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Aside from RMB to move forward, those binds seem fine. Odd location, but whatever.
Rebindable keys should be standard, but what the hell, man.
He's right
It's a fucked up way of playing but rebindable keys should be in every game
I dont judge a man for his bindings. All games should have rebindable keys.
Turbo autistic binds, but if a game doesn't allow rebinding keys it's utter lazy shit for consoles, most probably a port.
holy fuck this thread pisses me off more then all the porn that doesnt belong on Yea Forums
>rmb to move forward
nigga what the fuck
I don't blame him. If he wants to edit bindings he should be able to. rmb, g, h, and j isn't a way to live.
What game is this for?
Maybe he has some disability or something
This, the point of a keyboard is to play the way you want, you can be a regular wasd user, a patrician esdf user, or even be the turbo autist like him, don't care
if you can't rebind keys, your game is worthless
I guess having rmp as your "move forward" button is fine if you want to have one hand free during the moments outside the combat.
how about you post the game you faggo
>a patrician esdf user
is it really that good?
IQ under 70 are classified as intellectual disability, so yes
These bindings kind of make sense. You're pretty much always moving forward, often in conjunction with left or right. Why not take the stress off one hand, and just use it on the hand that's already directing the direction you're facing?
Nothing wrong with that. The keyboard isn't exactly a perfectly designed gaming input device, so there's really no wrong way to bring your controls, and being stuck on WASD, like that's the only way to play, suggests you're missing the point of playing on a PC in the first place.
no only fagot euros use it
Dont be so harsh on yourself user you're still a very special man
You get more keys accessible with the pinky.
i dont get it
RMB to move was always a thing for quake you fucking zoomers
Bitches don't know about pro-controls.
quack invented wasd
>RMB to move forward
you have one set of letter to bind more keys, and the ctrl key is easier to reach
but honestly it doesn't really matter, especially with mice with keys on it
>Le Quake Pro may may.
He might have fucked up hands
Ion Fury
Well that makes a lot of sense its not like its a normal FPS game
i expected no less from sjw devs
I'm a very petite woman with my pinky being 5.3cm short (Yes, I measured it sans finger nail) and yet I have been using ESDF movement instead of WASD for almost a decade now.
Whenever I tell people I use ESDF on all PC games I play, people get really agitated and tell me ESDF sucks. The main reason is always "You can't reach shift/ctrl/tab" which is bullshit because if I can with my small child-like hand and short fingers, other people, especially men can do it.
ESDF opens up QAW and TY(Z)H to use as inputs which is incredibly useful. WASD is very limiting because you only have Q and TG available without having to move your hand away from the movement keys.
Pic is my hand on my laptop keyboard (sorry, I don't own the best phones with a good camera), but I can also reach ctlr/shift/tab on regular bigger keyboards as well with ease because they were designed to be reachable for the 10-finger typing method.
Have people that are against ESDF movement even tried playing games with ESDF? Why do you prefer the inferior WASD movement?
actually slightly above average, so wrong on both accounts
people who don't like esdf are just right handed cripples
That's a chubby tranny hand.
>actually slightly above average
No one who takes IQ tests seriously is smart.
This sounds kinda odd sure. Is there any sort of disability that could warrant such a scheme? Outside of retardation of course. Customizable controls should be a standard though no matter what you want to do. I can't play games on a controller if the vertical axis sin't inverted. Any game that doesn't let you invert becomes a mess for me to attempt anything. I know this is partially my fault but it's still dumb to not have such customization options nowadays.
The fuck is the problem? He can bind all those.
RMB forward is from the Quake era of fps
esdf fags confirmed for trannies
>petite woman
>has penis
My dude is using player 2 pc controls, aside from the rmb to move forward it's fine.
There are no women with dicks only men with tits
Then he (or you) is retarded since you can bind all of those keys/mouse to movement.
Imagine being so retarded you cant learn a new control scheme
like murrifats driving stick
like amerifats not learning metric
I always used rmb for Jump in Quake/Q3
stop no this isn't true i'm not a tranny
That's my point. Said person can't be a woman if they were born with a dick. Ergo, whoever posted or originally posted before it became pasta is lying.
user didn't you hear, they're all literal Nazis.
hang on if fake tits still count as having tits then a fake penis still counts as having a penis
so by your own logic, there ARE women with dicks
Haha user wants to be a girl and get fucked by thick, hard cocks. Could you imagine wanting that? Haha.
Poor guy just wants to be able to do his keyconfigs
Those are some fucked up controls
Only women cant learn stick
We all understand metric and learn it in school
>fake penis
like amerifats not having fun control
Any dvorak chads in chat?
mostly used in MMO games to have access to more bindings around your movement keys.
Completely useless in all fps
No user don't do it. Don't make me derail the thread.
do NOT bully the orb
And filtered. Learn how to make a thread, retard.
Where the fuck does GHJ come from?
Where are you boomers, explain
RMB was jumping you fucking colossal idiot
>balls of silicone stuffed into your skin = tits
If you dont consider girls with a boobjob to have smaller tits than a flatchested girl then you've been bluepilled
Back when I was young the mices didnt even have buttons
Press the mouse hard enough and it would let out a little reee noise
Perhaps left handed
As autistic as his preference sounds, there's really no excuse to not let the user rebind keys.
Dont talk shit , rmb was never used to move in quake. It was either only jump or to zoom via user mods then made as standard in q3..and maybe something less worthy like weapon switch. No one ever fucking used it to fwd.
Those keybinds are an abomination.
>porn bad
Have sex
It's better than the reviews that look like this:
>GRAPHICS - 8/10
>SOUND - 7/10
>GAMEPLAY - 7/10
That then becomes a written review that looks like they accidentally submitted a university essay.
Play video games.
>Mouse button to move master race
Especially for MMOs
Best response to this I've seen yet.
We can all be here dvoraking together
Standard Quake binds are RMB as jump, not +forward.
There is NO EXCUSE for not having rebind-able buttons
WASD is fine for MMOs
You get
12345qertf available in easy reach, plus any mouse buttons and ctrl/shift modifiers
I can't think of any MMO where you need more hotkeys than that, even playing a Priest in WoW before they started cutting spells left and right I had three hotbars at most and then just a bar of 30 minute buffs that didn't need to be hotkeyed
At least it's not the arrow keys. Amiright.
You are trash
What's actually wrong with this other than the fact that it's different from what most people use? There doesn't seem to be any disadvantage to this at all. I hate when people act like the thing they are used to is somehow objectively better, people do this with things like wasd vs arrow keys for games that don't use the mouse. Just because you've never played a game with arrow keys doesn't mean it's somehow bad. People do it with controllers too, there are people who say you need a controller to play 2d platformers. For what purpose? What possible advantage is there to playing a 2d platformer on a controller? You're literally just spouting your personal preference as if it somehow means something
This, because it's among the simplest things you can implement into your game
ESDF is fine, but not worth it for me. WASD allows my pinky to in an be ever so slightly more more relaxed position, and all I'd gain from switching to ESDF is 3-or-so more buttons within convenient reach. I can already use QERTFG
You know IQ tests were meant to be indicator for what people can be used in army
US army found out that people below 84 iq had no use in army because they couldn't understand written orders or orders in general to full extent
Now every retard has place in society because every retard more means more consumers and Jews love consumers
This. I do it to this very day.
Why use WSAD or ESDF when I can use the superior chad WSQE?
RMB to move forward was standard in doom, many players stuck with it when quake came out
While I agree that a game should permit rebinding, you should also be able to use programs like autohotkey or joytokey
Not being able to change the controls in a game is a legitimate complaint. It's an unforgivable flaw. His whackjob bindings aren't relevant here, whatever game this is deserves that bad review.
Actually is a good reason for a bad review
Devs like that should just kill themselves. I have to use AHK to swap LMB with side mouse button because Overwatch doesn't let you bind LMB to a movement action.
fuck Quake, and fuck you.
>playing Quack Champions
it's the literal definition of learning difficulty to be below 70 IQ
also, how about you take the mensa test and post results?
I think the sjws hate this one
Director criticised forcing kids to be trannies or something.
not being able to rebind controls, on PC of all platforms, is a legit complain
I know you guys cant tell since yall are virgins but this is definitely a chubby womans hand. Knuckles dont lie.
>not colemak
ISPs should be forced to make autist's posts text appear blue
My goof friend's big brother, who's also a friend played somewhat like this.
He's a literal textbook anti-SJW
>too dumb to use the key rebinding tool with any modern keyboard
Yep, it's a steamtard thread. People who use Steam can barely figure out how to install a program.
>No one who takes IQ tests seriously is smart.
big cope, just keep telling yourself that you're smart and talented, but an underachiever. Achievement is also linked to IQ
hell yea bro
When i switched to WQSE it felt so much better
Middle finger is not that much longer that it needs to be whole button above the others unless you have giant hands
Real men use RAGE.
wait, there's no key bindings in ion fury? why?
ugh you fucking zoomer casual it's SUPPOSED to be bad!!!!
lets all pretend it's 1990 where video games are fucking tedious because we haven't figured out basic shit to make them palatable yet
I just tried this and my index finger twitches when I pull my middle finger down to S. Guess I'm dying
If Ion Fury doesn't have rebinding then that is a very obvious flaw to the game. It's a legit complaint. Honestly surprised that the game lacks it, and I probably wouldn't buy it until it's implemented.
It has rebinding. You just cant rebind the way that guy wants.
for me it's QWES
it bothers me when i can't bind use to the side mouse button.
Every game should have rebindable keys even console shit.