If they can make it work, why can't we?

If they can make it work, why can't we?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Because Xbots aren't qts here.

basedfags are actual fags that hate fun

there are no xbots here
convincing tendies is a whole other story

we're retarded and argue over everything

We're not and we don't.

Calm down, it's just meming. Nobody IRL actually cares about console wars.

Yes we are and we do.

We killed off Xbros some years ago. Gave them the Holocaust treatment. Not even remnants of them exist.

because they have more personality than a majority of this board

>We're not and we don't.

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>No remnants

I'm not chad

It's Chad and Stacy working part time, they don't fucking care about your stupid video game wars

Because they don't give a shit about whatever geek shit is on their back.

He was doing the opposite of the post he replied to, faggot.

well, let's just get it started then.


Xbox is more powerful than what many of you would consider a "higher-end" PC rig.

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We were never pushed back by allies like Germany. We succeed in the complete destruction and annihilation of the Xbro. Now there's just Sony, Nintendo, and PC.


faggot, I know that. I was pointing it out to be a part of the joke retard. god you are so STUPID you stupid idiot.

>le whoosh xDDDD
kys touristfags

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It would be necrophilia

I wish I could fuck off retard. This place has stolen everything from me.

Atleast I do. Own a XBox, PC and Wii. Consolewars are dumb, I just ignore threads like that. I think the majority does not care either and simply shitposts.

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>brings up reddit when he has no argument

>not owning a ps4
weak bait there kid.

me to the left

same here
own xbox, switch and snes mini desu

looking forward for a genesis classic

>close Yea Forums
>reopen it 0.1 second later
>do this 7 times within 20 seconds
>repeat several times a day

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I dont.

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Just block the site, retard.

once again, le smug anime poster a confirmed retard.


Did everyone forget this already?

Now you've gone and done it. He's gonna call you a redditor now.