Design a Black girl character

>Design a Black girl character
>give her an "afro"
>can't even draw an afro right, her hair is straight and spiky instead of tightly coiled like Black people's hair

Wtf Japan? Learn how Black people's hair works. You can't take straight or wavy hair and just poof it out and call it a damn afro.

Attached: travis_strikes_again_nmh__shinobu_by_heliosal_dd4z0rt-fullview.jpg (1280x1792, 162K)

Other urls found in this thread:

who fucking cares lmao
post shinobu

Attached: tumblr_mqplisKplU1s0sruzo1_400[1].jpg (388x600, 46K)

>oversexualized design

This is a bigger issue and more problematic imo

It's basically Final Fantasy hair now that I look at it

This thread isnt video games

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I care because her afro isn't a real afro, if you're gonna give a Black character that hairstyle do it right. The West gets this, why can't Japan?

>a thread about a video game character isn't video games

Suck my dick nigga

>Learn how Black people's hair works.
It doesn't. Just like black people.

What is it then?


shut the fuck up retard
make your own game if you're so bothered about it, no one owes you anything

My point is they gave her asian/white people hair, not black people hair, that's fucked up and sends a bad message to black girls.

It's true.

I don't think it's meant to be an afro.

Don't get offended on black girls' behalf you dumb cunt

seething weeb

This is a black man designed by japanese

Attached: Kodiaksushistrikers.png (600x600, 82K)

>Design a Black girl character
>She's attractive
WTF Japan! Stop doing this. Western developers never make that mistake.

Black girls by and large wish they had white girl hair. Thats literally 90% of niggress fashion. Hair is important to them to the point they prioritize pulling it out any time they get into a fight with one another.

I AM a black girl you dumb white faggot

Explain the shape then

Do i even want to roll this? about half the options here are bad for me. I dont wanna end up with a monster prison bait gremlin...
fuck it ill roll on 2 at the same time.

>hair products don't exist

>Black girls by and large wish they had white girl hair.

False. We don't want to be like some fucking pasty cave bitch.

You picked No More Heroes of all games to nitpick about realism?

>Explain the shape then
Various forms of spiky hair are popular throughout Japanese media.

>girl on Yea Forums
Goddamnit Tyrone the wig doesn't make you a girl, the black dick doesn't convince people either.

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lemme get a /fit/ one plese

This thread surely seems related to videogames in some way

>design a japanese character
>give them blue eyes
It's almost like we compromise on realism for aesthetics sometimes.

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Why isn't there a 22?

Oh please, pulling each others hair isn't exclusive to black women fights, thats every females weapon of choice. They all boil down to who gets control of their hair.

If you're offended by a Suda51 game, and over the hair of all things, I dont think his works were ever for you.

Ignore him, all people do is try to tear down Black women any chance they get. Prolly some dark skin dusty ass nigga

Why is black people's hair so weird anyway?


Dang who let grandpa on the internet? Nobody uses that word. Get with the time white boy.

No niggers allowed sorry.

Shinobu isn't "black," she's got a heavily stylized Gyaru look.

When Japan depicts actual black people, which they rarely do, it almost invariably ends up looking like what would be considered a "racist caricature" anywhere in the west.

Attached: staff-officer-black-5524.jpg (250x359, 12K)

I don't think any black girls will be playing no more heros

rich coming from a semencortex

Its white boys talking shit, it always is. Now you shut the fuck up and stop pretending to be a black chick.

She IS Black, are you retarded? Look how dark she is and her facial features. Girl is Black. Gyaru are never that goddamn dark. her lips and nose look Black too.

>he thinks there aren't Black girls into anime and Japanese games

nah black dudes do that shit too, always some dusty nigga tearing down black women while uplifting white bitches and exoticals

fluffy hair is cute
post fluffy hair girls

No one wants to play actual black people. Better to make a new fantasy race from scratch.

Have a (you).

Based newfag.
Look closer and search for a number 11, 33, etc.

hopefully they never learn, that's bad hair

Butthurt BBC lover I'd be butthurt too if a massive monkey dong entered my butthole

Explain NBA Live and Madden, or the fact people love using Eddy Gordo in Tekken and were pissed Bruce was removed

cringy post my friend

You forgot "yikes"

Reminder black women are the least desirable race in existence. Thank god for idealized art giving us good looking dark skin women

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Only blacks play sports games, and are stupid enough to give EA /2k their money.

Eddy is brazilian, not full dindu. So he's alright, also designed by japan.

She's indian, not black.

Eddy looks Black, and according to the one drop rule that YOUR people invented, being part Black makes you fully Black.

shes not real
just brown

you're not the market
it's their artistic choice, respect it, just like the west loves making mutant bridge trolls for black women and everyone has to put up with those abominations.

>"Wow user you sure do love talking about afros! Is it really that fun?"

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>Reminder black women are the least desirable race in existence.

Two words.

Halle Berry

What a disgusting body shape.

Brazilians are a large part spaniard, it's why they don't identify as black.

India exists in Pokémon world?

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even the x men anime made a better version of halle berry's storm.

Too bad, one drop of Black blood means you are BLACK. You think the cops are gonna care about their "spanish blood"? or the KKK?

Good lad for proving him right.

>an irrelevant quadroon only boomers remember

remove quiet

Tits or GTFO.

Mixed and does her best to look white rather than black. As any black woman should

Rolling XD

yeah, I'm pretty sure the cops won't think this is a black guy user.

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she does have thick lips.

The snoy/reseteratards are invading again I see

Shinobu is best NMH girl btw, try to change my mind.

Attached: moeseekingquest.jpg (500x351, 78K)

Halle Berry is Black.

Halle is BLACK, and looks Black. She doesn't try to look white, and no one would mistake her for a cave bitch anyway.

Something thick please.

Now post a Brazilian like Eddy Gordo.

How come she never embraces her natural afro hair then?

>black girl
>give her a katana, not an african themed weapon

Nice job, way to show you think African weapons are inferior to glorious nippon folded crap sword.

>mfw a Masai warrior would obliterate a samurai using just a spear

Her mother is white, I'm pretty sure that makes her mixed and not black.

>How come she never embraces her natural afro hair then?

Now what?

the only unique african weapons are metal spilled on the floor and left to harden which they throw around like retards

There is no such thing as mixed. One drop of Black blood means you are BLACK, period. Again, do you think the KKK or Stormfront wouldn't see her as Black? What about the cops? They gonna pull her over and go "I was gonna brutalize you, but then I realized you're mixed, nvm lol"

Come on.

gimme something good

And Japanese don't hurl star shaped pieces of metal like retards? But I forgot, it's magically cool because an asian is doing it and not a black person.

>Yukimura uses a spear
>oh glorious nippon, he looks so badass!
>african uses a spear
>lmfao spearchucker!

Give my regards to the wig designer for the movie

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting



ok suck some more cow pussy retard

based nigger poster


Get shit on by the Chinese and Koreans again, nip

Stop making threads about Shinobu please :(

>durr lets design a black woman that looks like a brown asian girl

so people won't mind if I design a "white" character that is just a black dude with pale skin?

Why black bitches have such small vaginas. I tore a bitch into a bloody mess the other day and I'm only slightly thicker than a can of Red Bull and *maybe* 6 inches long if you don't press the ruler into the skin. So, why black bitches don't have the hardware for their male counterparts? Every white chick I've been with, I just slide right in. Black chicks? I have to coach the dumb shits for 20 minutes before I can even go halfway in. The fuck

Nobody wants a dark skin girl with african features, the nips know this.

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>Wtf Japan? Learn how Black people's hair works
They know, and it's fucking ugly, that's why they took so many liberties with the design.

Also, the 3D model for her face and body is the same as Silvia, just re-textuded in shit color.

too much test and not enough estrogen in black women led to poor vaginal development

Then you are supposed to say sends a bad message to me. Which sounds ridiculous, because it is. You are upset on someone's behalf.

Lass I really hope this is just some bait and you aren't really this ignorant towards others, I'm Puerto Rican and Japanese, so as far as racial issues go- I'm an absolute mutt and don't have a horse in this race. Only KKK and people heavily into race politics care about the one drop rule, and the only way it's going to stop is if people don't acknowledge it and let the idea burn out on it's own. Over time the japanese will more than likely make more fitting depictions of people from different races as information becomes more widely available, you can already see that in the move from Toriyama's work to modern anime and japanese video games. So if this wasn't all truly bait and this pisses you off, give it time.
>tl;dr Just relax and play the game and whatever racial hangups you have will fade over time.

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>This message is bad!
>My message, that all Black women should look the same, is more better!

Bullshit, black women have large horse pussies

That makes sense. I mean, I love the muscle tone in slim black chicks. The defined shoulders, pronounced thighs, and strong asses. So that makes sense that their bodies are trying to be young, male athletes and have tiny vaginas in the process

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It's never going away until white people stop obsessing over protecting whiteness.

>sexual oppression of women
this is a bigger issue and even more problematic

i bullshitted that but i think you should go gay
black women do tend to have more test than other races of women though


>See Officer Black as a kid.
>He's just a black dude.
>Later read how everyone is sooooo offended by this horribly racist caricature.
Who's the actual racist here?

so sick of men always acting like black women are masculine, fuck off

maybe if our men were worth a damn we wouldn't have to be strong to make up for their weak asses


E rank luck, let's try

eh, why not

>black person doesnt look like a sambo cartoon so they arent an accurate depiction

This meme must end
>inb4 "muh european features"
Sure buddy, sure

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>think it’s going to be thread about her or brown girls
>get polniggers bitching about her not being black
You guys are shit

White racism doesn't coorelate with Japan's relatively isolated culture. If the fault were to fall on anyone it'd be the Japanese. There is no fault though, as the depictions aren't made with bad intent- but a lack of reference material and most likely other factors besides outright racism. With regards to white racism, as people become more knowledgeable about one another a peaceful compromise (even if it starts bloody) will most likely be founded resulting in a scenario that leaves all races at a relatively equal starting point with a culture focusing on meritocracy.
I'm no psychic though, these are all just my own conclusions from life experience and research.
>tl;dr It isn't anyone's fault and it's caused by ignorance, the spread of information will help fix this over time, sit back and enjoy the ride.

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nobody cares

It kinda is

>they care and not just want to keep talking about dumb shit

Heres we go...

>all big hair that isn't an afro is just trying to be an afro
you're too fucking stupid to live

She's about as black as Jackie Chan

Attached: 1344532957039.jpg (301x499, 24K)

>relaxed straightened hair
>white nose

She has a white nose.

Yet this thread has 100+ replies

No such thing as a "white" nose, retard

Gimme something good

>dark as fuck
>"white nose"
You cant be serious, do you really think this?

I know this is a shitposting thread now and everyone is just going off about nigger this and nigger that but this is legit annoying as fuck in games with character customization. When you make a black character you basically have to rock the crew cut/bald hairstyle unless you want to coon out with the comical giant joke afro hair that's obligatory in every game. If you're lucky there's some dreadlocks too. One of the craziest things in the monster hunter iceborne beta was that they added a bunch of new hairstyles including some actual black people cuts. I've long since accepted it as a fact of life at this point but seeing that in the beta blew my mind, never thought it would be possible.

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No such thing as a black one, either.

Oh, wait, it works one way and not the other for some very, very strange reason...

I'm fixing this mess of a thread.

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That girl has a white nose


Attached: rolandbl.png (1356x762, 1.25M)

yeah and there's no such thing as a kike nose lmaoo
get over your fucking self racial differences exist whether you like it or not

Stormfags who get insecure over liking this will just tell you it's european features

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>be black
>get tattoo

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>palms are same color as the rest of her skin
Was this made by a white person?

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gibe me puss

The things that play NBA and Madden are not human, user. They are consumers. Drooling zombies that fund all the stupid shit publishers and devs have gotten away with. Glue gobblers that greedily dump half a grand on gacha scam shit so they have a glowing rainbow shirt. It's not even worth bringing them up in defense or offense. They are unpeople.

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White people don't own having sharp features, and I seen plenty of whites with fat bulbous shrek looking noses

Not all artists pay extreme detail to stuff like that.
It's a nitpick, like getting mad over sonic's arm color

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>tfw no qt nerdy ebony gf to play vidya with

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>It's a nitpick, like getting mad over sonic's arm color


You think you're on to something. lol.

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>ywn drill for oil

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I wouldn't mind one that didn't bitch about trivial shit like this

This pretty much goes to show my point in action, gradually Japanese developers will have larger audiences in mind as their population grows and the knowledge of culture disseminates into Japan. Expect more inclusive development (truly inclusive, not pandering/racebait to appease the flavor of the month political debate) out of the East, and an eventual spread of this to the West as people begin to point out the fact that people an ocean away are doing a better job to represent everyone than places with more material to work with.
>tl;dr Take it slow lads, change is coming. Not the apocalypse /pol/locks like to ramble on about either.

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master raven is so ugly when you compare her to girls like Lili and Kazumi

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>Oh, wait, it works one way
It doesnt tho?
Ive seen white people and asians with wide noses and big lips too.
Sure some features may pop up more often in one race/ethnic group, but that doesnt mean those features can only be ascribed to them.

Its like how all squares are rectamgles but not all rectangles are squares.

'We' don't lump others in with you. I'd much rather straighten my hair instead of keep it nasty and nappy.

Attached: tumblr_plg0spjUnD1wiz4ggo1_250.gif (250x326, 1.85M)

Black people are proud as fuck about their hair. Stop making shit up user

Attached: 27-winnie-harlow.w700.h700.jpg (700x700, 134K)

>tfw race is a literal grey area
>tfw people on both sides want to make it a literal Black or White issue.
It writes itself guys.

nice larp

is this a black girl turning asian or an asian girl turning black?

Attached: BlackQueenMaid.jpg (850x980, 156K)

its a condition called vitiligo

Not an afro, search ganguro.

black girls aren't ganguro

There's nothing better than black female salt

>tfw I have this on my dick
>tfw I'm a zebra
An indian doctor told me to throw bleach on it as a kid
it didn't work

Attached: 1556855818908.jpg (750x710, 64K)

The majority of people are too stupid or afraid to think about concepts as a spectrum/range of options and not as binary.
Its why american politics comes down to red vs blue, and why morality is seen as good and evil.
Sure there are places where binary is usually appropriate like gender, but most of the time it has become a cage.

apparently black people are in love with the leroy smith character design from Tekken 7 enough to have accepted harada into black twitter culture

not my screenshots

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that design is so fucking awful

He looks like one of those preachers that earns millions from church offerings


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The west can only make one black character though
I’m pretty sure the same assets just get passed between different companies

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Attached: miya.jpg (774x1093, 76K)

>wacky designs for a lot of characters in the franchise
>wig out because afro isn't correct to IRL
I hate these threads

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If they were so proud of it, they'd fucking WASH IT

Who's this they you're referring to? I doubt you've gotten close enough to actually smell or touch it. And even if you have you can't put one persons shitty hair hygiene on the whole race.

Attached: tsuku.jpg (692x850, 178K)

He probably means dreads.

I live in an urban area full of black people and had to use the bus for over two decades.
I know what the fuck I'm talking about.
Wash your hair, you disgusting slobs.

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>posting anime dark skin girls which are just pallete swaps instead of real black women
lmao black women truly aren't attractive

Also, no one wants to touch your hair. Stop that retarded persecution complex.

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your butthurt pales in the face of lived experiences pal, sorry

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what a nice primate

I really hate that white people don't have the courage to hate black people publicly. It's like they're scared of them. Making whites look like cowards. When are white incels going to raise up?

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What pastors have you seen in dreds, sunglasses and Chinese robes?

Goddamn the larp is real in this thread

What good would it do to hate them publicly? Blacks already KNOW we hate them, why make them chimp out in our faces?

Pool's Closed, gtfo

the one in the street on my street corner in philly?

Its not even supposed to be an afro is the stupiest thing about the ape-brain bitching

>Nignog making a ruckus
>Claims that racism and bigotry makes his life miserable

Nigger your ancestors could get away with that shit, you're pathethic for even crying about anything today lmao you're like the white incels in a way

Why don't you start the movement, user? Rise up against them! Show them you're not afraid! Be the first of millions and show them you're not scared! You're not a coward, right?

>japanese character in anime aesthetic has neon hair of impossible stylings and rainbow coloured eyes
>this is fine

>black character in anime aesthetic hasneon hair of impossible stylings and rainbow coloured eyes
>what the FUCK this is unrealistic and RACIST COME on japan
Im so fucking sick of this shit. Since when has anime been restricted to the rules of reality? Ironically enough I only ever see white people doing this shit, give it a rest. Nobody black actually cares about anime characters looking like anime characters

Attached: 1383439217347.gif (1200x675, 1.96M)

Your mom isn't restricted to the rules of reality, cuz her body is


Fuckin baby. There's enough "real" afros in western games. Welcome a change of pace for once.


Attached: 1ktqFJNK_400x400.jpg (400x400, 26K)

>design a black girl
>make her hot
no they did a great fucking job
eat shit op

actually, this, also, he was a really competent right hand, too bad his boss was so fucking obsessed about being a manlet.

Real afros look fucking ridiculous. I cannot wait until it goes the way of the mullet, a source of deep, deep shame for anyone caught on camera with one.

Please tell me where you can find humans with hair like this, it's anime it doesn't fucking matter

Attached: yugi-l.png (561x592, 154K)

literally all of them
and god said go eat grass!

its supposed to be black hair with frosted tips

Well... you can find human wearing that hairstyle but it will only last for about 30 mins - 1 hour as humidity exist in our reality. So basically, a human can get an anime hairstyle, take a few photos before it wears off, and that's it.

That's some "headcanon" bullshit fans made up, it looks fucking ridiculous

Black people should be happy their represented in anything at all, it'd be better to dream of a better world where they don't exist.

Did you just diss Foxy Brown, faggot?

Atem was born with hair like that so it implied to be the same for yugi

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is that actually a theory?
i just made that shit up

I like it

Take it to an e-culture that cares.

>japanese design
>ebony goddess
>western design
>niggress ape

> Yea Forums design
>Muh white features

Attached: jea.png (320x638, 358K)

lmao that lip

Imagine them around your willy

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>all the "black" anime girls here follow the same caucasian/asian fusion fantasy race skull shape

Literally me.

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muh white features

Attached: eliza.jpg (601x836, 58K)


Yes, white features
Post actual irl black girls because anime girls almost always have a mixture of white and asian features to maximize cuteness and attraction

What a shame people think like this. Where did the world go wrong?

Attached: wasabi.png (426x657, 506K)

You're delusional
I hope you aren't a black chick trying to cope

It's because actual black features are unattractive to most people, so if you want to make an attractive "black" character you have to remove some of the black characteristics.

Do you guys have such glorious threads here often


Attached: 25E1879800000578-2962213-Halle_Berry_revealed_in_a_speech_that_she_watched_her_father_Jer-a-86_14244 (634x728, 97K)

>she went from angst school girl to indifferent Travis harem girl

>Wife Tier
California Gold
Amazon Chocolate
Earth Red

>Waifu Tier
Scent of Cinnamon
Duksy Dravidian
The Okinawan
Evening Elvan

>Basic Bitch Tier
African Queen
Dark Vanilla
Turkish Rosewater
Bedouin Dreams
Indian Summer

You're not fixing anything, you're trying to deny the fact that black women are seen as less attractive, by the whole world, not just whites.
So you can't point at whites and pretend like a child because you don't like reality, not this time.

Travis is a fucking homo for not fucking Shinobu and going after his brother's sloppy seconds.

Anime girls almost never have white facial features unless they're supposed to be old and/or unattractive.

>user can't comprehend that cartoons are stylized
Do you complain about angry birds not being autonomically correct too?

yea white girls have super manly jaws

>jack off to black futa porn

Instant immunity to being called racist and homophobe.

Attached: 1563597824061.jpg (640x640, 106K)

This, just look at annie in attack on titan, she has a huge nose so you know she's european

They also almost never have black features unless they're supposed to be ugly.


Im not complaining im just stating the fact that using "black" anime girls to defend irl ones isnt a good comparison at all

Thats not true though user.

Then why bring up the anatomy bs?
It makes you seem like one of those brainlets that cant understand the point of stylization.

You're gay. Who cares.
t. Black

who ever said anime people were supposed to represent real humans?

I'd appreciate it if stupid fucking white retards like yourself stopped getting offended on my behalf.

im from pakistan you fucking uncle tom

So your opinion doesn't even matter then lmao.

Have you ever seen Mexican's talk about how hot black girls are, or Asians or Indians or any other non black group?
Also those charts from dating sites show that black women were the least desired group by the other races they measured too, not just white.
Not all features are equally attractive and different races have different features so attraction is going to be unequal, you can't make men attracted to what they are not just because it would make you feel better about the idea of fairness.

post more cute girls
no sluts please

Yeah you’re pretty butthurt

what if
its not trying to be an afro

Yes to your question actually. Stop trying to equate your racist echochambered life with mine.

Attached: jcqibrgs.jpg (850x961, 109K)

>It's because actual black features are unattractive to most people

White women disagree ;)

No ones trying to make you or anyone else attracted to black women if you're not. It's the """facts""" you people keep stating that they're trying to change.

what about ymir?

black men don't get to talk, all yall do is shit talk black women then go date ugly ass white bitches lmfao

the even funnier part though is that they do lmao

nah white bitches love black men

>black women were the least desired group

And yet black women have been birthing half breed babies since the dawn of time.

>Japan has to like niggers or else their racist because I SAID SO!

>Japan doesn't like Black girls but keeps putting them in their games


>charts from dating sites
You realize that you have to be a certain type of person to use a dating site.
And those charts are old as shit


I mean anyone bothered because Japan doesn't make niggers look like real life with wide nostrils, pube hair and big lips, and just white characters painted brown is dumb.
People complaining Japs don't put enough niggers in their games are dumb too.
Japan doesn't have to like niggers.

In fact Japan is starting to not like them even more because they recently started letting in like 30 syrian refugees, and surprise, they broke the law and destroyed stuff.

Wow, you're so above it all user

Betray your race Travis

Attached: 1558511622439.png (800x1130, 1.49M)

lmao, Pakistan does literally nothing for the world at large and your shitskin ass is going to whine about character design on the internet? Don't you have goats to fuck? I hope a suicide bomber kills your family.


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the girl with the creepy eyes

Attached: ymir.jpg (1280x720, 123K)

>30 syrian refugees

Syrians are arabs, not blacks

>that scene when Henry wakes up and Travis is just jacking it to some normal moe anime
Fucking Christ Travis.

there are a bunch of nose girls in this anime though
your mom included and also i fucked her

better to jerk it to anime than be with a black woman, travis did the right thing

there isn't, Jews share the beak with loads of other ethnic genotypes, including Italians, Arabs, and Native Americans

she looks white as hell, white women be having them ski slope shaped noses lol

She looks fine and I wish we got more black characters like her in vidya. She's convincingly black while being visually distinctive and memorable. More devs in general should do this.

Travis knew exactly what he was doing
part of him will always hate Henry, its the Cain Instinct

Can we have an actual No More Heroes/Suda thread after this garbage thread? There hasn't been one in almost months and TSA's coming out on PS4 in October and NMH3 is actually happening.

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>Have you ever seen Mexican's talk about how hot black girls are
Yes, but only as quick fucks only.

>still using the inaccurate term of a sellout black
>Being this much of a thinskin
Yeah, that guy's right, stay in your lane buddy.

Ok white man.

So? They're not Japanese and the Japanese are rightfully xenophobic. They shouldn't have to deal with any fucking unwashed brown or black ass from a shitskin country.

This thread reminded me of the cute kenyan girl I met who implied I was too young for her.
I'm not giving up

I need to go ahead and finish the TSA DLC. There isn't a canon level where you play as Shinobu is there? Disappointing.

No, niggers have been claiming to be refugees too

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if they're from Somalia they have plenty of reason to

No, they're niggers, they need to stay in their nigger filled country.

Honestly Shinobu and Bad Girl feel to disconnected from the game. But god Killer Marathon its fucking amazing

>black men don't get to talk

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Killer Marathon?

Stylistic choice, real people don’t have anime hair.

>make black character
>give her hair that's white and fluffy as a ball of cotton

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So the hair being white-colored is fine but the spikes are unrealistic?

>Artist draws established Asian character with european features because it's their artstyle
>Artist draws established Black character with european features because it's their artsyle

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>t. has consumed countless anime series in which japanese born characters have anything more than straight black hair and beady black eyes without batting an eye

her catchphrase is even "massa"
i cant believe this

Yeah, because there just isn't enough ugly, bug-eyed soul sisters with photorealistic afros, right?

>can't even draw an afro right
Oh no they made something better than an afro

Unironically sexy