Seems legit. Should I call?
Seems legit. Should I call?
Want to hang out south bay user?
be prepared to recharge someone's crystal
Still costs too much
Only if you have a free PS4.
I mean that’s a good deal, free ps4 AND all the games it has included?
I can't come over to play games sometime?
If it's free, then go for it.
Just don't get robbed raped
Ayyy more South Bay fags
As long as you don't murder or violate me.
>no friends
Do you play fighting games
I'll be your friend
whats a good price, fellow console collectors
I like to play Myst kind-of games.
No I just look at the characters.
Guilty Gear xrd is the coolest looking.
You know what I don't understand? When people put up an old PS3 for the price of a brand new PS4 slim.
Makes no fucking sense.
b-but it's old so the value goes up!!!
>Hey that free PS4 sounds sweet, how can I pick it up?
>Oh let's just meet at around 2AM near the local Walmart's parking lot, I am afraid of crowds so please come alone.
Post Witching hour Walmart is the most interesting place to people watch
cmon little bit of molestation while you play never hurt nobody
Guys, I'm gonna do it.
>Find a PS4 for a good price on Cragislist
>Offer to buy it, guy says I can meet at his place
>I'd rather not, give him an alternate address to meet
>"Alright, that works"
>Five minutes later
>"Dawg that's a police station"
>"I know"
>"Fuck you"
Money laundering that's how you make illegal monies legal
Should I move to SF or oakland lads?
out of california would be the wisest choice
but take your pick between street shitting faggots or nig noggers
I lived in SF for a few years I don't recommend it
both sound fucking awful
Wow, what a deal!
I'm in south bay and it's just suburbia and offices.
and no lgbt people
Why would it matter if their are GLBT people in your area?
>Find a guy ps4 deal on FB
>200 bucks, 4 games, Crash CTR, Spider-Man, Las of US, Shadow of the Collosus
>Dude, can we meet at this train station?
>Yeah, sure, 2pm
>Go there
>Hey man, just got here with the money, are you close or something?
>Dude proceeds to block me
Motherfucker made me Lose a fucking hour going to the train station. I still bought a ps4 that day, I just went to a mall that sells used gaming consoles
Hate those people, just say you're no longer interested and THEN block me, bunch of dickheads
What a deal!
I'm bi and would like to date/hang out with them*.
*them not being closeted indians in their 30s.
>wow this place is nice but it needs more strangers willing to cram their dicks in my shithole
Why isn't this considered a mental illness?
Damn you, you made me spit out my food lol
I'm pretty sure it's about the crystals that charge by jerking off.
With other mens.
That also have a crystal.
I grew up being molested by freaks like you. I'd love to shoot you in the head.
based boomer
Sounds like a personal problem.
I wouldn’t do it.
Dude has a deodorant stick top on the ground. If he can’t even pick that up to take a photo, the controller is probably infested with bed bugs.
Grace Ann sounds like a female name
kek what a fag imagine getting fucked in the ass as a child and enjoying it only to be triggered years later so you cope on /pol/
>grace ann
you best tap that
Reminder why you shouldn't stick your dick in crazy
>bwaaaaah why aren't we accepted by society, why do normal people persecute us so?
>hahaha you got raped as a child take that you little bigot hahaha
Get help buddy this place clearly isn't doing you any favors.
im down
bring the strap just in case
Take you GUN bro. And make sure to bring some back up and make sure they have their GUNs too. Turn the safety off, have the clip loaded ready during the exchange so you can quickly return fire if something does go down.
Trade smarter, not harder.
>can't find a single ad on craigslist from my city, let alone vidya stuff
no fags sounds like a plus to me fagpai
I'm getting by with doing as much as I can to destroy the lives of these "people" where I live.
what's wrong with making deals at a safe place?
>Just call
That's when you should know something is fishy.
Exactly. Where was this again? Sounds great.
Because he is a nigger and his goal was to rob them.
Says the child-molesting freak
Could've been stolen and police station exchange areas are recorded
You know you enjoyed it
>Find a ps4 for 100 bucks
>"So what's the deal with this ps4, is it broken or something?"
>"No, just refurbished. It's practically brand new"
>"Alright, where can we meet?"
>"Actually I'm out of town, but I got the unit with me, just send me a money order and I'll send it to you"
Are there people that geniunly fall for this crap?
Having worked for years at PayPal, yes. I see people fall for the stupidest fucking scams all the time.
People are gullible and stupid, there's a reason those Indian Tech Support scammers keep popping up
So are you a pedophile? This is a reaction I see a lot. Homosexuals say over and over again that the accusation of pedophilia is just bigotry and homophobia. Yet, when I bring up a personal experience to the contrary, all they do is sexualize it, get excited, and attempt to explore it sonthey can get off to it.
It really makes you wonder how true they are being when they profess their innocence, yet turn around and masturbate over the thought of a child being raped.
I mean, that's what eBay was people paypal existed. It had a feedback system but in order to sell your first few things people just had to trust you. I remember sending money orders off for shit all the time and was never scammed.
I'll never understand why that ugly ass web 2.0 website is so popular. Are Americans really so poor that they are willing to go on a shit website with a 90% rate of fake advertisements on the off chance that they'll find a cheap console instead of getting robbed, killed or raped like 50% of the people that use that website?
If you wanna get shot, sure.
I'll take that as a yes
>Are Americans really so poor
Pretty much. We are a 2nd world country.
You believe everything you read on the internet? What are you, twelve?
I've heard of scams like this. They hide a GPS tracker in the item they are giving away then come to your house and kill you
Im sure you know a lot about policy and arent just some weird kid who bought into an online culture war crusade
Neither, move to the East Bay somewhere like Fremont. San Jose/SF/Oakland are still right there but you don't have to deal with all the big city bullshit.
what advantage does that have over breaking into a random person's house and killing them?
It's a classic gang initiation tactic.
Are you done looking in the mirror?
there is no Killer 7 for PS4
It's kinda like fapping to creepshots of someone you know being a lot more satisfying than random porn. Killing someone that you met before feels like a hunt as opposed to just random killing. At least it's what I heard.
>that's what eBay was people paypal existed
You should just kill yourself because Californians aren't human
they'd be doing me a favor, so that sounds good to me
Holy shit the guy typed something slightly wrong but it was still understandable. LETS LAUGH AT AND BOO THIS MAN.
do i get a free bj or free semen?
It's homophobic to treat same-sex childhood trauma, user. In fact, children should be thankful to be exposed to alternative lifestyles and orientations that the cishet patriarchy would have denied them access to. In fact, we should do more to provide children the privilege of an adult same-sex partner with policy change and social engineering. They little sluts are asking for it anyways.
You're not a bigot, are you?
I don't know what the problem is with it being 2.0. That's far better than being some horrible bootstrap javascript AJAX abomination.
There's just nothing wrong with buying shit second hand. Almost everything I have is second hand or at least 20 years old.
If I'm going to get a PS3 I may as well get one for $50 on craigslist, not pay $170 to some reseller on Amazon.
That’s actually a pretty good deal though
I still remember paying $50 for some Kamen Rider bootleg DVDs and the cocksucker sent the MO back saying I took too long and I could never get it refunded because it was addressed to that piece of shit.
No, it is not. I frequent a local game shop and a used N64 is maybe $40. With games and all that shit you're at maybe $80 tops.
I want to sell my console and buy a hooker with that money
I have no idea how I typed "people" instead of "before"
Cut out the middleman and trade the N64 for sex.
>Paying for Malaysian bootlegs in the first place which are TV-N or crabsticks outside of the really new ones which sometimes use O-T's.
Brought this upon yourself.
where did all the hookers go after backpage
Old PS3 consoles(sometimes) have ps2 emulation.
If it's the early PS3s they have hardware ps2 emulation. They can go for a bit as they can play ps3, ps2, and ps1 games perfectly.
>At least it’s what I heard
Sure thing Bundy
Dumb ESL
Where do you live? I haven’t seen a store that sells retro gaming stuff where I’m from. Only Gamestop. Alabama
Most likely that it's stolen and it's being actively looked for, or that it's broken/missing something. My money is on stolen given that's a PS4 with all the cib stuff, including the shitty earpiece and the white zip ties on the cables.
>Where do you live?
Haha, not falling for that one. But we have several locally owned game stores, one definitely asks for too much but the others are all pretty great in selection and pricing.
What do I get for a N64 on a scale from an eskimo nose rub to a cleveland steamer
Well fuck you too
>No anons to do gayshit with where I live
I am both happy and sad
remember to clean your second hand items
god I hate fucking niggers so much. I refuse to sell to them and if I pull up to a white man or girl with a nigger in the car, I leave. It's not worth my life over saving $20 on a game
incredibly based
>Haha, not falling for that one
falling for what, retard?
Nothing, the other dude was probably trying to rob him. You always want to do Craigslist deals at a visible, public area at the very least, and police stations are the best places. If somebody balks at doing an exchange at a police station then they've either got a warrant or are trying to scam you (or both)
uh oh did I trigger leftypol? :(
It's too late, the hacker known as Yea Forums already knows where you live, it's too late for you, we have sent eighty billion pizzas to your house
whomst are you quoting?
do you not know what based means
Thank you based Yea Forums. I could go for some pizza right now how generous of you.
oh no, i think you will find these pizzas are rather too...cheesy (that's a bit of Yea Forums slang if you don't know)
i should ask you if you do
based = righteous
Our local police have even advertised that they would rather you do any in person sales at one of their stations, as it's less work for them.
Did you have this response already pasted in waiting for the first reply or something?
God dammit, lol
Do you mind posting a pic of a pizza this cheesy? Just as an example so I would know what to expect
He is so paranoid that he thinks that the only way people can agree with him is if they are doing so sarcastically
I think that most local police stations will encourage you to do in-person sales at their station. I think that some even have specific areas where you can do it safely.
Then again back when I bought my PS Vita off of someone I did it at a Dunkin Donuts with my brother, but luckily the guy was legit.
>girl takes your gun
>shoot and kills for no reason
>shoots you in the hand
>its your face in the media and not the girl
Got a Wii U for $60 and a HUEG Xbox for $30 (with 4 controllers) this week
Feels good desu
Buddy of mine fell for this but with a music festival ticket. He's not dumb either, don't know what he was thinking there. At least paypal was nice enough to block it for him.
>pretending like based isnt something leftypol says to act facetious
kill yourself faggots
yes retard a 5 minute reply time proves that I had it pasted in, you fucking moron.
The scammer fucked up then, they're supposed to demand that the payment be sent as Friends and Family.
>not falling for that one
t. schizo
Mario Kart, SM64, and Banjo Kazooie all go for at least $30 a pop at every secondhand store I've been to. Considering the two first party controllers and expansion pak being included, it's really not a terrible deal
Bro, b&k has an upwards of like 40 dollars. It's really hard to get your hands on it
I mean, you were the impetus for why it happened in the first place...
Then your stores are run by Jews, I just looked and you can get Mario Kart for $15 on eBay.
You're going to get robbed by a white sometime and feel really stupid afterwards.
People suck, it's dumb to judge/trust by race.
>dude its not right to be weary of the race that commits the most crimes wtf
absolutely BASED REDDITOR give this man gold stat
>the kid's dad was with him
That's sad man. Fuck nigs
Know how I know you're American? :^)
>america need to go to enforcement station to perform daily transactions
Judge by how they dress and behave. If they happen to be black/white/mexican/whatever IDGAF. Right now you're setting yourself up to trust people based on skin color and it will screw you in the end.
He can't imagine white criminals
In Euro countries we very much have white criminals. Look up Irish travellers.
fuck white people
Try again
At this point you might as well concede the working classes as a whole aren't white, which leaves you with boring white criminals like tax evaders and frauds.
You cannot miss the point any harder. Good luck with life.
banjo dreamie is a rom hack, pretty good chance kazooie and tooie arent official carts
But user, I really wanted a ps4 to pose my hand in front of :(
>t. actual schizo
even worse is the fact that his older sister was dying of cancer. that dad had to watch his son die right in front of them and then had to watch his daughter die later. that shit is way too tough
>being racist means you think every individual in your own race is brilliant
It's only for good families though
Yeah, we all know statistically, blacks are more likely to commit crime. That doesn't make the other shitheads just vanish though. The point user was making that it could be absolutely anybody who decides to fuck you over and going by race alone is stupid.
Everyone in my area must think their junk is covered in gold dust. Assholes list things for $5 or $10 less than retail. I guess there must be enough stupid people out there who will drive all over town for those kinds of "deals."
it's like people have literally been made retarded by political correctness, you're making the rational choice
>no price posted
>shoot me an offer
No, fuck you. Name a price, and I'l haggle from there.
if some white guy ever robs me, he will most likely break into my car or ruffle through my gym bag while i'm showering or something; he won't try to beat me up/murder me with a couple of buddies before robbing me
>it could be absolutely anybody who decides to fuck you over
>going by race alone is stupid.
If one race is statistically proven to commit a significantly higher percentage of crimes per capita, then it is not stupid to make certain assumptions based on race.
But you do feel more trusting towards them, which is what I was getting at. You're going to let your guard down just because someone's white and it's going to fuck your ass raw.
I'm not racist, I distrust everyone equally. You'd be wise to do the same.
>naive retard trying to call others naive
At least you wouldn't be killed and you'd walk out with energy.
This sounds a lot like Ass Pennies.
Agreed, that shit is so fucking annoying. You just know they have a high price in mind and they'll think you're low balling no matter what price you give.
No, he's right. You're naive.
this is when you have a gun strapped to yourself.
>buying used
Sorry, I'm not poor.
>Grace Ann
Don't, it's not a scam, but its probably some Mom trying to punish her kid by giving away their PS4.
Please tell the craziest story you encountered
Where I live (Oregon) there was a story a few years back, some woman selling baby clothes on craigslist. A man and woman showed up to buy them, and instead disemboweled her. Shit steered me away from craigslist permanently.
One of the most annoying was a guy who had sent roughly $25,000 over the course of a year and a half for "psychic services" that were supposed to improve his life, and then he demanded his money back because the predictions didn't come true.
He filed complaints with nearly every state and federal regulatory body, causing me a shitload of paperwork, and would leave voicemails for me twice a week wanting to know when I was going to help him get his money. He only stopped when we went to small claims court and he lost.
how much can you pitch OG fat ps4 for?
>implying white people murder anyone they dont know unless they're on drugs
Easy to spot if they're on crack or something and make an exit.
It's from China. They're bootlegs or repros.
>price is three fitty
>Ships from
shenzheng, China
Really nigga
Wow fucking racists.
u gay lol
And a ching chong nip non to you.
I'm not racist, I love Chinese food.
Thats what you get when you live in a nignog infested city.
>Should I move to SF or oakland lads?
I lived in a neighborhood of Oakland called Temescal, right in between where Telegraph meets Shattuck. Despite being one of the worst cities in America, it was quite nice and the rent was manageable. Food was good (Cholita Linda's was just around the corner; Burma Superstar was a block away) and, because it was in such a central location, crime was relatively low. There's a neighborhood due east of be Temescal, right by the cemetery, that's quite safe also. Lake Merritt is also a place where you can find some affordable, safe rentals.
exceptions don't disprove rules dude
remember 13 do 50
Out of state