ITT: unexpectededly relatable vidya characters

ITT: unexpectededly relatable vidya characters

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fucking autocorrect xD

Well when you put it that way

Literally me.

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He has the coolest tattoo I ever saw.

i freaking hate my mom >.

>uhhhh my soul is darkness and I feel nothing
>also I hate my mom


He's a god with serious mother issues and feels nothing how do you relate to that

Haha! How indeed!

>coddled entire life
>cant enjoy life anymore due to mother being overprotective
>but also never man up
Its every incel's childhood basically

maybe OP is immortal

Yes, how do I relate to a man who can't escape his mother's incessant coddling and never listens to him. Such a foreign concept, truly alien.

Literally me.

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>autistic spazz killing thots

literally me

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>He doesn't want to fuck his mom
You are a faggot

>how do you relate to that
This part
>He's a god

mom and dad both hate me
>mom use to tell me i was ugly i won't have any friends
>mom use to have a boyfriend he use to escape goat me all the time use to make up shit about me
>mom use to blaime me for every shit that happened in the house
>mom use to beat me everyday
>mom use to kick me out of the house randomly out of anger or when i played video games had to go to live with dad, dad lived in this one room studio dad hated me
>when ever birthday comes mom would go on a tirade about shit and make me cry
>birthdays around christmas so we would go buy gifts for my brother first on my birthday
>brother would get to pick my gift wanted a ps1 got a n64 cos bro wanted that
>use to be made to do the dishes everyday didn't care thought i was helping the family felt little happy mom told me one day it was really to punish me didn't feel good
>dad would never talk to me always talke d to bro
>dad would play kick ball with bro didn't want to do shit with me would always follow him around
>dad and mom would get in arguments mom would leave the house, would follow dad around would make meat balls, dad would ask me to taste the raw mince meat to check the flavour this was back in the 90's when mad cow disease was big love dad lol
>use to tell mom and dad about the fucked up shit that use to happen they both smile and laugh, one day told mom about a time bro did something that made her hate me and ruin the whole day but it also ruined her day that was the only time she actually looked upset lol
use to hate them but have grown up and have tried talking to both of them,

they still hate me but relationship is a little better
>i do don't hate them

why do you hate your mom?

Jesus how can you have no spine and try to mend things with people who were just waiting for you to slip and break your neck

>boohoo i got a n64 instead of a ps1

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As a single child, it is frustratingly accurate.

>we went from having hydras, minotaurs, demigods, other mythical beings and a pantheon of gods as bosses to the same giant copypasted 20 times and a white trash mommy's boy, mentions of the only two even mildly interesting gods in the complete shit viking setting and the shittiest most american iteration of Freya Ive ever seen

what a piece of shit game this was. but I guess we really do need that father-child dynamic template thats so emotionally manipulative and cash producing for sony

just kill them bro

i dunno i had worse shit happen to me didn't grow up with them for a while i was in my grand parnets house it was daily harassment beatings

i feel like it's duty, they done worse stuff

mom still hates me it only takes a budge to set her off on me

then there dad i swear to god he's autistic or something
also i have almost no money wish i could just buy a house or flat and get out

i dunno i had worse shit happen to me didn't grow up with them for a while i was in my grand parnets house it was daily harassment beatings

i feel like it's duty, they done worse stuff

mom still hates me it only takes a budge to set her off on me

then there dad i swear to god he's autistic or something he once took me to a police station cos mom sent me to his house and i had to live with him (probably one of the most ashamed thing that happened)
also i have almost no money wish i could just buy a house or flat and get out

couple of times i nearly died

>mom coddles me all my childhood
>forbidden from things kids my age would do like sports and paintball
>doesnt even let me mow the grass with my cousins in the same age group
>wont let me get a job in highschool
>by the time I realize I've been a retard for listening to her I'm far behind the social ladder compared to my peers
Unironically, my parents should never have had me or even gotten married.

>escape goat

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I dunno man, I think autocorrect is the right choice this time.

Kratos should have let him live, he didn't choose to be fucked over by his mother.

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>only female showed in the series
>she has the fault for almost everything that happen

Personally I had another problem, my problem was that the only thing I wanted to do in my childohood(and now, too) is stay inside my house, and my parents never forced me to do anything else, they brought it up often, but they never actually forced me to do new things.

Honestly, kratos should have let him live but then boi kills him in a spartan fury with mistletoe arrows. It would have been a slightly more meaningful plot point, but the people who made this movie are a little out of touch with good writing and seemed to have a hard on for kratos snapping necks for some reason.
Still a fun watch though, will probably go see the sequel

>why do you hate your mom?
My parents were in a toxic marriage. But they stayed together out of selfish reasons. Mom only stayed with dad because of his resources. Dad didn't want to get fucked in divorce court. So I was raised by two parents who despised each other. Really, the things people take for granted...

>expect him to be just another doofy ladies man
>he's only like that because he knows women only want him for status and not for who he really is
>his older brother hates him because he's just naturally talented
>doesn't even want to be
>everyone expects him to do amazing and great things because he was just born special
>just wants to be a normal guy

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Incredibly bold of Sony to publish a game that shows single moms for what they are

>Escape goat

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Kys smelly brazilian monkey nigger

Yeah my mother is overprotective trash too

I expect the sequel to be revealed at gamescom

Too early, it will be announced with the PS5.

Yes, Gamescom 2023.

Why would a movie sequel be announced at a video game expo???

I watched this on youtube, not much there except for a few scripted hollywood sequences


So, you are naturally talented and swim in pussy?