Monster Hunter Thread

Monster Hunter Thread

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Other urls found in this thread:

post rooms

Let me help you out OP, ahem.

>LONG SWORD IS THE BEST WEAPON AND ANYONE WHO SAYS OTHERWISE IS A FAG, also fuck Generations for being too anime and World for being too easy!

What's with the recent surge of MH threads?
Everyone who's interested in Iceborne already preordered it anyway.

if you insist~

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Still actually deciding if I want just the game or the deluxe shit that comes with it, European themed house decor is drawing me in

autist that derailed threads got rangebanned so we're finally having decent threads.

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guaranteed replies, job good user

he didn't get rangebanned, he's still posting and even threw together a bot to nuke /mhg/
who do you think made the other thread?

it's shit.

that's all.

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>that pathetic attempt at spam
>a bot
you guys give that retard way too much credit

Lol retard

I say bing you say wahoo


Here's some questions for everyone:
A) What was your first Monster Hunter?
B) What game did Monster Hunter truly click with you?
C) What's your favorite Monster Hunter?

As we all know the series isn't for everyone. Like in my instance I started with Tri but absolutely hated it. Eventually I gave it a second chance and started enjoying it, but playing Freedom Unite is where I truly started to understand what Monster Hunter is about. Favorite game is still Tri Ultimate by the way, love swimming way too much.

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Finished the game and want to try out new weapons, I'm between bow and dual blade, help me decide Yea Forums

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>A) What was your first Monster Hunter?
>B) What game did Monster Hunter truly click with you?
>C) What's your favorite Monster Hunter?



PCfag here
Hope you enjoy the soon to be playable iceborne in about 2 weeks.

Cause I won’t.

I want to have sex with Kulu-Ya-Ku!

4U, probably will be IB eventually if endgame is really fun.



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I love Nekogirls!!!!

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There was certainly a rangeban because My IP got banned alongside his.


4u,mhw,mhw. I would've started with tri but nobody was around to push me towards the series back then

I want to BING BING Alteron's WAHOO

shame that the artist never drew any actual porn with the monsters


-tried demos/rom of them all (really wanted to get in, but couldn’t)
- world


Literally quit the game first minutes in.

Don't throw in like 15 weapons at once and expect people to to be overwhelmed by the choice.

I actually emulated both.

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bing bing

Tribaby here.

Tri as well, though it took a long time since I picked up HBG as my first weapon. I almost put the game down forever until I decided to try the other weapons and fell in love with Lance

Probably Generations Ultimate just for the large amount of content, although Iceborne will probably top it. That said I've liked all of the post Tri games.

Based paradox user

mama mia!

Tri, tri, gu. Arts and styles are really fun and I hope they return in the future, with a little better balancing. Alchemy is the best.

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Krekkov is a fucking hack but god damn does his shit make my dick denser than a rock.


This ALWAYS happens and I fucking despise it


Anyone have a good crit draw build for GS in MHW?


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eat shit fake fan

Wrong, Tri was tough as nails for being on a new system with a casual as fuck audience.

Godspeed, user.

post muhut



>A) What was your first Monster Hunter?
Tri. After which I got FU.
>B) What game did Monster Hunter truly click with you?
Tri really. I got very into it right from the start.
>C) What's your favorite Monster Hunter?
Gotta go with either 4u or World. Each stands in its own way really. Honorable mention to 3u as well.

Not gonna ask favorite monster?, it’s probably Gogmazios.


>furry shiteaters now shitposting
Stopped pretending actual discussion goes on in here huh?

How did Diablos get away with abusing his wife. Why was the hunter contracted with finishing her off after what he did?


>crit draw
back to plebbit

>Not gonna ask favorite monster?
Nah. Since Iceborne is almost out and I've been playing these games for nearly 10 years, I was curious of how other people started with the series.

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I don't know man, I tried playing FU and 1 after hundreds of hours of Tri and got the shit beaten out of me. Maybe Lance was just that good in Tri or something.

Try again?
If not interested, why are you here?
If it’s just to express your dislike, it has been dully noted.

A) Monster Hunter Freedom United
B) Monster Hunter Tri
C) Monster Hunter World

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i want to play iceborne

same here. Are you from Cali btw?

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I can't think of a game where lance has been bad. What you lack in speed you make up for in precision and defense, meaning you never need to leave the monster's side for anything.

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but I love world and FU user, don’t do this to me ;_;

Goddamn zoomers.

Spain represent, m8.

Not him but I am and I feel like I get caught in them every few weeks anyway. I’m surprised it’s actually been a while since the last one.

Either 3U or it still hasn't, depending on your definition of "click". While I've liked the series since I started it, I've never done G rank and before World I had never finished HR. That's just a problem with me and games in general though.
World. It has a ton of problems, including lack of difficulty(HR is easier than 4U LR) and monster variety, but the QoL and being on real systems is too huge to overlook.


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I only use it solo, I spend too much time chasing the monster in most multiplayer situations.

Lance in Tri is the only time before World that it could counter after the 3rd poke

>9 Warrior Streamstones for a weapon class I don't use
Gimme my Greatsword stone please

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HE’S not in, I’m so sorry bros...

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>A) What was your first Monster Hunter?
FU grandpa
>B) What game did Monster Hunter truly click with you?
3 ultimate, Portable 3rd
>C) What's your favorite Monster Hunter?

Honestly a thougth question, I grew up with FU so I only see the game with nostalgia googles , 3U is good but is not as good as Tri , 4U is a good game but with many heavy flaws and GU is meh and I hated many things in world to be even considered by me good, my answer is probably portable 3rd because I liked the setting even if it was easy.

If I want to play MH3P and MH3U, I emulate MH3P and then move onto MH3U for a natural progression, right?


You did it user! You broke down Monster Hunter Threads to their bare essentials!

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I bet blademasters was just aiming for the breast while gunners were able to just shoot wherever they want. And his back was literally exposed while he was knocked down for everyone to go to town.
>royal ludroth
His mane is fuckhuge and his belly is also exposed when he is knocked over, he has the same animation set as a leviathan. So of course there is a better hitzone to open up, game rewards you for knocking him on his side.

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Not necessarily. P3rd has a completely different hub and removes swimming. 3U has a lot of P3rd’s content anyway, but the former is a G rank game so it’s naturally longer. Still worth playing it but there’s no particular reason to do one before the other.

Man, someone is pretty pissed...

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Not really. P3rd is a “2nd gen” game with a shiny coat of paint and 3rd gen monsters. Its quite unique (and easy)
I would recommend you to jump right into 3U, then if you are just too tired of the watery bullshit, go back to p3rd

Get nerf'd

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What are the chances we get another one in IB?

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Playan 4U, is there any hammer and armor I should be aiming for early on?

bing hammer

Iceborne. It's so good. You've got a real treat to look forward to.


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Why can't you all just be normal.


>A) What was your first Monster Hunter?
Freedom Unite
>B) What game did Monster Hunter truly click with you?
Freedom Unite
>C) What's your favorite Monster Hunter?


Make whatever has the biggest numbers until you can get the Seregios hammer

1 or p3rd

It's the OP of last thread. Got found out a faggot and his thread abandoned so he's trying to derail this one

Problem is, MH threads are protected so he has no power

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For hammer, just use the one with the best raw. Its not worth specializing this early
For armors, there’re 1 notable set: gore low-high mixed set. well, requires high rank, but it give you friggin Challenger +2 and Sharpness +1, and can last quite a while, even deep into Grank, providing you can dogde shits

Rathalos is sexy

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>What was your first Monster Hunter?
Freedom unite
>What game did Monster Hunter truly click with you?
Portable 3rd
>What's your favorite Monster Hunter?

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Do we know that with how MR works if MR Quests will not affect your HR?

MH1, oldfag.
MH1, but it was more of a spite thing refusing to let the game beat me cause I was dumb and little.
MH4U, but it would probably be GU if the Gen part wasn't so disappointing. Would kill for another game using the same kind of Styles and Arts system made with more time and budget. Portable 3rd also a big favorite of mines.

>Rath CB
>Fight Behemoth

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That looks like King Gold Exploder, which is the best GL if you want to do nothing but charged shells all day

How do I get good at this game. Should I "main" one type of weapon? How do I use the slinger effectively? Fuck man, I want that Anjanath armour so bad...

Try everything
Use Scatternuts, Crystalburst, and slinger ammo dropped from monsters
Remember to keep dumping armor spheres into your armor and always grab bounties into your list for more

just b urself

>Should I "main" one type of weapon?
For starters, that is a good idea, yes.
>How do I use the slinger effectively?
It is not really important in World other than flashing Raths out the sky
>Fuck man, I want that Anjanath armour so bad...
Do Investigations

hit the enemy
Dont get hit
That aside, do try all the weapon to find 1 that clicks with you and main it, try to read the monsters’ tells and moves, and the most improtant of all, practice your dodgeroll
If everything fail, just use bow and unga bunga that fuck


I learned from mommy

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In the beginning stages, your struggles are primarily due to inexperience against the monster, not your weapon choice. However, don't let that discourage you from swapping if you truly want to try something different.

Is the Metal Rath equipment gonna be top tier again?

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Some weapons just have bad matchups against certain monster s, so you should try to have a good variety. unless you use ranged

What's the best way to get monster parts? Trapping them?
thanks fren
How do I do investigations?
I found the switch axe being pretty sick
My strategy with most monsters is trying to get on them so I can stab them until they fall over. Not sure if it's a good one or what actually makes it so you get on it.

>How do I do investigations?
I don´t know when they unlock in the story, but you get them randomly by collecting tracks and breaking parts of monsters.

What do you guys think Capcom will lock from other players in order to entice them to complete all the master rank quests?
>Better rainbow pigment
>level 4 charms

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I don't know

Housing customization options.

I barely started and the only notable thing I killed is Seltas. Made bone bludgeon, but didn't dabble in armor crafting that much. I was asking purely, because I don't want to waste mats on something shitty. Thanks, my dude.


Any new leaks??

House shit

>Own world
>Playing it as we speak
>Not my favorite in the series therefore I'm a wahoo
Anyway what image got deleted that people were replying to? Archives aren't working

From my understanding, /mhg/ cratered and it's easier to have MH-related conversation here instead.

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>Archives aren't working
it was monster girl stuff

Stop responding to shitposters and just report them.
Pretty sure fireden removed Yea Forums. Fucking rip.


Well, can never go wrong with an early Tetsucabra set. Yes, its a defensive set, but its not like lr monsters have particularly high hp (or a need to speedrun)
And yeah, tigrex hammer is nice early too, and quite cheap (branch off from your current hammer)

nice mounting

What was the reward in older games for doing all quests?

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do you piss on them?

Well what artist? Was it just one of those bazelgeuse images by Krekk0v?


That Kulve move where she rolls on her back makes me feel funny.
What does that mean?

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I can almost taste it still exists so it's not all lost

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Not really “all quest” per se, but just a gret amount of quests/HR locked. Like various hr 100+ hunts in FU/3u/4u
GU does have quest completion unlock in the form of Bloodbath Blos (all deviant at max lvl)

That funny feeling in your insides is actually severe internal bleeding. Try actually dodging the fucking roll.

yeah Yea Forums X implemented that already. Thank fuck

I occasionally take them down for photo ops, otherwise they just sit on my monitor.

Probably an argument for me to get World+IB on PC once I get through my runs of older games.

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I have one more leak for you guys, but this time its not a tease or a pic of the tree. This is the big one.

Are you ready?

What's a good Charge Blade that isn't fucking Diablos?
Is there gonna be a way to Transmog in the expansion or it's just gonna be the clothes?

Not interested.

>gammoth back
>turf wars against the reindeer in world

make it happen

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The Gore one just look ao... weird
Its all blobby
And rip Lagi

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Bi ng

For non-elemental other CBs don't come even close, so you'll have to go for the elemental build if you want to use other CBs.

NIGGERS, someone finally did it

Make THIS happen too

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is there even a reason to go elemental with the CBs?
I haven't followed much the elements as my friend told me to not bother with those because they are overall weak as shit compared to the other series

looks shit, if someone doesn't make a 25% size of the screen red glowing streaks it isn't MH blood

Here it is: Transmog isn't in

Can't go wrong with Luna Styx for any weapon but it only beats Diablos in convenience (more slots, Razor Sharp) not damage

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There are monsters not in World that Elemental CBs were good against previously, but the Kjarr CBs are actually just fucking stupid against monsters big enough to get hit by most of the SAED. Especially Kjarr Ice.

Guys, I beat Tempered Kirin and now have access to the rest of the tempered monsters. What should I be grinding to make Lunastra, Kulve Taroth and Behemoth beatable?

But I'm a GLfag

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>Should I "main" one type of weapon?
Yes! Find one weapon and stick to it for the entire game or once you feel comfortable enough with your own understanding of it to start experimenting with anything else.
>How do I use the slinger effectively?
Find some flash bugs and make plash pods. They temporarily blind the monster in case you ever need the breathing room. Warning though flashing doesn't work on certain monsters when they're enraged. If that's the case bring dung pods as well so you can chase them off and catch up to them later.
>Fuck man, I want that Anjanath armour so bad...
Scatternuts are your best friend. Know when it roars and builds flames in its throat? That can actually work against Anjanath. Thankfully a few areas it travels has scatternut hanging on tries and vines so knock a few down and fire them at Anjanath's face whenever you can while in its 'flame' state we'll call it. Enough blows to the head will cause the fire in its throat to combust and cause it to topple as well as knocking it out of rage mode as well.

Outside of that make sure you're studying Anjanath's animations and have a certain level of understanding with the weapon you're using.

Attached: anjanath takes the scenic route.webm (720x404, 2.9M)

the funny thing is that already happen in gen intro

just farm any decent hr set of armor and a rank 8 weapon

Get augments for your weapons (Health > Crit > Attack in most cases, but use your brain) and augment all your armor to get your DEF to 450+ to make life easier.
Tempered Elder investigations are probably your best bet at this point since they drop both decorations and streamstones and I assume you need both.
Looks like he made 3 different versions.

Incorrect, Legiana is best girl.


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I have been up for more than 24 hours playing mhw on and off. It's 10:25 now and i haven't slept. Gaming addiction truly is a mental illness, why did i do this when i have uni starting tomorrow

Thanks for reading my blogpost

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I feel you user

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feels good to be a neet :^)


How did that happen

That's why build a special multiplayer Lance set with a Marathon Runner, Stamina Surge etc and just do the lance charge constantly. Bonus points every time you trip a bowfag as you charge.

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>What's with the recent surge of MH threads?
This should be obvious by now

I might do that for giggles, although Dash Juice is usually enough
Dash Juice is what, 1 level of Marathon Runner and 3 levels of Constitution in World? I can never remember the specifics

World when starting to stop Jho's charge with a TGS, causing a stagger. Boner lasted 4 hours
tie between GU and 4U. First series I've ever played that I went backwards

Iceborne might be favorite if G-rank is just as good

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When the Behemoth goes to the last area it's a DPS race to "kill" him before he does the last meteor. If you do enough DPS he will cast comet so you can survive, if you fail the DPS check you will have no comets and the hunt will fail even if you dodge the meteor with other means.

why are you even here?

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MHF2, never even got past village
MHFU, got as far as i can without gamefaq walkthrough until i banged my head on guild quests
IB>FU>World>Tri looks like it for now

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Capturing is almost always better for rewards. I think you get like one or two more parts.

Sometimes killing grants you higher chance for specific parts, but it depends on the monster.

You'll get investigations by tracking and hunting monsters. You can find your investigations in the resource center.

All weapons are viable, some are better for certain monsters though.

You'll kind of find what works best for you. People will list 'MAX DPS COMBOS' but these are hardly achievable unless your autistic.

Just keep hitting the monster without being hit.

>5+ MH threads a day
>N-no we really just like the game!
>a single Borderlands thread

What the fuck is this bullshit, why does the jump even exist then

made a bait thread but got ignored and everyone went to the other MH thread 50 replies later. He's still buttblasted

I don't understand how people can be NEETs.
How do you get food? Do your parents not care? Where is the money coming from? I'd totally be a neet because i haven't spent money on anything in the past 5 years on normalfag shopping sprees like my friends. Im content with whatever material goods i currently have and I pirate games anyways. How the fuck do i become a neet.

Not quite. In this case the player simply ran out of time in the quest. You're thinking of the third area. In the fourth area Behemoth drops one comet per meteor.

Nice try, but I hate those too.
These threads are blatant advertisements for Iceborne and you know it.

>A) What was your first Monster Hunter?
>B) What game did Monster Hunter truly click with you?
4U, played a bit 3U too but I guess guildmarm took my heart

>C) What's your favorite Monster Hunter?
Tied between GU and world. GU has a shitton of content but world plays so smooth. Iceborne might take the spot if transmog is a thing

whats the most efficient way to gold farm? hunting all monsters in the event when i only need like 2 seems like a waste of time

>the implication that gunlance is bad damage
here's your (You)

As an easter egg reference to the FF series. Except FF14 since that's the one game where Jump doesn't avoid damage lel.

Thank you for your input. Enjoy your deletion for not contributing to discussion

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/mhg/ has been shitposted to death and will take some time to recover. So everyone came here. Plus it’s two weeks before release, naturally people are going to discuss a game as it gets close to release

whatever floats your goat. Last (You) from me

Go hunt something fun user

Sell monster parts you don't need
You don't realistically ever need more than 30 of a given part at once unless you plan on making every Alpha/Beta set and every weapon from that monster.

Nobody likes Randy "Diddler" Pitchford enhanced by the combination of Epin
Go make an actual thread about your game and hope comfy discussion starts, MH never started shit with ye

mosswinin and dinin, oh wait too bad

A) Freedom Unite
B) Freedom Unite. Got up to G rank village stuff.
C) Probably GenU at this point.

What’s your most wanted list for Iceborne, anons? Besides the same old “muh zinogre and Valstrax!”
I’m curious to see what other ones, if any, you’d want.
even if you know that they probably won’t make it in
I’ll go first
>Molten Tigrex
>Taikun Zamuza
>The ggi trio
>Disaster Wyvern from MHO
>Iceblast Brachydios

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woops my bad, gold crown farm*

just ignore him.

This is blatantly false,
t. Hunts behemoth ex everyday and carries noobs.

Phase 3 is the one with DPS check. Final phase has reverse of that. You have to tone down your dps enough that he doesn't spawn all the comets at once and does 2-3 eclipses back to back.

This fucking final fantasy music is driving me nuts. The person who thought it would be okay to have that music remain after repelling behemoth needs to be shot.

Nice flex I guess.

Yeah what's with that?

Delete this
Lagi ;_;
That aside i'm pretty stoked because my 3 favorite skeleton sharing catrex pair is already in

you can get rid of it by hosting the Behemoth hunt and finishing it. Joining an SOS doesn't count

kill it :^)
seriously i did it with randoms, you have no excuse

Post a room so I can have an excuse to touch the game after two weeks.

Go kill Behemoth and it'll all go away.

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Investigations with at least 2 Silver boxes have like a 6-7% chance to spawn a crown monster even if it's not the main target, iirc
Don't bother actually fighting monsters that aren't potential crowns obivously

Super AT Ruiner Nergigante

Yian Garuga
Furious Rajang
Raging Brachydios
Molten Tigrex
Savage Deviljho
Magala trio(mostly Chaotic)


Elder's Recess was originally going to have Konchu in it supposedly
>Konchu cannonballing off the top of the mountain while you fight Kushala in the crystal pile

peco and basarios


Yeah I know


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Honestly I just want some more brand new monsters. Banbaro and Beotodus are a nice surprise but I'd like at least a handful of new mid-tier monsters rather than just two low-tiers and two high-tiers.

Yeah, don't use crit draw. You can hit the affinity you need and just play run draw style and be effective, but gimping yourself out of strong charge at least would be stupid af.

Who dis?

>>Yian Garuga

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This doesn't really solve the problem of GLs without max shelling level being dogshit but fucking wew

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Lv6 shelling bois

Great job retard, these kinds of bait reply posts kill thread and topics


This is our first confirmation of purple sharpness being back right? Not that it's any surprise. Also as a GL lover I dig that design

>LVL 6 Shelling
>unique model

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Ah right forgot the Fatalis trio

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Nope, we confirmed it during the beta.

here's your reply, jealous cunt.

Looks like a normal lance desu

>This is our first confirmation of purple sharpness being back right?
Yes but it was obvious

Velkana weapon is gonna be meta .

What’s the second high tier? So far there have only been 3 confirmed new monsters, right? Or are you counting a possible superboss after Velkhana?

Yessssssssss finally, that´s the stuff, keep it coming

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How though?

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BASED Frosty Kushala saving all weapons

Possible (AKA basically guaranteed) new final boss.


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Roll to the right

>he can't roll through the peppega


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why the wahoo?

I've played 3, P3rd, 4u, world as well

GenU just seems the most fun to me.

Daily reminder Ice borne is not getting too much post launch content

Daily reminder it's almost guaranteed to announce the new game at TGS

bing bing wahoo!

>proceeds to get severely outclassed by all weapon types of the same rarity
can't wait for those GL tears

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It's bait you moron. He's doing the same on /vg/


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Sauce pls

He grunts before he shoulder slams

Now bring back Blast Dash

>> ps2 og
>> ps2 og
>> 4u is current series best.
Y’all are new fags. I remember when we had to go on missions to gather everything we needed. No item farms of any kind.

Attached: 2CF3687D-DC9F-4B34-B169-ABEB1D214DCE.gif (500x375, 1.99M)

>Better damage
>Great weapons
>Now has a guard point
Is this it? Will gunlance finally be not shit?


No way they'd announce a new game just six days after Iceborne releases

MHW is the only time GL shines the most. Savor it, bros

Attached: 1564621140862.png (500x529, 150K)

bing bing

I'm using gunlances in my PC playthrough so it'll be a while until I get my hands on this. It'll be something to look forward to though.

Attached: BANANA SLAMMA.webm (1920x1080, 2.36M)

The guard point seems pretty limited since you need slinger ammo ready to do it

Just search valstrax on e621 it's pretty easy to find



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fuck worldfetus pretending to be oldfags

GL user taunts an SnS user (colorized)

>> I’m the only ps2 poster here?
So few of us left now.

Attached: 4B6A1E28-3E51-4BC8-B04D-6AF51F0DD953.gif (380x280, 1.93M)

The guard point is on a worthless move but all the other buffs and tweaks may mean it’s finally not the absolute worst weapon in the game!

I know it's you. Stop pretending to be a grandpa.

>he didn't play MH1
look who's posing

Attached: 1566093510762.png (1280x993, 654K)

One day till Monster Hunter Switch gets announced.

We're close to having a proper MH again lads.

Ah, I can't wait to lord it over new Iceborne players. In my day, we only needed slashing ammo!

Hey, fuck off

Attached: IMG_20190818_111151.jpg (4032x3024, 3.56M)

Busy helping clueless shitters who can't help but cart.
Carting is a foreign concept for actual GLchads.

Attached: Monster Hunter_ World_20180217144351.jpg (3840x2160, 614K)

bing bing

They said Iceborne's post-launch support will be similar to World's. Are you trying to say World didn't get "too much" support?

No way he's recovering from that. He's probably prepping the bot again

Attached: 1565585022391.png (155x147, 41K)

You still believe the fake MHS posting huh?

>not being excited for both Iceborne and the inevitable Switch exclusive game

do you even hunt

Monster Hunter Tri(fucking hated it because who thought putting a Monster Hunter on the Wii with Wiimote+Numchuck controls was a good idea)
And the only other one I played was World so World's my favorite I guess


MH, like a lot of Capcom's stuff, just went to the most popular console at the time
If you were playing without a Classic Controller though you were making a huge mistake
Did Tri even work with a Gamecube controller? Never tried it.

>even though the investor meeting in April said no switch monhuns planned and all resources going to Iceborne post launch and next gen development

>He's probably prepping the bot again
quick rundown?

Attached: 1472862906050.png (600x700, 202K)

>Monster Hunter for the Switch gets announced
>It's another Monster Hunter Stories game

>have 6 artillery decos
>4 guard decos
How do I gunlance bros?

Itchy Nose has been teasing it for a while, and MHXX Switch did better than they expected.

I didnt own a Classic controller and no I dont think Gamecube worked, otherwise I would've tried it


>he doesnt know about Worlds abysmal sales in nip-land

Imagine being this dumb.

Attached: a235cac2e7877ee3ecf24cc65f34d2be53493b34d8615809e715d27d0fd516ff.png (950x500, 150K)

Destroyed /mhg/ with a bot


Attached: 1530507244360.jpg (960x923, 92K)

bing bing wahooooooooo

>Evade window
>Evade Extender
>White sharpness/Mind's Eye

You're done

in case someone bites this. It's 3.1 million on console in Japan, which is huge compared to 1-1.5 million on every other console JP release

Next time bring some new bait. This is getting old

Attached: 1564706522144.png (411x409, 259K)

God fucking please...
Maybe then we’ll get the 1.2 update if not the 1.3 update

Attached: 4289ED69-38E5-4B32-B4E3-8A38F6328144.png (634x358, 561K)

Shoot the monster until it dies.

Imagine, a hunt with 4x Funlance users against the new Bazel variant.

That would be great, what monsters would you look forward to use as a partner?

Did Capcom include digital figures in the sales? They said MHW was their best selling digital title in Japan.

They said no plans for World on Switch, specifically, but several people who attended the investors meeting reported that they still intend to release Monster Hunter games on the system (and this was after GU so they're not referring to that).


Nerg is actually really easy, but if you get hit once, you're probably fucked

the only figures so far was physical so it could be way higher than 3 million

Gunlance is trash, don't use it

>He doesn't know that MHW is Capcom's all-time best selling title
I'll just do the thread a favor and not reply any further. Don't fall for the samefagging false argument.

Attached: 1541860541410.png (480x468, 193K)


Seems like you already took the bait.

Huh? I've played since the first Monster Hunter, but who cares?

>several people who attended the investors meeting reported


If a leak is all it takes to piss off the autist, imagine what the brachy trailer will do to him.

In fact, imagine during Iceborne release.

Didn't know Glav was in the game

The first sign of Zinogre gameplay will light him up.

tick tock world fags

Attached: UExesnU.jpg (615x875, 338K)


>he’s in

Attached: 8128EE7F-1616-42FD-97C8-5E41C97DB0A7.png (768x689, 543K)

I still remember monitoring both Yea Forums and /mhg/ threads during the State of Play second Iceborne trailer premiere.
He LITERALLY switched his lists from posts into image based during the trailer hype threads because of how assblasted he was

Attached: 1563947298185.png (128x128, 22K)

Can you guys stop replying to him? yeah its all fun and all, but we all know he's angry enough to make a bot and derail threads. If he's still here, he can try again. Please don't talk to him

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Attached: 1424907166882.jpg (697x966, 449K)

Is that an alien

bing bing wahoo


Attached: 1561126174626.png (126x188, 53K)

inb4 World 2 for PS5/Xbox/PC

Fucking this. Just report and filter for fucks sakes

What a hideous creature. Add estrellian instead if you’re gonna force a shitty MHO monster

I have no idea what this is

Does it even have a name outside of Disaster Wyvern

Can someone fill me in on who's listfag and what did he do?

I don't know

>all these filters
Jesus, are we back to these kinds of threads?

Attached: Garuga_Art.jpg (702x652, 171K)

I reported the retard and jannies dont delete his post so what's the point

Attached: 132169386078.png (369x406, 271K)

He's gone into overdrive over the past few days

This is my build, what should I pick to augment my Grand Barong II?

Attached: 667568568568568.png (1920x1080, 2.92M)

>might actually happen
yian garuga, so we have a bird wyvern higher than t1
>won't happen but could
gigginox, because it's cool
qurupeco, then nerf bazel/jho invasions unless peco calls them.
>zero chance
mizutsune in coral, agnaktor in recess, nerscylla in vale, seltas queen in forest and desert, replace beotodus with zamtrios in hoarfrost.

Freedom Unite 2
Portable 3rd/4U

>He rather have the “im just gonna sit here and moan every five seconds while the Hunter beats my shit in” shit dragon instead of based disaster wyvern
I pity you, user.
Yeah it’s 劫龙
It’s pure based energy

Attached: 1A228DAB-46E1-4321-95EB-DF29C9E9E306.png (128x128, 22K)

there's Monster Hunter on Vita?


it works, he just got deleted on /vg/

Frontier was the only MH ever actually released on Vita.

Who's ready for Listfag to be left all alone and completely ignored when we get the next trailer

Attached: yousuck.png (356x304, 226K)

Did he actually make a bot? I thought he was just so autistic that he spammed the same shit manually for ages.

Lance was all about evasion and positioning in older games. Guarding was frowned upon. Chip damage also existed.

Attached: 919447520349575.jpg (474x533, 21K)

I almost wish Capcom would abandon dedicated shelling entirely and just made GL into a grug stick that uses explosions to move around bash monsters really hard

how about stop giving him any attention right now. We don't want another botspam

Dude, that monster not only looks retarded, but is also fucking boring to fight. It just charges and hipchecks you. Literally diablos

First of all get rid of health boost

Attached: 71199233_p4.jpg (2297x1431, 622K)

I'm ready for him to go nuclear when the trailer drops

Whatever that thing is, I can already tell that it's designed to bring its arms right next to its head in order to become a wall.
Does that mean that the crabbo skeleton is back?

Attached: 1566125724672.jpg (1280x720, 672K)

it was spammed without cooldown so there's no way he did it manually. Plus you can't spam the same thing unless its been 5 minutes so its definitely a bot

Generations U

No it wasn’t. Guarding was still the main focus. As it’s always been. A couple picked up the evade style, but the most common evade style was used during 4U when evasion +3 was added. Fuck off 4Ubabby

Ah fair enough

Bing bing

Health Boost is the most slot effective defensive skill you can get.

Want another leak?

Yes please. Cum all over our faces with leaks. If you’re legit.

Attached: 40D601C9-73BC-48DB-8EDA-C49FAE569EE8.jpg (1030x515, 24K)

Yeah leak catlolis

Are you retarded?

get on with the times

Attached: capture.png (1112x596, 303K)

Next beta will have Velkhana and the final boss tease

Attached: 1566150097180[1].jpg (1218x754, 196K)

This is an image that was shown from an event that was like 2 weeks ago. Nice try

>get Monster Hunter Stories
>Bought it way after launch so, unlike other MH games, the community is absolutely fucking nonexistent
>try looking up guides on the games
>it’s mostly just fucking trailer speculations
>find some MH e-celeb who’s actually done a shit ton of guides on the game
>mostly exploits and actual strategies that don’t boil down to “lmao just use the starter weapon from the beginning”
>only halfway through the game cause I wanna prepare and take my time with the game
>literally the next fucking day the e-celeb fucking goes on some sort of schizophrenic break down or something and privatizes almost every single fucking video in the MHST playlist
>they’ve been up for years and now all of a sudden he decides to privatize those videos specifically
>everything else is fine and completely untouched
Also go fuck yourself Apex Gaming. I hope whatever shit you’re “going through” results in you hanging yourself.


Kono Powa

So I just beat Xeno'jiva and completed the story mode, I guess. Also killed those two tempered Betelgeuzes, now what do I do? Am I close to endgame? I'm HR 29

Why the hell would you need some fucknut to tell you how to play the Monster Hunter Stories out of all games?
This is either a shitty bait or you are actually retarded.

That IS World's endgame. Now you get to grind tempered and ATs like the rest of us.

>not children

>3U is good but not as good as tri
the fuck? 3U is tri but with more content

I'm not a 4u babby though. But every video I see people using lance in MHFU, they just have evasion+evade dist and evade every single thing, even the roars. Even some videos from tri, p3rd and mh3ufeature mostly evasion rather than counters.
I honestly want to use lance, especially since I'm a gs worldbab who started playing FU recently(and I remain a gs main). But I have no idea which build to pick and go for.
How do lancers even act when they progress through the games? Do they build into guard first and then pick evasion gear or they just learn how to perfect frame backstep literally every attack from the start? Do they go for elemental or just stick to physical?

Attached: 15631732408760.png (863x1080, 922K)

The only part I remember having trouble with in Stories was the Agnaktor boss. Calm the fuck down user, he probably had to take them down because of copyright shit. When Stories released there was already problems happening whenever someone uploaded cutscenes.

Because this faggot hits like a truck

Attached: 776E75C8-C762-461B-94F6-10584B790BC1.jpg (800x480, 82K)

See you all in Gamescom, it'll be a blast

Attached: 1566154342678[1].jpg (500x874, 121K)

Ahhhh... I see. Doomed, then, to walk this plane, farming tempered elder dragon scales for equipment, without ever knowing why. Thanks, friend.

Cute sharks

That image better be true user

Attached: nothing personel delver.png (272x282, 107K)

>Buffs for CB unga bunga SAED spam
Why are they doing this?

Much appreciated

Attached: kobold.jpg (1011x1200, 147K)

SAED MVs are getting a nerf though

>last leak is GL and explosion/artillery
>one day before Brachy
This guy's a genius

Attached: 1563150055173.png (228x246, 9K)

Crit Boost 5 or WEX 5 confirm.


>lvl 6 shelling, purple, AND lvl 5 artillery
GLbros I can't take this anymore

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Obviously, but when?

>insect glaive
fuck off, where are the relevant weapons

As soon as it's easy to fit Evade +1 into a set and chug Mega Dash Juice all day, Evade lance outclasses Guard in all the games before World.

>wyvernfire cooldown -70%
>wyvernfire every 33 seconds
Holy shit

Attached: 1566081546513.jpg (750x875, 89K)

>increasing the already fuckin powercreep more

fuck iceborne

Someone actually made a list of reasons why, but it's mostly tied to the Wii U port of the game. Any game that lets me chase Plestioh and Green underwater after the shit they put me through in FU is anything but inferior.

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>exactly 1 minute apart

Attached: 1528162386274.jpg (682x682, 64K)

And before that?

I planned on doing SA-only story run through IB, but now I'm thinking maybe I should do GL. Although I already have a plenty of GL uses on my guild card.

widechads rise up

Kulve Taroth is making me nervous.
I never gave a fuck about the means and ends of hunting, but Kulve is just a big mommy gal strolling around we're ruining the day/life of for no fucking reason.
Somebody please sell me on a reason that would remotely justify me hurting her so much.

Attached: 20190805_142336.jpg (965x851, 585K)

Do whatever really, Low Rank doesn't matter and early High Rank monsters typically don't even hit hard enough to necessitate Guard skills at all.

first time?

I guess everyone wants some leaks

Does not put out blast elem gunlances
This is high treason in the commission, punishable by month long sieges.

Just farm Layered Armor, Charms and Decorations.

Armor will be outclassed in Iceborne, you can use Drachen Armor for most encounters right now, but if you want you can farm AT Teostra, AT Xenojiva or AT Nergigante which also drop strong generalist armour that is good on most builds. Knowing G-Rank they will still outclass other armor for the first parts of Iceborne.

Weapons is kinda weird because they will be outclassed in Iceborne, but at the same time we know they're extending the weapon trees, so craftable weapons are basically fine to use.

She is a whore, that is enough of a reason

you're hurting her because she has stuff you want

that's your motivation for killing half the monsters in world's story.

>Nonstop Wyvern's Fire

Gunlance is saved

>saved by CB dragging its nuts all over its face

She gives you good loot, that is enough reason to harm her
She is also literally COVERED in gold so her materials would make anyone rich

A) Tri B) 3 Ultimate C) Either 3 Ult. Or 4 Ult. But i love all of the games (Kinfa iffy on both Generations, but I gotta love my monster hunter)

Alright GLchads, recommend some explosion kino during the final wait

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literally nobody cares

The entire community disagrees

What about elemental vs physical?

God I wish they didnt turn off the online support for Tri, Loc Lac was so cool to me

Speaking of which. I've decided to take on Kulve for the very first time. What shouldn't I do so I'm not a burden to my team?

I want Bagel and Alteron

>entire community of faggots
as I said, nobody cares

Give me Sticky Rapid Fire for LBG please, I already got artillery decos sitting everywhere and with the new KO damage up mod I can already feel the fun flowing.



Gunlance users are part of the Monster Hunter community
So you're calling yourself a faggot

yfw alatreon gets a subspecies

>the only element it uses is water

What's the fastest way to farm Lagniapples in GU?

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>webm has literally "Time's up" as reason why the quest failed

Attached: 64170926_p24.jpg (905x1091, 283K)

I've been out of the loop for months and my most used weapons in World were Hammer/Lance/SnS, how bright is their future in Icerborne?

Attached: 1510240933620.webm (454x720, 286K)

bing bing

Prowler missions, unfortunately

never shined because no oils

Guys, what's happening in this webm?

which some specifically for huge lagniapples? I'm just doing G2 harvest tour on F. Seaway. 2-4 apples per 1 minute run

Hammer can clutch claw after Superpound/Big Bang, KO in multiplayer might be unfucked a little bit
Lance got a Clutch Counter that gives you superarmor while on the monster, and the new Offensive Guard skill looks fucking busted
SnS got a new combo that should be good for element damage


Shoot rocks
Ask a Kulve session you're joinkng wether they're foot-sniffing fags (Follow the monster without attacking and raising reward level by sniffing footprints until some point)
Get that skill that allows you to break parts 30% quicker
Try not to get a hardon when she rolls/gets undressed
Chug cold beverages on phase 3-4 and focus on her horns

Attached: 20190805_142432.png (432x390, 290K)


Best way to learn is to just dive in, it's a weird little event but I massively enjoy the fight. Pursuit/Reward levels can be confusing but if you just join a Kulve Lobby and find a random squad, you'll learn it. Some people hate it but it's one of the few grinds i've actually had fun engaging in. Even if you don't care about the weapons, you need to farm Kulve for Bushi Tickets and her Armour. Turn up the headphones for stage 4, her theme is a banger.

General tips are:

- You want to destroy parts, with the ultimate goal being attacking the head until it breaks in the final stage. Kulve is unkillable and damage not done to relevant parts of her body is wasting time.
- Comfy Kulve is weak to Thunder, Naked Angry Kulve is weak to Ice
- Make the Luna/Xeno Light Bowgun, you'll see almost everyone using it for a reason. Buy Thunder Ammo and Thunderbugs and use the piercing properties to hit multiple zones at once, you want to line up your shots so you're not just hitting one place. Use Sleep Ammo in stage four for a sleep-bomb, then Slicing Ammo on the horns.
- Bombs do double damage to Kulve, use them and bring the craftables. If you have a moment to drop bombs, do it.
- Most of her moves are long wind-up one-shots, get used to superman diving and don't get stuck in her firey WoW-pits. Health Boost is good.

For skills you need Partbreaker and Bombardier, meanwhile Weakness Exploit is mostly useless. The rest you'll learn just by playing.

>KO in multiplayer might be unfucked a little bit
You just need to go full unga

Attached: Monster Hunter World 20180812225504.webm (786x588, 2.42M)

this is technically NSFW to a certain someone on Capcom

It's best to farcaster out and switch weapons for Part 4 instead of sticking to Styx. Slicing is still good but you're better off bringing something that contributes to KO/Status or does real big unga damage to her horns when she's down (Ice Swaxe, Ice DBs, Greatsword, Hammer, Jho or Zorah HBGs, etc)
Greatsword is the best way to get a mount in the last room by running up the pillar in the center and doing an air charge attack

i just bought generations ultimate while i wait for iceborne pc release
is a world baby like me gonna get shit on

Attached: 1539819904956.gif (500x500, 515K)

No, mostly
Some monsters will beat the everliving shit out of you

Thanks for the advice.

the roll timing is a little different and can throw you off but you should be fine

See how your first fight with Great Maccao goes, then report back

>that's your motivation for killing half the monsters in world's story.
This. Dodogama doesn't hurt anybody, only eats rocks, and is non-aggressive. The only reason given for slaying is for "research"

Dodogama is more prone to starting a fight with you than anything else

Why is GL so shit
>either be good at hitting or good at shelling
>nothing that's good at both

Attached: 1456465291931.png (387x430, 173K)

>mining in the vale
>deviljho passesbby with Odogaron in its mouth

RIP doggo

No, the narga leak a couple of days ago had it, if you didn't want to already accept it was in due to the beta's colorblind setting page.

If you're on Pursuit Level 6 then you can basically finish the fight with your early build before the diminishing returns set in, and I find ranged is way better for generalist pub Kulve runs cos those horns are a bitch to reach otherwise. Switching over is mostly for organised teams doing Pursuit Level 3 and below, where they set up CC for melee DPS and Rocksteady Bomb Spam.

Did you not see the two most recent leaks

full burst GLs are pretty much that, but ok

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You don't really need to be that organized for Pursuit 3 runs, but yeah I guess if you're playing with total randoms that have no idea what they're doing it doesn't really matter

>ctrl+f deleted
>13 results
>only one of them got a reply
If he had some sense, he could just keep playing GU, but he just had to shitpost, doesn't he?

Attached: 1565936948218.jpg (480x960, 67K)

Full Burst is boring too.

When's gamescom?

>even the biggest MHGU shill is supporting Iceborne


Lv. 6

Attached: 1562282015163.jpg (1060x1200, 111K)

>Dodogama doesn't hurt anybody, only eats rocks, and is non-aggressive

About 22 hours away

How will bings recover?

>Still thinking listfag is a Monster Hunter fan in any capacity
He shitposts for and against literally every game trying to start arguments.

>nintendofags dindu nuffin
You aren't fooling me or anyone.

More like fourth.

How do you even get to stage 4? Last time we broke her horns on stage 3. Or at least I think it was 3, didn't hear any chanting

is Barioth confirmed for Iceborne?

I fail to see how does that change anything but okay.

>A) What was your first Monster Hunter?
>B) What game did Monster Hunter truly click with you?
>C) What's your favorite Monster Hunter?

I liked world but i hope iceborne really makes it what it has the potential to be.

Yeah, has been for a while

>lvl 4 decos
>purple sharpness
We might be in for some good shit

user did you just wake up from a coma?

Attached: 1564702178895.jpg (1278x1080, 182K)

Typing in Google search bar sure is hard, heh?

Attached: ef861ee0c2dc7b7cf316b344b3f540240b3fcfaa493d0ba7c51e6633b4b057f6.png (750x760, 577K)

We know about those two things since months already.

P3rd hd
P3rd hd
3rd gen in general is my favorite. I like all MH from FU and on though.

Google search bar

No its not hard, but whats that supposed to do? Its not like posting "google search bar" on Yea Forums is gonna pop up google you fucktard.

Kulve can be exposed at any of the four stages (even Stage 1 if you do enough damage) but you can only actually break her Horns in Stage Four, which is also the only place she will activate Fury.

1 - Scout her whilst she goes for a stroll.
2 - First Fight, always in the same place, she usually opens with Dig.
3 - Lava Room, you have to release her here or she won't move to the last area
4 - Final Stage where she REES and you finish the job.

hopefully there will be a droprate fix mod for pc again

>He expects to be spoonfed from Yea Forums at any given time

Attached: 1492103071815.jpg (460x482, 51K)

Where my PC bros at? What mods you using?

Also, pic related is my hunter, say something nice about him!

Attached: TrapHunter.png (1920x1080, 2.84M)


Attached: 1563150055178.png (440x440, 197K)

According to the Japanese wiki, capcom hinted at it a long time ago, but have never followed up on it.


Tie between MH3U and MH4U.

Attached: cathar mural.png (1958x240, 1021K)

Oh, I always called that Stage 3. I'm an idiot

So we all know Zino will be the next tease in Brachy trailer, but the question is will he get a new sub/variant or will they just shove in Stygian?


Some leakers say zinogre is not in iceborne

Probably just stygian. The other returning monsters that have subs are confirmed to have subs, but nothing says they'll be new. So likely we'll get green narg, brute tiggy, sand bari, and stygian.

Shut the fuck and post kill/defeat screens

Attached: Beauty at it's rawest form.jpg (1920x1080, 442K)

>he doesn't have at least one saved set for each weapon

I kinda hope we're not getting Stygian because there's enough dragon element filler in the game already, and now we have Ebonics Odogaron.

Also can we get some fucking Water monsters why is Capcom so triggered by Water. Is Plesioth that bad?

I don't believe it until I see it. We're already one day away

MHW Narg already has green narg moves so its gonna be lucent

I wouldn't mind a variant where the electricity lingers or the sparks fly back as if the bugs are shaken off and returning to him.

Fuck Dodogama!

Attached: Monster Hunter_ World_20180418232559.png (1920x1080, 2.25M)

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>maybe Lance
these are the only acceptable weapons
if you use anything else, please fuck off forever

he's not in. next trailer is brachy + recapping barioth and the subspecies, as well as showing off the treasure system.

oh you saw it early? nice, post it then

Good night, sweet prince.

Attached: 20190817225237_1.jpg (1920x1080, 364K)

Attached: Monster Hunter_ World_20190817061624.jpg (1920x1080, 181K)

Hammer kills are always best

Attached: 1559036634518.jpg (1920x1080, 1.38M)


>3U is tri but with more content
3U being nothing but Tri with more content would make 3U an undebatable superior game, but 3U is a 3ds game with shitty controls and nerfed monsters as well as a bunch of other stuff that I would post, but i'm not going to because i'll just get mass reported for supposedly being listfag and get banned for it because apparently specifically detailed issues with a game is a big no-no in MH threads now.

The guy who killed the Val Hazaak was using CB though.
But yeah hammer kills are good.

Attached: Kestodead.jpg (1920x1080, 274K)

Someone was actually working on reverse engineering the MP for Tri with private servers.

It's still going to be best by just ignoring the use of shells.

Attached: 20181118220652_1.jpg (1920x1080, 522K)

>four fingers

What the fuck

Are you retarded?


play victim a bit more, Tribabby

Tri is 10 years old

Are you new? I've been called listfag for doing such things before and I still don't know who this autist is even supposed to be.
>make a detailed list of issues any MH game has
>retards start spamming "don't reply to him"
>end up getting reported and warned even though I didn't actually do anything


Attached: 153201809132.jpg (768x816, 80K)

>muh controls

I wonder how is this an argument when the psp had the claw and every game after was in 3ds

So you're retarded.

Tri is peak. Cope.


Fuck off, dumb ass.

>laughs in 18 monsters and deleted weapons

Kulu-Garuga when?
I wanna see the chicken chucking trees around.

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>laughs in best online, best soundtrack, and most varied roster
But you're clearly a butthurt GLmain so nobody really cares about what you think about this series.

Lmao 18 monsters and garbage sales, thank god it died

No, you fucking retard. Stop using listfag as a bogeyman for you being a retard because he's a very specific kind of autist that uses the same pictures and webms over and over and over again and has been spamming his retard shit for two years.
Literally no one gives a shit about you hating tri or 3U unless you copypasted listfags autism.

I want a Kulu that uses a Glavenus tailpiece as a weapon

>he's back
Good thing it's right at the end of this thread's life

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new bread, dont bring the shitposting please