I just played through the last two Wolfenstein games, and wtf, they have nothing to do with Trump supporters. You told me it was a game about hating and killing white people and Trump supporters. I'm so confused right now.
I just played through the last two Wolfenstein games, and wtf, they have nothing to do with Trump supporters...
/pol/niggers have a delusional persecution complex. They think everything is about them. No different from SJWs. As usual, horseshoe theory is correct.
One if the files has a reference about Trump being a fat liar, which is true by the way
It's obvious they think of us like the nazis, though, it's really a game about shooting us.
Uh-uh, and Half-Life is a game about shooting Mexican immigrants. You're a schizo.
That one is true though, but only in Ravenholme. They even have beans on their head.
Begging ya to take your meds.
Sorry I don't see you pasty cottage cheese faced abominations as aryan ubermensch get some standards for your race you ugly invalid
>looking at steam demos page
>demo for youngblood
>welp got nothing better to do
>but it's actually the buddy pass haha
Why do they list it as a demo if you can't play it as a demo?
They are marketed like that because controversy=publicity while the actual game is likely centrist.
At least the dark haired daughter has a nice ass.
Why do all culture war drama queens make themselves out to be victims? It's so embarrassing.
>They are marketed like that
The internet outrage over Wolfenstein is really something. These people vehemently deny that they are nazis and that liberals are mischaracterizing a love of "da real america" as fascism, and then act like they're being persecuted when somebody makes a game about killing literal super-nazis.
Which is it? You're not nazis and it's cool for Wolf to be about slaughtering nazis wholesale like it always has been, or you are nazis and a video game laughing at you is triggering to you?
That said, Youngbloods looks terrible.
[Citation Needed]
Social media
Not a source, might as well name google.
They're larpers just like how you larp being a woman faggot.
Close enough
Sorry you got triggered.
>Muh libtard trannies are snowflakes that are offended by anything
New wolfenstein comes out:
>How dare they make game about killing nazis. Its literally them killing white Trump supporters.
no one has time to dig out old ass tweets, but in short:
after the Charlottesville protests they started using Trump's quotes to market the game on Twitter, stuff like "Nazis aren't good people!" in reference to Trump talking about some protestors being good people.
you fucking retard
you fucking subhuman room temp iq monkey
you fucking troglodyte
no one cares if you kill Nazis in a video game, its the other stuff is making people angry. Hmm lets think... the whole good guys cast is full of muh diversity, the black woman calls the main protag "white boi", the main protag then calls nazis "white ass pigs". Keep in mind that Nazis never cared about skin color, racial segregation was America's thing, so again this is a form of americanization of a WW2 video game series. So first it went from making every WW2 game about Normandy landing and le america, and now we get shitty WW2 games that promote diversity (no one gives a fuck about diversity outside of US), where Nazis do racial profiling (never happened, they even had African Corps and Japs were they allies, if anything USA was more racist for degrading Japs and racial segregation) and become allies with KKK (they made fun of KKK in propaganda posters). Wolfenstein 2 is the worst form of americanization of a video game series I've ever seen.
it was made by swedes though
all those retards in the main cities think about is american culture