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Other urls found in this thread:



>tfw no stalker gf

>yfw it is real

so this is what beta orbitting looks like

Tы жe пиндoc
Хyли ты гaйc гaйc

I am a pindos, you hohol

>have a jaded, angry, boring day.
>saw this
>all feelings of negativity was suddenly washed away for a fucking moment.

I didnt believe that cleansing the soul bullshit you always saw around but goddamn does this make me feel something good.

Fuck you OP for making me excited whether this game be coming or just a fake.


it's not fucking fake man

>you WILL return to the most emotionally exhilarating virtual game world in your lifetime

When did it go so RIGHT, bros?

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When pepsiman got off his ass. I got sick of playing soups with broken questlines and endless running back and forward

I'm not getting my hopes up because I'm worried they'll fuck it up somehow by making it an MMO or having meme crafting or some other bullshit

its going to be disappointing

Here's for all the stalkers that haven't caught up

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Кaк oнo?

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So what are they going to show us? Better be an official announcement

Get out of here Stalker

Funny thing, the original russian dialogue just says "Be on your way, stalker" which would have made much more sense. Guess the translators were just having an off day?

This is just making me feel anxious since there's a good chance that Pepsiman and Co™ might end up fucking it all up.

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>Women and sois

have sex

>women developers
Well this game will be shit

looks promising, but we haven't seen anything yet. Wouldn't want to get too excited for a multiplat br mmo now would you?


who is the shortstack

get pregnant

You need to have sex.

>its fine when MY favorite game does it

You don't even see her chest.

go back to /pol/

I'd stalk her, too

>makes fun of ubisoft and bioware dev teams

His Smile And Optimism: Restored

>muh /pol/ boogeyman
go back to somethingawful you disgusting troon faggot

Yikes. Please have sex

>Something everyone has known about for at least a year now

More like I have more confidence in the studio that made my most favourite game series ever, and I don't like shitty ubisoft games that pretty much do everything wrong about modern single player games possible

And how many of the original guys are working on this?

The original teams also had them. Just pointing it out.

Lowest iq post in this thread

this desu

>confidence in the studio that made my most favourite game series ever
that studio deosn't fucking exist, dummy.

I remember the
posting. How am I supposed to feel about STALKER 2 actually becoming reality?

It's not even close to the same company. Everyone left


Every STALKER was made by pretty much different team. In general shitloads of people worked on STALKER, even if just for a month.

It’s gonna be optimized for consoles and PC cucks won’t be able to do anything about it :^)

>its ok when my favorite devs did it
So did a lot of great classic games

>GSC doesn't exist
I know what you meant and it's still dumb because every single STALKER game thus far was made by a completely different team
still a low iq post, GSC basically showed up to gamescom 2019 without announcing their arrival so it's kinda big, we might even see something about the game soon

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not gonna fall for it until they show gameplay

Well, so what was the point of those posts then to begin with?

the thing about this is that we might actually see something very soon
GSC is at gamescom 2019 with stalker 2 related stuff on them

why not? Why not get excited for something for once? Its not like the whole cynical apathy thing helps at all when shit goes south. Thats one thing I've learned over the years.

I got exited for Spore, never again

>Setting yourself up for disappointment
Hit the weights, take a shower, get a clue

If it ends up being shit, I'll only need to post
>бpaтaн, ты нe вpyбaeшьcя? мнe нyжeн peaльный тoвap
If I end up hyping it before it ends up being shit, its an infinitely worse disappointment

Stalking is actually not fun at all. I spend every waking moment following this person and analyzing their movements, and then when we finally speak I know everything they've done and what they're lying about.

Sometimes I want to scream at them. They should know I only do this to protect them and because I love them, so why lie to me? I hate it. I HATE IT I HATE IT I HATE IT.

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>stalking is not fun
Tell me about it, it's raining all of the fucking time in the zone, all you can eat is canned stuff because anything fresh just spoils twice as fast, you get shot at and attacked by monsters

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If you're that cynical about everything you might as well be dead. What the fuck is the point in living in a world where you're so jaded you can't get excited for things? You wind up just finding shit about something to get mad about at that point.

The one time I e-stalked a girl and analysed her patterns I knew she wasn't lying to me.

To be truthful I'm excited as hell but I'm really afraid this is going to be a nothing burger or worse

I really just want to see if GSC pulls out a decent game after firing the first team. That said, the first team wasn't very good given the development hell and instability of releases.

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GSC fired the team inbetween each STALKER installment pretty much, all that remained inbetween were some level artists and even of those they were mostly junior ones


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we're all going home bros

>Have all stalker games in steam
>Have never touched them


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play them. now. read the /vg/ thread. get started.

>were going home to Chernobyl

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absolutely based trips


Watch this and play the games

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fuck I'm actually retarded

it spoils the story though


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>it's fucking happening
We're going home bros

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Who gives a shit the story barely makes sense any way. Stalker is about the experience.

Stalker lore is kino. Low I.q undermentchenit go home.

get out of here, redditor

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A) It'll be a EPIC exclusive

B) It'll suck ass

C) Forced diversity

D) No gore

you know it will be bad, dumb mutant sexting freedom idiots!

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ya im friends with the guy on facebook he announced it low key like 8 mnths ago sall good

Bullshit, you're lying!

i mean the story is cool but you will learn the story but it doesn't matter if you get it by playing the game or watching some retard on the internet

The story is actually best enjoyed when you're playing and reading pda entries to form a coherent picture and making connections on your own, and also there's a big fuckin spoiler in that video iirc

>A) It'll be a EPIC exclusive
Only reddit cares about this.
>B) It'll suck ass
That's a possibility and that's my main concern.
>C) Forced diversity
Source: dude trust me.
>D) No gore
None of the games were centered around gore.

no the story is actually best enjoyed when reading roadside picnic without the english translation while being fucked in the ass by a bloodsucker

Because you ruined it for yourself and cant comprehend the joy gained from figuring it all out

>A) It'll be a EPIC exclusive
haha get fucked steamchild
>B) It'll suck ass
This is a conclusion with nothing to support
>C) Forced diversity
haha get fucked incel
>D) No gore
>no gore

work on your bait

The whole idea of the zone is really fucking morbid, so I don't see points c and d happening

There was gore in STALKER?

i played through all the games in order without any spoilers you nigger, go back to fucking reddit if you want to complain and whine about this holy fuck

Hahahaha great post user
objectively wrong here

You never saw all of the mangled corpses and torn body parts and hanged decomposing corpses everywhere? Or the bloodstains all over the ground by the bar's southern checkpoint?

Make me.

I barely count those as gore, but technically it counts I suppose. Also blood is not gore.
The anomalies killing creatures in an explosion of gore is the only thing I could think of.

>made on Unity
>default assets and particle effects everywhere, clunky animations and shitty modern graphics with shiny looks
>injections of antirussian political agenda and SJW virtue signaling
It'll be exactly like VtMB2 situation, mark my words.
Good to know that russian gov will probably ban this pigshit in advance.

don't have to since you're probably there anyways

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Also the heads on spikes in Monolith territory is some brutal shit. There technically isn't stuff like gibbing outside of anomaly deaths but those are some really spectacular gore

Everyone knows its unreal engine lad work on your bait, the engine is a common topic in the thread

Bullshit, you're lying!

The biggest antirussian thing in any stalker game, which was an obscure reference to a russian controversy, was the "tuzla" tunnel in Clear Sky and in the Shadow of Chernobyl build swamp, but even then it's really obscure and more of a funny nod towards something.


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Nice shilling putinbot. You will not elect Trump again Vanya


There's no doubt about A
Slavs are basically Jews when it comes to money, except they are too stupid to spend it wisely so they just end up continually living in shitholes

It's based on the movie, meaning you spend the whole time in the menu and then you die.

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Would unironically be a pretty kino thing but it'd get boring quick

IMAGINE having to retrieve every single one of your thrown bolts because you only came with 3. True slav jank for the soul.

It will have the LR300, right?

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It's not like you couldn't stack them past 3. Would actually be a pretty good mechanic though, traversing anomaly fields should be retardedly difficult but not in a passive way where just being in the vicinity for a while ruins your armor and kills you

meme gun

So when can I see what they have to show?

They're at gamescom so this week

I know, but I'm trying to catch them on a stream.

That's more of a mystery

On monday during Geoff's preshow probably

Welp now I'm fucking hyped again, comrades


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But aren't you into fortnite? Why would you want a slow burn bone chilling game like stalker when you can have your quick fix of online action with your favourite battle royale

Also a dutyfag here.

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i had one once and had to file a restraining order

Your spell doesnt work here Tyrone

I get it, like you had to restrain her to open the bob?

Let me buy it directly from the devs you fucking slav niggers

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t. cheng

>mfw will never understand why reddit spergs so much about this

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dont make gayben angry steam tard

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t. chinese fortnite gradeschooler

and btw fortnite is banned in china subhuman

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You're still probably in gradeschool if you use the "we like fortnite" store

Ýou knew it would come to this. GSC hasn't earned a dime from the original stalker games since like 2010.

>You're still probably in gradeschool if you use the "we like fortnite" store
this is the actual state of a steam drone that got btfo

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Yeah go back to flossing in the supermarket aisle "subhuman"

I am cautiously optimistic

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As long as Pepsiman has the sensability to not pander to mutts, it SHOULD be good.

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I am recklessly pessimistic.

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It's going to be bad, isn't it? Fuck

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Not that guy but your corporate cuckoldry is cringe inducing.

>Forced diversity
>In a slav game

not happening

what is cyberpunk 2077?

the official twitter account for this game is unironically based and just reposts the dumbest stalker memes

I'm indifferent to steam, but am disgusted by both the chinese and the children flossing in the supermarket aisles so when I heard that there was a game store, whose main demographic is a deadly cocktail of both, that's all I had to know about it


stop trying to fit in

This obviously going to happen, GSC are broke as fuck all the time and they were also looking for a investor during e3

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cockholes are not into this shit luckly

Absolutely. I can only hope I am wrong.

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Epic Games Store is not available in China. Do you realize this?

>Epic Games recently said it refuses to sell games in China because it fears for the safety of its employees in the country, but the explanation failed to satisfy Chinese gamers.

You're not "indifferent" to Steam. You're obviously biased. If you want to be honest about parroting >MUH CHINKOIDS INVADING US narrative then why don't you address Steam (and even Blizzard) bowing to them? ?

Whens the last time there was a good faithful reboot?

Also GSC is hiring devs to work on existing stalker games so expect re-release sometime next year.

You missed half my point. Epic game store is atleast 50% flossing zoomers age 12.

a game without forced diversity muttoid


chad jawline

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what do you think the gender options they shoehorned in are?

What a demented fucking reason. Dude just admit you're a tribalistic corporate slave. You have trannoids, furrfags, underage CSGO babbys and other ERP anime porn crop degenerates using Steam. Steam itself hosting homosexual barafag visual novels and My little Pony games for all to see yet fucking Fortnite is the straw that breaks the camel's back here?

Again, at least be honest.

Console ports? hmmm...

epic exclusive

difference being is that if you download steam - you aren't directly supporting any of what you mentioned. All of the purchases on EGS go into making sure that you'll be swarmed by flossing gradeschoolers well into your retirement age.

who the fuck cares about the userbase, the store itself is fucking garbage and anti-consumer

And that's a good thing

But Stalker games are impossible to enjoy without mods. Nobody wanted this.

maybe if you're a filthy fucking redditor who watches more memes about the series than plays it

You're supporting fat rich kikes when you purchases bolts user. You're supporting abortion just by paying taxes. If you're going to get on that moral high horse you might as well pirate every single digital thing in existence and live off the land.
But nah, again, the shithead kids playing a F2P flavor of the week is where you draw the line. For the last time at least be honest.

Based delusional zoomer

Epic is still worse purely by cringe factor. That's invaluable. Their store is also far less functional, and literally buys out competition and will continue to do so if you support them

he said stalking, not action packed trip to detroit

Dont you have some deathbed to go to boomers? Your old games require extensive modding to be playable. Is so embarrassing.

Why the fuck is anyone hyped for this game? The entire dev team is different from the ones who made the original S.T.A.L.K.E.R games. There is literally 0 reason to trust these nu-zoomer devs

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Please go back to r*ddit you assclown

It's going to be soulless, stop with your retarded enthusiasm for the future

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Maybe your retard mind would activate if you knew that every single stalker game was made by a different team. Hell, almost no devs were there for the full development process of the first game
le ebin pessimist who no longer even plays videogames at all

Well original stalker devs are now making metro so it's a good thing.

only the xray architechts and well metro is kind of shit

Blow out over soon, grab your shits.

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The only male characters will be m2f.

>only reddit cares about having to download another fucking third party software that is parnered with china to scan your computer and sell your data.
kill yourself you shill nigger

>mutt software spies on your every move
>reee china
Fuck off, reddit mutt.

Don't get your hopes up people.

It's not even 1 year since they announced development start.
It was either a lie and they worked on a game for years, which can't be true because Gregorovich did jack shit and all the talent fled GSC in past years.
Second option is it's some shitty CG teaser which was outsourced to promo making agency and has nothing to do with the game or a dev.

Also, Grigorovich is a cunt who bought a ferrari from his first big profit instead of investing into the team or the franchise, he is a perfect example of small minded profit chasing greedy half-jews. When interviewed about Stalker series, he sounds absolutely uninterested and flat.
This franchise was made by few individuals who poured their souls into the game, and I doubt they are still at GSC, but one thing is certain - Grigorovich is not one of them.

Saying all this as a ukrainian who loves the series and wants Stalker to be great, but don't get too excited to not feel cheated after the reveal.

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>Grigorovich is a cunt who bought a ferrari from his first big profit

Based, I would've bought Lambo though

Everyone knows he's a jewfaggot, but he's also quite good at calculating things.