New game is as good as the last one

>new game is as good as the last one
when was the last time this happened?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>everything returns to the status quo

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Pokemon Gold and Silver
Rayman Legends

>bringing back Rocko AND making transphobe heads explode in the process
>bringing back Zim
>bringing back All That

How did Nickelodeon become based again so fast?

can't leave the door closed for possible season renewals

>Yea Forums is the only place/board that hates the movie
They are as bad as us.

>new game has many changes from original
>if you don't like all the changes you're labeled a bigot

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Dragon Quest builders 2

Hillenburg had to die so they stopped to depend on Spongebob.

It sounds hard but is the reality, also CalArts last decade.

Even Yea Forums loves the movie, it's just a few nitpickers getting torn apart for having terrible taste.


so Yea Forums

was it really good?

Well one of them is claiming Rocko made "transphobe heads explode", so you can safely assume this is just forced discord nonsense.

Ehh, bettter than the Rocko special, but a lot of scenes felt pretty rushed. If it were ranked alongside other ZIm episodes, it would be on the lower end

>Heffer is literally a slang term in the rural West for a female cow
>Literally has udders
>Consistently referred to as a 'he'

Rocko has always been trans-positive

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It is.

It was actually funny and entertaining unlike Static Cling. It's an hour long episode rather than a satisfying conclusion to the series just to let you know.

Hillenburg hadn’t been involved with Spongebob for like a decade.

Didn't he come back for the post-second movie seasons?

Hillenburg was involved in a couple of the more recent seasons before he passed. He was also one of the main people against any kind of Spongebob spinoff being made.

Guess what Nick announced after he died.

>All That
Fucking awful. It's not even about someone growing out of the humor because the Amanda Show is superior and you can still understand the humor. All That has always sucked.

He came back for the movie and did some episodes for season 10

It was okay
>not as dark or horrific as the show
>worse art style and slower animation
>Gaz felt out of character at times and too involved in the actual story
>ending with everything returning to the status quo
Felt like an extended episode from the original show when I was expecting some sense of closure after all these years of waiting
They should have just made the planned ending for the show

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Bayonetta 2 came very close
Doom eternal is shaping up to be better than 16

t. exploded head

This. Heffer was always a fat faggot pussy girl

the new invader zim is a decent movie
the new rocko is trans advertisement disguised as a reboot

>Series doesn't change at all
>If you don't like it, you're bitching about a show you don't even remember that well
People getting butthurt about the Rocko special being "SJW shit" are people who either don't remember the show at all or have never watched it. Both are equally as sad.

A mere 5 minutes until this thread is pruned into space dust.

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No, he cowrote the second movie and was involved in the seasons afterwards until his death

I would have been fine if Rocko had still been allowed to dislike the state of his favourite show. Not every change is perfect and is something you should be happy with.

Was pretty good, some people don't think the humor (or the artstyle) matched the edge of the old cartoon but I honestly think it was mostly on point and didn't shove any modern social bullshit into it for the sake if showing time had passed.

>>not as dark or horrific as the show
>>worse art style and slower animation
>>Gaz felt out of character at times and too involved in the actual story
Is everyone retarded or none knows this is based on a comic with the same artstyle? Gaz character is based in that comic.

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That sounds bad. I wish we got more of the samurai jack treatment. It wasn't the best season, but the ending did wrap everything up and even brought all his allies back for the final battle.

it was an adaption of the Zim comics Jhonen did, which were just a straight up continuation.

besides, having an actual conclusion with closure and all that really goes against the spirit of Zim

Then I'll just cunnypost and kill it in four!

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All That sucked. It was funny when you were literally a child.

Came here to post this
Also super mario maker 2

It was alright, but the show was funnier. I know Zim has always had "random funni" humor, but it felt like the movie relied a little too much on it and didn't feature as much of the darker-styled humor the show had.

Also the animation quality was bit all over the place at some points. You'll have some scenes that are traditionally animated next to others that literally use flash tweening.

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How come the amped up the brightness in the colors? well, not ALL colors mind you, Dib looks more tanned and I think overall the colors looked off.

I miss that sharp contrast bewteen darks and purples.

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Zim> arnold> rocko
Rocko isnt last cause of the tranny shit its just cause rocko is weaker than zim and arnold

Static Cling was really shitty

>western animation
KILL yourself tranny 40% incel

>slower animation
Nigga do you brain

I myself had no idea about the comics until hearing about them on here.
Haven't read them but I do hope to see the movie soon and I'm sure I'll enjoy it

He should’ve stayed in the future

>he doesn't know this is based in a comic from years ago
based retard

Rocko was pure dog shit, and even without the trans-shit is still pure shit.

Gaz is perfectly in-character with how she's portrayed in the comics, which is far superior to the one-note version from the show.

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The movie basically opens with the first part of the first comic arc anyway and then just gives a new story from there.

>not as dark or horrific as the show
Zim often fluctuated between dark and tame, and this movie is tame. Zim was never 100% dark in tone all the time.
>worse art style and slower animation
I just don't like Gaz' redesign, but the art style is still there. There's like 2 short scenes where they use ugly flash for animation, overall it's very fast.
>Gaz felt out of character at times and too involved in the actual story
Why is this a problem. She's a fan favorite and good character. Also instrumental to the family dynamic Jhonen wanted to make for a while.
>ending with everything returning to the status quo
Zim doesn't need a finale.

Only the Zim one because was literally the same 7/10 tier show.

>ending with everything returning to the status quo
Were people really expecting anything different? To have a huge "event" take place only for it to not matter in the end fits the show's tone perfectly.

Sweeping all the King Jack and portal guardian shit to the side really bothered me, you can't tease that and then not make it happen.

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I didn't mind it too much, but looking back I can clearly see the difference. Also, that scene was hilarious
>I-I'm Dib
The hurt in his voice was fucking perfect

Trannies like anime, though

>Invader Zim
>dark tone
lol wut.

I wish they did a movie about Jhonen's more niche comic, Johnny The Homicidal Maniac

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It was solid, not as dark and edgy (in terms of art style) as the series, but good.

The only thing I wanted was lots of retarded screaming
was pretty satisfied

what did we think of this?

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If Jack stayed in the future then PPG couldn't exist.

Please stop making Yea Forums threads on Yea Forums.

Nobody cares about invader zim on the video game board

>old game gets a remaster

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Yeah ok

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>irken armada is just gone forever
>status quo

Invader Zim is edgy randumb shit for 14 year old goth girls.

Really liked it, nice ending, better as a film than the original movie was, which makes sense knowing what the plan was

lame but at least the series is finally wrapped up

And that's what makes it great

Kinda shit but at least the final episode is no longer Pheobe farting

There are like 3 episodes that refute this. Organ harvesting for one.

If they made a new season then they'd be fine in the first episode in some asspull way. The only real change to the status quo is Zim knowing that the Tallest don't care about him or his mission.

just how I like it

>it's not based on the show it's based on the comic
I'm comparing the movie to the show not the mediocre comics because it's better in every single way and most people haven't read the comics

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Zim died like 3 times in the show so it's not like they give a shit about continuity

We also got Clembrane.

>Implying Gold and Silver were as good as Blue/Red/Green/Yellow

He said as good, not way better.

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Don't forget the rubber piggy episode

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Even though everything is 'back to status quo', it still has the feeling it COULD be a finale, because a lot of stuff that would never happen in the show actually happened.
>Zim won and actually controlled earth for two days
>Dib and his family finally feel closer and Dib's ending is a happy one basically without a catch
>The tallest and the entire Irken Armada are stuck in the Florpus, possibly forever

The only parts of the status quo retained are that Zim and Dib are gonna continue to fight for stupid reasons and Membrane doesn't believe in the supernatural.

Pic unrelated

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Gothic 1 and 2.

>Zim knowing that the Tallest don't care about him or his mission
Then why did he try to call them at the end to report on his mission's success?

The Armada got fucked and Clembrane is living with the Membranes. Also aliens were more or less exposed to the entire world, even if the vast majority of people will be in denial (like Dr. Membrane) there may be some people more willing to listen to Dib.

>t. SJW
Rocko was about dirty humor mainly. Never watched the special but if people already mention SJWs and you getting butthurt over it is prove enough for me.
Same way they brought back powerpuff girls and ruined that too.

Those first three episodes were such kino

>Ashi hogged all the screentime for no reason
>Important characters sidelined
>Guardian swept under the rug
>Entire series ends up retconned
>No explanation how Jack got back in time if Ashi never existed
>Made all those times he chose not to go back so he could help someone else pointless in retrospect
Season 5 and especially the finale was hot dogshit. Ashi was a mistake

They are also bringing back Are You Afraid of the Dark (for the second time). Might be cool.

I don't know why they're not doing a full on orange couch SNICK deal, at this point.

This shit was too rushed for what they were going for. The first 3 episodes were phenomenal but introducing and trying to develop a love interest while at the same time trying to wrap the series up was bound to be a mess. If we got a properly lengthed season MAYBE they could've competently told the story they wanted. They should've just kept the tone and pacing of the first 3 episodes.

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I thought the lolsorandom humor was a little toned down in the special, which is what I like. GIR was used in just the right amount. I felt like it was more scathing in the average 11 minute episode though.

Apparently the creator of the show wanted to kill off Dib for good in that episode but Nickelodeon didn't allow it.

I guess because he's an idiot.

Nah, it's just that the Rocko special's problems go beyond the ideals it preaches. It's a weak special because it's poorly paced and many of its jokes fall flat.
People bitching about that, though, are people who have never watched the original show, looking for something to be butthurt about.
Now Powerpuff Girls? That was a trainwreck.

They knew they had 10 episodes to wrap it up and they still fucking tried to insert a new love interest and build it up into that ending. Now we will never have a satisfying conclusion

>Makes unnecessary changes that nobody wants
>Letting SJWs change major characters

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Dark souls 2
Mass Effect 3

>Transgender adolescents are far more likely to attempt suicide than teens whose identity matches what it says on their birth certificates, and trans male youth are especially at risk, a U.S. study suggests.
Professor, please...

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Punished Dib is the fucking best.

Doubt it, Dib is his favorite character.

They should've just cut this in half when it comes to length, with Jack immediately going after Aku and that masked woman with the help of the characters that appear in the regular last episode in episode 4 & 5. Maybe make episode 5 into a 40 minute special, too.

I'm glad he didn't because the ending is classic Invader Zim

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If there is one thing I learned while dealing with media that has been contaminated by SJWs is that SJWs always try to deflect that they are the issue.
I have not watched the special, I'm not even interested in Rocko but I've seen stuff like powerpuff girls ruined and I can imagine the same thing happened with Rocko.
I don't care for any excuses anymore to be honest. SJWs are literal rats. You cannot talk with them.

>Make Joe Murray's insert character a tranny
What did they mean by this?

They talked about that in the DVD commentary, they wanted to replace him with an identical kid named Louie. I'm pretty sure that was a joke, knowing how Jhonen likes to fuck with people.

That's weird, I thought Dib was basically his self-insert.

>There are turnfags in this thread.

tranniers are also a bunch of ironic weebs who wouldve thunk

What's this shit about Rocko? I don't follow cartoons anymore

Don't forget that one time Jack and Scotsman got R63d

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It's almost like art, where the creator embraces his own self hatred.

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Are calart faggots incapable of portraying anything in their designs?

When I look at pic related, I know that this character has a dark personality. OPs pic hints at nothing but some bright, generic character at first glance

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Ralph is supposed to be an amalgamation of the entire production staff (storyboarders/writers/designers/etc) since most of them came from homes where their parents weren't supportive of their career/views.

Joe Murray's self insert was a random background character.

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the animation was starkly different at times. you could tell they swapped between services somehow.

had some decent moments but ultimately doesnt feel impactful enough worthy of being a movie.

a entire hour just to give a "Son..U dont gotta impress me... I've ALWAYS been proud of u :3" speech that we have aLL heard a dozen different times in a dozen different cartoons is the LAMEST shit ever.

also nothing of value really happened.
Zim never got exposed because by the ends he was still living his "neighbor hood kid" persona
people on Earth didnt seem to care
I assume the Irken Armada will be back to normal come next episode this isnt the first time they been in a situation where they've gotten fucked up by something .
Zim is back to worshipping the tallest

just whatever episode but like I said it felt really weird at times that the animation was more webtoon-esque than it felt TV studio esque.

People have been throwing a shitfit over this. Joe Murray actually mentioned wanting to do it years back in interviews.

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>tfw remembering having a crush on amanda

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nope, The Tallest were his self-insert while Dib is a parody of who he was back when he bought into his own bullshit and was obsessed with being smarter than everyone else.

I lover her so much bros

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Well Dib is the only one who knows Zim is an alien so I'll say he is smarter than everyone else.

Here we have a prime example of your average lying SJWs ladies and gentleman.

It was pretty alright. Not digging the new artstyle tho.
One thing I think it's pretty neat that the voices for the latin american dub were mostly the sames from during the original run so I could watch it translated and think nothing of it.

IIRC Genndy didn't want to just retread the comics since he had no part in them besides doing some of the covers. What we got was rushed in pacing and a very weird, melancholy conclusion (and not in a good way, and that's before you realize he ripped off Gutren Lagann) but I can at least understand the thought process.

The action and direction in S5 was still top notch and on par with his best work; the insanely high praise for the first 3-4 episodes of the season proved that. That's why Primal is so exciting; it feels like Genndy realizing he's not a writer and focusing entirely on what he's good at.

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>Everyone crying that the sense of humor is different when people forget/don't know that Jhonen got the job at Nickelodeon when he was like 19 so he clearly fucking grew up
>Everyone bitching about how the Membranes act like a family when he's always complained that Nick forced them to make Dib the buttmonkey because you gotta have your shitty gags in your cartoons
>Everyone bitching about the colors and animation style when anyone who follows Jhonen's comics knows he always changes art style every couple years
>Everyone complaining about Gaz actually being a character instead of LE EBUL DARK GURL
>That amazing, definite, this show will never fucking come back so stop asking ending

You fags probably don't even read all of his comics

It should've just started off with new material, they wasted 10 minutes at the start on copying parts of issue 1. They should've done Invader Dib and had Dib, Tak and the Resisty go to war with Zim, Gaz and the Ikren Armada for a final show down and wrapped the series up.

Dib has 2 dads now

SCHNIEDERED so hard she had to be BLACKED hundreds of times to scrub it off.

Why would Gaz join the Irkens?

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>years back
How many? This virtue signaling culture has been going on since 2012, if not earlier.


It was good at first but just lost all steam when the final few episodes rolled around.

Episode 4 was pretty kino

>that episode where Bighead likes being a clown but is in the closet because of shame
>finally comes out and reveals he likes clown stuff

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>when he was like 19 so he clearly fucking grew up
He was born in 76. So, he was about 25 when it started.

>All That has always sucked.
I don't understand how someone can be this wrong?

>Posts a literal sjw channel.
Also that quote is vastly broken out of context. Also a SJW thing. Leftist Revisionism.

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>Invader Zim

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>literally used as a joke
you're not very bright are you

And Rocko's had euphemisms for woke shit since day one.

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>Gaz felt out of character at times and too involved in the actual story
Gaz had no fucking character, dummy. All she did during the series was grumble every once in a while and play video games. Even Jhonny himself stated that Gaz was such a non-character when the series was airing and that was his biggest regret with the show.

>no lgbt bullshit
>1 hour special
>no "wow that is relatable" boomer humor
is the best

>just grow up
>when the entire appeal of the show was the darker tone

Do you really think comparing homosexuals to clowns is portraying them in a positive manner?

mmm, that cope

yeah POO POO TACOS is so dark you fucking homo


I'm a missing something here? last time I gave a shit about her she was anti-sjw

Do you enjoy anything?

Zim's main appeal was RANDUMB humor.

This was a joke

>your criticisms are irrelevant because you're not an obsessed fan like me!

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Trying to deflect again I see and portraying an SJW as a non-SJW because you people never are at fault, clearly.
Its always someone else.

And Dumbledore was gay!

She "befriended" contra points who then emotionally manipulated her.

>Literally has udders
source: my ass

Maybe in 2025 when Netflix finds out he did more things besides Invader Zim.

What the fuck are you even trying to say, you dumb nigger?

>Already resorting to buzzwords
I guess you need to wrap this up before you dilate.

>I pretend to be a fan so my arguments gets more weight
Also a SJW tactic. Pretending to be someone you clearly aren't.

>"You're going to have to accept it sometime"
>a literal clown
So was the cartoon saying accepting people is accepting random ass clowns? Damn these guys hit where ever they felt like back then.

Seething and cope

Yeah wow man I can't believe a person who goes back and makes a pseudo sequel to a property he worked on like 15 years ago changes as a person, it's an unbelievable concept

>Unironically using nigger
>Despite his ideology forbidding him to do this
>But politics

Don't go on Yea Forums, where can I watch this?

you know what always got me about this

>you were my best friend Gohan
>you were everything to me

what the fuck happened to Goten? Trunks and Goten were like PBnJ not Trunks and Gohan.

There's nothing more deceitful than a Marxist, they have no morals or boundaries and everything is a social construct to them - thus the very concept of deceit is a non-issue.


To regain their respect

>Udders on a male character
Barn Yard also did this too. I will never understand why.


The difference is the clown thing was being poked fun at, where as you can't do the same with tranny shit without having an onslaught of twitter users shit down your neck and try to ruin your name. Rocko's Modern Life was partly about parodying modern topics, so what's that point in bringing up a modern topic like trans people if their representation has to be squeaky clean? It's boring.

That's a future where Goku died from the heart virus before he had Goten.

Heffer did not have udders.

>trusting trannies

Well, she certainly got what she deserved.

Too round

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>Future Trunks timeline diverges greatly from the timeline we follow a bit before the android saga starts
>Goku dies of heart failure before anything even happens
>Goten was conceived after the android saga during the 10 days Cell gives them time to prep for his tournament
That Trunks never got his buddy.


dial 8 and 40% yourself

The funny thing about this is that Rachel is a frog and frogs actually can change gender. Joe Murray is an environmentalist and knows a lot about animal biology. He worked alongside Stephen Hillenburg, who was an actual marine biologist.

the finale that deserved to have

Cope and seethe

wow, trannies being awful people? that's shocking

Cope and _sneed

The guy can change all he wants, but if I like certain aspects of a show, and a later continuation of that show changes some of those aspects, then I'm going to criticize said continuation for said changes. Suck my nuts.

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I though the bigheads were toads?

I only think I didn't like about the new Zim was the toned down humour, Kaz kind of undertstand so not ends as a mandy 2.0

Who was best girl?


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Emotionally manipulated? What's the context here?

OoT into MM

Just answer his fucking question you retard.

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I don't remember shit about invader zim is it worth rewatching even as an adult? I kind of gave up on american cartoons for kids but I liked some of adventure time and I loved over the garden wall.

to the future?


it’s society that’s views these people as clowns
they were speaking to society

is what it was and is

You don't have to rewatch any of IZ before Enter the Florpus.
It doesn't try to be woke or anything like a lot of shit today.


Damn, i'm really glad i never cared much about rocko when i watched it as a kid, i would really hate to be a rocko fan right now

Just as good as the best parts of the show. I was expecting it to be shit after Rocko, but I was pleasantly surprised. Vasquez still has it. My only complaint is that it felt like a series conclusion until the last 5 minutes. I think I would have rather had the thing end since we're probably not getting any more shows.


Wow more edgy shit

>mfw people enjoyed HOLDS UP SPORK
>mfw people didn't enjoy god tier rocko

what the fuck happened to my Yea Forums

I watched the series last year and enjoyed it. Be aware that it is has a lot of "lolsorandom" but as someone who doesn't really care for it I still found some of it funny

>This tired fucking argument
The show also had an episode where a fly sued Rocko for swatting him, obviously the bastion of scientific information

I dont get this. So did the cow cuck the turtle? why does she have kids that are both turtles AND cows? what the fuck

I normally hated that show but the Mobster skits always made me kek

rocko was fine until it hit a hard left turn in the last 15 minutes, zim was just more zim with a slightly rounder coat of paint so it was mostly fine all the way through.

Watching the Zim special made me realize that while I hated the lolsorandom culture in the 2000s, it's infinitely preferable to what we have now

>Pic Unrelated
It was a pretty good movie. Im surprised that it stays true to the source material.
The only real differences I can see is the visuals looking alot cleaner. Admittedly there are moments where you could tell they cheaped out with the animation, but luckily it's only in there for a few minutes then it goes away. That and Dib feels somewhat more like a Dipper from Gravity Falks type character and not the arrogant prick he was in the TV show. One negative I will give it is that the "back to the status-quo" ending was admittedly underwhelming. But I'm guessing Nickelodeon wanted an excuse to make a new season of Invader Zim if the new movie makes enough of an impact to justify it.

holds up spork > literal tranny shit

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>comparing rocko to this
you have to CHANGE

I rewatched it to get ready for Florpus and I don't know if it's just because I've grown up and my sense of humor has changed, but it definitely aged like shit. The animation is incredible, but remember this is the show that spawned the SPORK OF DOOM pasta.

The hardest I laughed at any of the jokes is when the resisty ship shrank to explode, and you just get a 10 second shot of Dib standing there like "wtf"

Yeah, and when you grow up it takes more than darker tones to appeal to you.

You forgot Hey Arnold!

>being more shit than *holds up spork*

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Whatever that is, has nothing to do with Rocko.


I'm glad it's dead for good.

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>So did the cow cuck the turtle? why does she have kids that are both turtles AND cows? what the fuck
They had the cow sit on their kids' egg because his ass was huge.

>We know eachother...

Well if a bee can sue over honey rights why not a fly for violence?


Most of the comics weren't even written by Jhonan, so it's easy to just ignore them.

>new game has tranny shit for it's final outing

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Yes, now tell me what movie you dont mean Amélie do you?

Let me guess. Subtle homo parents?

Pretty sure they're talking about the "LOL SO RANDUM" humor of Invader Zim

Its a copypasta

go on...

Dont even pretend like you wouldn't fuck the first one

actually you're not. nothing you have said, posted, or even though is a criticism.

No the other dad is just a botched clone of his real dad

This episode was a bit too much for me when I saw it. I just felt bad for Dib the entire time, they shat on him way too fucking hard in this one.

Legends was trash compared to Origins

Clembrane is more like tolerating a crazy homeless person that forcefully moves in with you.

She hates conservatives and anyone that doesn't like LGBT stuff too

Eh, I felt like the Zim film was mediocre, enjoyable but nothing special.

As for Rocko, I never saw the series, but the pacing in that film was absolutely dreadful.

25 is like 19.

What was her name again?

Gaz lost a bit of her edge, but we know she's a good sister now.

It really isn't. I still lived with my parents when I was 19, and had my own house when I was 25.

>back during the original iz run there were countless cancelled episodes and even plans for a movie that would end the series
>instead of animating that we just got an hour long standard episode

Damn, I'd love an Irkan shirt.

Flash animation was a mistake. It feels off for some reason.

I felt a bit sad seeing her ship die.


more porn, yes

Who'd win in a fight Yea Forums? Our boy Crypto the Furon or our by Zim the Irken?

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It's actually the other way around

Invader Dib was probably thought up when Jhonen was still edgy, and decided he wanted to do something more wholesome instead after nearly 2 decades.
Enter the Florpus felt like a finale to me since Impending Doom 2 ended with the Tallest flying straight into a black hole.

yet he's not smart enough to realize Zim is a dumb, kinda weird kid, which everyone else knows but Dib fails to grasp
and Dib never does anything smart with this information, or any information.
If you can't figure out how to do something smart you're not actually smart, are you? You just know stuff thats not actually useful to you

zim is too incompetent to get shit done

So you HAVE to be a conservative and anti-LGBT in order to be anti-sjw? It's never something in the middle nowadays, isn't that right? you have to choose a side.

Legitimately. Why do you save all these pictures of hideous people?
Can't you make the same point without making the thread poison to look at?

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What a great retort. Keep it up, famalam.

long murray is long

That episode was fucking brutal.

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What the actual fuck

it is when you moved out at 18

>that cancelled episode where dib fucking dies


just watch it on a CRT monitor and it'll look the same

As an actual fan from when it aired, I gotta say I really enjoyed the movie its damn nice that some of my favorite properties are getting soulful sequels.

>Hillenburg had to die so they stopped to depend on Spongebob.
lmao, Spongebob is the only show in Nick that gets a chance to air and they already have a spin-off planned about young SpongeBob

Nick isn't based at all

>comparing an episode of a weekly anime to a tv special

But Zim has the power of stupid on his side.



Crypto if played straight otherwise Zim would win if something stupid happens making things go his way.

Crypto would annihilate Zim in less than 5 seconds, that is after he listened to Zim's 3 minute monologue about how his race is inferior to the Irken

People only remember Dark Harvest and I guess the end of Bestest Friend, I guess the Iggins episode might count too seeing as they basically treat Gaz like a slasher villain there.

>young SpongeBob
Oh god is it young sheldon all over again

Im glad they changed up the style a bit. Gave me too many Hot Topic vibes

Kek. I'll burn it on a dvd and watch it on my old crt. I just wanted that dark atmosphere the original had.

I don't have to pretend, I know I wouldn't.

>that cancelled Episode where Zim almost fucking dies
Man how does Vasquez get unironically good at worldbuilding from a kid's show of all things? Irkin's aren't born they're coded into the machine PAK and if anything living is fused with it they slowly start to turn into the Irken it's coded with.

>Kamp Koral is supposedly not the only SpongeBob spin-off planned
>Hillenburg didn't want any spin-offs
If anything, they waited for him to die so they could milk SpongeBob even more.

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It was intense. I love it. More shows should go hard like this.

Besides the organ harvesting one, which episodes were the darkest?

Bad, Bad Rubber Piggy, that fucking episode man, that fucking episode

He was originally just supposed to die but they made him change it
I haven't seen the show in years, what happened in that one?

None of them were particularly dark, honestly. Contemporary shows like Flapjack were much, much more intense.

Going by tech, irkens have greater technology, basically turning entire planets into snack stores. Not to mention the amount of times zim altered reality. We already know that Irkens create trearies with other super civilizations, like the planet crackers. Zim would probably claim crypto is violating a treaty that doesn't even cover the earth. Crypto is more competent at disguising himself and can control minds on top of that. Honestly, it would just be another Zim and Tak conflict where Zim on his own would fail. Overall, cryptos got it.

Bad, Bad Rubber Piggy, and maybe Plague of Babies. That has some... interesting implications.

The squirrel kid one was kinda fucked
That Gaz episode where she stalks and basically kills that kid

i do agree with this though, the peak of creepiness in IZ is not even half of Flapjacks peak


super smash bros ultimate

Zim ripped out a kid's eyes when he got too annoying.
The one where Zim keeps throwing toy pigs into the past to fuck up Dib's life gets pretty dark before Membrane gives him "the strength of 10,000 little boys".
Halloween episode is probably scary to small kids.

Did Flapjack even have a plot?
Show seemed like a fucking psyop

>The squirrel kid one was kinda fucked
The episode isn't so bad, but that one sequence, holy fuck.

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Basically Zim sends rubber piggies back in time to replace things in Dib's past.
Each time he does that, Dib gets more and more fuckd up, like needing a robot arm, some kind of robot lung and almost fucking dies in the end (which was the original plan)
In the end Zim just sends a pig back in time to replace something for himself so he wouldn't replace anything in Dib's past and he wouldn't end up with a giant robot body.

Zim sends rubber piggies into the past of Dib's childhood that gradually induce more and more accidents to the point of almost killing Dib. But his dad builds some kind of super military exosuit and Dib rushes to Zim's house with an unbridled rage of killing him. The more Zim throws piggies in the more weapons present day Dib has on his suit.

They didn't need him for years, they don't need him now, the third SpongeBob movie is still happening, the SpongeBob show doesn't seem to be ending any time soon and they already have at least one spin-off planned.
And on top of that, Nick is still mistreating its other original cartoons to give SpongeBob and live-action shows priority.
Fuck Nick.

I still can't believe Nick aired that.

Zim would win even if he's incredibly incompetent simply because it would be funnier.

>appears in your forum discussion in your path

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Yea Forums said trans rights go away transphobe

More of a guideline rather than a plot.

>Never really liked Rocko and thought Zim was dumb as a kid
Still better than the modern state of cartoons though

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>bringing back
It's just a shitty 40 min special, hardly a comeback.

Let me get my spork and my waffles fampai.

I think I had this and the AK47 cat on my messenger emote packages

I really liked this shit, Rocko's second half was pretty unfunny and boring, but this one was a fucking ride

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ok Garfield

This legitimately scared me as a kid.

The censors probably got tired of fighting with Jhonen over every little thing. And Jhonen's a smart guy, he probably pitched something way more horrific and let them whittle it down into something still horrific, but slightly more OK because it's offscreen.

awww shit

I think Irken and Furon technology level is equal because Furon goal is primarily to get every last bit of organic material to stock their immortal cloning process. Yeah their mothership blew up but they had absolutely no idea of the Communists considering they thought the US was the only superpower capable of fighting back.

Yeah it was a blast.

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Heya Zim-a-zam
Itsa me
the Pizza-man

zim was a hot topic companion piece you idiot. are you too young to remember every stupid airhead girl shouting DOOOOOM XD

I honestly can't think of anything funny from Static Cling.
Enter the Florpus is miles better.

I loved every second of the movie, i would even pay to see it in the cinema, the zim movie was that good.

It was great

Literally a retarded clone of his real dad.

>god tier rocko
Hows that delitation?

Reminds me about that one movie about the rapture where they put in the most disgusting and horrific shit in hopes their other jokes looked tame in comparison to the censors, but not only did that work, they said the shit they thought would be censored was A OK


Dead Space 1 and 2 were both unfiltered kino

My family had the same agent as her as my twin sister was a child actor. Met Amanda and various other Nick actors from the mid to late 90's until my sister stopped acting as "it was becoming creepy on how the guys acted towards me".

My sister's biggest "break" was being a background scene actor for a bunch of Nick live-action shows. Otherwise she did local commercials.

I miss Mission Hill

Melissa Fahn is back as GAZ right?

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Watching the Zim special was like taking a time machine back into the 2000s, it was fucking great and makes me really despise the current culture we live in.

Yes and her voice is as cute as ever.

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I liked both of them. I don't really see the problem with the trans shit in Rocko because it's done more tastefuly, it isn't shoved on my face constantly, Rachel doesn't bring it up all the time, and they don't make it her main character trait, it's literally the same person, just as a girl now.

Zim was fun throught, not as dark as the original, but still pretty crazy, and while the main animation looked kinda rough some times, the hand drawn effetcs animation like smokes, explosions and fires, and all the different styles at the end in the florpus looked crazy good.

The scene where Professor Membrane dive bombs to save Dib and energy beams the shit out of robots looked specially cool. Then it kinds goes to shit when him and Dib fight side by side and the animation looks stiff as fuck.

>Have my failure of a son pop out of a "gender reveal" box
>Become forever immortalized as a meme due to my reaction to how I failed as a man on raising my child.
I would buy a beer for that man. He has suffered so much.

Hehe you make me smile.

Frogs can biologically change gender.

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>I don't really see the problem with the trans shit in Rocko because it's done more tastefuly, it isn't shoved on my face constantly
The part where rocko is forced to accept this change is pretty in your face though.

>times change rocko
>just accept this
>if you wont, you will be the bad guy

>replying to him

>>Gaz felt out of character at times and too involved in the actual story
Out of all your points. I agree with this one.

I wonder if that guy knows he's a meme.


I will agree with though, the second half of the Rocko special was kinda boring.

>paul tibbit says he now understands why people sent him death threats

Depends on the tone of the episode I guess.

Zim has actually made some genuinely terrifying inventions, like a satellite capable of draining the Earth of its water for the intention of making a gigantic water balloon, but... that's played up for a gag.
Really it seems the only time things went truly right for Zim when he was being petty and dumb without intention to kill. Whenever he has intention to kill, things will go wrong for Zim.

Crypto on the other hand, just a cold blooded efficient killer using the tools available to him.

If it was a fight to the death, Zim would lose but still somehow live because it'd be funnier that way.
If it was just a challenge to find out who is better at X or Y without any intention of harming each other... Zim would win either by a landslide of torturing Crypto with petty bullshit jokes since he'd be the butt of the gag, or Zim would win after he was the butt of the gag.

This actually sounds like something he'd say on the show.

I can watch both Zim and the Rocko movies on Netflix? Shit. Did the HA! movie ever get on there or do I need to pirate it?

Interesting. Not funny, but interesting.

Rocko's special took a literal who-gives-a-fuck side character who only ever said "Hi rocko" to my memory and made them the backbone of a very forced and destructive message like "change is good". It doesn't explain WHY the change is good either, just that it's clearly "good" and has zero consequence except if you directly oppose it. That Avatar remake that's apparently happening is going to be a complete trainwreck in the worst way possible.

>Made all those times he chose not to go back so he could help someone else pointless in retrospect
You're just now realizing an inherent flaw in the original shows logic? Because he would've had that problem no matter how he got back, you're just asshurt he didn't go back the way you wanted him too.

Hell or Super Hell?

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fuck yes gonna have to watch it now.

>late game party member is the most powerful

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Dib is constantly played up as pathetic. Knowing about Zim hasn't been a credit to his intellect, he was already out looking for Bigfoot and every other cryptid (not) under the sun. He only caught on because he's paranoid to begin with.

Actually, yeah you're right. I was just thinking about the scale of irkens. Ita reasonable for an icbm to destroy the ship. The irkens have a bigger weakness anyway in the form of bees. I think it was something about the frequency of their wingbeats that makes them undetectable. Also, zim needs to cover himself in waterproofing.

Yeah, I'll admit that part was pretty on your face and left a sort of a sour taste in my mouth, but nothing so major that didn't let me still enjoy the thing,


>Well Dib is the only one who knows Zim is an alien so I'll say he is smarter than everyone else.
>Dib is the only one who knows Zim is an alien

Not fully correct, Gaz also knows that Zim is an alien but she doent really give a fuck about him because she knows that every single plan of his always fails.

>Because he would've had that problem no matter how he got back, you're just asshurt he didn't go back the way you wanted him too.
I do realize that, but I half expected the show to turn expectations on their head. In a way you could say it did do that with the whole "Jack going back isn't as great as you thought it would be" angle, but what I mean is that after hearing the intro being about him needing to go back to the past dozens of times, I almost expected him to realize that trying to go back was an act of futility. Which would lead him to killing Aku in the future time and the cast working to rebuild everything that was damaged and lost under Aku.


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>le quirky gamer girl is more competent than any male xDDD

God, netflix really SJWfied this cartoon

Best zim episode, go[/spoiler. Space boot camp, tied with weiner and organ harvest

Dr. Membrane was always one of my favorite characters. Reminds me of a character my cousin would write.

>that episode where she casually infiltrates his house just to get Dib so she can eat pizza and doesn't give a single fuck

It is our duty as humans to fuck aliens given the opportunity. But Gaz is cuter.

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The Arnold one was only on TV, as far as I know.

Was it any good? Do the kid actors they were able to bring back like Francesca still sound good?

Tak fags burn in hell

>Yeah, I'll admit that part was pretty on your face and left a sort of a sour taste in my mouth
??? that just Rocko being Rocko did you watch the show?

This shit's only on Netflix because Nick is shit, same with the Rock special, they were both finished for a long while and supposed to air on Nick but the executives dumped them on Netflix.
They were also both worked on by their respective creators.

You are fucking stupid, Gaz has always been a "gamer girl" and the most competent person on the show.

Then again this is probably falseflagging

>having tak's ship and it talking

I know this was to fuck with the fans. Tak is a fan favorite if not the most requested character to return. He probably had a huge shit eating grin making people think Tak would return. He loves fucking with his fans.

>Adventure Time dies
>We're back to pretending Invader Zim was ever good
>People discussing FUCKING HEY ARNOLD

The renassiance is dead.

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Gaz always was more competent

Goddamn sharks.

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tak was always shit

2020 soon, get ready

Adventure Time stopped being good after the second season. Don't kid yourself.

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It's weird that HA! got on TV while the others didn't. Rocko I could see since it's early-Boomercore, but Zim is huge with late-Boomers. Probably moreso than HA! ever was.

That's canon, he did have Tak's ship. But last I remember he imprinted his own brain on it instead. Maybe ShipDib's existential crisis made him have to reboot it.

Gaz always knew what was going on, was always the most competent, and always hated dealing with stuff. Anytime she stepped in in the original cartoon she got shit done almost immediately.

You're a shitposting retard

>You see, son, despite being 13 percent of the population, a certain group of "people" commit 50 percent of violent crimes. Isn't that more interesting and mysterious than your ghosts?

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Its like there's an entire episode dedicated to it.

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First of all, that would entail Jhonen himself ever wanting to do a movie about JTHM. We barely got Enter the Florpus because he was barely fucked to do that much. To be fair, it does seem like he puts his back into whatever he does so it seems more like "eh, do I want to actually try for that long?" more than anything.

Tak-chan haters get out

Adventure time was never good actually.

Does Gaz have good porn?

These are on Netflix BECAUSE Jungle Movie was on TV.

There was no point in Tak being in the movie and im sure everybody knows that, he might bring back Tak if he somehows ends up getting a new contracts for a new season. After all Tak was supposed to become the main villian if the show continued

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>i'm 12 years old

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>female irken

No, Islands was the peak. And then Elements was the peak. It died with dignity, unlike Invader Cliffhanger.


Did it flop? I'm genuinely curious because I'm a huge HA!fag and TJM was my Ridley-in-Smash for cartoons.

Look up bigdad art and go nuts.

Yes they are a thing user

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>Invader Zim has yet to have a stand-alone video game release.
How fucking unfair.

It was decent, and yes.

It didn't do as well as Nick probably wanted. It's also very hard to market a return of a twenty year old show, made SPECIFICALLY for fans of the original, to a wide television release.

Zee is my waifu!

If you want a show that's the same shit but like a million fucking times better, just go watch Earthworm Jim.

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Islands was an oasis in the desert, but does not excuse a series of inequitable bullshit. You just have low standards.

>that nicktoons game where Zim joins the good guys and Dib joins the bad guys for the sole purpose of opposing Zim

dilate, only thing wrong with zim was gaz basically being a different character

Imagine if this aired today, how hard manlets would seethe.

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I mean, who's got the time? They did a good job marketing it off of Nick, but putting it on some sort of on-demand service is the better idea. As I've said early in the thread, I need to find a place to watch it.

Is that Tyler1?

I think about Mission Hill often. Such a good show.

I'm not gonna watch this shit but for the love of God somebody please tell me they put "in loving memory of Stephen Hillenburg" or something somewhere in there, they can't just throw that tranny shit in there and do my man dirty can they?

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I'm more about C014 Irken Elite.

I'd rather have a show that is occasionally good that a show that is consistently mediocre. Do you have OCD? Just skip all the bad episodes.

Am I the only one who thinks Professor Membrane is a really kick ass design?
He looks like he could be the main character in a Behemoth game or something.

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Poor Skoodge. Didn't he get fucking eviscerated on some hostile planet?

Hey Doug, did you go to church today?

>tfw Flaming peanut rain

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It's not the first time they bring stuff like that

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Yes, though it's not the funniest the series has ever been. It was the exact movie that I would've expected them to make 10 years ago or so.

What I fucking hated about Static Cling is that the writers tried so hard to push the message of how nothing stays the same and change is inevitable so hard down your throat that there's no real substance to the whole thing
Florpus and Jungle Movie could be seen as nostalgia pandering cash grabs but it least they focused on giving people what they wanted

I love characters like him. The robot arm reveal was hilarious.

i didn't like the rocko film because it was really rushed.
people are bitching about the tranny thing, but that's something that would have fit in the original rocko in the first place.


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Membrane is amazing. He's always been amazing, so much so that we see in ETF that, should he ever believe Dib, the conflict just kind of stops.

Best fucking joke

It's not the first time you've tried to pull this wool in this very thread.
It's a parody.

Didn't laugh much, but the flaming peanuts got me.

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Dib's life of doom or whatever that one was called.

>consistently mediocre
isn't that the pot calling the kettle black

They realized that the 90s was a goldmine of nostalgia, and nostalgia always sells if done right.

This isn't some grand fucking secret, guys. They've done it for every generation that's ever existed. In thirty years from now they'll be nostalgia for shit that went on during the year 2019.

I imagine Membrane is basically future-Dib on that episode where Zim fakes his future just to find out if he threw a muffin at him.

>Thought Zim was dumb
Depending on the episodes you saw, I can see how you got that opinion
>Never really liked Rocko

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Why did they change this neat style?

This show is pro-manlet. The Irken system of giving people rank based on height is absurd. It's satire of how height is perceived as meritorious in our society.

Nothing good has happened since like '99 though. Are zoomers going to feel nostalgic over the Iraq invasion?

Zim wasn't 90s, it's wholeheartedly 2000s emo/goth

I dunno about that. Earthworm Jim is a pretty different animal
The EWJ cartoon is more of a lighthearted romp with some funny animals and fairly typical Warner Bros observational humor. Zim is a grotesque dystopian semi-future that lampoons society as a whole and has a bleak outlook for the galaxy at large, run by idiot aliens with no remorse. Oh and GIR screams sometimes.

The EWJ games are edgier, but not in a really outward fashion. It seems more like a parody of comics of that era.

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He was living in Zim's basement, but the episodes that revealed that were never made.

I don't mean to be that guy but
soulless vs soul

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You don't sound very tall.

If I remember they said the original concept for the series was that dib would find out he's not Membrane's son, but a clone.

nah this is his self-insert

The cartoon was pretty edgy too. Like when Peter's like "we saved the city!" and the shot just pans over desolate ruins left in the wake of their battle. And when Super Mellow Jim destroys the universe only to create one with Urkle.

Was this on Yea Forums? I didn't know they allow based anons there anymore.

yes, blacked porn to be precise.

I just hope the movie does well and they will re-release this thing again, i want it but im not paying 500 bucks on ebay for it.

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>there are turnfags
>on Yea Forums

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Okay, tiny.

Buncha casuals if you ask me

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>Maybe he was offended you were asking him to sign aged up thicc garbage instead of superior loli Gaz
funny remark but shit opinion

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Late 90s, early 2000s. It's not like once we reach a new decade everything immediately changes. It takes a couple years before something comes in and shakes things up.

Bitches still had poofy curly hair during the early 90s and Limp Bizkit was still a well known hugely popular band in the early 2000s.

He got sent to Hobo 13 after the tallest seemingly killed, and I think the giant moose-looking thing fucked him up at the end of that episode.

I loved seeing Red Tallest get fucking mad whenever he had to interact with Zim.

>no trans bullshit
>at the cost of everyone looking more round
it was a price worth paying for

i'm fairly hype

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This part killed me

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You got it backwards.

Ditto. I fucking want it but not at ANY price.

So where was he?

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tak's ship was the best character in the movie, prove me wrong

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Poor Jhonen. Anyone have that one video where some fucking creep asks him what he thinks of his fans wanting to brutally rape him?

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funny opinion but shit comment?

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Shit, what was the Bloody GIRpasta about again?

Jesus Christ that explains a lot.

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I'd hate my fans too if I was Jhonen.

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He got sent to the killer rat planet, only to later reveal that he actually conquered it, only to get shat on anyways.

much better animation i tells ya

Yeah it is criminal, i was looking for it everywhere but only place where they still have it is on ebay for insane prices where you have no idea even if its legit or not, or stores which are legit but even more expensive

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It wasn't pasta, it was real. They edited into a single frame of some episodes as a middle finger to Nick.

>tfw got this for christmas like a decade ago, but it was the second release that didn't have the little gir figure
plus I mean, I'm pretty sure those dvds are all ripped and available online

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That's not just any fan. That one is to blame for Steven Universe.

>He thinks it wasn't real

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And now she's dead.

More like cute and funny opinion.

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They were shoving gay shit into kids shows as far back as then and none of us even noticed.

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Heffer fucked the other guy's wife
Didn't you notice one of his sons was a fucking Steer?

First 2 episodes had me thinking that this was going to be the greatest season finale in animation. Too bad it all went too fast and turned to fanfiction.

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Just googled it, I remember now.

Doesn't it show that either the turtle or cat's family has at least one cow in it? I imagine it's in their blood.

>I'm pretty sure those dvds are all ripped and available online.

Oh 100% user, everything is on the internet after all, but i still want to give him my money and own that little house along with the statue

>change gender
They change sex dumbass. Something humans are literally incapable of.

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Rocko was never particularly funny and had really unlikeable characters. Rocko was never good.

rocko was more clever on those jokes that easily could be misinterpreted by desperate homos looking everywhere for representation. static cling lack that subtlety.

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She really likes butts, huh?

It's just an imprint of the real thing anyways. If more gets made, Tak herself would probably tak her place.

The roundness isn't even that evident, outside of Dib's stomach. It's impressive.

Dr. Hutchinson is not for sexuals.

I am STILL mad at my parents for not spotting me the cash for it. It was gone a week later and I'll never own it, much less for the MSRP.

Oh fuck. THAT bitch.
Didn't she make Ed, Edd n' Eddy porn?

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there's no way you're buying one of those new after all these years, so you're not giving him money, you're just giving money to a reseller/scalper. and tracking down one with the figure is going to be extra hard. if you want to give him money, buy the comics. and if you want the figure, well you're outta luck, but maybe you can find some other nice figure on ebay that isn't stupid expensive

>Jhonen Vasquez admitted that, as misanthropic as the show already was, Dib's abusive sister and neglectful father were too cruel to find funny, and when creating the comics, rewrote Gaz from a Flat Character to a more dynamic Annoying Younger Sibling (notably in Issue 14) and had Prof. Membrane interacting with his children a little more.

As we say in my country, "He's taken to wearing slippers."

Glad that they can do that so we can encourage human children to cut off their genitals.

I dunno but she also ruined Adventure Time and is on record saying she hated Finn and yet was handed the reigns to the show.

Yes. Yes she did.

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Still the best episode, despite being one of the first. Absolutely amazing.

Are they computer animated?

A lot of creative people soften their works as they get older. Mother 3 was also going to be a lot more brutal and tragic, but Itoi softened up the script considerably between the N64 and the GBA.

>Peace is nice

>"He's taken to wearing slippers."

Heh, that's pretty good, translates surprisingly well for me as an American.

>if you want to give him money, buy the comics

Im pretty late to the comic stuff aswell, most volumes are going for like 20 bucks from what i saw which is also insane price wise, oh well im just gonna wait and hopefully they will release the house again with florpus included or something, one can only hope.

She was the one made the later seasons shit on Finn? Wow, fuck her even more.

Are people seriously still crying about the rocko special?

i dont know why people are cringing over this. Its a 15 year old who's obviously inspired by jhoney. Any creator is going to be derivative and geeky when they're 15

Yeah, I fucking despise her.

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A good movie for a mediocre show

>He's taken to wearing slippers
I don't get it.

Yes. I don't see what the big deal is.

He's gone soft.

Meh 7/10.

the comics are still going my dude. this came out last month
and if you want to catch up, you can get the trade paperbacks (5 issues per book) or the hardciver (10 issues per book)