Ace Attorney

What is it about Phoenix that gets him a lot of underage sidekicks?

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Because He's a loli cunny destroyer

the hair

I loved the original trilogy but Apollo Justice really beat me down. Now I’m basically forcing myself to play the first Investigations game.

Does it get better bros? The trilogy was so good

Why is everyone dressed so flamboyantly? Is this how the Japanese dress up in real life?

I just want to lick her armpits.

She's Krain, not Japanese

>Phoenix Wright
You mean American

Investigations 2 is considered by most to be the best game.

It gets better, yeah. The tone of later games is just different to the earlier ones, that's not necessarily a bad thing but just keep it in mind.

I’m not looking forward to having to play that on a laptop though instead of my 3ds

by who?

by me and the guy you're replying to at the least

I just wanna make it to Dual Destinies because the anime cutscenes look cool

Is your 3DS modded?


>Does it get better
I personally liked 5 even less than 4, but it's worth playing through because 6 saved the trilogy.
Investigations 2 is really good, possibly the best AA game since 3. The spinoffs are an acquired taste. I liked them all.

>4chinks approve

Their family members keep dying/ getting charged with murder

Ehh kinda. I don’t think I did it 100% right. I can only get old games like SNES and GBA on it seems like

I'm assuming you'd be able to install TwilightMod and play it through that though.

After playing both of the Investigations games I realized just how utterly based & redpilled Edgeworth is
Also, the twist with Simon was really unexpected
Fuck, I want more

Delete that shit faggot.


No fuck you
If you come into this thread before playing the games you're asking to get spoiled

>you're required to beat every single game in a franchise before talking about it on 4chin
that's not how it works retard.

That's exactly how it works
You had EIGHT years

10 years

Is Twilightmod just something I can put in the homebrew thing like I did with SNESx9 or whatever it’s called? Like there’s not flashcart needed?

I can't remember how I installed it, but yeah something like that

You install the updater with FBI and just download the thing from there, that's the easiest way

What if I started playing the games a month ago?
What if just finished, say, AA2 an hour ago and wanted to talk about a specific twist in that game?
Are you saying I'll have to finish every game in the series up to DGS1 before I can do that? Because using spoiler tags is such a hard fucking thing to do?

So 8 years are too long? What about 3? 2 and a half? Am I allowed to spoil the ending of DGS2 as soon as the translation is done? Or should I wait 20 hours because by then everyone else should have had the chance to finish it? Where do you set the arbitrary line you dumb nigger?

There's no "kinda", it either is or isn't. You should be able to run DS games with a bit of effort.

Can you dumb it down some more, pal? I don’t start my computer science classes until tomorrow and I thought the FBI was police..

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Dude, I appreciate that you don't want to get spoiled, but every game except DGS1 and 2 is generally assumed to have been played quite some time ago now. Like, no-one's gonna spoil that Gant is evil or whatever the fuck any more. Aeris dies.

Just be careful if you want to discuss the games. In general, spoilers mean a lot less than you think they do.

>What if just finished, say, AA2 an hour ago and wanted to talk about a specific twist in that game?
Then ur a faget

You're not taking into account the people who just started playing the series. I mean, I mind AA1-3 spoilers a lot less than DGS spoilers, but there's no excuse for not using spoiler tags anyway. Shit takes less than 5 seconds.

People who just started playing series should be smart enough to realize this series is 18 years old. Hell, some of it, like Matt Engarde's sprites and Godot's bleeding got into pop culture and parody way back when the games came out in English. At a certain point things are just not considered spoilers anymore.

Attached: kane-spoiler-1973 (1).png (1100x761, 317K)

I only played these games recently so I would appreciate not being spoiled.

Sure. Just don't expect people in these threads to always abide by that. If you want to be truly safe, either stop coming here, play the games, or stop caring about spoilers.

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DGS2 when? I heard it's better than even AAI2.


Come on I want an ace attorney thread

I love Ace Attorney but fucking hate AA threads on Yea Forums

THOT status: patrolled

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I want to impregnate Rayfa.


The Episode 1&2 patch is mostly finished and will probably come out in a month or two, maybe close to TGS. Also they've apparently finished the Episode 3 translation, but haven't inserted it into the game yet.

She's chink royalty

Don't go into discussions for old games you haven't beaten yet then. Internet spoiler enforcement lasts a year at best.

This game takes place in California

It's an alternate universe California ruled by the japs, obviously

I knew he was carrying those deathflags around but I didn't expect another Mia. Also why is holmes retarded?

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