>Japanese "steel"
Japanese "steel"
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Probably a 10 dollar fake from Walmart
What did you think was going to happen? Cut through it cleanly like in one of your Chinese cartoons?
Fuck off nerd.
Demonic japanese metal.
When you put quotations around steel, were you questioning the actual integrity of the metal or are you saying it's not made of steel?
A Walmart blade would simply break. Katana were mostly made of iron. Only the edge is made of steel. If you hit something hard the edge chips and the softer spine of the blade will bend.
someone post the reverse edit of this gif and kill the thread
he's implying the quality of the metal is so subpar it might as well not be steel
Walmart most definitely does not sell swords
Not really fair to compare a battlefield weapon with a peasant culling one
It's a little disingenuous to have the european sword clamped at both ends while the Katana is being held at only one. You're reinforcing the tip of the european sword in a way that you aren't reinforcing the tip of the katana against deformation.
What's the point of comparing 2 weapons that did not and will not see battle against each other?
>let's compare two swords that were made for entirely different uses
Alright then.
yeah one was made for the purpose of not breaking like a twig lmaooooooooooooo
All swords are gay anyways
The katana has a hard edge and a soft spine, it's lighter than the sword they were trying to clash with, and it's obvious that it bends (it's actually a feature, the katana either cuts or bends, the european sword either cuts or breaks).
The katana was a very good weapon for it's weight class, the hard edge made it ideal for slashing cuts against unarmored lightly armored opponents (the european sword has the same end too, you would use maces or hammers against armored opponents, not swords).
No sword is inherently superior to others, it depends by the moment and role it's covering, for example azweihander sword is only useful against formations of pikemen, to cut the point of their pikes - while a cinquedea or a rapier were amazing in the corrdors of venice against unarmored opponents that were good at deflecting hits with a buckler or a cape around their arm.
>A Spanish royal decree of 1609 specifically directed Spanish commanders in the Pacific ‘not to risk the reputation of our arms and state against Japanese soldier'”.
Giving Up the Gun: Japan’s Reversion to the Sword, 1543-1879: Noel Perrin, p. 35.
>“In Japan, it was necessary for every man to carry a pistol; but the Japanese [with their swords] invariably got the better of every man carrying one, even when he had it in his hand… …I maintain the great fault in our swords is that they will not cut. Use them as much as you like, unless you have them specially sharpened the night before, they are useless. In the cut, our swords are useless in nine cases out of ten. The Japanese use two-handed swords; if we could use them, I should say cut by all means; for they never want a second cut.”
“On Military Equipment,” Journal of the Royal United Service Institution
cited in Swordsmen of the British Empire
>in the next scene he defeat his opponent in a SINGLE katana strike
>which breaks the katana
Man, those European guys were cool. It's a damn shame
>to cut the point of their pikes
imagine actually thinking this, you sound like a moron
>Giant suits of armor
>Most never wore any form of armor
>whats the point of comparing 2 of anything that did not and will not see competition against each other
I know most people will ignore this post to (You) the OP, but I respect you for knowing something about the topic.
It's rare on Yea Forums.
Which shows a complete ignorance of metallurgy, as steel can vary wildly in terms of hardness, elasticity, etc. All it takes to be a steel is a specific amount of carbon content.
Only Bronze and Copper swords were made with molds. I guess we can see where OP got his knowledge from.
Yeah no shit, your sword doesn't need to be that strong when its use is cutting down the peasantry
Japanese steel WAS shit though, it was full of impurities and was weak, that's why they folded it so many times.
>Posting the photo shopped version
You're pathetic, OP.
a katana is made for slicing, not striking.
>it's lighter than the sword they were trying to clash with
I guarantee it's not. All Katana's and Longswords throughout history weight between 2-3.5lbs. The Longsword is longer, the Katana is thicker, it is a guarantee their weights are near identical.
Yeah what’s the point, dickhead?
Imagine being such an ignorant peasant.
People compete using european weaponry vs japanese weaponry?
You need to fix that end scene, you can clearly see its a different double edged blade there.
Nonsense. If no sword were superior to another we would've never advanced their design or standardised the use of some over others.
It's a fact that Japanese steel is of a pathetic quality and that their epin samurai swordsmanship is a modern fabrication, they themselves took the katana along as a sidearm and used it as a last resort.
fake and gay
That is not how steel formation works. The iron sand was full of impurities, the smelting process to produce steel eliminated those impurities. It was folded for the same reason European swords were and still are excepting in the modern cases of stock removal: folding is just smart to do when forging, because all non-powder steel processes, even the best crucible processes, do not produce a perfectly distributed amount of alloying elements.
they'd pin the pike or push it out of the way, not fucking cut the tip off, how thin do you think a pike is?
Dilate, westcucks
Zwei's were used more as fucking clubs to knock pikes away from somewhere to open up an area, not to cut the speartips, dumbass.
Who care, samurai were cavalry archers anyway. Katana was barely used on the battlefield and became their symbolic weapon way after when samurai were relevant on the battlefield.
>If no sword were superior to another we would've never advanced their design or standardised the use of some over others.
Ignorance rears its head. Sword designs changed based on changing context of culture and armor, not based on the fact that a sword design was objectively superior to another.
The Katana was just a dueling toy for nobles and to punish unarmored peasants.
That's it. I'm sick of all this "Masterwork Bastard Sword" bullshit that's going on in the d20 system right now. Katanas deserve much better than that. Much, much better than that.
I should know what I'm talking about. I myself commissioned a genuine katana in Japan for 2,400,000 Yen (that's about $20,000) and have been practicing with it for almost 2 years now. I can even cut slabs of solid steel with my katana.
Japanese smiths spend years working on a single katana and fold it up to a million times to produce the finest blades known to mankind.
Katanas are thrice as sharp as European swords and thrice as hard for that matter too. Anything a longsword can cut through, a katana can cut through better. I'm pretty sure a katana could easily bisect a knight wearing full plate with a simple vertical slash.
Ever wonder why medieval Europe never bothered conquering Japan? That's right, they were too scared to fight the disciplined Samurai and their katanas of destruction. Even in World War II, American soldiers targeted the men with the katanas first because their killing power was feared and respected.
So what am I saying? Katanas are simply the best sword that the world has ever seen, and thus, require better stats in the d20 system. Here is the stat block I propose for Katanas:
(One-Handed Exotic Weapon)
1d12 Damage
19-20 x4 Crit
+2 to hit and damage
Counts as Masterwork
(Two-Handed Exotic Weapon)
2d10 Damage
17-20 x4 Crit
+5 to hit and damage
Counts as Masterwork
Now that seems a lot more representative of the cutting power of Katanas in real life, don't you think?
tl;dr = Katanas need to do more damage in d20, see my new stat block.
>American steel
Japanese steel was actually on average of higher quality than European steel. The ore was lower quality, but that doesn't affect the final steel, just the effort involved to make it. The carbon content of Japanese steel was higher. It was, universally, folded (only the most expensive european blades had this.) They also differentially clay-hardened the sword in a way that Europeans didn't know how to do, and it allowed for a much, much sharper edge (while still retaining durability)
Why not make a katana out of Damascus steel?
Don't mind me, just posting the real MVP of the Samurai armament.
No it wasn't. The ore and steel were both lower grade. Katana's will chip and break almost every time you would have 'needed' to use it.
>In Japan, it was necessary for every man to carry a pistol; but the Japanese [with their swords] invariably got the better of every man carrying one, even when he had it in his hand
Well that's pretty obvious if you know anything about how pistols functioned back then. That's not due to the ability of the Japanese or their sword, anyone with any sword or weapon could do that.
>In the cut, our swords are useless in nine cases out of ten
Because rapiers excel at stabbing. Japanese swords are pretty bad at stabbing.
Not sure what you're trying to prove here.
Ignorance again rears its head. You must be a devotee of Scholagladitoria and his "Swords were side arms!" non-argument.
Actually bother to dig through the historical texts and you will find many hundreds of cases where entire battalions of soldiers were fighting with their swords. In terms of Japan, a good starting place would be the the attempted invasions by the Mongols (which, despite the myth, did in fact make land fall and resulted in bloody street battles in cities, along shore lines, and on board ships before the typhoons swept in).
Swords were very often used on battlefields by every single culture that has ever used swords. We have hundreds of historical documents with thousands of examples showing this is the case.
Swords were not the pistols of the pre-20th century battlefield.
Why would you test a sword by slamming it into a braced stationary one.
spaniards carried sabres you fucking retard
You have no idea what you're talking about. I'm not going to give you any attention, sorry.
>his sword doesn't get sharper and sturdier by cutting peasants
Retards still think Japan was unified on swords rather than gunpowder.
Walmart sells guns why the fuck wouldn't they sell swords?
Don't bother to attempt to refute an user if you are wholly ignorant of a subject. Higher carbon content results in a sharper edge, but the downside is it results in a more brittle edge, as well as a more brittle steel in general.
Where the user you attempted, and failed utterly like the ignorant shit head you are, to refute messed up is the assumption that a higher carbon content is automatically better. Like all metallurgy it is a trade off, and European swords purposely did not like as high a carbon content because the flexibility of their blades was considered more important.
Different knives create different cuts and require different techniques, the sane is true of swords.
>I can even cut slabs of solid steel with my katana.
Spaniards were nowhere near Japan by the time Sabres became popular. The Portuguese actually had a skirmish against katana-wielding Japanese with rapiers.
>Ancient and historic steel in japan, india and europe, a non-invasive comparative study using thermal neutron diffraction. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. P.1497
>Carbon content and homogeneity was higher among Japanese specimens than among European specimens.
Same as anything else, not enough demand. The few that care will just go to specialized store or order online.
Guns on the other hand is like buying bread or toilet paper.
Japan had no way to make Steel, what little steel they had had to be folded because their methods were POOR not because they knew what they were doing. Japanese swords were empirically weaker, more brittle and worse than steel from all of Africa and Europe. Even India and China had better steel weapons (when they bothered to make them or buy them).
The single best weapons ever found were Viking swords and eventually Saxon, their steel quality was so good it was nearly indistinguishable from modern practices.
This is not a matter of fucking debate of discussion because you can literally fucking test the quality of steel, its called fucking metallurgical testing. Japanese weapons rank along the lowest levels and European at the highest.
Copy and pasting things from wikipedia does not an argument make. Japanese steel is known worldwide to be of an inferior quality, their reasons for folding it over run rousand rimes were because of this.
I'm sorry, user, I trust people more versed in these matters than yourself.
The Japanese traditionally used spears for combat, since iron was relatively scarce and of dubious quality. It was much more efficient use of resources to arm the relatively untrained common troops with cheap and easy to use weapons that excelled in formations.
Samurai were the rich assholes from high school. They got a sword and effective armor since they were paid exorbitantly in comparison. They also were supposed to mainly be archers, since getting murdered in 10 to 1 fights with peasants using spears was bad for the image.
The katana was made specifically to cut through unarmored or lightly armored troops, and it excelled at that. It's a cutting weapon. It cuts. No shocker there.
However, it was prone to chipping and bending in actual sword fights, and had serious issues penetrating the better armor of the wealthy. A cutting weapon is, unsurprisingly, not as good at stabbing, which is what you need to do to pierce armor.
That's not to say they were invincible, but they were far more survivable and deadly than the common troop, and as such garnered an undeserved reputation in the minds of the people. Still good warriors that trained a lot, but their biggest advantage was equipment.
>/threading your own post
hi newfriend
>Kotō Age in Japan (twelfth–sixteenth century), the Moghul Empire in India (seventeenth–nineteenth century), the Ottoman Turkish Empire (seventeenth century) and the late Middle Ages (fifteenth century) in Italy
So literally fucking worthless because the best steel in Europe was Scandinavian, British and French in that order.
Holy fuck user read a book.
Sup /tg/.
That's it. I'm sick of all this "masterwork 360 controller" bullshit that's going on in the controller tiers right now. Katana controllers deserve much better than that. Much, much better than that.
I should know what I'm talking about. I myself commissioned a genuine katana controller in Japan for 2,400,000 Yen (that's about $20,000) and have been practicing with it for almost 2 years now. I can even cut slabs of solid noobs with my katana controller.
Japanese smiths spend years working on a single katana controller and fold it up to a million times to produce the finest controller known to mankind.
Katana controllers are thrice as precise as American controllers and thrice as responsive for that matter too. Anything an American controller can own, a katana controller can own better. I'm pretty sure a katana controller could easily bisect a noob wearing full geek squad protection with a simple button press.
Ever wonder why America never bothered conquering Japan and just left? That's right, they were too scared to fight the disciplined NEETs and their katana controllers of destruction. Even in the 7th console generation, American players targeted the men with the katana controllers first because their killing power was feared and respected.
So what am I saying? Katana controllers are simply the best controller that the world has ever seen, and thus, require better placement in the controller tiers. Here is the tiers I propose for Katana controllers:
God Tier
Katana controller (counts as masterwork)
Shit Tier
Everything else
Now that seems a lot more representative of the noobs cutting power of Katana controllers, don't you think?
tl;dr = Katana controllers need more recognition in controller tiers, see my new tier list.
Italy had forges 400 years before sweden lmao.
Don't say it too loud, or they'll get butt mad about it.
Even a random tree log properly sourced without rot out of any forest, with a simple hole bored out, a bunch of black power they already knew how to make, and projectile was better than a silly piece of steel with a sharp edge that took way more effort to produce.
>the best steel in Europe was Scandinavian, British and French in that order
Nope, it was Toledo steel.
Katanas are pretty limiting just like all sabers.
Not all katanas were made equal in terms of quality, and the same goes for Western swords.
What's definitely unequal though is the advantage western double-edge swords have over sabers and katanas - a far bigger arsenal of moves and directions and cutting down unnecessary movement since slashing requires pivoting and re-directing while the double-edged sword after a slash just needs to be reversed since you have an edge in the opposite direction already.
So basically, in a fight between two swordsmen of equal skill and with equally sturdy and quality swords, the one wielding the western sword wins since it gives him advantages with the additional edge and also the handguard which the West perfected with the most iconic example of rapier handguards.
All of this ain't worth dogshit though in the face of that fact that swords are trash and polearms rule supreme. The main weapon of Samurai is not the katana, it's the naginata and the bow and arrow. I wanna choke-a-bitch whenever someone portrays Samurai as maining katanas.
>this shit again
I know it's bait but come on. That is hardly a good test of strength even if they were using properly made swords.
moreover historical sword fighting is not holy-wood. you don't aim to hit or destroy your opponent's weapon, you aim to fucking kill the guy holding the weapon.
What did the peasants ever do to you?
Now that post is American.
Spears are the best weapon.
Swordniggers can suck my spear.
Oh, oh goodness. You think real swordfights are like anime fights.
You think they do complicated moves and stuff.
I just realized most people in this thread are underaged.
>Katana breaks western sword in two even before impact, but delusional power of all medieval fags puts it back together just for Katana to break it again.
Katanalet's BTFO for all eternity.
Miss the initial poke and you'll be sucked by any sword user.
>Crits on 17-20
>Crits for x4 Damage
It's opposite in Europe. Swords are common stuff.
That's obvious, or at least it should be.
You still have a huge ass pole to defend yourself with.
The Japanese swords in the mongol invasion snapped off in the mongols armor.
Japanese weapons are nigger-tier, sorry.
Here's some content for deluded anime-swordfight fans.
doesn't work when you're in formation
Any sword user was also a spear user.
Swords were mostly sidearms aside from the exception of the early and mid romans
*dabs on all of you*
>more carbon = more good
you are actually retarded
the reason they had such high carbon content was because they had shit quality steel and needed to forge the blade to remove impurities. the forging process also removes carbon in the process however, so to get the steel with the carbon content they desired they had to start with overly carbon steel to compensate.
Folding steel DOES NOT STRENGTHEN THE BLADE WHATSOEVER. IT's all about the removing impurities. If you have high quality steel to start with you dont need to forge the blade AT ALL. Guess what europeans had? GOOD STEEL. They didn't memefold because they DIDNT NEED TOO.
I just said that the advantage is cutting down complicated moves, as in big moves and dancing dogshit, and reducing movement by having a superior handguard, you dense dumbfaggot. The ideal sword fight, much like portrayed the most realistically in Potop (The Deluge), is complex micromovements. As soon as big movements start happening, the loser is decided.
Same philosophy was applied in Star Wars for instance, the Darth Vader Obi-Wan duel in the original was the most realistic portrayal of how a fight would go with lightsabers that have 360 degree attack vector, as opposed to the flying dancing shitfuck later.
This, they were more a symbol of control, and dominance, than an actual tool of warfare. More important for cutting off limbs and heads of peasants who stepped out of line, and a marker of your status as someone who takes lives of the smallfolk. Think about it, why they'd keep old family swords, and display them in places of prominence in the family home. They're more like a roman fasces than an actual weapon.
>this fucking weebshit came prepared
>gets blown out by a few historical references and modern day common knowledge
Sorry user, your 5ft Jap wielding a brittle blade couldn't stand up to the 6ft rugby player sized knight wielding a sword larger than said Jap.
>Video "game"
>miss poke
>quickly pull pack the spear
>do another poke but this time feint low and strike high
>swordlet gets speared in the fave
Katanas were always shitty weapons praised by fat neets. Even samurais avoided using them.
>that guy who actually reply seriously and give historic references when someone is meme'ing about Katanas
this is just wrong. most modern steel is homogenized. especially any steel that needs to resist impact. ever wonder why tank steel was called "rolled homogeneous steel"?
>Guess what europeans had? GOOD STEEL. They didn't memefold because they DIDNT NEED TOO.
europeans did fold their steel, but only the most expensive blades (because it's very labor-intensive)
>It's not shit mom! It's a feature!!!!
It's endlessly funny to me how people romanticize melee combat in general when it's really either bashing the shit out of someone or using reach/initiative to be the first to end the fight.
There's some but not that much finesse to it.
>They didn't memefold because they DIDNT NEED TOO.
And they knew how to do it too in the event they got a particular bad bloom out of the smelter.
Fuck weebs and fuck insectoids
The most important thing really is strength. Musashi Miyamoto was a 6'2 guy in a time and place where men were 5'0 on average. In his book of techniques he just talks about hitting the enemy's sword until they drop it or it breaks. He says this repeatedly throughout the whole book, basically 50 different ways.
It's literally to remove impurities and nothing else. If anything it actually weakens the steel because you are hammering our the molecular structure. which is why they need to re-quench to restore that structure after beating the living shit out of it.
pretty much. folding is only for shit steel.
good for dueling but shit against armor
>Insect Lore
No thanks faggot.
There is finesse, it's a game of countering your enemies' moves.
It has nothing to do with impurities. Impurities don't "go out" of the steel from homogenization. The point of folding is to improve carbide homogeneity = uniform strength across the blade. Japanese swords all had this, only the best European swords had it.
There were also ZERO European swords (at least any that have been known/found/etc.) with differential clay hardening, the sort used in all Japanese swords which produces a hard edge and a soft spine (great for sharpness and durability.)
European swords were virtually all through-hardened or slack hardened, so they were quite soft and couldn't attain or hold a sharp edge.
Want to know how i know you've never been in a real swordfight?
Woah we got a real medieval swordsman here
>Impurities don't "go out" of the steel from homogenization
That's literally what it does
>The point of folding is to improve carbide homogeneity
no it isn't holy shit
>There were also ZERO European swords with differential clay hardening,
BECAUSE THEY USED SPRING STEEL YOU RETARD. They didn't fucking need differential hardening because they used a steel which did the job AND didn't fucking break nearly as often as a brittle edged katana
also, europeans absolutely knew about differential hardening and used it on occasion hundreds of years before the invention of spring steel, once they had spring steel they stopped doing that altogether because it's far superior functionally at the cost of a bit of edge retention.
So it's actually a saber?
Poor weeaboos. Don't even have proper swords.
It's funny how in sekiro you can't defeat an armored European Knight.
You don't know what you're talking about. This has been demonstrated ten times during this thread.
>katanas do poorly against solid steel
No shit next someone is going to tell me a mace sucks at slashing.
based fellow pollaxe chad
Except the european swords weren't folded, at least not the good ones, they had the technology to actually melt iron which rrmoves the need of folding.
I like this post
I do HEMA, that's the closest thing you're going to get sadly.
What you're saying applies to modern fencing, but in the kinds of medieval combat this thread talks about, "countering your enemies' moves" makes little sense unless you mean being better equipped or being bigger.
You're not going to counter someone being stronger than you when they bash you with a mace.
>Gets banned the second its introduced into warfare
Do people actually honestly believe that european knights wouldnt absolutely btfo soft Jap samurais in a fight?
Some weapons are just too good to be used.
Can you imagine gang wars without guns?
Niggers phalanxing and flanking each other. Cavalry charge on motorbikes out of nowhere.
Trashcan-lid shieldwalls against the enemy arrow rain
If you've ever seen someone run in armor this is pretty ridiculous.
You are on the spectrum, I can tell and I'm not even a trained medical professional.
>it's lighter than the sword they were trying to clash with, and it's obvious that it bends (it's actually a feature, the katana either cuts or bends, the european sword either cuts or breaks).
What an absolute fucking retard. The pig iron and folding technique used in katanas means the metal has zero flexibility which is what causes it to break on heavy impact. European blades were made of highly malleable steel that would bend and flex under pressure, reducing the chances of the thing snapping in half.
>The katana was a very good weapon for it's weight class
Siure, which is why the Celts who invented the folding technique long before the Japanese dropped that shit almost immediately. Japan never advanced in sword smithing for centuries because they never battled people with better equipment on account of never leaving the damn island.
keep crying eurocuck
>the levitating sheathes
>jap is running way from european
Please do not use Decade for shitposting thank you.
Needs to be re-introduced in protests.
If Katanas are so great then why does Vergil keep losing?
Anime faggot
I'm honestly surprised France Protests didn't start wielding them.
Maybe if shit hits the fan again. They seriously need to roll out the Guillotines out and start executing their cuck electorates right on the streets.
You are a medieval peasant weilding nothing but your pitchfork you use to clean pigshit and the guy at the beginning of the video is charging at you. What do?
Bend over and accept my fate.
Luke's swords are made of tamahagane, a fictional metal that is hundreds of times harder than steel.
The second one was made using magic rather than a proper smithing method for katanas, that's why it breaks instantly, because it was rushed.
It's harder to make than it may seem.
If Brazilian favela monkeys can produce them, then you have no excuse in a white or even East Asian nation.
Tamahagane may seem like magic because of how good it is, but it is real Japanese steel
Except you can use a sword as a blunt weapon as well? Nigger the euro sword is without a doubt better than jap shit
France is highly industrialized, This isn't ancient 1400s where people habitually still had to bang rocks together to get things done in their day to day life.
Several people should have the tools in their houses to adequately do this at home, they just need to get over their dumb fuckery ideals of having arms is a bad thing.
Run. He's carrying 50 more pounds than me and I can outlast him.
When he's tired I get the other 20 peasant to jump him because he's in the wrong neighbo'hood mo'fukka!
Never knew this, but I watched the anime ages ago and was never a big fan of swords to look it up, either way in the anime it's treated as a magic ore, it's even used to summon demons, not the same thing at all.
to be fair brazilian favelas have the engineering capacity to build cold war era tanks so it's a very high standard
>Several people should have the tools in their houses to adequately do this at home
lol no. You can't make it with just any wood, and you need specific steel parts and the appropriate material for the string. You also need to forge the bolt heads. It's not easy, unless you're thinking of something that will come apart with a single use.
Sounds to me like there's a high level of WAAAGH! in that area.
Are you sure this isn't an Ork infestation?
I think Katanas are cool but this NIPPON BANZAI wankfest really turns me off.
>wear armor
>be invulnerable to swords
Oh no no no no no
Are weebs actually trying to use anime as proof that Katanas are stronger than european swords? Wow. Just wow.
You're just as delusional as the weebs. 6ft was a fucking giant,very rarely did someone grow to that fucking size.
You know Vikings? The ones remembered as tall motherfuckers? Yeah most of them were like 5'8/5'9, they'd be manlets today.
it's a meme you retard
Katana can slice all armor
>using swords
Memes have absolutely fucking warped your brain. 5'8 and 5'9 isnt much less than the average height today. Which means that someone being 6' is absolutely realistic. Sure they might be considered noticeably taller, but not so much that people think they are a fucking giant, it wouldn't have exactly been some rare thing.
Holy shit, what a retard. What do you think are the black bits that fall off during folding? Bits of steel unworthy of being part of glorious katana or impurities that are burned because that's what the whole process is about?
I agree user, that's why the doorways built in the Medieval Era in my city are 5ft... oh wait, they're actually so tall that even my 6'4 mate can walk through them.
6'5 here, tell your mate that he is a dwarf
*laughs in mazdan*
Halberds > everything else
That's called "forge scale", it's oxide (steel is extremely reactive with air when at such high temperature.)
This is why modern super steels are sintered in a vacuum
have a laugh you absolute mongrel
>lighter than the sword they were trying to clash with
No. Just no. Fuck off with your mallninja bullshit. Barely anything you said is true, but saying that a katana is relatively light is fucking retarded. A regular european sword or sabre of the same length or slightly longer is much lighter than a katana.
Right, because there isn't a German dude who habitually makes Youtube videos about building crossbows in his backyard out of plywood, wood glue, rubber, and general metal fittings found from a common hardware store.
You don't need to make a crossbow exactly like a medieval replica, PVC exists, fiberglass exists, para-cords exist, aluminium is commonly found laying around. An absolute deadly weapon that holds together for more than a couple of shots is perfectly producible using all of these, they get made all the times as a hobby, for sure they would be made if people had the need to kill a fool or two.
to be fair, near the end of sengoku people came to terms with how retarded katana style weapons were and began making new bujutsu to compensate for their weakness.
These sword styles were pretty flashy and used alot of subtle tricks to avoid blade to blade contact
Are you denying that people were shorter? Like are you so braindead that you're denying that because of nutrition and genetics people are significantly taller today? Or are you using my fucking obvious exaggeration as basis? Of course they weren't 5ft tall you monkey,but there's been analysis of skeletons and remains that determined that the height of Vikings was on average 5ft 7 3/4 and that was significantly taller than Brits of that time you fucking mongoloid
>because there isn't a German dude who habitually makes Youtube videos about building crossbows in his backyard out of plywood, wood glue, rubber, and general metal fittings found from a common hardware store.
That guy is a legend and he's experienced at shit like this, not an average joe.
Bullshit. There has been research done that shows the average height in medieval europe wasnt actually that much shorter than today. Do a fucking ounce of reasearch before you start spouting bullshit.
Are you denying the evidence that I can see in my hometown? There are absolutely no records Vikings being taller than Brits either, stop pulling things out of your arse in an attempt to appeal to authority you dumb cunt. When I said 6ft rugby player I was referencing the skeletal remains which were reconstructed of an actual English knight, who was (shock!) built like a modern day rugby player.
Turns out your Hollywood idea of our ancestors wasn't the reality.
There are children as well who built bows out of PVC. From a Bow to a Crossbow is a couple of steps.
If you can get your hands on the materials, and you know generally how they all work, you can build it up. This isn't rocket science.
The japanese peasant with his superior ceramic bones sharpens the lord's katana as it passes through.
>go to the Royal Armouries
>see suits of armour taller than myself
>see King Henry VIII's many ornate armours which are all taller than myself
But no, user, you are right and my eyes are wrong.
Damascus is a forging process.
>If we compare adult men born in 1996 versus those born a century earlier – men who had reached the age of 18 in 2014 versus 1914 – we see that the global mean height for men increased from 162 to 171 centimeters (cm) tall. We see this in the chart below. For women, this increased from 151 cm to 159 cm
Stick this up your ass dipshit
>arguing with vikang worshipper
>Skeletons of people as tall as 6 ft 1/2 in. have been found, and those in richly furnished Viking graves - belonging to high- ranking people - were on average considerably taller than those in the more ordinary graves, undoubtedly because of better living conditions
That's explained as well retard,better nutrition will make you taller,which is why the average joe of today can be taller than a peasant eating fucking squirrel meat
Height dropped drastically in the industrial era because of crap living conditions.
How am I worshipping them, I'm pointing out that they'd be manlets today
Theres a reason why Japan has never won a war against a western country
We are simply superior
Peasants didn't actually have that bad a diet.
But hes wrong
Quoting r/history doesnt make you an expert
Which is literally what I'm arguing,shit nutrition equals lower height, therefore people were shorter because they didn't get enough to fucking eat
>he just talks about hitting the enemy's sword until they drop it or it breaks
And then he went on to defeat his greatest rival by hitting him on the head once with a long stick.
lmao no, if you miss your thrust, you're fucking dead
If anyone needs evidence of this, just look at North Koreans vs South Koreans.
You don't even have to go back through time, compare them currently and you'll see a difference.
Compared to today? They did,plus manual labor was the only kind of labour for them
Nice, you stated the same claim for the fourth time despite multiple people chiming in explaining how you're wrong. Nice class well teach you how to form a valid argument and back it up instead of repeating claims over and over :)
this is the truth. Spears and helbards all the way. Swords were always second choice in any battle
Let me guess the cute girl does an epic meme technique and one shots the knight the very next page
At least you have a brain user, can't believe people can be this retarded
>using swords in the first place
*laughts in poleaxes*
>Yea Forums - "Video games"
what manga
Picked up.
better than the alternative
>medieval europe
Okay time to stop posting user
I was only here for this
But that's not what archaeology shows. Remains of people from the 19th century being short doesn't prove that people from the Middle Ages were short.
holy shit this is beyond cheesy 7/10
Why does Yea Forums love talking about things they know nothing about?
>American made katana
it's a German show
Try not missing the point by the fucking circumference of the Earth my man
That was a sabre, not a katana
based, how can westfags even compete?
I want all sword/katana manlets to leave. Thank you.
Not much difference
Did he just cancel out his swing animation ?
same thing
If i was a DM I'd allow this but on a special condition that on CF your sword shatters and you have to roll a charisma check to save your self from harakiri due to the dishonor.
Most of you have never even wielded a true katana in your lives. Your 30 dollar mall replicas with the fancy Japanese characters written all over it are just show pieces made for western pigs.
Go to Japan. Wield a real katana like I have. Study the blade like I have. Then have an opinion. It's only natural when fake swordsmen who wield fake swords try to slander a sword culture that spans hundreds of thousands of years.
Japan had ,like, no metal. So they had to do those 1000 folded shit to make up for their weak resources. Also explains why they even look like that, like a thin ass long blade.
katanas were simply tools to slaughter unarmed civilians
They were made to slaughter western dogs like you. Shut your pig mouth fat American dog
Stupid Nep whore needs to get pregnant at an early age. Whore.
you can stop larping now
Halberd and poleaxe chads unite!
I have a katana, it is pretty neat. It cuts things. It makes your arms strong. What's not to like?
fuck off josh
actually the overpowered weapon of medieval times, they could do literally everything but were reserved only for knights
literally all works from all countries do the same, funny how people only get offended if it's japan
It’s because of the inherent feeling of inferiority they’re trying to suppress within themselves
I thought Ken-sama died in the tsunami
She turns into an eldritch abomination and kills him, it doesn't really have anything to do with sword techniques.
Reincarnation no Kaben. It feels really shitty at first, but it's actually pretty good.
Why the fuck can't I import a proper katana from Japan to Europe but sharp as fuck knives are ok?
katana is so fucking cool !!
were the fuck do you live? britian? lol
cant you important a dull one and then have a local blacksmith sharpen it?
Japs literally just proved they not only had worse armor but also are smaller and weaker. Wow.