Is it good?

Is it good?

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also, should I emulate the psx version or wait for the steam version

only boomer like this game

Yes but some people cant handle the level of distilled anime it features
2 is better

Do you want to smoke my shit man, yo man.

No, because apparently nu reviewers are crying it doesn't have a fast forward option...

How shit can you be?

If the Switch port is anything to go by you might as well just ignore it entirely

The gameplay is a bit dated. Emulate it first, then see if you like it.

Its been awhile since I played it but didnt Grandia do that awful Xenogears style text crawl with no skips?

reminder that Grandia III is the most underrated entry in the series and that Miranda will forever be the best girl.
but that being said, if it's as bad as people say then I'll have no problem playing 1 and 2 for the first time after this

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It's okay but like most JRPGs it's aged poorly. It's almost painfully generic by modern standards.

>Mom gets BROWNED
instantly uninstalled

gotta admit that kinda pissed me off that she's only there for like 1/4 of the game (maybe even less) but holy fuck that goodbye scene got me right in the feels

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>Sue is barely out of the party
>Feena is barely holding herself from forcibly making Justin a man

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I don't know why, but I just couldn't get into 3. I played up until the point where MC and the main girl fly an airplane and crash in the woods somewhere. I think at this point the party was reduced to just being those two. For some reason whenever I stop having a full party in JRPGs, that's when I lose interest.

I loved the shit out of Grandia 2 though.

Apparently the "superior" saturn version is soon to be completely translated. You could wait for that since it doesn't look like it will take that long to be finished.

It's the best RPG on PS1, few people know this.

Eeeeeehhhhh It's okay, there's a very heavy 80 anime charm in it (in fact the whole plot is basically castle of Laputa) and honestly I think that's the main reason anyone should play it, there's even a trio of incompetent villains

The game itself is okay, a bit slow paced perhaps, the way you learn new skill is also kind of annoying

on a personal note, I hate how Justin and feena fall for each other since they are like Dora the explorer and Indiana Jones, it feels like a super forced romance

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oh shit nigger that's not even like halfway into the first disc, that's like the end of the tutorial stage of the game. I loved it so much as a 3rd grader, haven't got the chance to play 2 but I might just do that one of these days

Yes but by modern jrpg cliche standards it'll seem dated despite pioneering a few itself. Gameplay is solid though and much to it's explorer theme the world keeps opening up in new ways every chapter.

It's a great, classic game. It's one of those games I played over and over again as a kid so I am biased. It looks dated as fuck because of those shitty PS1 graphics, but if you can get past that it has some of the best characters, one of the best JRPG adventure stories of all time. It also has a nice skill development system that requires you to raise specific skills on each character for them to unlock all of their moves. You have to make a conscious effort to do this and it gives the game a bit of a customisation feel to it. The main problem though is that the game is far too easy whilst having one of the best JRPG battle systems. The battle system is wasted because you are never challenged. A fan-made patch was released to address this but I never played it. The battles have movement around an arena, spell cast times and interruptions, a stun 'break' effect, etc. which, nowadays are pretty common in JRPGs but back then it was still kinda impressive to see all of this. Anyway, the main draw is the story and characters. Definitely a must-play for anyone who likes JRPGs and can stomach the graphical style of that era.

As someone that exclusively watches 90s anime in the English dub, those girls are some of the worst VA I have heard in a JRPG dub. Made Devil-lady's dub look decent

>people saying "game is cliche by modern standards"

yeah, but that's not really a slight against grandia. lunar games also tend to come off as cliche. mainly because they did so many things right they became a widespread thing.

3's shit. Miranda can't save a game alone.

I can't think of a single thing either game did first. You know why a lot of people don't make this argument with DQ? Because instead of just following cliche, it tells a unique utilization of it.

The port is a bit of a disappointment on the Switch, from my experience, the music is fucked up and has weird looping issues (not sure if it's because I pirated it, are buyfags having this issue?), and the "new" textures look like they've been run through some kind of emulator filter, character portraits look especially shitty.
I tried the the PS1 version on Retroarch using the Beetle PSX HW core, then in the game's settings enable all the PGXP settings to get rid as much as possible of the polygon and texture warping, and the widescreen hack, it looks like the rehash but with those tasty pixelshit PS1 textures, except in cinematic sub 30fps (maybe it can be solved with software overclocking) and with very minimal warping.

That being said, I'm undecided if I want to play the port, which is comfier due to portability, and less janky since it runs at 60fps with none of the ps1 texture and polygon warping, or the PS1 original which looks better on the big screen, doesn't have those shitty smeared filtered textures, and has all the emulator goodies such as savestating and fastforwarding. Either that or I'll just wait for the PC port and mods to restore the original pixelshit textures.

Here's a screenshot of how it looks (no widescreen hack activated).

Attached: Screenshot (8).png (1920x1080, 1.07M)

use the saturn version. You will see that the roads in towns and such make actual sense and aren't just a random maze. Your picture makes me uncomfortable.

I’m kind of happy she left him. Why would you be flying around the world with your mom when you got some prime elf pussy to slam?

Can someone post a screenshot of this scene with the new grafix? Honestly this is pretty much the only part i remember clearly of this game since I played it back then.

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What do you even mean? Last time I checked, the only difference was minor autistic shit like buildings having shadows.

Is the translation patch for the saturn game even finished?

I dunno user the gameplay's pretty tight and was slightly different than the usual FFX's formula of turn based JRPG but then again I started with 3 so I really don't know how great 1 or 2 is

why wouldn't I if my mom is probably like 17 years younger than me and I call her by her first name because she's more like my sister than my mother?

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I enjoyed Grandia 2 on PC a million years ago but I could never finish it. I remember the main character was a snarky atheist with a wicked sense of humor and this resonated with me at the time. But let me guess, by the end he realizes the goddess is real and becomes a generic likeable dude doesn't he? Or does he stay a sarcastic fedora tipper to the end?

Not him, but the Saturn version has
>better water effects
>better sprites for Sue (and probably others too) so that her purse is always to her left, PS1 version just cut those sprites and mirrored pre-existing ones instead, pic related shows what I mean
>properly laid out textures that made sense, the floor textures were just slapped on for PS1 version and its really a mess
>and as you stated building have shadows
PS1 version does have better character shadows though since they're detailed, Saturn version just had circles for shadows.

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>imfuckingplying best girl isn't Gypsytitties

Dear fucking god why couldn't they just hire some fucking drawfag to redraw these sprites in high res? Seriously this looks like something I could do with photoshop. Hopefully when the game comes to PC someone autistic enough to redo the sprites will emerge and improve this fucking travesty.

One of my favorite games of all time

Because she is your mom.

It was probably done with an algorithm that applied a filter, if you remade the sprites with vector graphics tracing over the originals it would have looked far better than that. They all have this weird smeared, imperfect look to them, even the character portraits, there's also filtering artifacts (lines) sometimes when the sprites are zoomed in. Looks better than emulator filtering but still a pretty shitty job.

The sprites are honestly the least of the HD collection's problems. There's the fact that they blatantly lied about using the Saturn/Dreamcast version of the games, but its clearly PS1/PS2, on top of that there's also the new bugs that weren't even present in those versions.
Quoting an user from the last thread who gave a rundown on a handful of problems
>Grandia 1:
>Forced textures you can't turn off
>Music is out of sync
>Have been claiming it's the Saturn version when it's obviously the PS1 version
>The "Japanese dub" is literally the stolen fan undub, proven by the fact it switches back to English at the 2/3rds point
>All of the new languages it was translated into was machine translations, meaning the German version has this incredible gem of translating a MISS in battle as "frauline"

>Grandia 2
>Didn't bother retexturing anything or smoothing shit out
>Actually has more graphical issues than the PC version for some ungodly reason
>Graphical glitches like Millenia's see through skirt now have her skirt outright disappear sometimes

>The "Japanese dub" is literally the stolen fan undub, proven by the fact it switches back to English at the 2/3rds point

Now this is just fucking sad. I'm glad I pirated it.

Wow. Looks like I'm skipping on this one.

They actually said they were "using the Saturn version as reference."
They clearly wanted to make people think it was the Saturn version or would be like it, though.

>translating a MISS in battle as "frauline"
This is new levels of dumb.

At least it's consistently dumb, I remember games translated in my language where they couldn't even keep making the same mistake, and it was sometimes translated a certain way and others in another way (both wrong). Or with some areas that had their name changed in some conversations and original in others. Oblivion had this issue in my language and was literally unplayable as a result, another one that was so poorly translated it was near impossible to finish was Resident Evil Remake on Gamecube, due to the shitty translation I got stuck for days at the x-rays puzzle because the clues literally did not make any sense.

Just found this lazy shit.
They couldn't even be arsed to make sure they smeared all the sprites with filters.

Attached: Untitled.png (746x717, 682K)

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Aaaand that's gonna be a yikes and a pirate for me.


Its not even worth pirating, you're better off just emulating or playing on original hardware.
Hopefully when it comes to PC, there'll be mods to make it the best version of the games and it'll actually be worth pirating.

looks like the devs didn't even learn from their own game...

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Can someone please explain to me how the dodging works in this game? 2/3 of the time enemies just follow me to the new location I walk to and whack me anyway, and the rest of the time my characters will flash white and sprint around the attack. I'm on disc 2 and still haven't found any explanation in game or on any wiki.

>tfw fans did Squeenix's work for them with FF6.
This shit's stupid.

Your dodge rate is just a chance based on that character's AGI. Evasion might give you a slightly increased chance to dodge, but generally it's only useful for moving out of aoe.

this game and ff9 were such gigantic impacts into my 12y old mind and heart that nothing has even come close since.
good times

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But this looks better

>But let me guess, by the end he realizes the goddess is real and becomes a generic likeable dude doesn't he?
By the end he realizes god had been dead this whole time, the upper echelons of the church have been worshipping the devil, he kills the pope and splits the nun and the succubus into two bodies so he can have both and them and continues adventuring
Ryudo is based