Wrapping up my last run with Black Eagles route. Should I marry Felix to Sylvain or Bernie?
Felix. Sylvain is a manwhore and Bernie is a meme.
Whatever you do don't marry him to Bernie. Poor man
Have sex
Get a husband
Why recruit characters to factions that make no in character sense?
Why? What happens?
Their reactions to the war are fascinating.
Instead of traveling the world like he wanted to bernie makes him be the one to do the work on her homeland while she stays locked in her room, that's it.
Literally killing Felix on a spiritual level just so she can keep being the same unmarriageable piece of shit she always was.
Yes I'm still mad.
I thought Felix would do better than to enable her Hikki ways, especially since the whole point of Bernie's character is to break out of it.
What the fuck Felix
alright, in bernie's defense, the BL ending for her and felix is much, much better
based felix BTFO all the incels that like bernie
i dont have the screenshot of the ending, i just ripped this from the fire emblem wiki under bernie's page
Should Felix get the F!Byleth milkies? Really undecided since I like all Blions boys
Their supports were so fucking cute I couldn't help but pair them though. Then again, I don't think Felix was ever having fun. He needs a tomboy like Leonie or a free spirit like Flayn to travel with him. Or even a bromance with Dimitri or Sylvain.
Though his ending with Ingrid is the best written.
>bandits attack his castle
>loses his sword arm defending Ingrid
>never regrets it
But Felix is the one that got BTFO'd by Bernie
>not making him kill all his friends and marrying her to a little girl( take your pick, he likes them small)
worst girl
What are his recruitment requirements at rank C? All I can find online is the required stats, and nothing on the required level.
Uhhh, you don't get to bring friends.
How about you bring yours and we have some fun? :-3
Anyone have the Byleth and Bernadetta?
you can look up most of the endings on the wiki if you're that interested or you could just play the game
Felix is glad to get away from the murderhobo and he thinks you can fight good. Sylvain joins because you have tits.
>quadding with tonfas
his true calling was to be a boxer
what the fuck is his problem? is he the realest nigga in fire emblem history?
His support convos with Annette are the cutest
he murdered her in her sleep so he could be come a count and lived with dorthea for the rest of his days