Why are there so few heroes in full armour in videogames

Why are there so few heroes in full armour in videogames

Attached: Hylian Knight.png (590x533, 391K)

Because it doesn't appeal to the dopamine slaves among us.

Serious answer though, I don't know. Maybe because it is hard to come up with a good looking full armour set and being unique at it?

Miyazaki is solving this problem.

link is a gay boy

>who the fuck is Master Chief

Master Chief is a rank, not a name. Halo guy's name is John Halo you dumb casual

People like seeing their character.

I wasn't really thinking about power armour. I was thinking more knightly armour

Attached: magic knight.png (1426x2048, 2.15M)

Armor designs make or break a video games aesthetic.

would you say that you don't know it's Link when he's wearing that armour or that he's less expressive with it on. YO

Wouldn't it be funny if he had just that tabard on him haha

>plate mail combined with skirts/dresses


Attached: 1545030321008.jpg (1150x1600, 296K)

the option of being helmetless always exists

shit. She clearly isn't wearing padding beneath that mail. Chain mail is garbage on it's own

Probably because they usually include lots of slice of life / in-town casual scenes and it would be odd looking for the character to be in full armor through all of them, and we all know how much game devs hate changing character models for anything because they want that "iconic" design

There are actually quite few, you're just being a faggot.

Every souls game, for example

Games where your character is customizable obviously don't count

>Chain mail is garbage on it's own
Maille + padding of some sort is the optimal choice, but it doesn't mean that maille is garbage on it's own.

I love getting chain mail, it makes me feel appreciated by my friends :) unless its the IRS

>who the fuck is the Chosen Undead

I don't know. Who?

This guy.

Attached: Chosen_undead.png (340x861, 429K)


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cecil armor looks good

Attached: __lenneth_valkyrie_valkyrie_profile_drawn_by_houtengeki__aaeb1757a1d50586d57057c7f2660d6b.jpg (410x946, 80K)

A video game hero in full armo(u)r.

It does not. It looks like a Marvel super hero. Which is bad.

is that a darkest dungeon thing?

excuse me wtf?

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>Unprotected thighs.

Your femoral artery is as thick as your thumb. If it gets sliced you'll bleed out in minutes.



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a you mean a realistic full armour designe in a japanese game
dark souls its the only game who did that

>the vast majority of modern games obviously don't count
Fuck off

full armor mcs just migrated to the more space marine style because theres more room to be unique and have it be able to tell more about the setting
>is the amour more set in reality or set not that far into the future where the amour is basically modern American infamy amour with some exo skeleton stuff (Halo, Call of Duty)
>is there some highly advanced amour but its only reserved for a special force while the grunts just get the normal stuff/ scraps (Halo)
>is the amour more fantasy and almost god like because it uses heavy religious imagery (40K, E.Y.E)
>is the amour not really made for combat and just for dangerous engineering work (Dead Space, Half Life)
its hard to create a steel amour design for it to not look like genetic European fantasy

>We will never ever get Camelot Musou

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Based but wasn't armor tho

Attached: uniform.jpg (640x640, 44K)

I think For Honor has got pretty good armor, if a little silly

Attached: Warden_armor.jpg (3545x3899, 2.99M)

>May be difficult to render
>Stylistic choice
Who knows

>Link in BOTW is an actual knight in service to the royal family
>his default appearance is in blue pajamas

Attached: 1548103435975.jpg (744x752, 72K)

The secret service wears tuxedos.

BotW Link looks like a midget.

Thought it would count as enchanted armour

Who needs heavy armor when you're good with a shield?

For Honor had it right with the "low tier" armor design but they went full retarded with the higher end gear and the fire effects and shit.

Effects are completely optional, you know that right?

Anyone fighting multiple opponents, some with ranged weapons.

>Why are there so few heroes in full armour in videogames

Chris from Suikoden 3

Attached: S3_Chris_Lightfellow.png (1050x2502, 2.13M)