can someone give me a quick rundown on this game? Looks fun.
Can someone give me a quick rundown on this game? Looks fun
Best fishing in any MMO hands down
korean mmo
and that's the only thing you really need to know
What? The fishing is garbage.
i dont know what that means
It's pretty good and if you don't care about PvP (which is the whole endgame), then you can dismiss the P2W allegations entirely. Keep in mind that the game is very focused on you staying online and doing shit. Like they give you daily login stuff, such as costumes, boosters, etc
There's a lot of non-combat jobs and they're actually fun. Like farming, gathering, decorating your house, hunting monsters with your sea ship, breeding horses, creating an industry empire with automated workers, etc. Although the combat is pretty good, since it is actually action combat and not tab targetting in disguise like Tera was.
You've played a better MMO with fishing?
grindy and pay to win, gameplay is ripped off from other better game, lore starts out grand but never resolved/ruins itself down the line
Better than ESO?
>gameplay is ripped off from other better game
which game did it rip off? from my knowledge there never was a traditional mmorpg before that used fight game controls
ESO is a completely different game. ESO is a story focused cooperative game, which uses level and gear scaling to make sure you never run into any wall. It's more about dialogue and exploration. It's basically the same as Skyrim but online and with the typical mmorpg hotkey casting. The closest comparision to ESO would be Guild Wars 2.
BDO is basically the old Star Wars Galaxies jobs crossed with Dark Age of Camelot. Story is very optional. Infinite character levels which exponentially require more and more xp to attain, which ESO also has, but in ESO the CP you gain from levels is account bound and you can just start a new character with them unlocked. Unconsensual world PvP. Endgame revolves around grinding months for 1 level up and a heavy RNG gearing system, which you only use to win node wars, which are guild fights in the open world where you build a base to get income for your guild. Guilds in general are different in BDO, because they actually contract their members and have to pay them a salary, which can grow bigger depending on how useful you are.
The two games are pretty much complete opposites. If you're into PvP, then BDO is your best bet. If you're into a story and voice over dialogues and just want to kill some time playing a multiplayer version of Skyrim, play ESO. Don't try to PvP in ESO though, the level scaling makes low level players very powerful.
At least runescape fishing has fun people sometimes. nobody talks in bdo fishing.
just join your guild in weekly fishing and hunting expeditions and chart the deep sea while youre socializing, it's not that hard
pay to do anything
user probably mean that the game looks pretty but the gameplay is generic
it has one good doujin
the loop is generic but the gameplay is unique, because theres no other traditional mmorpg out there that plays like street fighter. you literally have to do input combos to fight shit. here's a pve rotation of one of the simplest classes.
>Spend a lot of money
>Be better than anyone who spent less than you
/quick rundown
but the actual fishing is fucking garbo, at least in bdo you can fish different places, actually go on to a boat to fish, and even harpoon if you really hate yourself
Buying an account would make more sense, since you can't directly buy power. You could spend $50.000 on mtx and still only be on TRI gear.
But you can do all that in runescape too. And at least it's a bit faster. BDO could take forever to get a full inventory of fish, especially if you afk.
>BDO could take forever to get a full inventory of fish, especially if you afk.
My inventory is full of fish after 30 minutes of deep sea fishing and I'm on the max applied inventory size. Don't fucking fish in afk spots.
Hope you have deep pockets.