What does he gain from being the villain of PC gaming?

What does he gain from being the villain of PC gaming?

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>the villain
More like the boogeyman


he is the savior, re*dit can suck a dick, he is the reason why we get stalker back

Gabe is the true villain

>some cheeky bastard giving us free games
i don't see anything wrong steambros

He's based

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Money obviously. Better question would be what's his end game? Just to be some rich asshole who wanted to challenge other rich asshole selling digital games?

For doing what? Making the first viable Pc storefront that no other Store dares to mimic out of laziness?
Regale me with Gabe's villainy

>makes people buy games on steam out of spite and gives money to indie devs so they don't have to worry too much about sale numbers
he is quite based t b h


Most boomers never felt this way since they hated Steam from the fucking start. I am never going to forget that ugly green turd Gaben made me smear across my screen. I used to at least use Steam as my go-to IMing service, but they managed to ruin the Steamchat UI as well, just like they destroyed the Dota 2 UI. They have no idea what they're doing.

crashing the PC game market with no survivors

Its like if you could monetize (you)'s on this board

No matter what he says, he's motivated by money and doesn't really care about anything except for money.

no. It's about market control.
They don't make money by dumping shitloads all over every PC game developer in exchange for exclusivity. They're in a race to being the majority share, so they can call shots and hardball people into doing what they want.

so just like any other CEO

>Most boomers never felt this way since they hated Steam from the fucking start
But they made an account anyway and now make "oldfags on steam" accounts, I personally know one that hated it yet he participated on all the shit that happened.

>but why, my retarded friend?

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just because he makes steam trannies seeth doesnt make him a villian

He's based, theres so many more seeders now

Steam was pretty shitty when it started. Personally didn't really have technical problems with it. But I do remember people whining about it constantly.
Hell remember trying some shady 3rd party steam that allowed to play all the games for free. I think it was ironically called nosteam or something.

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I guess I didnt experience this shit I got a personal computer really late that could run games stuff mostly had their own installers still but I never asked why I had to download steam for half life and counter strike.

Now amount that to anything Epic has done.
Which is either nothing for their store or last minute purchases of exclusives.
EGS has been around for 4 years and the only thing it accomplished was kind of getting cloud saves going on for new games. Maybe.
They haven't done a damn thing on their roadmap. Don't plan to sell their games anywhere else unless after a year or so of exclusivity. They have a new fuck up every week. Buy out anything and anyone with any credibility. Regardless of whether the game was funded or promised on another store.
They tried to get exclusivity on fucking Cyberpunk.
Gabe made a few dumb decisions over like 16 years but even his few dumb decisions don't equate to what Epic does every other fucking week.

>epic game store
>epic has pretty nice games and looks clean
>they give you fucking (real) games for free
>You can download the store for free
>You can download and play the games, most of them are even DRM free because egs is DRM free
Why should I defend something, like a drone ? I just download it and play my games, for fuck sake.

>Inb4 but Tencent spyware heheh
Go write Winnie the Pooh and get banned by valve.

>They tried to get exclusivity on fucking Cyberpunk.
really? that's pretty ballsy asking for a company that has their own store to make it exclusive for their own.

Hey I just shat on a plate you are free to eat it tho.

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>shit analogy
do a food analogy next

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There is no steam on my plate?

el goblino....

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He's just like everyone else. Only different store that I know of is gog because it lets you keep installs, without always online bullshit.

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He is nothing compare to the real villain of gaming

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Tim comes off to me as that kid who was bullied in school but never got over it and now it permeates everything he does. His twitter posts are what really make it obvious, but it's written all over the very situation he's set up himself. Steam is the big bully and he's the ugly nerd standing up to it. At the end of the day he's being annoying on purpose because he thinks it's a form of revenge. The EGS hasn't provided any useful utility or anything of value at all, it's just there to be annoying.

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Newsflash dumbass: Not every developer wants to release their games without DRM. Only moldy PC games and pretentious indies are ok with that. That's why GOG will never be anything more than that site that sells old shit. And why the comparisons with Epic are stupid

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