Who walled you?
For me it was guardian ape, phase 1 anyway. I just couldn't get the fucking timings down for anything and had to whittle his hp down instead of going for perfect deflects. Phase 2 was fine since the sword is easy to deflect and I knew about the spear thing. I died about 20-25 times.
I killed 2monkey on my first try so idk wtf was wrong with me that I had so much trouble.
Who walled you?
Flame Beast or Raging Demon or whatever.
Ape as well, except I just got bored on it after like 5 tries and never played again.
Genichiro was the first wall but after that I didnt have much trouble till SSI. Beating SSI was as exciting as beating OoK for me.
The fucking purple ninjas in the castle. Not even a boss. No matter what I did the perilous kick/stomp thing would hit me for half my hp, and the part where you get ganked by them was the closest I ever came to using cheat engine to get it the over with.
>get hit anyway
>get hit anyway
>get hit anyway
I didn't know you could mikiri that move until someone mentioned it way after I beat the game. Like what the fuck, who in their right mind would think to mikiri a kick? There's so many examples of unintuitive shit. The spear not actually being able to rip off armor despite making a huge deal out of it is another good example. I loved the game but it definitely could've been better in some regards.
Just hit their toes with that first sword art you unlock. Game's cheesable as fuck.
stopped playing at double ape
Sad to admit but Juzou was a fucking nightmare for me at first, I power through the hirata estate as soon as it was available though. That almost returned the game but I eventually beat him and the rest of the game was much easier once it all clicked
folding screens monkey
>finally kill this bitch
>jk now fight my second form
no fuck this
is this game fun?
If you're good at games, yes
If you're bad at them, no
Double Ape walled me on my first playthrough because I was still playing like a noob and a bitch so I was running around too much and not going using my prosthetics well or deflecting most attacks. Corrupted Monk was pretty hard too.
I’d say Demon of Hate was the last great wall for me. Once it clicked how aggressive and how close I had to get to DoH it seemed to make the rest of the game easier. Like it dispelled some inner fear I had always been holding with me throughout the game.
owl 1 broke me. his fight got me so worked up that i couldnt fight calmly, i lost for 3 hours straight to the same stuff over and over, seething the whole time, and gave up until the next day
you cant hesitate, you cant stop attacking, you cant waste a single moment or else he hits you back instantly and escapes
Sword saint pushed my shit in.
Still didint won over last boss
Saint Ashin is just too much for me
dropped the game and already lost the skill to play it and i dont want to play it all over again
I wish From did the translation instead of Activision. It's a fucking abomination, so many things are wrong and there are even instances where the dialogue is totally different to what's actually said and meant. The story wouldn't be nearly as confusing if it was properly subbed.
Genichiro I probably spent the longest on, once I got him down, nobody really seemed as bad. I never put effort into the demon and cheesed him for lazuli, and I never fought owl2, so can't comment on them.
Yeah, once you get it down it's a blast.
I got filtered by the Shinobi hunter, uninstalled the game, came back and learned to parry and didn't really hit any major walls until Genichiro.
Genichiro, then it was a breeze for the rest of the game.
Most of the mini bosses fucked me though.
Anyways, game was short, not really worth 60 dollars, more worth 30 or 40 dollars for the length I got.
Try NG+.
I would say if you're good at games then it still becomes kinda boring pretty early in. middle of the road skills are who probably enjoy the game the most.