>Ok when japan does it
>bad when apex dev calls fan a dick
Ok when japan does it
Shut up, insect. #blocked
Holy shit that Marth Koopa guy used to frequent a Gamefaqs message board I also frequented (maybe he still does I just don't anymore)
It's targeted at 1 person, not whole community
Aside from a few major blow ups, Kamiya mostly shit posts in response to stupid comments like that one. He's not responding to a genuine gripe about potential unfair/greedy business practices.
Gee, maybe if Apex was a good game no one would care.
>I suck EA'a cock
what did OP mean by this
He makes better games.
Bayo is uglier though
sociopath forcing meme
Reminder that Kamiya faps to trannies, therefore his opinion on feminine quality is worthless.
Bugmen already have too much to bear in their daily lives, so we let them be.
Blocked. RT >Ok when japan does it
>bad when apex dev calls fan a dick
Whats is Japanese games media like? Do they write a bunch of articles about Kamiya's tweets?
Are you seriously incapable of recognizing the difference between bantering with someone taking potshots at you, and talking shit on people with legitimate complaints regarding your fucked up business practices?
Irrelevant usless thread for pussu boy. #blocked
He's a manlet, lad, cut him some slack.
This time he's just butthurt because they told him the truth
Bayo is plain ugly, looks like a man and that mole and glasses are shit
Uglier than your mom?
>Kamiya faps to trannies
That explains bayo's design
Fucking hell, he's ugly as sin
Because the MarthKoopa guy has shit taste. Bayonetta is a cute girl.
Japanese Phil Fish is a washed up joke
his games are actually good and not mtx infested cesspools designed purely to sell you the solution to the problem they created.
Just because Bayonetta doesn't look like one of your transition goals means Bayo is ugly, tranny.
You guys remember this
>his games are actually good
nice meme
Because he isn't going out and attacking fans just because he can. He's just letting them know ahead of time that he won't suck their dicks. Nothing wrong with that,
bayo looks like those fashion drawings, not a tranny
>Ok when japan does it
It unironically is. His feed is full of gaming journos taking his words out of context for clickbait, port begging, game requests like a KLK or whatever FOTM anime airing, or just blatant trolling.
And you talk about trannys you dickless cunt?
>Japanese Phil Fish
This meme makes no sense. Not only Kamiya has directed and had a hand in several games but I never see him have a meltdown as bad as pic related. If you act like a retard on his twitter you get treated like one.Insects I swear.
God, he's so PATHETIC
When Kamiya talks trash, it is to a single person, and that person is the one who started the conversation in a negative tone. When the Apex lead dev talked trash, it was addressed to the entire community of players, and while there were people who were negative to Respawn there, it wasn't uniform, since Reddit always loves sucking AAA dick. But despite that, he painted most of the F2P playerbase under the same brush.
And another difference is that Kamiya isn't being a dick to people as a defensive reaction. He heads development on good games, and the conversations aren't colored by controversy. But Apex is in a state where controversy surrounds it, so the negative reaction comes off less like banter, and more like a teenager who got grounded yelling about how he hates his parents.
Apex Legends is a fucking cashgrab shitshow piece of shit, at least Kamiya's games are good
>seething tranny
Kamiya sperges out worse than that every single day and he hasn't made a good game in 10 years
If you can show me a post where he tells someone to kill himself then I'll believe you.
Also Wonderful 101 came out in 2013.
This is it. The dude is shitting on one guy instead of bitching about how his game's being perceived by its audience.
Kamiya has not told someone to kill themselves yet, so no he does not sperg out like Fish.
>Blunderful 101 copies sold
in Kamiya case, it was justified
>game you've never played
>judge it anyway
I remember this guy from my GameFaqs days. He was annoying but not as annoying as that Endgame user who stalks the boards of every game he hates. I’m sure if I’ll go back, he’s still spending all day talking about video games he clearly hates.
>user who stalks the boards of every game he hates
Sounds like he'd be right at home here.
Kamiya made great games,Ape Legends is a shit game for zoomers.
>be a retard trying to EPIC LE TROL some jap dev
>He calls you a faggot
>Get asshurt about it and post on Yea Forums
Isn't this the guy who banned 18k people on twitter
Yes but he's actually BASED for being a raging turbomanlet on social media, because he's japanese and made a good game once 15 years ago
As other people already said in this thread - Kamiya makes rude remarks to people who tweet at him saying things like "Why is Bayonetta so ugly?", as seen in your own screenshot.
The Apex dev was rude in response to people asking legitimate questions about the business practices behind the game (as Apex is F2P and has an in-game micro-transaction system).
Additionally, at no point does Kamiya go on to say "wow, my fans all suck" in response to single individuals tweeting stuff at him.
>"Hi Kamiya I love your games"
Yeah, sure loves his fans. Take that little stubby nip dick out of your mouth, drone
Leftists can't really understand humor
I love how assblasted Kamiya makes Yea Forumstards
Stop tweeting dumb Yea Forums memes at him and maybe he won't block you, better yet stop using twitter at all you dumbass zoomers
>You gotta be you, only one in the world
He's too good for this world
Nah. Kamiya is fucking pathetic. It was funny at first but he's actually serious about behaving this way online. If he was just another shitposter then fuck it, whatever, we got plenty here on Yea Forums. But he works for a well-known company and English tweets get him to seethe in rage? Fuck outta here. He's a manchild, no better than the beta fags that infest twitter and social media in general.
Sorry, I have to post this pic every time the words "Bayonetta" and "mom" appear together.
>Kamiya was JP Godot
God damn how can one man be so based
kill yourself zoomer