Finally started this after putting it off for years and it's got tank controls. Fucking seriously...

Finally started this after putting it off for years and it's got tank controls. Fucking seriously? How are you supposed to play the game like this?

Turning is slow as hell so if an enemy flies by you you're guaranteed to lose site of it for at least a few seconds, to aim up or down you have to stand perfectly still, the lock-on is helpful but doesn't always work and when that happens you have to stand still to aim and spam the L button until you're looking at the thing you want, and lack of strafing in a game that frequently requires platforming on small platforms in first person is a nightmare.

On an unrelated note is there a reward for scanning everything? My completionist attitude is forcing me to scan everything and it makes rooms take forever to get through.

Attached: 220px-MetroidPrimebox.jpg (220x305, 27K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Why would you even bother with this quake clone garbage?

i think there was a reward for scanning everything forgot what it was, maybe an art gallery?, there was also an alternate suit design if you used the gba link cable to a copy of metroid fusion.

The tidbits of lore you get from scanning is the reward. Did you collect 800 Korok Seeds because you needed Hestu to squirt out a steaming smelly dump all over your hands?

>quake clone

Attached: 1500284258036.png (220x270, 109K)

user, this game turns 18 next year. Maybe the Wii version will suit you better.
>is there a reward for scanning everything?
The immersion. Don't make me say the Z word.

The Wii version has more intuitive controls and it's one of the best examples of motion controls in video games, although since the game isn't designed around having that much freedom it does make the game significantly easier.

As for scanning everything, you unlock bonus image galleries at 50% and 100% completion. Completing the scan log book isn't exactly necessary although getting 100% of the upgrades/expansions unlocks a bonus ending.


Zigger, duh.


My only choice is emulation, and from what I read when researching the wii version doesn't have gamecube/classic controller support so I stuck with GC. If I could do the collection I would.

If it's just bonus images I'll let it be then - will only focus on getting enemy info and scanning computer screens for lore.

That's pretty much the only thing you need to scan. And chozo lore.

This is now a Metroid thread oh yeah!
By the way, uh fuckin' just get the trilogy, switch or not it controls better.

have zex

Metroid 4 when?
Next gen console?
Could we also get the other games republished on that console too?

Man, if you're going to play it, emulate it.

Are you parroting what you've seen other people say or have you never played Quake?

MP is like the antithesis of Quake.

MP4 will certainly come to Switch. And the Trilogy, too, maybe next year. It's ironic that it was the only reason why I bought the Switch and then they announced that they're remaking the whole thing from the beginning. So I sold it and now I'm waiting for the inevitable New-Pro model.

> MP4 will certainly come to Switch
I'm doubtful of this, I'd imagine that would be a perfect flagship game for the console

tips for stuff

There's a secret ending with Samus's face and the teaser for Prime 2. I think art galleries were also an incremental reward based on completion.

>tank controls

>quake clone

Holy shit, I entered this thread hoping to see some good discussion about Metroid Prime and was meet with some of the most retarded takes I have ever seem about this game. Fuck this place.

Not really. First of all, unfortunately, people don't really give a fuck about Metroid, let's be honest, Zelda would probably be a better choice for that. Second of all, it will probably be simillar to BOTW release (wiiu/switch)

This. Have been playing with this setup for the past week and I'm having a blast.

>people don't really give a fuck about Metroid

Saying no one cares about Metroid just because the series isn't Mario or Zelda tier in terms of popularity is fucking stupid. Metroid went viral on social media back when Nintendo announced a title card for MP4 and later when they announced the game was being remade from scratch, hows that for "no one cares about Metroid"?

That's exactly what I was trying to say: it's not as popluar as Mario and Zelda, therefore it won't sell your new console as well as BOTW did. Teasers can go viral and shit, but it's definitely not the system seller.

The secret ending is based on item completion, not scans.

>Being this new