PS2 is almost 20 years old, why isn't it considered retro?

PS2 is almost 20 years old, why isn't it considered retro?

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Because /vr/ are a bunch of autists

It is retro but vr doesn't consider it retro because the majority of the board don't want anyone from that era to ruin their board.

I'm 25 years old and i grew up with both PS1 and PS2, how old are they there?

I find it funny how theyre trying to weasel GBA into being retro while keeping ps2 "too new"

You can consider it retro if you want

They're massive Nintendo cocksuckers. It's no wonder the board that's most obsessed with childhood nostalgia are Nintendo fanatics.

Also more times has passed between PS2 and today than PS2 and NES, yet NES was considered retro back then. I think even SNES was


I consider it retro, but not necessarily due to time. Game design was very different in that generation. Games weren't designed with DLC, Achievements, Online Requirements, etc. in mind.

I set the retro bar at the end of that generation, but it also can't be moved ever because of how radically different the games are.

I'm pretty sure it is retro. Same thing with GBA, Gamecube and Xbox OG

>With the release of the 8th generation of consoles, the Sega Dreamcast will now be considered "retro", though the remainder of the sixth generation (Xbox, PS2, GameCube) will not.
The PS2 will be considered retro once the 9th generation of consoles starts

>but it also can't be moved ever
Trash opinion.

It just doesn't feel retro, very nostalgic sure, but retro no.

Go home /vr/ autists

Stay here, Yea Forums autists.

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Because its games havent aged a day

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I think it feels retro, especially games released between 2000-2003

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>Game design was very different in that generation. Games weren't designed with DLC, Achievements, Online Requirements, etc.
Alot of that shit will probably die off eventually, and something else will become the new modern. Then those games will seem more similar to the PS2 era by comparison.

I hope Xbox becomes retro soon.
It'll be interesting to discuss how Xbox and Dreamcast were the dawn of DLC and updates

I don't think game design is all that different though. Pic related, it's Halo. Definitely looks its age but it set the new standard for single player FPS and we still see the formula today. Only games that are explicitly trying to be retro like Ion Maiden still make FPS the way they were before Halo.

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why is shenmue retro then even though it's a precursor to walking simulators?

People always remember Silent Cartographer and Halo but they forget that the majority of CE was copy pasted hallways like every other FPS of its time.

It is, just not by one niche subgroup on Yea Forums, thats all. We can call them retards all day, but it's in their boards rules so its all that matters in the context of /vr/ i guess. They dont have any actual argument, just enforced arbritary rules.

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>let in 6th gen consoles
>Halo is now legal
>Doomfags and Halobabies shitpost the board to death
Like it or not its for the best

It's a precursor to yakuza

>because we say so

reminder pic related is "retro" but say, Tekken Tag Tournament is not.

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Some people will tell you that others just can't let go but the real answer is that video games today look so shit that PS2/xbox/GC gen games look better by comparison.

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You're a retard

because it's not and you should play games before talking about them on the internet

no u

Thats just your opinion though. But whatever, again its in the rules. Actual retro enthusiasts can simply discuss it elsewhere and /vr/ can continue to recieve an average of one post per thread every 8 hours, it's no problem.

Forgot to add
>PS2/xbox/GC gen games look better by comparison so they don't look or feel retro enough.

>because it's not

/vr/ has Shenmue threads all the time. They aren't deleted or pruned.

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>implying it hasnt already been ruined by the zoomers getting into retro like its a new craze

/vr/ considers this retro though

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Good taste mon

because it's not a precursor to walking simulators*

Shenmue is pretty unique, like the other user said it's only really been followed up by Yakuza, sort of. It's got a lot of walking in it but it doesn't have anything to do with shit like Gone Home

Its too mainstream and popular for secret club /vr/

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>have 40 PS2 games and they're all top tier

>can't decide what to play

Throw a dart at one of them and then play that one

The Switch is already out though.

Play Ratchet and Clank

Switch is considered part of 8th generation because in terms of hardware it's basically a mobile chipset version of the Wii U.

Dreamcast launch 1999
PlayStation 2 launch 2000

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In the eyes of /vr/ the Y2K crash was real

Because you autists the industry failed to move desing wise past the PS2. The wast majority of games, even today, operate on the same mechanics and controls that were solidified during the 6th gen.

Most that changed since the 6th gen is that controls became somewhat more refined(better implementation of auto aim, more intuitive layouts etc.) and the grahix became prettier. Otherwise its been mostly same shit different GPU.

While it is technically a retro console practically its just a low res version of modern consoles.

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>Mass Effect Andromeda
that's Mafia 3

it is retro, /vr/ are just contrarians, infact by the very definition of the word the 360 & ps3 are retro.

>applying or referring to the past

its a random google result and I was too lazy to fix that shit.

Really? Then where are all the Japanese horor games?

No the industry of today is completely different. Sadly.

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that is just autism user.

replaced by chinese horror games

because /vr/ is afraid of increasing their traffic to over 20 posts a day

what are their rules for Arcade machines? they don't seem to care when an arcade or pinball machine came out.


I've seen a couple pinball threads on there, but I don't recall seeing any arcade threads.

well yea

>the past
Yesterday was the past but we don't call Sekiro retro


Read my post again. I didn't write that the industry is the same as it was 20 years ago, I wrote that it failed to move past the state it was in 20 years ago. A.k.a it stagnated and even regressed.

The absence of japanese horror games is just a symptom of that regression. An entire sub-genre gone but not replaced by anything else and the few games that still call themselves horror games are functionally designed almost step for step like those early 2000s horror titles.