PlayStation 5 being “niche” and aimed at “hardcore gamers who obsess over specs”

When Sony, the company that makes the most popular console starts calling it “niche”, what are they really saying? Are they hinting at the dominance of mobile gaming? They’re pretty vague and haven’t revealed much. Their most successful game is Fate Grand Order and it seems many companies are doing a Konami and prioritising mobile gaming. However it’s still nice Sony recognises there’s still demand for AAA titles. Let’s just hope it doesn’t turn out to be another Vita

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Assgrab bullshit to make it seem like they have a plan other than “sell consoles.”

Didn't Sony announce they wanted to target trannies with the ps5 too?

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just play on PC then lol

hardcore gamers who obsess over specs play on pc

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I just don’t understand why they’d call it niche. Are they comparing themselves to smartphone sales? That’s like saying “Mario” is not a popular game.

Theyve made a dozen adverts about their console for a dozen demographics thus far.
Who buys this crap.

They're gonna censor games in 4k resolution


>"We're gonna be so niche, guys."
>They say after spending an entire generation chasing the widest demographic possible to great success and recently starting to directly censor products even harder than Nintendo.
You'd have to be really fucking stupid.

So hardcore ps5 version will cost $999. Lite version for normal non-hardcore crowd will use streaming services and cost $299.

This feels like PR after Microsoft's conference where they doubled down on the gaming side of the console after the whole Xbone debacle. Smart move, I skipped on it for the first couple of years because of Microsoft's weird boneheaded decisions, pun intended.

With Sony i've had my gripes and issues lately, I still want to see how this plays out and we still have a lot of time and things to learn but this really does feel like PR and nothing more.

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SNOY is jumping on the streaming bandwagon. They already have a deal in progress with Microsoft to do this.

They will use their exclusives buying power as their source of income instead of the money sink that is custom hardware.

That's also why Microsoft mostly seems to have been shrugging their shoulders this whole generation.

Mama Mia look at all the haters in this thread!

isn't that what they said about the ps4

They've shown no signs of getting better and plenty of getting worse. It's PS3 Mk 2: aimed at normies edition incoming. Wait until the end of next gen at best to buy a PS5.

>mom look I replied to everyone

They ment hardcore gay sex players

It probably means it’s not going to be aimed at moms who play candy crush on their smartphones or gatcha addicts like you mentioned.

Theyve said this for every console release ever quit falling for marketing bullshit itll be underpowered just like every xbox or ps4 or nintendo console, its all old shit by the time it comes out.

They're going to release 1 game every 2 years and they won't even be exclusive.

It means they are trying to appeal to hardcore gamers.

GOTY 2021 will be streaming exclusive.

Internet speeds aren’t up to snuff for that yet. Not for vidya. No one is buying PS now. Microsoft and even Nintendo did it right offering a set of games you still need to download

Nincels are already shaking at Song domination while they play with their toy tablet

There are plenty of "hardcore" console gamers that will jerk it over having 900p dynamic resolution rather then 720p dynamic. Lots of console gamers care about specs, but they are either too stupid or poor to game on PC. Just listen to their complaints.

It just means it's gonna be $600 and missing basic accessories you have to buy separately.

yes I'm sure niche and hardcore players are going to love the forced censorship!

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"We realized that we cant expand our consumer base because we shot ourselves in the foot so instead of trying we will just focus on the consumers we have."

E3 2020
>"We are here to announce the PS5, coming this holiday season of 2020! We will have one new game released per year for it starting from 2022, meanwhile you can enjoy some of your PS4 favorites on it at launch for a small fee!"

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optional hardware for their streaming platform

Niche means it'll be $849 and niggers wont be able to afford it anymore, except If they steal somewhere

>obsess over specs
I mean, is it really a bad thing all things considered? If you can put better parts in the console it's objectively better, since it has at least like 5-6 years of life after all.

nowadays a niche hardcore player actually means "doesn't exclusively play on his phone"

>this is the 4th or 5th audience they mention they are aiming for
They really have no idea what they are doing, just shove more power into the box and call it a day it seems

every non-nintendo console is niche and only really bought by players obsessed with running everything on the best hardware they can because nothing has a launch line-up that appeals to a wide audience these days, and then once enough games have been released that more people are buying one they'll drop the price and change up their marketing to re-brand it as a family entertainment system everybody should own

>hardcore fifa players

There are people out there who fall for this bullshit.
Even the BS that the PS5 will match a $700 GPU

>pay for online multiplayer
>censored games
>no crossplay

>hardcore gamer

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I thought that describing your product as niche means that you aren't expecting a lot of sales? Why would they do that

>Become dominant gaming system
>Want China bux
>Force devs to censor games to appease SJW and China censors
>Piss off large sections of their gamer base
>Realize too late that China bux getting devalued due to trade war
>PC hardware finally getting cheap again
>Game streaming services popping up left and right, threatening to make consoles obsolete
>Call next console niche to lower sales expectations

Vidya crash incoming.

what does niche mean?
also, how do you pronounce it?

>Wait until the end of next gen at best to buy a PS5.

judging by how many PC ports of console games we got recently I don't think I'll be buying console soon. I don't wanna be a betatester anymore


And that it will also be $800 or more.

the denotative meaning is a small crevice or gap between two solid objects
the connotative meaning is something that only a small potion of the population are interested in. the logic being that you could fit all of the fans into a much smaller physical space than you'd need for something more mainstream

It rhymes with bitch

neesh you pronunce it, niche mean expensive shit, like for example a a niche Knife is around 200-300$, a normal good knife is 50-100$, but Sony are lying.

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Yes when this supports your shitpost agenda.

it's to make people buying it feel like they're special

>I got this amazing console while you're wasting your time playing on your phone holy shit you fucking faggot

They're saying it's going to be an exclusive console meant for the four percent that are killing themselves off through suicides and std's.

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Well, it isn't like they've a future to save money for....

Haha is this real? Amazing if so. I've never felt so represented until this literally moment

With what fucking games you dumb retard.

If it's paid online then don't bother.

This is literally just lip-service so that they get early adopters

Normalfags dont buy consoles on day-1 so you need that early install base

It is hardcore so they can charge six hundred more bucks for it to 'gamers'.

>claims to be for hardcore
>will only get movie games, walking simulators and phone quality shit
all of it will be censored so casual trannie players can pretend they play games while all they do is spend time on dilation machines

So basically Sony knows PC had no games and the Ps5 is going to cost 800 dollars and they will get away with it because “gamers” want to play the exclusives.
Meanwhile all the Gatcha bullshit will rake in easy billions.
Say what you want, but this is super smart on Sony’s part. It’s terrible for the consumer, but people will buy the brand because of how the PS4 dominated.

I'm guessing he's just setting expectations for the fact that

A) PS5 will launch at a higher price than the PS4 did ($499 or perhaps even the dreaded $599)

B) For the first few years of the PS5 the overwhelming majority of games on it will also be on the PS4 so people who don't want to pay that much can still play all the new games anyway (similar to how almost every PS4 game was also on PS3 for the first couple of years of this gen.)

Basically the PS5 is inevitably just going to be the PS4 Pro Pro for the first few years (ie the box for the hardcore gamers who want to play their games at their best rather than the minimum entry point into the ecosystem) regardless of what Sony does so they're going to spec and price it accordingly.

Get that censored garbage out of my sight. Snoy can go fuck itself.

It's dead on arrival if this is really what they claim it to be. Niche products are usually expensive compared to the rest of the market. If this is true then they're probably going to release a console which is $599+ again. Historically every console which has been over $399 had bombed hard. Even console gamers know over that price you may as well invest in a PC. I really hope they aren't becoming arrogant again and aren't writing off Nintendo and Microsoft again like they did in 7th gen.

They didn't. The marketed the ps4 like it was the best price/perf machine but said time and time again that it was meant to be cheap. This time they're giving a different message which implies that it's going to be expensive. People who obsess over specs aren't the same ones who buy ps4s for $399.

the deal is not just for streaming but also to provide servers to host online games too.

even if you are the most brainlet person in the world you are still smarter than sony

does it really matter? Most Sony exclusives are just movie games anyway and often don't sell that great either. People buy Playstation and Xbox to play 3rd party games on them because reality is that PC gaming is a hassle and Nintendo consoles are too under-powered (and overpriced) to handle it.

It is just for streaming. The whole deal is to explore the future of game streaming as partners as well. Sony wouldn't ever let MS be in charge of their online service. Even now in games like minecraft which Microsoft owns sony is still blocking crossplay with other platforms like xbox and switch.


Iam guessing its being aimed at the LGBTQF community, Thats the only way they would be calling it "Niche"

This is lip service. Remember that Sony has outright stated they want to shift to a Rockstar Games/Nintendo-style of development where they release fewer flagship titles to make their releases more impactful.
But it doesn't fucking matter because most people buying Playstations or Xboxes are just buying them for the annual FIFA/NBA/Madden game and Call of Duty.

This rhetoric just lets the console seem more prestigious without having to actually do anything.

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It's not real but its funny as shit. PS5 will target "hardcore' gamers. So pc gamers in a nut shell.

can you imagine the future of gaming? full of casuals streaming, every subhuman able to get a ricer PC to play game. Every online game just riddled with cheaters. Shits gonna be wild.

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>we are going to crash our company by appealing to a small niche audience and forsaking the majority of our consumers
that's bullshit but I believe it