Would Dante work in Soul Calibur? This guy needs to be in a fighting game

Would Dante work in Soul Calibur? This guy needs to be in a fighting game

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Yes, though no fighting game can really capture all his potential due to limited inputs. DMC1 Dante would be great for Smash Brothers, DMC5 Dante would be great for Soul Calibur 6.

I could be wrong, but wasn't he planned to be in SC2at one point?

I think it was 3.

>This guy needs to be in a fighting game
MvC you fucking idiot, U3 was amazing

They would limit his arsenal to rebellion only and his guns would play just like cervantes'

He's in two MvC games though.

Also Playstation All-Stars even though that's 'Donte'.

Apparently that was a hoax that went unchecked for the biggest time

why the fuck wont capcom just make a DMC fighting game?

He is in a fighting game you clod

I should play that game.

Are you guys retarded? He's in MvC games and his moveset is ridiculously huge, like any move you can imagine from the first 4 games can be done in MvC. He was also implemented really well in Sony Smash Bros despite having his DmC appearance. SC is like the worst style of fighting game for him to be in.

He's already in PlayStation All Stars

Is this thread what happens when a Smashbabby plays DMC1 on his faggotslab and finds a new obsession that he doesn't fully understand?

Bandai managed to make Kratos works amazingly wellas a guest in Soulcalibur Broken Destiny, I'm sure they can do the same for Dante in Soulcalibur 6.

he uses too many guns

Did I say in my post he wasn't in the MvC games?

>This guy needs to be in a fighting game

The other guy did, and you made an equally dumb/ignorant statement saying no fighting game could capture all his potential due to "limited inputs" despite MvC proving that completely wrong.

No, because smash isn't a fighting game

MvC3 didn't have all of Dante's moves, Spiral wasn't even incorporated into his moveset at all. So my statement was correct retard.

Your statement was completely wrong you utter fucking moron. Dante in MvC 3 was literally the best and most thorough implementation of a non fighting game character in history.

>Soul Calibur

Why put Dante in a dead game. Put him in something that people will give a shit about like Smash or MvC4 (whenever Capcom decides to stop sucking at Fighting Games).

Not even him but you're fucking stupid. MvC did a fantastic job capturing Dante. SC is slow and shit, why would that remotely do a better job at portraying Dante?

Now you're moving goal posts, what a fucking moron. Fact remains my initial statement was correct now you're trying to save face. How can you even sit there with a straight face and tell me I'm wrong of how fighting games cannot implement Dante's entire moveset and at the same time ignore the absence of Spiral, no Just Guard/Just Release, no Twosome Time, no Shotgun Stinger, no crazy cancels aside from Dance Macabre being his Level 3 Super, no Pierce, and sit there and act like you're right. Shut the fuck up moron.

Stream monster cancer

That wasn't the point I was arguing moron, read. I never said MvC3 Dante wasn't a good implementation of Dante, I said no fighting game can capture all his potential / arsenal and MvC3 proves me right no matter who well implemented it was.

They should just make a DMC fighting game.
Have the whole cast be fighters.
Dante, Vergil, Nelo Angelo, Nero, Trish, Lucia, Lady, Arkham, Jester, and so forth.
Make it so everyone has their move sets based on their in-game fighting styles.

Your point of Dante's "potential" not being possible in fighting games due to limited inputs is as fucking stupid as it gets. How does the genre of fighting game objectively limit inputs?

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>DMC1 Dante


Not even meming, but Jesus that's a hideous face.

In that he has a sword, yes he'd work. But he'd be neutered by the wildly different gameplay style and pace. Giving him one of the gauntlet style weapons and dropping him in Tekken would work better.

>SC is like the worst style of fighting game for him to be in.
Nah, he'd be alright. His styles would work great as stances and you can save the crazier shit for followup moves meant to be used in combos. He'd have a harder time working in SF and Tekken.

>Dante was considered for a guest character in Soul Calibur 4

>They fucking go with Star Wars

Jesus, there was a time where Soul Calibur was terrible with guest characters.

Dante would work in an anime fighter like Guilty Gear since it's faster than 3D fighters, has tons of air-combat, air combos and jump-cancelling.

>guilty gear dante
Never knew how bad I needed this, fuck

what in the literal fucking disaster Capcom

but his gauntlet moveset is just ryu+chun li to begin with

apart from the jacket. it looks like someone just made a quick model of what it would look like and called it a day

Would love to see him and Vergil together in there.
Have Vergil wield Soul Edge and Dante Soul Calibur.
Suppose it's their pre DMC5 versions but I figure it'd be cool.

Go play UMVC3, underage

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He said Soul Calibur, dipshit

I share a board with people who have never played UMvC3
You're all dumb fucking zoomers

>his moveset is ridiculously huge, like any move you can imagine from the first 4 games can be done in MvC.

Not 100% true
>Missing Zodiac
>Missing Real Impact
>Missing Tornado
>Missing Hyper Fist
>Missing Flicker
>Missing Ice Age
>Missing Nevan Slash
>Missing Distortion

Thats just some I remembered he is missing others from DMC 1 and 4 like Kick 13

Dante cannot be fully unleashed in an FG its just impossible

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Did you not play MVC3?

>8 directions
>6 buttons
>can use any combination of buttons to make new moves
>basically millions of possible combinations
>can't be done


Yes, read what I wrote earlier in the thread as well as No fighting game can ever capture Dante's full potential. MvC3 Dante was well done, but it still couldn't fit everything Dante had available to him in DMC3.

why are you so butthurt? i hope get into incoherent tantrums like this is public?

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Then go ahead and create a fighting game where Dante is capable of everything he can do in his own games. Go right ahead, because god knows people who actually make fighting games aren't doing it.

Yes he can't be done the main reason being he has a ton of overlap on moves with similar functions but on different weapons.

As an example there is no reason to include High Time and Whirlwind on a catchall character type like MVC3 because they are functionally the same same thing with Dance Macabre and Million Slash they are ment to have similar tools on a Weapon Switch character.

You could build an FG weapon switch character but Dante functions as one due to picking a load out in DMC3 and having a button dedicated a traditional switch option in an FG like 22C or something would be slower and get in the way like a single action in DMC

Lastly they would never wan't to an unrestrained Dante would be a bitch to make and balance, you would have to create the animations for essentially 4 characters and balance it in a way that isn't immediately overpowering which is clearly hard to do since Dante hasn't been S+ tier only 1/3 times and his brother was the S+ in the game he was in.

I'd be okay with just Nero, Vergil and Dante being in the next Capcom vs fighting game.

Spiral was the only thing really missing and he still had motions available to use so nothing was actually stopping it being there. Still made me sad since Spiral is my favourite and the best gun.

Wouldn't a Sniper Rifle be fairly broken in a fighting game?
Then again I never played MVC, how'd they handle Ebony and Ivory range wise?


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Last Soulcalibur I played was 3 long ago, but don't they have no air combat beside basic jump attack? Dante would be very limited in such game.

What? No? not anymore then any other projectile this fucker here had a full screen near instant projectile normal and dude is still mid tier as hell your limited on space regardless so most projectiles are full screen anyway.

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Don't remind me

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What the fuck happened? He looked very good in MvC3 and his theme was enjoyable to listen to while Infinite's Devils Never Cry remix is terrible.

MVCI was a rushed job with no style ( nor grace which is why Dante has a funny face)

Nah, it would basically be a fullscreen beam, which many characters have and the only thing he didn't have in MvC3, outside of Artemis, but Spiral would be different enough.
Ebony and Ivory were part of different moves he cancelled normals into by mashing, and were fast moving projectiles with a few different directions. They could go fullscreen too, range isn't really an issue.