Make it Yea Forums related
Make it Yea Forums related
Other urls found in this thread:
why would a woman feel threatened by a flaming homosexual?
mom ntr is the patrician fetish
Did an incel make this?
here's the original
literally Yukari
the whole "no nose" thing is disturbing
what is up with these 3 fingered mutants all working in the same office?
She develops feelings for you anyway, regardless if your charm is high enough or not
It's not very funny if both people say the same thing but at least it's videogames unlike most of this thread.
glasses got a cuck card for sure
a guy i worked with at dairy queen had no filter like this, and had some of the most closed-minded retard opinions
stuff like how 'every other language has like a dozen word sentence to say hello when we just say hello it's so stupid'.
would have been fine coming from a 16 year old but this dude was 38 and balding with the beadiest fucking sexual predator eyes i've ever seen on a living being
>It's not very funny if both people say the same thing
That's literally the point of this incel "meme"
Is this loss?
fuck now i wish someone make a ntr sheet based on this
no, it's megaman
Unironically a solid representation of reality.
Yeah, this kinda joke has been around forever. I remember getting this one off a thread on Yea Forums like 4 or 5 years ago.
Yeah, fat guys with glasses working in offices are known for being open and straightfoward pedophilia advocates.
Audibly kekd
Top right guy is the Chaddest of them all.
It's an age old truth that's been around since the sexual revolution and post modern thinking.
Yes I know but it's better for the thread to adjust the joke a little to be about the dialouge
>implying it's not true
Yes, fat people working in offices in general are subhumans with the worst opinions.
recreating one I saw before
>Yes, fat people in general are subhumans with the worst opinions.
That's actually clever
nice but the illusion is broken at the bottom of the second panel, the desk goes past the cubicle wall
Dude stop, let me go
fucking brilliant
You fucking beta males and your weak starving body will never be as strong as a healthy size lad
Desk needs to be shortened on the bottom one.
oh shit nigga
five star post
Best but also most incorrect post in the thread.
Women made those.
Wait why the hell are they different.
17%? I used to see this as 12.5% and 13%
What is happening
Maybe its one of those weird 3d illusion paintings that look like they go kff the canvas at first but when you get close its actually a corner angled just right to make it look that way.
Snipperclips is such a good date game.
ok fixed it up
>grown man with acne uses vulnerable children as sexual emergency relief as there are no other options
checks out on my end
>Tfw friend and me both did something like this to girls and I always got rejected while he ended up with their numbers.
Always hurt me since I was nicer and he was being an asshole. And no matter if we switched it was the same result. Nice, asshole, as long as you're ugly you won't be liked.
found the /r9k/ retard
>Best but also most incorrect
isn't that basically the definition of "based" ?
Wasn't some muslim refugee did this in Sweden or some shit, saying it was a sexual emergency that he had to rape a boy? Did he have acne?
imagine getting hit on by an incel
must be truly revolting not to throw up over his possible stench
That would be "Based but bluepilled" i believe
But he's right though?
Found the retard
he's BARELY right. Yeah, that's true when you're talking about fuckin Tinder thots or something, but he clearly doesn't go out of his way to talk to actual girls.
I'm still mad.
RIP laptop.
Far as I'm aware "based" was originally making fun of an idiot who created a rap song that spammed "based God" repeatedly. Now it means whatever you want it to mean.
>not a single loss edit so far
>as long as you're ugly you won't be liked.
Why is this surprising to you? Did you try it with an ugly girl at least?
>nice kids btw, slut
Fuck loss, such a forced meme with no substance. It was never fun.
c'mon user, we both know no one on this website ever uses redpill unironically. Wait hold on, are we still in 2008?
>tfw I fail at all three of those things
>tfw I'm literally sexually harassing women just by standing around them
Who's starving? I eat a ton and fack om the muscle in the gym. Healthier than your slob life.
This is correct, I had a black college acquaintance who was really into that guy's music
Are you implying that women that use tinder aren't actual females and that females that don't use tinder are much more willing to go out with an ugly person?
Welcome to real life. At least you managed to open your eyes sooner than the majority has your friend ever suggest you to bee yourself tho?
It's 46% percent now
The best part of this skit is that it's almost entirely women laughing at it. Probably because they know it's true, but for the men it hits too close to home to laugh about.
you guys do realize you're acting like "nice guys" right? you can't seriously have this low level of self awareness.
>as long as you're ugly you won't be liked.
no shit, how long did it take you to figure that out
>multiple different racebait edits
Jews please leave
very easy to tell
i was in the army and some bitch asked one of my friends personal questoins she didn't need to ask because it had nothing to do with work and something to do with what he does in his room
later on she was discovered to have told our first sergeant that he "sexually harassed her"
this shit happens a lot in the army, but luckily the first sergeant personally knew my friend well so it was easily brushed away but she did get someone else who was a drunken idiot anyway so it was harder to defend him
and there are a good amount of barracks whores who'll later cause drama and stupid barracks rules will come into play because of them
fuck having women in the army imqho m9
Hmm you must be either a cuck, a roastie or japanese, ha
The Retard
I was 15 at the time... broke my heart.
I'm ugly. I know I'm not a nice guy. I don't like the fact that people say looks don't matter for guys.
Loss, like every meme, stopped being funny when normies started using it
no based means you're a dishonest drug addled sell-out like lil b.
thats why he declared himself the based god, that was him owning it
best and most meta post in this thread, ironically getting no yous. Pottery
and i don't like that fact that ugly people like you keep posting about this, we know, life is unfair, get over it, for your sake and ours
So you're sore that 80s/90s cartoons lied to you and people won't pick mates they consider ugly?
Being a beta in current year is suffering
Meta is shit, reddit
Crummy edit
Most accurate post
Life sucks man.
>Get over it
Easy for you to say Chad. You're not 28 and a kissless virgin.
I believe that the number of languages a populace has to learn correlates with their country's world power.
Since burgers only ever learn English, it means they're the strongest superpower, because everyone has to learn English to deal with them. As America loses power, the citizens will begin learning Spanish/French/Chinese because they won't be able to survive without it.
Like that?
Let me guess you posted the nigger edits
Made me chuckle
>Easy for you to say Chad. You're not 28 and a kissless virgin.
maybe he is and he just realizes getting sad and mopey about it is for bitches
100% Khalil plays fighting games and watches DBZ
Looks don't matter for guys if many of their other qualities are compensating for it. Can you say you know how much value will women give to your other qualities and how to get them to notice them if they are not immediately visible?
post a picture of yourself to prove you're ugly and i'll give you the pity you crave
now you're just being an annoying faggot.
lots of women orbiters today it seems. It's weird, it's not like there's any woman to fall for your game there.
>Easy for you to say Chad. You're not 28 and a kissless virgin.
i'm not a "chad" in fact i'm below average looks wise but it hasn't made it impossible. unless you've got some deformity you have nothing to whine about really.
Nigga I'm like average at best and horribly awkward (pretty sure I'm mildly autistic but fuck it) but even I'm not kissless. What the fuck are you doing?
Different user, in case it wasn't clear
Just focus all of your energy on git money and eventually you'll be able to fuck a few golddiggers.
Just don't marry them or you'll lose half.
sauce me
>women orbiters
anyone who uses this term is an incel who has difficulties befriending women in real life. I would much rather be an orbiter instead of some woman hating incel who has no female friends.
Based Khalil.
yeah, i'm thinkin' he's based
>hey Yea Forums lets make some vidya oc
>*devolves into incel shit*
Why can't you incels just move onto a different board
I know a trillion ways to say hello on english
I stopped doing shit at all long ago. And never did anything as low as your pic like telling somebody to break up with their bf and similar.
Ugly guys don't get girls because they are ugly, the guy you posted also happens to be a miserable worm.
seek medical help for your retardation
Yeah no, being an orbiter isn't the same as being friends with a woman. Orbiting is when you're sticking around them for some chance of attention, regardless of how much they actually care about you. It's not a friendship and it's not healthy.
This scale is bullshit, girls of different scales are mixed all over the fucking place
>Looks don't matter for guys if many of their other qualities are compensating for it.
That quality (singular) being net worth.
May I have the source, please kind sir.
this thread wasn't even really meant for vidya
keep believing that incel
sadness is valuable
>anyone who uses this term is an incel who has difficulties befriending women in real life.
Nigger I use the term frequently and despite being a kissless virgin I still have several female friends.
Best one in the thread
it's also dumb when all you do is look for pity
i purposefully shit on people whose only prerogative is to look for pity
Top guy is based
Found the guy who's never seen a vagina in real life and is scared to.
thats the sauce ;) i just made it for you horny bastard, did chu rike it?
Either reddit or boomers
At least you're not like me, I'm considered pretty good looking but I have an ungodly resting bitch face, girls always mention
i'm handsome if not for the serial killer eyes, but in reality I just have difficulty matching my face to my emotions for some weird reason, I have to manually move my face and it just dosn't come as naturally to me as others can. Oh well, i'm far to cheap for a relationship anyway.
Yeah I’m laying in bed feeling like shit I don’t want to do anything lonely horny etc.
cytu,be/r/cromlets (replace the comma)
The age old pact must be upheld.
Add that first and then get in here fuckers, will start in like 10 minutes.
why do you hate women Yea Forums
get a hobby or do something assface, depressing aint gonna do shit
i like 'em
Because they are all incels and your mother is a stupid whore who fucks everyone else but them.
They have an entirely inadequate number of penises.
This is all true.
I mean black guy looks pretty based only based on those texts but I could be wrong
Hello, human resources?
I don't hate women, just some of the stuff they do.
It's the same with women hating what men do sometimes.
>this thread
>t. virgin
best part is virgins don't even know everybody can tell
i sure do like 'em
I've never seen this movie, but I've seen screenshots of this scene posted so much in similar contexts that I'm going to assume he's upset that he doesn't have a girlfriend. Assuming my inference is correct, how is such a handsome man having relationship troubles?
>can't find Escape from the Loli Train anywhere
Fuck it, it was probably more porn than comedy anyways.
more like 6-8%, since it's mostly the men
It would be more funny if it wasn't so sad.
oh no no no
harrison ford stole his girlfriend, so he destroys the whole city and opens a portal to the past
You should watch the movie.
>women complain about some of men's general tendencies
men complain about some of women's general tendencies
Hello, human resources?!
>that hint of red panties
God tier
Holy shit, is this what BLACKED spammers really think they are fighting against when they shitpost?
Yes, life isn't fair
Im a 79 year old virgin get over it user
>a bunch of young, white men in glasses
oh no
this is the most Yea Forums incel faggot insecure post
Imagine being so mad about minor rejection you start making comics about how unfair women's standarts are.
>tfw horribly crippled loser with dead end job but every single cute girl I know has/had a crush on me because I have a cute face and shower daily
>tfw get them to go out with me a few times, they tell me they've been interested in me for a while because I seem like a great guy, then they realize how horribly fucked up I am mentally and they dump me
Kill me bros
But yea you're right, I can say literally anything and I get away with it because I have a cute face and try to look as youthful as I can.
You're not born fat. You become fat because you're addicted to food.
The behavior in the comic is correct: fat people are addicts and need to be treated like shit until they fix their lifestyle
you win
lmao. kys faggot
They choose pathetic enemies because they are pathetic.
they're not even unfair 2bh
lmao are you a robot pls dont kill me mr roboto
Imagine imagining
But that's not an enemy, that's just a fantasy.
Started a bit early, the Kung Pow BEGINS
This one’s actually funny
Too real man
What? Attractive people have always been treated better than ugly mouthbreathers, there's no "revolution" it's all a huge COPE in your head
5 and beyond is just wrong.
There are some seriously ugly people above 5 and 9 is entirely photoshop.
Where the fuck do these people live?
something on your mind, user?
Women don't really like black guys, and that's totally fine.
lmao who takes the time to make shit like this
absolute madlad
this seems way to scripted to be a real text conversation
Of course it is. It was made by an autist who doesn't interact with women outside of copypasting pictures of them.
People in it for the clicks.
name 12 of them
we'll here's your (You) i guess
Kinda like me except when I laugh it's like I have to manually force in some cases
>make my off topic comic on topic for this board
The majority of ‘ugly’ people on this site are average looking but incel losers. Also lower your standards. If you’re ugly then settle for an ugly girl.
says a lot about western culture
40? That's as many as 4 10s and that's no good.
>there's no "revolution"
There literally was. the 80/20 rule is literally a return to neanderthal man.
The funny thing is that if you're unattractive it's not genetics, it's you being a mouthbreather during your puberty years and letting your shitty narrow palate ruin your face as it grows
We never moved from that. That's how it's always been.
A man getting multiple women. That's humans.
stay mad nig nog
I fucking love women, they're fun to be around, they always smell good and they look really good. Also they suck dick.
>how are you?
>how's it going?
>good morning/evening
>top of the morning to you
Not that user, but here's 9. Anyone else?
>a women
You haven't fixed shit, retard.
Also very nice
why do they all have the same pair of glasses?
What I get from this is that wearing glasses is unattractive.
Depend which women, some are deserving of hate, but yes, not enough love for women in general, many of them are based. You learn to love women more when you have a gf and doesn't see all women as people that should fuck you but doesn't
if you're not already cute then glasses make you look worse
if you are then they're great
This. Obviously a fabrication
I've seen very attractive people taken to HR for inappropriate comments. It's not the looks it's how its said and what it is that is said.
I approve of this, good job friend.
the only thing your mom is good for is being tied up and fucked like an animal
> the 80/20 rule
We're not that far in fuckos, it's not too late to join.
Do not read this, or your mother will die.
I only date 6s. Like, consistently. No fuss, no muss.
I have immunity puppy anyway.
>>top of the morning to you
Doesn't count, nobody says that in real life.
t. Ireland
you can always reply...
>blaming Jews for /pol/tards who "[POST-IRONICALLY]" have folders full of cuck and interracial porn for "shitposting
By that chart anyone can push themselves 1 class up or more if they put effort in. And a woman will come off hotter if you actually give a shit about what comes out of her mouth.
So you're ahead of the game user.
Based midriffchad
this post was made by a woman(tranny)
Holy shit, you're right! You cracked the code! The woman is scared in the lower panel because the fat guy is shoving the entire cubicle wall over!
*tips fedora
fake and gay
A blast from the past user
thank u dog
Southern California, obviously?
Why don't you try with ugly girls? You like ugly girls, right? I mean, as long as they're kind
What do I win?
I-I can fit all of those criteria for you, user
Why didn't you make one then, huh? Lil bitch
Yeah it's pretty good
Culturally being aware of the fact you fucking gamer.
>ever smelling or looking good
>tfw you have a slim trappy bf
It's some good shit, user.
The 80/20 rule has always existed.
Damn, that's a pull.
It's more like 0.01% since it's only the ones that commit the crime.
Oh god I spent way too much time on doing this. I'm hoping at least one person will get it.
Some people just remain kids for their entire lives
You’re quite mistaken, that scene is completely unrelated to his relationship status
Good dog
them and blacks vote democrat and ruin nations
They always have to use anime pictures instead of the real thing. It’s almost like they’re just ugly fags
Thanks doggo!
fuck did i miss it
Still 50 min left, about halfway through.
It's still the first half. Come on in.
Is this Yoko Yuusuke?
People in the past weren't retards, you fucking zoomer
I'm a white guy and I usually vote Democrat, so what now retard?
Personally I think the next logical step is to hang yourself. I think the world would be better if you weren't here.
How's it feel being below average IQ?
Vroomed and Johnnypilled
>need to be treated like shit until they fix their lifestyle
I'm not fat but addicted to other shit, this is an awful way to try and fix anybody. Fat people deserve the rope but if you actually want to fix somebody you need to make it thier problem through context.
>Someone who shows signs of self-improvement and self-care is going to make better first impressions than goofy slobs
No shit? Wonder why this is.
It's super easy to fix ugly in a guy. Dress in flattering clothing, get a flattering haircut, learn to accentuate your best features and downplay your worst features. It takes work, not just "LMAO JUST B URSELF" whining.
You forgot to add stink lines to bottom.
Legitimately can't tell if this guy is trolling or just autistic. Just like 90% of the threads here.
>voting out of your country's interest
>reddit spacing
go back
thanks doc
you can't troll when the person knows who you are
top 10 best anime plot twist
Then why does everyone post it in tfwnogf threads?
/pol btfo
wtf I want to be Khalil's friend now
Thank you immunity dog.
Max definitely got rejected by Stacey.
Got a genuine audible laugh out of me
>MSM claims Yea Forums is filled with misogynists
>99.999999999999999999999999% of this thread is white knights crying about incels
I’m confused
Snipperclips is based.
Needs more "Crummy resources" but still good.
whiteknights and moralfags have been a cancer since 2006
which one are you
by white knights you mean trannies right?
I know a shit just like this, he's 27. Acts more like a white girl drama queen than the four 16-20 year old girls we have on staff. Always on their phone, always bitching, always talking about their last vacation and nothing is ever fair.
I make $200k a year, so pretty good I guess?Are you retarded?
Not bad.
fat guy has some good taste
nta, but I also think women should also have similar expectations. They probably do, I don't know. To me it seems that this whole issue revolves around the expectations for men and the assumption that women can do no wrong. It's another way of putting women on pedestal. Those are good advices to be in representable condition, but I think it should also add something about self-respect and that guys don't need to stand women who don't put in any effort and who expect men to do all the impressing. Men should put in effort for women who also put in effort, instead of wasting time on someone else.
Burgers also only tend to learn English because their country is fucking huge.
> MSM doesn't know what the fuck they're talking about
Back to your shithole, Kiwifag
200k doing what?
>*devolves into incel shit*
the premise of the original joke involves what can implicitly be assumed to be an incel
i'm seeing more "misogynists" than i'm seeing "white knights crying about incels".
Software architect
why do they all look the same?
Really? Where?
The only good one.
Ignore the Redditrannies, they'll be gone by winter.
Because someone thought it was an expression of anguish and impotent fury that reflected his own, and it caught on, eventually being regurgitated by people who didn't understand the original context, much like most memes.
if your educated why vote democrat
unless you live in new york or cali
According to this I'm a 5.
>surely Stacy next door would love my inappropriate behavior if I was hot!
>how else am I going to project myself into chads shoes if I don’t imagine he’s the same terrible human being as me?
>therefore I should never self reflect ever again
Literally stop taking the substance you're addicted to. It's that simple.
>vrooman resources
nah, a quarter of blacks will end up with felonies in their lives
Because some user started posting it alongside his rantings about being horny and lonely. It may not have been related, but I guess everyone agreed that the look of anguish and frustration fits their situation very well.
just b u r self, bro
thanks dog
Because I'm gay, and you breeders have ruined this world by proliferating beyond the maximum carry capacity for everyone in this world to have a high quality of life. And it's all possible due to women and the men who fetishize over them.
Probably because I'm not an insecure faggot that needs to spend my entire life fighting tooth and nail to keep a leg up on everyone else out of fear of losing the mediocre lifestyle I've lucked into.
someone should run the face of every incel they can find and make one of these averages
good and vidya
Drug possession is as much of a crime as jay walking.
>I make $200k a year, so pretty good I guess?
Actually, this is probably the right answer.
If some handsome man flirts with you, it's okay
But literally take the same dialogue but insert an un-attractive, overweight man and suddenly it's rape.
jaywalking doesn't drive a $300billion illegal drug trade
>tfw too ugly to ever have this
so you vote democrat because you are a sadist of some sort
Unwanted advances are unwanted advances regardless of gender, just women are allowed to complain about it.
men are also allowed to complain about it
But who is SILLY
Now this is comedy
ill post it if i got 37 (You)
This smells of woman. A based as fuck woman. Good shit.
These fags will mention /pol/ or some other right leaning site they think are alt-right white supremacists even if no one else has, and then bitch about it when they're the ones who brought it up in the first place. It's all so tiresome.
>80/20 rule
>this is what pathetic inceltards actually believe
first fucking step is to stop fucking gosling posting
you dont look anything like him and no one thinks youre like him or any of his characters either
Yeah, but nobody takes it seriously. They just get called gay, even if it's a disgusting landwhale hitting on him.
I hate this shif. My ex told me that the whole "act like an asshole" thing isnt real and women actually do like nice, polite men, and then as soon as things turned sour she started calling me a nice guy incel. Fuck everything
You're correct, that would be Republicans and big pharma.
Jokes on you, my mom has already died
The real reason no one wants to fuck you is because you unironically say "mate" about humans you incel
retard confirmed
>They just get called gay
literally never happen to me and i've turned down quite a few big ones. who called you gay, your friends or something? honestly that's weird.
I copy pasted on a phone but it should be 37 (You)'s unless I fucked up. Post it.
still dodging the question of why you vote democrat
So that's why these are so redpilled
welp guess it's that time of the day
because deregulation isnt the answer to everything, and trickle-down economics is the answer to nothing
do you need to dilate user?
Women will always find something to denigrate you with, regardless of who you are, if they want to terminate the relationship. Reason being is that they're physically incapable of seeing themselves as in the wrong, so they need to pin some blame/reason on to you as to why they're ending the relationship, or cheating. "He's too nice, I'm no longer excited by the relationship". "He gives me too much freedom, it makes me feel like he doesn't care about what I do." That sort of thing.
>unironically calling people "humans"
you fucked up mate
(you) done
post it(you)
I'm sad
Argentina's the hottest one there, ngl
I hate this. I just want a nice girl so we can do stuff together. Why does the world have to be full of hardship. Why did I attract a mentally ill girl and why can't I find anyone to replace her
You're possibly the only male who ever said that shit and believes it
Actually laughed at this, nice.
holy friggin crap lois
No one would fault a man or call him gay for turning down a woman he isn't attracted to
>stating facts make you insecure
Sounds like you're the one that's really insecure if you get so mad about objective statistics
holy kek
sounds like you DESTROYED him with FACTS and LOGIC
the only person that would do that is the woman who got turned down, and guys do the same anyway
Isn't that supposed to be like triple haram with bacon on top?
Maybe in the weird lalaland you live in. Not in real life.
rent free
Yea exactly
You have never gone out with friends on a Saturday, it's obvious
that's just bs
Diamonds tonight
You will never be a woman
is she /ll/?
been waiting for something like this
Made me laugh
>I don't need to learn to read, the only letters I need are U, S and A.
>Did you know that niggers are ignorant as fuck? Look at this statistics from /pol/
Because we are all women here
Normalfags need to kill themselves, or at the very least fuck off back to Facebook.
Wahmen detected
>this is your brain on burgers
normalfaggotry is the only road to happiness i'm afraid
just dont be a single mom and be over 200lbs
Be that as it may, this is not the place for it.
learn to read
believe whatever you want i guess
This is the best. You're a master of abstract thought.
Look at this nigger
That's just how gay people are
Because they have the same standard as 10/10 staceys: they don't even consider talking to people who are not at least 6'1, handsome, buff, and rich.
Fucking everyone tried and we all arrived at the same identical conclusion. Stop being so disconnected from reality.
>learn to read
The irony is lost in you. Stupid mutt.
girls only "orbit" for the top of the top or idols such as Justin Beiber at the time, but a lot of time if a girl doesn't like you first youre probably not going to get with her
top jej
God's Father is an actual masterpiece. Also base in black culture is another term for crack cocaine because it is the basic form of cocaine as opposed to the HCl variety you snort.
lmao she barely glance over them
Only good one
I don't use tinder sweeping left is a yes i assume?
>but a lot of time if a girl doesn't like you first youre probably not going to get with her
what does this even mean
left is no, right is yes.
Same as me, i just swipe the other way
Also all women are queens
Yes All Women
shes rejecting everyone
That if you're to have a chance with a girl then it's because she shows obvious interest in you, if she doesn't then it's because she knows* she can settle for better.
*Women are stupid
the only one who got me
Totally legit conversation that actually happened in real life
Why is this surprising to you? It's basically inviting them to shit up this place more than mysoggyknees does.
>this thread actually
>That if you're to have a chance with a girl then it's because she shows obvious interest in you
i still don't get it
you're saying if guys try to pick up girls that haven't "shown interest", they'll fail? my experience doesn't really reflect that, where do you get this from.
Source of data in this graph?
legit, why dont you guys ever just get tinder?
>my experience doesn't really reflect that
Well my experience does. What are we gonna do now?
It's a different way of showing the "how men rank women and how women rank men" graph.
Try Thunder for a clean machine!
>You can either be a clueless incel retard living some dumb obsessive distopia about evil women only wanting to fuck with superchads and no one else on earth or a braindead white knight
sorry if it's already been done
>scapegoat for all misfortunes
based retard
>Well my experience does. What are we gonna do now?
not generalize it into a rule to live by perhaps?
i think you should at least change a little if you ever want to get with a girl, right now it seems you never approach girls because of this? or am i wrong.
gimme a hug man
I appreciate you, user.
alternate version
but wut about jacksemeneye?
yeah basically
This comic isn't even about incels or even standard bitching about unfair stacies fucking chad.
Its about the obvious unspoken truth that the whole concept of "workplace sexual harassment" is just when a man a woman isn't attracted to makes a pass at her. When a man a woman is attracted to at work makes a pass at her, it usually ends with them getting married and the woman quitting.
Long story short, flirting at the workplace is a-ok as long as the woman is attracted to you.The idea that any fucking dumbass white knight or incel-hater wants that environment to persist is self-sabotaging. Whether or not you want to pretend on Yea Forums you're a chad, why would you want women to have that much power in the workplace.
Vroom Vroom
You are wrong. I wasn't talking about myself, as I have no interest in 3DPD whores. But nice try making it into an attack on my character instead of talking about subject at hand. Real feminine tactic.
over 9000 hours in MSPaint
Very good. Just as the thread is about to die though.
an attack? i'm just here to talk to you man. and you literally just said it's about your experiences...
Shouldn't you be busy destroying The Ancient One?
Oh holy shit i never realized
People like in the pic posted are usually the ones spamming blacked shit to race bait
>you literally just said it's about your experiences
I suppose I should have said "Well my observations do" but then you would simply have pulled a "My experiences > Your observations", which you really should unless you want to come across as someone who doesn't believe in himself.
Yes I do live rent free. Gets paid off monthly from all the property I rent out to people like (you)
>30 minutes for a "no u" reply
oh shit really??? thank you mr landlord!!!
Disagreements are natural and occur all the time, the only thing that can come out of them are a fight or one side conceding. Unless you're on an anonymous image board where there's no reason or possibility to do either.
i want rule34 of the girl
I was a 28 years old kissless handholdless virgin and I found a qt 3.14 virgin girl my age on /r9k/. Why don't you give it a try? It's really hard because you'll be looking for a needle in a haystack, and some of the hay is poisoned, and some of the hay is camouflaged as needles, but it's doable.
>the only thing that can come out of them are a fight or one side conceding
you forgot lack of interest to continue
Not continuing is the equivalent of conceding.