You are transported into Demon Souls' universe, and the only way to get back home is to beat the game. Remember...

You are transported into Demon Souls' universe, and the only way to get back home is to beat the game. Remember, everything is real, you feel pain when stabbed, just like in real world.
What would you do?
Fight or succumb to depression and squat at a campfire with Keanu?

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Other urls found in this thread: rpcs3 4k 60fps

I git gud

Does online work?

Even though I'll probably lose to the first enemy, I'll atleast go down trying to gain my freedom.

just use the dupe glitch for infinite souls/materials/spices/grass/stones
get to max level
use the infinite firestorm glitch to steamroll everything

tho i'd stay in the nexus just to chill out and hear maiden tell me stories with my head on her lap
or go hang out with Garl at the baby swamp
or go fuck some dragons with Bjorn

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Learn magic and faceroll my way to victory.

>not staying to partake in some quality fistcuffs duels with Ed and Boldwin

I'd fuck the maiden for levels

Nope. You're all alone in a dark cruel world.

Cheats don't work in the real thing, otherwise everyone would do it and demon souls would stop being what it is.

I'd just hop on the Mephistopheles illuminati train and chill with Yurt taking over the world from the shadows.

Screenshot thread?

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why the fuck wouldn't they
of course they do you mong

you want me to stick my cursed weapon buffed northern regalia up your ass?

Question, is this also a "one life only" thing, or do you respawn at the nearest bonfire (or whatever they're called. Haven't played DeS yet)

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>just feel pain
i rather fight than idle

the whole point of souls is that you can't fucking die

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My nigga

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Well, armor does jack-fucking-shit, but I'd still wear some light armor and use a hefty shield and either the normal axe as a primary weapon and as secondary the Greatsword.

I could manage, I think. There's no point in being scared forever I think. I figure you magic-suing fags are gonna be the least worried of all people.

Ok but that goes for most games, yet "stuck in the game stuff" insists you have one life.
I'm just making sure so I can see how risky I want to be.

i mean nice upscaling but next time try not to have 80% of your pic be a close up of 32x32 pixel texture smeared across
also damn you have some bad sense in fashion
remedy that asap

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>Ok but that goes for most games
not it doesn't
souls is one of the only games where coming back is explained and acknowledged by everyone in the story
that's the whole goddamn point user, jesus are you slow

You re-spawn of course but you feel pain being murdered like in the real world.

Because imagine if dupe cheats worked in real life, would it still be the same world?

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delete this right now, user

God i forgot how shit des looked.
That sky is straight from N64

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>Because imagine if dupe cheats worked in real life, would it still be the same world?
it's not real life, it's a fucking videogame

you say in the OP you need to beat the game
user don't be dumb

I imagine I'd get back eventually. Granted I've never played Demon Souls, but having played Bloodborne and Sekiro I at least understand the values of caution and being careful with my resources. Assuming I don't go insane, the immortality helps.

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so it's like re zero but maiden in black is the only girl you can fuck

Why is everything doubled and blurry?
Is the protag drunk?
That looks like a shitty alcohol filter from old games.

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I doubt you'd want to re-experience being cut in half again and again.

I'd just fuck the maiden obviously.
Why go anywhere?

Why not?
Are you a pussy or something?

>this thread again
I have a couple amazing abilities that would guide me to victory. See, when I start to do something, like swinging a sword, I can actually STOP doing that halfway through and do something like rolling away instead. I can also swing a sword to hit something ABOVE or BELOW me instead of directly in front of me. I can even aim an arrow or thrown object at where a moving target WILL be instead of where they are at the moment I start my throw. Additionally, I possess the ability to climb over walls that are around a meter high, use massive metal shields to break down old wooden doors, and stop myself from sliding down gentle slopes.

With these spectacular and unheard of abilities, I am at a massive advantage over any Souls protagonist despite having no upper body strength or physical stamina.

ikr, 4k emulator c.u.c.k.s ruin this, low res masks all the imperfections and make the game more realistic.

Why leave? Here I have friends, a waifu, and things to strive towards.

yeah it's a really shitty filter, works kinda like a chromatic aberration on distant stuff but without messing with the colors.

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Spend my days standing over the top of the Nexus and having some kino skyscraper fap sessions

t. i'm still salty i can't go past the first level

hmmmm interesting research material... sauce or no sauce I WILL FIND THIS

lol quality cope, try posting two paragraphs next time

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That's why i said you are transported in the demon souls universe and everything is like real life but demon souls...get it?
try to rp.

>make max regen build
>blessed miridian hammer +5
>Adjudicator's Shield +5
>ring of regeneration

It's the colorless fog, literally explained in the first cutscene.

he's right though, it looks pretty shit compared to the original
like upscaling morrowind to 4k and it's just 3 cubes with shit painted on them
this is the same without the blur and low resolution hiding how hideous it really looks
not any different than running a smoothing filter on pixel games

that's all I have, the rest is just regular gameplay

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colorless fox makes you see 3 copies of distant objects layered near each other like chromatic aberration on cameras?
damn must be some advanced fog

You like pain?

I'm gonna be Stockpile Thomas.

The most wholesome thing featuring 'NTR' in the tags. Ending was SUPERB
Top 10 love stories of all time

I know you are playing dumb but just take it.
The more people read this masterpiece- the better

i uhh fuck the maiden's feet then
happy now?
i just slother her in cum all day and rub my pee pee on her face
why would anyone do anything else

I would grind the first enemies for months before attempting a boss.

Now that's a nice a cope, here's another ss and a free (you)

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i'm not afraid of it to the point where i'd pussy out like you

>like swinging a sword, I can actually STOP doing that halfway
t. never swung a sword with the intention of cutting through something. In reality it works like axes do in the game, if you whiff you're going to have the momentum of your swing pulling you forward and you'll have to catch yourself.

> I can even aim an arrow or thrown object at where a moving target WILL be instead of where they are at the moment I start my throw
You can do this in the game, you just have to not be locked on.

>stop myself from sliding down gentle slopes.
I seriously doubt you could walk up a 45 degree incline while carrying even 10kg of equipment. Go outside more.

>What would you do?
Grind healing items... oh wait, no need to, I'd get showered in them anyway since 95% of enemies are piss easy to kill because of the ultra simplistic AI.

well what the hell you expect me to do?
go into a corner become a ball and cry till the end of time?
rather get used to being cut in half and smashed to pieces

it's okay user, you can just admit you like eating shit instead of hiding your bawling face behind playing it cool
we get you have nothing to answer other than "haha didn't read"
it's fine, it's gonna be okay, shh shhh
cmere, i'll give you a hug, baby can cry on me

>that one user that curently plays DeS on PC is back to seeth in yet another thread
and yet again, he's talking more about his PC than the actual game.
PC was a mistake

Because white knights in the Nexus will slaughter you?
it's like real life.

what white knights?
they'd join in and we'd all cum and piss all over her
that is literally what they do all day

cope harder

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I'm with you. The biggest thing about being hurt that bothers me is the permanent damage. Knowing that as soon as I get broken completely I'll wake up good as new in the nexus would make me give absolutely no shits about pain. Honestly, the toughest part will be all the running. I'm 140lbs and fairly active but fuck man, that's a lot of running.

oh the irony... you're a loser who invested thousands into hardware and now like a small dicked rich guy driving a ferrari to show off, except everyone laughs at him.

i have a pc that can emulate but i'd never ruin the original, i only play it on ps3.

shhh, baby
that's right, papa has his shoulder read
thaat's a good boy, let it flow

>that health bar
>second chance
I guess you gotta have some nerve showing yourself off as a pussy, but my god user that's an embarrassing build.

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well with a little luck you'll end turning most of your fat into muscle

just do a mage run and cheese everything ez pz

>being masochist is manly

all i'm hearing is the sound of the pussy flaps queefing in my direction user
you can stop now

except they become smart like in the real world.

>invested thousands into hardware
>i have a pc that can emulate
wanna know how I know you're lying?

that's just a max health regen build I made for testing purposes

no they don't
mindless retards will be even dumber irl
99% of the enemies would just fall down and drool in place as you stroll by leisurely
damn what a challenge

[insecurity intensifies].jpg

>wanna know how I know you're lying?
a gamer pc costs 1000$+.... so you're coping?

>not wanting to have a literal pussy
your loss kid

>a gamer pc costs 1000$+
you're retarded, here's my rig, keep in mind I paid $550 for all the parts in january.
You know jackshit about PC gaming, you assume you have to waste thousands and thousands to play the latest shit, I doubt you even have a toaster.

How do you hide HUD in RPCS3?

The game has an option to hide the hud.

Thanks, I missed that.

No, they won't.

Kill myself because im not even forcing myself through trash games when they arent real

lol tard... you need at least a high end to be able to emulate 30fps+
ps3 emulation is expensive, this isn't wii or gamecube.

I grind weak enemies and pump my soul level to fight harder shit. I'm not retarded.

>there're no laws whatsoever
i would try to stick my jonny in everything, be it human or monsters


why wouldn't they?
it's like real life.
in real life enemy doesn't wait for you to evade.

but you dont need to grind to fight harder shit

>literally playing DeS 4k60fps on that pc and taking screenshots
>hurr you need high end pc rpcs3 4k 60fps
dumb fuck

I get the Maiden in Black to give me hourly footjobs in the Nexus.

at 15 fps lol good enough for taking small pipi syndrome screenshots lol

you dont get out much do you?

I want all the HP I can get so I don't end up with my shit kicked in, abandoned in the swamps to become the fucktoy of the trolls of the valley.

This bait isn't even good. Try harder next time.

Just imagine sticking it into the Phalanx user

I'll just spam magic like I did in the game while eating grass to keep healing myself and my magic.

can I fuck pancake girl? if so I never leave.

Well if I'm stuck here anyway and can rez fuck it. Assuming the world works the same as the game (certain amount of slashes to someone/something kills it and time doesn't pass in the real world) I'd rather die 100 times and return to my home

>who isn't already suicidal amirite?

farm early game enemies for like a year until I'm absurdly overlevelled

Not only that, I just remembered she comes back to life when you kill her. You can fuck her as hard as you want. You can literally choke her out while you fuck her. You can fuck her corpse while she licks your asshole.

>you'll never have an immortal gf and be immortal yourself so you can fuck and kill each other till the end of time
what's the fucking point in keep going?

Flamefucker will be my biggest hurdle, but by god, I WILL FUCKING DESTROY THAT FUCKING FAGGOT.


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stay in the hub to seduce and fuck best girl

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but the best way to seduce her is to bring bigger souls
size matters

>the only way to get back home
Why would you want to go back in a shit world when you already are in a grimdark fantasy world?

The problem is when you're reborn after death, you'll return to your flabby 140lb self that spawned in.

>Have to actually roll everytime you have to roll
How the fuck do you roll like DS irl?

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>You have to jump over pitfalls
>i have fear of heights
well i guess i can complete the game without that item

God I really miss these absurdly polygonal looking games

If you remember the story of the game you're already dead when you get to the Nexus.

>push yurt off a cliff, acquire gloom set
>have sex with Maiden in black at least once
>reunite Ed and Baldwin
>try to negotiate with Fool's Idol to help in my quest
Those are some of the main things.

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Yeah, no. I'm not beating the game. I will be comitted to forcing the maiden in black down behind a pillar or something and raping her until she likes it.

Daily reminder that you should kill Astrea like the atrocius demon pig she is.

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I'd consider joining Allant but I actually can't recall what his goals were
What did he even want?


The apocalypse. Why the fuck would you side with that.

If all the mechanics are the same then eventually I could grind myself up to be super powerful. Also I'd pick the Royalty class so I wouldn't have to fight up close.

Typical JRPG villain "I want to save everyone by killing everyone" bullshit.

Use modern logic to invent the gun and kill everything with ease

The game looks better than the original. The quality of the armors is insane. They look better than DaS3. Cope indeed.

>Because imagine if dupe cheats worked in real life, would it still be the same world?
This is a hypothetical a about going into a fucking video game world you tard. A fucking video game.

What if they made Demon's Souls in first person? Would it have made the game better? Would you guys want to play a first person Souls game?


>when even the NTR protag gives the antag the succ

Armour looks so good upscaled like this.

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Dragon God is so fucking cool

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Melee combat has never worked in first person. Prove me wrong.

Git gud, obviously.

mountain blade and kingdom cum

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Is your game bugged to the point where you get de-leveled every death?

Do other people come to the same world as me? If so we could just clear out an area of enemies, and rebuild, make it a safe haven, eventually more and more people join, we all work together to beat the baddies

In the setting they are literally driven mad and basically drooling retards, have you eve played the game?


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Best girl because she sells the MP replenishing consumables.

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she sells some expensive stuff

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honestly I'd get killed in soul form and come back as a black phantom to haunt some faggots, I may have beaten demon's souls but if I had to play by the lore rule of die in soul form you're fucking done kiddo then I'm fucked
>You are transported into Demon Souls' universe
if I'm lucky I get to bring shit with me from the real world and go gun isekai in Miyazaki's funhouse


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How gay.

The female fluted set looks like THAT?

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It's only when you "lose your soul", you go insane. As long as you're determined, you should be fine.

that's hollowing in dark souls, in demon's souls you die once you come back in soul form you die in soul form you're a black phantom now

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I would just play a magic focused build and be done within a few hours.

I just spec into magic ez pz

does this run in dx11 or 12

Until you run into Garl "Big Dick" Vinland

So Kingsfield or Shadow Tower?

I want another King's Field or a game in the same vein.

Oh shit sure glad I brought my lava bow and arrows

I kill myself when I realize I have to go through the swamp.

vulkan or opengl

have you played Shadow Tower Abyss?

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I mean, atleast in the game you don't agonize in pain for minutes, you just die in a few seconds

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Until this happens

Nah unfortunately no.

And fuck other girls in the game.

Hey Yea Forums gals. Post your pics.

Go play it user, I'd say it's my favorite along with King's Field IV. It's a fantastic game. Look for the english patch iso.

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I cuddle, kiss and spoil the Maiden in Black.

Abyss is really neat with how it blends time periods and technological eras. It's a shame it's so short.

Coolest set in the entire series. Prove me wrong. You can't.

They added a ng+ system with new items but enemies didn't get stronger, wasted opportunity. Also, the shotgun is OP af.

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Man I love this set.

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If only those games had a good combat system that wasn't slow as shit.

It's all about the atmosphere user. Also, Shadow Tower Abyss has much faster combat, it even has dismemberment.

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Look at all the details in this armor, holy shit.

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Same thing that happened with Dark Souls, all those highly detailed armor textures hidden behind the blurry 720p of the original PS3/360 release.

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I have a lot of martial arts experience and can handle most weapons but I'd definitley die to the Flamecunt. At least I'd get to fuck the maiden before I die.
unless I can last long enough to find Selen

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I just cheese the game with arrows

>start off fucking the maiden
>rescue Yuria
>switch to fucking her while the maiden is there
Well, at least she doesn't have to see it happen.

It's not that hard actually, the trick is to use your shoulder and let the weight of you body carry you forward. But if we're talking real life physics in Demon Souls you wouldn't be dodge rolling even if you could.

Could the Chosen Undead conquer the Demon Souls world? Vice versa?

>Tfw you are playing on rpcs3 and you have to destroy a physics object to get past
Whats up with this fluctuating frame rate man. 60fps most the time than randomly it decides to chug at 10 for 5 minutes

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10k screenshot cropped because lol file size and resolution limit.

Got a few sets.

Attached: dull gold.jpg (3169x4763, 3.06M)

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They all have the ability to infinitely grow in power

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And that's all I have, the wizard set screenshot bugged out unfortunatelly.

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magic and miracles

>"Surely you have seen for yourself… the pain and suffering that fills this world! But fight poison with poison. God is merciful, and so, created the Old One. The Old One will feed upon our souls, and put an end to our tragic realm of existence!"

Allant is Boromir.

Welp, I finished it again.
What a fantastic game! Definitely my favorite Soul game.
The lore is fantastic, the npcs are fantastic, the world is fantastic0 The atmosphere is fantastic. Maiden in black is best FK.
And holy shit that finale! The old one sequence starting from the nexus is just so fucking great!

Damn I love this game so much.
lots of bosses were pretty shit though

>Demon's Souls

i'd use my knowledge of modern technology to make guns

Do a nigga and favour and take screenshots of the Temple Knight armour, both female and male versions.

>You are transported into Demon Souls' universe
*Demon Souls's

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Does duplication worlks in the emulator?

>Remember, everything is real, you feel pain when stabbed, just like in real world.
Safest world to explore first is 2-1 then, I have the most likely chance of finding a weapon.

All glitches.

Yup, they're very hit or miss, but at least the encounters are fairly memorable and nothing truly drag. I'd replay it but all my character slots are full and I dont want to delete them since they have the Old Monk's Headpiece.

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You should do a run on emulator then, playing the game at 60fps with high resolution is a blessing.

theres private servers if you want to play on them, so far it's the ps3 only

what a gay question

Attached: my waifu.jpg (1920x1080, 294K)

can confirm, 60fps makes the game feel much much better.

Attached: Desktop Screenshot 2019.08.17 - (1920x1080, 269K)

Where is a good place to get ps3 isos


downloadgameps3. com

stop linking this please

The game keeps crashing if I stay in the Nexus for longer than 2 minutes, anyone else? How do I fix.

Chill in the nexus cause i am too weak. I live in a first world country and feel like i'm going to break any day now let alone in an extremely oppressive world like Demon's Souls.

>clockspeed 200
>vblank 120
>patch.yml in root folder
>game runs at 60 fps, but game speed is fucked up

what am i doing wrong?

anyone else experience crashing while emulating DeS? went through the fog wall to phalanx and everything froze except the audio and the video i had in the background but since i was in fullscreen i couldn't do anything not even ctrl+alt+del so i had to reboot
was too bad since i was making progress apart from the odd fps drop