looks like kino is back on the menu boyss
looks like kino is back on the menu boyss
>Next Assassin's Creed
lemme guess, you'll be strong shieldmaiden with a exciting negro boyfriend and you'll meet thor and you'll be like "uhm honey, this is womans time to wield the hammer"
and you'll have a party of men and you'll be like "uhm no raping under my command" and they'll be like "yes m'am"
and then in the end you'll convert to islam, so you'll be a shieldmaiden badass female warrior muslim hijab assassin with a negro boyfriend
setting has become pretty much meaningless for this series because they are going to push strong wyman and none white characters + overall sjw and feminist propaganda anyway.
I really enjoyed Unity's medieval prologue so this is good shit. Shame AC has nothing to do with AC anymore which means we'll get a mediocre action RPG instead.
>French Revolution
They're literally just going to do everything they can to avoid Feudal Era Japan. I don't understand why, like nobody asked for fucking Vikings or Greece. God, I hope they at least implement some new combat or features in the Viking game and don't just copy and paste everything from Odyssey.
Also historically I don't think Vikings every had "assassins" they were a brutish race that fought on the battlefield in open combat. They didn't stick to the shadows, so I find it strange that a Viking could turn into an assassin. Then again we had a fucking Spartan who turned assassin, so I guess anything is possible.
vikings are anti-kino. fuck vikings.
As tired as the AC2/3/4 format was I wish they'd go back to it. Origins and Odyssey were just so fucking bloated and tedious.
didchu know VIkangs were diversse and FEMINIST!?!??!
>I don't understand why,
Because they think Japan would be too obvious with Samurai vs Ninja. I think they commented on it years ago.
>don't just copy and paste everything from Odyssey.
bro, ubisoft has been only doing that for nearly 10 years. it's what they do best. they're hacks.
literally this.
They’re called NIGGERS user
>too obvious
That went out of the window once they made Odyssey and went straight to Sparta wankery desu
negros is funnier to say
mmm dadddyyyyyy
screenshot this
Probably a lot of people. You don't release Assassin's Creed 12 unless people are still buying them.
>"In the broad strokes and scale of history, that's a theme that's been well-mined in videogames," Hutchinson told TotalXbox. "So, Assassin's Creed is one of those games that can take [lesser-known] time periods or corners of the world and make them cool, fun, new and refreshing."
>Hutchinson added that feudal Japan "would work" for Assassin's Creed but would be too familiar. He points out players have already become ninjas or samurai in plenty of other games.
>"People on the internet suggest the most boring settings," Hutchinson said at the time. "The three most wanted are WWII, feudal Japan and Egypt. They're kind of the three worst settings for an AC game."
Feudal Japan is coming as soon as they've blown through all the normie-friendly time periods, and at that point it's probably gonna be the final nail in the coffin.
I want an AC game set in 1920s America that brings back the murder mysteries from Unity
please someone post this somewhere else
These stupid vikings rumors have been going around for months
I want them to do away with the MMO formula and make the games play like Unity again.
They completely changed the gameplay with origins. Those games aren’t even assassins creed anymore
If a "rumor" is picked up by someone like Kotaku about Assassin's Creed it's usually true. Pretty much every game has been "leaked" in one way or another. Origin had in-development screenshots as did Unity, Odyssey was figured out via a keychain months prior to release, and so on. It's most likely Ubisoft drumming up small hype.
Will they make original things instead of copy pasting things from the witcher ?
Odyssey fucking sucks. I gave this series one last chance because everyone was gushing about how incredible it is and it is SHIT !!!
>game franchise whose premise is you navigate sprawling urban environments to take down targets
>set in an age in which there are no sprawling urban environments but spread out single floor buildings
Viking "civilization" lol
Silent Assassin's in Viking Age. Lmao.
it does feel like a garbage mmo with the fetch quests and boring as fuck gear
No stealth assassin creed =/= no interest
I can't wait for another Assassin's Creed where you ride a horse for 30 hours in total game time and the theme park like landmarks that have nothing to do or no reason to go in them are scattered around the map.
"Huge open world" really fucked these games up
>boring fjordshit
Nobody gives a shit about the most irrelevant part of the world.
the setting does not make any difference, it's always the most generic boring shit harrassing you to use ubisofts pointless social media thing everywhere
Whose side with the assassins be on. The Vikings and Ubisoft will attempt to justify the unprovoked raids, theft of precious items and slave trade of the vikings.
Or will the Assassins be on the side of Christian Anglo-Saxon England who were entirely justified in repelling the vikings?
>Anglo shits
>ever justified
>"People on the internet suggest the most boring settings," Hutchinson said at the time. "The three most wanted are WWII, feudal Japan and Egypt. They're kind of the three worst settings for an AC game."
Then explain AC Origins
It seems like a setting where they can re-use Odyssey's ship battles and map style again, only North Sea coastal areas of British Isles and Scandinavia instead of Greece.
I just hope they do the actually interesting Canute's North Sea Empire and not another Lothbrok & Sons rehash we get in every viking media these days.
AC Origins wasn't what people wanted, people wanted Ancient Egypt, not Ptolemaic/Roman Egypt.
Cleopatra lived closer to us in the timeline than to the building of the Great Pyramids.
Vikings are assassins
Daily reminder that the last two AC games were good because they are not AC games, they just use the name for marketing reasons.
This new RPG open world viking game could be good then
Vikings will be "muh freedom" and have shieldmaidens and woke women against the conservative Anglo Christians.
>the last two AC games were good
Except they weren't
>Muh edgelord viking assassin who was bullied and raped as a kid
Great animu you got there, user.
That would be so shitty. Fucking shitty Ubisoft ruining everything. We can't have nice things anymore.
They were pretty good. Origins' combat wasn't the same stale braindead dodge/parry the series had been until then, and Egypt looked gorgeous.
Odyssey had different combat focusing on superpowers instead and Greece was a bit less interesting but equally good looking, but it suffered from forced filler bloat.
Coincidentally I've been playing Rogue for the first time and first thing I did was get the full Viking armor set and sword to play through the game with.
Having a full Viking game could be neat I suppose.
I'd imagine this could be the case this morning
>we will finally get Assassins creed set in Japan
>it will be RPG shit that tries to pass looks like MMO like these past few games covered in numbers, health bars, and other bullshit
its not fair, they had fucking ninjas to work with and they never did. It would have been the easiest shit they ever made in their lives, why didn't they do
>people on the Internet suggest the most boring settings
Ah yes, I too consider victorian England and viking era fascinating settings compared to ancient Egypt and feudal Japan, fucking retard
>assassin's creed #22
Oh boy, I can't wait.
>another asscreed game where the combat is the focus
>another asscreed game where you gonna fight mythological shit
>trailer opens with a black person monolog
I can't wait for this shitshow
These memes are not funny
t. polfag
So when the Norse kings converted to Christianity how much of the populace do you guys think converted with them? Random thought.
Also, I can’t wait for a game set in 9th century Scandinavia to have a whole fuckton of brown people in it for no reason at all
>too obvious
Oh right, of course, wouldn't want to stain such a nuanced series, how silly to even suggest Japan.
>He thinks vikings were white
>mission where you and Leif Eriksson sail to Newfoundland and slaughter Skraelings by the hundred
Would be kinographical
Assassin's Creed completely lost its identity I think. I'd be fine with it if the games were atleast good but they are barely average imo. The loot is all the same, abilities get boring, combat is trash.
>historical game/movie
>main character is inexplicably not racist at all and treats women with respect
they did Egypt and they'll do some jew superman fantasy in ww2, guaranteed.
Origins and Odyssey were great. While I'm not necessarily opposed to Vikings , I hope they have a real plan to iterate on the game system because I can't see how it will work well in a viking setting.
Outside of some of the Norse mythology inspired stuff, viking setting doesn't have either big cities or lots of landmarks, historical figures etc...that usually uphold a AC title. Sure they could take an Odyssey style title and just pop it in the land of Fjords to sail about and give you raiders to beat up, but I hope they have more in mind.I'm also wondering about the time period
I honestly thought it would be Rome next to finish this trilogy, or at least a side-game. Guess Origins did enough of that with Ptolomaic Egypt , Cleopatra and Caesar. Other settings could work...I hope they're saving Japan ( be it sengoku era or later. They could pick any era from sengoku up through Meiji and it would work easily) for a huge leap forward in gameplay , mechanics etc. They only have one chance to do it right as it will be compared to every other JP setting adventure. Though there is a lot to do in China/Korea as well and tons of different time periods there. WW2 I think is a bad idea overall because there is no way to use the AC grey morality system without majorly pissing everyone off, would be kinda cool to see more spear of destiny Nazi occultist super First Civ lore, actually built wunderwaffen, but sadly I don't think the company would risk it...
I thought they were done with the "forced" annual releases?
Prepare for black vikangz
Can't be a worse setting than the frontier.
>grey morality
except for rogue which just switched it around
They are . From what I hear the next game won't come out until 2020. Maybe that's Vikings. ? There was some talk that Rome would come this fall as something of an expansion using a similar engine to Odyssey with upgraded features and the next big game would be 2020 with a new engine, large changes to game system etc.
>They're literally just going to do everything they can to avoid Feudal Era Japan.
The Japanese should make games about their own culture. Didn't you faggots say the same about poc making their own games?
Yes, we created the world. Everything in your life is due our efforts, so show some fucking respect mate, we own you.
and 1.
and 3.
and 4.
Ezio's really been the only time they've done TEMPLARS BAD ASSASSINS GOOD and even with him Revelations was pretty gray since a lot of things he was doing would prove worrying or a bad thing for Constantinople. Well, I guess we can add Liberation too since every Templar was cartoonishly evil, one guy even wanted to hang people for the hell of it while Aveline's stepmother was murdering and enslaving while "helping" Aveline with the slaves she helped out. Hell, even Connor realizes at the end of 3 that the Templars actually spoke a lot of truth and he was open to a lot of what Haytham was telling him, on top of him having doubts about the Brotherhood in general when speaking to Aveline.
How's AC Syndicate? It and Rogue are the only games I haven't completed in the series excluding the mobile releases.
Last playable AC, tbhfam
Meanwhile you snowniggers, slavs and gooks never owned anything, never contributed to human advancement.
And it shows, you're so cucked you're using the English language.
I'd actually be interested in a proper portrayal of the viking world since it's not something anyone ever tries doing
Japan isn't as interesting anymore, especially now that we're getting Ghost of Sushi which looked a bit like the older Asscreeds in gameplay anyway
Black female vikings!
>everybody begs them for Japanese AC since the first AC released
>'nobody wants Japanese AC since the setting is overdone'
why is ubisoft so retarded
You got a license for that banter?
The Commonwealth of Nations, i.e. the British Empire, still exists today. It consists of 20% of Earth's land and over 2 billion of it's residents.
They're right though. Go play your weeb shitkiro game
Not really. If anything in recent games they've leaned more towards "Templar were right all along".
That's a For Honor picture
Play For Honor
inceldom: the post
It's debatable that in later titles it didn't get more grey ( besides Rogue). Assholes on both sides etc...even in AC3 there was a First Civ recording that said " Our best legacy/progeny who could use our tech could have been working together and may be able to save the world, but no they've just been breaking into two factions and fighting each other the jerks. "
However what I was talking about was even with Templar BAD Assassin GOOD the members of each were spread around all sides of historical settings and events. WW2 that would mean making some Axis famous personalities "good guys" , even if you made Hitler super evil bad etc. Sure you could use people like Schindler, Rommel, and Stauffenberg ( from the July plot to kill Hitler with op Valkyrie) , but you'd ostensibly need to make some famous Axis good guys on your side and some Allied leaders bad guys on the other side etc...which many would find "problematic". Not to mention how they'd handle things like concentration camps and unit 731 - if they ignore them some people will be mad, if they make them gamified others will be mad etc...so WW2 is a no win situation unless Ubi makes some really homogenized sterile bullshit
It's believed that Japan is Ubisoft's ace in the hole. As in if the AC franchise ever declines, a Japanese-based game would be a last ditch guaranteed good seller
It's probably going to be fine
>first game is boring
>second game+1st expansion is alright
>third one is shit
surprised anybody kept playing
When are they going to make one in Persia?
Can't speak for Syndicate but Rogue's a mess from a story standpoint (Shay's betrayal is handled horribly, Haytham acts nothing like he did in 3 despite it taking place not too long after Haytham started the Colonial Rite, and nobody talks like an actual person they just act like assholes for no reason) but it's fun from a gameplay standpoint. The islands are actual fleshed out islands instead of small nonsense, there are large islands (Most not as big as Havana but slightly smaller than that), Shay's ship has stuff the Jackdaw didn't like heaters on the front instead of Chain Shot so you deal way more damage, you get Burning Oil you lay along paths that damage ships with DoT, the side shots fire twice, etc, it's got stuff from Freedom Cry like the slave ships, it's got a fantastic assassination against Adewale, Shay's outfit is one of the best in the series, it revels in the fact it's a Templar game all the way around, has way harder legendary ships than 4, and the final mission transitions into Unity perfectly.
Modern day also cuts hiding information from the player like in BF and just hands them secret Templar documents outright to watch as Otso Berg mutters stuff to you. If you can find it for cheap definitely pick it up, but understand that the game is literally them just flipping a switch that makes the Assassins unrepentant assholes who only know how to be assholes (Especially Achilles and Chevalier) with the only exception being Adewale while the Templars are all kittens and sunshine and doting mothers to Shay until some throwaway lines at the end of the game. Haytham's also incredibly bloodthirsty, more than he ever was in 3.
Wow, Nordic Ass Creed
I can hardly contain my excitement
This is a 4 month old article, kek.
Anyways, I’ve heard that the term “Viking age” and Viking in general, may be a bit of a misnomer. That it’s actually Norman invasion era that the game is dealing with. So think Battle of Hastings. Main Character has shifting allegiances with Harada, Knute, William, that sort of thing. That era at least gives some architecture to climb around on. Normandy, England, Denmark and Scandinavia, the North Sea. People associate Normans with Vikings anyway. All the weapons and armor sort of fits that instantly recognizable thing they are looking for in their time periods too.
>Assassins Creed
this franchise has been dead since 2007
Well, the first Odyssey expansion Legacy of the First Blade is still in Greece ( notably Macedonia) but it's basically all about Persians.
If you like the others, play those. Rogue is unique and in the story of the other America's games like AC3 , Liberation, and AC4 etc. It adds lots more of the AC3 / Black flag style sailing and combat. The story and ground combat is unique too especially as you are seeing things from an Assassin who joined the Templar so it's really worth playing.
Syndicate cones after Unity. Despite not having the huge density of crowds it has some great Victorian London setting and tech. Multiple playable characters you can switch between , unlockable different weapons, horse drawn carriage and train use. It's expansion even happens years later and is about Jack the Ripper. It's the last traditional combat AC title prior to the Origins combat rework.
Both are worth it, be sure to get the Deluxe or Gold editions that come with all the content - they will be cheap these days.
oh boy, i can't wait for the artistic revision of history featuring powerful black female vikings, of pure european descent, leading raids against the evil whytoids
Actual leak. Screen cap this.
anything new besides the setting or will it be like the difference of origins to odyssey again?
It’ll be in the same vein as Origins and Odyssey. Instead of Medjay or Misthios you’ll be The Varangian. This will “justify” how your ships crew is partly made up of different races of freed slaves. They want a Viking game but they don’t want actual Vikings. No raping and pillaging. A Norman mercenary is close enough to the aesthetic that it can still be billed as the Viking Assassins Creed. Plus the time period provides actual architecture to climb around on, particularly in Northern France. Occupying London is the main objective, ostensibly because there is a precursor macguffin storehouse there, but it’s pretty funny in current year, what with the goal of almost every “EU citizen” being to occupy London for some reason. Expect a lot of the story to talk about the Slave trade and how William The Bastard try’s to win over the MC by promising to dismantle it. Prepare your anus boys, you’re about to get woke.