How does it feel user? Are you saddened by this, or is nothing of value lost?
>You will live to see bioware die in your lifetime
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They went to shit years ago, fuck them and fuck EA for ruining them.
DA died with inquisition, it doesnt need 4th one but yeach, EA want money and DA is safe bet for normies cash
we all lived to see it die already.
yeah, this guy, except I'd say it was DA2 already, shat out too fast, leaving any integrity behind just to please investors, cause they needed a game to slot into a release window.
They died when all of the original veteran Bioware staff which created Bioware in the first place, made it successful, and defined it, was sacked and replaced by EA and turned into a training academy for mediocre unproven random EAdrone retard devs to milk the brand name because gamers are too fucking stupid to remember credits and the staff like the movie industry and even the music industry have learned to do.
They will just hire a black muslim woman, who doesn't know anything about video game development.
Your ableism is quite problematic user.
but will EA take them out back before they rape DA further with 4?
100% this
I laugh at people who ever thought that any of their games ever were even good in any kind of way.
I wonder if some autist already went through the credits of BG1 and 2 to check how many of the people listed there are still working at Bioware.
Sadden and this doesn't bound well for the next dragon age game, which is a shame because I was looking forward to it.
There is plenty of evidence to suggest that Bioware ruined themselves
and then use them as a shield against genuine and well-deserved criticism, and claim those dishing out criticism are bigots and Nazis
About damn time. Zombies should be put down, not allowed to wander around.
I dunno, one the one hand it’s unfortunate to see people leave a company they loved and made their career out of. On the other hand I think the guy is happy to get out of there before they pull another horrible production cycle for the next DA game.
It’s clearly obvious that the management (or lack thereof) is making people leave.
Good riddance. Inquisition was the worst game I played in the past 6 years but because no one gives a fuck about anything that isn't power boner and romance faggotry it sold well. The next dragon age would repeat the formula so I'm glad it will never get released
This is the price they paid for getting EA to fund Origins.
Doesn't require autism. Looking up the Lead in the respective aspect of development suffices and narrows down the list enough.
I just wonder when EA will take them out back. It felt like they shut down other studios for far less.
>DA died with inquisition
I see that you mispelled 2
nothing of value was lost
they dont have a lot of studios left
>nothing of value lost
They haven't made a decent game for nearly ten years, so who gives a shit?
I'm surprised EA even let them live long enough to make Anthem considering how much of a trash fire Andromeda was
This. Fuck EA and ALSO fuck developers letting their studios get bought.
They need Bioware for their image.
They can't be seen as a FIFA company.
Bioware have been dead for a very long time now anyway. All the people who actually knew what they were doing left the studio when EA acquired them.
Bioware has been dead for a long time, ever since EA bought them really. You could see the heavy EA influence even in ME2 with how the actual RPG bits were getting more and more castrated, though that game was still fun overall. Everything after that was a complete downhill tumble, I don't think they've made a single good game since and I don't think they are actually capable of making good games anymore, haven't been capable for a long time now.
The need a big one for FIFA, one for each of the less profitable normie franchises, and that's it. I have no idea why they even bother with vidya aside from using it to sell sports crates to idiots.
.... why not?
>They need Bioware for their image.
The image that's been soaking in the toilet for years?
EA is an acquisition company. They'll just buy another developer.
Bioware deserves to die. It honestly should have died a long time ago
EA? Lollll they were fucking trash before EA picked them up. If anything, EA probably made them less cancerous
They have DICE for that.
>They'll just buy another developer.
How many competent shops would that be? EA's reputation is well known at this point and many devs are private. They only got away with Respawn because Activision dicked over the original CoD people first.
That's not bait you retard, that's a fact
Almost all the talent already left bioware by that point and they were already balls deep in diversity hires
Why does EA still stick to usual gaming and tries to release anything? Why don't they just switch over to gachashit, mobile games, sportsims and shit that is far from actual games, like what Konami did?
Andromeda killed the Montreal studio.
They only have Edmonton left, the Austin one is in life support with TOR
>when he rises
Pretty sure that Sandel said "when she rises"
How many devlopers are left? The last two generations of gaming has been a disaster for mid tier developer, so the only ones left are the only already under an umbrella of a big plusher or the Indies.
>How many competent shops would that be?
You think devs have a choice about that sort of thing? It's usually go out of business or be bought out by EA. Besides, most of the time a company has been bought out by EA the executives of that developer makes a lot of money and then skip out long before they go under, e.g. Bioware, Bullfrog, Maxis, Westwood, etc. They don't give anymore of a fuck about their worker bees than EA would.
Holy shit, 2 (TWO!!!) lead producers leave the company within a week of each other. Bioware is literally and unironically DYING. This is honestly it, lads. I don't think Bioware will last till DA4 launch.
So, Tevinter game is their last hope?
You should have gonne with the bait, now you just exposed yourself as a clueless idiot.
All the companies you listed got into bed with EA in the first place. Besides, it's not 2009 anymore where the big pubs were the gatekeepers of gaming. There are alternate funding methods and digital only publishing.
how much did this impact their stock values?
>All of the veterans leave after years with the development team
>The only ones left are the D-Tier mongoloids whose original jobs were getting drinks and told to hold a fidget spinner in a corner while the adults did all the work
Color me surprised
>Besides, it's not 2009 anymore where the big pubs were the gatekeepers of gaming.
They are if you want to make AAA games and release to consoles and most devs want to make AAA games and release to consoles. Small independent developers weren't invented this gen. They've been around since the very beginning. Their barrier to gaming success 20 years ago was the same as it is today. Money. Why the fuck do you think people keep getting in bed with the publishers despite the many horror stories which has been going on for decades? For the catering? No, it's because they've got the cash and the devs don't. You think kickstarter has changed things? Independent financing has always been around. The difference is you don't raise $50 million that way. You only get that amount of money from the publishers.
Ninja Theory proved that can make an AAA-ish game without big publishers, Hellblade was self funded
fuck ea
and fuck bioware
DA4 was the game everyone cared about. Anthem's lead quitting was largely met with meh reactions, but this is big.
The other one that left, Irving, had no business being that high. He killed SWTOR after it managed to recover and find an identity and then was given a high position in their next big project, only to fuck that up too.
People like him are what Bioware needs to get rid of.
gosh, you're rarted!
is SW:TOR dead now?
Interesting example you chose given Microsoft recently purchased Ninja Theory.
>I’m now convinced that this is an opportunity for us to jump years ahead, to aim higher than we’ve ever dared to, to really fly, without the threat of falling down that’s held us back so much in the past.
>but this is big
Not really. Dude was producer on both DA2 and Andromeda. Being without him isn't an instant positive for Bioware, but he hasn't produced anything recently to mourn his leave.
Basically. New stories aren't worth anything and raid scene was killed by Irving. Only reason to play now is if you want to play through storylines.
God just look at how smug and happy he is now that he left
>Wanted to see bioware die
>Respawn took the shot instead
>Forgetting or ignoring the -ish I put at the end of AAA making it fully aware that I'm not saying Hellblade is a AAA game but not far enough on the other spectrum to be an indy
Are you stupid on purpose?
I kind of forgot about that deal, but Hellblade still remained self-funded
Nothing of value was lost. The good guys left a long time ago.
Those who are leaving right now are the SJWs who still have a few braincells.
>but Hellblade still remained self-funded
Yes, but it didn't do anything for the company. What you guys don't seem to understand is that if a game breaks even you go bankrupt. If it makes a little bit of a profit you still go bankrupt. It needs to make a lot of profit. You need to make enough money to finance your next development. All of it. Publishers can eat loses sole developers cannot because publishers can consolidate the failures and prop them up with successes. Clearly Ninja Theory had finance problems for them to join up with Microsoft. That Hellblade success probably wasn't much of a success.
>How does it feel user?
Great, now it's time to wash away the massive fossilized grime of nostalgia for their older trash like BG and this industry can finally move forward.
>DA4 was the game everyone cared about.
People still unironically care about DA?
It's like he has been released from a prison where he was held down with two ton weights and searing shackles that had kept him suffering for all this time.
Good for him but I seriouisly don't want this faggot to ruin anymore games
I will live to see bioware die in my lifetime
And now I know
I just wish EA would go bankrupt and just stop eating small companies. It's so fucking annoying to watch everything go to shit after they touch it. Like why can't they just figure out a business model where everything doesn't just end in the fucking trash.
Bioware died right after dragon age origins. Everything after that including mass effect were shit.
>That Hellblade success probably wasn't much of a success.
That's what I think too. It was a critical success but that didn't really translate to the sales number since it's just a glorified walking sim.
How much of a success that is for a game like Hellblade I can't tell you.
>What you guys don't seem to understand is that if a game breaks even you go bankrupt.
That's not true unless you're already in big debt. Breaking even is just a stalemate. You cover your ass from all previous expenses but need to secure funding for the next project and there are ways to do that. That's what a lot of mid-tier indie devs do. Larian needed Kickstarter and investors to make Original Sin. The original release kept the company alive but they needed the enhanced edition and Kickstarter again to make Original Sin 2, this time without investors.
>They are if you want to make AAA games and release to consoles
Thankfully AAA games and consoles are shit, so it's irrelevant.
After DmC: DmC: Fuck You Edition, having Tameem's name on the game was essentially a black mark.
1 million sales is a pretty big milestones for none AAA companies.
All I know is they said they were seeking to get their development studio to be fully independent and instead they allowed themselves to be purchased by a major industry player and not very long after their apparently successful release. Something somewhere didn't go according to plan.
Also, I'd just like to mention self-financing doesn't necessarily mean they didn't take out loans or anything to finance development. It just means they raised the funds themselves instead of relying on a third party, i.e. a publisher, to do that for them. The Witcher 3 was technically self-financed but that involved tens of millions in loans that CDPR had to pay back after the game's release.
>Something somewhere didn't go according to plan.
Microsoft's paycheck.
I will live to see Eddie Murphy die in my lifetime
I'm praying Bioware dies. If you give EA money you are an idiot.
Since you're probably a zoomer I imagine thats true
We will live to see Val Kilmer die in our lifetime, while Tom Cruise looks as good as ever in the Top Gun sequel.
Only for the DMC fans
I already did. Bioware died when Zeschuk and Muzyka left the company
Bioware never made a good game in their lives. Bio drones are some of the biggest retards in gaming, up there with halofags, soulsfaggots and ninten drones.
biowere died the moment the founders left that was around when dragon age 3 was about released?
Im surprised they are still around
EA literally only have dice and SPORTS left LMAO
What diner is that? I live in Edmonton. I'd consider trolling this somehow.
Isn't this a good thing? Maybe next dragon age will have less gay sjw bullshit.
"Management not making up their minds until a year before release because producers keep leaving" is half the reason Anthem and Andromeda turned out as they did. The others being Frostbite and inexperienced teams.