EpIc Is GoOd FoR cOmPeTiTiOn

EpIc Is GoOd FoR cOmPeTiTiOn

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Other urls found in this thread:


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>indie dev refuses deal
>indie dev asks "i can still put it on epic store, just not exclusively"
>epic declines and breaks contact
>goes public
>tim desperately trying to defend himself
>meanwhile, cyberpunk 2077 is on Epic Store, GOG, and Steam
>but the indie dev who declined tims deal? screw you
>"we care about indies and developers"

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No one actually supports epic tho, thats just the paid Chinese shills

Steam 2019
>adds advanced AI to suggest games based on your play history

EPIC 2020
>adds a shopping cart

I thought Epic was rich but they can only handle a small number of games? What a shit store

Oh so this is why chinkshills have been so quiet recently

They want to pretend that they're curating based on quality, but they're actually just snapping up anything that agrees to be exclusive + a few huge games.

Attached: epic_roadmap.png (800x908, 192K)

>game was good enough for Epic Store if exclusive
>not good enough if on other platforms
"""hand curation"""

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>We'll be happy to have you on our store as long as it's JUST on our store.
You know it's just an excuse.

>I thought Epic was rich but they can only handle a small number of games?
You're mistaking what the entire point of the Epic store is.

EGS is an attempt by the Chinese to create a monopoly in a foreign market. This is very important for the greater CCP economic strategy. tl;dr use population as slave labor to export cheap shit via weak currency, never let that money enter China and instead re-invest it thereby keeping Yuan weak, allowing cycle to continue. Up until now, this has largely revolved around buying up debt (no, this does not mean the CCP can "call in all of [country]'s debt") and real estate (a big problem in Canada), but increasingly so the CCP has been doing this with foreign corporations. Hollywood will, in our lifetimes, be run entirely by the CCP if current trends continue.

The basic gist is that the CCP (through Tencent, the state run media company*) is willing to pay for guaranteed sales, which is effectively a $10 million bribe to put your game on EGS instead of Steam (or GoG, or its own launcher, or any of the numerous smaller launchers). This isn't about profit, it's entirely about creating a new market for Chinese investment.

This is, by the way, going on in far more industries than just videogames.

*Tencent is technically a private corporation, but due to the Cadre System it is effectively a state run monopoly.

>it takes more than 6 months for a shopping cart

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>user reviews

>fight for the freedom to use microshaft spyware
No thanks

Apparently they're gonna be optional on a per game basis and moderated by the devs.

Then they're not reviews

We just had this thread

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we've had a few clues so far, but I'm waiting for the shoe to drop about how these devs made a huge mistake in going with egs. They can't possibly be selling many games on that shit. it has an awful reputation.

they likely have a contract where they aren't allowed to talk about that

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That claim is already out of the window anyway the moment they approached someone first. Clearly their game has been meeting their standards or else they wouldn't have made the offer.

Unironically kys faggot

>moderated by the devs.
why even add them then

Based EGS putting diva indie devs to their place.

how does a country known for slave sweatshops that pay 2 cents a week have the wealthiest private company in the world though?

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Jesus Christ Tim?!

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They released the store without a shopping cart

I really wonder how much epic is paying devs. It has to be more than they even sell right? I'm assuming it's all used for attracting customers and not actually profiting off game sales.

Like if I were in a situation where I was scraping by and epic offered me 1 million or I can hope it sells that much, why wouldn't I?

lol mark kern, the dude who bankrupted his company with a 5 million dollar bus

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>I'm waiting for the shoe to drop about how these devs made a huge mistake in going with egs
We already know the gaming community hates what Epic Store is doing to the PC community. So developers that sign with them are made aware of the boycotts by former fans.

Is this real life?

The logic here is that Timmy only wants indie games that brings in new customers through exclusivity, or to be part of selling the big titles like Bloodlines 2.

The problem Mr. Tencent will have is that they will need to do this exclusivity bullshit indefinitely because they're too lazy to do anything to set themselves apart. When given the free choice, people will always go to Steam than EGS. "Muh developer cut" is a non-issue for customers

because if you only pay them 2 cents a week there's a lot of profit margin left.

Epic isn't going away that's for sure but soon enough they'll lose enough money to just shut up and sit in the corner with uplay

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>moving to Canada when one doesn't like US political trends
Almost everyone who says this never does it.

That's...not really the point here

You would, and that's the thing. Any 'good game'-and I use the term VERY loosely-will break atleast 500k sales on steam, by deals, word of mouth, and may even hit 1 million if its actually good and you pitch in for advertising. If you, the de, have so little faith in your own creation and want to prioritize profits over making a good game, then you would have no reason to not accept the egs exclusivity offer. Its also signalling that your game is truly dogshit

>adding a shopping cart

lets not go crazy here.

They focussed on leaching off Capitalism.

The entire ideal Liberalism runs off of is that no one actively colludes. That is to say, everyone is out for themselves and themselves alone. The moment people start working together, however, it falls apart because groups working for their mutual benefit will ALWAYS be more efficient and more productive than individuals working on their own. Within Western civilization, this can easily be punished (HINT: "racism") at pretty much every level. The problem is, China is a sovereign country that has managed to become the world's factory and can essentially lock you out of the global economy if you don't play ball.

This is actually a really fucking old phenomenon and it goes back to the pre-Christian Germanics, but that's not important.

to yell at steam "HAHA FAGS WHATS YOUR NEXT EXCUSE?? REVIEWS ARE IN EPIC ALWAYS WINS BAYBAY" and then we try to useless explain why they aren't reviews, and then they claim that we're moving goalposts.


No, that's just a fantasy.

sweeney is a hypocrite
more at 11

to say them have them, without actually having them.

It's on the 6 month roadmap

but no one is going to fall for it. even their shills will only pretend to because they are getting paid for it.

>it's real
Not surprising desu


EGS-fags are pathetic

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ya and the road map had it at 6 months, when the roadmap was released 6 months ago, and now its still at 6 months.

now put the pieces together.

>EpIc Is GoOd FoR cOmPeTiTiOn
Do not use Yea Forums, or any other board on Yea Forums you normalfag motherfucker. Stick to posting on reddit and or facebook.

>Its real
Your shitposting is getting mighty weird

>Chinese immigrants all protesting outsideand waving CCP flags because of hong kong
Xi has a fifth column in every major city in world.
What the fuck bros??

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>checked it when I saw it the first time
>concluded it was fake
>checked it again when I saw your post just to make sure I didn't miss anything
Fuck you

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Actually, normal fags are against epic. And epic is good for competition.


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Odd coming from the western representative of a chinese business conglomerate.

it's exactly why you should never let anyone enter your country, unless they are filthy rich and have thus proven they care about no one but themselves

most gamers dont use steam, its a gay circlejerk


steam doesn't exist, its a Jewish psyop to demoralize based epic gamers.

But remember, China doesn't make any calls about what Epic does.
At all.
Never ever ever.

So in 6 months, the shopping cart will be at 6 months in the road map?

wishful thinking

The TaLkInG LiKe ThIs meme is so fucking gay, it's often accompanied by spongebob images too so I'm guessing it's only popular with lil zoom zooms

Unironically do they have like one developer and intern working on it?
Is the entire store system some sphaghetti code made by a dev that quit?
how do these feature timelines happen??

Steam should add a
-Close Client after Launching game

>All that bullshit Timmy Boy spouts about early, hand curated and only being able to do small number of releases
>But somehow the game that refused exclusivity would've been added jsut fine if the devs accepted the deal
How is this guy real?

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This is the power of being a really... really bad spin doctor.
There's a reason those liars get paid so much.

>good enough to buy as exclusive
>but not good enough to have in store to sell

stop bullshitting us Tim.

Tim is a one man Army/Company, he alone can kill Steam, he's so good he's been paying for our games so we can download them free of guilt.


Even hobos have shopping carts, ffs.

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>how do you get extra currency if you don't use a lot of currency?
see how dumb this question is?


Lack of human resources. They are hiring like crazy

Tim should hire a PR guy to tweet for him.

Then how will the Steamworks features work?

Just run the game without opening the launcher you fucking idiot

Why not? That shit running in the backgroud does nothing to improve my enjoyment of the game, the ingame browser crashes my games and why would I need to access the store after I launched the game?

>no shopping chart
>No reviews
>basically a racketeering scheme
>Owned by soulless insects

It's at comparisons like these you realize how human based Gaben is

Fucking hell, is there a group more patethic than "consumers" seriously defending EPChink?

>This is going to be Epic!
Holy cringe.

They don't care if the games doesn't sell, the sheere amout of money Epic pays them offsets any loss they could get by a gargantuan margin, Epic themselves make sure of that.

So the devs don't care if it were a mistake, they're swimming in money right now. And later they'll make even more when it hits steam, because consumers are fucking dumb retards without self control and will reward shitty business with loads of cash.

I've never used those.
>Steam needs to be running to launch the game

You have hundreds of things running in the background that do not contribute anything to your game. Why single out Steam?

It's not about what they're selling as much as it is about what Steam WONT be selling.
It's all cold shekel scheme by Chinks

You don't even have to be a console warrior to realize Epic's just not a good choice here. Buy all your games on GoG, fucking pirate them for all I care. Just don't go investing yourself as a consumer into a blatant cash grab by a company who is doing everything short of directly stating that they're making a try at a monopoly.

You've used achievements and Steam Cloud just by virtue of using Steam.

>What are desktop shortcuts
>What are source files
M8, in valve's installation folder, you can launch any game without the launcher interfering

What an idiot
Linux and open source if the future of computer science
You think spaceships being made a century from now will be running Windows 100?
lmao dog

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important post
free tibet and free hongkong

>pay 2 cents to have a bunch of near-worthless resources turned into commodities
>sell them for 20 bucks each
>keep most, use the rest to hire even more workers at 2c a week
its a trickle-up economy, like what the GOP has been slowly converting America to for the past fifty years

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I close anything that can be closed and disable everything that isn't necessary to run what I'm running. The Steam client serves no purpose.

If there isn't a bigger sign that Epic doesn't care about making money off the store and just wants you to download their shitty client I dunno what is.


We can hope so

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>Shopping cart
I think you're being a bit too optimistic, user.

fellow gamers we have to rise up against the EVIL EPIC (FAIL) STORE

get the fuck outta here you all sound like entitled children just looking for something to be angry about

have you ever tried just playing a video game without a big spergy fit

>Community Manager, Epic Games Store
I wouldn't want to be the faggot who gets that job

i just tried doing exactly this with several games i have through steam.
they all launched steam before launching the game.

the steam overlay on games is a big resource burden, and games are better without it

Fuck off Tim.

> The TaLkInG LiKe ThIs meme is so fucking gay, it's often accompanied by spongebob images too so I'm guessing it's only popular with lil zoom zooms
It's a Twitter meme, yes but it's used in the same way exaggerating greentext is.

So funny how you guys get triggered over some faggot and his e-boomer store. Don’t download it and don’t buy his fucking games.

Kek, I have intellij, Photoshop, Google Chrome, Slack, and Linux Subsystem running in the background whenever I play games.

Ah yes, I disabled ingame steam overlay for over a year when I thought it was interfering with my ingame inputs, never missed it once. It actually enabled itself after a reinstall.
Many games don't launch if Steam isn't running.

Stop being entitled and toxic, kiddo

>seething steamchinkdrone spams literal who twitter screencaps episode 1000

The indieshit devs will never allow user reviews, only those from the gamejournos.

but you don't understand we need to be outraged about something because we're gamers

Just imagine how spaghetti the source code of the EGS must be for it to take so long to implement a cart.

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here is your advanced AI bro

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>people who wanted a sex game bought it
I don't see the problem.

Sorry for trying to optimize my experience.
I run Winamp while playing games, sometimes alt tab to open a browser, but aside from that I close everything. I would either notice the stuttering or just straigt up imagine it.

What does that image have to do with what you posted?

he's right
>calls himself the pc master race
>uses linux exclusively
you're a retard

Good thread OP I will make sure to post the best posts on /r/fuckepic!

>another steamcuck meltdown thread
No Borderlands for you. Cope

>Tim spends millions bribing devs and journos
>only creates bad faith among consumers and developers
>Gabe does fucking nothing
>endless praise
I really wish Tim would get rid of his extra chromosome and fuck off from the PC market before he ruins it even more.

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Oh no, how will I cope without Randy's game for six months?

>we can't allow progressive AI to find such degenerate games, they must be purged
so if you're a weeb the AI won't actually work and give you the results you want

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>tim is a communist
the steam cuck delusion is not real

Utterly and unironically based.
Gaben knows what we really want.

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i could understand indie devs taking money from epic. they're a small business and they need the funds. Im glad the devs for darq declined because they promised a steam release. However the devs of borderlands 3 have no excuse for taking exclusivity deals

>Lack of human resources
How? They have over a thousand fucking employees. What the fuck are they doing, working 24/7 on Fortnite ONLY?

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Ew, keep that crap

It's not Steam. Steam uses 0.1% of my CPU on my old PC with a 2012 i7. That's 1/1000 of your CPU. Running Steam in the background would mean if you got 144 fps, you would not get 139.85 fps. Except Steam uses your CPU, not GPU.

I now have a brand new desktop, and it reports Steam as 0%.

Normies are hard at work to destroy the only hope for pc gaming, nice

>the ingame browser crashes my games
this only happens to you

Well, the devs mostly didn't but the publishers.
Randy is just a massive retard that has no idea what he's talking about.

>Implying everybody in this thread isn't a Steamdrone shitposting at other Steamdrones
Imagine a thread where people ironically shillpost just to troll people, that's what this is.

Nobody said anything about Tim being a communist schizo.


Then why do you keep making/posting in these threads? Seethe

Ah yes, I was looking forward to that. Thank you.

It will go on the list.

Yeah but I want to close it.
>my games
You missed that part.

EpIc Is BaD FoR cOmPeTiTiOn

>Randy is just a massive retard that has no idea what he's talking about.

true. randy is a fucktard.

well steam drones literally killed their public image by threatening devs and attacking their discord with nigger and kike

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Stop projecting, gabe nipplesucker

That's how capitalism works you dolt. All the money that doesn't go to paying your employees wages is money that goes into your pockets.
That's why (((the south))) got really mad about slavery going away.

>chink company
>who supports communism
stop coping, steam drone you know almost every steam drone thinks that epic and exclusivity is somehow supporting communism

Rent free

based, fuck the reddit ass CIA nigger protestors

Even that cockroach is disgusted

China isn't a communist country. So you're just retarded.

Imagine shilling for either of these multibillion worth companies whose only goal is profit

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whatever gets me the (you)s

Pretty problematic that he looks like those racist japanese cartoons of world war 2

Steamdrones are the biggest threat to steam

Oh no user, you can't criticize the republican party or else that means you're a virtue signaling trump derangement syndrome soiboy beta cuck.
You're not allowed.

You're a dumbass

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Nah lad the wish list is gonna be a 2021 feature


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Only for taking you seriously. Nobody thinks epic is funding communism. Take your pills.

this is the kind of shit that makes me want to end my life

Pretty much.

Storefronting ain't free, the path to a better cut for developers has got to be littered with the blood of steam and year long exclusivity deals. Gabe Newell aka Gayben is not our guy. He is obese and probably Jewish as well :DD Gog and Epic not Gog and Steam ok. Praise Tim owner of the ebin games store.

>Pc HaS No ExClUsIvEs

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even better
if you want to buy multiple games on EGS you need to do it one by one, however the system tends to think that this is some kind of fraud and disables your account

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> using intellij for anything ever
Why is this shitty IDE getting popular suddenly
It's not even good for their own language

>you are just retarded
nice false flagging steam drone, but the anti epic faggot community is filled with muh epic is supporting communism with exclusivity

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Ah yes, a state controlled economy is totally communism because communism is when the government does things.
Everyone knows that the state and money and private property are things that totally exist under communism lol

>i would never have pirated if it wasn't for this incredibly convenient justification!
lmao yea no. You're just a pirate dumbass. Don't make excuses for it

When will the Epic store get the game real gamers crave?

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>You received 10 Dollars off
>Courtesy of Epic

>You received a discount

Unless by "indieshit" you only mean pretentious games-as-art shit, then no. Indies like Celeste, Hollow Knight, Iconoclasts, pretty mediocre games will have 90%+ user reviews because the standards are low. Asset flips and other games that the dev has no faith in, AAAs, and pretentious garbage that gamers don't like but journos do will be the ones happy about this. The average indie dev trying their hardest will benefit from user reviews to give some information to work off for deciding whether to buy their product even if it's just at 50-70%.

>browsing leddit in the first place

confirmed retard


When someone says intellij is bad, I know it's because they're too stupid to understand it. Even people who use other IDEs, like my engineering manager, say it's great.

he says while browsing fucking Yea Forums
literally no difference

Salty land dwellers

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Not that user but I recall seeing a option to disable the overlay. Can't remember if it's a general thing or something you can do on a per game basis.

>if you run a buybot to buy 6 copies simultaneously you get blocked because of credit card protection
nice red*t meme fellow stranger

You're actually retarded

>pornography sells well
Stop the fucking presses.

>muh red*t
most steam drones are cross posting faggots , like almost every fuckepic post gets 500 replies here based retard

>*Tencent is technically a private corporation, but due to the Cadre System it is effectively a state run monopoly.

Tencent is public you fucking moron, you can literaly buy their shares right now. Not to mention china government likes to fuck up their business. They unlike perfect world are not the puppets of the communist party.

It doesn't make sense.

Steam babbies on suicide watch.

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stay salty wumao

oh no i have to do it one by one.What a tragic turn of events

>Steam gives customers what they want
>This is bad
When did games journalism become so puritanical?

>6 months for a shopping cart
literally how?

When I had to make a shitty app in software engineering, literally the first thing I made was the shopping cart, and it took literally 40 minutes of my time. Most of which was spent trying to figure out how to integrate it with android's bullshit.

Except here you don't get banned for disagreeing with developers. And you know the fact that this site has no user accounts, no official upvote downvote system, no karma system and all that.


Literally what game?


>not the puppets of the communist party.

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you sound like a RAMlet

Reminder that the Nintendo Switch e-shop still has no shopping cart.

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The marketing for this game got me good. I wanted to play it but no way was I dropping 599 shekels

It's ok when Nintendo does it

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Cheers Tim!

yep, does tim not realize the bs hes saying?

>can't handle one indie game
holy fuck.
I hope once the exclusive period wears off that valve just don't respond to the devs of EGS exclusive and leave them withering. Once word gets around that Valve are no longer going to let companies take advantage of their platform no-one is going to risk an exclusive with EGS.

Nah just fuck China
Tibetans and HK are just mountain and island chinks, fuck them too


Its actually okay when Nintendo does it because there's only 1 game worth buying on the entire shop

dual-boot, faggot. Have you heard of it?

how do you buy games without a shopping cart

Nintendo is just learning about the internet, it is run by old Businesmen yet their store has a wishlist

S-STOP THIS, LEDDITORS FROM r/suckgaben dick told me that tencent wants to rule the world by competing with steam

Not too quickly, or else it locks your account.

ApReL fAhLs

i thought the korn song wasn't even in the game?
it was just promo material.

16gGB were a lot 3 years ago.

>Linux and open source if the future of computer science
>Thinking average braindead user wants to fuck around with Linux instead of using something like Windows or Mac which itself already too complicated for some

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The difference here is that the E-Shop is and will forever be the only available digital storefront on Nintendo systems. Meaning Nintendo has no real reason to improve that piece of shit because everyone who buys digitally will buy there anyway.

I am actually amazed of at how much of a petty piece piece of shit Tim can be.

This is supposed to prove that they don't give peoples info to their chink commie overlords?

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Sweeney should really stop using Twitter, he's just making everything worse for himself and his company because he keeps making such retarded posts.

They targeted gamers.


We're a group of people who will sit for hours, days, even weeks on end performing some of the hardest, most mentally demanding tasks. Over, and over, and over all for nothing more than a little digital token saying we did.

We'll punish our selfs doing things others would consider torture, because we think it's fun.

We'll spend most if not all of our free time min maxing the stats of a fictional character all to draw out a single extra point of damage per second.

Many of us have made careers out of doing just these things: slogging through the grind, all day, the same quests over and over, hundreds of times to the point where we know evety little detail such that some have attained such gamer nirvana that they can literally play these games blindfolded.

Do these people have any idea how many controllers have been smashed, systems over heated, disks and carts destroyed 8n frustration? All to latter be referred to as bragging rights?

These people honestly think this is a battle they can win? They take our media? We're already building a new one without them. They take our devs? Gamers aren't shy about throwing their money else where, or even making the games our selves. They think calling us racist, mysoginistic, rape apologists is going to change us? We've been called worse things by prepubescent 10 year olds with a shitty head set. They picked a fight against a group that's already grown desensitized to their strategies and methods. Who enjoy the battle of attrition they've threatened us with. Who take it as a challange when they tell us we no longer matter. Our obsession with proving we can after being told we can't is so deeply ingrained from years of dealing with big brothers/sisters and friends laughing at how pathetic we used to be that proving you people wrong has become a very real need; a honed reflex.

Gamers are competative, hard core, by nature. We love a challange.

>where we can only accommodate a small number of releases
What? How does this explain anything? If the game went exclusive they would have been able to "accommodate" it, if it doesn't then they can't? He makes it sounds as if the reason they couldn't is because of technical problems or something.

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Gamers rise up
We love Gabe we don't love Tim

>he's just making everything worse for himself and his company because he keeps making such retarded posts.

Obviously not considering how good his company is doing.

Between the devs who write bad blogposts about teaming with Epic and Tim's own tweets it looks like the only people who side with Epic are literally deaf to the backlash and basic PR skills

amen fuck those commie bastards I prefer getting fucked by my own people

>This is supposed to prove that they don't give peoples info to their chink commie overlords?

>Starting in March 2018, the Chinese government put a freeze on the approval of new games, including all Tencent products. Tencent suffered a stock plunge that wiped out more than $135 billion off its market value. Many have interpreted this as the Chinese government sending Tencent and others the message: “You think you are big? Well, we the Party are bigger.”

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sorry lad but my one and only love is the sea

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I'm convinced the Japanese don't have any idea how computers work, they're just big boxes magic comes out of which they've learned to manipulate via rote.

>hand curated
>Cant figure out out to set a timer in a database for release
How did they make so much money.

But it is the filthy rich doing that in Toronto with lambos

we're steamcucks so we have to create false narrative about Tim so we can feel better about ourselves

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Hey Tim, how many pre-sales did you make today?

So Nintendo has a monopoly on the Switch, this should be illegal

This was the "crysis" killer or something like that? LMAO

>woman/tranny-looking handle and avatar
>doesn't bring up China
No wonder nobody cares about this little rant.

Tencent doesn't own Epic, stupid anime girl

This will be the final blow that kills Steam.

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Someone tell Tim to implement the EGS on Nintendo consoles so their monopoly can be stopped at once.

Halo killer, little zoomie

Fuck, so south africa and private investors are all behind all of this? Not china?
tiananmen square massacre, gamers shit your pants

Halo killer.


Attached: 1565711142350.jpg (640x480, 44K)

Thank you for the free games you creepy freak

Attached: timcreep.jpg (986x681, 120K)

it's fake retard, kys.


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why does he have to be this evil

They lucked out big time with Fortnite. Epic would have fallen to the wayside, otherwise.

>the south africans own the chinese

Now thats fokkin lekker boykie

according to a friend I went to uni with, that describes most programmers, to the point where most are extremely superstitious and will repeat any random behavior that happened to coincide with a problem that made no sense suddenly resolving itself. she showed the shrine to the server god once. the "server god" was a janked up decades old teddy bear. it had been set up 17 years prior, and both students and teachers would leave it offerings of paperclips. he swears blind whenever anybody removes the bear, the server starts having nonstop problems until you put it back. this was in louisiana

>Japanese don't have any idea how computers work
They just are super slow to update.

Attached: 94GFNGX.jpg (1024x768, 94K)

imagine actually believing this

nah it's owned by white south africans
so essentially the dutch are ruining PC Gaming

What exactly do you dumb niggers think you're exposing? The deal was fuckin exclusivity and the dev turned it down, so EGS said they can't sell on their store. Literally nothing surprising about this but you ruskie bots are going to town about it.

post yfw you'll never install EGS on your PC

>hey, we want to have your game!
>ok but keep your bribe, I wan't to release elsewhere too
So this is the power of "supporting the developers" and "caring about the health of the industry"...


You do know that Epic existed long before Fortnite, right?

My previous phone died after I started using a tablet. It just fucking stopped working. We are dealing with shit we do not fully understand.

>They can't possibly be selling many games on that shit.
They aren't, we know from the Samurai Shodown case how this works, Epic's buyout comes in the form of X "sales" of the game, so they give them 100,000 sales of the game worth of money, and then they claim those as actual sales even though they aren't. So when they say Infinifactory sold 501,435 copies on EGS, what actually happened is Epic bought 500,000 copies worth and the remaining 1,435 copies were the actual sales.
Also I'm pretty sure this is illegal since they're lying about their actual success in order to prop up the appeal of their store and business.

i know ;)

>"we care about indies and developers"
>they say while not charging indies a higher rate to distribute their games
Fuckin chink faggots

>Epic would have fallen to the wayside, otherwise.

Attached: List_of_Unreal_Engine_games_-_Wikipedia_-_2019-08-18_17.57.41.png (2345x7628, 1.69M)




It still makes them money

Why is UE the go-to engine for shovelware?

Man I sure love President Xi, good, solid, strong man
Also, the shirt he wears looks very cute

Attached: PresidentXi.jpg (1024x1024, 56K)

bros.. the FUCK is up with this gay ass threading? I never asked for this?

Attached: file.png (612x292, 32K)

>Indies like Celeste, Hollow Knight, Iconoclasts, pretty mediocre games will have 90%+ user reviews because the standards are low.
Or maybe the games just.... Actually fun, maybe? Just a thought.

That's bullshit, but I believe it.

That's still Unity though.

The 12% is all epicunts have left to hold on to, it's really sad.

I don't even have the heart to tell them steam lets devs generate keys to sell on their own for 100% of the profit.

It's easy to use and cheap to license.

>How can I push politics into this


Attached: 87587586467.jpg (645x588, 33K)

Lazy fucks can't code their own engines or don't have the balls to pay more for actual quality

Gamers in 2004
>Steam is anti consumer, i'm going to pirate half life.
Gamers in 2011
>Origin is spyware
Gamers in 2013
>it's not fucking steam, fuck off. We want steam as the only pc platform like consoles have

I'm the only one old enough to see how fucking stupid you people are?

Yup, Fortnite is getting what would be a bi-annual update for any other live service shit every 2 months. Gotta keep Zoomers hooked.

I've seen more serious games on Unity than UE for the past few years.

Fortnite didn't save Epic. Unreal engine is still one of the most widely used game engines out there. What Fortnite did do was create an appetite for greed, which resulted in a hastily built store that's fucking with the PC ecosystem because it has no change of surviving without generating controversy

> Indies like Celeste, Hollow Knight, Iconoclasts, pretty mediocre games will have 90%+ user reviews because the standards are low
lmao, imagine believing that indie games can't possibly be good so their favorable reviews are nothing but the result of pity points.

Attached: 1549961820083.jpg (820x1206, 233K)

Wow it's like Epic are some how worse than the other options available to us or something. Who would have thought?

like even japs are switching to unreal steam drone tick tock

I know who's paying the epic shills. What I don't know is who's paying you faggots.

Attached: 1.jpg (602x321, 62K)

This is a good list to get an idea of what might be coming to Epic Store in the future

>Libs outsource factory work overseas, forcing citizens into a service economy. Minorities need equal representation at the few remaining top paying jobs despite making up a fraction of the population
The only decent wage I've ever made has been under GOP donors

gamers have to be angry at something all the time

>He actually believes Epic games would be in the position they are now if Fortnite didn't explode in popularity after the Battle Royale update
Nigga they were on UE4 royalties life support.

>In 2001, Naspers made an early investment of US$32 million in Chinese internet company Tencent, which turned out to be extraordinarily successful.
Holy shit.

he deleted it lol

How is he wrong? Epic hasn't been relevant since before the Wii generation of consoles. Before Fortnite' battle royale mode they were just a has-been and after the success they've put UT and base Fortnite on hold.

Takes relatively little effort to make shiny next gen things.


It's literally been their central business goal since the beginning. Exclusivity is a means to raise the install base, their corner will always be lower rates.

>to sell on their own
Do you know what a distributor is?

Outrage culture is pathetic

The only controversy is Steamcucks shitting themselves that a new CHAD player has entered the game

>buying Nintendo games

Didn't consoles tried that last gen or the one before that?

when will you epic shills learn that the biggest issue is not Epic in itself, but their monopoly attempt

Everyone is fine if the game is allowed to release on any platform they want, but once exclusivity is thrown in to the mix, everyone just lacks an option and has to pick a vastly inferior platform for their games
GOG is the only place I'd give exclusivity, because out of all stores, they actually let you keep what you buy and don't demand the usage of any launchers or always online shit

Japs produce as much shovelware these days chasing that mouthbreather moviebox owner money, what's your point Tiananmen Square Massacre Free Tibet?

Tim is living the life bros, the infinite seething of steam drones, is just free advertising for him

Why aren't discord frogs making it big on Yea Forums or other parts of the internet so far? I thought everyone uses discord? It's time to embrace the :worry:

Attached: worry.png (128x128, 28K)

>Immigration Specialist

ever heard of unreal engine?

>wah wah epic monopoly bad :(
>doesn't mention steam defacto monopoly
>or ea origin monopoly on EA games
>or uplay exclusivity
snore fest

>i support GOG
and now you're based. good post overall

have fun playing the newest source engine game named shartifact and blunderlords and
> what's your point Tiananmen Square Massacre Free Tibet?
stop writing that user, gaben aka perfect world aka the chink government might ban you for that

You're a retard

Whats the problem here

Based reddit copypasta

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I'm guessing if they find someone who can work for Epic but who lives in another country, that person takes care of getting them to acquire a citizenship and move out.

Isn't Celeste that Super Meat Boy for trannies? Low effort spikeformers aren't fun. Hollow Knight also reeks of abstract non-platformer overrated to oblivion by grimdark fags. Maybe if the guy mentioned Shovel Knight I'd care to argue, but all these games are indeed trash.

It's a full-time job to deal with the H1B requests of dozen of new poos that you want to replace Americans with

your discord pedo/twink/underage/furry community is not as popular as you think it is

It's all trying to undercut the competition and make it seem like they care about devs (they don't if their own are to go by) and other stores offer lower rates anyway. Their actual central business goal is to have their own monopoly and turn the platform into another console.

>fighting a monopoly = you are creating a monopoly
hmmm what ?

Good thing we were always bashing developers for putting their games exclusively on steam then. Oh wait

>or ea origin monopoly on EA games
Whoa, he cracked the code! People will always release the games they published on their own store!

>Alternating capitals to imply a mocking voice
don't do that.

>muh assfaggots
I don't play insectoid games, Tiananmen Square Massacre Free Tibet.

He looks like the kind of motherfucker that would've spent some time on Epsteins Island

Why the fuck does he look so creepy

Attached: tim_sweeney.png (1000x563, 154K)


But that makes complete sense. Your phone got jealous and commited suicide.

The only way epic is going to convince people they're the good guys at this point is by pullin something vaguely like GG, pissing people off as much as possible, and then using the mob of people that inevitably end up going too far to paint all of their critics with the same broad-stroke brush.

I like them, don't get me wrong, and those are the top ones, but Salt and Sanctuary has 91%, The Messenger 95%, Dead Cells 95%, Ion Fury 95%, Forager 91%, Moonlighter 80%, Crash N. Sane 94% etc. These are not 9/10 games and standards are lower for indie games. These benefit off reviews much more-so than AAA games which generally get worse reviews and have other ways to market their games that don't rely on grassroots.

Literally yes

This isn't really debatable but here
>or ea origin monopoly on EA games
games made by EA are fair to release on Origin only
>or uplay exclusivity
games made by ubisoft are fair to release on uplay only.

how many epic exclusives were made by epic? hmm?

>Why the fuck does he look so creepy
It looks like he's trying to smile but doesn't know how to properly do it.


>Advanced AI
Imagine being so fucking far up Gaben's ass that you think looking at the playtime for games with a particular set of tags and matching it up with other games with similar tags is impressive. Holy fuck you people are too far gone

Attached: 1451666907983.gif (480x270, 1.97M)

If Yea Forums really cared about healthy competition you would buy your games on GoG but it seems people here are just valve loyalists

>Crash N. Sane 94%
Crash is very irrevelant, but it's not indie.

Jealously snatching up games and rigging the game is the very antithesis of Chad behavior.

Installing Linux is actually more like voting against a shitty incumbent politician. But I wouldn't expect a puppet of the Chinese government to understand democracy.

Attached: fuckyoutim.png (1920x1080, 296K)

He very much has the typical facial traits of those pedophiles who get caught. It doesn't help that his smile looks fake as hell, off the top of my head I'd assume he's probably not the kind of guy who smiles a lot but did it anyway for the sake of the picture and that's why your brain can immediately tell how off it is.

Attached: 1541397977071.jpg (578x600, 55K)

linux isn't complicated anymore, there's plenty of baby distros around

how many third party developers can afford to launch their own distribution platforms?

Steam is convenient, and convenience is king.

I think I'll get cyberpunk on GoG. I do want to use it more, but even Tim admits that any sane consumer wants to have all of their games in the same comfy place.

tim the rat sweeny

And who says I don't when I can you big faglord?

that same place being your desktop PC, not their software

>fighting a "monopoly" (service that grew big thanks to being better than it's competitors at every turn)
>by trying to make an actual monopoly (service that sucks ass and can only survive by taking other people's products in to their store and preventing their distribution on other platforms)


Sociopathy. It's the same kind of look Dick Cheney had; a grimace under cold eyes.

>We allow you to distribute your game how you want only if you're a multi billon company

Gamers are so nice

Under the hood Linux stays just as obtuse, only the surface stopped being as awful as it was a decade ago.

I’m not american, can someone translate this freedums speak?
Why would you even put it like that, wouldn’t it make more sense to say you have to fight to make things better, not fight to preserve the status quo you just said you are unhappy with?

I wish I was living in the non EGS timeline.

Steamcucks so mad they have to mock a dude's face

Stop typing like a faggot redditard

I would, but since steam is de facto monopoly no one fucking give a shit to release games on gog even years after steam release.

>Removed Rape Day over hurt feelings
>Won't put his foot down over his employees banning whatever eroge they don't like that day for the last year
Gaben is a schmuck and a liar.

Ok Tim. Go back to being a creepy wanker.

>dOn'T dO tHaT.

who isn't buying from gog?

Attached: 1415641499251.jpg (512x384, 82K)

i mean if steam just let you download the game it'd be pretty much perfect.

>User Reviews
That the developer of the game can delete, of course, they feel the reviews are inaccurate, disruptive, in bad faith, or fostering an unhealthy attitude towards the developers!

Attached: trash.png (300x300, 16K)

+2 yuan were deposited on your EGS account

It's the only reason it is acceptable.
They have full rights so legally and logically there's no room for bitching.
It doesn't mean people like it, but it is fair for them to do so.

you mean if steam were gog?

>food analogy

>by trying to make an actual monopoly
well steam will not die when epic buys some games user or why are you so afraid ? is steam that bad for developer ? gaben is making enough money he can invest in indie development and better sharing rates as well, its capitalism and competition after all :), stop lying and get a grip.

Calling him
Is apparently comedy gold in steamdrones mind

Isn't this an antitrust situation just like the App store?

GoG as far as I know doesn't have things like family share and in-app streaming yet, two things I've found surprisingly useful.

More like getting all the girls cause you have $$$ and a hot rod
>but steam is le nice guy
Get shit on

I don't give a rats ass, not a single epic exclusive so far has been a game I cared about.
The only thing I care about is Epic store, service and methods being GARBAGE

Moving to Canada is equal to treason. USA! USA! USA!

How about CD Projekt puts that Skyrim for Hipsters money to good use and actually make an effort to bring non-indie games released in this decade to their platform first?

he is a billionaire and more successful than every steam drone on this planet, who cares about a face when you are rich (its a rich mans world and whops another game goes egs exclusive ohononono look at his head hehe)

Attached: tim-sweeney.jpg (1024x632, 127K)

Tim is actually a reptilian that escaped from Area 51 duri

>it's not something they can do
>"we can't" instead of "we don't want to" as if to absolve themselves of guilt, like their hands are tied and it's not up to them
Oh I hate this.

Attached: 1438455544445.png (450x362, 65K)

>>We allow you to distribute your game how you want only if you're a multi billon company

It's funny because that's exactly what epic are doing. The indies have to take the deal or not get on the store, while Ubisoft and CD projekt red can do whatever they want

You do realize that by your own logic there is no room to bich about developers/publishers choosing epic then?

its a store you can buy and download your games, its like gamestop and we get crossplay for every game in the future thanks to tim, this feature is much more meaningful than having a profile page for you fellow tranny friends

>>Thinking average braindead user wants to fuck around with Linux instead of using something like Windows or Mac which itself already too complicated for some
I thought I'd have to do a lot of tweaking and shit when I installed Linux, and I installed Linux anyway because I was willing to do it. But a lot of things seriously just work. The Proton feature built into Steam gets a lot of credit for this in the gaming category, but I'm not just referring to gaming either. When it comes to peripheral USB devices, in particular, I've had a better experience on Linux Mint than I ever did on Windows.

>have a USB headset (it can also be plugged directly into a combo input/output audio jack instead of USB but I realized too late that my PC doesn't have one; it just has separate speaker and microphone sockets, so I'm glad for the USB option)
>use it on Windows
>drivers install automatically but I have to go into the audio settings and fuck around quite a bit to make Windows use my headset as the default input device and default output device
>use it on Linux
>it literally just works and I hardly have to touch any settings at all

>have a USB Wi-Fi dongle for occasional wireless use because I built my desktop PC with the intention to use it almost exclusively on wired internet
>use it on Windows
>automatically installed drivers don't work; need to use drivers downloaded from the manufacturer's web site instead, and those work for a while, and then one day they don't work at all, possibly broken by a Windows update or something
>use it on Linux
>it literally just works as soon as I plug it in

inb4 "durr you're lying"

What does tag lookup have to do with AI?

Am I just completely tech illiterate for thinking I could figure out how to make wishlists, reviews, gifting and carts in less time than this if I had to do everything literally alone?
I understand the payment stuff being them trying to work out a deal with payment processors or something, so not really a matter of effort, and I guess achievements and playtime tracking require actual coding, but how fucking difficult is it to come up with and implement fucking reviews?

hiring prostitutes is not being a chad user
thats what a pathetic beta would do

No, stuff like shopping carts is something a second-year software engineer student could do in 30 minutes.

It's not an analogy, its a true story.

Now try having loudness equalization.

Are they still using fax machines?


They approached him because his game was on the top 50 wishlisted games on Steam. They don't have standards, they're just leeches. And when the devs refused exclusivity, suddenly Epic doesn't want the game on their store anymore.

Epic MegaGames has done more for video games than Valve ever did, but of course you young retards don't know about it

Why the fuck do you need a shopping cart? You're not buying 5 things at once unless you're a whale.


>getting btfo
>l-look at tims face
Im sure this is a big hit against him, poor guy will swipe his tears with dollar notes (and he will not die at 60 like gaben)
>this is the current power of steam drones

Tons of people because they had to let go of like 20% of their workers and they're losing money every year.

nobody on the entire planet:
You: TaLkInG LiKe tHiS
Me: ...

Whatever you say, Tim. Get back on coordinating the Shopping Cart project, otherwise it's gonna get pushed to over a year of ETA.

Yeah? That's not a game.
Ever heard of Unity?

No one is forcing anyone to do anything. The only people trying to enforce something here is steamdrones demanding that every game withouth it's own launcher should be on steam because if not we riot.

I don't think I ever used it on Windows unless it was enabled by default, so I'm not sure if I care...?

Why the fuck do we need EGS to begin with?

or he just marries them who cares its his money, women are in love with old and rich guys

Attached: gettyimages-109484637 (1).jpg (358x268, 20K)

In terms of difficulty I'd say
Gifting >= Reviews > Carts > Wishlists.

>Epic is owned by the Chinese who are owned by the Africans who are owned by the Dutch
How deep does this rabbit hole go?

Attached: 1351528552105.png (500x500, 131K)

Yes there is because
a) some have already backstabbed their fanbase by going epic exclusive in the last second

b) the games are not made by epic and the only reason they are epic exclusive is because they paid massive bribes to the devs

c) as proven by OP, they don't want anything to do with indies who want the freedom of selling anywhere they want
Have you ever seen steam or gog deny a game because they want to sell elsewhere?

People do when a game has lots of dlc and on sale time. Which happened during their first sale and people got locked out for buying like 5 games one after another.

>You're not buying 5 things at once unless you're on a store that has good sales and you want to buy enough games to keep you entertained until the next sale rather than buying things at full price in between sales like some kind of stupid retard

epic means video gaming, but the steam drone mind works more like
>steam = pc gaming

We need a reason to call Epic anti-consumer

We already all have access to a vector computing unit. It's present in most computers. It's called a GPU.

Modern GPUs are already generic purpose vector computing units. GPGPU. It's a thing. We already access it by just writing code. Cuda/OpenCL. Again, it's a thing.

I'm trying very hard to imagine a way as to take that statement without making Tim a complete retard, but I can't. Does he mean a vector computing units that is integrated in his language? That's already the case with OpenCL binding. Or that the vector computing unit will be built into the main CPU? That's completely retarded.

Is the Epic shill the same guy who used to shit post about the Resident Evil 2 Remake?

Depends on the scale of the game, but at least a million upfront (Ubisoft got like 10 million for The Division 2, a game that flopped really hard and they clearly expected it to) and a guarantee of covering the cost of up to 500K copies when it does not sell (this is why they say every game has sold "over 500K copies on Epic" every time instead of giving real numbers, those are just the copies that Epic themselves paid for and any minuscule number above that is how many copies it actually sold to the small handful of retards who have used the store), essentially as a sales safety net. In other words, the devs who have taken the deal knew their game wouldn't sell and just opted for free money. Epic and Tencent are hemorrhaging money and not making any back. It is not sustainable because Fortnite is dead and the store will be gone by some time next year.

>video gaming
Do you happen to work for CNN?

>Hollow Knight also reeks of abstract non-platformer overrated to oblivion by grimdark fags.
LMAO wtf are you even talking about? Just play the game yourself before you talk, idiot.

hey its anti costumer you need a shopping card otherwise you cannot buy the 10 other dlcs made by money hungry publish- oh wait wtf

Is the Steam shill the same guy who pooped his bed last night?

That depends on the game.
The Wicher games all runs without Steam.

>Yea Forums is one guy

I will take that as a yes.

>this is the maturity level of an EPIC apologist

Yeah no, it's not a shop based around shopping engine.
I assume they are not implementing it now because they are working on something that would break it in the future. Probably something to do with dlc and microtransactions.

it was actually me

AKCHUYALEEE the eshop does let you buy multiple dlc at once, so at least you could say it has a shop basket

it was actually me

>I actually haven't played any of the games I was criticizing for having positive reviews, but I'll call them shit anyway, haha
Just your average poster whose opinion is completely irrelevant here.

Attached: 1556843679769.gif (378x310, 320K)

Nice try /po/, go back to your board, nobody is interested in papercraft anymore.

>goes own to take money from literal dictatorships who send tanks to run over protesters

>Ever trusting the Chinese with competition

There's only one person on Yea Forums capable of shitposting on such a high level of autism, and if you pay attention you'll realize the posts are write in a similar way.

that probably sounded better in your head

>I assume they are not implementing it now because they are working on something that would break it in the future
About one of the defining traits of good software engineers is that breaking some feature because you are working on another one, merely tangential with the first feature for that matter, shouldn't happen. Either EGS' source code is shit or its developers are.

I once tried a bunch of games. Some worked and some didn't. Interestingly, I remember Half-Life 2 being one of the games that could be launched without Steam. A lot of them launched Steam when I tried to launch their .exe files though.

If someone tells you that all Steam games can be launched without Steam running, they're lying. But if someone tells you that all Steam games require Steam to be running, they're also lying.

Yes, you can disable the Steam overlay. It's a global option.

Attached: overlay.png (738x583, 59K)

>Hollow Knight also reeks of abstract non-platformer overrated to oblivion by grimdark fags
Try to make your own opinion of things instead of absorbing every little bit of stupidity that comes out of internet as truth.

I'll be pirating the Ghostbusters Remaster because of Epic. I had no problem paying for it but I'm not installing Chinese malware.

Your post makes too much sense. These threads are about being a retard and saying "chink" a lot

It was actually me

kek, he does look like Cheney. If only he was one tenth as based as Dick

>a) some have already backstabbed their fanbase by going epic exclusive in the last second
That's on them.
>b) the games are not made by epic and the only reason they are epic exclusive is because they paid massive bribes to the devs
Yes. Blame epic for offering a better deal than steam.
>c) as proven by OP, they don't want anything to do with indies who want the freedom of selling anywhere they want
>Have you ever seen steam or gog deny a game because they want to sell elsewhere?
Well, yeah. Steam did that when origin dared to oppose their dominance. Crysis 2

well tim the GOAT of pc development doesnt have that much experience running storefront, give him some time and we will see a situation like source vs unreal in the future :)

>chinese malware

>>Have you ever seen steam or gog deny a game because they want to sell elsewhere?
>Well, yeah. Steam did that when origin dared to oppose their dominance. Crysis 2
I'm not the guy to whom you're replying but what the fuck are you talking about? I have Crysis 2 on Steam.

>Decide not to have a game on your store
>"WAHHHH!!!! You can't do that!!!"

Take comfort in the realization that they own him and his company. He has as much personal freedom and safety as the average Chinese citizen now because they tell him what to say and think and monitor him 24/7. He is their puppet and when they are tired of him wasting their money, which they will be soon since he's made none of it back, they will shut it down and probably make him disappear. He deserves the 2-bullets-to-the-back-of-the-head-down-by-the-docks "suicide" they've got planned for him.

>banning developers that don't accept to be exclusive
>fighting monopoly
that's a yikes from me


GOG has no games


GOG has no games

lot of game companies this year are laying off workers left & right. This seems more like an industry problem

Ok? Your post is pretty cringey, but sure.

>say something bad about Epic
>"hurr you're a Steam drone, Steam is a monopoly, hurr durr durr"
>meanwhile I have almost 100 games on GOG

Attached: gog.png (292x172, 35K)

Shut the fuck up Chink. I use both GOG and Steam, but GOG has nowhere near the library selection as Steam and is therefore not applicable for all releases. I'll never touch Epic.

I want ot FUCK Frieza's mouth

Oh no! I'll have pirate it like the 3 games before it!

No one cares faggot

Maybe they don’t want a bunch of low budget pretentious indie shit clogging up their server. I don’t blame them

praise geraldo

>only 100 games

Man sweeny must sit in Twitter 24/7 waiting for anyone to mention epic store.


I guess you need to be old enough to remember that drama. They added it later on thought

you clearly cared enough to reply dumb epic shill

>Maybe they don’t want a bunch of low budget pretentious indie shit clogging up their server
Is that why they offered the Ooblets' devs money when that game had been pretty under the radar before?

They seemed to want it when they thought nobody else could have it.

>indieshit loving furshit with zero reading comprehension trying to look down on anyone
Your opinion is completely irrelevant indeed, leave.

If you can't pick up obvious social clues, that's your problem (and potentially autism). Not wasting my time on dime a dozen indie shovelware which discussions attract subhumans like bandwagonning soulstards and constitute of fucking nothing with character wanking in between, it doesn't get more damning for a gameplay heavy genre. You faggots will never fool me with another subhuman game again.

>That's on them
>Yes. Blame epic
congrats, you can now see around yourself
People hate devs for betraying the trust of their fans by taking the side of a shitty store because their publishers got some cash out of it
People hate Epic for offering this shit in the first place, because everyone knows that Epic store simply wouldn't have customers if it wasn't for all of their underhanded anticonsumer tricks that they use to avoid sinking

Yeah that's why they tried to get the game exclusive to their store, are you retarded?

Imagine unironically being this guy, just imagine.

Attached: 1539115275671.png (1920x1080, 2.19M)

Suck on this epic game

But the average customer doesn't care about Epic exc-


That's pretty much a decision by the publisher/developer to allow the game be run without it.
Witcher's devs are anti-drm, all their games can be run without Steam for example but other devs also use features that could make or break their game without Steam active, like Matchmaking, Friend list, Workshop and the list goes on.

>Maybe they don’t want a bunch of low budget pretentious indie shit clogging up their server.
They do, but only if it's exclusive.

>this kills the epic shill


>AI War
You are my negro.

tim fuck off

Stop quoting your own posts you pathetic drone

Give hong kong independence Chink


Underrated as fuck

>I don't like epic store
Then don't buy games there. Problem solved.
We don't need another >Le epic is bad thread.

Suck on this king kong

You're delusion is so cute

Get KyoAni'ed, genetic dead-end.

Who gives a fuck about that garbage?

>obvious social clues
Your obvious social clues is the contrarian opinions from people here, again, try to make your own opinion instead of parroting whatever people say.
>(and potentially autism)
But considering how hard you are projecting, I can imagine why you are unable to do that.

Gotta feed my (you) addiction. So don't expect them to go away anytime soon.

As long as Tim keeps cucking us we as Gamers need to Rise Up

Got Alan Wake, For Hornor, Mutant, Limbo for free. Thanks Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeny!

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So, you hate epic because epic is offering better terms than steam. Fucking capitalism, developers shouldn't have rights to sell their game where i don't want to buy them.

Your poor grammar is pathetic

I hope this is just bait, otherwise you really are stupid.

No one does. But these chinks need to be destroyed.

Yeah but the catch is that you need to install chinese malware on your PC to play those "free" games.

Why does Tim Sneedey feel the need to respond to just anybody on Twitter? It's not like you need to defend your shit further, actions speak louder than words. What a fag.

But user, we already figured that south africa is behind epic games

>genetic dead-end
Facebook-tier insults.

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You can't treat a 90% positive rating the same it getting a 9/10 when every review is a flat yes/no.

>EGS said they can't sell on their store
That's vert clearly bullshit. They said "can't" when they obviously meant "won't." There is absolutely nothing that would prevent them from selling a non-exclusive game, otherwise you wouldn't be able to buy Cyberpunk or Division 2 on the EGS. Tim bringing up "hand curation" is fucking meaningless, since he obviously thought the game was good enough to be sold on the EGS, or else he wouldn't have offered an exclusivity deal.

Does the EGS support achievements?

he loves all the seething, being a billionaire and a shitposter, living the live

Because his actions are indefensible enough and his chink masters require him to spread their propaganda to fix it.


>epic is offering better terms than steam
you cant be serious

Actually Epic has commented on people making fake shit up about Epic, so this is just trying to say the truth
But in the end people don't believe him anyway so it's pointless

Blocks them with my premium antivirus

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Chink shill

Nothing said about Epic have been lies, Tim is the one spreading lies. It is a chink botnet and bitcoin miner owned by the Chinese government. kys.

Imagine defending an underdeveloped store with “The other store isn’t even that advanced, it’ll all easy to implement!”

I could look up the japanese spelling of genetic dead-end, but you'd probably take pride on that, being a closeted tranny anime girl poster and all.

>contrarian opinions from people here
I agree, it is contrarian to wank a mediocre platformer based on fucking art direction.

I don't think Tim Sweeney even knows where Canada is let alone what it's like there if he thinks that's even a remotely valid comparison.

Except they do. They even want to be the sole provider of this specific case of low budget pretentious indie shit.

Stay mad, steamdditor

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Are you actually retarded? He literally said they can accomodate only a small number of titles. That means they curate and take preference over exclusives and fuck-huge AAAs like Cyberpunk


>Willing to extend money to bring their game to EGS
>th-the game actually wasn't good, we curated it out, y-yeah
Stay classy, Tim.

>chink shills
>everything is a lie
sure steamchinkdrone
>enslaves your family for some dollar notes
nothing personal kid

nothing personal steam drone, see yah tomorrow

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Is that actual sour grapes from Tim Sweeney here?

He is definitely a brainlet sperg with FAS. Typical chink behavior to take advantage of a mentally incompetent person.

>More pretentious indieshit made by sellout devs

Every single time, the autogynephilic psychotic tranny never misses a chance to expose itself.

>because they eat dogs

No fucking way it's real

>Death Stranding
imagine the reactions. kek

The absolute level of stooping

They're not the market leader, they are well within their right to do this and this doesn't damage competition. I wish basic economics was taught in schools.

And that small number of titles is now absolutely confirmed to not be selected by quality now but rather whether or not they can enforce exclusivity.

Half of that shit should have been implemented with the launch and a few are already going to be shit as they've already stated how Reviews and Social interactions (forums, friendlist, etc) will be monitored.

Funny how you are the one who knows words like this, isn't it?

>and this doesn't damage competition
Go that right

It's almost like mental defectives have spammed their "culture" for several years in a videogame board.

Imagine not having anything better to do than complain about a video game store

Seethe steamcucks
Epic always win

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So you are, in fact, allowing them to live rent free in your head to have paid them any attention at all and learned their words?

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>it is contrarian to wank a mediocre platformer based on fucking art direction.
It's also contrarian to hate a game because of the art direction without having a glimpse of the gameplay, go fucking pirate the game and play it yourself to forge your own opinion for fuck sake, you retarded parrot.

You're a retard. It's selected from both

100% mad

Is Epic still just doing timed exclusives? I rarely buy a game within the first year after release, because I'm usually waiting until a game is less than $5 or at least more than 50% off. So I'm not sure if I should give a shit about some game being on Epic exclusive when it will just end up on Steam right around the time I'd even consider buying it anyway.

Actually, I picked this one up just because I've seen you freaks get terribly upset about being reminded that you're nothing but a psycho who mutilated and pumped himself full of suicide-inducing hormones for a retarded fetish.



If you're a poorfag you have every reason to care about Epic since they're literally giving games out for free every week