makes you think
Makes you think
Other urls found in this thread:
>being disappointed that your grandchildren don't have to participate in a mass casualty event
i hope that isn't the punchline.
Oh boy another zoom zoom seethe thread. Don't you retarded kids have anything better to do with your pathetic lives?
who wants to defeat some crummy nazis anyway
Why are they saving the crummy Netherlands? They should be saving their video game files!
>When I was your age things happened that were out of my control and I had to act upon them!
i killed nigers
This, the world wars were instances of mass psychosis
It was basically
>How do we wage war with all these new technologies?
>Let’s find out!
>Oh shit this is basically hell on earth what the fuck we can’t stop it keeps happening
Replace the zoomer's dialogue with "Haha fagot snowflake, Trump won fuck niggers lol"
My grandfather was born in 1918 and actually did kill some Nazis in WWII as a pilot.
He never really told any stories. He usually kept it to himself.
He spent most of his retirement era flying around the world and visiting various countries.
I could never get him to play a video game but he did hold some interest in early flight sims.
mfw i see kids playing fortnite and flossing instead of dying in wars
statistically speaking the man on the left raped his wife 12 times while the man on the right has never raped
really spongles the ol noggin
Dipshit could have defeated goddarn nazis in the whole country, instead he only did it in 2 provinces. The absolute state.
this says alot abour our society
>I defeated the nazis for the sake of Israel
This actually does trigger the young fags doesn’t it? What a useless generation
When someone fights Nazis today Boomers complain about it.
console cucks seething!
How about YOU try flossing? Your teeth look like shit.
blame a consumer culture based on pure spectacle and worshipping of retards
Yeah. Honestly we should just forcibly castrate them so they'll die out. Can't save these vile drug and porn addicts.
If that's your takeaway you need to read some more books and stop being dumbfucks
It is. People think your existence is worthless if you aren't throwing your life away for international bankers.
Who wants to defeat crummy nazis? They should be defeating their thirst with pails of water!
I'm glad he did his duty so we aren't all speaking German! We'll be speaking Spanish instead which is just such a beautiful and vibrant language.
>Israel existing
Angloid Stormeducation
Are you actually fucking retarded? The US got involved with the Western front because Hitler declared war on us after Japan bombed Pearl Harbor.
Jews had nothing to do with it, in fact, we had NOTHING to do with the war until the Japs got us involved.
>when I was your age I was watching my buddies die for israel
wish he could have lived to see IL2
>Don't you retarded kids have anything better to do with your pathetic lives?
Says the man posting on 4cheng
Fuck that shit. Only cucks read marxist propaganda. "Ignorance" is true freedom, which is why faggots try to shame it
>US won't provide free healthcare for its citizens
>gives 3.8 billion annually to Israel for """"aid"""
>a country with free health care
Really gets the old noggin' joggin'
Reminder that all dead Allied soldiers are screaming in hell right now as they burn for eternity for betraying their Volk.
>Jews had nothing to do with it
Oh sweet child.
>lolz gramps, we eradicate ourself these days since we're whiny spineless cucks who's all bark no bite on the internet!
>I defeated the nazis
Well thank you for giving the world on a silver platter to the jews, gramps.
WW2 only happened to begin with because Germany was destroyed by sanctions and blockades started by Jews, in addition to the treaty of Versailles.
>we had NOTHING
No, that isn't in "fact." America was selling supplies to the allies and the commies and we had volunteers fighting in china.
There were no battles in Holland during World War 2, that the Nazis lost. The Netherlands were liberated by cutting from the south to the north and towards Germany, missing the Holland region.
The old fuck's senile.
what is it then, that youth do pointless things with their free time when they aren't being forced to do something by a higher authority? that's pretty much common sense, no need to draw a comic about it (nice art though).
I find that most people who make comics like this are boomers who never fought in a war. Boomers love war and think its so great because their dads were cool action heroes. They glorify war and think its this great things that is the only way to truly be a man. While on the other hand, the actual vets I have talked to wish they had not fought in the war and were able to have a peaceful young adult experience.
>we had NOTHING to do with the war until the Japs got us involved.
Are YOU retarded? We were supplying England and France with money and weapons when Hilter first invaded Poland. Just because we didn't "officially" declare war on Germany doesn't mean we weren't spending resources doing so. Japan only made it necessary to be public about it afterwards.
and we owe it all to grandpa for being manipulated by propaganda into fighting a war that destroyed his grandchildren.
When the woman wasn't particularly in the mood for sex, but she did it anyways to make her husband feel better is counted as rape now, it's really no wonder.
Gee it's almost like if you start shit, you get to deal with the consequences when your worthless people lose!
Germany didn't start WWI. Serbs did.
Only mutts would call Netherlands holland. Americans are Truely the niggers of white people.
And the best part is, zoomers are actually proud of it. Just like you, writing off your dying generation without doing shit about it because otherwise you might not get to play the blame game
It absolutely is.
t. international banker
Boomers were the latest weak generation and created the economy crisis. Millenials are facing much more hardships than their parents.
>we had NOTHING to do with the war until the Japs got us involved
'merimutt education everyone
I agree with the sentiment that the teens of today should siege Holland
Rightfully so. I mean, look at you. Spend all day shut in your basement masturbating to drawn children and complaining about women in your shitstained underwear. It doesn't get any more of a worthless existence than this.
Nope, Germans and French do it too, as well as old dutch.
>Millenials are facing much more hardships than their parents.
Yeah, your fat ass gets fed by welfare money while you live healthier and longer than ever. Real suffering right there, lil zoom
Reminder this hack cartoonist got fired for this.
Trump curse is real
>implying germany had anything to do with starting WW1
read a book not written by kikes retard
>Admitting to your grandson you were on the evil side all along
That is just humiliating to be honest.
Christ. It's that the youth isn't aware WW2 happened. He thinks it's all videogames.
>When I was your age, I was helping to destroy the west and ensure that you will be worse off
>Yeah, your fat ass gets fed by welfare money while you live healthier and longer than ever. Real suffering right there, lil zoom
Those are boomers. They get to live to 150. The day I will be old the whole system probably collapsed by then.
In fact they do. Economic crisis, barely any work, if there is work you get paid scraps, housing prices are through the roof...
Unironcally based and redpilled.
Boomers didn't participate in war and are the shittiest generation ever and their whole personality can by summarized by "self-righteous asshole parent".
>no, all those history books made by the people who lived in that time are FAKE! Only I am entitled to the REAL truth, because reasons..
Mental illness is no joke, get help.
we're part of the same generation, but ultimately only one of us has the gall to condemn their elders rather than shout down any dissent.
lmao didnt the ALLIES get BLOWN THE FUCK OUT during market garden
My grandfather killed a good many nazis as a bomber, too. He never really minded the Germans, though. However, he hated the shit out of the Japs.
Economically? Yes. Have you read a financially article in your life? Do not at all pay attention to housing costs, healthcare costs, rising costs of living everywhere, and wages that have been stagnant for over 30 years?
>In fact they do. Economic crisis, barely any work, if there is work you get paid scraps, housing prices are through the roof...
Huh? Must be a USA thing
This. Boomers never had to suffer from all this procastration and shitposting on Yea Forums from having too much free time and enough food to not starve. Truly we're the oppressed generation and we're gonna rise the fuck up!
t. philosophy grad
My dude, half the Reds' hardware was donated by us.
My grandfather was shot on Omaha.
Ah yes who can forget all the homeless zoomers dying from starvation these days
people really don't get that Rick hates all politics huh? rick & morty is 2deep4liberals
>Huh? Must be a USA thing
>What was the financial crisis
Also no its all over the western hemisphere. Not to mention masses and masses of rapefugees.
retarded boomer conservcuck
>Spent most of his Youth and young adult years watching the Jew Box all day to catch up on his propaganda and football
>”Damn, these kids are on their phones too much”
to be fair you have to have a very high iq to understand rick and morty
Isn't it weird that despite the death toll being in the millions, NOBODY has, or know of someone whose grandfather was killed in the war?
Really makes you question if it actually happened and isn't just a propaganda fiction...
I did hear of some reports of women not able to feed themselves and their children. So they killed themselves and the children.
Other than that though suicide rates and depression are also more and more of a problem.
You don't even support any of the current wars, and you actively avoid hiring veterans.
>Rick hates all politics
>that's why you can't use him to hate a politician
Looks like we got a Morty over here.
millenials are only healthier than boom booms because millenials smoke and drink less
Literally no nation in the history of the Earth has had it easier than Boom booms because they got to spend their best years living through the post war economy, where a job as a mechanic was able to afford you a large house, a car, and to support a family. The only nation and even then millenials fought in Iraq so that excuse is non applicable
Well dead people usually don't have children.
You can't have kids if you fucking died you retard.
Which we can thank the eternal anglosphere for. You people just need to bomb everyone in your subversive attempt to destroy the west.
>finished school
>got to college
>got job
>make 80k EUR a year to start
idk man personally can't complain
They literally have more free time than you'll ever have, having retired in their sixties. You'll end up working until you croak.
Spoken like somebody who knows not a thing about the circumstances surrounding both world wars (especially the second).
There are way more homeless than in the 70s.
>comic drawn by 30 something year old
>about 20 something year olds
>using 90 something year olds
I dont get it, isnt the person drawing just as big of a faggot if not bigger?
Does anyone have that image of a boomer admitting that they got no requirement job at 14 that pays what is today 20$ an hour without realizing it.
Post the anime tits versions
That's because your shit generation was so coddled you're incapable of dealing with the slightest struggle. Weak, worthless beings.
Yes, it is a USA thing. Here's some cliff notes on how fucked this country is my foreign friend
>wages for workers have not improved in forty years while the cost of EVERYTHING rises with inflation meanwhile CEOs are paid over x300 as their employees, up drastically from forty years ago
>government gives billions out in corporate subsidiaries
>people literally dying because they can't afford outrageous healthcare costs
>homeless on the rise pretty much everywhere due to housing inflation and the fact that foreign millionaires/billionaires are buying property here inflating its value
>mass immigration for the good of the corporate overlords to give them infinite supply of cheap labor so they can keep wages down
>student loan debt crushing nearly 50% of the millennial populace
>incredibly anti-Union sentiment because Americans are brainwashed into believing if they aren't sucking corporate cock they're Communists
The US is not a democracy, it's an plutocracy/oligarchy. And millions upon millions of people will defend corporations to the death their """right""" to fuck everyone over because this is nation is now a "BOTTOM LINE PROFITS NO MATTER WHAT" shithole.
What is he, an anglo or American?
>unable to afford a house, college, car, and family on a minimum wage job
>globalization has caused competition over all job markets, causing the population willing to be fucked over by corporations to be the most desirable workers
>climate change on a global scale causing freak weather patterns to become the new normal
>automation is on the cusp of taking over and replacing everyone
>having to live in fear of terrorism happening anywhere at any time because of boomer's shitty global political actions
>having to compete with the very same boomers for housing who are looking to downsize while they try to sell their current house for millions of dollars
>were taught that college was the only way to go by boomers only to find out its not after you are tens of thousands of dollars in debt
>after being fucked with in every way, boomers are now expecting to be treated like respected elders
Fuck off you boomer fuck
damn....... powerful
I know this post is satire but if we truly gave a shit about weak worthless beings boomers would just be turned into dog food instead of being paid for by the state.
t.out of touch retard who can't use a search engine for even the smallest bit of research
>80k EUR a year to start
That would put you into the 97th percentile you dumb faggot
Yeah, meanwhile you little faggots have all the free time in the world right now, whereas the booms had to work their asses off at age 12
oof, I guessed right didn't I
Nazi Germany actually put more effort for sake of Israel than USA during war. Guess who cooperated with antibrithish zionist terrorist groups in Palestine region
another fault of boomers, they ruined the future generation.
Okay let me arm myself and kill some rapefugees. Also lets cut your pension. You live too long anyway. I still got 30 years to go until pension.
Oh wait
What fairy tale did you pull that from? Unless they lived in some shithole like Russia, boomers went right to work after high school (they skipped college more often than not because it wasn't even necessary to subsist in their time). Their parents were likely the ones doing underage labor.
If you were underaged during the Vietnam war you've lived through the peak of western civilization and are the most priviliged generation ever to exist, count your blessings.
imagine being this retarded
Hitler wanted to ship them to Madagascar but deemed it too much of a hassle.
>Guess who cooperated with antibrithish zionist terrorist groups in Palestine region
>Pays people to kill jews
>He's helping them
leftist logic. Its an enigma.
Thanks, Grandpa. At least we aren't speaking German!
Hmm yes, the zooms mental degradation is taking a firm hold, and now it fantasize about mass shooting. Very classic textbook example of a zoom loser. Let me harrow a guess, you hate women as well for being sluts yet is embittered because these sluts won't sleep with you?
what the fuck are you talking about, you fucking retard
>whereas the booms had to work their asses off at age 12
This is what boomers actually believe
boomer detected
why is this in every thread
The dude who killed Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria was a Serb, not a German. This Serb killing this Austrian was what started the war.
thats so stupid it didnt even cross my mind that someone could actually think it
whats it like being retarded?
That's all we need really. German language is shite, and Hitler loved cuckoldry anyway
My grandfather was a Nazi and a deserter, doesn't really apply to me
English is a fucking laughable language mate, it just happens to have stumbled into an important role as a modern lingua franca
I... What? This is like boomer humor in a nutshell. Who made this shit
My favorite thing about Boomer comics is when they assume kids are as useless with old things as the boomers are with new things.
>We'll be speaking Spanish instead which is just such a beautiful and vibrant language
It unironically is, when you don't have a subhuman spic speaking it.
That is one hell of a malocclusion. If only that creature had the IQ to use the money on a dentist instead of pastries..
Daily reminder for everyone
English is the perfect language. A flawless hybrid of Germanic and Latin, stripping away the worthless garbage from both.
/pol/ is thataway ->
Just yesterday I wondered about how even make comedy these days. Back then Simpsons and others worked because you could still be a contrarian and there were tons of hidden biases in society. Today nobody cares to hide their bias anymore and everybody and their grandma is or believes to be a contrarian, so this type of humor is dead because you cannot make satire about something nobody gives a shit about anymore.
The only humor that might be typical for today is doomer and resignation mentality, even Bojack and Rick and Morty are basically about that and they are popular.
>My grandfather killed a good many nazis as a bomber, too.
No he killed civilians.
fuck off tranny scum
red.dit is the other way
>your shit generation was so coddled you're incapable of dealing with the slightest struggle.
Who raised us? therefore who is responsible for how we turned out nature and nurture, if these are your genes and your parenting skills at work then surely we should be the greatest generation ever right?
Oh wait unless you mean to say that your generation were shit parents, you MADE shit people, now you dont get to complain, this is all your fault, everything wrong with kids today IS YOUR FAULT
Both nature and nurture came from you faggots
Fuck boomers day of the pillow soon
I've never seen Rick and Morty and have no clue what it's even about, but I'm becoming convinced that watching it lowers your IQ.
>Talking shit about welfare
>When you're taking social security with you to your grave
>I worked all summer for this, a part time minimum wage job got you a brand new fucking car
>Or a part time minimum wage job paid tuition, rent, and utilities all at once
>Or an unskilled job full of high school dropouts could pay for a house and a family and retirement
Fuck boomers, lazy welfare cunts. I'm working my ass off 50+ hours a week to just not be homeless (as long as my roommate gets me his half of rent in time) and paying into the social security welfare that won't fucking exist for me when I get old. Because of you boomer fucks I'm going to be slaving away until my lunch break on the day I fucking die.
The idea of some boomer living vicariously through his shell shocked dad is fucking hilarious to me.
There are many adjectives that could describe English but "flawless" is not one of them.
these people need to die already
Are actual old people mad that defeated the Nazis so that their children and grandchildren etc could live a peaceful life?
Seems to me to be the idea and ideal that going to war is to allow for peace, not to be bitter than the next generations don't also have to go to war.
It feels like this mentality has been mainly made up by people who never actually went to war.
> i
genuinely funnier than 90% of the shit that is posted here nowadays.
Rick is a petty, hypocritical shit that gets involved in the things he considers himself above all the time.
Peerless. Perfect. Without equal. Unmatched.
Are you legitimately autistic?
What was the circumstances then? I’ll agree I’m obviously influence by Dan Carlin’s take, but you can’t disagree it was the first modern war, and no one expected it
Boy it sure does make me think! It makes me remember that Europeans are wicked people and are the most ungrateful, hideously rude, self-important, and in-denial people on the planet.
...but weren't the nazis occupying Europe?
the prime example of the indoctrinated Shabbos Goy
You can smell the grease stained fingers of the r9k incel who made this shit to falseflag. Why are zoomers so vile and evil? They refuse to improve themselves and still feel entitled to the world.
That's because it was posted here 10 years ago.
>soft ball nonstatements are fine
>make a decent and edgy cartoon
>get fired
fuckin weird
What people? The people who drew the stupid comic, or the people being glorified in the stupid comic?
Why though? Let me explain.
>I kill all of the rapefugees in europe
>Rape statistics go down
>Fewer young women get raped thanks to me
>Much less crime in general
>I stop funding old people via taxes
>They die because they can't afford anymore being turned into cyborgs or can't afford their medication meaning most of them die around 70 or 80 like it was meant to be
>millions of new workplaces created
>So I created millions of new jobs for young people like me
>Force women back into the kitchen
>Everybody gets their own 3D waifu and their own family
>Even more jobs created
>Corporations have to pay more since they barely scrap by any longer
>Have to hire what is there
>Have to cater to me first
There, boom. Saved europe and all of the USA. Its that easy.
Prove it's a false flag.
No, I just want Hanz to fuck my gf in the name of Hitler, because I am just another white zoomer. It's 2019, we can be open about why we wanted the Germans to win.
that's a thing what you should do, tranny
old actual boomers/"vets"
gonna be real I'm 28 and struggle to read an anolog clock
>its a "they don't even out all the numbers on it" clock
fucking unbalanced bullshit
I dunno what the military is like now but I would never tell anyone that in my family to join. especially the branch I did. Making you drink canteen after canteen of water when you take 1 second too long to eat until you throw it up then haze the fuck out of you in your own puke was just one of never ending fuck fuck games.
Who would want that for someone they care about?
>we died for the jews so our homelands could be replaced
yes I am aware.
wtf is a holland
>Be the least country to mobilize
>Staff not even in Germany but Norway to celebrate birthdays and do the annual Norway trip
>Serb starts killig people because Russia advised them to
>Wtf, this is Germany's fault!
>Waaah it's my parents fault for me being a little drama addicted bitch!
Kek, actual daddy issues. Very zoomy of you
>If he's ugly
>they talk shit about welfare when it's a drop in the bucket compared to corporate bailouts
>they complain about safe sex education and then wonder where these abortions keep coming from
>they complain about abortions and then wonder why Section 8 housing is a thing
Day of the pillow when?
it's because you have low iq, nothing to do with the click being hard to read
stick to games and watching anime
His grampa was a Nazi?
easy on the HRT, it seems it got into your brain
Some place where instead of ketchup, they dip their fries in mayonnaise. Crazy fucks
Shh. Not here. Its too dangerous to discuss in the open air.
If you raise your kid to be a retard then complain about his retardation then yes the parents are to blame.
Thanks for killing the good guys dooming western civilization gramps
Can't wait til you're dead
Prove God isn't real.
>I don't know what this thing is but let me speak authoritatively on it because I saw memes online
fuck off back to resetera already, you invading subhuman
These comics are made by true boomers who romanticize fighting a war because they've never had to see it for themselves.
>Western civilization
>Not doomed after WW1
this site wouldn't exist if he was
>Corporate bailouts stop existing, tax revenue goes up trillions
>Send that all to welfare but open it up to everyone
Hey we found some universal basic income right here behind the couch, weird innit
Holy shit it's actually retarded as well as unstable!
I'm german and my grandpa said he killed about 60 russians with a MG once. Even more with his main gun he said. But he didn't count that since he said he killed every day a couple of soviets.
The point is the guy should be fighting the nazis in the damn US
Antifa is America's last hope at not becoming a hellish dictatorship (trump already basically is one, but just wait for him to start having antifa executed so he can turn his ICE cages into the next Auschwitz)
I hate living here because people don't want to be heroes anymore.
no u, tranny
Shit like this scares me, because while being able to read a traditional clock is a very minor thing in the current year, it's indicative of a very real bigger issue that's happening. Thanks to everything being dumbed down for lazy people no one has to learn how shit actually works anymore. They're learning what shit is, but not why or how that shit functions.
That movie Idiocracy is going to be real life in a few more decades.
English's strength is that it is malleable and adaptable. It takes what it needs from other languages and its grammar can be constantly played with.
>wanting your grandfather to die because he was tricked into fighting against his own interests (and at the time, even the people planning the wars didn't see how things behind the curtain were being orchestrated)
Yanks have no empathy, truly a lost cause.
western civilization was a mistake
anything that begins with modelling yourself on the roman empire is a mistake
the roman empire itself was a mistake there's just no getting around that
Tell me where I'm wrong then. How come this exact system worked so great in the past?
Tell you're grandpa he's fucking based
>no way to describe actions without also mentioning time
>retarded, inconsistent grammar/spelling rules with no way to predict or understand them, you just have to get used to it
>ough, rough, though, through, and thorough all have different pronunciations while their, they're, and there are the same, for example
english is a frankenstein language
look at the top of his head
0/10 try harder next time.
R&M is made by a literal baby fucker
>t. subhuman leeching off of some western country thinking that he knows anything about it
There are tons of homeless though? Look at San Fran.
what the fuck
you can't be this delusional
Show me one person who isn't completely retarded who likes Rick and Morty.
>That movie Idiocracy is going to be real life in a few more decades
were already at there
>Great grandpa managed to get unroasted coffee beans from France when he was in the Luftwaffe and smuggle them back to my G Grandma.
>Great Grandma's neighbor had a secret pig farm and the Party boot lickers were pulling their hair out trying to figure out what smelled like coffee and bacon.
What a wacky time.
>its not my fault my genetics and parenting resulted in a shitty generation
What are you going to blame it on? Part of a persons personality comes directly from genetics, you cant argue this is anyone elses fault as you are your own genetics and you choose who to reproduce with so you CHOOSE your childrens gentics, so the genes of your child are your fault
Now nurture
Who raised your children? You and the woman you choose, again nurture is also entirely your fault.
Of course its the parents fault if their kids end up as shitty people, you're supposed to raise them to be actual humans, but your generation is absolute trash and cannot even raise children without fucking everything up
Yes, someone who types like this is surely an expert in linguistics and isn't just parroting self-loathing memes he found on his social media feed. Cunt.
>but just wait for him to start having antifa executed so he can turn his ICE cages into the next Auschwitz)
God I wish that were true
Every language can do that if it wants.
Prove fairies aren't real.
Prove Santa Claus isn't real.
Prove anything isn't real.
That's not how it works genius.
Correct my misconceptions about the world wars
>Share a house with room mates
>Always arguing with your room mates about who’s in charge
>Finally argument gets over heated and you all completely trash the house and beat the shit out of each other
>Have to call your neighbour to fix up your house because he wasn’t affected
>End up in dept and your neighbour’s ass slave
>in holland
I thought Market Garden was a huge allied failure though?
I've got this theory that antifa is funded by the right wing so they have something to beat up on
It would explain why they're so fucking incompetent and self defeating
the “Greatest” generation knew what they are doing
Market Garden was one of the largest failures of the European Theatre for the Allies
It's not yanks, it's zoomers with a cuckoldry fetish wishing their ancestors got cucked by a hostile enemy military.
on pc you fat retard
Basically. Oh, and the neighbour realises that he can't just ignore what's going on next door because it affects him too
For one, 70 years old isn't the "natural" age to die. It's fucking 30-40. The fact you think otherwise tells me you're a lost cause
Well, the Nazis are gone here now so they must've defeated them some time
And then the Russians fucked your grandmother real good. Remember to say thanks to your grand"father"
>On Playstation or Xbox?
All of the people who don't post the ironic reddit screenshots that make up your entire body of knowledge surrounding the adult comedy parody cartoon about legally distinct Marty McFly licking Doc Brown's ballsack
More or less.
>at the end of it your neighbor owns half the house and ups the rent
>the one room-mate literally everyone hated most of all winds up with the other half of the house, ups the rent, comes home drunk and trashes it every other week
it's even better, it's being disappointed that your own children don't have to participate in a mass casualty event that YOUR father did
They're in the White House, sweetie
Just how old are you fuckers? I'm 30 and my grandfather was a child in WWII.
wait what
My grandpa killed japanese with a machine gun. Both in air and on ground supposedly.
>i disagree with this opinion so it's FAKE
Dude. Everybody fucking hates the cheeto in office, besides the idiots here that got him elected. Some of his still have common sense.
True delusion is thinking that idiot has done a single good thing for anyone but himself and the rich companies that paid for him to get elected and do every single thing they wanted.
>the Nazis are gone
The real reason is that Antifa are locals who feel the need to stand up to fascism whereas the neo-Nazis are dedicated larpers bussed in from around the country. Antifa aren't really prepared to fight, it's true. It speaks for their character that they take to the streets anyway.
>What are you going to blame it on?
The essential zoomer mentality. Always needing to blame this and that, never his own fault for being worthless and deluded.
Wrong. The 30-40 expected life span was a result of the large number of children who would die for the poor conditions everyone lived in, then to expand on that, you had constant petty wars going on, causing more people to die between 14-25.
>Antifa are locals
Ah yes because cavemen were known for their natural longevity
Dan Harmon is a fag.
>what's it like being retarded
I'm not sure, you tell me.
It's a hidden shill thread
There is no actual vidya discussion
My grandfather on my mother's side dodged the draft. Then at one point went to africa, bought a baboon home and "tamed" it by shutting it in a shed and blasting it with water whenever it acted like a baboon. My great grandmother on my mother's side was one of (it looks like last, but its almost certain there were a few after not on record) the last woman given electroshock therapy for being deranged in the UK.
No bald gene though. So its 50/50
>its your fault that my bad genes and parenting skills resulted in you being shit
Atleast you'll be dead soon
I think you might be retarded.
People have historically lived into their 50s and 60s very commonly.
I think you're confusing the historical average life span with what constitutes a natural age to die, which is double retarded because the low average life span tells you more about infant mortality as a percentage of births than about how actually old people live to.
There has always been old people you absolute buffoon.
>The US is not a democracy
Since when?
Yea, those statistics are kinda iffy since it counts in childbirths gone wrong and generally people dying very young. Which was a problem in the past.
I'm not saying we should completely neglect medicine either. So you will probably live around 65 without much issue. But if you eventually run out of money to buy your much needed medicine because I don't work for your shit pension any longer. You will probably very soon kick the bucket. As intended.
since the industrial revolution
>fat fuck with unkempt hair and beard in a stretched out stained cheap shirt
That's pretty much how I imagined R&M's creator
I guess you have some point, I forgot about retards like you would have died early because of their retarded assumptions.
since at least when the federal reserve came into existence.
They voted to repeal it.
Your grandfather sounds like a cunt.
You’d be surprised, I’m a non-native speaker studying English, translation and communication studies, and the more I learn the more I’m convinced that the language and the nation that shaped it are total messes. I’ve visited the UK a couple times and frankly did not enjoy the experience. I’m still going to be working with the language though because ez money
The essential boomer mentality. Not taking responsibility.
Since forever, its always been a republic.
In what democracy does a majority vote lose but an elected official vote win? Oh that's right, a democratic republic.
Since its founding. We're a republic. Every single founding father spoke out AGAINST democracy.
Yes, yes he was.
Lol, so this is what the weak and worthless betas use as a justification for being unproductive parasites? "Hurr I refuse to act like a human cuz booms get pension!"
What a retarded self destructive cuck mentality. Better kill yourself, that'll really show them all
>in Holland
Are you being sarcastic? Because that is how functioning democracies work
Yeah, I don't believe you.
Market Garden wasn't in Holland you dumbfucks. It was in North Brabant/Gelderland.
Yes, baby boomers absolutely refuse to accept responsibility for the shitty economy they let millenials and Gen Z inherit.
Right-wingers always accuse their opponents of the things they're doing themselves.
>Its not my fault everything I create is shit, infact ill just blame the shitty thing I created its not my fault at all, nothing is my fault, now bring in the immigrants to destroy the country but its okay because they will pay my pension before setting the country on fire
If the Nazis are gone then what's with all the people putting Nazi iconography on their cars and persons and flags and defacing public places with it, and marching while repeating Nazi slogans, and "ironically" posting online about how Hitler did nothing wrong lol gas the kikes race war now, and disseminating Nazi propaganda, and going out and murdering dozens of people based on an ideology of tribalistic racial purity and writing big manifestos detailing their reasoning
If there's no such thing as nazis anymore then what would you call all the fucking nazis
dont forget brining in millions of immigrants to pay for their socialist pension system
Ive made myself plenty better. Full time job, live on my own etc. I've had to work my ass off and no thanks to assholes like you. Go fuck yourself and die.
No, that is how republics work. Moron.
you vote the laws
you vote the guys that will vote the laws
>always accuse others of that which you do yourself
That's textbook Rules for Radicals stuff you lefty hypocrite.
honestly cringe wehraboo fantasy
That is hilariously backwards.
Antifa are literally funded by enormous corporations and bussed all around the country to cause havoc. Neo-Nazis are absolutely LARPing retards, but don't romanticize Antifa as if they're remotely better.
It's a republic on paper, in practice it's a plutocracy. The rich make the policies that help them and fuck everyone else over. Your vote doesn't matter because you're all stuck in this two party system that in the end plays ball with the same people who own your country. The international bankers.
I bet my ass none of you faggots would trade place with some peasant in the early 1900s or before. You're just a whiny bitch needing to feel like a victim despite living the most comfortable and safe life in human history.
European garbage, you're the most vile "people" on the planet. The last great people of Europe died a century ago.
defeating crummy nazis? he should be dying for israel!
>No ally victories in Holland listed
I never said that I like Trump. He's a puppet just like every single U.S. president after JFK
Just that you're delusional for thinking he's muh Hitler who will start executing political oponents, genocide illegals and have a totalitarian dictatorship or some shit
And still you need to blame everyone despite literally having nothing to cry about? Holy shit...
So why does /pol/ hate Jews and love Hitler again?
>Racially pure
>Keep inferior races under their thump
>Always winning
Sounds like what white people want?
>But Hitler
I thought the hollocaust never happened, so what did hitler do beside give them Israel?
I think thats the point
he is using the left wing strategy of accusing the right for what the left is doing
by blaming the right for accusing others of what they are doing
Very sneaky, almost jewish
a cat has your video games
wake up
My Grandma used to live in some tiny village in the middle of nowhere. She was even visited by some soviet soldiers. She said they gave her some kwas and some eastern european soup I can't remember the name of.
Then they just walked away. To this day she always says that they were actually very nice and kept their distance. She said they were able to somehow talk with hand signs.
My Grandpa always had respect for russian soldiers. He always said he kinda felt bad for them though. He also told me that they were usually reserved and that they kept to themselves.
>boomers fuck up the world in every way possible
Okay fair enough
But the German soldiers surrendered in WWII, is my point
what do you think happened after ww2?
ww1 and 2 were all a conspiracy to establish a reason for israels comeback
It states in the talmud that jews will return to israel minus 6 million of their number
>tic thicc gothicc
Shut the FUCK up
You'll get it eventually.
>it's another image reflecting bitterness of modern times instead of acknowledging peaceful times generally means people take their spoiled lives for granted
It truely does. Nazis were defeated a couple of generations ago and yet the boogeyman still stands.
I blame you for ruining the economy, letting in a FUCK TON of refugees and immigrants, ruining US culture, giving everyone shitty advice which has led to the "whiners" you are talking about having their lives completely fucked up by following it.
I had to get super lucky TWICE just to fucking barely have enough to own a shitty one bedroom town home.
But what if I did participate in Wars and play PC master race?
>racially pure
Jewish family structure is matriarchal. Meaning whatever pops out of the woman is jewish according to their religion. So even if some black muslim has sex with a jewess the animal she gives birth to is technically 100% jewish.
You people always bring up Rules for Radicals. Seems like you're well-acquainted with it.
Let me tell you, sonny... let me set you straight
You kids today ain't never had it rough
Always had everything handed to you on a silver plate
You lazy brats think nothing's good enough
Well, nobody ever drove me to school when it was ninety degrees below
We had to walk buck naked through forty miles of snow
Worked in the coal mine twenty two hours a day for just half a cent
Had to sell my internal organs just to pay the rent
When I was your age. When I was your age
When I was your age. When I was your age
Let me tell you something, you whiny little snot
There's something wrong with all you kids today
You just don't appreciate all the things you've got
We were hungry, broke and miserable and we liked it fine that way
There were seventy three of us living in a cardboard box
All I got for Christmas was a lousy bag of rocks
Every night for dinner, we had a big ol' chunk of dirt
If we were really good, we didn't get dessert
When I was your age. When I was your age
When I was your age. When I was your age
Didn't have no telephone, didn't have no FAX machine
All we had was a couple cans and a crummy piece of string
Didn't have no swimming pool when I was just a lad
Our neighbor's septic tank was the closest thing we had
Didn't have no dental floss, had to use old rusty nails
Didn't have Nintendo, we just poured salt on snails
Didn't have no water bed, had to sleep on broken glass
Didn't have no lawnmower, we used our teeth to cut the grass
What's the matter now, sonny, you say you don't believe this junk?
You think my story's wearin' kinda thin?
I tell you one thing, I never was such a disrespectful punk
Back in my time, we had a thing called discipline
Dad would whoop us every night till a quarter after twelve
Then he'd get too tired and he'd make us whoop ourselves
Then he'd chop me into pieces and play frisbee with my brain
And let me tell ya, Junior, you never heard me complain
When I was your age. When I was your age
When I was your age. When I was your age
It was clearly written by a person unfamiliar with sex in general, but the sexuality of late teens/early 20’s girls in particular. there is the insane person scoring system, where foreplay is listed separately from oral and making out, five points for “cocaine”, which is not a thing young people would write to describe fucking on coke. The extreme over emphasis on Virginity and Anal, which isn’t a thing girls particularly put that sort of weight on, but incels are obsessed with. Listing things like Bootycall and home wrecker. Calling it “high sex”. This is poorly constructed r9k intel false flagging to own the roasties
>have full time job, your own place
Why, because I, a dirty non-native, am not sucking the figurative dick of the Anglosphere despite being fluent with the language?
The bigger problem is that people are turning 'safe sex education' into instructions on how to eat ass or other fetishes and trying to give sex education to kindergartners and not pubertal kids. Some retards are pushing this shit too far.
Millenials fought in Afghanistan and Iraq and suffered the brunt of the 2008 recession you fucking retard.
Okay the thing is you've got nothing but conspiracy theories to back you up whereas neo-Nazi rally attendees can actually be observed to arrive in busses and be represented by all the same people from across the country every time. Antifa isn't "causing havoc," it's people responding to Nazis coming to their town by letting them know they're not welcome.
You're right, Donald Trump isn't LITERALLY Hitler, and because he isn't literally Adolf Hitler that means all the comparisons that historians draw between his populist movement in America and the rise of fascism in Nazi Germany can just be completely ignored lol he's not gonna literally genocide the illegals he's just putting them in concentration camps and talking about shooting them at the border, you can't make any comparison at all or you're committing a logical fallacy
Are you arguing that the jew are good because they're doing the same thing as the nazis? Because the nazis would be good because they're doing the good things for white people and the bad things to the jews. While the jews would do the good things for the jews and the bad things for the white people.
Both might be fighting for their race, but it kinda depends on what race you are to decide who you're rooting for.
Woah, you worked hard for the shit everyone has to do since day one to get what they want? You're such a brave zoomer!
They may have surrendered but it's evident from the world today that they didn't truly lose the war.
I'm 26 and literally most of those things are still possible if you don't get hired at fucking McDonald's and expect to work your way up, or live somewhere like California
You let a bunch of shitskins into the west, YES WE BLAME YOU
man kids today
I am saying why does /pol/ hate Jews for the same things they want to do
I’m also saying why do they like Hitler if the put Jews in country clubs with tennis and not gas ovens
Yes yes user, having borders is bad we need more slave labor for the wealthy so you get cheap avocados for your fat ass.
>>have full time job, your own place
Damn, those shitskins who obviously didn't steal your job? How horrible. Stay strong zoomey, truly you're the most oppressed generation!
You're 26 and you're full of shit
I dont want more. I'm good. The problem is the path I had to go through to get it was from some insane luck bullshit, almost on tier of winning the fucking lottery, that no one else should have to go through just to barely make it in the world. I am not the standard Zoomer guy.
that is one weird desk lol
Lmao look how fucking psyched that creature is to be there with that meme sign. Truly a pathetic existence
Many boomers I know call the youth lazy but not only could they buy houses in their times because they didn't even cost half as much as today in my country, most of these horsefuckers indebted themselves nonetheless by thousands and up to hundred thousands of dollars by nowadays standards and some I know never managed to get rid of all of them whereas I never many any but one millennial who would ever indebt themselves for luxury bullshit. Also speaking of luxury fans, they always call millennials like that when in reality it's always the fucking boomers who are all about status and pretence and who spend tons of money for expensive cars they don't even need and tourist travels they are only interested in to make 300 photos with their faces of and showing you later, if you want it or not.
always on their smartphones
That's on a conspiracy tier that I can't yet understand.
Boomer pretending to be a zoomer. There is nowhere in the US where you can work minimum wage and afford a new house, a new car, and pay for college.
but not the norm for decades
>I defeated the Nazi's in Holland
Boomers can't even use correct grammer
>Your grandson grows up to be a console fag
You have to wonder if we were fighting on the wrong side.
don't they?
Makes sense. Woman are shorter on average, this way they can both sit with a good posture. Besides, everything the dude drops will now roll towards the girl, so that's cool.
My grandfather was in the navy and fought in the western theater, he stayed in Japan during the occupation and always brags about all the Japanese sluts he banged. He lived the dream.
So you were lying? Yeah, that's the typical zoom insecurity when asked why it hasn't pulled it's head outta it's ass
They made it custom so it was confortable for both the man and woman to cross their arms on, how nice of them
>brings a bunch of niggers into your country,ruins the high trust society and turns it into a low trust one, and doesnt even bother raising their children instead letting the tv and state do it instead
Fuck off old man, I hope your children abandon you and you get locked up in an old persons home cunt.
If it's not porn, no one cares
>You want to work at one of them new fangled video game companies, son? Well that's easy! If I was you, I'd jut walk through the front door, demand to see the manager and give him a FIRM handshake
Based and cute!
really makes you think
>My generation fought so future generations could have it better
>This is somehow a failure on the part of future generations
That's a comma from the line above.
these undies are clean
This, he should've been catching pokemon creatures
No the people that actually fought in wars would never want anyone to experience the same things they did.
>when I was your age I defeated Adolf Hitler so the jews could replace us with subhuman niggers and ruin your economic future
Thanks gramps!
Time is always relevant.
everybody knows if you wear blue and have blue mugs you get paid better. that girl just needs to try harder
>still thinks hitler was the bad guy
not a bad guy just a bad goy
I don't know about the rest of /pol/, but I would like Jews if they didn't mess with us, and kept to themselves in the Middle East.
In Europe and the U.S. they constantly spread degeneracy and manipulate politics to fuck over white people.
If they just stayed in Israel and fucked over Muslims and Niggers instead then we could be friends.
Nobody who said "we need a war again" I met ever actually fought in a war. It's always either boomers (who didn't experience war in my country) or older women who never had to go to war in the first place.
deep down grandpa didnt want to be drafted into that war
the definition of a COPE
I'm not speaking for me, as I stated, I'm good for the most part. I'm speaking for all my friends and others my age who I know will not make it due to how fucked this world is. Sorry for actually giving a shit about other people in the world, I know that's not a concept old fucks like you knew anything about.
Trump isn't going to do shit, he's a civic nationalist cuckold that throws his right wing base under the bus for niggers and spics. You leftists should love him.
>It's that the youth isn't aware WW2 happened
Burger here, if you aren't aware of WW2 by the age of 4, you're most likely living in a household that is actively memory holing the whole thing.
Based, you kids turned out worthless anyway. Just look at this thread, all this whining from lazy entitled cunts. Good riddance to you
>lefties keep shitting on Trump saying he'll bring about the rise of white nationalism in America
>more people vote for Trump
If we were his age, we would do the same.
>I know i would
Dios mio.....
Is it really worse then white people spreading crack into pope black neighborhoods?
Again, they control dumb people for their own profit like everyone does
Maybe they shouldn’t have been dumb and easily controlled?
We need to reform immigration policy because immigrants are taking our jobs, so let's spend years collecting asylum seekers, who are specifically NOT illegal until their plea is processed and denied, at the border and putting them in camps separated from their children, all while continuing to hand out legal seasonal and long term work visas to immigrants so they can come over and take our jobs. This sure is a very good plan.
We should also build a really big wall that won't work that well to actually stop border crossing and will require the government to force American families off of their own land, and maybe the president should lie about and backtrack on his plan the entire time and spend my hard earned money on this retarded nonsense instead of the fucking roads or something. That's also a good idea.
>half of the things listed are supposed to be considered good by brain dead conservatives
>trump is doing everything he can to crash the economy despite the efforts of the world to keep the US afloat during the global downturn
I like Rick and Morty. Or well first few seasons. Never went out of my way to announce im a big fan.
>when democrats unironically use the term "war on white extremists" as a reason to vote for them
Math is the only thing that is proving him right, though.
Your best attempt is some conspiracy drivel from a guy writing under the pseudonym "Tyler Durden"?
>increasing population size good
>(((bank))) says its good
>(((media))) says its good
>there is no negatives to increasing population size
>demographics of a country dont matter
>those immigrants are sure to vote conservative
also you faggots legalised child sacrifice (abortion)
If you dont understand why increasing your population for one has a bunch of negative effects but then when you factor in that you increased the population with fucking niggers thats why we hate you
Old people are nigger lovers
Id say I hope you all die but all I have to do is wait a year or 2
Not Hitler.
My grandfather was 18 when he was sent to fight at Russian front for Nazi Germany. Luckily he lost one arm and was sent back home.
>He never really told any stories. He usually kept it to himself.
Same with my grandfather. He read a lot books about the 2nd World War
Go back to you fucking boomer
Jesus fucking christ when did literal fucking facebook grandpas start feeling welcome here
Both World War 1 and 2 were expected
WW1 was so expected Bismarck said it was going to happen 26 fucking years before it did
Yes leftists should love the right wing populist businessman who does crimes, uses his political power to unconstitutionally profit from the businesses he still owns, fill positions of government power with his grifter industry friends and their families, lie and shitpost on Twitter like a dementia ridden boomer, and instigate racial violence to further the social divide in America.
how would boomers want us to respond?
>he buys U plan B
What is that?
Market Garden was a fucking failure lol
Are Brits really this delusional?
How is your oppression complex going?
what about the holocoaster?
stop lying on the internet, cletus
>playing games at home bad
>going outside and standing up for your rights bad
The only way to win the game is to suck authority dick isn't it?
Imagine actually thinking pro coal and anti climate actions are good things at this point
Fuck imagine actually being so deluded you can ignore the huge swathes of proof that our climate is being pushed to it's breaking point and we already have tipped ourselves past the point of no return
hey what happened to that guy epstein when it was discovered he was involved with the clintons?
oh right suicide via two gun shots to the back of the head
emergency birth control
>who does crimes, uses his political power to unconstitutionally profit from the businesses he still owns, fill positions of government power with his grifter industry friends and their families, lie and shitpost on Twitter like a dementia ridden boomer, and instigate racial violence
Things that never happened.
>Dude I should be allowed to claim I'm an asylum seeker and get into your country for free regardless of whether my claims are valid or not while you 'investigate' for years then don't bother kicking me out because you can't find me or its too much of a hassle to get rid of me
Totally a working system.
>Muh camps
Obama's camps?
>Muh chillens
Obama's policy that was about getting kids away from coyotes while trying to prove parentage?
Oh, I hate visas too my little ancom. But taking care of the illegal breach first before you start causing legal reforms. Or do both, the left consistently tries to sabotage either, though.
>The wall won't work!
A physical impediment will work, it just won't solve all illegal points of entry. If you have multiple holes in a pipe, you patch all of them, not just one.
>Force people off their land
Welcome to imminent domain, happens every day for roads and shit. That said, nobody is living straddling the border. They might live next to it and the wall will make their yard ugly, but straddling the border with your house is illegal. Also the government has to pay for the land.
>Muh roads
Ah, the whole "There's x problem so we should ignore y problem!" argument.
user, free healthcare isnt actually free. Free healthcare doesnt magically make resources appear if your country has none. That said, they really should stop sending all that money to Israel.
>does crimes
Cite evidence.
If we fuck the planet then all the minorities die
sounds like a good deal to me man
>he's fallen for the global warming meme
ps nothing the US or Canada does matters because China and India produce several times more pollution.
>emergency birth control
Oh right, thanks. Quite apparent I don't fuck whores haha
>white people spreading crack into pope black neighborhoods
Cite evidence.
It's not like black neighborhoods, or blacks in general were producing anything useful to society other than cheap labor. Blacks shouldn't be in living among whites in the first place.
You are right that it was pretty dumb to ever let Jews into our countries in the first place, I'm guessing people at the time thought they would assimilate like how most European immigrants did, instead of becoming what they are now.
>NO FUCKING WALL, just "physical barriers" put up to replace old sections of the border where fencing already was.
>Clinton is doing book tours, not locked up
>Seth Rich forgotten
>Bump stock ban, possibly suppressor ban
>"I want people to come into this country in the largest numbers ever"
>Still no executive order ending birthright citizenship
>Illegals still being released into the country after being detained
>Could AT ANY TIME declare Central American migrants inadmissible and they'd be turned away at the border when declaring asylum and deported when caught sneaking over
>Could have, again, at ANY TIME ordered his Attorney General to investigate the murder of Seth Rich and Clinton's emails like he promised in one of the debates.
>Heavily redacted the JFK documents that should have been released uncensored
>Pardons Sholom Rubashkin but not Assange
>Done absolutely shit all about right wing censorship.
>Launched an attack on Syria based on an obvious false flag
>No action against the Obama Administration that spied on his campaign despite how much he bitches about it on Twitter
>No action against the FBI employees who actively sought to get Clinton elected
>38 billion more dollars for Israel
>Texas still well on its way to turning blue in the next 10 years and the right will lose the Presidency forever
>record numbers of illegals
All part of the plan, right Qtards? It's just not the plan you wanted.
>Talking about an article without quoting the article
I ain't reading this shit.
are there any WW2 games where you play as an american GI killing endless nazis and at the end you are in a retirement home and you regret fighting for israel with a QTE combat system to keep away those caretakers that want to kill your old ass?
Hey that's funny
The US still pollutes a ton more per person considering we're a few hundred million and china and india are a billion
Huh, looks like you're wrong. Sorry!
Here's the problem: most of your solutions don't work, and they ignore the core of the problem (That is, third worlders industrializing and China and India not giving a shit.)
>You're just lying!
Nice argument, user.
>not talking with your war veteran grandfather about how he took lives of nazis, gooks or/and muslims.
shame on you anons, he has great stories, stories that will be forever lost then he dies.
Hey what happened to that guy Epstein when people started asking questions about all the sex parties him and Trump used to go to where Trump affectionately noted his appreciation for extremely young women, and also when people started asking about Epstein recruiting child sex slaves on Trump properties?
It's almost like the rich businessman who goes to many sex parties and is documented being good friends with Epstein and his Lolita express child sex plane "I haven't spoken to him in 15 years don't research that please" might be not totally free of association
If you consider the parents of millenials are living their childhood in the 60s and 70s and getting to work and invest in an 80s-90s market, yes, the millenials now have to deal with that not being there. Fortunately my parents got a good ass offer by being paid 40k a year each, free college level training, and marital and child care benefits for being in the Navy, so I didn't have to work from the bottom of the burger standard. Unfortunately, in the year of our lord 1991, when doctors were sending drugs flying off the shelves for whatever the fuck reason, during family therapy I was prescribed Ritalin, and that was enough to have me taken off for eligibility for the military, so now I just work for my dad's company. Man, it's amazing how benevolent they are and how grateful I am that I'm not a COMPLETE wageslave!
Awww you're so retarded
>only factoring carbon emissions
>graph probably from the UN
you should actually try reading that chart you just posted
>t. reaganomist
You DON'T want to die for Jews? What the fuck is wrong with you
This. If you can't respect your grandpoppy just because his stories are of the Allies you need necking. Same goes for Germans who hate their own ancestors for being with the Axis. Neck yourselves, all of you.
Unconstitutionally still owns and profits from his business ventures. He literally siphons public money into his private estate by forcing the secret service to pay him to stay on his land when he goes fucking golfing, dude.
The whole obstruction of justice thing he did a lot of.
All of the fraud he's been sued for.
People like you are stupid, you think ruining the US economy is worth it to reduce emissions by 4-5% when China and other nations don't give a single shit.
This is why people like you should not be allowed on the internet, you are Chinas best friend.
Climate Change is good since it will accelerate the collapse of current human society.
Also the only way to actually mitigate climate change would be to kill off hundreds of millions of Chinese and Indians, which climate change sensationalists would never accept.
>Muh greatest generashuunnn
When will those old fucks die already? Nobody cares.
Good Goyim, ignore all of the crimes and corruption, it's just leftist beta basedboy cucks trying to start a culture war
>Unconstitutionally still owns and profits from his business ventures. He literally siphons public money into his private estate by forcing the secret service to pay him to stay on his land when he goes fucking golfing, dude
Oh gee, sounds like something you had a criminal case to prove and have punished under the law, huh? Oh wait you haven't done shit and this is your speculation from fucking CNN.
what do you expect
democrats love sucking chink dick
>>what's it like being retarded
>I'm not sure, you tell me.
nah man, everyone in the world knows what happened in WW2, you're a fucking idiot if you relate to this comic, it's literally a comic targeted at old people, it's not even a good joke
>being angry mordern politics relies on diplomacy instead of warfare
ok gramps, hope they treat you good in the old folks home
>All the Democrats the last few days defending the PRC and shitting on Hong Kong
It's disgusting.
None of this invalidates the positions people hold. It also does nothing to offer an alternative, who should people have voted for, user? Hillary? Do you think she would have been better, somehow?
Defeating crummy nazis? They should have been fetching pails of pokemon creatures!
most of these people dont even know how proofs are made
>about all the sex parties him and Trump used to go to
The only thing the extremely hostile mainstream actually talks about is the single plane ride. Where are you getting these sex parties from, your conspiracy youtube channels?
>our system for processing asylum seekers is really slow so let's put them into camps
>Obama camps
No I mean the Donald Trump concentration camps run for profit by Donald Trump's friend expanded under Donald Trump's policy decisions
>There's an illegal invasion of immigrants coming to steal our slave jobs and rape our women so that means instead of doing anything useful we should put children into cages
Solid plan
>the wall will work
[citation needed]
>trump is going to build the wall he lied about and backtracked on endlessly
Oh you poor sweet summer child
>welcome to imminent domain
Totally a working system
50% of all carbon emissions globally are caused by like the wealthiest 10% of people.
video games are for incels loser
I thought it was sad that no one fell for such forced b8, so I'm giving you one, and only one, (you). Spend it wisely now.
Maybe it's all of the parties they are documented having gone to together along with the comments trump has made about the topic and about Epstein's and his own taste in and love of women.
You're fucking deluded.
Mind if I save this bait for my collection?
who is this
>our system for processing asylum seekers is really slow so let's put them into camps
Is there a problem? What, you want to release them into the population when one of the biggest source of illegals is asylum seekers who get in then disappear off the radar immediately?
>No I mean muh concentration camps muh Trump
You mean the detainment camps built and used by Obama?
>Muh chillens
I like how this bit didn't even engage with anything I said, it just screeches.
>citation needed
Hey user guess what stops people from getting over a line? A physical impediment, moron.
>He's gonna build it
I didn't even voice direct support for Trump, just for the idea, brainlet.
>Totally a working system
How do you propose the government handle the building of public works, user? Imminent domain isn't just some shit about the wall, it's used constantly for public projects.
>Maybe it's all of the parties they are documented having gone to together
How do you know they're sex parties?
>All the comments Trump made
The single quote where he stealth calls Epstein a pedophile?
>His own
You mean the quote where he doesn't mention himself?
And most of their factories are in China, good job user you did it
No one got involved in the war until other countries were affected. People didn't care about jews.
A good chunk of their pollution is because they accept and burn 1st worlders.
Once them and other 3rd worlders stop (its happening now with some countries) shit is going to hit the fan even harder. This will shift the dynamic to China, India, and other 1st/2nd world countries being the major problem due to the amount of waste per person used.
>Yea Forums-Politics just like Yea Forums!!
>>who does crimes, uses his political power to unconstitutionally profit from the businesses he still owns, fill positions of government power with his grifter industry friends and their families, lie and shitpost on Twitter like a dementia ridden boomer, and instigate racial violence
>Things that never happened.
lol cmon you living in reality? this is from a non-American looking in
>Donald Trump has gotten away with all of his crimes so far despite them being widely reported and discussed
>a big current event right now is an investigation into him trying to fire people for investigating him for crimes
>the only people who can actually hold him accountable for any crimes he's doing are held up trying to determine if we should hold him accountable for the crimes we have direct evidence he committed and that many members of his staff have already been held accountable for
>that means there are no crimes lol
Solid reasoning. You're blind or retarded you fucking (((billionaire))) shill.
Nigger we’re Nazis, you’re lebensraum.
You can really tell moot started to hate this place around 2012. Made a parody board in 2013 just to shit on modern Yea Forums and then left a year later.
We won't find out until he's out of office m8, only reason he's untouched is because he's commander in chief.
I don't agree with collusion, but he's always been a shady guy.
>Moved U.S Embassy to Jerusalem.
>Donald Trump has gotten away with all of his crimes so far
But user, what proof do you have that he committed crimes if you have no legal case against him, let alone a guilty verdict? Do you know how justice works?
Conspiracy theories are cute, user.
>Half of the Republicans hate him
>All of the Democrats hate him
>Congress has the power to punish presidents for illegal behavior
>But dude he's totally a superpowered genius that singlehandedly stops anyone from ousting him or finding any evidence trust me
>Awww you're so retarded
Damn nigga, you sure do like illegal slave labor and sucking off China.
Damn, we got a terrible /pol/lution problem.
Quote still stands today, And you fags try to say this place changed
So your argument is blacks produce nothing of value and Jews should have never been let in at the star of our country because they're too productive and self sufficient?
Is this satire or the try outs for the mental olympics?
if you give your dc name i can hook you up with an anti pol group
Yeah man don't they realize Yea Forums is a board for chad communists and nobody should be allowed if they're not SJWs? Resetera is king.
Either the dude is a mutant lanklet or she's far away.
>I was able to get a summer job as a teenager, and I'm spinning that as 'I was forced to work my ass off' instead of the blessing it actually was
My grandma deciphered coded messages in London during WWII and even had one directly from Rossevelt to Churchill. She died last week and never toke and took what the message said to the grave
>grandpa died before knowing what happened to half life 3
It's was for the best.
Your right I have no evidence that Donald Trump and Donald Trump's friends and appointees were very good friends with Jeff Epstein and his child sex operation except for all of the fucking evidence right there in front of your eyes that you are sectively ignoring for Donald Trump but believing in the case of the Clintons
Because obviously the Clintons are sex fiends, but Based Donny Trump can't be a sex fiend despite being accused of sex crimes and documented having sex scandals and being good friends with pedophiles and pedophile enablers the same as the (((Clintons))).
Trump totally denounced Epstein and is totally trying to out the liberal deepstate on Twitter right now despite being the fucking deep state
Based gramps
His argument is:
>Blacks produce nothing so they're a drain
>Jews dominate the local peoples and hold power over them while making decisions against their interests, making them the enemy of the local peoples (in this case whites)
His argument holds two points. One is that low production people are a problem. The second is that high production people who hog wealth from, and work against the interests of, the native peoples are a problem. He would likely go on to cite how Jews being wealthy does not benefit the white middle class, especially with the issues of stagnant wages in the US.
How the fuck did you interpret that from what I said? You must have very undeveloped comprehensive skills, since no where did I say anything about Jews being bad because of them being productive.
>US won't provide a wall for its citizens
>gives 3.8 billion annually to Israel for """"aid"""
>a country with a complete border wall
Really gets the old noggin' joggin'
>all of the fucking evidence
I'm sure if you have so much evidence a criminal trial will be forthcoming. I will wait with bated evidence, user.
Nah, she's not even 1 head smaller. 30cm difference isn't abnormal between human heights.
Yeah sure, I even bet you prefer the british accent too you faggot
Did I say that? No.
Muller said himself he won't bring charges against him because of the memo from Nixon's Era.
Go ahead, Impeach the fat jew. Whats stopping you cunts?
I'm unironically looking forward to seeing the global-warming-wrecked Earth.
/pol/tards were schizo ranting about "downfall" for decades, while in reality there were only minor fuckups, like Trump. It will be refreshing to see a downfall that actually happens.
Boomer hippies used to call Vietnam vets babykillers when they came home.
Yeah, the war was dumb and should have never happened, but to treat a grunt who just got caught up in a shitty draft with that kind of disdain is disgusting.
You mean the Muller? The Muller who found on evidence of collusion at all?
Israel (as a semi-autonomous British colony) has existed since the twilight years of WWI.
They just got full independence and a massive population influx after WWII
>Only a minor fuckups
Yeah man being colonized by Mexico totally won't lead to a Mexican standard of living.
>concentration camps for people who haven't broken the law aren't a problem
>no we can't change the law we just put them in camps
>Obama camps
No, read my lips here faggot, the camp profiteering spearheaded by Donald Trump and John Kelly you fucking hasidic rat
I too only experience current events through memes and can't interpret communications with other people outside of that context
This thread is why Yea Forums, and Yea Forums as a whole, sucks.
Sure Yea Forums has been cancerous for about 10 years now, but ever since the /pol/ Election 2016 retards started plaguing the whole site, it's become a real shithole of political shitflinging. Fuck all of you.
They're sitting
Okay? Same applies. It's not like all the height difference is located in the upper leg.
Trump is capturing Iranian oil tankers and causing disruptions in Hong Kong. You zoomers will get your chance to sacrifice lives and body parts for you know who soon enough.
Cry about it, Impeach trump or shut the fuck up already.
>Muh concentration camp
user, I asked you what you thought we should do instead. You keep talking about legal changes, but you never propose any. Here's your chance.
>No read my lips
Read mine. The entire point is that you're bitching about Trump while excusing Obama despite them both doing it.
>Whining about memes
If you wish to ignore the rest of my post because of a couple of insults, I sure as fuck don't know how you survive here. You also missed another chance to actually propose these legal changes you keep mentioning when I asked you there. Where are your solutions?
If you could beat trump, You would have done it by now, Just take the L and sit down, It won't last forever.
>Actually defending communists shitting on Hong Kong
What a scumbag you are.
The same Iran that decided to attack our assets? I don't want war, but don't treat them like innocents.
The old fuck clearly lost. Time for him to go.
Already said I don't agree with collusion charges, but there's probably a good case made for obstruction.
Of you won't agree with this either and jam more words into my mouth because you don't like the things I'm saying.
poor man's Mackinnon
Remember how there is supposed to be a criminal trial over the 400 pages of evidence that the president committed crimes, and one of the important pieces of information to come out of the investigation and public reporting on it is that you literally cannot charge a sitting president with crimes? That as soon as he's no longer the president he could definitely be charged with crimes but until that point you can't even say he did crimes?
Remember how the president inadvertently admitted on twitter to having committed campaign fraud, and it was reported on that he probably won't be charged until he's out of office because that's how charging the president with crimes happens in our fucked up political system for some reason?
I think you might be a fucking moron, user
A 'good case' means you can make a legal argument in court. It's not conclusive proof of anything. You're also missing that my argument has been with a guy who is shitting his britches claiming Trump is a criminal mastermind with no proof, just assumptions.
So basically jealous because whites cannot do what he claims Jews are doing? We've seen already given the chance whites or hell anyone with vast amounts of power in a capitalist system would fuck over anyone for a quick buck as the government and any type of regulation power is reduced. See the internet, healthcare, drugs, and food market for quick examples.
Your entire post is leaning on the typical ideas of why Jews are bad. IE that they take over the financial sectors and all that jazz and that somehow they are different in the US from German, dutch, etc. Although they partially are given they have an entire fucking faith as well named after them.
But hey if you got a real argument please explain it instead of twisting cause someone wants to ask about your incel/nazi/kkk/loser-of-the-week group think ideas.
>you literally cannot charge a sitting president with crimes
What fantasy world did you come out of, user?
>our grandfathers fought the nazis because they like, LOVED niggers and fags, obviously!
The real punchline is the old guy responds with "On PC you dolt." I've seen the full version I think.
>You're either a Nazi or agree with everything in Intersectional Feminism at all times (which changes daily)
>w-w-we didn't start it, we just esculated it, now excuse us while we destroy Europe again
>We've seen already given the chance whites or hell anyone with vast amounts of power in a capitalist system would fuck over anyone
That doesn't make it morally acceptable, user. I'm not sure why you think it's okay for anyone to do it, or for anyone to suffer from it.
Trump would have been impeached or disgraced by Epstein videos by now if he refused to fight China. Now that he's unofficially started a war with Iran, there's no chance of impeachment and his second term is guaranteed. Only a fool would think otherwise.
Wow... not him but he's right. Bill Bar (Director of DOJ) and Robert Mueller both said you cant charge a sitting president with crimes. If he did, he would've been indicted for sure.
Trump supporters really live in a fantasy world, where whatever he says is a reality. You make up your own facts.
I'm sure you have citations?
Then we really have nothing to argue over m8.
But we can try.
All of the evidence that he committed the crimes you fucking absolute retard.
You do understand that getting impeached and kicked out of the office isn't a punishment for committing crimes, it's a thing you do so that you can actually have a criminal trial because you cannot convinct a sitting president of crimes, right?
The mere suspicion and his own admissions and the hundreds of pages of credible accounts of his crimes, regardless of what ultimately lead to what kind of conviction in a trial, constitute an impeachable offense, right? And you need to do that before you charge him with the crimes, right?
You do understand that a crime is still a crime even if you haven't gotten caught yet, right?
Look at that womanlet compared to the 6"4 basedtranny.
Hey, not my fault you hate everything non-white.
>Pretending WWI was the same as II
The first was no different than the wars Europe had in the previous centuries except in the meat grinder modern technology made it. Don't pretend they were some kind of evil monsters unlike France or England at the time.
Well to bad Epstein is dead. Are you going to dwell on it, Or move on?
>All of the evidence that he committed the crimes
Post sources.
He hates everything white too, so it's OK.
He only likes jews.
Iran and China dindu nuffin
>complains about kikes
>defends the race that helped kikes the most before being overshadowed by mutts
Krauts were the worst thing to happen to Europe
“The indictment or criminal prosecution of a sitting President would unconstitutionally undermine the capacity of the executive branch to perform its constitutionally assigned functions,”the 1973 guidance, written when President Richard Nixon was facing obstruction of justice charges.
>The U.S. Justice Department has a decades-old policy that a sitting president cannot be indicted, indicating that criminal charges against Trump would be unlikely, according to legal experts.
Let me guess.. you're gonna say
>Reuters hurr faek noos
So predictable.
Another great vidya thread, everyone give yourselves a pat on the back
A policy is not an actual law. So your claim that it can't be done is illegal to do is false. Moreover, congress can impeach a president and force him to resign, so why hasn't that been done, user? Most of the people in congress hate him. They could easily do so if they had a valid basis.
>sitting here and bitching instead of going to a videogame thread
You love making yourself mad.
People only make /pol/ threads on Yea Forums because Yea Forums is somehow even more underaged and gullible. Just look at how many (you)s the guy larping as a boomer is getting. We're on a video game board, do you really think there are 60-70 year old people here?
>inb4 I was just playing too
Cope, retard.
>there's no chance of impeachment and his second term is guaranteed.
It was always guaranteed thanks to the fools on the Left, Retards.