'm not, you are. Skipping != fast forwarding, so why do keep bringing that up?
The criticism of P5 are most of this thread
It’s entirely too drawn out
Literally punishes you for playing it straight and not participating in the far more mundane life sim/ sim date parts
The pacing is dog shit and all over the damn place
The entirety of the dialogue needs to be cut in 1/4 to be more bearable
The game constantly rips control away from the player to be more cinematic
Turn based RPGs are literally my favorite type of games and persona 5 put me to sleep faster than E minor
All style no substance , literally more plot holes than ffXv and MgsV combine, Akechi: i am the reason you all sufer and i killed your parents. we fight and defeat him futaba and sheep lady imediately claim that he wasen't evil and a good guy, he killed your parents for his own ambitions holy shit that's the dumbest thing in any video game ever
But he's a cute boy he can't be all that bad!
>Literally punishes you for playing it straight and not participating in the far more mundane life sim/ sim date parts
do the games not specifically tell you that the bonds you forge bring you power? you are actively encouraged to strike up friendships and meet people, because those give you stronger personas
>Literally punishes you for playing it straight and not participating
What the fuck are doing for 100+ hours? That’s the main point of the game and this series.
>you are actively encouraged to NOT play the game and instead watch cutscenes
Say it with me now: BAD GAME DESIGN.
>far more mundane life sim/ sim date parts
Stopped reading right there.
The game litterally isn’t for you and the fact that referenced shows how much a underage brainlet you are
half of the game is your roguelike dungeon crawl
half of the game is you hanging out with your friends and enjoying school life
if you decide to be a neet your crawling will suffer
Don’t reapond to bait
>Only Social Links with your bland self-insert character
>Take like, a fucking hour of talking to get to the point
>Most end with your bland self-insert magically fixing the character's problems by fighting some cartoonishly evil assholes that conveniently pop up in the character's story
>Can only pair off girls with you, and even the it's only hints of romance
>Characters can have Supports not only with your bland self-insert, but also with all their workmates/classmates
>Characters find the solution to the problems that plague them through help from their friends and (you) encouraging them, not magical bullshit
>Can pair up almost any two characters that have supports with each other, ranging from endings of bromance to endings of them romancing each other and having kids
Personabros... how could we let this happen? Even the main story was better than Persona 5s... it's not fair. We need to take down Nintendo.
dont tell me what to do
>half of the game is watching a giant cutscene of a roguelike dungeon crawl
>the other half is watching a cutscene of hanging out in school with your friends
Persona 5 is possibly one of the most overrated games of the decade, style over substance without any charm to it. Persona 4 was imo, the best game on PS2 because of the writing on characters, and story. The gameplay in Persona 4 was good (that's the only thing Persona 5 did better than Persona 4) but still a good game is not only in the gameplay but in the experience that game gave you personally and I think that most people that played Persona 5 haven't played any other Persona game and that people is called being a Poser.
>good writing and characters
This is why I never take people’s criticisms of P5 seriously
It was unironically the first game in the series to have good story, characters and gameplay
p2 had great story and characters.
>44 hours of cutscenes
>"good story and characters"
Man, what have you been smoking?
>Persona 5 is possibly one of the most overrated games of the decade
It's ridiculous. It would be like if Mirai Nikki got showered with critical acclaim, except it's also a broken video game.
P2 is pretty much the only other game in the series you can argue that. P3/4 and P1 has dogshit characters and story by comparison and anyone who denies it is a delusional nostalgiafag
calling this a VN is a insult to VNs that have multiple routes and choices that you can carry thru the entire game to the end rather than a game over or almost out of character romance bullshit separate from everything else.
Anyway the UI is the best part of it, the music is good but gets repetitive excluding palace themes but like god damn Memetoes is grating to listen to and doesn't even change based off of how far you go like Tartasauce from P3, story is just who cares its retarded/cliche like most JRPGs and overall predictable, the gameplay is just mediocre to me cause I didn't really find it that challenging although bosses being hours long damage sponges that can instakill and waiting for the characters to point out some scripted way to beat them was my main gripe, the regular dungeon gameplay is good I guess nothing really groundbreaking but fuck the gay ass daily life shit was boring as hell like I get that's part of its appeal but I still hate it
>44 hours of cutscenes
no it doesnt' what are you talking about?
If you count the VN segments, then yeah it does.
It doesn't, check out those videos you post as source, they include gameplay like puzzles, minibosses and bosses
Probably the best soundtrack out so far.
Whoops, forgot picture.
>reddit letter media
Includes some gameplay and mainly to show off the dialogue there. Doesn't include Confidants which would add another 15 hours.
4 was better
>Confidants which would add another 15 hours.
What the fuck are you smoking? They don't take nearly that long
not that 4 but yes that had a good ost
It’s been 7 hours dude. How many times are you gonna spam this?
I pirated it and played it on PC, and i still want a refund for my time.
Don't get me wrong, I like the game, But really?
no you didn't, you watched some cutscenes and now think you can talk about persona thats all this shit is about.
only sane fucking response here
15 non-auto Confidants. But you're right, they are around 45 minutes each so they would only add 10 hours.
What's your problem?
if i did that it'd be the same thing anyway, wish i had.
You keep spamming this shit like it means anything.
>45 minutes each
fucking no, unless youre getting high and then slowly reading through the plot they don't take nearly that long.
alright without looking it up, whats makoto's second persona.
If you can't tell me the name just tell me what the goddess was famous for.
Idk. I didn’t do that mary sue’s s.link or whatever that shit was called.
It does if you want to compare VN segment to actual gameplay ratio.
But sure, the guy doesn't speedread through them.
Well i appreciate your honesty
Because he slow reads through them
it doesn’t. You’re not even saying worthwhile just “44 bad” without explaining why.
I enjoyed Persona 5 well enough but it wouldn't even break top 150 games that I've played.
Then half the time and we get around 7.5 hours of Confidants.
I never once sad 44 hours are bad.
List them then faggot
Have you ever played this game?
It probaly doesn't break his top 50 which is completely reasonable, i didn't like smt for the longest time till i went back after giving up.
then why am i getting the feeling you know the bare minimum of whats going on.
I liked p5 but perfect? are you serious? The entire game was a decline after the 3rd dungeom. And the combat was basic bitch tier even for a persona/smt game.
here i'll solve this what was Makoto's second persona's name if you forgot it what was the persona famous for
>japanese boss
Are you retarded? Ever heared of this guy?
Maybe because you don't like people criticizing P5?
That's just something you could google and to be perfectly fair, I don't remember the name as it's been like 2 years. I just remember not liking it being a transformer instead of her sitting on it while summoning.
Fine what similarities did it have with Ryuji's second persona
Being uglier than their respective first persona. Like what do you want to hear? One is Sun Wukong, the other is some bike transformer.
Because nothing you said makes sense unless you never played the game and were instead repeating talking points.
>it's been like 2 years
Why do you think that your opinion matters?
>Because nothing you said makes sense
At least quote one thing I said that doesn't make sense.
Because it's not my opinion that P5 has an abundance of cutscenes.
>game has more more than 44 hours of cutscenes
>that video included boss battles and puzzles solving
>well it didn't include social links thats 14 hours more
>But that guy is slow reading it for the youtube audience
Seriously nothing at all
if you can't answer such a simple question then its incredibly obvious you never played the game
I wish persona let you hook up your friends with each other for once.
and intensify shipping wars? Fuck no
It didn’t work in FE and it wouldn’t work in Persona
If you like to think that. I''ll make a nice picture of my copy and the Max Confidants achievement if you want.
Yeah that video is 44+ hours long and includes boss battles and some of the puzzle dialogue but also misses another bunch of VN segments, so the 44 hours is the best guess we have. Shame on me I can't perfectly remember how long each Confidant is rank 1-10 in sequence. At least I try to look stuff up instead of just saying "nuh uh". But maybe you can tell me exactly how many cutscenes and VN segments the game has.
go ahead and post it.
>At least I try to look stuff up
You didn’t even watch the vid you saw the video length from the thumbnail and screenshot it.
>of just saying "nuh uh".
That’s exactly what you’ve been doing.
probably 30+ hrs
Does anyone besides teenage girls care about shipping wars?
>Go look up boss after I beat it to see what it was weak to
>Weak to nothing and resists most things
>Wiki advises not to bring Junpei or Koromaru because it resists Fire
>I brought Junpei, Koromaru, and Mitsuru
>I spent most of the fight alone with those three dead while I beat the Shadows to death myself with Mjolnir
I didn't post the screenshot and through all the replies I at least try to get an accurate estimate how much time is spend not playing dungeons. I didn't even say if the length was bad or good. What's seems to be your problem?
Could very well be.
if only it was ff1 combat.
press turn was a mistake, getting rewarded a turn for using the right elements just trivialise fights or makes them a rng chore(looking at you, minotaur), there's no middle ground. combat was so much more satisfying in devil survivor.
Smirking is a great mechanic that should be used instead of press turn
>I at least try to get an accurate estimate
You didn’t even try the bare minimum.
but that's literally part of the game.
If you don't want a game that plays like that, don't play p5.
Go back to p1 or 2 insteads, anyone knows the new personas are as much vn as they are rpgs
Well you just keep shitposting without adding any input.
>video with all story cutscenes and dungeon dialogue
>subtract boss fights
>add confidants
Seems reasonable enough.
Why was Shido so underwhelming? I had a hard time believing he is capable of masterminding all the events, he just came off as a weak and insecure man.
>maxed out everything and doesn't remember the main theme
Both seiten and anat were rebelling against heaven, thats the theme for all of the persona's they were thieves and rebels.
Hell it was a trick question i coulda chosen any random persona user and then compared it another persona user.
Like Monkey king and prometheus or susanoo.
That you didn't know the main theme of the story is depressing
>Literally punishes you for playing it straight and not participating in the far more mundane life sim/ sim date parts
Why the fuck would you be playing a Persona game of all things and not doing everything in it?
Also your definition of "playing it straight" is literally wrong.
P1's characters were good, as was their growth though, I wouldn't call them dogshit in comparison.
Oh and for your insight, the characters are fucking lame in p5. Not only is everyone fucking retarded, but because of the social links element their growth in side events isn't represented in the main story, so it's like they have different personalities.
What's the best confidant scene and why is it Yusuke's boat painting?
I literally thought you were asking about design similarities.
>JRPG with huge amount of story and dialogue
>The main protagonist doesn't talk and barely emotes. Only serves as a dumb self insert
Probably the worst sin such a game could commit when it comes to story. Always hated that shit. Even the anime doesn't improve on this.
>despise moviegames like TLOU, Detroit Become Human, and other cutscene heavy games like GoW
>absolutely adore persona
What is Japan doing right that the West isn't?
I haven't seen the P5 anime but the P4 anime handled the main character fantastically. They used his silent autism for humor and gave him more depth (well a miniscule more) than the game did
More likable characters
>Holding O
not impressed. I have seen better combat in Cyberdimension
Git gud.
If you can Hold O in XV, you automatically got gud.
why? because the game is designed for casuals
>claims user hasn't played the game
>asks vague question about personas
>expects user to answer the main theme that's been in the trailers since forever
>initial argument completely lost
lol personafags. riddle me this, why is queens gloves being white special? if you don't know this all your arguments are moot because you clearly didnt play the game
Design similarities have nothing to do with story though.
>asks vague question about personas
There was nothing vague about it, the deck was literally stacked to his advantage he could have said they were thieves/tricksters/or rebels and it would have all been right. Thats three vagues answers he could have given.
It didn't help the game was as subtle as a brick about it, literally they told you exactly what they were.
>claims user hasn't played the game
Did you play the game?
answer the question first.
Because she likes too, its not required no king was ever required to wear gloves. Now you
that's wrong though. how did you miss that the each profile picture in the text conversations has the same exact color as each members gloves, except for makoto. did you really play the game?
but none of that tells you why she wears it now does it faggot.
lol i asked why them being white is special not why she wears them. i'm questioning if you can actually read.
>goal posting retard
Are you just angry because you were caught making retarded statements that wen nowhere
no that's what your doing. i asked a simple question and now you suddenly start moving goal posts and pretend i did ask something different. why do you do that?
>OP never recovered from this
But user you didnt even answer my question about you playing the game or not. The original point of the post is now lost. lol at this dumb goalpost moving hypocrite.
Why are you retarded
>Design similarities
Look, I was clearly thinking about their design at that point, which should be obvious by my previous answer. What does this have to do with estimating cutscene times?
>how did you miss that the each profile picture in the text conversations has the same exact color as each members gloves
Because not everybody is autistic like you. I don’t even think you knew that until some twitter or discord tranny told you about it.
clearly did
>thinking about color choices is autistic
i thought this game was all about style
Thats fine but i thought i was throwing a softball that you could clearly answer considering being thieves and rebels were the central theme of the game
Show me in your posts where you clearly did.
>i thought this game was all about style
When the fuck did that user talk about style?
Reminder persoyba fags are so braindead they will buy it for $60 twice
based just like call of duty
>persona 5
>It didn’t work in FE
But it did? Three Houses has tons of pairings between characters other than your self-insert that are heartwarming and end well for both of them, many times better than they would with your self-insert.
Not really a softball when I think you're asking about something very specific that only someone who actually played the game should know.
What’s persoyba?
wasn't that the point?
A persona soiboi, aka a sony fan.
Yeah, but the Personas being thieves and tricksters isn't something which is exclusively shared between the Ultimate Personas of those two.
insecure waifufags too it seems
But thats what they are? Both of them have the Rank 10
>Transforms his/her Persona into a mythological trickster.
Both of said persona were thieves who stole from gods. Both of them Rebelled against the heavens. I say both but literally everyone of the second personas did the same thing
>It didn’t work in FE
FE? As in Fire Emblem? The series based partly around pairing up characters, often in a romantic capacity, which the series continues to emphasize even to this day to popular demand? What the fuck are you smoking?
>No (you)s
>those last few dungeons
It's almost perfect though
> I say both but literally everyone of the second personas did the same thing
Remind me how they got Astarte in the mix. Anyway, that's exactly the point, it's not exclusive to those two so I wouldn't even make the connection that's what you're going for. Like, I was initially going to say that both of them changed mode of "transportation", one going from ship to a flying cloud and the other from bike to a walking transformer, because that seems exclusive to them.
>Anyway, that's exactly the point, it's not exclusive to those two so I wouldn't even make the connection that's what you're going for.
ohhh, i see. But the simplest answer was actually the right one
>But the simplest answer was actually the right one
They are both Personas.
I was aiming for tricksters
They are both in the game Persona 5
But they’re not of the same gender
Op, I'm glad you like persona 5, I also enjoy the game but saying that it's perfect or the best jrpg is far from truth. Hell, it's not even the best SMT game imo, SMT3 nocturne and Digital Devil Saga are a lot better than persona 5 in terms of gameplay, characters, story and difficulty. It's ok to like/love a game while still being open to point out flaws in the game. That's the only way the series can get better.
I never understood that "akechi kills Joker cognitive clone" twist
why do Joker has a cognitive clone
Just watch a playtrough that asks futaba when she is in your room that night
If you dont get it then , you are retarded