
Apex Legends developers spark outrage after calling gamers “dicks”, “ass-hats”and “freeloaders”

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Developers and gamers sling shit back and forth meanwhile publishers (who are really at fault) bring in hundreds of millions of dollars.

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when will the gamer oppression end, Yea Forums?

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Based. Fck the manchildren crying that costumes with no effect on gameplay are too expensive, the game is literally free to play and needs funding somewhere.

They're dealing with a constant mob of shitposting fortnite kids, their assessment is probably completely accurate.

>being this cringe and triggered

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>I didn't even read your comment except for the first sentence and last
Unironically based

Fkn these there is literally nothing wrong with micros as long as they dont affect gameplay

Apex devs are literally /ourguys/

When did EA get so based, bros?

Hating mivrotransactions is just a reddit zoomer meme. There's literally nothing wrong with them if it doesn't affect gameplay.

Stop harassing developers

>"fuck you fuck you fuck you"
>woah calm down asshole
>"lool stop playing as the victim"

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>gameplay funded to sell microtransactions are unaffected by said microtransactions

there's literally already a thread on this.

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This, honestly! Developers are humans too.

Stop harassing developers.

Its why corporations have had customer service divisions for this exact purpose. You hire grunts to take the barrage on the front lines and relay anything that needs to be escalated or responded to up the ladder.


Nobody that likes the game will stop playing, nobody that spends money will stop spending money.

This will be gone in a few days, modern gamers are children in adults bodies.

Reminder to people who still have hope of the futureof gaming, or anything
>It's less and less possible to "fuck off elsewhere", because everything is becoming mandatory for people. You cannot say "the food here is too expansive I'll go somewhere else", it's the same price everywhere, and if you don't eat you die. Same for your internet, phone, cars, meds.
>Games are still a luxury but you can see through different shops they don't even care a lot about you, EPIC throwing exclusive cash just to have you as a slave.
>And when you consider one big fish will eat all other small fish like in the food industrie, in the end it's pretty dark to realise you're just a cow and the farmers are all the same.
>I'm exagerating a bit but this already pretty big and there's so far no sign for it improving. People are dumber by the days, and are losing freewill, and options.

If you're against EA and micro-transactions then you're against capitalism. You can fuck off to Reddit for that.

>dev release game
>game is good and praised
>dev turn to scummy greedy tactics
>people lash out at them
>supposed to cry for developpers cause they got their feelings hurt on the internet
Fuck that. Angry clients are part of every industry. They can deal with it professionally like every one else.

What’s scummy?

Based, gamers willfully became paypigs and now they think what they have to say matters, I say run the industry into the ground

Fucking this. Commies BTFO.

Stop harassing developers, commie.


>There's literally nothing wrong with them if it doesn't affect gameplay.
What is not affecting gameplay? Because even purely visual changes do impact gameplay.

these devs are pretty based, anyone playing this shit and even considering supporting microtransactions is already beyond saving and the devs are just making good use of them

This lol. Imagine defending EA because reddit is attacking them. Imagine being that contrarian.

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>you lived to see Respawn become yet another greedy cash-grabbing hollow shell of its former self like every other company EA has bought

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>pay 60 dollars for your textures to change from 128 pixels to 512
>dude it's just visuals, it doesn't effect gameplay XD

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For one that an event launched for your players in your F2P game costs as much as three full $60 games, just to get the items of said event. That's unjustifiable.
>B-but it's free to play!
Why should items in a F2P game cost almost $200 when I could buy three new full priced releases instead?
>B-but it's only cosmetics, you don't have to buy them!
That's a good point, especially since a 40 hour expansion for other games, filled with additional content can cost $40. You sure you want to take a position that $200 is fair just for cosmetic items?

Who cares? Literally the only time Apex is relevant is when the fortnite community makes it so because theyre upset with the direction fortnite is going and believe Apex can create competition when it just cant. Apex doesn't have the infrastructure. I'm so glad epic put out that statement and Fortnite is actually seeing decreases in numbers even if the decreases are slight. Epic doesn't deserve success. Fortnite isn't gonna die anytime soon but epic has finally put it on the track to eventual destruction and that's what matters. The gaming industry crash can't come soon enough

>it's ok when based japanese man insults his fans on twitter though

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You'll notice how most Japanese developers outside of a few public figureheads don't have this problem. Nobody bothers the splatoon team or smash bros team directly because they don't stick their neck out like this. Western developers have nobody but themselves to blame for this. Many have their own twitter accounts in an effort to be social media "famous" and have tried to be more "in-tune" with their audience speaking to them directly on reddit because many AAA games are now games as a service instead of a singular packaged product. They can't hide behind customer support to filter out all the negativity anymore, they are now part of the service industry and have to either act like it or keep facing backlash.

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He doesn't whine about being attacked lol fag.

>being this ass obliterated over someone linking to reddit

ahh, to be 15 again.

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Where's the screenshots of devs calling gamers "dicks", "ass-hats", and "freeloaders"?


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>s-stop having standards ;_;


>That's a good point, especially since a 40 hour expansion for other games, filled with additional content can cost $40. You sure you want to take a position that $200 is fair just for cosmetic items?

I’m literally taking that position, you don’t have to buy costumes and if enough people don’t buy them they’ll probably lower the price. It’s a free to play game, they can charge whatever they want for cosmetics. Arguing that some “fair price” exists for a costume is laughable, the price is whatever Respawn and EA want it to be.

>think of those poor millionaire feelings! you gave them your money you should be happy like I am!


Are devs toxic, entitled creators?

>exaggerating a bit
Exaggerating a whole fucking lot. You guys act like AAA publishers are the only people putting out games.
There are quality games put out by smaller teams, for less money, that aren't just looking to fleece everyone who plays virtually every single week these days.

>I've been in the industry long enough to remember when players weren't complete ass-hats to developers
Same, it was also when developers didn't treat players like cattle, trying to exploit people with gambling addictions while ignoring everyone else for the sake of shareholder profit.

Just leave developers alone, they're HUMAN BEINGS, have some empathy, just give them your money and stop being so toxic.

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Your free to play game doesn't exist in a vaccuum. It exists within an industry that has been around for decades without ever charging costumes at those prices.
Plus, the argument that "if people don't buy it they'll lower prices" is incredibly flawed. Costumes in a game aren't something that loses value over time. It's not perishable food. They can sell it no matter how times people are willing to buy it without costing anything more to produce. Development time would have been the same regardless. If even 100 people buy it, they've probably already made their profit. All the while, 98% of their playerbase has to miss out on content they would have been glad to drop a reasonable amount of money on.
But hey, they never had to buy it in the first place, right?

When I get an angry hotel manager on the phone, assuming the fuckup is on us and not them, I don't call them a fucking asshole even if they are, I smile and take it and try to figure out what their issue is.
Game devs just don't know how to be professional I guess.

This is gonna be great. And a retard "dev" is probably gonna get fired for this.
Reddit doesn't forget such stuff.

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do japs have twitter?

2832 toxic gamers felt that it was a bad post.

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>play shit game
>pretend rage when correctly labeled as an shit eater

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No no, it's a lot more than that since corporate drones upvoted it as well.

Do people get into a creative field just for the benefit of being able to bitch at people who see your work?
Sure seems like it. Like its a power fantasy.

IF their sales on skins are as low as they say they are, then by all means sell any skin at 20USD, the game has to stay afloat some way or the other, AS LONG as it's not behind RNG lootbox, and it's a direct honest transaction. Personally i don't give a fuck about skins, just play the game

I mean he isn't wrong about most people playing free to play games without paying at all, but I think he thinks these people would play the game at all if there was a entry cost.

their microtransactions are garbage but honestly calling people "dicks" and "asshats" is nothing compared to the level of vitriol that devs get on a daily basis

>make reddit and Yea Forums seethe at the same time
absolutely based
gonna buy a lootbox


>THIS was supposed to kill Fortnite

gamers are trash as usual

>make free to play game
>surprised most people play it for free

I wonder who could be behind this post

this, except I'm going to send the devs hatemail so the devs seethe too

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Talk shit, get hit. Gamers are a bunch of crybabies who sit behind a computer slinging insults at developers all day long, but as soon as one of those devs throws something back at them suddenly it's an OUTRAGE and ANTI-CONSUMER.

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Respawn is next after Bioware gets the bullet.

Peak irony

How long until EA swoops in and fires his ass?
They care more about the potential they could and are losing more than one employee

So according to the dev:
>Iron Crown made revenues go up
>Iron Crown made sales go up
>Iron Crown made playercount go up
>discounting skins has almost zero visible effect on number of skin sales, because so few players actually buy skins or spend real money

Well, I mean, it's getting some negative PR, but from a numbers standpoint, it's incredibly successful in making money. The vast majority of the complainers were never going to buy anything anyways, so why give a fuck?

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Hi, Respawn dev. Sorry about your dying meme game.

>All the while, 98% of their playerbase has to miss out on content they would have been glad to drop a reasonable amount of money on.

This is completely untrue, the vast majority of people don’t spend any money. It’s the Pareto principle, it’s well known in the business world.

>free to play game
I don't even have a proper laughing gif for this so have mission hill.

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You do understand that it's possible to dislike the shitty mtx they added to the game while also thinking they don't deserve death threats over it, right?

He has a point though even Yea Forums nowadays is far, far more retarded than it used to be. The internet is too easily accessible now.

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>(and we love that!)

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This is Yea Forums.

They deserve it

they are a problem when the devs get angry that you dont want to buy them

lol, 99% of the criticism is justified. Stop deflecting to vague "death threats" like a disingenuous little pussy.

Who the fudge gave gold to these

Maybe it was the developers that changed and not the customer.

freeloaders was a bad word but I dont think he meant anything by it, just pointing out that most people play a free to play game for free. Not sure though because in his previous responses he's an immature retard.

Why did white people adopt ebonics and Texas talk

The people legitimately criticizing their terrible microtransaction scam are justified, yes. The ones telling the devs they're gonna murder their families over it, not so much.


Fucking babies for fucks sake

Going "Fuck you, I ain't payin' for that" is perfectly acceptable in capitalism though.

I don't understand how being a greedy dickhead dev = being based

>n-nobody's sending death threats, we swear!!

leave texas out of this I don't know why these northern cunts picked up our fucking euphemisms.
it's fucking ingrained into me I can't do much about it, please fucking trust me I've tried.

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The onions response is being a complete subservient insect to media corporations, though.

>95% of players pay nothing
>5% of players buy everything
>therefore putting prominent microtransactions in games pisses off 95% of your userbase
>release two editions of the game
>standard edition has all microtransactions removed, all skin garbage totally cut out
>"""deluxe""" edition is identical but features microtransactions
>make the deluxe cost a little more, fuck it, whales will buy it
>let players upgrade from standard to deluxe if they want
To do it properly, say in a multiplayer shooter, standard players cannot see other players' skins or custom shit, only deluxe players can see custom skins etc.
There I fucking fixed it. Whales will buy the deluxe one, the rest of us will have a demonetised version. Hell, make the deluxe one free to play and make the standard one $25 or whatever.

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I'm Texas too bro and I'm fucking mad

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Zoomers grew up in a post-horse armor world. They only now microtransactions.

What does it matter? And why do you act like it's the majority of people? That's the issue, not wether they get threats or not, fucking having a public image means you'll get all crazy shit from fans, you think ACTUAL famous people don't get 100000x times more shit than these fucking pathetic manchildren devs? MAN THE FUCK UP PUSSY BITCH.

Out of all industries, what made the gaming industry the poor kid you can't bully?

Why do you think that's okay?

>cash shops in f2p games didn't exist before horse armor
Hello little zoom zoom.

if you get something for free you're a freeloader

its not an insult it's a fucking physical fact

why are people triggered

Where in my post does it say I do it, I support it, or i think it's okay? Can you read?

Saying "man the fuck up" and handwaving it as "oh everyone gets death threats whatever" is essentially saying you don't see it as an issue.


It's pretty based to see devs call out faggot gamers for acting like children on the Internet. Fucking finally. The publisher is the one calling the shots for MTX and shit, not the dev team. Leave them alone.

If you ignore EVERYTHING ELSE I said, then sure, I think it's okay. Retards I swear.

>GRRRRRR MICROTRANSACTIONS BAD *pays 20$/year for Nintendo's shitty online*
zoom zoom

Peak projection

It's not an insult. He's just explaining the F2P dynamic and how the market is always dependent on whales. If people can play for free, most people will pay for free, but whales will buy the skins whether they're $5 or $18. Since the amount of additional people who would buy at $5 doesn't more than triple the amount of sales, the business model demands they squeeze whales.

He just goes "lol blocked" and stated ages ago that he just gets the same questions asked all the time; most importantly, he doesn't make himself out to be a victim of harassment.

>blame F2P
>special key
>get all the shit you want from the game
>7 fucking free outfits one of which literally turns you into a character from another game
>FREE outfits
>gotta buy them all lmoa

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dang it

I'm positive that fags ike Respawn hope for death threats so that they can claim martyrdom.

Respawn did nothing wrong here

shit costs money

i don't give a fuck if cosmetics cost a million dollars as long as the core gameplay loop and balance aren't affected

Jesus, you have no clue what you're saying. Even if you say the Pareto Principle is 100% applicable, you'd have a 80/20 distribution. I'd bet my income we're nowhere near this with this Apex event. They're banking on the 1/2% of whales out there who are willing to put out dozen times more money than your regular 20% would. Unless you wanna bet that 20% of Apex players will get that axe?

Meanwhile the actual team at Respawn is being beaten with whips to speed up the production for Fallen Order

>"I've been in the industry long enough to remember when players weren't complete ass-hats to developers..."
So he hasn't actually been in the industry that long or he'd have know that players were "ass-hats" as he puts it since the dawn of the industry.

People buy skins to stand out from others. Nobody would buy them if other players couldn't see them.

Nah it doesn't work like that.
Whales won't ever buy any cosmetic stuff UNLESS other players can see it.
They don't buy it just because.
They buy it to show off.

Devs being new to the game of interacting with customers and not understanding that not everything they touch will be loved by everyone else. Kern is right that in the past devs were just shielded from the vitriol that is common fucking everywhere, now they're exposing themselves to it directly and can't handle it.

>western beta devs whine and cry once faced with critisim
>eastern CHAD dev just shitposts about it

I don't know why devs bother with places like reddit, at best you placate a very non-representative minority of players

is any other company as absolutely outright based as Respawn right now?
>here's a f2p game we made, enjoy
>if you want to support it feel free to buy some skins or whatever, they have no affect on anything in-game though
>then don't buy them
>suck a dick

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>Linking to reddit but not an archive link
>Reddit screencaps
gay thread
Small question, why does these post have the weird medal thing?

you can pay real money to give posts a super upvote
not ironic btw

>There's literally nothing wrong with them if it doesn't affect gameplay
What happens when a game prioritizes cosmetic and store updates over actual content because they know the whales will just buy anything anyway?

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Freudian Slip, he said what he meant, but then tried to cover it up. Why not fix it before posting, you're probably wondering, because the internet has taught us to type in stream of thought, and not to think things out before we commit to the post.


I don't get it why wouldn't developers pander to the consumers who are literally keeping them employed

Wait but why? Why would you pay a website for a (you)? Isn't that retarded?

>calling gamers
no literally just the people being dicks asshats and freeloaders. Fucking gamers always gotta spin shit more than SJWs. Gamers are the cancer killing gaming.

Respawn was dead after the first Titanfall flopped. What makes you think them being dicks to folks is going to be any different?

reddit would not accept anything other than an apology and a price cut
devs should have just closed the tab

I don't like games anymore.

WHen you stop playing games.

"Gamers" are genuine retards who can't stop themselves throwing money at the latest fad. Why be nice to your consumer base when you know they're going to deepthroat your cock willingly?

Never meet your heroes.

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You're retarded. That's not an insult it's just a condition I assume you have.

It's almost as if media started pushing for more and more non-gamers in the medium because they're retarded and easy to rip off.
>gamers are dead
Gee, it totally was about roastism and definitely not a corporate ploy.

Explains a lot

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Retarded was a medical term for a while and became an insult. Are you seriously suggesting freeloader hasn't done the same?

>Nobody bothers the splatoon team or smash bros team.

Because nintendo customers are cocksuckers and eat any shit nintendo releases.

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Slight respect for the Yea Forums-style flaming.

I am seriously suggesting that freeloader was never a medical term. I'm so brave.

outing yourself their zoomie. they basically didn't exist back then. f2p as a business model hadn't really taken off at all yet when horse armor dropped.

>have the shittiest business practices
>profit off addiction and mental illness to an extreme
>$200+ for a weapon
haha yesss videogame industry

>f2p as a business model hadn't really taken off at all yet when horse armor dropped.

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Cope greedy Jew.

name a f2p microtransaction game older than the horse armor dlc. I'll wager you probably can't.

horse armor was (only) notable because it was for a single player game

>make free-to-play game
>gets mad that people don't spend money at the free-to-play game

what a greedy cunt

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>200 dollars for an item
actually its 200 dollars just to get the ability to buy the item

If I was a publisher I'd never let the devs directly interact with (potential) customers on the internet.

Hideo Baba had to go in exile for months because of the anger generated by the state of the Tales of series in Japan

Didn’t take them long, either.

cosmetic dlc was a pretty new concept in 2006. at that time people were still used to unlocking costumes by playing games.

>i've been here long enough to remember when-
I'm 43 let me just stop you right there, gamers were always like this.

And the list goes on.

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the only game on that list that anyone in the world actually played was Ragnarok Online, which had a subscription model until like 2011, and thus wasn't f2p.

He's not competently wrong to look for people who have interests out side of vidya, but getting people who never played any takes it too far since the basic understanding about them is missing.

Fucking zoomer trash. You lot need to grow up and realise that your mum's credit card won't get you everything in life. Buying shitty skins you don't fucking own that will cease to exist when the game doesn't exist anymore is so fucking dumb. I used to be like that, spending money on anything to make me look cool but now I got bills to pay and I can't starve spending all my money on trash.

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did they ignore the data that explains what a whale is and that the majority will be """freeloaders""" in any f2p game?

This. I remember people treating developers with respect, because it was around the same time that they would release several hours worth of content for $15 instead of skins and emotes. You can still earn the admiration of gamers by not drowning them in micro transactions if they want to experience your game beyond the base F2P level

As I said the list goes on.
>I didn't play it so it doesn't count
>nobody in the world played GunZ
Double kek

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>one person sent a death threat so now everybody has to drop to their knees and open wide for the developers to show them how sorry they are for calling them out

It hurts so fucking much, user.

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What he really means is "we hire code monkeys from other industries who aren't jaded by the industry, then slowly give them the reigns on creative control".

It's honestly not a bad concept for Japan's work culture. That's exactly how Miyazaki happened.

>charge more money to players so that they can unlock the opportunity to spend more money on skins that 95% of their opponents can’t fucking see
That’s so stupid that I’m actually convinced you’re a developer right now.

>free game
>omg greed!
I guess the gamejournos were right, gamers are retarded after all.

You know damn well that's not what they say. 'Kill yourself' or 'I hope you die' is a death threat to these retarded niggers.

It's different when it's the source of important information about vidya devs.

>make a girl in a vanilla VN not virgin
>people are so mad at them they refuse to buy all their games
I don't remember if they closed because no one was buying their shit anymore or had to resort to make other kinds of VN, like NTR ones to stay float.
Japs can take so much shit (See Gacha shit) but if they get pissed, they are pissed all the way to actually harm the company, especially the small ones.


> Free to play doesn't give you any right to charge $20 for a skin
It literally does though.

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Jokes on you, I pay 60 for PSN.
Ah but in all seriousness, micros are an easy target unlike online.

>"Free" game charges $200 ($170 in virtual loot boxes for the privelege of paying $30) for a virtual axe
>"Dumb greedy children btfo by based Respawn"
I guess the gamejournos were right, gamers are retarded after all.

Feels good for hating respawn for what they did to tf2. Never balancing shitscan, saying it was impossible to make the rifles and smgs projectiles and then after months of saying they didn't balance based off numbers they nerfed grapple because of its usage data. All the good talent left and went to infinity ward and it's really obvious. They refused to patch massive balance issues because of reddit being shitters and now they aren't in their good graces and are reeeeeeeing. Also reminder that back before they abandoned tf2 they invited that fag that spammed hentai is art in chat to their studios and wrote about him on their monthly news update.

>entire games turn a profit when selling thousands of copies at $30 or $60
>Devs asking $18 for a single cosmetic skin
Even though the skins are pretty good quality, there can't be more than a few days of work into any of them.

Well TECHNICALLY any game currently has the right to charge whatever they want for in-game skins but that doesn't justify it.

>game charges whatever for irrelevant bullshit
>moooom I must have that pixel, waaaaah, fucking greeeeed

Why are gamers so hostile to the idea of devs making money?

If reddit attacks something on this scale, there's a reason for it. They don't just randomly attack shit, and we don't just randomly defend the person being attacked. Rather, it indicates that the thing being attacked is probably based, which is why reddit attacks it and why we defend it in the first place. Correlation does not equal causation, learn it.

Except you need to get every single OTHER cosmetic in the event to unlock the ABILITY TO BUY this cosmetic which is at a baseline of $30.
The $18 statistic assumes you buy the highest amount of buyable Apex Coins for the discount enough times to buy enough loot boxes to get every limited cosmetic due to the coins left over.
Bungie sold some expensive game rewards too but when they did it, it was a physical fucking jacket you got for Week 1 raid completion you could get your name embroidered onto. And it wasn't even as expensive as getting this virtual fucking axe.

I clearly would never buy cosmetics. They admit they know there's only a few people buying them. Those people generally have issues, gambling or shopping related. Instead of wanting a fair monetization program that lets them earn money for the work they do (like path of exile does), they instead prey on these types of people for maximum profit by using lures such as lootboxes and timed events, which they KNOW trigger these people.
It's scummy and pretty transparant.

I meant to say that $18 for a skin is insane. That's 1/3 of a complete game. That's unjustifiable.

>Make it so you can only get an item by getting every other item in the collection
>But also make it so you can only get two of those items at most for free and force them to pay for the rest
>"lmao dumb kid can't live without their pixels i love licking this boot"

No wonder Odyssey went in the direction of a collectathon with relatively little challenge for even the hardest of the 880 moons.

The dev is 1000% correct about monetization. Whales will pay almost anything for their ugly skins and palette swaps so you price them super high and coerce them into buying with 20% off sales. The data is 100% clear. You cater to people who buy 20 skins a year, not some fuck who buys 1 every 2 years.

He even directly stated that they LOVE having freeloaders to support the game. The dev did nothing wrong. Fuck gamers and fuck discord trannies.

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Approaching it from the wrong angle, CUSTOMERS are hostile to the idea of getting RIPPED OFF, and this is no different in other sectors.

You know what they say, the best transaction is one where both parties walk away thinking they screwed over the other guy.

Imagine being so contrarian that you side with a company insulting and ripping off their customers just so you can say you're different from reddit.

How are optional cosmetic purchases ripping off customers?

My bad, dealing with the shills in this thread has me scrambled

How are you being ripped off when you don't need the item to play the game?

Being ripped off would be them charging $200 for a new game mode, not $20 for some axe skin.

TELL EM user! WE ARE THE "CHANNERS" (thats that they call people from the Yea Forums) WE RULE THE INTERNETZ FUCK REDDIT LOLOL

You know what else they say? Folk wisdom is wrong more often than it's right. There will always be someone that, no matter how cheap something is, thinks it should be cheaper and will loudly voice their opinion on the matter.

They can do it since it's theirs fucking game. And you got it for free.

Because they establish it as a high class item and only let you get two of the items required to buy it free. If they let you grind crowns for the entire event and get the whole collection and THEN sell the axe for $10 that'd at least be more reasonable than this and would be akin to a Battle Pass without needing the committment of the pass.
If they wanna charge that much, do what Bungie did and sell jackets that only the top X players can buy that way you at least get something cool and physical for fighting to the top, a more fitting trophy than "I spent $170 to spend $30 for this virtual axe."

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The silent majority isn't very talkative.

actually defending EA
shut up you fucking faggot corporate shill

Path of Exile has both retardedly overpriced cosmetics and lootboxes (although with disclosed odds now), so that's weird example. And if someone can't control his behaviour that's his problem. But I doubt that there are many people like that. In my experience mtx are bought by kids and incels with nothing else to spend it on.

I cant believe retards are still playing this garbage
I can't believe retards are STILL supporting EA in 2019

Imagine defending a company that willingly chose to release a F2P game and then complained there were free players.

>Playing and defending EA shit in the first place because you wanted to own the alt-righters EPIC STYLE XD!!!


You still haven't argued why it's a ripoff.

Well yeah, you literally admit to being unable to cope with not having some cosmetic pixel. It doesn't matter how bullshit aquisition method is, it might cost 6 gorillion for all I care. I wonder if redditors get triggered by designer clothes as well.

No idea, could be any number of things, the important thing is that they FEEL ripped off, as i said, the IDEA that they are getting ripped off is the trigger, and as said with the second thing both people need to walk away thinking they got the better deal.

My point is that it is a PR thing, what is actually happening does not matter, only that when something gives them the idea they are getting screwed over people will get hostile, keep in mind that someone else getting "better" deals then them can also be seen as getting screwed over, and i think that might be the cause of this, people being jealous of the Whales or pissed something they WANT to spend SOME money on is out of their price point due just being far too outrageous with the pricing (to them), or having spent WHALE money on something only for a F2Per getting it for free, that kind of crap.

>Folk wisdom is wrong more often than it's right
Never heard that one actually, sounds like modern crap.

The problem isn't that gamers are somehow worse behaved than they used to be, its because developers insist on being on twitter and reddit all the fucking time. You can reach any of them whenever you want, see what they had for breakfast, read what they think of Netflix shows and that kind of familiarity invites contempt and people leaning on what they think is friendship.
Literally the answer is to get the fuck off social media and stop trying to be everybody's friend.
The 'open, honest and awesome' days are over, get off the fucking web and cultivate some mystique for once you stupid cunts.

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WTF I love apex legends now

>here's a free game
>wtf why didn't you buy anything
What did they mean by this

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>make a girl in a vanilla VN not virgin
>people are so mad at them they refuse to buy all their games
what's wrong with this? you're developing a game for lonely virgins, you should cater to them in every way possible. they want virgin characters? make them virgins.

literally zero issue here

i think bioware has been actively trying to destroy EA with expensive badly-made flop after expensive badly-made flop, but they can't because EA fans just keep buying FIFA bros it just keeps happening profits keep on going up in spite of malicious mishandling of projects and embezzlement

Honestly based, fuck em.

A lot of f2p devs, particularly those getting into it for the first time, think that if you are nice to players, you deserve skin sales and that players will do the right thing and purchase.
They are literally the 'nice guys' of the dev world, and they deserve to be hue zoned

>wtf our free players are leaving and now paying players are too because queues take too long
>this is the fault of those god damn complainers!

Because it's tied to the event that's all about getting these items and fighting in Solos but they intentionally locked the items out.
This is literally on the level of chinkshit mobile games but you faggots claim it's fine because it doesn't also make whoever uses it have instant kill melee attacks or some dumb shit. This isn't some gacha rate up, this is an event where playing it doesn't progress you in it.

>the important thing is that they FEEL ripped off
Well there it is. There isn't really any objective basis for whether or not it's a ripoff. Only whims and arbitrary standards. Yet the fact that there are whales willing to spend hundreds of dollars in MTX means that the average consumer (aka the people who actually pay Respawn's bills) doesn't mind paying for premium items. In the end, this is just Reddit being hippies like usual.

I don't like apex legends and I thought titanfall was merely okay, but this dev reply is fucking hilarious and awesome

>here's a free game
>thanks, it's awesome
>oh, and you can pay some money for an outfit if you want
>WHAT?! You corporate pigs are going down!

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I dunno, that seems pretty reasonable to me.

This is just being honest, there's nothing wrong here either.

Damn I forgot about this show. Old adult swim had so much soul.

Yeah, kids using their parents credit cards, often without permission. I'm a substitute teacher and I regularly overhear kids talking about stealing their parents credit cards (basically, lol) to buy fucking Fortnite bullshit.

What ledditors even want ? Devs do what they want. If people dont agree then fuck off. Simple as

Why do people still play ea games. This scandal shit happens every year but all the reddit cucks can't help themselves and whine and cry when the company that fucked them in the ass for every major release of the last ten years fucks them again

I haven't touched an ea game since Dragon Age Origins

>Event all about earning these cosmetics
>Can't earn more than two without spending money
>Being locked out of event progression in the name of money is fine because the game is free to play
How much are you getting paid to spew this shit?


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>Why do people still play ea games
>Why do people like Star Wars
>Why do people like Marvel
>Why do people like Mario
Early onset imprinting. Nostalgia is stronger than gravity.

Kill yourself

>both reddit and Respawn handle the situation terribly
>people bootlicking Respawn just because it goes against Reddit

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Skins dont do anything, water is wet.

>waaaah why are you directly selling skins in a F2P game
>proceeds to buy a $60 game with lootboxes

Same reason people watch the Transformers or F&F movies. Reddit and Yea Forums aren't representative of the general population.

>Event all about earning these cosmetics
>Being locked out of event progression
You answered yourself. Being locked out of an event all about earning cosmetics is irrelevant to anyone who is not an NPC. If you have any gameplay related arguments then go ahead.

>Reddit post: The thread

God, the amount of corporate cocksucking here is astounding.

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I compensate for it by not actually playing the game.

It's not direct, it's a limited time event tied to a set of skins, you can only get two max for free because they force you to buy more than two of the unique loot boxes for the event. And you can only buy the axe after getting every other item at $7 per SINGLE loot box, hence $170 just to unlock the ability to buy the axe at all. THAT'S the fucking issue, not that the axe has to be bought.

it's le ebin irony, bro. just gimme my (You)s for my master trolle

Shut up, fag.

we as a species have failed. We deserve to be treated like shit. We accepted microtransactions and paid online and even defended it.

>defending redditors
>defending AAA f2p shit

Battle Royales. Not even once.

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Stop spamming this off topic drama garbage you gamergay redditreject incel.
Stop complaining about the industry you've created.

This is neofag all over again.

EA is retarded
Reddit is retarded
Devs lack any kind of finesse with interacting with their playerbase
Buying cosmetics is extra retarded and feeling obligated to get all the cosmetics in the game is a form of autism

Exactly the point i was trying to make, this is something that happens outside vidya too, there are people who get loud and hostile to others constantly for perceived slights, from fatasses being mad at their seats not accommodating their fatasses and needing to buy two tickets to the guy just nibbling freebreadsticks and water being mad at being requested to leave to free up the table when the restaurant is in the lunchrush or some guy demanding a repair from stores that cannot legally repair what they want to due contract obligations of the customer.

People being entitled assholes to employees and service provides is not specific to gamers and trying to paint it as such is giving WAAAAAY too many other people a pass by pretending this is a outlier.

He told the truth. Now the plebs are as outraged as we have always been. This is how coups start.

You forgot OP is a fag.

Also check this 5

>Friends with jew devs
>saying toxic unironically
lmao fuck developers


When your game's primary gameplay loop is about earning cosmetics, then it's pretty fucking important to gameplay. Other than four whole characters to unlock, your progression is tied to cosmetics, you level up to earn cosmetics so that you look "cool" when you win. Overwatch's loop is also heavily tied to its cosmetics. Players need to feel like they earn something nowadays and because games now are designed around being universal services, that means getting nicer hats than what someone else does.
This is a fact and a fact that this event fucking exploits, yeah technically they're just cosmetics but cosmetics are what builds this game's fucking reward system and so the entire game revolves around them.
Now fuck off with your "buh not gameplay" shit, just because you wanna pretend you're cool by licking Respawn's boots in a time of controversary doesn't mean you understand a single fucking thing you're talking about.

The last point is invalid because even if a skin was discounted to 1100 Apex Coins, you need to buy 20 dollars worth of coins if you have 0. it's a flawed study.

They didn't "abandon" Titanfall 2, no one bought it

>When your game's primary gameplay loop is about earning cosmetics
I thought it's about shooting other guys and being the last man standing, but I guess zoomers look at things differently.

Funny how the occupy wallstreet faggots now suck EA dick

please learn the difference between publishers and developers.
unfortunately in this case, it's true: respawn, as a dev, is being retarded.

To be fair, that is a mentality MANY games hammered in in over the course of about a decade or so, i mean, look at World of Mounts, I mean World Of Warcraft.

He's right. Gamers are a bunch of entitled dickwads lately.

Literally cause of trannies. And after all these years of them looking down at southern accents too. Now its woke shit

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I love how not being price gouged by a bunch of jews is considered entitled

Did anyone notice on the top of that subreddit right now there's an APOLOGIZE TO THE DEVS POST because one respawn faggot said they're actually good guys stop making fun of us ;^(

fuck reddit

Horse armor was fucking 2006, internet was slow, all free games were java based on flip phones or on shitty browser sites. Fuck off and die zoomer retard subhuman

>"lmao zoomer zoomer that means I win"
Only a zoomer would look at this mess and defend it with the "It's just cosmetic, it has nothing to do with the REAL game" argument.
Do you think I enjoy this shit? Do you think I have fun having every drop of goodwill and faith in them slowly get ripped out of me every time I hear news? I enjoyed Titanfall 1 and loved Titanfall 2. When TF3 was teased I was excited then they released Apex and I tried to justify it as a side project to get some extra capital for the real shit, then they announced all Titanfall related content outside of Apex canceled and I thought at least they wouldn't be scumbags with their economy, and then this event happens and then their response is basically to stop being poor. With every article they slowly made shit worse and now I can't see them as anything but the Apex Legends guys, Respawn died to me, this is just another F2P BR bandwagon wanting to fleece whales out of their money as far as I'm concerned now.
So take your shitposting, bootlicking ass and go to hell for pretending that this is completely ok because it's not your fucking problem.

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You know it’s a proven fact that if you give people the option to grind for the cosmetic in game while also placing that cosmetic on the shop, they’ll be more likely to purchase the cosmetic rather than go through the hassle of grinding for it in game. You’ll of course get a handful of people who love the grind and will go for it, but your average joe consumer will more likely purchase it and save himself 70 hours of grinding/farming. If you’re going to monetize a game, do it right.

Horse armor also had a lot of controversy behind it. Which ultimately ended up making things worse since it sold like hotcakes anyways, and made companies realize outrage doesn't matter because people will buy it anyways.

People use both Yea Forums and reddit nowadays, boo hoo get over it oldfag.

>I've been a gamer long enough to remember when game publishers and developers weren't greedy ass-hats with their playerbase and it was pretty neat. I loved and appreciated the work put into great games back then. Would be awesome to get back there, when developers put love and care into their games without allowing their greed to fuck over their supportive playerbase.

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I don't think you understand what capitalism is, based retard.

Honestly im a 89, so i don't remember that, Nintendo was notoriously harsh even before i was born and before that, well, the crash happened for a reason that sure as wasn't "Love and Care" if i am to believe everyone talking about it.

He is literally one of the most chill developers ever and blocks people for laughs.

>Dev is being downvoted to hell
The devs have every god damn right to charge whatever the fuck they want in THEIR product, especially when the product is free to play. They aren't scamming either, they are offering cosmetics at prices they feel are fine. Are they expensive? Sure. But they're just fucking skins. Holy shit.

I came into this thread expecting these devs to be whiny shitheads, but no, they aren't sugar coating it and are making it clear to these dumbfucks that it's their product, just because you played hundreds of hours of it doesn't give you any input on the decision making behind the games direction.

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>oblivion horse armor
>people shit on it
>hundreds of dollars on skins in current year
>people unironically defend this shit
I also have a hunch it's not just cosmetics either.


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If it's not just cosmetic then the outrage is justified, as they would be compromising the integrity of the games balance for profit. But if it is just cosmetic then who gives a shit?

Anyway, yeah, horse armor was shitty, and these new cosmetics are probably shitty looking as well, but it's the devs product, and if they want to shovel ugly looking shit onto it then they can. I'm not defending the cosmetics themselves, I'm defending the right of the devs to add those cosmetics.

At the very least we should be able to agree that the redditor in the image was a god damn retard and that this isn't really a scam.

This is how the average retard thinks it's acceptable to run a business.
Protip: Eventually no one will want to play your shitty game if it doesn't have actual content

>put up a virtual axe for sale
the absolute state of gamers

It's an EA product. You should be happy if it's being run into the ground and has nobody playing since that would mean less money for EA. You gotta look at the big picture here user.

>we should be able to agree
that's the biggest red flag of a faggot

The biggest red flag of somebody being a faggot is if they look like you. Faggot.

>Apex Legends
I literally don't know what the fuck is this game and I don't even care.
Can I just get Titanfall 3? Or should I just off myself?

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EA's pozzed Respawn up, Titanfall 3 will be shit if it ever comes out

They stated Titanfall 3 is canceled so they can focus their efforts on Apex Legends and Star Wars. And then Apex has begun this event where you have to buy $170 in loot boxes to be allowed to buy a $30 virtual axe. It's all over, user.

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>Can I just get Titanfall 3
The deconfirmed Titanfall 3 since Apex was so successful. If they do make a third game it'll just be trash with a BR mode slapped on it.

She was one of the main heroines my man. Her already being in a relationship was revealed only in the main game. None of the advertisements revealed that fact which is why the Japs were so pissed off by that game.

Fuck social media
Fuck all the autists who pretend they're professional critics
Fuck all the attentionwhoring devs who virtue signal or pretend they're some kind of artists
Fuck all the thinskinned faggots who cry about EVERY single thing they don't agree about.

What's that!? a historical RPG doesn't have niggers? WHAT A TRAVESTY
What's that, a protagonist looks like a mutt? FUCKING SJW!
What's that, a developer is pandering to straight normal people? No no no no THIS CAN'T BE ALLOWED
What's that, there's a trannyflag in an otherwise perfectly normal videogame? JESUS CHRIST WHAT IS THIS PROPAGANDA THEY'RE TURNING KIDS GAY

>digital axe for $170
Now's a good time for an industry crash

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That's it boys, I'm uninstalling ape-X and return to fortnite.

This whole thing . Is like people had never seen how F2P games make money of course they are the lowest ffs just ignore it , this kind of events are for the whales bro so either become one or move on you are not going to die for a fucking axe skin .

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based lobotomy poster

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Why do you guys even come to Yea Forums anymore? Just hang out on reddit.

Titanfall 3.

Coming to mobile game store near you!

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Exactly. You are exactly right.
Pic related sums it up too.

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asshat is such a faggoty non-insult and anyone who uses it is a massive pussy who wants to insult someone but is also too afraid to get near offending anyone

>There is a schism between the player base and devs
>SJW jurnos rush in and proclaim the devs are true heroes of mankind for standing up to evil racist murderer gamers.

Why does this industry hate its consumers so much?



Funny how this kind of shit has become so accepted that some people go as far as defending it.
I remember when people laughed Bethesda out of the room for trying to sell horse armor as DLC in Oblivion.
This type of shit has no place in video games and I'm glad more and more people are starting to speak up against it.

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The data shows that reddit users are retarded and people will spend money no matter what. Only thing this is that you pissed off small potential people that were willing to convert and gave fuel to the people who would never spend more of a reason to never spend.

>crying over neckbeards shitposting
>different in current year
If anything the only that changed are the empty death threats.

texas isn't the entire south, nobody wants anything to do with texans except other texans who think they're gods gift

It's accepted in F2P games, because why wouldn't it be?
Nobody speaks up against it aside from retarded redditors.


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Then the game will die and a game that fills the demand that gamers want will rise... It's economics you zoomer retards. If you guys don't like the way a game operates then just... stop playing it...

>Horse armor is a reddit zoomer meme
Go fuck yourself shill. These jews are literally trying to erase history

What is the difference between Apex monetisation and PoE? For what I know, both are free to play games with skins and costumes that cost more or less the same, plus PoE also sells tabs and other QoL MTX that are a bit unfair for the freeloaders
I dont see this outrage on PoE tho

Cosmetics impact gameplay, if they did not matter there would be no fashion industry

the virgin gamers vs the chad developers

>everything I dislike is reddit
you guys would cut off your dick if you thought it would make reddit mad

Shooters are played mostly by sub 70 IQ niggers, while PoE is for NEETs.

And devs stating you were never going to pay for it anyways based on the market data they collected, and calling you a freeloader is also just as acceptable. You literally aren't a customer, you're just along for the ride, which they know exists and don't mind, but funding has to come from somewhere, ergo you get expensive skins.

Imagine defending 200$ lootboxes because reddit fights against it.

Yea Forums went full retard.

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here's a novel idea: don't fucking buy it.
Every bit of gameplay is completely free, be grateful you scrubs.

Imagine saving and posting pictures of little girls because Yea Forums told you it was okay

Because no matter what you do to them, they will still buy your product

Imagine complaining about anime lolis on fucking Yea Forums.

Seriously, where do you retards come from?

triggered pedo

What would be a "reasonably priced" skin in a f2p game according to you, and why would you still not buy it despite naming said price?

>make a f2p game with ugly as shit SJW characters
>nobody is buying costumes for those ugly as shit characters
>add 200$ axe to make money from dumb kids and gambling addicts

And you retarded shits defend it because "that site" is shitting on it. Stop being contrarian monkeys and start thinking for yourself holy fuck.

Sure, but they way they outburst and presented that shit is all kinds of wrong and will probably bury the game. Developers should fucking hire proper community managers, and respawn are not indie devs with shoestring budget to behave this fucking unprofessional.

People are throwing 10-20$ at skins in other games 24/7. The problem is Apex revenue completely collapsed since nobody was buying skins for their SJW freakshow.

>then that game will die and a game that fills the demand that gamers want will rise

that literally hasn't happened even once. take a look at the popular multiplayer games right now and you'll see they all have the same cosmetic bullshit and have been alive for years.

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>but funding has to come from somewhere

Look at fucking LOL or Overwatch. If Apex had hot sluts with slutty skins it would be swimming in cash. But nah let's make ugly monkeys to please twitter diversity warriors then cry when people don't buy skins for them.

Maybe more people would be willing to buy shit if you didnt try to rob them every fucking time

>And you retarded shits defend it because "that site" is shitting on it.
I browse reddit at work every day, what?

> SJW characters

>add 200$ axe
Have you tried not buying it? If people are buying it, that means money is going to funding the game. Sounds good to me, are you going to tell me you hate capitalism next?

There is a reason why Apex characters get almost zero porn. They are ugly as fuck SJW pandering garbage. If this crap had hot characters they would never have money problems.

It's almost like people were talking about this since day one.

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>If this crap had hot characters they would never have money problems.
if your base characters are boring and ugly, you're gonna have to pull out some insane skins and customizations to fix that.
Now that I think about it, maybe they are intentionally ugly so that people are more likely to buy expensive cosmetics that make them cool

>has to resort to posting terrible fanart to make his point
Ok buddy. Not every game has to have pornstars and models filling their character roster. The game has done well for itself, it's not even respawn's main focus. It's not often your studio's side project challenges all the biggest games out there.

>Not every game has to have pornstars and models filling their character roster

Apparently it does if you want money.

They are freeloaders though. Seriously the cosmetic shit is how they pay for the game, game developers don't work for free, they have not only their wages but costs in running their business.

no mark i flamed game developers are usenet when you were eating bugs in the philippines

Oh, are they not making money? Pretty sure they've made a massive return on investment. People care about and buy the cosmetic bullshit. Want to know why I know? Because if they didn't, there wouldn't be any outrage, people would just ignore it and play the game like I do.

people have never not complained about ggg and its business model

>He doesn't know

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Fucking hilarious comparrison since Rockstar leads foamed at the mouth when devs suggested making the game less cinematic

Devs are based, Leddit remains pure cancer.

the long-lasting f2p games have migrated their base of players to asia over time

That cant be the actual character design right?

I'm a capitalist but I'm smart with my money and products that rely on micro transactions are subpar products in the first place. It's a garbage/lazy practice and any studio and developer that relies on it are just stupid and lazy hacks that cant make an engaging product that is worth an actual purchase.

They’ve made a couple online shooters, this shouldn’t be a surprise

guess you missed the threads when this game was announced
look it was played by people that wanted to hipster fortnite, and fell off a cliff like pubg and so many other meme games

> It's a garbage/lazy practice and any studio and developer that relies on it are just stupid and lazy hacks
I think you mean, it's the industry standard monetization model for multiplayer games. Try to keep up, they would be literally throwing away money by charging for the full game. You're a lousy capitalist.

have you ever looked into the ea vs. activision lawsuit, because they always were this

>Is that poster a retard ? yes
>Is that dev also retard ? yes
This devs should know better then engaging in this kind of shitposting . People is irrationally piss off , that dev just threw more fuel to the fire.

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I know it's a backhanded compliment but that's unironically good advice

Nope. Obviously you're just a greedy corporate fag. A quality product that is worth a purchase and viewed as such by the customer base has a more stable and steady revenue stream. Products like Apex rely on burst rates of revenue way to much and have the potential to collapse under their own bloat. Once the playerbase leaves your income pool just got smaller. It is profitable only in the short term and not sustainable in the long term and will only hurt future market engagements with future products. Especially as people become more informed of practices. Nice try faggot.

It’s not “ok”, but it’s the way it goes. Life’s not fair, etc. etc.
You should be ready for this shit if you’re going to be making video games, the customer base isn’t exactly known for being mature.

Fuck you.
Kill yourself puppet.
Hopefully you, the discord trannies, the devs and the whales will all do it.

Mark Kern is a retarded fgt who needs to get cancer, stop posting screencaps of this loser.

Why do you retarded bootlicking cocksuckers exist?

Yes, you stupid faggot. Go ahead, spitball a neutral take on a definition for the word "freeloader".

How is it possible that this guy has been wrong about anything every for his entire online life? It's honestly impressive.

So if he thinks people who play his "free" game are freeloaders...then he just made a Service, not a Game, didn't he?
These shyster faggots trying to jump on a bandwagon that's about to be blown up by lootbox regulations deserve every shit they get shat upon themselves.

>they sound like Yea Forums
why mad

He meant to write cattle. You are the cattle that are fed to the egoes of whales.

>companies should throw away millions because some dumb kids think they're greedy and don't understand f2p monetization models
Good argument, I'm sure they'll agree with you even though they have all the data showing exactly the opposite.

>Once the playerbase leaves your income pool just got smaller.
This is just as true for every game, the difference is that your potential pool for micro-transactions is minuscule in comparison. and microtransactions are the main source of income in multiplayer games. You also need strong marketshare or everyone will spam that your game is dead, and people won't buy it and start playing to check for themselves. in a f2p there is no such barrier obviously.

>The players should be in charge of making development decisions for a game
Yeah. You're the fucking retarded one.

>in a f2p there is no such barrier obviously.
yes there is
no one is going to play your free game that everyone says is dead and gay


the barrier being the cost of entry, obviously. Do you remember all the l4d clones? evolve? all those promising niche multiplayer games? the pubg clones? people were scared to buy into a supposedly dying game, causing its death to come sooner. it's just the way it is, f2p is the future and there's nothing we can do about it. apex made a killing using mostly recycled assets on a small budget and team.

They weren't mad cos she wasn't a virgin, they were mad cos the girl shouts the ex boyfriends name out during sex.

Meme aside, is there a more consistently vitriolic relationship between creator and customer in the entertainment medium than in the vidya industry?

I know long time cult fans like Starwars can just go completely off the rails or comic book fans lashing out. Or even otaku literally burning their merchandise out of sheer spite. Yet despite those outliers, it seems as if it's just so much more commonplace in vidya.

Is it just GAYMERS being pieces of shit?
Developers and publishers getting increasingly money hungry?
Game "journos" throwing gas into the fire?

All of the above in one autistic negative feedback loop of shitflinging?

the problem is that the shitty decisions of gaming companies based on money are being lumped onto devs, while the people making those decisions can hide in the shadows and receive none of the blame
and this applies to all industries. the people who get shit on are never the ones who are actually making the bad decisions, they're always the lower level grunts or the brand as a whole
I mean devs do make bad decisions still, but half of the reason gamers are way more toxic now is due to shitty business decisions, not bad game design

Journalists. They drove the wedge between devs and players.

If only people would do that when they get upset about something a big publisher does, instead of just saying that they will boycott their games yet pre-order the next upcoming bullshit game.

>Defending crybaby devs and microtransactions for ANY (1) reason
I didn't realize this was the cringe thread

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...Give her the D

It's not more common with vidya, it's just more visible

is this finally the beginnings of the paypig backlash wars?

the barrier to multiplayer games is the time you invest into playing them. you can play quake live for free. hell, you can play quake champions for free. you aren't going to play either of them. blizzard can release overwatch 2 for $40 next month and it will have more concurrent players than any game on steam f2p or otherwise, because people have the expectation that they will be rewarded by hundreds, if not thousands, of hours of play for the time they invest.

There's no way this is real

It isnt "kids" that are complaining as much as the actual adults with the actual purchasing power. Nice try moving goal posts you dumb fuck. The f2p model is nothing but a bubble that WILL burst in the coming years as it is the 1st of it's kind, and as the consumer base becomes more aware of the quality of engagement of said products I guarantee you less and less players will come to play to said titles. Also no. A flat purchase does guarantee at least some revenue back as opposed to releasing a free game and if no one plays it, you are fucked with no investment return.

>its another "commies get mad at an developer needing money" level.

yea ea is barely scraping by

>Using the word commie to describe people who aren't paydrones


>free to play game has in game purchases

no shit sherlock, fucking stupid reddit trannies

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So the argument is that because blizzard, the most recognizable dev in existence, can potentially throw money down the drain, it's the better business model?
Look at the top earners currently, most or all are f2p, all the big upcoming multiplayer games will be f2p as well. When your competition has access to large numbers of customers f2p provides, you are forced to do the same in order to gain market share against them. Modern companies value market share and hours played more the sales by far.
>It isnt "kids" that are complaining as much as the actual adults with the actual purchasing power.
he thinks kids don't have purchasing power. Oh man.

Tell me, what is wrong with someone wanting more money?
If you dont want to pay for something you shut the fuck up and let those who want be free to spend their money how they want.
If you have any issue on someone is making LEGAL money, you are a fucking commie.

So appeal to people with impulse control problems and gambling and bankrupt them, same way the alcohol/gambling/etc industry does it then. Also addict children from the get go. Got it.

It's time to ban under 18 year olds from using the internet. It's the only way to fix this fucked up world

You can’t be this tone deaf

Like the other reply said, gaming industry is too young and the people within the industry don't know how to fucking act like a professional. There's a very large gap between constantly insulting potential customers and bending over backwards for all the shitty ones. Just use the same old PR speak and apathy will set in.

>design unironic dog shit characters
>release shit for $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ to make them look a bit interesting

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But what made him actually say that? What happened in Apex? I thought they were doing a battlepass like Fortnite.

Hausers have been up their own ass for way too long.

the argument is that you are a mongoloid. people will invest the time it takes to learn a multiplayer game if they think there is social relevance to doing so, and won't at any buy-in sticker price if they don't. most multiplayer games will fail to produce any kind of consistent base of players, and having a buy-in hedges this risk. one of the most common tactics in mmos has been to go f2p in desperation after failing to maintain a customer base. there is a graveyard of this refuse.

gambling problem? I thought we were arguing over a $200 axe? if you know what you're getting it's not gambling.

you have switched from needing money to wanting money
>If you dont want to pay for something you shut the fuck up
i think i'll continue to do whatever i want
>If you have any issue on someone is making LEGAL money, you are a fucking commie.
i would put you in a gas chamber

I lost faith once they signed themselves up as EA's puppets for eternity. Anything that happens from this moment on is just the ashes falling from the charred remains

No. Fuck you. If a company wants my money, I'll tell them exactly what they did right or wrong. If they don't want to change their ways I'll let them know why they're shit and not getting any more money from me or anyone else I talk shit about them to. That's business, cuck. Learn it like the rest of us

>having a buy-in hedges this risk.
No, it actually increases the risk by making it more likely to die sooner, before the MTX (the main reason people make multiplayer games now) can get going and recoup investment.

>one of the most common tactics in mmos has been to go f2p in desperation after failing to maintain a customer base.
They're trying to compete in a mostly dead genre, while most gamers have moved on to other genres like moba, fps, and tps. I never said f2p guarantees success, I said it generates more money by far on average. Which is true.

I should mention that I wish I was wrong about all of this, I'm just telling you where the industry is headed.

it's like the mark zuckerberg quote about people being "dumb fucks" to trust him with their information. it's true and he thought he was having a real smash of a time with his friend, but for some reason the "dumb fucks" don't like the truth.

>i would put you in a gas chamber
Spoke like an socialist now comrade.

What kind of person buys these virtual items? Surely they’re trying to exploit people with addiction and problems. This is basic psychology you learn in school. You take someone insecure and addicted, add shiny things to buy, they buy it because it makes them feel superior in game (something they can’t in real life), and they’re already invested and attached to the game (sunken cost fallacy). Easy and simple. Free to play games make more money. They’re not helping anyone but themselves. You know how expensive all of this is to run? They clearly make more than enough.

Even Call of Duty I think was exposed for using science or whatever to discover how to do this properly. They found that people who see others with expensive skins get jealous and buy them too the longer they’re exposed to it.

These people don’t give a fuck about any of you. They’re not your friends. You should pay for a product once and that’s it. This is just blatant abuse of sick people.

You poor zoomer, I cant begin to fathom how it feels to be this ignorant

The problem is that you could use this argument against anything that is not required for us to live. Nobody needs a $10,000 purse, so it's exploitative to sell it. Unless you're going to tell me that the real status item is objectively useful while the virtual one is not? Neither one is required, we will be perfectly fine without them. And yet they exist, and people are willing to buy them both. It sounds like you have a problem with capitalism.

Facebook has its highest ever active user base. He was right. You’re wrong about your initial comment, however. No one is a freeloader. They chose to make the game free. They knew free games make more money and the player base is crucial to a multiplayer game. The more players there are the more chances of them spending money and even more because they see how many people are going to play so the game is “smart” to spend money in to them.

They would never get the amount of money they do if it weren’t for free players being the foundation and raising the game so high. They’re the freeloaders.

Yeah, of course. That's how these companies have been making easy money for such a long time now. They know that at least 95% of their community don't fall for their tactics as easily, so what they do is instead try to cater to the addicted and impulsive in order to make the most amount of money from their tactics. It's especially fruitful when those who they've managed to hook are whales with disposable incomes. It's basic Skinnerbox mentalities at work.

All the more reason the government needs to get off this "videogames are violent" tangent and focus on the ACTUAL issue what with unregulated businesses getting away with borderline illegal practices such as these

Kids mostly. Virtual skins replaced toys and other branded shit that kids used to pester their parents about.
Also incels with nothing to spend their money on.

You only need one fucking purse. Then afterwards you just have bragging rights to say you have it considering you're literally just throwing that money around at that point. There's no limit to how many microtransactions you are allowed to buy and they are ALL easily accessible

The real joke is faggots who actually play Apex fucking Legends- a shitty game built for the only reason to suck pennies from retards and whales

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>You only need one fucking purse
Lol, he doesn't know.... Some women are addicted to buying fashion goods. There are a lot of them out there who waste all of their money on redundant shit. It's not so different from whales.

>There's no limit to how many microtransactions you are allowed to buy and they are ALL easily accessible
You can go online right now and buy shit you don't need with with two clicks. There's no philosophical difference between buying lots of jewelry you don't need, and buying lots of in-game items you don't need. the only limit is your bank account and cc balance.

>if someone has gambling addiction it's their fault. Casinos can't be held accountable for it.

People that buy cosmetics and complain about the prices of cosmetics are the most retarded goy cattle
But i guess its because of them i get all these free games

Thank god you dont work in the industry.

Yes, the people who obsequiously worship corporations and the people who want to destroy all corporations are the exact same

>terrible fanart
It's official trailer.

>wtf why didn't you buy anything
nothing like that was said

Mtx isnt bad ever. Its simply a choice, much like purchasing a game.

What's the point of reddit gold? Are you literally paying money just to say you agree with a post?

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>be grateful
spot the redditor

material goods retain value while virtual goods are pure expenditures. a woman can buy a dozen purses and she can resell them for a portion of her purchase price. a hedonic hotspot zombie attached to his video game store retains none of his expenditure.

IIRC Apex Legends is being played by those who are willing to look past or embrace the woke shit the game's art style and lore encourages. So why would you antagonise the very players willing to actually LIKE how Apex Legends looks by pulling this shit?

KInda like the BFV shitshow.

How the fuck is a 70 hour grind for one item at all justifiable?

>change in price doesn't move the needle
I guess today I learned that changing price affects demand in literally every other industry but F2P games!

Good point. So if they could be resold on the "origin marketplace" after purchase for real money, you would be fine with it then?

Imagine getting a Yea Forums pass since 2012 and then activating it to give a post a (You).

You agree by upvoting. You give gold for a comment that’s “golden” to you. Something that helped you change yourself or realize something. Or a very detailed post that someone took time and researched which helped you. Things like that. You spend money and reward them for what you think is quality. Everyone else sees it next to the comment so they pay attention and the user gets some benefits for a bit. And the site is given revenue to keep running. Really clean and smart idea.

I don’t know what platinum are silver are they added those recently. Probably just different tiers of gold benefits.

Would be cool if this site added this feature. Maybe it would help curb the terrible and inane posts people make because it’s anonymous and fast to post.

It's why TRADING is a thing in a lot of f2p games.

I have over 200 hours in the game and I'm not playing it after these faggots showed who they really were, especially since the game is still unoptimized as shit.

No children do NOT have direct purchasing power as 90% of children dont work or have income of their own. Also Blizzard has only remained afloat from the goodwill they have harbored over their last 20+ years in the market. That is now waning and they are losing money AND players more than ever (although WOW classic will offer some relief) F2p as a model is nothing but a fad that WILL wane in coming years as players will be more aware of the model. The actual future of f2p WILL be just jump in and try with basic operations and mechanics with the rest of the features being available once the initial purchase is made. Mark my words as the market becomes more hostile against such a practice it will wane.

who new virtual pants were an inelastic good

Grind for 70 hours of your life for a virtual item that is worthless and will be more worthless when the next batch of virtual items comes out. Like clockwork. They don’t spend any time making it. Just copy and paste the template and change colors. Although they probably did all the skins before release and are just funneling them out.

I feel bad for whoever has such a pathetic life they dedicate themselves to being a cuck.

twitter is japanese facebook
most of them have multiple accounts for each of their hobby

no i don't find you using psychological abuse on retards to be a permissible social activity. i'm simply pointing out that you are mistaken in conflating them. i would much rather put you in a work camp tbqh

Well I'd be fine with this solution, sounds great. However, people will still complain because I doubt that this really gets at the issue people have with so-called exploitative practices in mtx.

I just don't see people becoming hostile towards something that allows them to play for free without any downside other than locking cosmetics away behind a paywall. Where is this giant backlash? f2p games are more popular than ever, profits are skyrocketing and the number of gamers is increasing at a high rate. there was a big backlash before, but that was towards a pay2play game with pay2win microtransactions, a very different situation.

>go to restaurant
>food is undercooked to shit
>tell waiter the food sucks and ask himto fix his shit
>waiter calls me an entitled freeloader
>walk out, dont pay the restaurant or the waiter
>waiter fired due to hurting business
Why doesn't this translate for vidya?

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He doesn't act like a victim and straight up tells people to eat shit. And he does act properly when he's the one who asked for a feedback.

I should be more specific. It's a thing in a few F2P games, but not a lot of them. Warframe and TF2 does it, but as far as I know, there's no trading in ANY of EA's games with lootboxes.

Absolutely based.

The turnover rate at AAA companies nowadays is atrocious so I'd say that's just another Tuesday

>waiter gives you a free piña colada
>tells you that the tiny decorative umbrella costs 20 dollars

this is more like it

this is it Yea Forums, i'm just gonna end it here, I dont think I can take this shit anymore.
>epstien shit has me freaking out
>just lost 3k in stocks
>family wants to kill me
>keep hearing niggers and homos giggling 10 feet from my window every night
>get gang stalked every single day
>older brother has recently came out as a tranny and has admitted he has sexual feelings for me
Since you guys have always been my favorite board, and kept me entertained. I'll return the favor. I'll be streaming my suicide in about 10 minutes. In the mean time, I shall answer any questions, suggestions, etc

>inb4 go out in a blaze of glory
No, not going to ruin other peoples lives.
>inb4 why dont you make your own thread
ISP is blocked or some shit. so just posting this in first thread i see.
>inb4 is there anything i can do to change your mind
Nope, its Happening.

stream URL and quick rundown:

See you all soon.

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Oh really? Well if the only meaningful difference between them in resale value, and resale value doesn't matter, then we're back at them being philosophically the same thing again.

> i would much rather put you in a work camp tbqh
Oh, you're one of those. I knew it. Good luck with that, "comrade".

These devs are tone deaf and this event is a scam, but I’ll continue to play the game. I haven’t spent a dime on it. I’m one of their “free loaders”

Don't need to quote that, you ARE literally a freeloader, this is a fact.

no they are quite clearly distinct whether i like you more for permitting the resale of virtual pants or not.
>Oh, you're one of those. I knew it. Good luck with that, "comrade".
i don't recall telling you i was a communist.


He said nothing wrong in that post.

Calling your customers/potential customers freeloaders is not a good idea. The game isn’t substantial enough to spend money on it. I’m not a zoomer. I don’t give a shit about cosmetics and I can unlock characters slowly.

>screencapping and posting fucking shittid on Yea Forums

Can you really call it freeloading if the company specifically asks you to download and play the game without the need to purchase anything?

In fact, why are devs even using terminology like that if they don't want to make it look like they don't care? Wouldn't a better term be something like, oh, I don't know... "player?"

"Some of the current stars" refers to people hired 20-30 years ago

>go to restaurant
>free food
>food is pretty good, but the sauce you want is 1/3 the meal would be at another restaurant
>chef calls you a cuck cause it's a free meal

I remember GunZ being very popular back then, not sure about those above

>something happens

Whoa hey there we have a right to criticize this thing

>your criticism is criticized


Isn't Apex lacking in waifu's? Even as left wing a company as Blizzard is, they still know waifu's sell cosmetics.

Nice airsoft gun you LARPing incel neckbeard NEET. Stop trying to get users on your Discord server you desperate loser. What a pathetic life.

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use soi or SΩY

they are and they aren't depending on how you look at the business model. they use a service, quite possibly for thousands of hours, without making direct contributions to the upkeep of the service, but they are simultaneously operationalized as a product for others within their class and within the class of buyers. this is done both within the game as targets/subjects of status competition, but also outside as well, by increasing the social salience of participating in the overall social event that is the service.

Literally cosmetics.
Do you get this ass blasted when you see the skins in game?