>Game's idea of upping the difficulty is retardedly obnoxious enemies that kill you in 1 second
Game's idea of upping the difficulty is retardedly obnoxious enemies that kill you in 1 second
go back
Get good you skilless faggot
>playing transphobic trash
The first time I played I found that the highest difficulty was broken. Now that I have become accustomed to the weapons and behavior of enemies I have realized that it is possible to deal with it without major problems in most parts. That is, get good...
loverboy altfire is your friend for flying enemies, or ion bow
you shouldnt die to ground enemies
How can a skilless faggot get good?
>babbies first build game
I think people HIGHLY underestimate how important loverboy is to your arsenal just because it's the starter gun.
> Game forces you to play as an ugly woman in a combat burka.
So just like every other 90s shooter?
So is this game good or what?
ok i will buy it thx
If you like Doom, Duke3d, Blood, etc, its very good. Level design and feel of the weapons is spot fucking on. Game is also designed just like it would have been at the time and due to that it's only 70mb. The secrets in the game are also really hard to find but there are a shit ton of them, its satisfying when you figure one out.
practicing and persistence
>Doom gave you 9 episodes for free
>only 5$ for the other 3 episodes of 9 maps each
>these cucks want you to pay 25$ for 7 fucking levels
>for a build engine wad
what a joke
So I've never played Doom aside from the 2016 one and never touched Duke Bluekum (Never understood what Bluekum was). Anyway what's this game like? Looks like a fun corridor shooter with tons of shooters and stuff right? What's the future of this game? Modding? Multiplayer? Is there a story or is it just
>Go kill shit
>corridor shooter
Its anything but that. The levels are huge and often maze like.
But I'm a skilless faggot, those won't work.
Are these levels big at least? Or is this game one of the ones you beat in an afternoon.
The levels are about the size of 5-6 Doom size levels put together.
Level 1's par time is 1 hour/
A level is an hour? Do you have to beat it in one go or is there like save points.
Become better?
The 7 zones of Ion Maiden have multiple levels akin to the episodes of Doom. Doom had 3 episodes. IM's maps are huge and I completed the game in 12 hours on the 3rd difficulty.
You can manually save anytime you want just like any other Build engine game, zero check points though so don't expect the game to auto save for you
Is this game moddable? Will we see tons of custom levels like Doom or nah? Actually I've never really looked at Doom mods. Do any of them do story?
Its literally a Build engine game, its just as moddable as Duke3d.
Doom is a 25 year old game, obviously its going to be on sale. Even if it's the same engine it's an entirely new game built from the ground up. Not just some wad that some college kid worked up.
Or play something else
It's perfectly normal and based to be made uncomfortable by unnatural abominations that threaten the fabric of normal functioning society.
But there are checkpoints, they're on by default unless you turned them off. The game usually autosaves after unlocking a door with a colored keycard or when entering a new map.
Does that means Duke mods will work on Ion?
>Level 1's par time is 1 hour/
That's not a good thing. Levels should be something you can beat in a sitting, an hour-long level sounds like it would be massively overstaying its welcome. If the levels are really all that long they should have divided each of them into 3-4 separate parts. Not only would it make the game more playable, it would allow them to advertise a higher number of levels, so it's win-win.
Why is this getting way more shilled than Amid Evil?
Because it's actually good.
Because go back to resetera.
Because the game basically came out all at once instead of piecemeal like Amid Evil.
Zones are this game's equivalent to episodes. Each one is comprised of a handful of levels seperated by loading screens, which in total can take up to an hour to beat. Stop sperging out over some user's poorly worded post, thank you.
>Stop sperging out over some user's poorly worded post, thank you.
What can I do but respond to user's post as written? I appreciate your better explanation, though, I might actually buy the game.
>Yea Forums unironically defend a $25 duke nukem wad
>Doom gave you 9 episodes for free
>only 5$ for the other 3 episodes of 9 maps each