Remember when people loved this game?
Remember when people loved this game?
Other urls found in this thread:
I love the game. What the people behind me do or say doesn't mean shit if I enjoy the gameplay.
Nobody loved this game. They spent millions on streamers to play the game when it launched and it quickly died after that, why does this surprise anyone. It's fucking EA for fucks sake how many times will it take until people learn to not trust that scummy company
Why are gamers so entitled?
Holy fuck that made me laugh out loud. Based devs. People are such whiney pussies
>Apex becomes a big hit
>Game dips in audience
>Devs now start insulting their remaining audience
I remember when Ninja was paid to play it and to say he was gonna play it exclusively from now on over Fortnite.
Nobody actually cares about this game, they just want to see a game beat Fortnite.
>In it, redditor cooloats says the studio “committed the ultimate cardinal sin, you got personal.
“We won’t forget this,” they wrote. “You’ve set a new tone for the kind of interaction we’ll be having with you. It’s a cold one.”
lol, fuck reddit
I don't give a singular shit about reddit, but why would you support devs that not only don't give a shit about you but actively shit on their playerbase?
I mainly play FPS games and apex was garbage
Knowing gamers he's probably not wrong.
>devs insulting players
Lol what do you think his manager sadi.
No, but I do remember all the gaming journos trying to paint it as the next big thing.
LOL So true
>from gamers to gamers
They targeted GAMERS
How tf do people not realize streamers are not gamers but self employed entrepreneurs that run a company for profit? They act like oh wee I´m just your friendly gamer buddy.
the only games people love are minecraft, league of legends, autochess, and call of duty
Cope harder
most people are stupid
news at 11
She was a "Producer."
This is what happens when millenials grow up and make products to market to other millenials. You have two sides that both think they deserve everything for no effort and they deserve it right now.
I need some actual links to the said forum posts plz, not a fucking kotaku screencap
Of course they're freeloaders, you released a fucking free game, you dumb cunts. Don't make it free if you want people to pay money. Or follow fortnite's footsteps, and give out barely any money so people will feel more inclined to drop money because they already have a little bit, but not enough to get anything.
everyone deserves everything for no effort and this universe is shit for making us work for it
fortnite is bigger than all of those except minecraft, combined. And it's rivaling minecraft easily.
literally the same deal as camwhores
>s-she may take my money but I think we h-have a genuine connection, I b-bet she doesn't talk like that to anyone else!
links? screencaps of the comments?
The freeloader thing was meant as a joke but it was kinda worded shitty, this is different though
Interesting how much profit do they gain from the cosmetics compared to other massive f2p titles. Because I personally couldn't care less about customisation options in a game with the artstyle and charater design that much ugly
Those are reddit posts, not forums. Those polygon diletants should learn to write proper headlines.
>Hero shooter BR with 0 white characters
>devs are giant faggots
>free to play meme game has a shitty player base
no way, you're kidding
Game designed to appeal to minorities.
Full of freeloaders and asshats.
I have no sympathy for a self inflicted wounds.
This game was low effort as fuck, i tried it out was better than fortnite but that isn't a high bar. Repetitive gameplay, small map, watered down hero shooter stuff.
That's not a joke at all. That's some passive aggressive shit being passed off as reminiscing.
>man, remember when you guys weren't such faggots? Those times were great.
>reddit has more balls than 4channel
It released with a white and the first post release character was white.
People did love it, but only because they’re easily manipulated as you described. I have no idea how so many people feel for the Apex Legends meme when it’s marketing was so obvious
titanfall had a fun community.
i imagine apex is infinitely worse to be a part of.
>Remember when people loved this game?
no? I don't play trash
no more than a couple thousand people ever liked Apex. everyone just hates fortnite just like everyone used to hate halo because it's popular. imagine actually rooting for EA
Because we need 2 threads on a shitty br game
choices for first person BR arent great
its like PUBG and thats it
>see this
>go to their sub
>first post is some non-dev user giving the whole "don't be meanies, devs people too" shtick
literally everytime any game controversy gets traction
probably dev alt account trying to build sympathy
sounds like something ea would do
Hell, people used to think this same BS about video game companies themselves.
>They make games
>They are our friends and need our money
Does the game have basic features like 2-man or solo modes yet? If not, I have no sympathy for these devs. They made a good game, and just let it stagnate.
"People" as in normalfags? The ones who unironically watch streamers and gobble up microtransactions?
>used to
Never been in a nintendo thread?
Nice try EA Marketer, nobody likes this game.
No. First it was crashing constantly, got fixed but then hackers everywhere.
Because 14 year old children are dumb and can be easily manipulated for they desperately want to belong.
>marketing budget out the ass
>game is everywhere
>budget dries up
>game disappears
makes me think.
>talk shit to devs
>cry when they talk shit back
When did Yea Forums get filled with a bunch of babies?
>devs can't handle being told their game is shit and fucking borring uninsipired garbage
>call it shittalking to make themselves feel better.
No you fucking faggot its called feedback, their game is shit and they can't handle being told that all the work they did was fucking worthless because it is, since they worked on a giant piece of shit.
Meanwhile I have fun from time to time with the free game, i haven't spent a single cent on it and i couldn't care less about official forums or the devs.
Literally crying because a dev said mean words. Why can't Americans handle the fucking banter
>Yea Forums unironically sides with reddit manchildren spending days insulting the entire development team at Respawn because cosmetic items are too expensive in a free to play game
Fucking lol, no wonder Yea Forums calls this place Yea Forumseddit.
I'm so glad I don't work in the video game industry. It might have been nice up until the 2000 when dev teams were small and less corporate monstrosities.
I thought this game was another ''flavour of the month'' trend that would die sooner or later.
All these screams about ''fortnite killer'' were idiotic as expected
>the devs liked the fans to begin with
League is crashing hard. With no new people coming in, old people getting way too old and leaving, TFT taking out a lot of people including some influencers, and Riot absolutely fucking up NA soloq the game is on a massive downswing.
Still not dead yet, but I don't think Riot can turn this around. Tencent will force them to milk the shit out of the remaining players which is just going to make everything worse.
every other industry: we are sorry sire, we will do our best to rectify this problem and replace anything in the meantime until you are our satisfied customer again
videogame industry & sillicon valley: fuck the customer, you should feel grateful that you are giving us your valueable information and your money. Support hotline? Who the fuck still has customer support.
Why did the animated Gundam-san have to suck so hard? It ain't fair.
You clearly haven't been paying attention to the movie industry as of late BECAUSE YOU'RE A NIGGER AND NIGGERS HATE MOVIES!
>long enough to remember when player weren't complete ass-hats to developers
Yes, back when EA wasn't in charge of games.
He was being passive agressive, you might mistake it as an attempt to make a joke when you look at the comment in a vaccum but if you look through his post history before this, it paints a different story. He was already slinging out insults and showing contempt for the playerbase with the typical "le angry gamer " shtick before this
>calling players of a free game freeloaders
Titanfall 2's community was always a bit salty. Both because the game underperformed and because Respawn was retarded and took ages before they even came close to actually fix the egrigious balance issues in the game.
Tone/Devotion reigned for way too fucking long.
Yea Forums has been anti-lootbox anti gacha all the fucking time you idiot, of course no one is going to side with the corporation who wants to divert criticism of their terrible business decision with angry gaymer commentary.
TF2 kinnda had the same issue with cosmetics and paintjobs, they all looked worse than the default.
It's not about lootboxes. It's about microtransactions. That shit never should've been allowed to take root from the start. I really miss the days when microtransactions and day one DLC were still a cause people rallied against. I miss when the majority of players still remembered that you used to get a full game for full price. An actually finished game that didn't need 2 more years of patches to work.
The villain, yes.
Remember when Ninja was paid $1 million to stream it for a day? Remember when he was paid another $1 million to join Microsoft's crappy streaming service? Remember when Twitch put porn on Ninja's channel? Streaming companies and streamers are a joke.
Look up the estimated q2 and q3 revenue from Apex. It didn't quickly die. At this rate it will last another year if not more.
>There's an entire community made up of gamers fighting for the right to trash talk in video games.
>Dev talks trash to gamers.
Yea Forums is literally worse as a redditspace
Be honest, we hate you regardless of answer, you hate it because you suck at it.
Yes, we've seen your posts. No, we don't actually believe any console needs a subscription for internet to work.
He was probably thinking of the food industry and retailers. They will suck your dick if you complain no matter how retarded the complaint is.
>My spicy chicken is too spicy!
>We're sorry ma'am next time you come in we'll give you a free meal
Sorry, did the person I'm insulting in-game take my $60?
Companies are held to higher standards, you corporate cuck.
Biggest false equivalence of 2019. Congrats.
The artstyle is one of the main things I miss from Titanfall 1. That sweet, gritty Blomkamp aesthetic. I also miss the first person animations and the maps.
TF2 made quite a few missteps.
Which is a shame because there are numerous studies that prove that doesn't work in the long run.
>$1 million to join Microsoft's crappy streaming service
Ha, more like $1/month for three years, at the very least
Yea Forums is filled with Trump-worshipping corporate bootlickers nowadays.
Because it's a more realistic relationship than constantly praising your do-no-wrong playerbase
Companies do a lot of dumb shit that's proven not to work, internally speaking companies are extremely slow to adapt no matter what kind of 'progressive and hip' face they try and put on.
>People surprised that something handled by EA is in fact run by people looking to suck your wallet dry.
The left also licks corporate boots, everyone is a slave to business.
>ass hats
No, no they don't. This is the opinion of an individual, not a company and it's not even that bad. That and nobody anywhere has to be nice to you.
You pay the money because YOU chose the product. Ask for a refund for your game because you were slandered. Go ahead, do it. Watch them laugh at you because the idea that 'the customer is always right' only applies to food and service businesses and even they think you're a fucking jackass.
>corporate boot lickers
We're not the ones investing in media because it's progressive or buying ten thousand pieces of plastic because it's "nerd culture" to do so.
No, instead you're the ones who voted in a guy who gave rich corporations millions in tax breaks to stuff in their offshore tax havens off the back of the middle class.
Keep sucking corporate cock, I'm sure one day it'll trickle down.
>Corporations a-a-aren't people.
Amerilards would disagree with you.
>Playing EA games
You deserve to be cucked lmaaaaaao
What does a producer even do in video games?
Brings fresh produce to the office.
you're defending a man who made it illegal to criticize israel
Nobody ‘loved’ it. EA paid for the game to be heavily shilled online to try and get people to try the free download.
It’s very similar to what No Man’s Sky Beyond is doing right now.
He's not protecting a corporation, he's protecting the right of private citizens to free expression. Discriminating against someone because of religious affiliation is unconstitutional.
Mmmmm there's a difference here between $60 games with loottboxes and f2p games with cosmetics. F2P games should be free to charge whatever exorbitant amount of money they want for cosmetic items because they effectively add no p2w shit to the game and at the same time subsidize your costs so the whale can have his firey crown of dildos hat. Everybody wins in this scenario.
But stuff like season passes, dlc maps/guns, dlc characters in a f2p game are aids because now it's not just a hat.
>boohoo devs are being mean! why aren't they treating us like princesses!
cringe ass mofo senpai desu
fund it
This too
I swear this word is used to shut down criticism the same way as yelling racist or something.
>implying this picture was a bad thing
I hate our crippled fuck of governor, but he's right. A company shouldn't be discriminated against because it's owners use their personal money for their opinions
Wow, you really got to the core issue user.
That game had so much potential. I loved it for about 1 month
This triggers the homosexual abomination.
Yeah, who gives a fuck about PR, amirite?
the producer is either the main person paying for everything or someone working for them whose job it is to make the thing profitable, and butt heads with the director who wants to make the thing good
whenever you hear about a dev going way over budget that usually means the producer in charge was a spineless yes-man, whereas the likes of EA are what you get when the devs are the spineless yes-men cowed by the Producer's every demand
or maybe it isn;t and I'm wrong.
>Americans aren't allowed to boycott for any reason they see fit.
Thanks, commie.
It's even better from hipsters with Apple products.
>When you eat at chik-fil-a you support homophobia
>But I don't support child exploitation and shitty labor practices by buying Apple products
Unironically why do you care? You buy it for the product, not the dick sucking.
It was fun, but it's not Titanfall 3
While chic fil a is based, their shit costs too much money and the food isn't really that amazing, yet people flock to it in fucking droves. The closest one to me is fucking PACKED every day. Maybe it's because of all the prime cunny that works there.
That's pretty accurate.
Not when it infringes on the constitutional rights of other citizens, as you can see in the pic that user used.
Have you tried just not eating there if you don't like it?
Why do devs go to reddit and not here?, here you can all everyone a faggot, nobody ever know you were here, and even get some feedback while at it
business writing 101 is clear, especially in external writing, NEVER NEVER NEVER try to make a joke.
They made a PR disaster regardless even if it was trying to be ha ha silly.
just vote with your wallet bro
Here's your (You), ResetEra
I don't eat there but not because it's got an opinion but because it's overpriced, average as fuck chicken.
Yeah I don't get it. $5.00 for a chiggen sangich is stupid, especially when you have to wait an hour in line and zaxby's is cheaper and better.
This but unironically. It's not like one company that's openly conservative is going to ruin the whole fast food industry like lootboxes have with vidya.
What the fuck is this?
Wait so what's exactly wrong with these iron crown things? Why's everyone in an uproar? Who let the PR guy go full retard?
That doesn't work because whales exist
How do you know that isn't exactly what some of us do? :^)
Good customer relations are essential. If the customer thinks you're a prick, they ain't shopping in your store or using your services anymore.
It's not rocket science. .
*unsheathes blade*
Isn't that kind of what a boycott is?
What the fuck do whales have to do with chicken sandwiches?
>event basically has like 25 lootboxes filled with event skins
>can only get 2 through gameplay, have to buy the rest
>lootboxes are 7 dollars each, but if you buy bulk packages of funny money you can buy all the boxes for "just" 150 dollars
>doing so gives you the privilege to buy an axe skin for 20 dollars
>shill for game companies and suck their cocks at any opportunity
>let game companies get away with incredibly jewy and vile shit
>game companies start thinking they're untouchable
>game companies become entitled start shitting on their clients
No. A boycott has actual principle behind it, not just 'I don't like the food so I don't eat there'.
Good fucking lord.
>Respawn was retarded and took ages before they even came close to actually fix the egrigious balance issues in the game.
Are you implying they fixed anything? They just shifted the broken shit around.
oh nooo my shiny pixels!!!
what's the problem, you don't like based capitalism and based free market?
CAR is bullshit, but it's nowhere near peak Devotion.
The game is f2p though, and these items are just cosmetic right?
Most people who are into ecelebs are teenagers, and that applies to the retards on Yea Forums.
How do whales imply voting with your wallet doesn't work? Your argument pretty much boils down to,
>Voting with my wallet doesn't work, because other people get to do the same, and I don't like that!
lol you got a couple of them butthurt
I did for about a week. The total lack of content ruined it and made nobody I did play it with for that while continue. Everyone went back to fortnite cause it got a shitton of new weapons and items and features while apex added in one new character and one new gun. Now two characters at least, I guess.
>spend one week with ridiculous loot box payment scam.
>Let the 1% whales pay the full price for precious heirloom axe.
>send out apology letter, and slightly more reasonable payment scam.
>get pissy on forum when gamers don’t suck your dick.
Yea Forums is so contrarian that they will defend this as based or redpilled Because its not a woman saying it. If it WAS a woman saying this there would be threads nonstop demanding her head.
Yes, but at the end of the day you're charging at least 170 dollars for a shiny axe skin. It's pretty damn jewish, and that Respawn didn't expect people who don't have hundreds of dollars to blow on pixels to get upset is baffling.
>Not the Spitfire, or the plethora is borderline handicapped weapons you would only ever pick if you were bored of using the same 4 OP weapons ad nauseam
>Not even trying to address how certain skills are clearly better than others for no real reason
Skins literally don't fucking matter and end up looking horrid 99% of the time.
Half the people who eat at Chic Fil A seem to treat it as a way to make libtards mad. I'd say just go to Five Guys instead.
Explain my playtime then, Yea Forums
But all religions are equally awful. No discrimination needed.
Why do these people HAVE to own that skin though? There's legendary skins in Dota and league that cost like $50 and can't be bought with in game points. How is this any different? It's a f2p game. This is how they make their money.
>No. A boycott has actual principle behind it, not just 'I don't like the food so I don't eat there'.
But a lot of people who don't eat there do so because they don't want to support the company. I dont think its about the food, because their food is fine.
You just figure that out?
And they don't want to support the company because the owners are christian. Discrimination.
>yeah whatever cool happening but what about muh vagina
Have this (you), along with your cats it should make you less lonely.
People will still want to make themselves stand out, especially if they're limited/hard to get. They're a status symbol. If skins didn't matter to the majority of players then you wouldn't see shit like this.
Also the ultimate skins in, say, League cost something like 30 dollars, which in my mind is still too much to pay for a skin. But this axe skin is literally 170 dollars at the very least.
It's got nothing to do with the game and more to do with the industry itself becoming completely predatory and doing everything they can to deflect attention away from it. I just wish enough people had the ability to see it for what it is and call them on it while not playing the games. These people actually think it's perfectly fine for someone to get hooked and spend up to thousands in a harmful addiction cycle and have the nerve to talk down to people who call it what it is.
I've played Lol since S1 and I have 2 accounts on EUW and EUNE both with like 40+ people on my friends lists each. For the last 3 years the lists have gone steadily more offline. For the last months not a single person is ever online except one close friend who play nothing but ARAM. Lol on Twitch is going down too. If I talk to people about lol some might say 'they used to play it'.
>he thinks he's eating chicken
>And they don't want to support the company because the owners are christian. Discrimination.
That's a little untrue. It has to do with the owners stance on homosexuality and the money they donate, and to what. If it was about not supporting Christians there would be a lot more stores getting flak.
They have the right to say whatever they want. And I have the right not to buy their game. No one’s saying they shouldn’t be allowed to say those things. They’re saying they’re pieces of shits for saying it.
Still no answer to this post
You're a loser with low standards, there's your answer
t.minecraft/switch owner
Because they’re manchildren, that’s literally the crux of this whole issue.
The developers made a free to play game and use cosmetic skins for characters and guns (that have zero effect on gameplay) to fund the game, but the manchildren are now crying that these skins are “too expensive”. You can literally play and get hours upon hours of enjoyment from the game without even knowing what the in game purchases even are (as I have). I’ve never once went to the in game store, it’s really bizarre to me that anyone would ever give a fuck about the costume their character is wearing, especially in an FPS, and especially if you’re a grown man.
Literally just don’t buy the costumes, I don’t understand what the outrage is. I can’t even wrap my mind around why anyone would want them.
Well, enjoy your lootboxes in singleplayer games in the next few years, you're not votibg for anything with your wallet, you're just letting the industry move to the most cancerous method of earning profit, literally gacha
>dont own a switch
>haven't played Minecraft more than 20 minutes in my life
Swing and a miss, retard
I knew something was fishy. Respawn used to be prettty chill with the fanbase back in the days of titanfall. It's downright depressing to watch a studio be raped by EA.
>I don’t understand what the outrage is
How old are you? You come across like someone who is just used to microtransactions.
It's one thing to charge 20 dollars for a special shiny skin and it's another thing to charge 170 dollars.
>I can’t even wrap my mind around why anyone would want them
Unless you play with the default character and ignore the customization options and every game, I don't believe you, skins are made to be enticing for our desire to present ourselves better just like regular clothing.
Just because ASSFAGGOTS ate shit for a decade doesn't mean other people would.
jews are infinitely worse than anyone else though
>reddit is so sensitive they get genuinely upset about being called faggots
loads of laughter!
People who need to substitute standing out through skill by what fucking cloths or how shitty their weapon looks are cancer who deserve to be parted with their money anyways.
I’m 24, I stopped playing games around 2011 and I came back to find a bunch of fairly well made free to play games. I don’t pay a single penny for Xbox Live and or Apex and I can still play online as much as I want. For me to complain that I’m getting raped by this deal would be insane, I am a freeloader here. I’m used to having to pay for an online service + he 60 dollar game. Modern day gaming seems like an absolute steal if you have an ounce of self control.
I remember paying 10 bucks for 3 maps back in Halo 3, if that gives you any perspective. I would never pay any amount of money to buy a character skin, although I do remember people losing their fucking minds over Recon armor so I guess there are people that really care.
What metrics are you using to determine that? Pretty sure christianity has caused the most pain and despair throughout history.
>Have dreams of being a game dev
>Be excited to get game dev job at Respawn after being bought by EA
>It's hell on earth with 80 hour work weeks
>They also make you do "community interaction" events because EA didn't give you a budget for an actual PR department
>Bunch of teenagers rip your asshole open for being a shit dev running a game that is dying because no one is actually making the game better but all you do is shove more cosmetic bullshit into it
I get why they snapped, but Jesus fucking Christ they're retarded. Best part is they aren't going to quit their job because they get to, "live out their childhood dream of making videogames" even though they clearly hate it
I won't have to, because I buy the games I'm interested in full price roughly around release day, and don't buy gatcha shit in the first place. This is literally an issue with F2Poorfags, and no one else.
They're victims of a predatory psychological trap.
>Modern day gaming seems like an absolute steal if you have an ounce of self control.
You come across like someone who is really uninformed. But hey you're still young, you'll get there.
Free 2 play is honestly the mistake to end all mistakes
Videogames will never recovery from these shitty monetization schemes, and it's 100% gamers' fault, because you retards wouldn't move off that fucking 60 dollar price point
Christians are jews with a worse conscience
I remember when developers just kept their mouths shut instead of biting the hand that feeds them
Can you refute his statement though? All games from the past still exist and can be emulated for free / cheap.
What am I uninformed about? I can understand hating games that are pay to win, or games that are 60 dollars at retail and then have day 1 DLC, but to complain about cosmetics in a free to play game costing too much is completely absurd to me.
I’ll admit I don’t really play games very often anymore, and when I do I try not to spend a lot of money, and I will never play a pay to win game because that takes all the fun out of it for me personally.
I mean I thought people were pissed about the 170 dollar event item.
But apparently a producer is a developer now and singular is plural.
This is why GamerGate should have hit harder than it should have. Everyone was too ramped up on being labeled a misogynist but these fake ass freeloading clickbait creators just made way too much money to fight.
>inb4 why are you bringing up gamergate
Because in my world I supported that faggot shit because I knew articles like these would become the norm. Look at Ion Fury. One idiot opened his fat mouth about trannys and now the entire dev team is at fault. I don't even know if they released that retarded statement yet.
are you talking about gamers or "gamers"?
Refute what? If you shop for sales on steam sure. If you wait for sales in general, sure. Otherwise nope.
If you don't get why people are annoyed by microtransaction shit cluttering up a game then you just don't get it. Then again anyone who gives EA money or spends time on their games is an absolute retard.
>Being a metaphorical retard makes you a victim
Actual retards have more common sense. Don't defend these fucking idiots for buying dumb shit. Call them out on it instead of bucking the blame on a faceless fucking company.
6 bucks for a meal is a pretty good deal. And if you have the app they give you literal truckloads of free shit. I get a free sandwich almost bi-weekly. And that's without using my points, they just send it to my e-mail.
They also have the best service of any fast food place I have ever been to.
Zaxby's is literal garbage.
>especially when you have to wait an hour in line
Yeah never happens, line looks long but a 15 car line at Chick-fil-a will move faster than a 2 car line at taco bell.
Man I'm a fatass.
I think you are having a different discussion then the person you are responding to. This response makes no sense in context.
It won't matter if you vuy the game at full price, you'll get lootboxes in them too, fallout tried and failed miserably, but they won't give up on it, kids are getting more retarded by the year and they won't even know that at some point you were able to get a full gane for 60
remember when hearthstone sold a minor cosmetic for an outrageous price and the drama died down immediately because people that like drama have tiny attention spans?
>refuse to dump money on lootboxes
>you're entitled!
good thing I never fell for the BR meme
I think you're unable to read then, my dude.
You mean contrarian tasteless plebs?
He’s calling them entitled because they feel entitled to the costumes for a lesser amount of money than Respawn is offering them for
Because you're a retarded faggot with nothing to do during the summer.
it's literally the same thing every time
Realize that after a game is released updates that add actual content are rare as fuck happen because the entire profit model is driven by skins or gacha bullshit. They can't charge money for a new map, new guns, etc (technically they can for new characters but to keep people from getting mad they have to be accessible via in game currency) but the entire profit is one if they can get people to buy the cosmetics that don't actually do anything. It makes sense development wise too, it's way harder to make a new map, gamemode, etc compared to having some guy draw up a skin.
Why get the grumpy dumpys when you distribute a game for free then don't make much money off it? Why not just sell it for retail?
If it costs as much as a full game or a console it's probably overpriced
>Ignoring someone because of their religion is discrimination.
lol Christianophobia.
user, there's been a lot of research done on the effects of lootbox mechanics on people's minds, it functions exactly the same as gambling addiction. These companies also do their own internal research on how to best create this drive in their players. Just telling someone with a gambling addiction to just stop gambling has never worked.
And now you have stuff like Activision putting microtransactions in Crash Team Racing weeks after the game released so that they can dodge the shitty little ESRB in-game transactions label.
I'd say that charging 170 dollars for an axe skin is overpriced. I think that most people agree, hence all the protest. Keep in mind these are people who have no problem with dropping maybe 20 dollars on a skin.
no it isn't
no one loved it
they paid big streamers to play it so it would look like people liked it
You forgot the best part,
>Haha look at all these minorities in this hyper-successful game. You loser man-child gamers need to grow up!
>Game starts to tank
>Game is now releasing adorable blonde heroes and white male soldiers
Never forget, never forgive.
>keep in mind these are people who have no problem with dropping maybe 20 dollars on a skin
They've already said that isn't so, and they've made more money from this event
Good. Fuck EA and fuck battle royales. Fuck Apex doubly.
This man is correct. I also miss customizable titans.
>Chick-Fil-A is the second most profitable Fast Food joint after McDonalds
Nigga, you sounds like a fucking madman screaming at the clouds over nothing. Do you seriously think the future is going to be nothing but lootboxes? You seriously think there are going to be no games that don't have that shit, and people will easily be able to know ahead of time if it will or not with how easy it is to learn everything about a game weeks before it even comes out? Do you seriously think people NEED to buy a fucking video game, like there aren't literal thousands of options available? Get off Jim Sterling's dick and live in the real world for a second.
Really? I figured Chipotle had it beat. Ah well, I have $160k worth of MCD stock so it doesn't matter to me.
>He doesn't except Activision to be jews
>In 20-9-fucking-teen
You're 12 years late to that party, user.
>Titanfall devs make a game without titans or even pilots.
It was doomed from the start
You say that as if more and more games haven't been adopting lootbox and gacha elements. That slope has proven to be 100% slippery.
chocolate bars
>Yea Forums says this will kill fortnite
Why is Yea Forums always wrong, bros?
I think the problem is that, while most online communities aren't fans of lootboxes, those same communities don't represent the majority of the consumer base. Lootboxes may ruin a game with a copyrighted engine or in a copyrighted series, hindering the joy of the true fans
but honestly the scenario is so niche that anyone who genuinely cares is a faggot lmao
apex devs know that a bunch of whiny little pissants who hate epic are shilling their game for them for free
>People will spend $170 on an axe skin in a f2p game
>But charging $5-20 for TF2 is still too rich for people's blood
At what point do we blame the consumers for their own retarded actions?
You're conflating 2 different things. A paid game with loottboxes will always be anti consumer, but a f2p game with cosmetic purchases isn't anti consumer, in fact it's pro consumer, because the consumer doesn't have to buy anything; the other player's purchases pay for other players to play for free. Nobody loses in this scenario. Everybody gets a free game, the company makes money and the purchasers get their cosmetics to stand out.
If you think a $170 axe is stupid then you have no idea how much money is being pumped into gacha shit and loot boxes and mounts and card packs. BILLIONS of dollars. I don't play apex and I don't even know why I'm in this thread but there's tons of other anti consumer shit out there, this isn't it.
Remember when you played the game to unlock things?
You say this like there aren't more games released every month without that shit (or at the very worse is just cosmetic bullshitting) then there are with it. Just because you're too fucking normie and only play flavor of the month shit doesn't mean games that don't have that suddenly stop existing.
I can't think of a single gacha game that charged 170 dollars for a skin. Even games like Granblue that frequently have in-game bonuses for buying anime BDs will have other in-game goodies, and in that game skins generally cost 25 dollars and come with a ten-roll on the gacha.
Gamer feels like a derogatory word now
But people will also spend hundreds for skins in TF2, another free game.
You should check the numbers pulled by gachashit someday, EA wants to tap of that money but they are too incompetent to do it right, but its just a matter of time, luckily for me i already played everything worth playing i think so its no big deal, but the newer generations that grew with fortnite and see microtransactions as something completely normal will get fucked by lootboxes, hell, just look at any sport games published by EA, they are getting there slowly, they just need to deal with consumers slightly smarter than literal bugmen or a country full of men afraid of women
If hundreds of people offered to pay you $170 for your dick dandruff, you're telling me you wouldn't give it an itch?
Dont argue with Yea Forums manchildren
Its sad enough to be here on this board or for that matter play video games as a grown man if you think about it
But to be butthurt about a expensive skin which doesn’t influence the free game you play in any way because you want to stick out of the masses is just pathetic
I understand there is more to f2p and micro transactions because the whole effort goes into how can we still make a profit on this free game and not how can we actually make a good game or improve it
I once side with the devs on this one because its about the cosmetic is too expensive and not you guys dont do shit to improve the game since months point
Also most gamers are spineless cucks who will it every shit served to them or complain about it but then still eat it and come back for a second round
And you're pretending that the number of games with these predatory business models haven't been growing in number and flagrance. Just look at all the kids who empty their parents bank accounts buying fifa cards because they're dumb kids who are deliberately tricked by the separation of real money from in-game funny money and want their copy of Messi or whoever.
Keep sucking corporate cock
Lol that's imply the people making the games have an actual level of passion for the project they're making and it isn't just their 9-5 being a slave to EA's whims
So what? Why is this a fucking problem for you? Unless they're siphoning cash from your bank account, why should you care?
I don't buy games from EA without a huge amount of research ahead of time, so them trying to dip into anything really don't effect me at all.
>This is the opinion of an individual, not a company
If you believe that a developer addressing a player complaint in the game's official subreddit is equivalent to some rando posting their opinion, I don't know what to tell you - you might be legitimately mentally challenged.
Remember when companies made video games to be good enough that they'd stand on their own and didn't just make soulless derivative trash meant to convince 16 year olds to part with their allowance?
I think the smartest/cruelest thing of EA gacha is it resets every new game they release annually. I can't think of anything more ridiculous than that
>yes goy, 170 shekels for a skin is a fair price
>my dude
1st go back
2nd there's nothing wrong with cosmetics in a f2p game
This has been Yea Forums's stance since f2p games became a thing. It has been discussed ad nauseum. Why it's making a resurgence now is beyond me but you are conflating PURCHASED games with F2P games and don't even understand the argument. I recommend you fuck off back to rebbit post haste.
do you think put their heart into licensed video games?
>but they are too incompetent to do it right
Have you seen how much money they make on FIFA? All of their other games could be boycotted and they'd still be afloat on their shitty soccer gachas that reset each year
Welcome to 2011.
I didnt say its fair you retard
I dont even care about cosmetics and would never spend a cent on that shit
Its people like you buying cosmetics in the first place that made all this possible
So who is the goy now...
How do I get good at Legion in Titanfall 2? I feel like the only games I win are the ones where I play Tone but I don't want to be a single titan shitter.
>a fucking nuEA game
>make game for whiny casuals
>call your players whiny casuals
>casuals proceed to whine
waddafug how gud dis happen
For someone who doesn't care you sure do seem desperate to defend 170 skins
Why the fuck do kids have access to their parent's credit cards? Hell, how are they being "tricked" ? Kids know they're spending money that isn't theirs, and instead of advising the parents to beat the fuck out of their children for stealing money, you'd rather scapegoat the issue on the company. It's no wonder kids these days are fucking beyond retarded, they aren't even held accountable for their own actions.
20 dollars 170 dollars 2billion dollars it doesn't matter. If you can't afford it, don't buy it, why the fuck do you need it so badly? If you don't want it then why the fuck do you care that it costs so much?
>1st go back
Go back to where? I've been on Yea Forums since 2006 you fucking retard. Where do you think "my dude" comes from, reddit? Do you go on reddit?
P sick burn desu fampai
That is irrelevant, the market doesn't work like that, as soon as someone gets a better system to earn money the rest copies, if anyone manages to pull this right the rest will join the wagon, EA is trying, bethesda tried, activision too, so vote with your wallet doesn't work when retards waste thousands of dollars into pixels and keep moving the industry towards the inevitable future of trying to make everyone a pathologic gambler
get dabbed on gamers
he's right
fuck gamers
because when jews bomb and kills millions of innocents in neighboring middle east countries there is suddenly a new hot peice on the holocaust and we forgot about it or worse jerk them off for the 1000th time
On top of that they bitch and whine that whites want a ethicstate/border while also having one themselves
they can go fuck themselves
>170 dollar skins are unfair
All micro transactions are retarded and you are braindead for buying them in the first place
>lol why are you so desperate to defend expensive micro transactions
You are literally sub80iq my friend
Do you expect a 12 or 13 year old to really understand the severity of their actions as though they were 25? They aren't going to give a shit if they steal money to buy digital garbage - they have no clue what they're doing. Hell, half of them probably just don't want to get bullied for being a "default".
Not him but no you didn't browse this site in 2006. You couldn't even tell me what's changed since 2012.
Anthem got 62% on Metacritic so to show how not mad they are, the devs commissioned custom packaged 62% dark chocolate.
>Pick Extra Predator Ammo, or 2 Burst Charge skill
>Pick Dash
>Who cares for third
>If large map/long hallway, switch to siege mode
>If you're close to enemy Titans, do normal mode
>Burst fire before reload
That's literally it. Legion is pants on head easy.
Because parents might use their credit cards on the PS4 to buy games digitally for their kids/PS+ subscription, and they're too tech-illiterate to know how to make sure their kids don't have access to the cards.
Kids are dumb and have low self-control, also by separating real money from in-game currency it helps to obscure how much money you're actually spending.
>Companies should be able to trick literal children into spending hundreds or thousands of dollars!
You do realize that children, by basically every law of every civilized country on earth, can't be held fully accountable for their actions? Their brains aren't fully developed yet, of course they're dumb and impulsive.
i love the weekly reddit ea/activision bad meanwhile ea and activision games are top 10 sellers everytime
Fucking Lmao, literally stop buying this shit if you want it gone
>Not him but no you didn't browse this site in 2006.
Yes, I actually did. Stop projecting your insecurities onto me because you are new.
>t.EA shill defending their 170 dollar skin
Man they really showed us. I bet lots of people bought the game after they posted that to be contrarians and #fuckTheHaters
My dude comes from rebbit. It's a fucking fact. Stop larping. Your whole post screams "newfaggot". Nobody has EVER fucking said my dude on here. It's the same thing as starting a green text with
>be me
>My dude comes from rebbit. It's a fucking fact.
This thread is hilarious. You should head on back, my dude.
Imagine thinking we have enough influence to get anything off the ground aside from some indie games like risk of rain.
We just observe the fires,
>gacha that resets every year
Holy shit, even satan would be scared of these fucks
shills mad
>That is irrelevant, the market doesn't work like that, as soon as someone gets a better system to earn money the rest copies,
Lootboxes have been around for a decade, in yet here we are, with plenty of games without them. Stop screaming at clouds over fucking Jewish publishers that have been Jewish before you kids even held a goddamn controller.
>Make games for whiny casuals.
We live in the worst timeline.
Uh oh. I smell a Jimquisition on the Apex Legends devs incoming. It's over for them!
we should of nuked south americans/all asians. those faggots normalized this shit
i got a 6 digit check last year because of trump, im feeling pretty good right now
if hillary got in i'd probably be worth dirt right now and i'd still be waiting in line to get my wrist fixed
And there's plenty more games with them, and they keep increasing every year because lootboxes have proven to be very profitable and effective.
As I kid I wondered why EA would make entirely new Madden's instead of just releasing a DLC pack with updated rosters for like 10-20 bucks.
I was so fucking naive, and they figured out something even crueler
In F2P games, not in 60 dollars single player games
Ahh yes, the larping newfag furry redditor is getting his kicks trolling me. Very based. The original point was there's nothing wrong with F2P games having cosmetics, you don't have an argument so you start shit posting because you're a dweeb and most likely a virgin. How about you go back to r/dilate.
You were a kid when DLC was a thing? Christ.
Yea Forums is the only reason certain youtubers like sseth are able to talk about obscure games
Yea Forums's influence is certainly growing over time
Not sure I'd call them "people."
>Do you expect a 12 or 13 year old to really understand the severity of their actions
Yes? Were you retarded child and just assumed everyone else was the same? Go to any fucking 12 year old and ask them if taking $20 from a stranger is a bad thing to do. You sound like you've never actually seen a goddamn child in your life.
>6 digit check
How? What job are you doing? All I got was like an extra $20 per paycheck
>sell season pass for $10
>sell lootcrates for $1 each
this is fine for a f2p game imo
>sell lootcrates that contain event-limited skins for $7 each
>you might not even get a nice skin, and instead get a fucking music pack
>add a bonus that you can unlock after getting all the skins
>but you gotta pay $35 for it
>we hear what you're saying about this event showcase. so instead, we're going to set up a rotation of the costumes that you can just buy for the low low price of $18 each!
I love the game (I even buy the season passes) but I hope this fucking tanks
Finally high-quality post
based dev helping to cure gaymers from sympathizing with employees of ea studios
You forgot to work in cope, seething, and have sex my dude.
>be me
>talking to some retard on slash vee slash
>he can't deal with how fucking stupid he is
Anyways anyone defending EA and Activision and their method of conducting business is either A) A moron or B) a shill. Which are you, my dude?
doesn't apply to video games as we've seen
>actually believing him
Probably lives off of autismbux in his trailer
>Remember when people loved this game?
Not as mad as you for spending all your pocket money on cosmetics
lmao the whole controversy was so much fun
>my dude
Nothing says "I'm totally not a newfag" like using wojacks!
Reddit is so garbage, it took me 15 minutes to figure out how to read the posts made by developers that blew this whole gasket in the first place and I basically had to go google a website someone made for that express purpose. How can reddit and twitter and youtube continue to get worse at their interface? Yea Forums is heaven by comparison, even before you get into the anonimity shit. Here's the site, by the way, so you can see for yourself:
Anyways, the developers said nothing wrong, they're a business trying to make money because that's capitalism. Meanwhile, the redditors are trying to go in for their sick burns for those sweet upvotes and golds and whatever else. Fucking pussies bitching about not getting their cosmetics cheap enough. Bunch of fucking sissies. Give me a god damn break. I don't even play this game, I've never touched it (largely because it has no wall running) but you have to be an actual faggot to look at that circle-jerk and not cringe. Fuck reddit.
they literally insulted you
how much corporate cock do you need to take to understand that?
And how much is that axe skin again, redditor?
You know dungeon fighter online? Basically non existent in the States but it's the most profitable Vidya ever with like 600 million users through Asia. I know little about it but iirc it's full of MTX and tencents baby.
The world is a big fucking place
>Do you expect a 12 or 13 year old to really understand the severity of their actions as though they were 25?
If I knew at age 8 that money doesn't just grow on trees, then any other kid can. In fact I am less prudent about spending money now than I was as a poor ass kid.
>they have no clue what they're doing
They perfectly understand that their parents are working at bare minimum 8 hours a day to provide money for the family. They know they're stealing significant sums and they do it anyway. The vast majority of children grow out of their egocentrism phase by age 9, which means they understand the consequences of stealing, but they choose to do it anyway. At age 12 this isn't just some inability for the kid to process it, at that point he's straight up lying and making up a scenario to weasel himself out of the situation - intentionally.
I don't get why people assume that 12 year olds are mentally handicapped. Were you this retarded as a kid?
Why would he agree to such a stupid contract? You'd have to be pants on brain retarded to actually type that
Thanks to Poe's Law, I can't tell who's shitposting and who isn't anymore.
>Parents are too retarded to know putting their credit card number on something their kid has access to is a bad idea
>But kids are stupid when it's convenient for my argument, but also smart enough to operate a digital store their parents aren't capable of using, for some reason.
What's even the point you're trying to make here?
i enjoy the cocaine. what the people do to bring it to me doesn't mean shit, because i'm rockso the clown.
i think i'll enjoy this future, where game developers no longer benefit from an absence of scrutiny. mostly because they won't and it will be quite funny.
no? You hand them money, and they insulted you?
In what way does that relationship need to be give or take?
>Remember when people loved this game?
no, Apex has been dogshit from the start
the only retards on Yea Forums who liked this trash were that tripfag jullikas and his scp discord
>corporate bootlickers
Care to explain?
You're the fucking customer. You're supposed to demand high quality items at low prices. Stop being a cuck and demand the companies you love to pull their heads out of their asses and make the games worth playing rather than glorified slot machines
And thats a good thing!
>All the redditors ITT including the unironic people screenshotting reddit posts they upvoted
Holy fucking shit, literally go back, I'm begging you.
Children's brains and minds aren't even fully developed yet. It's why children can't legally sign contracts, why they're not allowed to vote, and why they aren't charged as adults for crime except for extreme circumstances.
>but muh anecdotes
>most people are stupid
>but me epic gamer
The problem here is that the developer and the gamer are squaring off, but there's a piece of the puzzle missing. The devs don't sit there working on their project and think "Oooh, I'm gonna cut all this shit, add it back in as dlc, and make so much moooneey". There's some secondary businessman handling decisions like that. Working hand in hand with the developers of course. The devs aren't completely innocent, but for a proper shitflinging to go down, we need the devs, the consumer and Mr. Steinberg to sit down and address the issues. It's just like movies. When it became to big of a business, and stock investors got involved, and they start hiring people to coach them on how to influence those investors, rest assured, the consumer will get fucked, and the artistic aspect will be sacrificed.
A game cannot survive on astroturf alone, thank god.
>Remember when people loved this game?
nope, i remember when streamers got paid millions to shill it though and then the money ran out and it tanked instantly
They literally did nothing wrong. This is all for cosmetics. Reddit is crying that there are expensive skins they can't get. Fuck off with this shit
>my opinion is everyone else's opinion
Plenty of people liked it here. Or are you just that new?
THEN DON'T BUY THEM. Why is the impossible for you? They can exist till the end of time, but if you don't fucking buy games that support it, it will never, ever effect you.
Because kids grew up with technology and will know how to navigate an online store. It doesn't mean that they have the same decision-making skills and impulse control as an adult.
remember when Yea Forums shilled this garbage pile to totally own the /pol/ bullies, i remember
What's so hard about just making a good game and then working on it to meet player demand?
Seriously just develop the fucking game and keep a positive relationship.
I present to you exhibit A
i love how people on Yea Forums call another one "manchild" it is pretty good irony
israel has a small penis.
the ridiculous way that bds drones articulate situations makes it rule that they get owned.
Threads like this have no shortage of morons, sadly.
Again, enough to make Indies relevant. Something like the success or failure of an AAA game is outside of our hands
The problem is that there are many more people who will. Personal boycotts have never worked in the videogame industry, which has been mostly left to self-regulate. And as long as other people are allowed to spend hundreds of dollars on lootboxes then this cancer will continue to metastasize. Just look at all the remakes of older games that had MTX shoved into them.
It's not gamers who are entitled. It's customers.
I'm confused as to why anyone played this game and expected any better. It's made by EA and Respawn
no apex on launch was great, the most arena like battle royale out there, it just got realy stale with almost no updates and after a long wait the battlepass was dogshit.
I don't play Apex Legends so I'm completely impartial when I say this: Respawn is in the right, Reddit is in the wrong (big surprise)
It disgusts me that I'm seeing people here cheering and hollering over reddit circlejerking
It's the rich whales who buy them, they did studies thats why its so profitable. It's one person being a retard again and again.
If that one retard buys the same shit 10x then its ok for them to lose your sale.
because reddit is full of thoughtless retards that latch onto any popular drama or trend, and trying to cater to these people will inevitably kill the game faster than just calling them faggots even if calling them faggots kills the game
>the villian
>gasses people in the name of science
>thinks himself intellectually superior to everyone
>legendary skin called 'divine right' that gives him blonde hair and blue eyes
yeah, i'm thinking that's based
I don't play Apex, I play Titanfall. So no, they actually didn't.
Gamers being entitled is one of the most clever tricks ever pulled by the industry
No wonder game journos love to parrot it
explain how a customer wanting more from a company wanting you to give them your hard earned money is somehow entitlement
Fuck corporate tears, and fuck you bootlickers
>Bro just don't give in to your gambling addictions or impulses
But seriously, the people that implement those things are fully aware of how predatory it is. They are the leaders of research in how to bleed you of all your money for the lowest amount of effort.
>Just don't buy it lol
Okay, but people do. In fucking droves. Your advice is shit, and it ain't gonna fix the problem.
makes useless charts, sends you 2 week old bugs that you already fixed, buys donuts, miscommunications between departments and says things like 'That would be great for the postmortem' when you're still 4 months from shipping and identified a major issue
Utterly based
Reminder that there are actual EA shills ITT
>buy game with great reviews that has no greedy shit
>devs put microtransactions and lootboxes in a future patch
what now?
So people are buying something in droves and the “problem” is that you don’t want them to? Maybe you and the redditors are the problem?
>Children's brains and minds aren't even fully developed yet
A late bloomer's brain is fully developed at age 12. At that point it only lacks life experience, which will shape the (((you))). If you're 12 years old and don't think stealing is wrong, then you are mentally ill at this point and need therapy to correct this behaviour.
>It's why children can't legally sign contracts
They can when they turn 13, under the stipulation that it doesn't put them into debt or have any other significant negatives, but parents are reserved the right to nullify any contract. At age 17 they become legally capable and 21 fully.
I mean, signing up for a website and agreeing to the ToS is a contract. Buying candy from a store is a contract (and why you could be 10 years old, eat up the whole bakery and demand your money back). Like, did you fail business 101 in high school or what?
Fucking this. It's like if you rent a home, and you have a problem with your stove not working, and when you ask your landlord to fix it, he tells you to "stop acting so entitled".
Motherfucker, you work for ME. I pay your bitch ass.
A producer plans the production timeline, when things should get done, and acts as the medium between directors and individuals.
Without producers you have a battle of people who not only have to be talented developers but also have good communication, planning, and tracking skills, which is difficult on large productions.
>posts fucking webmd as his "source"
oh no nonononono
While indies tend to be the obscure ones, there's been underrated or underrepresented triple-a games in the past and there's bound to be more in the future
also, more and more (formerly) niche websites are coming into the mainstream.
the question isn't really whether it's entitlement or not, but whether your sense of entitlement is justified. to the extent that someone wants to enjoy the product of your labor, in exchange for their own, you are entitled to keep it, if they don't suit you. and of course anyone that would use socially coercive actions on you, as an individual, should expect no better from you in kind.
be like this user
How much did you pay to buy Apex Legends?
Have you ever considered that both sides can be retarded?
Then buy the book, brainlet
no ones buying in droves they target one person and have him buy multitudes of times
Then how the fuck did they get their parents card info? Stop being fucking retarded and realise this is a child-parent problem, and not a fucking gamer conspiracy.
Again, why should I care if people are retarded and want to throw their money away? It literally doesn't effect me in any way, and it can be the same for you, if you would just have the tiniest bit of self control and not buy games that have it, or just don't buy the lootboxes in general. You faggots act like regards hasn't been throwing money away since the dawn of time, and at like there aren't THOUSANDS of games on the market that don't do that shit. How about instead of bitching about a company wanting to profit on their F2P game, you pit half the effort into trying something else that didn't have half it's budget dedicated to marketing.
I can't believe Titanfall 3 died so that Apex Losers could live
I'm going to Chick-fil-A, you guys want anything
>written in nineteen-fucking-sixty-nine
>by a psychologist, not a psychiatrist
okay buddy
>A late bloomer's brain is fully developed at age 12.
What the fuck no, its 25 where are you pulling 12 from
Then you got exactly what you paid for, and were completely satisfied with said purchase. Why would additional bullshit change that?
i have serious doubts about ux designers that get employed by media companies tbqh.
Let's be honest, none of you actually play this game and just wanted to join the internet fight, right?
no i'm allergic to their sandwiches :)
thanks for asking user!
This thread is garbage and reddit incarnate.
I made a non-reddit thread about this subject. Redditors not welcome:
Because it will eventually find its way into the games that you care about.
>how the fuck did they get their parents' card info
they probably didn't get it directly, it was already in the system and it automatically used its info when the kid went to buy more monopoly money for their FIFA card packs.
shush, you freeloading asshat
It's an interesting topic, i played it an realized I'm tired of the BR genre
lol no, games are gay.
>Fucking billboards with numbers to call to help with your gambling addictions scattered along the highway
>Game implements scamtastic microtransactions and lootcrate rolling that makes them insane money that OBVIOUSLY does not get spent on game quality
>Uh, maybe the gamblers and Reddit are at fault here
Eat shit kike. Blizzard raked in an inconceivable return for their loot boxes, and all they had to show for it was low quality mobile Diablo. This business practice is a plague on the industry no matter how you spin it.
It's always the same old same old retarded vote with your wallet argument. How many times do we have to tell you that it doesn't work for shit when there are millions of other retards who buy them regardless, therefore the business model is seen viable, therefore this business model will invade every game and eventually it will reach your franchise too whether you like it or not?
Vote with your wallet is a joke, and a meme, and you are too fucking stupid to realize it.
Oh, what was your alternative? Don't buy, don't play? That means don't play video games anymore, easy huh? Do you still not even realize how fucking retarded are you being, retard?
jim making a video in line with the circlejerk? against aaa games? would never happen. he is his own man. an independent voice. there will be only original takes.
that's a misinterpretation of what they said, user
Because it's targeted towards children, but say you don't give a shit about wheter they live or die and become addicted to gambling.
Then we'd still have to deal with the fact that they deliberately make games nigh unbeatable unless you purchase a microtransaction with their game design.
Tell me why i shouldn't be upset about that
It seems like you're implying that the left doesn't bootlick corporations as well, in many cases more than the right since the corporations shill NPC propaganda that appeals to leftards and offends conservatives.
>foreign dirt farmers lick the boot without a second thought
no surprise here
nice whataboutism
nice 80s college republican buzzword corporate drone
It's better than that when all you need is a few whales. Now a few obese chinks with daddies credit card decide the fate of AAA gaming
>person A: I'm selling this hat for $300
>person B: I'll buy that hat
>person C: hey I want that hat
>person A: $300 please
>person C: wtf that's too much money fuck you how dare you charge that much money for a thing I want that effects me in the most minimal of ways and doesn't ruin my enjoyment you fucking predatory companies and your evil money grab schemes this is so fucked I'm telling reddit my dude
>It doesn't affect me lol
>All his future favorite games trade unlockables, or in-game content out in favor of dlc mtx just because they can
>Games as a service fully implemented, resulting in bogus license agreement that enables them to do anything and everything up to shutting down the game entirely leaving you completely out on your money
Pretty sure South Park did an episode on mobile games not so much preying on those who just play the game for fun, but rather prey on addicts that literally cannot control themselves and milk them for all the cash they're worth. Except nowadays that same exact concept can be applied to most AAA companies, too, what with loot boxes and paywalls.
Obviously, and it has been evident for years now. Yet you still get these kind of retarded morons just saying "lol don't buy games that have them and stop complaining, that will surely make it go away :^)"
>It seems like you're implying that the left doesn't bootlick corporations
yeah, that's pretty much what 'the left' means retard
Imagine shoehorning politics into this
>person A: I'm selling this hat for $300
>person B: That's too much, I'm not buying it
happens all the time, nigfop
>Alienate and insult your playerbase
>Playerbase gets upset and leaves
>"omg how could this happen you guys are so entitled"
Keep on sucking corporate cock
False equivilancey
Back to rebbit
>person A: I'm selling this hat for $60
>person B: I'll buy that hat
>person B: Wait this hat is holes
>person A: Oh im sorry here let me fix it
>person A: That'll be $30 more please
>person B: wtf that's too much money fuck you how dare you charge that much money for a thing I want that effects me in the most minimal of ways and doesn't ruin my enjoyment you fucking predatory companies and your evil money grab schemes
I always thought it was just a big shilling vampaign.
Not like complaining does anything either but the sooner the truth is out the better
True equivilancey
Back to 4channel
it's too bad you posted a frog, because you're 100% right but everyone will ignore you now.
A typo but the allusion to vampires suits EA well, they only exist to suck your money.
It always seemed to boil down to "at least it's not fortnite" when the threads for the game were still popular here. A different flavor of shit for contrarian zoomers.
>Not like complaining does anything either
That's not true. If enough people get mad and fed up with this shit, politicians will sooner or later will be pressured to make this shit illegal. I know that ameriretards are already seething even at the thought only that the goobernmant may do their goddamned fucking job for once, but please contain your retardation for this one issue at least, please retarded burgers.
What's false about it? It's already happened. Take your own nigger tranny self back to R*setera.
Prolly, it was probably intended as some viral thing to get people talking about apex again. They're paying streamers to play it again too. Then Reddit gets butthurt and the devs can't keep their mouths shut
All games are political thats why its ok to talk about it.
>people complain about lootboxes and MTX -- in F2P games, no less
>keep giving devs money
Why do devs think they're entitled to profits and kiss asses?
i've been reading the ResetEra thread and it makes me seethe, be an asshole as much as you want just claim you've been harassed by GAMERS and these faggots will defend you no matter what
i wanted to write this in the thread there but i'd just get banned
>Remember when people loved this game?
No, I remember when EA paid popular streamers to play it and had shills spamming it everywhere for a month, then it instantly died.
it's true. all art is political, and that's why threads about my town's budget are appropriate for Yea Forums. i would like to thank "serious games" advocates for helping me realize this.
>wanting to actually be in retard era
head back there you might make it a better place.
You’re a cuck, wow that was easy
Kinda figured it was a woman. But you gotta blame the enablers too.
Thats right. We should be able to talk politics 100% because life is political and theres no escaping it.
>i went on resetera and people were retarded!
going on resetera to intentionally get mad is the faggiest thing in the world. there's no way you thought an actual though-provoking conversation was on that site. please kill yourself
Reply to this thread instead: It's full of reseterians
Fuck you cunt I'm American. If I wanted to play the nationality card you euroniggers are the ones who keep FIFA alive. But yes fuck big tech, bring back trust busting
Did a woman write this?
The response oozes passive aggression and shame tactics. A complete inability to "cope," if I may.
I for one can say that Devs are not people. Have you talked to one? There is nothing in there besides an involuntary spasm to code or spout obtuse game mechanics.
Fun fact, this would’ve all happened even if the base price for games went up, because they are still being produced by the greediest jews on earth with literal unlimited thirst for shekels
Coding rots your brain, speaking from experience. When I have a kid in making sure they play football
Just expect that all Americans deserve the bullet
we should probably just merge most boards into /pol/. i'm interested in learning the george soros angle on symplectic integration of hamiltonian systems in games. it's time we stop pretending that jews aren't responsible these decisions.
someone is fucking upset lel
>this dumbfuck is still here
reminder this guy has been pretending to be retarded about this topic for literal months and will absolutely refuse to agree with anyone about anything that isn't exactly what he says
the only reason devs would interact with social media is to get their dicks sucked by ass kissers. not to get feedback
a flip case of why you need a producer is Tim Schafer.
imo both producer and dev are needed. The OT Star Wars is seen as the best of the Star Wars films and that had directors and producers fighting all the time. The PT Star Wars is what you get when it's nothing but a director/developer and the current Star Wars films is what you get when it's just the producers. Both are needed to smooth out each others edges and balance is needed between them to ensure a good product.
No they won't, because the games I care about don't have it. Sure, future releases of some franchises MIGHT try it, but let's be real, bad sequels have always existed since the dawn of time WITHOUT lootboxes, and just like those games, it'll just mean more time to try something new that doesn't implement that gay shit.
>Oh, what was your alternative? Don't buy, don't play? That means don't play video games anymore, easy huh? Do you still not even realize how fucking retarded are you being, retard?
Yes, Apex Legends, a game I don't even fuxking play, selling loot boxes means the future is doomed, and no games ever will exist that don't have that shit. And I'm the one whose retarded.
It isn't, "vote with your wallet" . It's, "If I don't actively make this incredibly easy to avoid issue my problem, it isn't my problem".
>This whole post
You're literally correlating me holding people accountable for their own actions to indifference to children living or dying, over a fucking free to play video game. This is unironically the most first world, suburbia tier issue I have ever seen anyone get unreasonably work up about, and it's fucking hilarious.
See above. It literally can only effect you if you force it to. Imagine not being able to cope knowing something you don't want to spend money on exists jn the world, and you can't bring yourself to literally get on with your life because of it.
this but unironically then everyone who talks about wanting politics in game can watch it all reach its inevitable conclusion/
>put out game so everyone can load it for free
>"fucking freeloaders!"
what did you expect?
>This whole post
You didn't read my whole post
>product causes an accidental death.
>Toy Industry: Remove all of that product off the shelves and contact the government to see if we can have an approved warning label on the box. In the next wave lets eliminate that defect from ever happening again. For now lets make reperations for the victim's family.
>vidya industry: It was not our fault, its yours! Fuck off! You will never get out money! We will spend millions of dollars lobbying to prevent our product from being changed!
Honestly, there is an amount of based in this post, we have been treating them like shit the entire history of this game so why can't they throw shit back? I mean I get the outrageous prices of the new stuff don't get me wrong but we are really abusive towards them too.
>yes goy, skins in a video game are worth anything at all
More like:
>Person A: Here's a free hat for everyone!
>Person B: Thanks!
>Person A: We also sell random colored covers for the hat to make up the cost of the free hat, but you aren't at all entitled to buy it if you just wanted the hat
Did you read what he said or article headlines?
It's a fun game but it's definitely dying down due to stupid mistakes. I know you guys hate all games and think all games are dead but this game is a real example of a dying game
I play Titanfall, which makes me invested in respawn as a company.
Or, they could just charge for the game and have literal 8% of their playerbase remain?
you're arguing with a guy who refuses to understand the nature of cause and effect
he's been doing this for months and has actual brain problems
You have yet to realize just how much the Jews are responsible for.
first time i spotted him
Do you have autism? Yes.
Youre a cluckhold.
There is just a gigantic cabal of nerds that live to scream about DLC in all its forms, game companies should just get off social media entirely and just do their thing.
It's pretty neat.
Months prior to its release, the most you'd get were threads full of people wondering who even asked for this shit, and lamenting EA killing Titanfall and cool giant robots to chase Fortnite profits and other pop culture trends.
Then it releases, and suddenly, every big name streamer is shilling it at the same time. Almost as it was a coordinated marketing tactic. And then you started seeing a few gloat threads showing the view count of all those pop streamers in comparison to Fortnite. Those didn't last long tho.
Then, barely 2-3 weeks later, all those streamers drop it. As if a contract suddenly ran out. The sporadic threads are now nonexistent. And the next news you hear from it is over half a year later, with the devs calling their playerbase entitled asshats for not wanting to purchase their 200$ dlc piecemeal cosmetics.
Chadnite wins again
>anti gacha
Why is it that every single piece of shit reddit reject always says some retarded shit along with that picture? It's like clockwork.
when that one article about governments wanting to ban lootboxes was making the rounds he was in every single thread making the same lolbertarian non-arguments for hours at a time
it'd be impressive if it wasn't so retarded
nah it's more like
>Person A: Here's a free hat for everyone!
>Person B: Thanks!
>Person A: We also sell random colored covers for the hat to make up the cost of the free hat, but you aren't at all entitled to buy it if you just wanted the hat
>Person B: Hey Person A your hat has holes in it, do you think you can fix it?
>Person A: Fuck off you already got a free hat i just need you to advertise it not question me on how good the hat is.
Yes, I did. You've created an assumed scenario where all games are loot boxes in the future, and it's literally fucking retarded. Loot boxes existing will not stop games being made without them.
This is the first thread I have ever posted in on this subject. What kind of fucking boogieman tier level of coping are you even trying to attempt? God forbid someone doesn't agree with you on a subject.
>and the food isn't really that amazing,
Either your tongue is scarred or I have lived my life surrounded by crappy chicken sandwiches. They were the best I ever had.
They didn’t insult me though, they insulted the type of “people” who buy skins in video games and post on reddit. I fail to see the problem
>Person B: Can I buy the hat with everything on it for a reasonable price like every other hat product?
If it ends with stringing western devs up by lampposts in minecraft, sign me up.
The AAA industry is a complete farce, and hostile to consumers.
The chickafils in my state are posh as hell. Literally marbletop tables with flower center pieces.
>Months prior to its release
It was released the same day it was announced.
I must have missed the part where not buying the cosmetic skin caused glitches to occur in the game.
>Yes, I did. You've created an assumed scenario where all games are loot boxes in the future
Do you not understand how business works? Do you not know business trends? Thats exactly whats happening, 7 years ago loot boxes were rare but when they discovered money could be milked from it it became more popular. Now its literally in all this years triple A games
You know about twitch bounties right? Popular streamers are never playing games because they like them, they're paid to play. It's not some secret the FAQ is available for anyone to read:
Honestly speaking anyone willingly giving money to EA deserves to be outjewed.
you missed the part where the game has need of fixes but they'd rather be assholes then take criticism. Thatss fine they can do that though just don't pretend they're some angel that do no wrong
Its probably because their boss's boss's boss is coming in and telling them their hyper inflated goals aren't being met and there are not enough whales playing.
He speaks of that subtle restrained anger where he blames the players for not gifting him with success. He sure isn't going to blame himself.
Thats not really sarcasm. They charge that much because that's what they want you to pay.
Why do AAA devs, metropolitan elites, and PR socialites love to use this meme word so much? Did they all pay to go to the same marketing school that taught them that the smartest business tactic to guarantee profits was to insult your customers and act like a passive aggressive cunt to them?
These people are unreal and unprofessional. Just can't cope with any kind of pressure. No wonder they can't make a quality product.
Why do you fags appear in every thread about something negative of the industry? Just accept AAA is shit.
Yea Forums had several threads about Apex Legends at launch full of people that hated and loved it like any other game.
Yes, user. And World of Warcraft meant every multiplayer game ever would have a sub fee, and there couldn't possibly be another multiplayer game to ever exist again that wouldn't
Dead game
Because that isn't banter mongol. Nor is it a scenario that requires banter
I didn't, which is why I don't play the game in the first place. Doesn't change the fact your analogy is fucking retarded.
>Did they all pay to go to the same marketing school that taught them that the smartest business tactic to guarantee profits was to insult your customers and act like a passive aggressive cunt to them?
No, the opposite. They didn't go to any marketing school at all so they behave like normal humans do when they put thousands of hours into something and someone attacks it
Why didn't people just play tf2 instead? I have a ton of fun in that game, I don't understand the battle royale meme right now
Sounds like they're entitled, thinking people should support them just because they put a lot of hours into it. This is why PR departments exist
Because people would unironically work themselves up in a fucking fury over a game they don't like the marketing practices of instead of supporting a product that doesn't do that from the exact same company for as little as $5 when on sale.
>he says when he created a deliberately fake analogy about how poor developers need those cosmetics
Sure user, i believe you
>They didn't go to any marketing school at all so they behave like normal humans do
Could there be a POSSIBLE trend or explanation for the surge of grossly unqualified hires in the modern videogame industry?
It's secret in the sense that the streamer won't admit on stream they're shilling and being paid to play it.
So you know, the gullible people who made it really popular for like a week.
when wow was created and everyone tried to jump on that band wagon. You only proved my point
That's not even the issue at hand. The problem is that people don't like the asking price for cosmetic shit, and demand it to be free, when the game is already free 2 play in the first place.
Not defending how they went about griping, but it helps to have an accurate scope on the scenario.
Everyone in modern day is grossly unqualified for their jobs because schools have NOT kept up with the growing complexity of modern work and still teach shit no one will ever use like literature and even math courses focus too much on theory and not enough on APPLICATION
Lel I bet even if the streamers had to put up a disclaimer it wouldn't make a difference
If Apex Legends had an entry cost, I'd agree. But it's literally free. People are bitching about a free game they don't have to play, in a market saturated with options.
Yeah, companies are trying to pump out games faster and increasingly larger in scope. They need the workforce and are willing to hire anyone who would work for chump change.
You're just imagining things.
Haha this thread is fun.
Explain to me how I proved your point in any fucking way. Last I checked, I don't pay a sub fee for fucking Counter-Strike or Dark Souls. Fucking games within WoW's very own genre exist without a sub fee, for Christ's sake.
The hell? Could've swore it being mentioned back and January and December. At least knowing some kind of battle royale spinoff was in the works.
Or maybe I'm just confusing it with the general "EA took Titanfall behind the shed and shot it" doomposting. Not hard to speculate on current trends when every big name publisher is chasing the same things.
This, people only gave a shit about Apex because it promised to kill Fortnite. And then Fortnite incorporated the one feature that Apex actually invented (pinging) and nobody ever thought about them again.