Let's discuss the greatest game of all time

let's discuss the greatest game of all time.

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I don´t like anjo kazooil

well aren't you going to post it?

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But there's already one Chrono Trigger thread on the board.

what's the worst level and why is it Clanker's Cavern

Shit wrong pic

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Bubblegloop Swamp is the actual worst level

OP here, posted the second greatest game of all time by accident, here's what I meant to post

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I feel like dodge offset could have been better explained.
I hope bayo 3 combines the best aspects of the first 2 games.

Only obnoxious boomer nostalgiatards actually like banjo

go be nostalgic over minecraft/call of duty or some shit

>rng combat mechanics
shit game

click clock wood is the worst. it's a neat theme ruined by excessive repetition. and god help you if you die at any point on the n64 version.

Good. We needed a S3&K thread

What’s your favorite boss fight user? My personal favorite is Mr. patch

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Banjo Kazooie is worth a playthrough for its presentation but not much else. All of Rareware's 3D platformers suffer from being less 3D platformers and more like Adventure games that don't actually have puzzles. For fucks sake there's like three places in the game that have platforms that aren't completely static.

i never got to play tooie. i hope it gets ported to switch soon.


Fuck banjokes smash was a mistake no one actually likes this game ur just pretending to be cause of smash frick off and kys


seething esl

Could you please repeat that? But this time say it without crying

I played Banjo Kazooie recently on Rare Replay.

DESU I don't see the hype (then again does it even have hype?). The presentation was cute but the gameplay was basically Mario 64 but really fucking stiff. And the latter half kinda gives up on any interesting world themes with shit like snow world, desert world, and ANOTHER rusty factory water world

Also the game is retardedly tedious.

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One of the few British video games that gives off the same feeling as the classic works of Beatrix Potter, Molly Brett, and etc. Click Clock Wood was a masterpiece in game design, charm, and dialogue. If they remake Banjo-Kazooie, they better do a good job, especially Click Clock Wood.

UR THE ONE CRYING NO ONE GIVES A SHIT ABOUT BANJOKE but after it got memed in by autistic manchildren faggotts make threads talk about it when it never had thead before only because it in smash if something else was added u would just make thread talking about that instead saying same thing fuck off faggots

theres been banjo threads for years, third world newfag

No they haven’t fuck off kys banjoke

keep crying esl tranny

Spyro is the superior collectathon because it doesn't waste your fucking time.

Keep crying bitch nigga

After more reflection, I believe Banjo Kazooie is closest to Racey Helps' style. Still quintessentially British.

or you can, you know, emulate it and play it right now.

i heard it runs like ass on emulators, though

Spyro 1 yes, Spyro 2 a bit and NO for Spyro 3. Why did plattformers back in the day all have these obnoxious minigames?

i like the minigames in banjo minus the fucking crocodile one, jesus christ.

I want to burry my dick in Kazooie's cunny