Why does pc gaming feel so... soulless?

why does pc gaming feel so... soulless?

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Because you're a consolefag

no funeral to feel bad over

Sex have

Witnessed, that aside, I like buzzwords too

PC gaming is a meme and always has been. Any real games are going to be optimized for consoles and that's where you'll have the best experiences. Keyboards and mice were made for computing and excel spreadsheets.

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>digital only
>have to use multiple storefronts, all of them shit
>bugs and glitches because you don't have the same PC developers used to test the game
>no games, relies on console scraps
>PC exclusives after Crysis are garbage made on a shoestring budget

mostly because youre a faggot.

Because you aren't a kid anymore and gaming is for children.

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Because everything is hackable and cheatable, you know you'll "win" even before playing

On console you have to beat the game/get the trophy yourself

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Never, EVER

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As opposed to consoles where you're stuck with whatever the console maker gives you.

I'll stick to PC where I can use what OS I want and what programs I want.

because computers are meant for office work and are the polar opposite of comfy.

>gets absolutely dabbed on in any FPS by people with K&M
>misses entire game genres due to lack of buttons
>this is somehow superior
This poster is delusional

>2100€ PC rig
Becouse of the damn consoles being so far behind when it comes to Hardware . Where the fuck is the 2019 equivalent of Crysis ?

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using a keyboard and mouse (office equipment) to play games is soulless in comparison to a proper videogame controller

Unlike console shitskins PC can use every peripheral out there.

>Where the fuck is the 2019 equivalent of Crysis ?

Not on PC... I wonder why


probably because youre older, but maybe because its harder to focus with all the other stuff you can do on a computer. with consoles (at least pre gen 8) you were on it for the game and nothing but the game. if you wanted to fuck about NOT playing the game you could maybe watch TV if there was actually anything good on

You can do it on consoles too with the proper adapter, your point is...?

Based as fuck


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And that isn't cheating? I just saw a post boasting how everything is fair and square on consoles.

You'll never have a mouse on a console.

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because you can only afford a gaming PC when you're already dead inside.

No couch co-op.

How not?

lmao poor wagie cope


>What is hot seat?

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Take English courses then get back to me.
Goddamn that looks fucking pitifull

>console frontends littered with adverts and apps
no thank you, for me it's a clean windows desktop

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I'm sorry english isn't my native language but so far everyone has been able to understand me so theres probably something wrong with you then.

>pc gaming


So is your penis, but we derive a different kind of pleasure from it when we laugh.

I won't deny it.

Seethe, nigger.

>Keyboards and mice were made for computing and excel spreadsheets.

Attached: doom controller.webm (800x500, 2.9M)

>he looks at and judges other mens penises

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Sucks for couch gaming. Also FPS on consoles are fine if you’re not fucking retarded. Really just depends how much you wanna invest.

60fps makes games feel cheap, just like when they try to use it for movies. Games feel and look better at 30fps.

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>controller with years of research and development gets BTFO'd by literal $5 office equipment

absolute state of consoles

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i love my PC but i hate using a keyboard and mouse, I use a controller for almost all my games

FPS is a trash genre so literally none of that affects me. Good luck playing a platformer/racer with your keyboard

damn thats a cool wallpaper

Is this the biggest console cope yet?

>Every game looks the same
>Every game plays the same
>Every game is 60$ with 30$ Season pass
>Every game's multiplayer is dead within a month
>Everyone plays the same games

I wonder why....

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My Steam wishlist is over 100 and I am having a hard time cutting the fat

You can use a controller on PC

>playing a platformer
Why would you do that?
Pic related.

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yeah not like PCs have controller support or anything right

>Good luck playing a platformer with your keyboard
are you severely retarded?

>all these buttblasted replies

>tying up the cord
i literally just now realised that's what those little velcro bands attached to computer mice are actually used
fucking hell, i've lived like a savage until now

because you can pirate anything, therefore you can finally realize the disposable nature of vidya

Because it's a desk environment, and PCs and their operating systems aren't made for videogames.

Not to mention:
>playing with a literal typewriter and documents selection device
That's why PC players are constantly miserable and angry. They play games in a non game environment. And further, an environment they often build themselves and customize with shiny extras.

But in the end, it's still just a workstation, and they know this. Hence the overcompensation.

Don't forget added aim-assist and sensitivity padding when hovering cursor over hitboxes.
FPS's on consoles are a fucking joke, and I can only see "quirky" games where aiming is not that important like TF2 thriving on it.

For me personally I don’t like how starting up a game on PC feels. On a console you got a nice splash and smooth fade to black as the console puts outputting the game at top priority. On a computer it feels more like your booting some suspicious maleware; literally in some cases. A black window will pop open while it tries to figure out if you’re set to full screen, borderless, or windowed, then your monitor will flash back and forth between your desktop and a black screen. Not always but the fact some games do that at all kills a lot of the magic for me. I grew up in an era where you’d just pop a disc or cartridge in and immediately start a new game. While that process has been heavily damaged on modern consoles, they’re still more seamless and less anxiety inducing than the bootleg nature of some pc ports. Consoles may have their glitches and problems, ones I’ll always criticize them for, but those are universal. No “works on my machine” esq problems exclusive to your build thanks to unoptimized ports.
I think if ps+ wasn’t required for online play I wouldn’t use my pc at all for games. I’m not much of a frame rate or graphic whore anymore. I care about those things but if a games actually good I can adjust. I still play SOTC on my PS2 for example.
PC ports are still just that 90% of the time. Ports. They aren’t given as much time as the console counter parts. Even traditionally PC companies are giving console priority in new projects like CDProjekt.
When ports are good they take YEARS to come out. In that time I could’ve experienced the game who knows how many times over on a just as valid experience.
Epic has also killed any interest I still had in the platform. It’s not even free from platform shitposting anymore. A game I liked could be held hostage on that store now. I don’t mind something being held hostage on Switch, PS4, or even Xbox cause those platforms have at least some universal basic functions, Tim.
Mods are cool tho.

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Because you lack soul.

Because you're not playing any of the games as they were intended to be played. I hate to say that. But it's true. And you can feel it.

>that desk height
>wrist supporting all the arm weight
>massive keyboard taking away mouse range
thousands spent on PC but nothing on ergonomics

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i always use it to set up some kind of jury-rig mouse anchor. clothes pegs also work well

Can you post the wallpaper, its very cool


>needing $150+ worth of plastic to do all that a controller with analog triggers can do

this is pretty true. back when i used to buy like a game a month tops i really played the shit out of every game. after switching to PC I've barely finished a game in 5 years

Wash your hand.

>And you can feel it.

Sorry but we're too busy playing games to feel that.

>to do all that a controller with analog triggers can do
But they can't? You do know that steering wheels are made for consoles as well. right?

exclusives for pc > exclusives for console
consolefags are too braindead for rts


Here you go autismo

i think this all boils down to a lack of focus. theres too much other shit you can do on PC, consoles are nothing but game (at least they used to be). plug and play, nothing else to distract you.

>can play every GOTY contender of the past decade
>hasn't had a non-indie non-strategy exclusive in 20 years
>can't even play bloodborne or RDR2


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it boils down to low iq

This. Also lmao imagine being one.

no wonder they couldn't get a pic of him not being dead

Wall of retardation.

I unironically actually have to thank PC gaming to get over most of my useless gaming addiction. On console, sales used to be rare ish, so i HAD to buy a game on sale, wich meant a big backlog, it also generally just felt more natural playing on my console, idk how to explain, also obviously no crashing problems and such

i just sold my ps4 and everything on it and started with a blank state on pc and steam, i got a gaming rig like half a year ago and played a handfull of games, i dont care about sales since steam has them alot, and you have sites like fanatical and gamesplanet wich also have continues sales wich means no hurry to buy games, like im playing yakuza 0 now, but it just feels different from the days when i used to play yakuza on the ps2, i can thank pc gaming for finally pushing me trough that mindset and growing out of games, right now im just waiting on the age of empires remakes to hit steam and maybe destiny 2, maybe monster hunter world, i just dont care anymore about most games, thanks

Better late than never.

Sure, tell me when you can complete a single bhop map with a controller.

Yes. And only pc transplant retards buy them.

user not only is that interface garbage, but it boots games the exact same way, if not more unstably.

Because its dead since 10 years. Dont tell me mobas, early access trash, pubg, csgo and indie games make PC gaming "alive". Where are all those massive pc exclusive games from that time?


Everyone I know who transitioned to PC gaming in my town were Xbros from the 360 days that completely lost interest in gaming once shooters stopped being the go to genre. Only occasionally booting up a new shooter on steam, playing Gears on W10, or gave up on life and any other game and play Destiny 2 all day.

>play anything online on pc
>literally everyone is a shitskin, slav, furry, tranny, or squeaker

holy shit why is steam so gay

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True I remember spending over a £1000 on my first pc, I was so excited. But then I realised pc gaming is for online fat fags. Console gaming has a special feeling over PC gaming, even if the quality is less.

>pc lards
>playing games
you don't play games, you pirate them, fiddle with graphics settings and mods for an hour, get bored, and then alt-tab back to discord. modern pc gamers have no appreciation for anything other than online multiplayer trash and flavor-of-the-month indieshit.

I don't know why you're replying to me or bumping the thread
oh wait I do know

as opposed to all 12 year old squeakers?



Best post ive read all year. Cheers.

Indie games are better than the garbage AAA companies shit out now so not sure why thats a bad thing.

Wait FPS? Isn't that the kids genre where you point and click? You need to be at least 18 to post here.

Just trying to have a conversation user. None of my 2 friends are interested in this kind of autistic shit so you guys are the only ones I can talk about it with.

pc gaming is a reddit tranny platform.

Console players are fine, they are like people that want to drive a hatchback Kia with automatic transmission.
PC gamers are like people that drive a classic custom Ford Mustang with manual transmission that they've worked on themselves.

It all comes down to personal taste.

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consoletards should transition to being trannies

when are you making a new thread?
you can't organize on discord if you're banned

>All these people complaining specifically about keyboard and mouse
>when PC can use more controllers than any console

I literally work in data entry and have no problem with keyboard and mouse controls. If they are implemented poorly I just swap to my controller. Having the ability to customize your gaming experience to be exactly what you want is what makes PC gaming good. From control style, to being able to adjust graphics settings to prioritize either looks or frame rate, to outright modifying the games themselves. I for one also appreciate that each time I upgrade my PC I can still play all my old games on it without having to find room for the extra hardware.

Cope virgin

what are bikers


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no they aren't. they're just a different flavor of lazy cash grab.
western indie "games" are always either mediocre ripoffs of classic japanese games, shallow shit that would have been a free flash game on newgrounds 20 years ago, shovelware that sells out to the epic store, or blatant scams like scam citizen.

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It's not a real mouse buddy. It's just emulating the analogue stick. It's slow and sluggish. Try it out.

Switch users

>exclusives for pc > exclusives for console
Says not a single some what smart person.

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>PClards are stang faggots that can't steer and think they're professional racers
sounds about right

>western indie "games" are always either mediocre ripoffs of classic japanese games
Have japs ever made something like that?

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That's gonna get downgraded friend.

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Here's your soul bro

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*dabs on your whole genre*

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>play on console
>everyone is an 8 year old or a nigger

Emulation :^)

t.console pleb that uses public transport

Because as a small child you played on Consoles & you see that as real gaming

Take off the nostalgia goggles you manchild

"nerd culture" was a mistake

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sure trannie. Playing the 100th copy pasta metroidvania/rogue like without a story is so kino!

>*kills pc*

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Best Mechwarrior

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he means that the pc players are so intelligent that for them to be retarded they need to buy a transplant from a console player like himself

>pc killer

>He thinks I have to see it to know

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>kills itself in 6 months

dilate shitposter (male)

>shallow shit that would have been a free flash game on newgrounds 20 years ago

>plays soulless midi tune

I have a ps4 and its unironically the most soulless console I’ve ever owned. I bought bloodborne and persona 5 and they were really good but fuck me the thing has been buried in my closet for 3 years now. Everything from the interface to the controller is just terrible. Anything actully good on it is better on some other platform. I even rather have the games on switch so I can play comfortably in bed or something. It’s that middle ground between maximum comfy and maximum performance, control, and customization. I know everyone in this thread is ironically shitposting but I can’t imagine actually sucking console dick in this day and age when you have all the negatives of pc gaming now and none of the benefits. You probably dont actually enjoy video games anymore and you’re desperately trying to recapture the feelings you had playing nintendo when you were 10

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>custom made, every setup is different
>every genre of games and inputs
>anybody can make a game
>birthplace of multiplayer and ingame chats

>proprietary garden
>limited and "streamlined" in features, games and input
>only approved games
>developer cant patch if overlord says no
>system is dumbed down towards biggest denominator

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>spends 2000$ on overpriced, irrelevant hardware
>gets graphically destroyed by any console exclusive for a 200$ system from 2013

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based fantasy land resident

Imagine actually falling for this bait post and giving this user (you)s

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but this is running on a pc

but thats consoles
check out their most popular flagship exclusives

literally all 3rd person action-adventure that are either cover shooters or use rudimentary, dumbed down fighting

Nothing wrong with it. Painful at first, but then u get used to it

he still thinks Ghosts of TSUSHIMA is going to be on ps4, top kek!

That game hasn't even come out yet user.

Did that guy get his picture taken with iWoz?

strange how cucksouls can never post actual game footage of released games


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>literal truck driving simulator is a more enticing and worthwhile exclusive than the PS4's entire catalog of AAA million dollar focus tested moviegames

The absolute state






>tfw people online call you unhappy
>tfw wasnt even considering the idea of console players hating pc till this thread
>tfw shrug and go back to tekken on pc with my switch pro controller

Serious question for anons, any recommendations for a good dpad for tekken? I dont want to use an arcade stick. My inputs arent even too bad but ive been using the stick on this controller. I dont want to spend 150 on an xbox pro controller, but If I can modify my dpad to be similar or theres any similar controllers that arent freakishly expensive Im all ears.

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i like your humor!

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>final game
>is pre-rendered cutscene just like the E3 trailer

How comes developers now use PC versions to show off their games?

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>birthplace of multiplayer and ingame chats

So literally everything wrong with modern gaming started on PC?

I still use DS3
best dpad

you're mad that consoles won't allow you to install ubuntu? are you pretending or actually this fucking stupid?

Holy shit unironically soulless as fuck, why would you have a desktop so devoid of any personality like that with nothing on it? So it's ""clean""? Unless you're a machine, have some definition in there, throw some shortcuts to stuff on there that you really love. Steam games, website urls, emulators, all with neat custom icons

clean is soulless?
i bet you think pic related is soul

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>can't even play bloodborne

Yes goy, singleplayer movie experiences are where its at
mocapped actors, quick time events and immersion as if it were a movie!

lol who cares about desktops

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>everyone taking this terrible bait

>implying games trying to achieve the same level of realism and feelings of adventure as film is a bad thing

What are all those apps for are you a graphic designer?

Your desktop looks like some boomer retard who downloads a bunch of random shit and clicks any old link on the internet and has a million toolbars and extensions installed

Wouldn't trust you with anything.

people taking it too seriously and making tryhard shit so they can post their battlestation on reddit. it's not a good or soulful aesthetic.

and ye shall know the mark of the beast, for it is tenkeyless.

How is that anything to do with what I said? Obviously that looks like shit. I'm saying that your desktop is just that, your desk top. Imagine going in a battlestations thread and posting a three feet diameter round table with a wooden chair and a laptop on it. That's the equivalent of a clean desktop. Getting a legit desk and putting shit on it to give it a personality and have fun with it.

I know youre joking but tech illiterate and underage brainlets actually believe this
the soccer moms of vidya, they also believe they cant get viruses on their macs

No I just like to fool around
None of those have viruses or malware
I've spent enough time removing those things from my family's pcs to know better than to get them myself.

no, it's an accurate description of your average pc shitter.

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Calm down kiddo


>three feet diameter round table with a wooden chair and a laptop on it.

>legit desk and putting shit on it to give it a personality
Soulless funko pop RGB gaymer shit

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Were it so easy to get (you)s on Yea Forums or god forbid /vg/. I envy you man, the heated replies are great

most PC games nowadays are just console games on PC

i got banned from that posting on that site because i comment, that the person who wrote that was just looking for validation, he could just be quiet about it and no one would give a shit.

Mostly true for aaa titles but it's still the obvious best choice for multiplats.

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Real answer, and tough redpill to swallow: pc gaming feels soulless because that is where real gamers move on to once they realize gaming as a whole is totally dead.

>console games on PC
How come PCs run console games better than consoles do? I thought my PC was for office work.

based /o/ posters

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dont lump everything in with star citizen, that was a clear scam from the get-go, its the retards' faults for buying into it.
games like hollow knight, shovel knight, other examples i cant remember are all great and super worth the money and backing.

your pic is dumb as shit, its not about being incompetent, its about having way more resources and trying to make use of them. its not always done well, but that doesnt mean it cant be. a version of super metroid with some nice lighting effects would actually be amazing since that game is so reliant on atmosphere


Are you retarded? Do you know how hard it is to actually aim against soldiers that know how to properly RJ or demos that can SJ?

Because PC is a Prototype platform designed for work and many other things but not specialized and optimized for a certain purpose. This is why it's so soulless, there just is no certain company or people behind the pc platform.

If you get a playstation you have sony supporting that platform. You just create a psn account and you are good to go. If you buy a pc you need to set it up install windows and then because nowadays all publishers need to have their own lauchner/storefront have fun installing uplay/origin/battlenet/steam etc. to play all the games you want.

because it's on emulators a decade after the original consoles launch idiot and even then many don't play it 100% correctly

>Can't even play bloodborne
Actually, you can. Nevertheless, I don't play jap garbage so that doesn't affect me anyways, lol.

>You just create a psn account
You "just" create a PSN accoutn
You "just" hand over £10 a month to get basic access to online play
You "just" spend hours updating your consoles every time you turn them on
You "just" give up trying to """play""" your moviegames and "just" watch YouTube videos of PC gameplay instead

Not on about emulators. On about "console games" that are objectively better on PC by supporting more input devices, higher resolution and higher framerates.
"Higher" isn't even the appropiate word. "Standard" resolutions like 1080p and "standard" framerates like 60fps makes more sense. Consoles are fucking below the standard which is embarrassing.

>implying 80% of the indie trash that is for sale on steam wouldn't have been a free flash game 15 years ago.
His point is valid. The flash era was infinitely better than the indie era simply because flash games didn't try to sell their shit.

I love nigga poster.

>implying PC gaming has gotten any better now that it is mainstream
It's only became exactly what PCfags use to shit on consolefags for.

When will you retards realize that mainstream focus is the problem.

a true comfy battlestation is a shitty pc and a blanket, rgb is for small dick losers

flash games were good in their heyday, but you couldnt have anything longer than an hour or two because you couldnt save. personally im happy to have similar ideas brought to life in more concrete ways and with more scope (and still get them for free because pirating is ezpz)


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zoom zoom

And how many people out there in the world have a pc capable of running games on the same or better level than ps4/xbox one? Exactly not many.

Also consoles don't get updates that often compared to your pc where you need to update your game launchers and games more regularly.

>spreadsheets invented in the early 80s
>rogue created in 1980

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Which is bullshit because half the games coming out now are PS exclusives.

Not mad. Just saying that if what they offer is shit then you don't have a choice but to use it, as opposed to PC where you can install whatever you like.

pirating is irrelevant to this topic. indie devs are the modern equivalent of flash devs, but the former expects to be paid for their niche hobbies while the later did it out of love and passion.

It's not even comparable. Indie games are all overpriced, but it is defended because everyone is looking to make a quick buck on steam.
Modern PC gaming is literally no different than console gaming, and it's the PC masterrace crowd that caused it to become this way.
>I know let's appeal to the AAA studios as the most gullible consumers ever!
>that will usher in the golden days of PC gaming!
Retarded faggots. They killed gaming.

>you have a choice!
You mean a choice between storefronts?

you dont need to do that stuff if you dont play shit games

more like inconvenience, how many launchers that seperate games and friendlists has pc gaming after the latest addition of epic?

If i buy a console i just need one account for everything...

>jump-on-things-and-it-makes-funny noises-genre
Is the real games and soul

PC are like amerimutts, no identity or culture whatsoever. Pic related, its pc

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>keyboards and mice were made for computing
you mean processors?

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Imagine comparing national identity and heritage to fucking cheap toy shitboxes from some faceless foreign corporation. And taking pride in them.

HOLY FUCK what a demented soulless cuck.

You don't have to use any of that shit if you don't want to

okay retard, whatever helps you sleep at night while you waste hundreds of dollars. I'll sit here and pay about a grand every 5-6 years and be completely set for gaming while you rush out to pay for the next iteration of your p-precious consoles that the big 3 decide to shell out to you. I'll be over here laughing as I swap parts in and out.

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fpbp, stay mad consolecucks

>whatever helps you sleep at night
That gif sure doesn't.

And i laugh at all your bullshit launchers like uplay/origin/steam/battlenet/epic etc. you have to use while i just need one psn account for everything on my playstation with an interface optimized for TV gaming...

You can use a controller on PC. But on console, you're going to get a neutered experience when it comes to strategy games (imagine trying to play any Paradox title on a console), FPS games, mil-sims like ARMA and MOBAs. These games are essentially only playable on PC.

I actually laughed at that, thanks user.

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Why does every fx mod for every game always look like shit

This game was fucking dope, it was like submarines

You don't need launchers if you aren't buying into corp bullshit. PC is modular, there's 100 ways around launchers.
Your info isn't secure with PSN at all either, do you not remember the massive data breaches they had a few years ago? "Convenience" comes with a price dude.

>PC gamers are like people that drive a classic custom Ford Mustang with manual transmission that they've worked on themselves.
Is there a crowd to drive into?

>low budget indie games look worse than games with more money and manpower behind them in the art department

Gee who'da thunk

Don't forget your ID before you start mowing down the sidewalks.

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lol you could only name me one? How many times have pcs been hacked and data leaked?

The existence of AM2R kinda invalidates your whole pic

Fpbp and based

>PC bitches will never get to play great games like Death Stranding, the last of us 2, God of War, Detroit Become Human, Ghost of tsushima, FE 3 Houses, Smash Ultimate, Astral Chain, Bayo 3 and Mario Maker 2.

Nah that's xbox, not really knowing if they're one or the other, throwing away all their exclusivity to be all about the things you share with everyone else.

Holy shit, you're practically a corporate mouth piece at this point. I could name 3.
Hacking/leaked PC data is irrelevant. That boils down to personal user failure. PSN hemorrhaged data/service outage due to their own failures not via people who bought playstations.

>Detroit Become Human

>thread still up


>because half the games coming out now are PS exclusives

Attached: 2456.jpg (1456x975, 118K)

Transition and Dilate

because you didnt build your own

I'm a PC gamer but I won't be able to play Ghosts of Tsushima, Death Stranding, Iceborne or RDR2, not without waiting months for a port at least.
>inb4 I-I don't like those games anyway!

go back to your discord

Because you are a child.

Based poorfag.

>games aren't for kids
you're going to go far in life

Looks like trash compared to sekiro

Oh nooo! How will PCs ever survive???


>PC gamers are like people that drive a classic custom Ford Mustang with manual transmission that they've worked on themselves.
So PC gamers are people who spend more time modifying their car than driving it and when they drive it it's more convoluted than the automatic counterpart?

You can still play games on a PC with a controller retard

Now THIS is Cyberpunk