So you can lose your game because you used correct grammar towards an NPC?
I don't get it
So you can lose your game because you used correct grammar towards an NPC?
I don't get it
Other urls found in this thread:
>on the account on the official borderlands 3
This must be satire. There are going to be clueless people and kids who don't know and rightfully don't care about this shit.
Peak 2019
The robot is referred to as a "they" (which is awkward as fuck and makes sentences illegible) in English but as a "he" in official material translated to other countries, because other languages do not have the braindead gender language of English and using "they" makes no sense whatsoever.
Fucking explain this gearbox.
>He's such a lovely robot! He's such a tip top bloke and if it weren't for clap trap your life would be a joke!
>Chorus: He's such a lovely robot! He's such a tip top bloke and if it weren't for clap trap our life would be a joke!
>Chorus: They all shout his name when he rolls into town! Hooray! Here comes clap trap can't keep up your frown!
>He wouldn't hurt your mom or dad! Won't hurt you or me! The mention of his very name fills us all with glee!
>be unaware of fictional character's preferred pronoun
>game stolen, no refund
It's dumb but I'm pretty sure they are just talking about forum bans, outright game bans would be corporate suicide because You do not want to deal with a horde of angry parents
Reminder that trannyism is not classified as a mental illness.
>playing western games
They don’t even have cute yuri lolis, come on America it’s 3019
based and cunnypilled
As someone who has a psych degree but moved to developer position instead, psychologically/psychiatry are not sciences. It’s all non-sense p-hacking garbage and everyone is starting to turn against the “soft” sciences
Let me listen to someone on Yea Forums explain why licensed professionals are wrong
bros.. why is randoseru teh TOP TIER fetish item?
You just put the confirmed gender of characters in the EULA, then nobody can claim ignorance.
Whoever wrote the article is an even bigger retarded faggot than OP.
And that's a good thing, you bigot.
Based lolicon from the future.
what is this retarded trend to give character male voices and call them female?
See It’s called a “soft” science for a reason
Look up p-hacking
They can “prove” whatever they want, there is no rigour
The tide is turning against them though, p-hacking is beginning to be discussed a lot more often and they are losing their credibility, and they cannot defend themselves because they know jack shit about the statistics they are using so it’s funny seeing them argue
Fucking cis scum, stop robot-shaming
How is this a problem?
I mean you are on the right side of history, aren't you Yea Forums?
how did trannies gain this much power and influence so quickly? I've never seen a subversion of a culture happen so rapidly.
Can't take my game if I never bought it to begin with.
This is a nothing issue meant only to generate controversy.
Nobody is going to get banned from the game for using he instead of it.
It’s a fucking marketing tactic and you brain dead retards legitimately believe it’s an issue
Cry when people actually start getting banned from the game.
Guess they'll just have to buy another copy.
>misgendering a toaster.
Licensed professionals are still people and can still make mistakes just like anyone else.
Never underestimate the insecurity of the masses to display moral superiority.
The majority of western games are developed in california. California is a dystopian liberal shithole.
frigg off randy
I just hope the game is good, fuck this other nonsense
were they right when they used to lobotomise people and castrate gay people?
Take your meds tranny.
Singular they has been a thing for ages but retards like you forgot about it and refuse to accept it for no reason other than it's something new to you and sounds awkward *to you* therefore it must be bad or wrong
Both are dumb, but at least it isn't robbery that way.
t. randy
That's why it says intentionally. I doubt the issue is even calling them he or w/e but the persistent nature of autist to spam if they disagree with something. Yea Forums is amazing at doing that I wouldn't be surprised if the forums are flood with retards going ">they" or whatever dumb shit. This is just my guess off of seeing previous post about this, also how Yea Forums typically acts.
Yes and Texas is full of inbred cowboys who do nothing but ride horses and lynch minorities in the streets, amirite?
They is the norm for when you don't know the gender or don't wish to state the gender
Please don't tell me you say "he/she"
Just pirate don't give randy any money or find another copy at a medieval theme park
>game devs don't care about the localization and give the warning to other countries as well
>entire languages are banned
relax pedro its not my fault you live in the worst state in the country
i'm not defending this i just want you to get your facts straight
>and that's somehow okay
kill yourself, do it
I like Borderlands and I was willing to buy it, now I will just pirate it instead.
>go to texas expecting a bunch of cowboys shooting at the air
>it was full of mexicans instead
You get banned on the forums, not ingame. God these journalists are retarded
You must be an ESL.
As someone who lives in literally England, singular they makes absolutely perfect sense and is in no way awkward whatsoever.
It's very commonly used when you don't know someone's gender (e.g. someone calls someone simply "my boss" and you don't know that boss' gender, you'd use they) or when being polite.
In fact, in my example because "someone" is an unknown gender I could have said "someone talking about their boss".
I really think intellectuals feel bad for being anti-gay and on the wrong side of history in that battle, so they were quick to jump on the trans bandwagon, but it’s premature
>2 men want to fuck in the privacy of their bedroom, maybe we should not kill them
is not the same as
>this ugly dude was depressed, now he put on a dress and didn’t even shave, but you MUST call him a beautiful woman!
Look at the Ion Fury “controversy”, people are starting to realize they might have made a mistake
You know that the only reason why this is true is because there's nobody to ban from the games yet.
>wow I can't wait for AI, robots, flying cars and 5 senses VR in 2020!
>go to jail for misgendering a video game character
>be a minority of a minority
>somehow gain power to control shit in games that has never nor will never generate more sales
I will never understand. People need to start telling trannies that they should find happiness in who they are, not coddle them. Because cutting off their dick and living with nonstop infections is not going to make their lives better. Hell I'm not even being cruel here. I legit want these people to get real actual help because they currently aren't getting it from their hugbox. If you want to be girly fine, be homosexual or a transvestite. You don't need surgery.
Seems like the only reason this shit happens so much is because the person failed as a man so wants attention or pity points by pretending to be a woman. Which makes it worse for people who actually have this problem because they can't get proper help and instead get pushed into it further.
In short: FL4K is a he. Get fucked Gearbox forum mentally ill moderator. You need help.
They is grammatically correct, it’s just awkward because gender neutral pronouns aren’t used often in colloquial English.
When the person is unknown, the default is he in English. If a robber gets away, you say “He got away” rather than ‘they’ because that indicates more than one person
>I really think intellectuals feel bad for being anti-gay and on the wrong side of history in that battle, so they were quick to jump on the trans bandwagon
So guilt drives those without convictions of their own? That would explain everything and I feel dumb for not realizing this myself.
Anti-SJWs harassed someone I loved until she committed suicide and then they mocked her death, but I’m sorry you got banned from a video game forum. That sounds really hard.
Absolutely this. I still think it makes more sense to use "it" for a known, robotic entity.
just because you weren't alive for the past 1800 years of history doesn't mean this is happening rapidly
So regular people with common sense?
You're absolutely right.
If there were a pill you could swallow before you went to bed, and you woke up entirely the opposite gender (though let's say infertile to avoid complications), LITERALLY nobody would have a problem with transgenderness (it wouldn't even exist you'd just be male or female) and like 99% of the population would at least give it a try for a weekend or something.
The problem is we're addressing an issue decades before a real fix is at hand. Unfortunately, these people simply were born too early for their desires.
It's not correct grammar since the character was created this way. The correct grammar is the one that is coherent with how the character is defined by the author.
Also, you should read the source of the article on the forum where it actually happened and maybe you will get it.
Yes but FL4K is voiced by a man, does not have any feminine qualities, and is a robot. Calling him a he is as correct as they.
As an english person, that's literally not true.
"They went that way" is perfectly normal for one person if, say, they were masked. It does not imply there's more than one, but it does leave open the possibility which might need a second question.
He has NEVER been the default in english, in any county.
>not constantly going to the forums and spamming "He's a male" through different ips and accounts
So trolls bullied a tranny friend of yours to death online? Not that it's hard to convince them to kill themselves.
They/their used to be incorrect grammar, but so many people use it to refer to unspecified single gender that it's honestly not that absurd.
The funny thing is the idea a robot has any gender to begin with.
Shakespeare used singular they, gamer
No, "it" is inhuman and therefore insulting.
They is perfectly normal for singular.
You're conflating experts with bloggers and retards that extrapolate (or maybe non peer reviewed?). Literally everybody and all science does this, p-hacking happens in engineering, CS, and other shit as well.
The issue with psychology is that there are a ton of variables in general and doing any form of study requires pretty reliable, repeatable data to prove a claim. Some changes may also just not work in other areas of the world but work in said area too. If you find that ice cream correlates to happiness so you start giving people more ice cream in said region and it works, but expecting it to work in another region is a stretch.
This doesn't stop any of these fields from being reliable to some degree for getting ideas of what we may want to do with said relevant data. In the same way any other science cannot give you a decision of what to do with said information. The ought is irrelevant so to me it sounds like you have more an issue with the people who use that data than the actual psychologist writing papers.
FL4K is not a claptrap.
Epic copypasta. Got lots of replies last time too.
I'll say it again
>caring about gearbox shit
You deserve this. Borderlands is a shit franchise. Always has been. Has nothing to do with stupidity like this.
>They/their used to be incorrect grammar
No, it didn't.
clueless =/= intentional.
They are both robots.
That’s sure to change people’s mind and convince everybody that anti-SJWs aren’t sociopathic ghouls who delight in the suffering of others.
You are dumb and mad.
It's not an NPC, get it right.
That's sure a way to change people's mind that trannies are not men.
the whole world isnt Yea Forums. I cant even imagine how sheltered you need to be to even think like this.
FL4K's design is entirely masculine. His voice, the clothes he wears and his animation all implies masculinity.
Idiot. 20 years ago, gay marriage was banned in every state still. Trannies were considered mentally unstable joke fodder in media all the way up to about 10 years ago and that's being lenient. It is a rapid change, people are losing their sense.
You have no idea what you are talking about.
What pronoun he uses in all latin based languages where plural is gendered? does he prefer casual or formal honorific in japanese?
Its seems like a really bigot neo cononial move to only think of the proper english terms
It's blatantly an experiment to see how far is too far.
If they design a character with entirely one gender of features, they'll struggle to get normies to call them "she".
But perhaps they can get them to call them "they", which is a slippery slope towards calling them "she".
>That’s sure to change people’s mind
Oh, I wouldn't go that far. It's more like a 40% chance...
>Misgendering robots is hate speech
I hope this is real
Most people hate sjws and all that crap. Yea Forums just happens to be more vocal about it.
You sound like I did when I getting my degree, it’s almost cult like
I got top of my class and could have gotten tenure but I got disgusted it the field
No, engineering and CS do not do p-hacking
Because they don’t do studies with statistical significance
All other sciences have five sigma significance, and do not change their hypothesis after the study
Soft sciences like psych not only have a weak ass p = 0.05, they also performance multiple tests on different hypotheses if they did not get the results they expected, and then even if they do get the result they want any contradictory studies get shelved because no one wants to publish
The field is complete garbage, and you should get out because it’s becoming a much more mainstream opinion.
Most people think bigotry is bad.
Good one m8.
>all these triggered Tumblr linguists
You are a moron and don’t know what you’re talking about
>p-hacking happens in engineering
Do you know what p = 0.05 means in engineering?
It means if we build a bridge 100 times, 5 of those are likely to collapse, but that’s fine because %5 is like super rare
Google 5 sigma which is the minimum that hard sciences use
>Some jew raped some kids back in the 70s
>Now we have to live with this shit forever.
No one actually likes trannies, user. Most that do are only pretending.
He would commit suicide anyway, that's what people with with gender dysphoria tend to do. Feel bad about your boyfriend dude, really do.
>gearbox game
all they had to do was make FL4K a geth-like AI (bunch of little AI's working together to pilot a body) or even a "pack" AI (the "pets" being flesh suits for the other parts of FL4K) and people would be fine with they/them
Most people know that sjws don't have exclusive right to define bigotry. What is bigotry for you, is common sense in other countries.
Then one day for no reason
Insulting to a robot? Oh they
>say retarded shit
>get called out on it
>call everyone else a bigot/racist/whateverphobe
It's the same script every time
>"They went that way" is perfectly normal for one person if, say, they were masked. It does not imply there's more than one, but it does leave open the possibility which might need a second question.
if this is true, English is one of the less efficient languages in existence
>dream of a future with cool robots
>they might suffer from the same mental illnesses we do
>or worse yet be programmed to have them
Why would anyone want to play Borderlands anyway
Yes, and most germans voted for Hitler to oppose liberalized homossexuality, drug use and prostitution under Weimar, as they likely saw that as oppressive and bigoted toward their way of life. Bigotry is relative and you should be careful to denounce people as bigots.
Remember that episode Bill put on a dress and wanted everyone to treat him like a woman until Hank put him back to normal
This is just PR to get attention for this shit game. Creating outrage is cheaper than buying stupid sheep
some languages just don't care about gender and gender pronouns in the same way english does, and this prevents for the most part the retardation wave that you guys got going on.
Gender identity has poisoned left wing ideology, which is otherwise objectively better than right wing psychotic conservative bullshit.
>inb4 butthurt low income white retards defend Trump
Horrifying to think being a good friend and helping someone get through their trauma is now frowned upon.
You know the context how many there are.
If someone said "they" and you find that surprising due to context, it takes half a second to say "how many" "three".
I fucking knew you were an ESL.
Only ESLs make that claim.
>most germans voted for Hitler
Not true.
>Gearbox knows BL3 is going to be shit
>Starts spinning this articles to create artificial hype and generate interest around a fake "controversy"
Why can't they just focus on making a good game instead of this "marketing"?
>because other languages do not have the braindead gender language of English
As much as I like being able to dab on Randy, I do wish every single pet animal related interaction didn't start with "is it a he or a she?".
Two different teams.
And the marketing team are doing a good job.
>That's why it says intentionally
Who decides intent, retard? That's a broad statement that allows them to ban whoever they want.
Why do (they) not understand this?
>most germans voted for Hitler to oppose liberalized homossexuality, drug use and prostitution under Weimar
No? They voted for him and his coalition because they promised unprecedented protectionists mesures for the peasants and rearements. Stormfaggots should stop trying to rewrite history.
Well, the fact that you're wrong doesn't help.
They/them is not, and has never been since pre-Shakespearean times, exclusively plural.
>English is one of the less efficient languages in existence
Ostensibly untrue. English is hard to understand if you're a brainlet.
Never in my life will I adress a single person with a plural. That shit is as retarded as it is gay.
Then you aren't english.
I'm not sure about americans.
The Nazi party had the majority in the Reichstag. How is this rewriting history or even stormfagging? This is the kind of shit I've heard leftists say all my life as a warning against "dangerous populists", never from neonazis.
I will keep referring to him, as he. Stay mad devs.
I agree, keeping in mind that SJWs are bigots by definition.
>used correct grammar
user, they're a genderless character, according to most major formal writing style guides (particularly MLA and APA) you use the singular they to refer to anyone who has a gender you do not know when referring to them.
>Get banned for misgendering a robot
Get ready for that juicy DOA boys
>Yes, and most germans voted for Hitler to oppose liberalized homossexuality, drug use and prostitution under Weimar
They voted for him because the country went to shit after it got assraped in ww1 and hungry, terrified people vote for tyrants hoping for quick changes
>they likely saw that as oppressive and bigoted toward their way of life
you're an illiterate retard who has absolutely no idea what oppressive or bigoted mean buy a fucking dictionary
>you should be careful to denounce people as bigots
Don't worry I can just "denounce" people like you as spastic retards it's far more precise
As someone working in the field, you're full of shit. SJWs eat up studies' results with little to no mind about the content in the Conclusion or if the study has been replicated. That ain't on us; we're looking for replication and further study.
Not him but you both agree that they won the election, but are disagreeing about the reasons
It wasn’t about gays, it was about we are suffering from terrible reparation payments please make them stop
There is literally nothing weird about saying singular "they" about someone when they're not there/you don't know what sex/gender they are e.g. somebody in a fucking cloak or something bumps into you. You wouldn't autistically sperg out as your brain melts about not knowing what's in their fucking pants so you can choose between "he" and "she". You'd just say "they" because you're not a fucking autistic retard.
Hey bro, just dropping in to say you are wrong. I had to listen to a psych grad student lecture me one time about how correlation = causation. I thought she was getting shit backwards, but I think that’s how you hacks operate.
How does it make you feel?
That's gonna flop.
>all these triggered trannies ITT
dont you guys have to prevent your axe wound from closing up?
>we're looking for replication and further study
No you’re full of bullshit. If that was true the file drawer/publication bias problem would not exists. It’s been 10 years since I left but I doubt it’s been fixed since then since the “problem” is also the solution to how to get grant money easily
>Banned for wrong gender
>but gender is a social construct
Yiked and oofed!
Literally the only people with the want to troll videogame forums are Yea Forums and children. Other people don't care either way.
The person banning you does bro. If you keep posting "it's a guy" or whatever repeatedly on a forum, probably after being warned to stop you are intentionally going against the forum mods wishes. Seems fine to me?
Who the fuck uses the Gearbox forums?
And then the whole bus cried.
>hey voted for him because the country went to shit after it got assraped in ww1 and hungry, terrified people vote for tyrants hoping for quick changes
Nah. They felt humiliated for losing the war and there was a big economic crysis but the Nazi party built itself by criticizing Weimar's republic decadence. They became more popular than the Communists, who also promised radical changes, precisely because of their focus on this and not just economic populism. You're an idiot.
>you're an illiterate retard who has absolutely no idea what oppressive or bigoted
But I do. I think you oppress people by imposing your views and standards on them and want them punished for resisting or rebelling against your norms. And for this, you are a bigot.
>Don't worry I can just "denounce" people like you as spastic retards it's far more precise
Good luck with that, faggot.
communists arent human so no skin off my back when your hairy lady comrade necks himself
So are is a lemon sweet because both it and an apple are fruit?
>some jew is schizophrenic in the desert thousands of years ago
>today we have 3 religions trying to gain world domination
Fuck the jews, everything bad stems from them
cant get me banned if I dont own the game :)
They is the norm in certain contexts, but it's incredibly awkward to say "They need a res", "their [ability] is broken bullshit", or "She/he and them went over there", for example, when you know the identity of what who you're discussing. Using he/she is the norm when you're aware of the person's identity.
You saw your neighbor throw a brick through your window:
You saw someone unknown throw a brick through your window:
Using they/them/their as a character's normal pronouns is janky and weird. You could say "get used to it", but why? Ships are referred to as "she", animals and monsters usually as "it" if not he/she. These are normal, ingrained aspects of speaking English. Throwing a wrench in it by saying that you or whatever character must be referred to as they/them or xe/xer only serves to out yourself as being desperate for some kind of differentiation, control over an identity that you feel has been pushed upon you artificially when in reality the pronouns used to refer to you have very little to do with your identity and more to do with the function of the language to refer to you at all.
I'm he/him because I'm biologically male and that's the masculine pronoun. Nobody sat me down and assigned me the identity of he/him. It's he/him because of attributes fundamental to me, not because of what I want.
actually it was because he actually named who the problem were
commies: this is all the rich's fault
nazis: yeah I agree, fuck the jews
commies: hey you cant actually name the jew that goes against the plan
nazis: fuck the jew, fuck niggers and fuck jannies
And then everyone voted for Hitler and the emperor of japan made waifus real.
No you’re full of shit or dishonest, but you’re probably just an undergraduate, because at the master/PHD level you at least learn about the issues in your field
Which is why it’s like a cult, you only find out the crazy shit until after you’re in for 50k and you don’t want to admit you lost a lot of money
Just get out user, I’m making 6 figures as a developer working from home, don’t waste your money and your life p-hacking garbage conclusions together
>FL4K doesn't have gender because it's a robot
>Claptrap is addressed as he despite being a robot
>Come up with retarded food analogy
the only way to "own the game" is to pirate it
if you buy it you have a licence to play
if you pirate it you own it
why say "they" when I can just call it an "it"
>There is literally nothing awkward about having singular and plural "they", it's all about the context bro, just get gud at english!
>And if you extract the information from the context, you can just ask if it's singular or plural! Absolutely not awkward!
Might as well reduce the number of words in the language to a few hundreds, each of them having hundreds of different meanings depending on the context.
Whatever helps you cope
>Pixels arranged in shape of letters on a liquid crystal display are enough to make trannies commit suicide
lmao trannies so fragile
But English has over a million words, where german has ~300k and french ~70k?
We already have far more words than everyone else. And this one can be used for singular and plural alike.
Based and redpilled post.
Someone that actually knows what he's talking about rather than going on a rant about (((gender theory)))
>the default is he in English.
I have never seen a person use 'singular' they until ~2013 when all this politically correct bullshit started to slip into the mainstream.
Yeah, but you gotta understand. We, the gamers, are the triggered ones who should be banned because we misgendered a fictional video character who's not even alive and is literally a machine. After, fictional video game characters have feelings, too.
Cali is great.. just don't be poor or live in or near LA.
Neither engineering nor psych should or really can tell you what you ought to do with data or science, but both can be applied. This is economics, psych, advertising w/e, they all work in a similar fashion. I get that engineering and CS literally have a more significant p-value (I'm a eng grad) but none of these can make the claim that anybody ought to do a thing. You can build a bridge, but whether you should or if it's a "good" thing to do is psych shit.
Literally not what I'm arguing. I'm saying no science or literature isn't going to give you an ought for what you should do, or what is "right". Usually when he start to assess what applications will provide the most happiness etc were getting into psych territory, and dismissing "soft" sciences in general because some grad student triggered you is actually autistic, and you're actually giving me your one anecdote to prove this for all psych grads?
Borderlands is displayed on stage, the crowd yells "he" at the stage guy and his mic picks it up. He gets band and the crowd turns into waffles.
So does FL4K have a robogina or a robodong?
anybody got any good vids/articles on psychology being a joke science?
what the fuck is ESL and why do I keep seeing it being spammed recently?
>We already have far more words than everyone else.
Then creating a new one to avoid confusion over an extremely common pronoun shouldn't be that much of a big deal, it's just one more word added to the pile.
>But English has over a million words, where german has ~300k and french ~70k?
And yet despite our word count being a small fraction of yours, French doesn't have retarded pronouns with multiple meanings. I wonder how the fuck that happened.
Read the twitter account "real peer review" to see the kind of crap that gets past peer review.
You will understand "unexplained" phenomena like Trump and Brexit once you understand that they are a democratic rejection of the "experts" because people no longer believe the "experts" are worth listening to.
This goes for psychologists, economists, climate scientists and all the other soft sciences that have gotten it consistently wrong over the years.
>cali is great
>as the mass exodus continues
English second language. It's used as an insult for those who can't type properly. Also lurk more.
>Character made sexually ambiguous on purpose by the developers
>If you misgender him they ban you despite they deliberately made him confusing
The absolute state of Western games
So americans are trying to make fun of people who know more than 1 language? That's a new type of COPE
You don't know what tenure even is, entails or implies. Fake and gay /10.
I know three languages and I think they're right to call out ESLs who don't bother using proper grammar.
Good thing I'm not buying it anyway because I always played the siren in borderlands games, but now it's going to be a nigger.
>someone behaving differently from everyone else got bullied and decided to off themselves because they couldn't handle it
1 in 10 people have mental health issues yet most people decide to ignore it, fuel it or attack it because they don't understand it and that's what drives people to the extremes like killing themselves or shooting up schools or crowds. Maybe the government should put more funding in mandatory mental health evaluations or at least advancing medicine in that category so we can prevent stuff like this from happening or at least reduce their likelihood of happening.
americans have worse grammar than "ESLs"
Most the people I know who care about this stuff have never even heard of Yea Forums. This is an urban/rural thing more than a normie/Yea Forums thing.
That's true.
The thought of mandatory mental health evaluations scares the fuck out of me because it creates an opportunity to force conformity.
>the government should put money into things other than staying in power
go directly to jail, antifa scum
>the government should...
Hire woke, go broke.
no its laughing at brown people
nobody calls germans or french ESL
we only call third world monkeys like asians, americans and the spanish ESL's
Imagine having such a sad and pathetic life that you're spending your Saturday being pissed off about being punished for intentionally misgendering a fictional robot. Who cares??
I thought pronouns were between speaker and listener. It's the speaker's job to use the pronoun that best conveys the subject to the listener. If "he" does the job best, what's the problem?
No one mentally healthy would say what you said. It's not fine if an insane moderator decides to create nonsense rules. Anyone minimally interested in a healthy discussion would be in favor of removing a moderator with these ideas, and the fact that you see nothing wrong with it just shows how mongoloid you are.
user it's Sunday
>tfw my language is practically immune due to its over-reliance on genders and native speakers being very picky about proper grammar
I have seen numerous examples of psyche experiments not being repeatable and reproducible. Also it is common to just trust these results and not reproduce them when attempting to further research. It is also common for a 10-15% correlation being deemed as signicant in the soft sciences.
>we are suffering from terrible reparation payments please make them stop
No, since they stopped paying those in 1931. Germany's economy just went tits up and the germans peasants, almost a majority of germans, were getting fucked up by the international market since WWI. That's where Hitler's Lebensraum come from, he wanted more lands for the peasants (as they didn't have enough even if a forced redistribution took place) and part of why he invaded east.
>Who cares??
Apparently you do.
My god. It's been years since I watch TORTanic, but I can still hear those dulcet tones raping my eardrums even now.
Some people have legits mental illness and actually suffer because of fucked up hormones receptor or some shit and refering to them as their actual gender cause them pain.
But then you have things like nonbinary who are just made up.
Don't buy that shit then... The end.
50/50 shot he would have done it anyway
>lose your game
BANNED from FORUMS and OTHER places where you "misgender" a fictional person. Or do you also get banned in multiplayer?
Just play the game offline like the previous games.
Do you think that reactionaries want the truth? They just want something to be up in arms about. Now queue a 3 year old article thread with some bullshit article implying something retarded with the subject "thoughts?" that hit's 400 replies.
>thinking these people are looking to change minds
I know you guys are all about manipulation, but not everyone is like that.
that's not the point idiots. nobody's talking about sentences like "How are they", but about "he" being replaced by "they" in literally every sentence even when it doesn't make sense
I'm just going to call it IT.
Wait. In game, they refer to this robot as 'they'?
Their conception of humans is of a pathetic, weak and cuck being. Basically they think all humans are like them.
There's no point in playing borderland games offline. 99% of the fun is playing online, especially with irl friends.
That said, I'm pretty sure OP is fake news for two reasons:
- this only applies to forums as far as anyone is aware
- according to the mods, you won't be banned, but 'measures will be taken', whatever that means.
Enjoy your ban.
>refering to them as their actual gender cause them pain
no it doesn't
Noone had this issue with the geth, or even Legion.
>cali is great...
>literally the unhappiest state in the country
People lost their faith so they are desperate to replace it with something similar while still being able to have a 3 way with their dog and a mexican midget without feeling guilty. SJW virtue signalling has become the defacto religion of the 21st century. They get to scratch that holding to a set of values itch without any of the guilt or restraint that a real religion imposes.
>Generate fake outrage
>People talk about the game
>More sales
same story again and again and again
>were they right when they used to lobotomise people and castrate gay people?
He's not wrong though, Cali is amazing. The only time you would think otherwise is even you're poor. If that's the case don't be sad, Ohio is right there waiting for you.
his name should give it away, user
Singular they and they're has been around for a long time, I learned about it when I was a kid.
They are a fag
Clearly implies singular
They are fags
Implies multiple people.
It's only really confusing when using they're if you don't understand the context before hand
They're gay, can imply singular or plural. Making you need context to fully understand what's being conveyed.
>white knighting the identity rights of a FUCKING ROBOT
>which lives in an imaginary story and not even real life
Bro, that robot won't care because he's not only not alive, he's DOUBLE not alive.
The fuck?
As someone who doesn't understand English, maybe you should shut up ?
isn't California bringing back the bubonic plague with how bad things are over there? and don't you guys have a poop app to see where to avoid poop on the streets?
White guilt is the most destructive force in the universe. It tore down Rome and it is in the process of destroying America. It is our fatal flaw, I hope one day we can overcome it.
singular they has been used since Shakespeare and Chaucer dude, it's a real part of the English language and language doesn't care about your feelings. You guys are getting as bad as the sjws at this point, you prioritize your feelings and offendedness over real, existing words and grammar.
>because other languages do not have the braindead gender language of English
Imagine being this retarded
>misgendering a robot
We aren't proud of San Francisco.
he has always been the default.
Nice job with the you's, I should have saved this pasta the first time I saw it 6 months ago. I had almost forgotten about it well done user.
I mean being poor in California is pretty fucking easy.
>make 110k a year still below the poverty line in California
>make that much in any other state and I'd be living comfortably.
Thankfully I'm a spic so I have 40 hombres living with me and rents super cheap that way.
Californian happiness comes through bliss, big fucking whoop. An entire state full of people pretending that they're special for ignoring reality and living with their head stuck in the ground.
Anyone who's so much as 5% red pilled would fucking suffer in California, having to be surrounded by people who have checked out of reality 24/7.
Alex Jones had the right of it, the plastics used in food containers release chemicals that mimic human hormones, everybody is becoming more effeminate as a result of xenoestrogens from plastics, that's why all this retarded tranny shit is catching on so much, it's Roman lead poisoning all over again.
Always like rats, what an achievement.
Fun fact: “man” and “he” is used as the default noun for a person because language was first used by women to tame men. Therefore the subject was always a he.
its ironic how its actually you who's living with their head stuck in the ground, but you'll never realize it because you're the best and you're always right.
here you go, it's you:
man, situations like this makes me really think Brazil have bigger problems than this, this is why those faggotry is restricted to university circlejerks
I have still yet to see one tranny irl (in my country, i saw some in the Philippines)
It's all manufactured outrage
I won't lie, I ignore problems that aren't my own. So in that sense you are correct.
How common is it in your country for people to microwave their food in plastic containers?
of course it is. on the internet, the most extreme people always shout the loudest. that goes for the extreme right and the extreme left. it's the only way they'll get attention: being loud and repeating their point over and over and over again. only stupid people actually think that this is some kind of epidemic or whatever, and only stupid people get influenced by these extremes. we don't have any epidemic at all except for a stupidity epidemic. US education system is to blame, nothing else.
America, pretty common?
I never do that though, i assume itd melt. Who the fuck puts plastic in the microwave? I guess those tv dinners?
The people posting don't want healthy discussion, spam trolling is not healthy discussion. There's honestly no healthy discussion to be made about the character anyways. I thought ideally if you make the character one way you follow it? Why are you changing their image or care?
I've literally only seen it discussed on Yea Forums. I have no doubt I'll start seeing it in other places due to shitaku posting about it on their site.
All anglos and germanics have always been nancy boys. This is nothing unexpected to anyone watching from afar.
Everyone knows thats fucking wrong and the term they has always been used in this way.
This isn't shitposting, this is false flagging bullshit.
I bet this crap ends up on backwater liberal forums as "proof" of Yea Forums users being rabid and retarded.
good to see gearbox has their priorities straight
I (((wonder)))
Yeah, I agree. I think one can be "too progressive" to his own detriment. Everybody jumped on that "let's enable trannies" bandwagon before realizing what this entails and before even having a solution or some fix to their problem. Because reassignment surgery is not a solution - it's an equivalent of trying to kill a mosquito with a rocket launcher. You've killed a mosquito, but you vlew up your house in the process. Not to mention that doctors have actual difficulty diagonising and defining what "transgender" even means, what are the symptoms and how to cure it. Everybody can declare themselves "transgender" and doctors can just hope for the best, because then can't sift real dysphoria from imaginary bullshit. And this "being born in a wrong body" definition, doesn't tell the doctor anything substantial. And every discussion about it is being shut down by activists, with funds for reseach being frozen and doctors losing their jobs.
So we are jumping this bandwagon with no clue what consequences of this movement will be in next 20-30 year and whether or not it will backfire. And I do hope that all those transactivists are 100% right about everything they spout, because otherwise we are the entire generation mentally and physically in the name of misunderstood "progressive values".
Yes, the many cannot possibly be wrong, it's the individual who's out of the norm. That's also called something, read about it all here on
>using proper grammar is falseflagging
The absolute state of resetrannies
People are desperate to appear virtuous.
The median in Yorba Linda, Dana Point Huntington Beach, seal Beach, Irvine etc is above 100k not not above 150k. If you make 100k a year and you're poor, you're an idiot.
it does
its fascinating to see what different groups preferences are for taking things out of context to mock their opponents
The internet.
Echo chambers condensed and folded retardation 10,000 times in a few decades, then the dam burst and it flooded everywhere.
Simultaneously, extreme narcissism became a normal human behavior through social media, and appearing to be a good person is worth more than money now so they all jumped on it.
This is what happens when society accept and agrees with people who have this mental disability. Well done guys, well fucking done.
Just don't buy it if you don't like it!
>an umbrella was found in the room. can they please come pick it up?
guess who's the real retard?
Makes sense, I'm trying to find an equivalent to singular they in my native language but nothing comes to mind.
>on the account on the official Borderlands 3.
Excuse me?
Holy shit now I'm happy to have said no to microwaves.
>I have still yet to see one tranny irl
I love this shit. Such a goofy stipulation that affects nobody but edgelord dickheads.
I've seen them in Texas even but only in my college town. Not common but they stick out like a sore thumb.
Enjoy your dystopian future user.
Yet governments the world over are making policies out of these extremist ideas. In cucknada, for instance, it's an outright crime (comparable to the likes of murder) to misgender people, and if you tell your kid you don't want him to become a tranny, you get to lose custody of the child.
you are a dumb hysterical faggot
Based retard, "he' is universal in the English language.
>nobody notices how ironic it is that a robot thinks he's "nonbinary"
Actually, it's even sillier, because even if you program a robot to have a gendered mind, 15 minutes of literal screwing around solves any issue.
>playing western games
i never thought it would get to the point where i hate my own Jewish controlled country
Don't buy their game!
If the game tanks, they must file for bankruptcy!
>and yet people still laugh at "they are turning the frogs gay"
Borderlands has unironically a lesbian loli, though whether Tina can be considered cute is an entirely different debate.
>laughs in binaric
coop sucks
>the voice sounds like samuel hayden from doom
Who gives a shit
And then they will blame it on close-minded bigots and incels upon which they will gain the sympathy of all the vidya journalists. Identity politics is an easy shield to hide behind for every lazy and failed developer.
American """""humour"""""
>But English has over a million words
if the devs decide the robot is canonically a they, why wouldn't they ban people clogging up the forums by making some weird esoteric autistic point by rendering it?
i like how alex jones account of the frog situation is actually less shocking than reality
Huh? That word count is basically the opposite of how it really goes.
Trannies suicide without help of "Anti-SJW", so you can't just assume it was their fault.
The attempt to neuter the left (changing it's economic focus into something else) backfired spectacularly in the US, which didn't had a proper left since the Red Scare, to begin with.
So instead of infesting the non-existing left, they started to infest the centre instead which also started to spread to the right.
Some Republicans are openly gay and if you told me that a guy who is thrice divorced and probably atheist as well would become President on a Republican ticket, I'd have called you a madman.
If any of you mouthbreaking faggots buy this game, you sink even lower on the social scale of humanity. Seriously, youre scum. Pirate or avoid
they voted "that guy" into power
They gain sympathy, but just like Cliff or the TellTale clown crew, they won't gain any free bux.
Who is "they?"
The idea that you think Alex Jones, the celebrity actor, is accurate, means you are retarded. You also have pictures of cartoon frogmen saved on your computer. It means you are definitely retarded.
You should follow >her example.
OK this is actually clever.
And probably unintentionally as well.
Why can't there be more girls like her in better video games?
Thats not a girl, it's a poorly drawn cartoon
Claptrap identifies as male
Flak identifies as non-binary (yes I also think that "it" should be """their""" pronoun if gearbox is gonna go that route)
claptrap seems like the needy kind of personality that would do it to fit in
How many have you seen? In person, not on your favorite tranny website
Not even gonna pirate at this point. Remove the jack and insert a bunch of fucking faggoty twitter politics while you take epics 30 pieces of silver. What a shitfuck
"singular they" is as retarded a concept as "hot cold" or "feminine penis"
Are libtards trying to make everyone hate them and turn against them?
Only retards arent liberal
Clearly all liberals are retards. It's the only way to explain using your power to oppress people who accidentally call a fictional robot by the wrong pronoun. Even Stalin was less evil.
beta nerds
See, youre retarded. Thinking videogames are oppression. Comparing millions of deaths comparable to videogames. Super retard.
Well it was liberals doing the killing then and the banning now. It's always the liberals doing the evil things no matter what time period you look at.
>Look at the Ion Fury “controversy”
Which one, I only heard about the Iron Maiden lawsuit
Nothing says "liberal" (pen to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values.) like an NKVD death squad.
What if I call it an it, because it is a robot.
This is hilarious and if you don't think so you're boring
Respect my robot husband OR ELSE
The mass graves of every liberal nations prove it is so. More people killed by liberals in the last 100 years than by all natural disasters and wars in history.
Cowardly retard.
In casual conversation, they can be confused with plural depending on the situation.
"They are at the store" implies multiple people, not some retard who doesn't want a logical label.
Every robot is either male or female. El robot, la robot.
Economic conservatism doesn't have to be a religious position my dude. His election as a Republican had more to do with the broken two party system giving him (and everyone else) no other option for a populist and relatively economically conservative platform, since only the main two parties get any support and public awareness.
>Blame 'Murica when it was the one that stopped the soviets
>cowardice is wanting to stand up against the liberal oppressors and stop them from filling more mass graves
Yikes. That's called heroism. A hero stands up to liberal oppression and says no we will not let you kill more innocents. The counter culture against liberalism can't be stopped. The freedom fighters will win against the liberal monopoly on power.
thats robophobic
they may be a robot but they're also a person
delusional retard
"Trannyism." Man you guys are tryhards.
>things that no one blamed murica for
The revolution has already begun. From America and Hong Kong to Europe and the rest of the world. The People are taking a stand against liberalism. The evil stops now.
Can't lose it if I don't use their services.
>hello fellow gamers™
>it's me, Randy Bitchford
>I am aware of my terrible reputation and that many of you consider me to be a lolcow on the internet
>but I'll be releasing a sequel to this game you kinda love (I guess)
>and I won't be releasing it on platform you prefer, but on this other shitty one that might or might not be in bed with chinese government and is so underdeveloped that it doesn't even have a shopping cart
>and I'll attach this shitty DRM that's been broken 99% of times by pirates, sometimes even before the game's release
>that'll be $60 please, more if you want FULL game
>also: if you say bad word I'll take it away from you because fuck you
>please buy my game
How is it hate speech when he's a fictional video game character with no actual thoughts or emotions?
Is this why they relate to him so much?
lmao, fucking retard
No you lose your game because you are an obnoxious brainwashed right wing zoomer.
Jewish resources and influcene.
>account on the official borderlands 3
im 99% sure he means forums
You trash talked liberals. America, throughout the second part of the 20th century, was defined by its liberalism.
America is one of the most conservative and free nations in the world. Europe was defined by its liberalism right up until its current collapse. The Soviet Union was defined by liberalism until its collapse. North Korea and China were defined by liberalism until they began to collapse.
You sound like a bootlicking tool.
What a retard
based Randy crashing his own AAA game to fuck with everyone as he goes down in flames
the geth were a collective, not some cringe tranny effeminate robot
also legion and other geth were specifically referred to as he/him multiple times
You don't know what liberalism actually is. Liberalism is defined by freedom. By the removal of restrictions. Liberalism is not the same as socialism. Reagan's economic policies, for example, are neoliberal. America's early decriminalization of homosexuality is liberal. Liberalism is the government intervening as little as possible except to safeguard the freedom of its citizens.
so how do we fix gaming industry lads?
Is this unironically drumpf's fault somehow? Before 2016 everyone made fun of trannies and recognized them as creepy sex pests
Frogs and fish actually are having issues properly sexing during development and you also see a lot of confused sexual behaviors from them. It's a big epidemic. The truth is though, that the main thing causing it is actually birth control in the water supply more than plastic. It gets out in women's piss and doesn't get filtered at any point in sewage treatment. What's even worse is that our filtration systems for the water supply also don't clean it out, which could be causing problems for humans too. The lesson here is:
Just use a fucking condom instead of shocking your body with medication you pill heads.
incredible argument
I cannot emphasize enough how backward that is. Something filling estrogen-related receptors with the hormonal equivalent of "empty calories" will result in *less* feminization, not more, because actual estrogens (which, in men, help with skin health) can't fill the slot.
As usual, all the concern is an almost Freudian obsession with the masculinity and sexual viability of men, not any effects extra estrogens would have on women (e.g. increased risk of breast cancer at younger ages, for which there isn't data to support).
Culture changed to appreciate a less gruff and stoic masculinity. Nothing chemically forced that to happen.
And no one uses the 1850s definition of liberalism anymore.
This. The internet has been just as much an enormous detriment to humanity as it has been a gift.
Plenty common in the US via microwavable dinners and tupperware, though it's microwavable safe plastics (meaning they won't melt). That said, there's still a preference for actual bowls, just that people don't particularly see a problem with microwavable plastics being used instead if it's your option.
Gender is a hot topic in places where this isn't common too. There's more to it than what Alex Jones swore by.
Transitioning empirically does make trans people feel better.
>Intervenable factors associated with suicide risk in transgender persons: a respondent driven sampling study in Ontario, Canada
>Across Europe, Canada, and the United States, 22–43 % of transgender (trans) people report a history of suicide attempts. We aimed to identify intervenable factors (related to social inclusion, transphobia, or sex/gender transition) associated with reduced risk of past-year suicide ideation or attempt, and to quantify the potential population health impact.
>Among trans Ontarians, 35.1 % (95 % CI: 27.6, 42.5) seriously considered, and 11.2 % (95 % CI: 6.0, 16.4) attempted, suicide in the past year. Social support, reduced transphobia, and having any personal identification documents changed to an appropriate sex designation were associated with large relative and absolute reductions in suicide risk, as was completing a medical transition through hormones and/or surgeries (when needed). Parental support for gender identity was associated with reduced ideation.
>Medical transition variables, but not social transition or being perceived as cisgender, were associated with suicidality. Among those who desired medical transition, those on hormone therapy were about half as likely to have seriously considered suicide (RR=0.52; 95 % CI: 0.37, 0.75).
user's argument is based on the current behavior of the leftist ('liberal' party) in the US. He is confusing their rotten behavior with the actual definition of the word 'liberal,' a confusion they fostered on purpose by associating themselves with the term. This is important to understand when talking to Americans about liberals.
Try listening to all of the socialists whining about neoliberals ruining the world
In the future all games will be streamed and if you accidentally misgender the nonbinary pangender made up alien race in them you get banned and all your games stolen
>Doesn't stop suicides
Are you aware of who the Angles were? The Saxons? The Jutes or the Franks?
That's "nancy" to you?
When are you chopping your dick off, bro?
*breathes in* 40%
Whos "they"
Do you people GENUINELY think this isn't some crass joke? That you'd lose out on a $60 game the very moment you selected the wrong dialogue choice with an NPC?
>their rotten behavior
What did they do? Ban you when you called a 9 year old a nigger on a videogame?
Your argument is that xenoestrogens in the body simply bind to receptors without actually causing the body to respond to that action. This is entirely possible and happens all the time with chemicals, but the opposite just as often happens. You are going to need studies to prove your claim here, you realize.
>Culture changed to appreciate a less gruff and stoic masculinity
It's cute that you think feminized men actually get laid.
So obessed with trannies he saved a pic.
Are you dumb? They will ban you for misgendering on the forums, not in game. There is no way they give you enough freedom in game to choose an incorrect pronoun or to think or do wrongthink.
There is is again, that downright Freudian obsession so many "straight dudes" have with other peoples' penises when that person isn't a "fellow bro." And we all know how many of us here are "fellow bros."
LOL, you are braindead if u think that
is this an amputated dick or just some other bullshit?
looks worse than what i expected
Well right now they're arguing for open borders and reparations, that's pretty rotten if you understand economics.
They is already used to refer to two ore more people. Using is for a single person is retarded.
It's a male genital mutilation surgery. Legally you're supposed to pretend that open wound is a vagina or else you'll go to thought prison.
If you have a personal stake in trans advocacy then there's a good chance you either are one, are fucking one, or want to fit in with someone who is.
No one is arguing for open borders or reparations. You being too retarded to understand arguments doesnt make other people rotten. Your brain is rotten.
We have had immensely different experiences in life if you think they don't. The metrosexuals were getting theirs over a decade ago (see Johnny Depp). Okay then, think as you will. This is a large country and across it there are quite a few local cultures. I definitely don't think a metrosexual would do as well in the Mid-West for instance.
>ass facts
I forgot to add 20 years ago.
Back then when they tried to ban Harry Potter books and Manhunt for occultism. Those crowd would've never ever voted for Trump and thankfully they are all dead and irrelevant now.
this is fantastic :D I am amused
>No one is arguing for open borders or reparations
Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, and Tulsi Gabbard all publicly advocated for reparation policies in interviews and debates, you moron. As for open borders, every single candidate for the left has argued against all border control policies.
>that regressive leftist who tries to pass degenerate lefty shit as common practice in past history.
Just like DICE using battlefield to try and make WW2 look like a gigantic kitchen with guns.
Not that guy but I advocate for the benefit to trans persons but unlike the delusional masses I don't think mutilation of genitals is the right answer. It's proven to be bad for them so why are we still doing it? There is no other group where we would deliberately choose the worst possible solution and force everyone to go along with it. Gender reassignment borders on a hate crime against trans people.
Says the tripfag
Johnny Depp is a rich actor, he's not your local soiboy down at Starbucks.
piss off
wow....transwomen ARE women...
>They were wrong in the past so this justifies me feeling like I know more than licensed professionals.
>Doctors were wrong in the past and used leeches so that justifies me being anti-vax
>The only reason you'd ever disagree with me on this subject is if you're one of those weirdos.
Yeah, I remember this about gay people in the early 2000s. "Whoa, are you gay too, bro?" It was a stupid attempt to get people to back off then too. And here we are in 2019 where you people can't casually say that sort of shit anymore.
I'm about to blow your mind too, man: I'm a Registered Republican and fiscal conservative. It's just that I believe in the "live and let live" mantra that so many conservatives left behind.
>I don't think mutilation is the right answer
The guy I responded to had literally posted an article supporting mutilation, user. My views are not a complete dismissal of their mental health problems, it's more nuanced than that. I'm simply criticizing him for his obsession with feeding their delusions.
how many tranny regret stories will we be hearing 10 years from now
This is very stupid.
found the trannyist
And I agree with you. But they paint us as intolerant for recognizing that you can't solve a complex problem with genital mutilation.
i can still see the lines from his scrotum
my nephew said the other day he didn't like cartoon network's cartoons because they're "gay", good to see the brainwashing done by loud minorities isn't working on him.
>He compares just wanting to fuck another consenting adult with not only wanting to mutilate yourself, but legally forcing everyone else in the world to pretend this mutilation actually changed your sex
It's not a grammatical issue and it's not an NPC either for that matter.
Being a tranny is an ideology
A lot changes, the religious right are old and dying off, and young conservatives tend to be far less concerned with religion, just like young people in general.
this is like the main reason why i stand neutral on the whole tranny shit
it's gonna be interesting to see what will happen to all the GDQ speedrunners and chrischan
I can't tell where the wound ends and an asshole begins
Bullshit, what policies? They have talked about the importance of the issue, they never said jack about policies. If they have, post a source.
As for open borders you have no idea what the fuck you are talking about. After 9/11 they added so much fucking security at the borders they would make Nazi Germany blush. Yet still it's not enough for you sniveling cowardly faggots. Not wanting to erect an ancient Chinese wall, does not mean open borders.
"They're in the back."
Never once did you hear this in the singular form until now? It's less common but it was absolutely used, unlike my uncle's insistence that he only ever called his wife "partner" in the 70s ("never 'wife'").
I'm so glad that in my language (French) the default is ALWAYS "he" whenever the gender of a person is unknown or for anything "humanoid" (but not human, like a robot), we'll default to "he" unless it obviously look like a woman.
Also in our grammar, male gender always overrule female gender, so if you have a room with 100 woman but 1 man, you'll use the male form to refer to all people in the room. Feminists tried to change our grammar by forcing people to use both genders everytime, but that got shut down by the prime minister himself.
Well be seeing a new suicide statistics. New gender suicides. Declining birthrates. Mass depression. All because of white women.
>mfw I just got banned from GDQ twitch because I said "girls" (with quotations marks) in the chat
Why are these people so fucking sensitive?
>There is literally nothing awkward about having singular and plural "they", it's all about the context bro, just get gud at english!
May I remind you that this has already happened with the second person pronoun in English and no one bats an eye at it.
Why are you so sensitive?
>They have talked about the importance of the issue
So they do support it? Neat admission user.
>After 9/11 they added so much fucking security at the borders they would make Nazi Germany blush. Yet still it's not enough for you
Of course not, considering millions of people keep pouring over the border. If there's a problem and your solution doesn't work then guess what? You need to try another one.
One texture mod is all it takes for you to enjoy a game and you still won't buy it, huh?
Singular they has been a thing for ages the same way 'could of' has been a thing for ages. Doesn't make it correct, people just let it slide because the faggot masses can't be corrected.
You are right, that is also absolutely fucking retarded. You guys need to fix that too, asap.
>the cure is that literally everyone at all times pretends you are the opposite sex also sometimes you cut off your tits or dick
No source, dumb faggot.
The problem is you fat fucks keep giving your overlords money to employ millions of mexicans and they receive no punishment.
why are you so sensitive?
I miss the 20th century.
Im not, didnt ban anyone nor complain about being banned. Nor did I cry about trannies.
If anything it's simply an argument against trusting everything out of a doctor's mouth, but not being against the entire medical establishment. Psychology is worse than medicine though, because of how poor their research quality is (over half their studies literally got invalidated recently in review) and how 'fuzzy' the outcomes are in relation to the treatment applied. It's not like medicine where you can directly show that giving someone a shot makes them less likely to die from polio.
This shit used to be contained to just tumblr not long ago I'm not sure what happened
We'll take thy words into consideration.
It has a male voice though. Nothing ambiguous about it, a robot with a male-sounding generated voice.
illegals make corporations money and gets working poors (whites mostly) to kys, whats the problem?
neither did the other user
No, user. Singular they has been correct for literally ages, since the Middle English period. "Could of" is just ungrammatical.
Burger please. You only know one language, so stop making comparisons.
>raise jolly roger
>get shot for being a pirate
just don't break the rules nigger
>No source
Because you admitted it a sentence later, senpai
>Your overlords employ them
Absolutely. It needs to be harshly punished. Border security is simply one of the many, many things we need to do to discourage and stop illegals. Indeed, I think punishing businesses is the biggest one, since they encourage and pay for it, and even fund politicians to defend their acts. But you are indeed delusional if you think any Democrat in the US, as corporate as they are and as reliant on the hispanic vote as they have become, will do anything to stop it.
The other user got banned for cying about trannies in chat. Then he cried on 4channel.
But it's kinda crazy you know.
Nowadays it's the Democrats who are pushing for open conflict with Russia.
This is no longer a left-right issue anymore.
What rules?
>If I describe caring about anything as 'crying' then I will magically avoid all problems in my life
what are you, fucking 14?
that's not crying you dumb fuck
There's already a solution, y'all just mock us for it.
Your obsession with trannies is really disturbing, Yea Forums. Have you considered that you can easily not give a shit?
Trannies get off on hurting children they are inherently evil
Saying an issue is important != Reparations policies, you inbred fat fuck.
You already spend billions on border security and LITERALLY DESTROYED THE CONSTITUTION to do it
>Implying that user was complaining
Yeah sure, he's so mad, you're not mad
>say "girl"
>rule break
Which rule did he break again?
The truth is the left/right split has been mostly an illusion since the 70's, if not earlier. They're all controlled by international businesses trying to maximize profits.
Pitchford won't ever misgender the underage girls he faps to.
well be seeing this for at least 2 more years
There's no solution necessary. But in the same vein, "they is" is also a potential "solution".
keep crying, fags. You'll still get banned from your favorite twitch chat
>I'm not sure what happened
If only you were here longer than summer break.
>dude just dont give a shit and like let them change everything and force you to accept it man *takes bong hit*
Saying you're talking a room of full of people.
You say "I need you to do something for me."
Are you addressing one person or everyone?
Sure, people say "they" to refer to someone in a gender-neutral way in everyday speech, but people also say "on accident". You'll never see it in writing, and it's considered grammatically incorrect; it's just a colloquial shorthand since it's too verbose to say "he or she".
>Who is stealing from my bank account? They're dead fucking meat when I find out.
>Look at that car! I wonder who could be driving it? They must be an idiot.
Both of these make sense. Therefore you're just being a retard.
Fuck trannies go dilate 40%.
nigga you're on Yea Forums
>Suicidality has nothing to do with committing suicide
The 40% figure is also self-reported. Are you going to stop mentioning it?
>Saying an issue is important != Reparations policies, you inbred fat fuck.
Saying reparations are an important issue is saying you support the concept. It is not an actualization, no, but support is support.
>You already spent billions
And it's still a problem, so obviously more needs to be done. I'm not sure what your problem is here. Do you seriously think an open border will make LESS Mexicans come in?
Yes I know you rightwing fucks love Israel.
I need a fucking source on this. I've been on the fence about canceling my preorder through all this shit and this might push me over.
Let me be clear: I support the right of someone to be able to professionally remove their own eye if it is an aesthetic choice. I wouldn't do it, I don't understand it, but body modification is not the same as mutilation and damn, if it helps a person get on with their life, I support it.
Despite the unsourced battlecries of the people in this thread, there's not a lot of data on regret. No, the depression and anxiety don't instantly go away- these are separate issues that perhaps originated from feelings of body dysphoria but are not the same thing- but these can be treated as well. Meanwhile, we have sixty years of data that antidepressants and antipsychotics don't help much if at all (the side effects of many of these medications certainly didn't).
But /video games/ guys.
It literally doesn't affect you in any way. You're no better than the SJWs or the conservatives before them. Why is this acceptable on Yea Forums now?
The data indicates otherwise. Facts>feelz
>say pronoun
>money stolen
That must be why my English professors never mark it wrong on my papers, right?
>open border
You keep saying it because you are brainwashed.
I'm a Jew, why wouldn't I?
Ah, but 'they is' is objectively grammatically incorrect. Y'all is only criticized as a word/contraction, whereas what it represents, you all, is grammatically valid.
>You'll never see it in writing, and it's considered grammatically incorrect
False on both counts.
I don't give a shit. It's SJWs who give a shit and won't leave other people alone.
So go live in your stolen country, stop trying to waste hundreds of billions in our country.
Everything is interconnected, no action is made in isolation. Trannies forcing laws to change will effect you, especially when they start to curtail your free speech.
It's just a shitposting spic making things up. He didn't even bother to use English quotation marks in his shitty fake article.
>Ah, but 'they is' is objectively grammatically incorrect.
It's merely non-standard. Certainly if we analyse "they" as a singular pronoun then the corresponding verb should also be singular, though?
>being a tranny is not classified as mental illness
>playing video games is
Lmao what a clown world we live in.
I'm trying to save your country from batshit leftists like you
Someone later on will have to save it from batshit rightwingers, but that's not a problem for now
I too have a piece of paper from an university, wanna suck my cock as well?
WTF is this shit ? Kek!
Go murder some Palestinian children playing on a beach, jew scum.
I'm saying it because you are complaining about the security that is already there, not just any attempts to strengthen it. What then, do you want the border to be like, user? I'm not going to play wack-a-mole with you, user. Define what you want.
When I was a teenager in the early 00's I thought linetrap was the epitome of fine and I made a wish that the world was full of traps and clearly that wish was a monkey's paw and now we all have to pay.
I'm so sorry everyone. I could've wished for anything.
You're making an awful lot of noise for someone who claims not to give a shit.
Won't affect me because I'm not a cunt who feels the need to tell trannies what to do with their lives in the first place. The problem is and always will be your inability to live and let live.
>It doesn't affect you now make your son go on HRT because I saw him playing with a doll or I'll have you fired
>ecause other languages do not have the braindead gender language of English and using "they" makes no sense whatsoever.
Well we have that here, but guess what, it's only used by twitter retarded, and it's just the masculine (il) and feminine (elle)pronoun mashed together with another syllable at the end (ielleu)
fucking retards, even saw one youtuber saying that outloud
I'll just pirate this. Fuck you, Gearbox.
borderlands 1 >>>>>>> presequel >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> borderlands 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> borderlands 3
The way it was before 9/11 + unammed drones with infrared patrolling on intervals.
>mental illness
Like I give a shit about the definition of mental illness.
I support the right of people to do what they want to themselves, I do not support them trying to force their beliefs onto others or to change the law to cater to their beliefs. That is all.
I never said I know more than a licensed professional, I simply pointed out the fact that they aren't always right. Just because you're a professional doesnt mean you can't fuck up.
lel, as if you'll ever have children, incel
Not that quick considering it started in France 70 years ago. The rapid escalation only happened because social media provided the perfect infection vector for the social justice mind virus
Before twitter it was largely confined on university campuses and was only slowly spreading into administrative positions, like HR departments at giant companies.
>You're a cunt if you insist that cutting off your dick doesn't make you a girl
>lel, as if you'll ever have children, incel
People still wouldn't give a flying fuck because pro-nouns are retarded and insisting upon those labels to the point where you police your consumers is equally if not more retarded.
jajaja todos estos gringos virgenes
Are you going to stop using the singular "you" as well? ESL faggot.
Chinese has no gendered pronouns like 'he' and 'she'. You always use 'they' in third person.
So you want it to barely have any security at all? How is that going to help us with the flood of illegals?
>I only read the headlines and not the article like a Facebook Boomer.
Yeah, you are, because why are you trying to involve yourself in someone else's fucking genitals? Why is that something you feel so strongly about? It's none of your concern.
By punishing people like Trump who employ illegals. And keeping our constitution in tact, you unamerican fat fuck.
Not them but you're a cunt for not making the minimal effort that is required to refer to someone with their preferred pronouns
>Dislike Israel because they're a budget leach for the US
>Still support the US's right to defend its sovereign border
What now?
Is 'tin can' an acceptable pronoun?
they make sense because they are general statement as you don't know who dunnit, FL4K is an individual that people can directly recognise, is dressed like a man and has a deep male voice, even with "they" being more widespread as a neutral term, it's more natural to call FL4K a he.
I don't understand why they didn't go with "It", if they wanted to go for a more inhuman/neutral character
You only got one reaction image?
As a right winger, I hope you know
I also want your entire tribe dead
>submit to me and my mental illness
no faggot
>what is college
I've even seen a tranny psychiatrist, no joke.
>Getting grammar lessons from 2nd edition AD&D
Can't you find an actual grammar textbook to back you up? Wonder why.
Wow, so you saw 1. What an epidemic.
If you two teamed up to get me, your country would be fine and united
>You only got one reaction image?
They know it only refers to 'videogame addiction.' The problem is that brain malformation (which is provably the source of transexuality, studies show they have a brain more similar to the opposite sex) is absolutely a mental and arguably physical illness. There's also the problem of how broad they define 'an addiction' and how easy it is to fall into it, just like the yawning chasm the definition of 'autism' has become over the years, where it just comes across like an excuse to make more money off of therapy and pills.
When they hold up the gamestop line because the cashier called them by an incorrect pronoun it becomes my problem.
Or when they trample little kids at cons for a spot in line for merch.
Let's be clear: if psychology and psychiatry were to control most of the variables involved in a study to get more solid answers, it'd be an ethics violation left and right and that most of the study was conducted under duress would call the results into question.
We are human beings studying human beings, the brain trying to understand itself in the third person: the answers aren't going to be simple and are by their very nature not going to be as solid as watching chemical reactions in a glass vial. But they try. Often before a study can be replicated- or attempted to be- the news and especially the activists run wild with it, ignoring half the considerations and limitations mentioned openly by the research teams themselves in their own conclusions.
At my job I work with not only multiple gays/lesbos/trannies but also a nazi. Not the leftist definition of a nazi, but an actual nazi. And plenty of blacks. I live in a pretty rural area about 150 miles from the nearest big city.
>I don't understand why they didn't go with "It", if they wanted to go for a more inhuman/neutral character
That I do understand, it's an AI that's trying to be more than an "it", and in that sense being "non-binary" is also a fitting pun.
Oh dear lord
I dont want to get you, I want you stop murdering children and wasting American dollars.
I don't give a fuck about "your pronouns." I don't define male and female based on the modern definition of gender and I don't plan to start.
>By punishing people like Trump who employ illegals
You do realize that physically blocking many of them will work well in concert with this? Along with other policies like not allowing them medical services, paperwork, and other benefits of citizenship or legal residency in the US?
Of course you know I don't do that, therefore I do not understand your insistence in this point
I'm sad he mutilated himself desu.
This has never happened to you. Plenty of fat nerds like yourself holding up the line at gamestop or trampling kids at cons whilst being cis, too, for that matter. Nothing to do with gender, that.
>not allowing them medical services
Oh so you are going to treat them like American citizens now? Fuck off you scummy piece of shit. I hope we start killing you rightwing fucks soon
Shut the fuck up, this shit isn't normal.
After president orangutan gets impeached you'll be submitting to my girl cock faggot
Why are you trying to force me to call you something you're not? Why do your beliefs take precedence over my own?
By doing that you are agreeing with them and their position that they are now a woman. You are forced to hold their views and abandon facts.
Tell your jew boss to stop doing it.
you know you can just buy health insurance right?
>He thinks I don't support state healthcare
Silly stereotyping user. No, I'm saying the US taxpayers shouldn't have to pay when Jose hurts himself trying to fix the lawnmower.
You know most americans have no money saved up and the leading cause of bankruptcies is your obscenely overpriced for profit insure scam "health care" right?
But they're a robot. All machines work off of binary.
Well as a hivemind it wouldnt be incorrect to refer to geth as they
Oh alright I'll give him a call.
Post the marmalademum version
>Its not open border I just want to let them sneak into the country then give them amnesty shortly after
leftists are subhuman retards
Referring to one by their preferred pronouns is no different from referring to one by their name. No one thinks that, actually, you believe that a trans person changed their sex.
>Silly stereotyping
>proceeds to stereotype
Do you actually think you spend an even minuscule amount on what you just cried about?
>Why are you trying to force me to call you something you're not?
Why are you trying to force someone to be something they're not? Why do your beliefs take precedence?
None of that actually discredits my argument, or even disagrees with it. You just try to defend why it's flawed at all. That does not mean those flaws disappear, or that their conclusions cannot be suspect or outright wrong.
nice projection "ma'am"
No it fucking isn't like that. It directly concerns whether they're a male or a female. If it has nothing to do with their sex, then I can continue to ignore it and not give it any more power by acknowledging it.
>No one thinks that, actually, you believe that a trans person changed their sex.
But that is the political position of the trans communist you tardling. How is someone meant to argue:
>Cutting off your dick doesn't change your sex
When you are legally forced to refer to them as the opposite sex?
1) In spite of how it's talked about colloquially, no claim of a "cure" is made and psychiatry\endocrinology fields don't argue that all other related problems such as anxiety- a separate symptom- will go away instantly. This is what, at present, seems to be the best practice. It is neither for every person struggling with gender issues nor is it a healthy choice for many whom are.
2) Others showing at least enough respect to call a person by the name they say their name is is what's being asked: we literally show more respect to dogs by not immediately questioning an owner if their dog is *actually* a boy or not. The thing is, anything a person does to cool their gender issues is their own. Nobody but them has to "get it," nobody has to "play along" outside of not being a prick to their faces. The rest is for the person themselves.
Feel free to call out someone absolutely losing their shit on you because you said "Miss" to a FtM, etc. Mistakes happen. The issue is when you go out of your way to call someone something else.
Most of the time. If true, this Borderlands thing is ludicrous.
People suffering for my benefit is the right wing way, son, deal with it.
I only have this other version
>online mocking is ghoulish
>dick chopping surgery is normal
But it's to your detriment, retard. You have to pay taxes or the land of the free takes your shit. The current system costs you more money.
Do you have any idea how expensive medical care is?
>Proceeds to stereotype
Yes, because illegals mostly work labor jobs. That is a fact, hate to tell you. Just like it's a fact that I support universal healthcare and so your whining at me about our current system is invalid.
Different poster here but I'm willing to bet that you've uncritically recited the 40% suicide attempt rate figure despite of the fact that it originated from a study of the sort you criticize. You're engaging in motivated reasoning. Studies that have findings that you like are canonized and studies that you dislike are thrown into the trash.
A lot of different studies found similar things. It's extremely unlikely that this is a coincidence or the result of the same measuring errors, over and over.
feels good to work somewhere that offers benefits
>Something they're not
Human sex is determined by chromosomes. Your chromosomes say male, you can't change that. The minute you can, the minute you can make your body truly female, is the minute I will agree with you that you are female.
>Do you have any idea how expensive medical care is?
Yes retard, and it sure as fuck is NOT expensive because of the money you spend to help Jose with his lawnmower accident. I doubt illegal's medical bills account for 1 tenth of one percent of the money the US spends on healthcare.
I think the marmalademum version is basically gone from the search engines anyway, stupid coke company.
>It directly concerns whether they're a male or a female.
Nope. That's not how plenty of people use pronouns now. Sorry.
>But that is the political position of the trans communist you tardling.
It absolutely isn't. Learn about who you're opposing. Trans activists separate sex and gender.
Yeah, but I make enough to never have to worry about it and as long as niggers are suppressed I'm am happy.
>Just bow down to my demands and try to undermine the majority you bigot
>gets laid off
I guess you'll have to resort to gender-neutral pronouns then until you can get people's DNA tested in a lab?
What natural law says that males shouldn't take female hormones, dress like females and be referred to with feminine pronouns because of that? Are you familiar with the is-ought problem?
When there are at the least 15 million Joses, that money adds the fuck up, user. And even if it was a little, the fact is that it is immoral to force people to pay for healthcare for non-Americans. Fucking refugees in Europe are currently shitting up their own universal healtcare system, for example. It is extremely important that it form a closed loop where only those who pay into the system, or will in the future, get anything out of it. Otherwise it loses money fast.
>gets fired for racism and using wrong pronouns
>Nope. That's not how plenty of people use pronouns now. Sorry.
That's directly because of this tranny crap.
Sometimes, when a mother gives birth, part of her children's DNA mixes with her own. Are you going to call these mothers intersex now? Refer to them with they/them?
>Trans activists separate sex and gender.
Which is unscientific nonsense based about packaging personality traits and sexual fetishes into 'gender' so you can pretend to be more special than you are. Sex and gender are the same. A feminine man is still a man.
You have no idea what morality is. How legitimately Nazi do you have to be to think helping people is immoral.
Imagine German, but even more insane because verbs are also gendered at least in the past tense.
I think the closest we have to something gender-neutral is a bunch of "common gender" nouns which can be used in both msc/fem depending on a person's real-life gender, and even that is considered a novelty.
Recently there's been a push for making feminine variations of some masculine nouns which lasted for about a month and ended up turning feminists into a national laughingstock for "bastardizing the language".
Based baguette purists
that might be an issue if I worked in a shitty dying industry
Not directly. See: the many third gender groups in various cultures. Even if it were, though: so?
Depends on their reproductive ability.
I've been citing the fact that over half of all psychological studies just got invalidated in review, actually.
Oh tell us what you do, please
That's why hitler was right and I can pretend I care about "le freeze peach" but really I only care about my speech not leftist speech and honestly MORE speech I personally dislike like should be suppressed.
>Others showing at least enough respect to call a person by the name they say their name is is what's being asked
You're being 'asked' (legally forced in Canada) to believe and say mutilating yourself changes your sex.
how do you refer to a group of people who are equally 50/50 exactly male/female? "They" seems like the only applicable term.
Are you saying that men and women are not mentally different?
Stress Engineer for Boeing.