Other urls found in this thread:
That's the average size of most female FF fans
Imagine losing your virginity in a-hole-in-the-wall otaku apartment.
And the woman who takes it is THIS...
This is what catgirls would look like in real life.
I'd wife her desu
>expect her to be a torrid bitch
>she's actually a sweetheart and believes in you no matter what, and doesn't take well to her husband demanding a more flattering/dishonest-to-her-figure portrait from the artists they hire
How? How could you wife her?
>weebs can’t stand their anime women being any other body type besides bulimic stick figures
>good samurai armor for jobs that aren't fending/dragoon never ever
Obesity is a mostly irrelevant trait when considering wifeing. She's clearly genetically pretty and therefore carries high quality genes. If her personality is kind and caring and she is intelligent then she is basically high tier wife material. Obesity just means you'll have less competition and you'll have to make an extra effort to make sure your kids don't end up like their mother weightwise. Otherwise she's prime wife material.
Samurai should have been maiming and not striking
>get satasha in leveling roulette
>pld and arc leave
>they were both vieras
what the fuck is with you transsexuals?
can't handle the difficulty of satasha?
Probably abandoned because Sastasha's leveling bonus is genuinely not worth the infinitesimal amount of EXP you get from doing the dungeon.
this will be her when she looses wait
there was even a first time bonus from the arcanist
that's just fucking low if you leave satasha
don't care don't be a bitch
you queued for it leveling roulette and that encompasses everything.
use dfassist or get fucked fuckers
you are in the wrong timeline MOTHER FUCKERS
We left the satasha timeline many years ago
What do you get out of posting this exact same thread a couple of times a week? Are you that eager for dopamine from (you)'s ?
>castrum meridianum
>healers instantly ragequit
What's she waiting for and why is it loose?
Shadowbringers has been great so far.
To be honest, even the characters I thought they would be terrible were pretty good if not great.
>mystel couple go full Tengen Toppa
>Runar dicked the heartless cat
>Magnus' scene with the talos broke me
>The viis were pretty good
>Lahee's great serpent of ronka storyline
>Lyna after the battle in Lakeland.
If only we hadn't to put up with Thancred's bullshit and Y'shtolla...
>Runar dicked the heartless cat
Platonic definition of "Eros"
more like
>female (male)
>not following
castrum is a waste of time
Come play WoW, boys
believe it or not, lots of women play XIV, it’s part of the reason there are so many shitty players
who do you think plays catboys? you thought it was all just faggots? it’s fujoshits
>crystal players
it’s worth it to take a 30 minute penalty just for another shot at getting prae exp
>don’t get to hear Gaius’ sweet sith lord voice, instead they get to read Livia’s buttfrustration once more while waiting around for Cid
Justified ragequit
should i play ffxiv or wow
>turns out she's like the sweetest and nicest NPC character in the game
hope you got reported for bitching about low parse numbers
I’d rather play with braindead retards than parsetrannies
I want this to be an actual game with actual production values.
Castrum/Prae exp needs to be equalized
wow sucks, xiv is okay
personally i think you should play neither and fuck off
why do they quit?
yeah. the game is pretty good for what it is now though
castrum is half the length so everyone would just leave if they didn’t get it
they’re going to phase ms roulette out of existence when they streamline the msq anyway
>Dragoons have been getting exclusive armor sets for 5 expansions now
They can't keep getting away with this
Who would carry you then
Samurai should have gotten the heavier melee DPS armor. Ninja are getting exclusive sets too.
im not shit and i also don’t parse because im not a tranny
They look like downs syndrome kids having an allergic reaction
I'd be surprised if he wasn't reported for admitting addon use, but besides that he was right. No BLM should EVER be bottom DPS, let alone by 2x LESS THAN FUCKING TANKS. I can't stand playing BLM but I could still pull better fucking dps than that without knowing anything more than "Switch fire and ice before timer runs out" I bet.
Parsers are useful for finding shitters like this, that's the proper use of them, not epeen waving or overzealous minimum dps elitism in non-static raid groups.
>castrum is half the length
Hi Rddit!
I was gonna post this. FUCK YOU
it’s about 30 minutes versus 50
If Blizzard can at least try to fix their shit mess after 3 terrible expansions, then I'll play it when I'm done with what I want to do in XIV until the next patch
Castrum takes around half an hour total, Praetorium is ~45-1 hr. because of cutscenes.
Prae is 40mins. I don't know where you guys are getting an hour. I timed it myself.
>im not shit
>i also don’t parse
You're the one bitching :^)
What do you want to do out of curiosity?
Prae is 40, shitters. Also the cutscenes are arranged in such a way that you can not do shit for the last half hour and do chores around the house or literally not even play and just watch Netflix. Castrum is 80% gameplay whereas Prae is like 25% gameplay
Not in game u fag it's different. Give me your IGN so I can blist you.
I will be rolling a resto shaman when classic comes around, degenerate.
Not him but I presume it's whatever Ultimate fight we get.
Does Nero ever shut up?
Innocence is my favorite boss fight in the entire game.
Godlike theme. Godlike voice acting (english). Godlike lines mid combat.
That's awful no matter what fucking level they're at. Why the fuck would anyone who actually cares about the game stay in crystal at this point?
can ppl plz stop joining clear parties when you're not 100% confident that you know the mechanics
also don't bring sub 10k dps to savage fights please
Go back
Any jobs that don't break my hands?
Get a static if you want consistent numbers, loser
>healer in full scaevan gear
>she gives us first time bonus in ARF
Where's the fucking new pvp armor, I need something to spend all these fucking wolf marks on.
XD cid omg shut up hahahaha
Whenever Gaius says Eorzea take a shot!!!
Yayyy praetorium nappy time
Omgod we got prae soooo boring xDDDD
Last time I timed Prae it took about 45, get lost.
Get a static
Hook Line and Sinker
Boy. Just farm same 4 savage bosses until 2020
sweet summerfag child
story skip potion? I think you still get first time completion for stuff.
dps get so fucking pissy when you tell them their numbers are low lmao
please god i want a fucking lala wife
>Last time I timed Prae
Yikes, autist
Post some sweet DF drama.
Black Mage, Dragoon, Bard, Red Mage, any tank besides MAYBE gunbreaker depending on how slow you are.
It's their one fucking job. I'm not such a dickhead that I would parse DPS and then bitch about their low numbers if they were in even understandably bad ranges like "oh I don't know the fight that well" or "I'm still trying to get my uptime up", this shit is so bad that you'd have to be purposefully sabotaging the run. I'm pretty sure even a fucking ice mage would pull higher numbers than that fucking BLM.
We all do, some people just don't know it yet
Currently just finished the MSQ for HW, so I have a lot of catching up to do, not just in the MSQ, but also raids, I haven't touched Alexander yet and people recommend tackling that before getting close to Shadowbringer. Getting glamour stuff for a plate for each class. That stuff alone will take quite a while.
Not against playing both, especially since tokens alone can keep me sustained for years, but only one of them I'm having fun with
Jump potion
Is it really that bad? Will I have a hard time trying to do raid content if I stay on Crystal or is this just a meme? I see /vg/ bitch about Crystal all the time.
>wait an extra 30 seconds at the start of the mount portion in Prae
>don't have to do shit
I'm sure it's partially cherry-picking, but Crystal is known as a containment zone because it has two of the big ERP datacenters filled to the brim with people who don't actually play the fucking game.
I'm convinced Raen players are just pleasant people, I never see them involved in any drama, shittery, or faggotry
>Will I have a hard time trying to do raid content if I stay on Crystal
Yes, there are lots of people on crystal bitching about their reputations and how it drives people to aether if they want to raid
>censored names
Go back to plebbit
No, it's not really THAT bad, it just doesn't have a super great raiding scene since it's the RP DC
What's the name of the emote where the character is repeatedly slapping?
Alright, someone post the picture of a raen losing their shit on someone because they are wearing the same generic slut glam
Those same faggots won't do anything to help the Crystal "raiding" scene. All they do is bitch about MUH STIGMA while playing in their own cliques and not even practicing what they preach. Literal niggers, like that Very_Merri e-celeb cunt on Twitter.
cue Xaela anything
This. Imagine all the weeaboo armor DRG would have gotten while mnk got to keep their worthless buff and their shitty robes.
should be one of the ranger poses being spammed
I just started HW and i'm having a good time. I thought the end of ARR and Post ARR were really good. I kind of want to try other jobs but I think I should just stick to one till I get to the end before I start doing any of that. I take breaks from MSQ to go fishing sometimes though.
but the au ra that cut themselves because of xivg was a raen and epedo is a raen
Thancred was great until he didn't fucking die when he's supposed to. It ruined both his and Rynes character development
Fuck off retard, I'm point out that your special snowflake choice has all the same retards playing it as the other options, which you are proving right now by acting this way, retard
The thing I hate most about striking gear is how so much of it is asymmetrical it triggers me. Like why the fuck would an armor only bother having one sleeve or shoulderpad, its fucking retarded.
>a smile better suits a hero
I don't get the endgame armors
I was expecting that people would prioritize equips that can do forbidden melding?
That wasn't Thancred's death, that was Minfilia's death. His whole character arc was leading up to that moment where he accepts that she's gone forever, not to a moment where he dies.
>samurai will never get a umanori hakama that goes over the starter or af3 gear
I just want to not flash my teammates everytime I use Shifu/Kasha/Yukikaze/Guren, man
I respect other people's privacy even though they're retards. The subr3ddit even allows for uncensored names.
>leveling dancer
>queued for MSQ roulette 20 mins ago, 30 minutes estimated
>friend logs in
>says we should run roulettes
>know he's leveling his tanks
>sure why not, if we party up it should be a pretty fast pop
>5 seconds later he says wait, he's going to go to the gym instead and will be on later
>logs out
>have to requeue solo for MSQ roulette as dancer
I'm going to kill this motherfucker
I think I'm entirely okay with hamburger helper catgirls as long as all of them dress up like Ivan the Terrible, that's what doing the best out of a bad thing is like
You deserve it for leveling such a useless job
>try out the free trial at a friend's request
>play through the MSQ, doing leves, guildhests and dungeons as they unlock
>find it to be the most boring, tedious, uninteresting slog in the world
>the only feeling when i hit level 35 is relief that i dont have to play anymore
>friend assures me that it gets fun when you put even more time into it
I-Is this a joke? Some kind of trick? Was I playing the game wrong the whole time? Do people actually pay money for this?
I went to PotD to try out other jobs to see how they were at 60. Though to be honest, none of the available Jobs I have unlocked so far have really clicked with me yet. Not sure if that's because how they're more fleshed out later on or I should look into the four last ones added when I pick up Shadowbringers and unlock Stormblood through that..
Though if BLU was an actual Job, I was gonna equip that Job Crystal so fast regardless of Meta or tedious spell grinding because that shit was my favorite
>need 5 diamond dust from shiva
>do 15 unsynced runs
>0 diamond dust drops
is this normal?
Why are anime posters actually legit the most obnoxious shitposters?
It's a themepark MMO, so until you get to max level and the end game it's really not that fun anymore because ability pruning, everyone knowing all the mechanics, and the slow pace of the story in the base game.
Is there anyway to tell if an attack is physical or magical?
no it's extreme
Where do you even get reliable statics? I have a static but they suck and/or never have time to play so I'm stuck with pugs
By not being blind
>not that fun anymore because ability pruning,
Wrong. Unless you want every job being NIN.
Yeah I doubt you'd have fun sub 50 these days.
Getting all jobs to current level cap titles:
cool I guess
>Grandmaster of War
>Grandmaster of Magic
kind of lame but fine
>God of War
>God of Magic
fucking beautiful, wear at all times tier
>Soul of War
>Soul of Magic
what a fucking letdown
Yes that's the whole game. There is no variance and you will be doing that until you get to the endgame 1000 fetch quests later.
Closest thing in the game is Gosetsu's gear from the cash-shop which are proper hakama trousers. If you feel like being a paypig I recall the outfit being fairly cheap.
But I like NIN, I don't even mind the low-ish damage because I'm aware I'm not actually a "direct" fighter despite being a melee DPS, I'm an assassin.
Read all the MSQ text and enjoy the cutscenes at the end. Everything else is the tedious slog that you have to put work into to get to the good parts of the story and characters. I've also found the dungeons to be a lot more enjoyable the further I get.
Can I get an actual answer anyone?
>Literally had an artist thrown from a cliff to his death because he stopped painting things she liked
Yea Forums apologists never cease to amaze.
Should I get mad at my static of they didn't bother to progress without me? I already cleared e2s and I said I wouldn't be able to make it so they can go ahead and clear so we can progress at e3s but they decided to all skip.
I cleared early because I was pissed they kept ducking on me for the past couple of days now.
No you cannot, yoship did talk about adding a method -one day- in the last live letter. Easiest way to tell if to play DRK and use dark mind.
>enemy hits you physically
It's a physical
>magic lights go off and you take damage
It's magical
>literally blames dulia-chai for vauthry's punishment, all the chais did was fire the previous artist
Was it the fault of Kai-Shirr's employers that Vauthry tried to make him kill himself in front of him or was it Vauthry's fault user
>tfw there are only a few shitty porn weight gain games where getting fat is a game mechanic that's use
>even fewer of them do so in a meaningful way
Ah. Yeah ability purging affect 50lvl very hard. There is no solution for this without rework. 80lvl skills in low levl content will break things.
I mean, where the fuck could they go from God and not have it be a downgrade?
Jesus Christ, it's like they took the generic look of FF female players and smashed it into their game perfectly.
Browse the "what do you look like irl" threads in forums and you'll see plenty of girls that look similarly like that.
Elemental damage in general is assumed to be magical if I'm remembering right, with some exceptions like Scathe being unaspected magical damage. Ninja's ninjutsus are counted as magical damage except for Fuma Shuriken, for example.
Yea Forums and a lot of Yea Forums in general these days just can't wait to suck up to someone that has any sort of perceived status
do you really have to be a total nigger? not even him but jesus christ stop being so asshurt at an inoffensive question
>tanking main scenario
>get castrum
>pull first group of mobs
>get no heals, die
>say "gg healers" into chat
>kicked for 'harassment'
That's kinda hot, honestly.
>Can I get an actual answer anyone?
Embodiment or Epitome of ___ might've been cool
be less transparent about samefagging
but i'm talking about a hakama that actually goes over the kimono/haori, like they did with the schoolboy outift, but with the trousers like pic related for example
Speak for yourself
>get castrum
>let the other healer do all the work
>just run through the dungeon casting a regen every now and again
Not same fagging, the truth hurts doesn't is boot licker
Shit, what do you think the root of giga Chad posting is
if you can parry it its physical
i stopped paying attention to that meme when it got publicly banned a lot on Yea Forums
Twitch stream orbiters need to go.
>ass hurt
I'm not but you clearly are, just as it's clear by the effects what attributes an attack will have
You niggers act like you want giant flashing text on screen saying magical or physical, get that WoW shit out of here
James Bond is a man of taste
>healer tells me to respect the content
>i tell him to suck my dick
>get kicked
No you fucking mouthbreather there are abilities that make a distinction between physical and magical damage and a way to tell between the two that isn't obtuse or reliant on assumption is helpful
There's a lot of memes that need banning, mods only take action when it personally offends them though, like calling out porn addicts or the insult PC cuck if it's one word
Im gonna marry bonbi
what does 'respect the content' mean?
>using your eyes is obtuse
>a bug magical light that covers the whole arena is obtuse
Based retard
Only the 50 titles were good desu.
>like calling out porn addicts
i wasn't aware that bot-spamming it on Yea Forums was a justified and reasonable call-out
Probably some tranny expecting other players to lower themselves to their shitty level of play.
Go slow as fuck so the healer doesn't have to do anything
There's plenty of body types in FFXIV. You can be a very muscular 7ft tall woman if you want. Obesity is neither appealing nor natural and I see enough fatties IRL as it is.
Will being a fucking dipshit on purpose ever stop being "cool" to the average poster, Yea Forums?
sounds boring
understandable if the tank is trash tier though, but 'respect the content' is kind of a poor choice of words in that case
Last time I did Prea it took 30 minutes and was 100% gameplay
you shitters just dont have friends to skip cut scenes with
>Finally cleared e2s last night
Now to get fucked by Leviathan
logging out and back in to skip them is reportable, watch your ass user
Means pull a pack at a time instead of pulling wall to wall, like we are geared to do. "The devs never intended us to play the dungeon this way, trash packs are designed in a certain way in terms of pacing", shit like that
Yeah ARR is like a 5/10 desu. But if you power through it and get to HW you'll be glad you did.
It is boring, "respect the content" is a meme phrased used to describe the shittiest of shitters
>expecting fat, disgusting trannies to have enough functioning braincells after suffering brain damage from sexual addiction to figure out that being fat isn't physically appealing
All those titles are dogshit m8.
actual Hakama would be nice, closest one is Gosetsu's but they are undyeable. Every other Hakama in the game is a dress.
Wrong. There’s RACIAL body types, you can’t be a buff miqo’te and you can’t be a slightly chubby viera, in the end your character will always look like hundreds of other peoples avatars, retainer, or some random npc
i thought women like to play pretty girls in mmos. that's why blood elves were popular.
I always say something to indicate I dont know whats going on and we rotate those who do and dont skip for this exact purpose.
or if we fuck up and people notice it's us we just say the japanese cutscenes go way faster and people normally just accept it
What's a good title?
Same here only I feel bad since my static had to use discord callouts.
None of them
>there’s a female character
>I HAVE to be attracted to her or it’s bad
>you can’t be a buff miqo’te
Male Miqo'te all have a lean muscular build.
>and you can’t be a slightly chubby viera
Because you're an adventurer and thus have a healthy, active lifestyle that gives you a normal, healthy bodyshape.
>not helping to burst down enemies to expedite the roulette
You're an ass.
>Decided to stop being a bitch and break my fast on tanking
>Though tanking in XIV looked much more involved than WoW, only did it a little bit back in BC
>I've been running through dungeons slapping a two button AoE combo and then doing the exact same shit I'd do as a melee DPS on bosses except with absolutely braindead rotations
Holy shit have I been scammed by tanks all this time pretending they're doing the hard work? Does this shit get any more difficult?
>What are the genji hakama.
Final Fatasses wish it was just the females.
>get Ifrit NM in trial roulette
great cop out answer
Heart of the Party
Fair bit later on it does, enemies start hitting harder and more frequently when you get access to more tanking cooldowns and tank-related abilities.
I like how you pussies always blank out your own name but no one elses.
Depends on your job. I'm MCH and I favor:
The Exterminator
The Postman/Postwoman
Sky Pirate
The Azure Dragoon, God of War/Magic, Heart of the Party, Deep Canal Raider
What the fuck is this Square Enix rewards
He said good.
No, tanks are basically ez-mode DPS and your only real responsibility is starting the countdown for trials
Is there anything worse than when you remember how long you've been playing this game? Started in 2014 and just checked my playtime
>126 days, 2 hours, 17 minutes
I could've had a family
Step off if you can't appreciate being titled The Azure Dragoon, son.
is the ultimate god-tier title
I like "The Meat Shield", but it really only works on tank classes.
Yep, women are supposed to be attractive to men. Humanity wouldn't exist if women weren't attractive.
I use Meat Shield when playing as DRG so I can die on purpose and watch Netflix
more like gay-tier
>get it in leveling roulette
They need to go over the job quests again.
Dialogue doesn't match what abilities you get, and some of the instructions are impossible to perform
>started in January
>have half that time spread over two characters
Why does the Cape Westwind fight even exist
They'll hopefully be getting reworked with the ARR retune coming with ng+
>I was told to teach you the specifics of clean shot
>Unlock Rook Turret
I bet they'll make it a 4man when the 5.3 reworks hit.
>Ardbert walking towards the Crystarium at the end
>That final scene in the credits of Arbert and his companions at the start of their journey together, drinking and laughing in the tavern
What the fuck man...
i was told to specifically lustrate an npc but couldn't
cycled through my other spells and found that ald triggered the quest to finish
>His name was Ardbert. And he was my friend.
I don't think Ifrit, Titan or Garuda NM are part of that roulette, only the 8 man ones, those 3 are part of the levelling roulette though
What's happening in this pic?
Yeah I meant leveling, whoops
>game sets up Rhitatyn and Luvia as big deals alongside Nero and Gaius
>Nero is in literally EVERY expac in some way or another
>Gaius is getting set up to be our Ocelot after all of the hocus pocus is out of the way
>you at least still see Luvia every other day and meet her sister in HW
>Rhitatyn just outright never gets mentioned again and has an absolute joke of a trial to his name and nothing else
Curse of being a Roegadyn
They did my boy dirty
Rhitatyn and Livia both show up in PotD as rare spawns and in the DRK questline as two of the lives that WoL feels most haunted over ending.
I have 227 days, I started in December 2014. U are small time user.
Seeker of Fortune
2nd boss of Mheg dungeon has a gain weight mechanic.
Finally deleted this game after it crashed for the 100th time. I didn't build a PC for this to happen bros. Square needs to get it's shit together.
Should I be using more than one cooldown at a time as PLD? Like, I'm not gonna pop Rampart and Sentinel at the same time; never have before. Some healer got bitchy at me because his heals sucked ass.
>SAMshitters are bigger whiners than fuckin SCH, SMN, and AST combined
Who knew?
Little Piggy is the best one.
>He was a good man, he deserved to be happy
>I wish I could have told him that
In your imagination or something?
Finder of False Gods is pretty kino
Fucking tell me in what way this man was wrong.
Main stat increases > everything else
unless you're not going to survive a tankbuster without every cooldown, no lol.
On trash pulls you should cycle through them.
Fallacious position that relied on denying the sentience of others
The Reaper
278 days since 2013. Sunken cost is a bitch.
each point of substat is worth like 1/5 of a mainstat at most, unless the substats are fucking abysmal the higher ilvl will always win out
Soldier of fortune
He didn't deny their sentience he rightly pointed out that it was both a lesser form of sentience and one that was destined to endless cycles of suffering and misery, qualified from the position of someone who has lived through countless lifetimes and explored everything this lesser existence has to offer.
Seeker of blood
>I hate my hobby
Ironic gamer
The son doesn't inherit the sins of their father, but only their nature you dumb bitch
Amazon's running diet
animation and jiggling is really quality for pixelart
Rhitatyn's weird, they tell you he's insanely competent (helped by Gaius being a Cao Cao meritocrat and not caring about his race), he's a genuine case of his homeland being united by the Garleans, and as long as he's alive he'll probably out-fox the Eorzean Alliance if they try getting anywhere close to Castrum Meridianum, then he eats shit at Cape Westwind without much fuss.
Are most NPCs created using the same character creation engine players get? I found an NPC with a nice hair color I wanted to use, but I couldn't find the right shade, closest thing was too dark or too washed out.
t. Elidibus
Perfect Blue
For player attacks you check the tooltip
"Delivers an attack" means it's physical
"Deals [element] (even unaspected) damage" is magic
Do note that all your damage scales with your main stat anyway, so using int potions on drk won't increase quietus damage, for example
For enemy attacks you have to check the battle logs
"X readies" and "X uses" are physical
"X begins casting" and "X casts" are magical
>you're lesser because I say you are
Totally not fallacious
He's tempered. He has no choice.
Pretty much all of them besides Scions and city state leaders, yeah.
Usually they are but a number of NPCs also have unique faces or unique gear. Poke the character's name into Garland Tools and see their exact specs. garlandtools.org
>first pull of Akadaemia
>Pull everything on the first part
>use Rampart, Sentinel, Shelltron, hallowed ground, fucking clemency
>I fucking melt and we wipe
>SCH: "Really? wall to wall and only one cool down at a time?"
>On the retry I only pull the first three mobs to be a cunt and he rage quits
Because he's a low level boss fight. He was slightly harder on launch, but still nothing noteworthy at all. He's a hypercompetent beast compared to the average person, but just not compared to you.
Oh that's nice, thanks user.
>because I say you are
Based strawman, nice work Alphinaud. He demonstrably and scientifically proves that fragmented souls are inferior in every regard to what they used to be.
What about Innocence? His autos deal lightning damage, afaik.
Honest Gillionare or go home.
"You're lesser because I am not sundered life and you are, hol up I'm about to creation-magic an entire city's inhabitants while held back to a tiny fragment of my power by the mortal Garlean flesh I'm inhabiting"
>He demonstrably and scientifically proves that fragmented souls are inferior in every regard to what they used to be.
He loses to fragmented souls despite being whole
..And we proved him wrong by killing him.
If it's a pug healer and unless they specifically ask for me to pull to the wall there, I don't even try. I'll pull 2 stacks and wait it out because I really don't trust pug healers.
They do, that user is retarded.
WoL + Ardbert is 9 fragments
Plus 7 other fragments, which is 16. A fully-formed soul is 14.
For DRK should I go DH or Crit?
I heard Crit gets better after a certain limit. If I already have crit as a secondary stat on most of my gear should I just go into crit?
He loses to two joined fragments of another Ascian who was previously on his level, plus canonically all of your other fucking fragments who got pulled in with bullshit Time Magic. Basically it was council member vs council member, you just happened to be split into several different people, and also had an entire star's worth of light in you.
Nobody whines harder than scholars. If it has to use lustrate, it whines until the fight is over. Sometimes they refuse to use it and STILL whine.
It seems like the game is making the case that amaurotines are borderline gods, but they're still people and prone to mistakes, overreaching, fallacy and thinking they're smarter than they are. There's also that the remaining three unsundered individuals were heads-of-state or planners, not fighters or movers, compared to the Warrior of Light being nine-fourteenths of a complete being but hyper-competent in almost anything they do, and apparently a hell of an amaurotine in their original form.
We aren't any stronger being from the source than beings from other worlds. We should be able to slap down any race on the First without issue.
Even if we have our fragments back, they aren't actually giving us any boost. Ardbert was a special case of "Oracle of Light knew he had to help"
I've always wanted Moneybags, but I'll stick with The Professional until then.
the breakpoint is like 3k which so far as i know isn't reasonably achievable as of now
just don't think too hard about it and meld all dh after you have a low enough gcd
DH. Crit doesn't have high enough gains to make any difference this early in the expansion.
He's just a shitter. I've healed that pull as WHM and tanked it as PLD countless times and you shouldn't need HG or Clemency at all unless either the healer is shit or the DPS are shit and can't kill the mobs quickly enough.
But why didn't you use Arm's Length
Goddess of the Hand
>We aren't any stronger being from the source than beings from other worlds.
Yes we are, the Source has been rejoined 7 times and Emet-Selch calls us seven-times rejoined. That gives every original soul on the Source a higher level of potential.
If all the extra fragments make you mathematically superior and you still can't contain the light how come he talks about you being inferior to him despite you logically being his superior
Oh, because his argument is a fallacious one because he's tempered, got it
damn it, i want to sub in WAR. oh well
his finest creation
t. Hydaelyn
Those are magical, if you get physical vuln from the swords you don't take any extra damage
>Does thou do what thoust hast come to do from which thou comes to what thoust must does?
>Yes or no motherfucker?
>If all the extra fragments make you mathematically superior and you still can't contain the light how come he talks about you being inferior to him despite you logically being his superior
You're not his superior or even his equal as far as the unification of your soul goes. You have 8 fragments at that point, and then 9 after fusing with Ardbert.
>Oh, because his argument is a fallacious one because he's tempered, got it
We have not a single fucking clue what Zodiark's tempering is like. As a benevolent god summoned to save the world, his tempering may be completely irrelevant. As a primal summoned under an atmosphere of fear, it might be bad. We just don't know right now.
>Magnai: Be my wife
>Y'shtola: No be a man little sun
Raen players are usually just retards.
>it's another only need like 10 of a mat to make something but everyone insists on selling it in stacks of 99
Thank god for world visits, fuck these faggots
Yea, verily.
Those aren't wol fragments you fucking lorelet, those were just 7 random heroes
Why the fuck do people keep reading too had into this shit
I didn't say they were WoL fragments you illiterate fucking nigger. They were just OTHER fragments of OTHER souls.
I've used Myth Breaker since Thordan EX came out and I don't plan on changing it. Sounds cool as fuck and it's my favorite Trial.
Looks like the streamer who usually AFKs or kills himself when he's not happy with something is bullying a DRK who isn't using his oGCDs to spend mana and for stacking defensive CDs.
So is it true WAR is just a dps with a tank hp bar?
det is universally good if you're that worried about it, the actual difference between the three damage substats isn't super huge
I used to sell in stacks of 10 or 20 but you run out of space really fast. I'm not going to pay the retainer jew just to make things more convenient for cucks who can't gather themselves.
>Literally the only occurrence where your rando fellow players are an actual plot element
>Specifically summoned by the only being who can rip people across time and space
>All of them are seen to be full of light and break out of the darkness in the exact same way during the fight
Come the fuck on
Magnai is too much of an angry incel to attract women
This guy could have just got the invisible garo shield from the gold saucer and glammed it.
oh shit really quick guys, doing titania ex OT as DRK. never done it. can I still cheese the tethers with living dead for 3?
>Literally the only occurrence where your rando fellow players are an actual plot element
No, they're also brought up in the Warring Triad quests, and in SB before Susano and Ala Mhigo.
He's right, it gets better as you get further in. However, the amount of time (and money) investment in order to reach the fun parts is completely fucked and not worth it. If you get to Lv35 and you've completely had it with the game, then drop it and don't look back. If you think the free trial is alright but you wish it would get a little more complex and interesting, then yeah it does but that's another 100 hours into the game. It's not really worth it. I'm close to getting every job to Lv80, and I might just drop it for good this time. I'd really like to play other games again.
Yah, just make sure your healers are going to handle it
I always take my time getting to the elevator after the giant boss so I can make an excuse.
You're saying that based on information from a tempered person that can't be trusted as credible
Ironically now your argument has become fallacious
>I'm close to getting every job to Lv80, and I might just drop it for good this time. I'd really like to play other games again.
Lmao, I fucking love this game and play it all the time, but I also play other shit.
You guys need to quit burning yourselves on playing a single game too much.
Learn to read you fucking retard, my entire point is that we have no god damn clue what Zodiark and his tempering are like. He may be benevolent because of the reason he was summoned, or he may be a demon because the summoners had fear in their minds when summoning him. We don't fucking know, and so it's ridiculous to comment on Emet-Selch's tempering.
could be worse
they could've forced trannies in like gw2
>just wiped on the last boss of Dusk Vigil
the people in this game are genuinely retarded
I thought both of the Chais were great and was pleasantly surprised. I really loved all of the NPCs in the First, actually. It was a really well-done style of world that I appreciated, where the land and world itself were horrible and scarred, but the people that lived in it were all kind and usually very benevolent.
It made it very easy to believe that it was the type of world where the heroes could win, and win so hard that the world fell to Light. Everybody was so good in it, it's only natural that would be the element that caused the apocalypse.
As much as it sounds like a meme, personality is far more important than anything. I find being overweight really unattractive IRL, but that hasn't stopped me from being attracted to a few overweight women because they were intelligent, had a good sense of humor, and were kind. Besides, it's possible to lose weight.
>trying to wiggle out this hard
Not my fault you tried to use a fallacious argument to defend a villain that would gladly lie by omission, made fallacious arguments himself, and was tempered to the will of another being that's interested in its own resurrection and hasnt been shown to care for anything else except from the account of said person that's bent to its will
Feeling bad for Emet because of all he's lost is fine, don't try and pretend he's in the right though
>it's only natural that would be the element that caused the apocalypse
About that...
If you have time to pop all of your cooldowns on the first pull, that isn't your problem and it isn't the healer's problem. It's that the DPS is so fucking trash they can't kill the group by the time Hallowed + Rampart is over, let alone Sentinel as well.
>wiggle out
Literally just read my post you fucking illiterate.
>they didn't exist
What a shame
Knight of House Fortemps
It's not that bad. I've never had a situation anywhere close to what's in that picture. And plenty of similar experiences happen on the other Data Centers. It's largely confirmation bias and people that have those bad experiences complaining, and people that have good experiences just not mentioning them.
I have a personal theory that the game utilizes a matchmaking bias system that prioritizes matching people with a lot of commendations or a high rate of acquiring commendations with each other, because I have a shitload after playing for so long and have NEVER had even close to a fraction of the negative experiences other people I know have had, despite playing much longer and much more frequently than them.
It's kind of hard not to. You pay for the month so all the time you're not playing is wasted money.
>read my flawed argument again after you've pointed out its flaws, I still need more time to try and wiggle out of being wrong
a certain kind of people would irrationally defend them if any of them were written as villains
Just happened to me I need to take a break and play some Bayonetta to blow off steam.
btw the tank pulled like a bitch, didn't use ogc unless forced (didn't see a single arms length at all and proced Thrill of Battle once the entire run), forgot to stance when we started, and let the dragon heal itself in poison the entire time.
All with the stupid mentor crown next to his name.
No once died and we got through fast, cry me a river because you actually had to play the game for a moment cunts.
>We have not a single fucking clue what Zodiark's tempering is like.
Benevolent primals exist, see Ramuh and Alexander. Zodiark was summoned to save the world, and may also be benevolent. We just don't know. You're making huge assumptions about what effect his tempering had on Emet-Selch because you're an illiterate.
I'm seething so hard I forgot my image.
No? $13/month means you can play 13 HOURS a month to get a dollar an hour. Double that and you have 50 cents an hour, etc.
Subs don't mean it's wasted money. Just play as much as you feel like.
Dumb question, but is there any benefit in getting an apartment in a more populated building compared to a dead one?
That's probably it, actually, and I think it makes a lot of sense. I just hit 3,000 commendations and I very rarely have an asshat in my party. It's really not a common thing in the slightest. That said, it's a pretty damn easy game so when you get someone like that it comes off as especially retarded.
>personal theory that the game utilizes a matchmaking bias system that prioritizes matching people with a lot of commendations or a high rate of acquiring commendations with each other
Comms don't factor in, the game does match people based on their performance though to try and create what it considers an average party
What this means in practice is bad players being matched with good players to carry them and actually average players getting put together so you have some people getting runs that have no issues while others play with an albatross around their necks unless they run with premades and that's where the stories come from
I also suspect the game fudges loot rolls in favor of bad players to try and get them better gear so they perform better or just reward them so they keep playing and don't quit but I can't confirm it
He wasn't, but those opposing him weren't wrong either
you are a dick but those dps numbers are pretty damn low even the healing numbers
>You're making huge assumptions about what effect his tempering had on Emet-Selch because you're an illiterate.
Fucking irony
>not having some of the party DC so you skip cutscenes
>I also suspect the game fudges loot rolls in favor of bad players to try and get them better gear so they perform better or just reward them so they keep playing and don't quit but I can't confirm it
It absolutely does. I've seen more than enough confirmation of this after playing since launch. As long as I have ACT up, I can name exactly which party member will get the minion/music/mount.
The dragon in the poison? This was Brayflox normal? Jesus christ, what the fuck.
Susano is localization but I think JP does still mention adventurers for the WT and Ala Mhigo beforehand. Hades does bring up they're your counterparts from across the shards, though; not specifically shards of you the way Ardbert was but counterpart Warriors of Light like Unukalhai.
cute tranny
fuck your retarded anecdotal whining, I'm always top dps and I always win whatever I need on
But only bad players win rolls
Yea Forums will defend any villain if the memes are strong enough, see Senator Armstrong.
Sure you are user
I'm retarded, how exactly do I work the four main DRG buffs into the opener? I've just been mashing all of them at once then diving in but I know that's wrong
Senator Armstrong was right though and Jack proved him right
If the mighty decide that might should not rule then Senator Armstrong was wrong
Leveling dps is an eye opener as to how bad tanks can be, I never dealt with it before since I leveled WAR to 60 and PLD to 55 but wanted to get DRG up for Heavansward stuff.
I had a Lv 30 PLD in normal Copperbell Mines or whatever that we literally had to stop and explain what stance meant and did because he didn't use it until halfway through.
Like how does that happen.
>Implying all hoodie sizes were made in the same quantity
Senator Armstrong did nothing wrong. Gaius Van Baelsar did nothing wrong.
Face backwards and backflip in
Start your combo
Weave two buffs
Second combo hit
Weave two more buffs
I don't play DRG but this is how you do it with every job
I had a mentor tank that refused to use his tank stance in copperbell mines. I saw he didn't have it on, so I figured he just forgot to put it on, it happens, so I reminded him. He put it on for like 5 seconds and just kept randomly turning it off for some fucking reason, even though I asked him to leave it on. He didn't say anything back the entire dungeon, just kept randomly turning it on and off.
But merri is friends with Mr Fappy and part of the fap army
I don't fucking know man, I eye someone at the start and jump in so I can True thrust (BotD)>Disembowel(Lance Charge)>Chaos Thrust(Battle Litany)>Wheeling Thrust(High Jump)>Fang and Claw(Geirskogul)>True Thrust(Dragonfire Dive)>Vorpal Thrust(Life Surge)>Full Thrust(Spineshatter Dive)
Gaius and Armstrong can't both be right. Gaius's motives and ideals are at odds with Armstrong. Gaius thought that the strong should rule only so that their leadership could bring peace and stability to protect the weak. He wanted to end wars, not start them.
Disembowel skillchain first
Blood of the Dragon first-thing or just before your first jump
Lance Charge with Geirskogul leading into Nastrond
Dragon Sight with Lance Charge when possible for fat Nastronds but if it doesn't align then I stop caring and just slap it on the highest other DPS whenever it's up (or just on myself if nobody's close enough and I really don't feel like waddling over)
Battle Litany if other people are using burst-phase buffs like Chain Stratagem or Trick Attack, if no other parse-fluffer is around then your guess is as good as mine and keep it on cooldown
>I main tank
Oh don’t mind me while I YOINK that 5th tank slot
Gaius and Armstrong are from two very different worlds.
He thought we were too weak to take responsibility for the planet´s legacy, and yet we still kicked his ass.
It´s as simple as that.
>Gaius is an atheist globalist
Uhhh bros? I thought he was /ourguy/.
>I main SAM
Why does the Alliance pretend it stands for anything when every city-state aside from post-HW Ishgard is a hypocritical ineffective shithole?
>Why yes I can play all roles far better than people who just main one role, how could you tell?
>FC tag isn't also Dan
Thanks anons
literally me for dps and tank, i'm a really bad healer
The Alliance stands for sovereignty. They're all shitholes but they respect each others' cultures and right to exist. Also Ul'dah is perfectly fine after Lolorito outs the root of the corruption in the monetarist faction.
LalaCHADs rise up
It's because there are shitters on the official forums who complain about wall to wall pulls. Same shitters who complained about pulling everything to boss and locking it out in arr
God bad tanks make me sick to my stomach.
Just go play dps if you don't want to do your job please if I have to do another sub 50 dungeon once trash mob at a time I'm gonna have aneurysm.
Pretty sure you're not supposed to lance charge the DoT
it's literally just a united front to counter garlean overtures
>hypocritical ineffective shithole
that applies to current ishgard too
>Wants to unite humanity and take our fate back from meddling Ascians, knows how to keep his friends close and his enemies closer
>Offers to enter into an alliance with the Scions and Eorzea to this end but they tell him to fuck off
He did nothing wrong, other than not having his son executed the second he showed signs of being an absolute maniac.
>Everyone is praising how Shad lacks lalas
>Nier raid will have them in abundance
FCs are replaced by the medal count in feast.
that sounds like a bot desu.
idk what's with people not talking in this game when they do stupid shit
When GNB was all the rage, it was especially bad. Had a dude who went half-way through Sirensong Sea before finally turning it on. Everyone in the chat was like "Tank stance please" but he kept ignoring us.
Make friends. If you find a party you clear well with, ask if they want to get together regularly. Most of my static is made up of people I met along the way. It isn't just going to fall into your lap. It's like randos who need a fucking square to find their position in Titania or don't look at text chat. These are the people who will never clear anything if they aren't carried by other people, and they're the reasons people have to make statics to do anything.
>Also Ul'dah is perfectly fine after Lolorito outs the root of the corruption in the monetarist faction.
Lolorito is the root of corruption dingus
After he made his move Uldah continued to stagnate as an overpopulated caste nightmare run by potato Jews
He excited Adeledji because this status quo was threatened, not to make it a paradise for all
Do ASTs really need mods to remind them which cards are which?
Why wouldn't you want to make the DoT be the start of your more damage buff?
I absolutely believe in this theory as well.
ShB had so many great side characters. Runar and the Chais come to mind along with Feo Ul and the Viera sisters.
As much as I believe they're going to "balance" the role distribution with one more each of healer, ranged physical, and caster, then stop adding jobs, I would gladly tell all of those to fuck off if we get a Judge job.
well the icon on its own is meaningless now
Im so fucking tired of braindead DPS and faggots who clearly are tabbing out to do something else in my dungeons.
>playing an ast
I have no idea how many mobs I should pull in
Seething lucklets
I really like Soul of War, actually, for some reason. It feels very fantastical and unusual, but it's still obvious what it means.
>gabranth: the job
I use this thing called the brain.
*Excised Adeledji
>Lolorito is the root of corruption dingus
Stop skipping cutscenes you fucking lorelet.
>He excited Adeledji because this status quo was threatened
He executed Teledji because he was going to kill the Sultana and throw the country into chaos. Lolorito loves his country more than anything, so he got rid of him and finally cleared the air between himself and Nanamo so the two could work together to strengthen Ul'dah, as he did with her father before her. It's not the first time Lolorito has interfered with Teledji's bullshit either. He spent years going out of his way stopping him from trying to scare off or assassinate Eolande and her son.
>getting 3 commendations as a dps
I spent $200 on this piece of shit bracelet, I'm not flipping Job now.
The Eorzean Alliance is purely to counteract the Garlean threat against the continent and they're constantly stabbing at eachother otherwise. They don't pretend to be on the same side, note that Ishgard has been preoccupied with its own business for the past millennium.
>mentor crown
Every fucking time. Did a trial where someone asked what to look out for mentor says "don't die" and some sprout actually took the time to explain what to look for. At the end our nice mentor said told us we were acceptable though so its fine right.
>Join Titania Ex Clear Party
>Put up waymarker
>People don't move.
Ishgard was part of the original alliance that was formed to curbstomp Ala Mhigo. They hated Ala Mhigo that much.
And you have to work 10 times as hard as a tank to get those comms
No, all the information you need is literally in the gauge
10x0 is 0 bro
I remember it like this: old good cards go to melee, old shit cards go to ranged. I don't bother remembering seals, or even redrawing to get all three, 1-2% difference is not worth the headache or effort.
Pull the entire dungeon and you'll have my commendation.
>$40 Etsy bracelet with $160 healslut tax
Good shit
>mfw zipping around the arena as Dancer with a full stack of charges
this is fun
Been playing AST since 5.0 and never noticed this but also never had trouble remembering what was what.
Cool to know though.
If you want the comm pull everything and map break the stop areas.
>play healer
>commends every time
I'd happily get Light AIDS if it meant fucking Forgiven Obscenity.
>Atone with your lives!
The guy you replied to and I strongly disagree that it's performance, if only because that's hard to track between different jobs. And, on top of that, I parse purple but can count on one hand how often I get a bad group. Comms seem like they'd be useful to that end, as well as other stats like how often they're vote dismissed or whatever.
I wonder if there will ever be Hrothgar x Female Miqo porn
I play tank and this is a straight up like
>Have no idea what the fight is
>Get got by instakills twice
>Don't even bother tanking the trial, the other guy's got this
>Get three commends
she's super ugly when she smiles
>he gives people commendations
>dancer in my static
>stays in aoes longer than they should because they think they can just dash out
>constantly dying because of this
Yeah this was my system too before I dropped AST.
DPS old cards = melee
Utility old cards = ranged
they were partied together, you were their only option to commend
>play Red Mage
>Titan normal
>raise literally 20+ times
>one shot the boss due to chain raising
>also top DPS meters since everyone else was dead
>zero comms every time
I don't know why I try
I never ever get comms playing Red
I think most people don't even bother paying attention and just auto-give it to tanks or healers.
Just look at your dps and healer and gauge what they are comfortable with. If I see the healer is competent I go as far as I feel is safe for them. And if I go really big I give a proper callout.
I'm fine if they just suck cause I can deal, but what pisses me off is acting high and mighty when they are factually shit at the game.
Name a more satisfying ability in the entire fucking game than Drill. I'll wait.
The new DRG one - "Bolt from the Black" is pretty fucking cool
Except you wouldn’t be attracted to her enough to get an erection to have kids, user.
youre a shitter by default. its best not to encourage shitters
Some already exists, specifically with Runar and Y'shtola.
Am i being a tard or is there no difference between Eos and Selene?
Reassembled Drill.
byregot's blessing
There's no difference, it's just a glamour choice.
t. doesnt know how penises work
It's all cosmetic now, summon whichever you fancy more.
Thanks my friend, you are the real mvp.
Mentors were cancer in xi so no surprise they are cancer in xiv
>he doesn't know when to use eos and when to use selene
youre a detriment to your party, just switch to whm
Sounds gay to me. Using virtual titles that you don't deserve is gay.
where's the porn
Lance charge is blood for blood. Not life surge
I really liked Y'shtola before this but I loved her after it. She has so much sass and casts shade so very elegantly and curtly.
Actually looks like a hag I know that plays this trash
I personally like Otherworld Apothecary.
Of the Golden Leaf is good too
But the very best one is Naago's Partner
>final boss in a SB dungeon
>CHING CHONG CHING sound effect at the start of the music
it should have been "shadow of war" or "shadow of magic"
High Roller, Master [gatherer], Grandmaster Caster, Honest Gillionaire
>leveling up scholar with a friend, first time healing
>go to brayflox with people who are new
>tank doesn't put on tank stance, remind him to do it after the first wave of mobs
>tank still can't draw aggro after putting on tank stance somehow
>we don't wipe after all this, thank christ
>tank inexplicably dies after the last boss of the dungeon dies
>no commends
At least it was FUN
rdm doesnt have verraise in titan normal
you don't get comms cause you're playing the shitter job and jacking off to imaginary scenarios when you could've just played black mage instead
FFXIV is the most frustrating modern MMO to play if you want to put in effort.
>Parsing is bannable
>Even remotely mentioning it gets waves of people upset at you resulting in reports
>If you bring up someone's damage or healing at all, its considered evidence of parsing
>If you so much as constructively criticize someone's play, its still considered harassment
>If you ever call someone a naughty word you might as well kiss your account goodbye for awhile
>Disagreeing with someone with how you or they play is reportable
>Doing anything in the area code of RPers that isn't RP is reportable
Red mage is cool though
Hopefully not. Cuck shit should be looked down upon.
Regarding the new moonfire happi
Do I use the mod that removes the wrap entirely or the mod the just shortens it to show some underboob?
Hes talking about titan 2.0
>needing to parse to get good
Can you even do math without a calculator?
>rdm doesnt have verraise in titan normal
He's talking about Heritor of Earth, dumbass
Why are Hrothgars so cute, bros?
Guess I'm retarded then
If you want to parse, go somewhere else. I don't want you playing my game and telling me how I should play on my dollar.
The solution is to only ever sit in your house/garden and only talk to your static.
And instead of offering advice to anyone, who is under performing, just kick them out, because they just report you for parsing or forcing a play style on them/harassment.
>Can move without losing damage
BLMs will would rather have someone almost kill them in real life than step out of muh leylines
Tataru is SHIT at designing clothes.
>FFXIV is the most frustrating modern MMO to play if you want to use a parsing meter to lord over other players
great post, really energized my brain batteries
But then you're losing a ton of the best aspects of MMOs when everyone is scared to communicate in the game. Hell the guy you kicked will probably report you for kicking him unjustly. GMs seem to act on literally anyone who gets hurt feeling'd.
tfw I always que in as a healer and afk from the start. Only moving to the group when it gives me a teleport and still don't get kicked from the run.
There is literally nothing wrong with telling a bad player they are underperforming or not trying.
You can get reported for abusing the kick function i.e kicking people because you don't like their numbers on your parse addon :)
Exactly. Nowadays I only do stuff with my FC/static, because the hassle of having to do deal with hurt feelings and shitters just isn't worth my time.
I'm absolutely baffled, how did this SAM pass E1S?
still shouldve played black mage
First time I got 5 as BLM in E3. I never moved outside Triple casts and Xeno. Aetherial manipulation non stop. Peak performance.
>only barely cleared titania EX SSS with edengate gear and crafted weapon
oh no I suck
I sucked all along
Don't you mean fat, obese, disgusting, an embarrassment for human physiology?
Difference of play style is a valid reason to kick. If I didn't say anything about them performing badly they can't prove I kicked them because I parsed. I don't even parse anymore since I started playing on Linux, but it's still easy to spit people with missing DoTs and self buffs.
>t. the sch
>Alisaie and Y'shtola has spats
Nah she's pretty good.
Needs more lewds of her.
no shit
Well yes, the entire reason she's fat is to portray the excess and hedonism of Eulmore.
Guys, why the fuck can't I master the Monk opener? I played Machinist in Heavensward and Stormblood, I should be able to fucking do this.
dungeon master
and little piggy
Safe to say that they've nailed it.
>Want to play WAR just to honor Ardbert
Am I making a mistake?
Better off practicing your sam opener
What? Press fucking button. There is nothing hard about Monk opener. Unless you're from balance discord
Eulmore is a nearly perfect representation of a society on the brink of an apocalypse. There's even a tranny Miqo'te.
I don't know if I should switch to DPS next tier.
Tanking messing up is noticeable but I've noticed as a DPS if you fuck up people will be more like "we had too much deaths to clear" rather than "MNK died" + I'm getting fucking pissed off with healers deciding not to heal before the AoE and killing me off.
Starting to sound a lot like ours...
bro it's literally fucking demolish -> anatman -> DK -> regular combo -> switch to fist of wind when at GL4
>less DPS than WHM
That's an impressive carry.
I don't do savage or anything, hardest stuff I do is normal raids. Is the Anatman opener so much of a DPS increase that it's worth the awkwardness?
Yes, I know, and I keep fucking it up and I have no idea why
We are still ahead because drag queen children like desmond exist.
I comm every Hroth I come across! Even if they're fucking shit.
bruh what are you fucking up?
Tell me what the difference between
>press demo
>wait for gcd
>press demp
>press anatman while you waiting for gcd
>if you don't have GL wait a little
>if you have press DK
delete this
Even with a couple of deaths you should pull higher deeps than that
You don't understand, user. Pressing all those buttons is really hard.
good lad
So how did he plan to outwit the ascians anyway when he can't even get his son under control?
>the firsts ilberd probably died in the flood
*blocks your path*
impossible, it drops on clear
>I'm going to stop doing the ascians' bidding!
>By doing exactly what the ascians are trying to do, and rejoin the shards into one!
SB writing was maybe the most retarded thing in all FF as a franchise.
Does it drop directly from her or come from a chest? On unsynced you can't get direct mob drops.
>he did 15 unsync hard mode runs expecting a drop
I think he planned to just fuck them over when they tried to sacrifice the people in the source to Zodiark to get their bros back. Seems a solid plan to me, the current souls get made whole and the Ascians get fucked off and have to stay inside Zodiark.
And if you're doing that you ought to be smart enough to point to non-ACT methods of judging group performance, namely "watching them" and "battle log". Shitting on players for poor performance is fine, third-party addons being used to that end is not.
Man had a drk in the level
75 dungeon use tbn once. He literally ran the dungeon with a full mp bar
Criticizing someone at all is reportable, not just parsing. That just makes it worse.
Whether the report is actually valid or not is another matter entirely, "they made me feel bad :(" gets turned down.
I'm honestly shocked they even have it