Is anyone actually excited for this?
Is anyone actually excited for this?
Nope, just more service shit.
They spend more time figuring out monetization than fun new gameplay ideas.
Is this the worst vidya boxart ever created?
no but its a close contender
Is it a fucking in-game model of Reedus? I remember, that Kojima adamantly opposed pre-rendered cutscenes in his games, because he thought they break player's immersion, but this time he's taking it too far
No. Gears of War ended with 3 and is a dated, irrelevant franchise just like Halo. It was already dead before it got raped by the current devs.
I am purely because I get to dab on consoleniggers and have always enjoyed the multiplayer formula. I got MVP in almost every game of arcade mode I played during the multiplayer beta.
exited? no
ill still play it eventually though.
>I got MVP in almost every game of arcade mode
oh wow. look at this cool guy. i bet you get a lot of pussy
Looks drawn. I will pay money for a version with Shinkawa art instead of that crap, though.
Tinder's gotten me laid twice this year so far, soon to be three times. I get a respectable amount. Thank you for asking user. I hope you're having a good evening
I can't possibly imagine that the average Gears fan is interested in playing a game with a female lead.
These games were only ever good for the campaign and horde, but third person cover shooters are an outdated and dead genre. Multiplayer was always complete garbage. This is going to flop hard.
t. ass shredded from a Gnasher
>Is anyone excited for any Microshit exclusive?
>pretending the retarded shotgun pinball was ever skill based or good
Yikes. Pathetic.
Eh, kind of. A friend and I co-oped 4 when Game pass was a dollar and had a good time so we'll probably wait for something like that again.
It has nothing to do with a female lead, it has everything to do with these games not being good in about 10 years, or whenever gears 2 came out
Gnasher wallbouncing was shit but it didn't make the multi complete garbage. The gnasher's been nerfed to shit in Gears 5 anyway and rifles have been made much more viable. But feel free to stay in your singleplayer hugbox
Why is the queen here? She died in 3
I enjoy video games, so yes. I'm looking forward to playing this.
Forgot this game even existed.
Doesn't look draw at all. Looks like an in-game screenshot. Look at the low res textures
Depends on if the story trailer is good.
It's more or less shoved in your face at the end of 4 that the Locust Queen is Kait's grandmother
what the fuck
I stopped after 3, why are the locusts still a thing?
The Locust in 4 are Not Locust called the Swarm who're a thing because of the COG dumping all of the Locust bodies into mass graves after the war that merged with the Imulsion or some shit like that. The Swarm continues in 5
Because the new devs have no creativity and because the only way to continue this stale, tired franchise was to keep the same conflict going. Same as Halo basically.
They're literally just the locust. They just didn't all die and found a way to mutate humans into them to bring their numbers back up.
Is fucking Dom back too? I wouldn't be surprised to be fair
Most people mainly play GoW for the multiplayer so the propaganda intent will have little affect on that. The story was never amazing but it wasn't terrible until now. For me personally I stopped playing when they jumped the shark with the MC father etc.
>Most people mainly play GoW for the multiplayer so the propaganda intent will have little affect on that.
This. I don't give a fuck as long as I get to play Coletrain in multi again
*fades in
>hey remember me?
>I didnt actually die
>I survived this whole time on tears and thoughts of maria
>we got to stop the swarm
*fades away
They should have just made some single player dlc for gears 4 it’s way to soon for another game. they milked this franchise dry with the 360 its sad because I really liked the first and second games.
Gears 4 came out 3 years ago nigger, how the fuck is that too soon for a franchise that's only really added new weapons/maps/QoL improvements along the way while retaining the same core gameplay formula for over a decade?