Why are PC users always so autistically outraged and angry at something? All they do is beg for console ports...

Why are PC users always so autistically outraged and angry at something? All they do is beg for console ports, while bragging about how superior their 2k pc is to play old games, ports, and games absolutely not optimized for PC (and especially your specs, since the last optimized PC game was Crysis 1). They always have to be fighting with Sony / Nintendo fans, and obviously did the same with Microsoft until XBO just became a worse PC anyway. Now they're fighting against each other over a dumbass pointless launcher that is nothing but two extra clicks all because MAH SHOPPING KAHT, MAH USER REVIEWS WAH I CAN'T REVIEW BOMB WHICH I WOULD FOR SURE ON EPIC, MAH FORUMS (as I post on Yea Forums and leddit)

Pc users embarrass this hobby.

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I am outraged at the open world meme and the fact it hasn't been brutally eviscerated yet, does that count?

I fucked your wife.

PC is the only true freedom of expression platform. a game coming to PC is being liberated because it doesn't have to abide by the corp who owns the platform their releasing on.

Sounds like you should focus on politics and get a psychiatrist over playing games my man

>freedom of expression
>get to choose between valve sjw censorship, tencent chinese censorship, or publisher-owned launchers

shut up slave

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see literally the only difference at this point between console and pc is how online subscriptions work, and the debate is stupid because each platform has different pros and cons. all pcfags have to argue anymore is muh graphix which is completely subjective and if you prefer one platform over another just for graphics then you're playing the wrong games.

Console guys are the ones constantly screeching about "cencorship", even the smallest amount, so it just seems weird that they'd make fun of people for wanting a game on a platform where that's basically impossible.
What JRPG/AAA game was cencored because of steam? the only games you might see removed on steam would never even be up for consideration on console. remember when switchlets made fun of sony for cencoring a visual novel even though no VN on console would even include sex scenes.

PC is where all the no-life losers live. Including Yea Forums. Console-only people are usually well-adjusted individuals who don't give a shit and have lives outside the internet

Has Hatred seen a single console release yet? would it even be allowed with its AO rating?

I'm a mustard, but Hatred is a pile of shit, my dude.

Just because you type shit doesn't make it true, bucko

every platform has exclusives
what's your point

>since the last optimized PC game was Crysis 1
Crysis 1 was NOT optimised.

more time to think and get angry about little things bc no games.

So are most of the shit being cencored on Playstation but that's not the point. these people are supposed to be against cencorship yet their platform requires publishers to answer to a higher (much more strict) power to release anything.

Are you guys still here doing this? Seems all the good posters moved to other imageboards

They're so proud the have to spend thousands upgrading their 'rig' (gay term btw) just so they can play recent releases and make sure their specs are suitable. While console gamers can just play any game that is released for their console. If you want to play on PC, fine. But don't try and act superior about it

lol enjoy paying for games

Bloodborne vs Hatred
Truly a battle of the times

>The cleverest trick used in propaganda against Germany during the war was to accuse Germany of what our enemies themselves were doing.

Crysis 1 was the last game that took advantage of PCs having genuinely higher specs and looked better than games on consoles. RDR2, nuGOW, etc. all look better than any PC exclusive is the point being made I think.

The point being that its an "exclusive" because none of the console corps would want to be associated with it not because the devs want it to be exclusive. no one here seems to be able to disprove that PC is the freesom of expression platform.

better question is why do third party nintendie devs not port their games to pc?

Has to set aside a whole area of their home/parents home to play a childs hobby

Anybody know how to keep Steam games from free weekends? Trying to keep Ys 8 on PC since I already have it on PS4


unless you exclusively play on a 3ds, that shit is the same for consoles.
yeah bitch, and i do a million different things with my computer

>would it even be allowed with its AO rating?
probably not, but that has more to do with brick-and-mortar retailers than the platform owners.

PC assholes have only just been knocked off the top of the port begging faggots list by Switch. But no to long ago they would cry and cry
It is not like PC fags play these game or are even fans of the series's, they just want it so they can have another game on their steam list they wont even install and play.

>Crysis 1 was the last game that took advantage of PCs having genuinely higher specs and looked better than games on consoles.
sure, but that's not the same thing as being optimized. most pc mustards couldn't play it when it came out.

dumb nigger

>plug console into tv and use wireless controller
>desk, pc, most likely monitor, keyboard, mouse, peripherals, doritos, moutain dew, WoW baseball cap, controller to play emulated BOTW since all you play is ports from consoles anyway, pen for your BB and RDR2 petitions

Literally proving the point of this thread. Trying to fight in house over semantics when the point is obvious.

wow where i have seen this technique used before

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Hatred is a digital game so its not like Nintendo couldn't sell it on their eshop if they wanted to. I highly doubt they want to risk their family friendly image by allowing a murder porn game like Hatred on their system so even if the devs approached Nintendo they'd be rejected.

sure, digital-only is an option now, but the whole anti-ao stance dates back to when brick-and-mortar retailers were the only option and they refused to stock those games. now none of the big three want the negative pr of ditching that stance.

>this hobby
Video games is not a real hobby
You embarrass yourself

Cryssi 1 still runs like ass.
It's one game that has always been unoptimised.
DOOM 2016 is a game that runs amazing on PC, use that as a benchmark.

>DOOM 2016 is a game that runs amazing on PC
It has constant dips on my 780ti