>Yea Forums hates scummy business practices and mobile games
>Participates in said practices with other games and actively has mobile game threads on /vg/
>Its ok when X, Y, or Z does it
You people are a joke.
>Yea Forums hates scummy business practices and mobile games
>Participates in said practices with other games and actively has mobile game threads on /vg/
>Its ok when X, Y, or Z does it
You people are a joke.
It's ok when it's free
>/vg/ is the same as Yea Forums
You should know by now that board is for people who are too autistic even for Yea Forums
>Yea Forums is one person
I hate scummy business practices and don't participate in them.
What's your next move?
>Yea Forums is one person
I sure do love being a part of the Yea Forums hive mind.
>Participates in /vg/
Nice projection retard. I would make a guess that a good 90% of Yea Forums users don't even touch /vg/
Also, /vr/ is the TRUE video games board. I sincerely advise some of you at least check it out once every few days.
>Yea Forums is one person
Hey pal, you just blow in from Stupid Town?
Plenty of gacha mobile shit appears on Yea Forums as well.
Why are newfags always resentful
>/vg/ is Yea Forums
>Yea Forums is one person
>>Yea Forums is one person
that's true
Yea Forums is the most hiveminded board on this site.
fuck off retard
Except you are.
Who the fuck even goes to /vg/? The only things worth visiting in /vg/ is porn threads like /hgg/ or /mggg/.
No I don't do not play gacha shit.
If you actually look at gacha thread, you would find that 50% of them is moralfags screaming at eachother about paying for .jpg(s)
>Yea Forums is one person
Kill yourself
Remember to sage and report