What do you think of this new entry?
Touhou 17: Wily Beast and Weakest Creature
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Touhou isn't vidya
Touhou is a video game.
Chickenhu is my favorite newhu
Would have been dark Pegasus if she wasn't so similar to Aya
Stage 6 is peak ZUNkino
Better than HSiFS and DDC but worse than LoLK. Cock and Horsecock are cute
you know I find it impressive that almost a decade jaims still plays any 2hushit under the sun and never gets tired of it. Along a lot of other shmups. That's some dedication.
Very fun, definitely something I’d sneak into work during the frequent low periods
Why is jp full of this anime?
its the same shit 12th time but worse then then the one before it
however i just started playing ikusaaan and its so much better
>God Tier
Unlocated Hell, Electric Heritage, Idolatrize World
>High tier
Lamentations, Underwater Cow, Everlasting Spider Lily, Seraphic Chicken, Beast Metropolis, Dark Pegasus
>Mid Tier
Lost River, Tortoise Dragon, Shining Law, ending/staff roll
>Low Tier (but still ZUN quality)
title theme, Jelly Stone, Joutonin of Ceramic
HSiFS is just fine, IMO
Prepare to be judged Yea Forums
HSIFS was better.
Why did you do it Yea Forums?
>Jelly Stone that low
Still haven't heard the extras and Shining Law yet since I didn't want to spoil myself so i'm not sure about them. Other than that it's a pretty solid list
I'll do it too
>God tier
Tortoise Dragon
>High tier
Electric Heritage, Idolatrize World, Beast Metropolis, Joutounin of Ceramic, Jelly Stone, Unlocated Hell
>Mid tier:
Grief, Underwater Cow, Shining Law, Staff roll
>Low tier:
Lost River, Seraphic Chicken, Ending Theme, Dark Pegasus
>Very low tier:
Everlasting Spider Lily
Everlasting Spider Lily would join the rest of the god tier stage 3 themes if the main instrument had been literally anything else
The goasts made me do it
>I was born to kill
She literally threatened to turn me into a haniwa
Humans aren't allowed to have good things in 2hu
There are 17 fucking touhou games you retarded brainlets
>why is she in animal hell to begin with
How is it a threat?
Why are the stage 4 themes always so fucking good?
Well she mentions ripping your body apart first which sounds painful.
I dunno user
the only one I don't think is absolute god tier is 14, and that's only because I like stage 3 and 5's themes more in that game
you tell me
WBaWC has better gameplay
HSiFS has a better ost
Now that you mention it
Stage 3, bargaining
Yeah, stage 4 DDC is mediocre all around in regards to music.
Stage 4 LoLK is goat though.
Does it have dinos?
100% agree, i'm glad the 2nd boss wasn't a snorefest like in HSiFS.
I still prefer HSiFS and LOLK extra stages tho
this is still the most kino extra stage theme
That was my first post itt but sure.
Not sure why you'd argue that HSiFS was a more enjoyable game given its GFW tier gimmick, but to each their own.
HSiFS Extra is fantastic, and I say this as someone who didn't like the main game.
HSIFS is the worst touhou, though.
Other way around, WBaWC has better OST and gameplay
Sorry, but superior Extra Stage kino coming through
>Miko gets to ride this hot ass horse everyday
>GFW gimmick
sounds pretty hot, who wouldn't want to be turned into a haniwa?
Yukari is shit!
*block your path*
When are fairies going to rise up against their oppressors?
I already know I'm going to hell, just tell me for how long.
I mean everything could have been solved with some dialogue but she jumped the shark when she threatened to turn me into a clay figure, so is mostly her fault to be fair.
Jelly baby and art mom are my favorite new entries.
you forgetting the best extra stage song
It's not bad.
It's simply also not condusive of a challenging gameplay experience
Why can't Kasen be in a shmup?
Because Stage 4s are now the traditional "final stage but not", so gotta make you feel like you're finally in your destination by amping up absolutely everything.
Haha whoops wrong link
She also said that she doesnt want to fight but T H E C R I M S O N S L A S H E R could not be stopped
( ゚∀゚)o彡゜えーりん!えーりん!
( ゚∀゚)o彡゜えーりん!えーりん!
( ゚∀゚)o彡゜えーりん!えーりん!
design too lewd, players would get distracted
that's why she's only in mangas and endings
>wolf goast possesses Reimu
>she seems calmer than usual
>beast spirit tell protag to run away
>"heh, no chance to run now buddy"
So much for not wanting to fight
>tfw no drunk witch gf
The newhus are getting more forgettable every new entry
Imagine hating based turtle.
16 was a very very low point for this, but i think the 15 characters were good for the most part and 17 seems to be a step up from 16 (which isnt hard, but still)
I think it's shit, just like your daily threads
So what is the best Marisa animal spirit and why is it Wolf?
You can't do worse than DDC in that regard though
it's just a shame that a lot of the really good non-h doujin authors moved onto their own stuff or gachashit by this point
imagine the kind of fighting doujins we'd get with multiple yakuza gangs all in hell
Not true, I remember Benben and Raiko
Your brain can only care for a limited ammount of things. For example, there's a limited ammount of people you're able to categorize as "Friend" in your mind.
It's the same for 2hus and Pokemon. With like 150, the ammount of new 2hus you're going to care about will be less and less everytime
Eagle for hardcore penetration and extended NDL v. 2.0
Sounds gay
>mfw those death effects when you kill fairies
Who do you think will get into a new fightan?
As far as I know, there was only Benben in stage 4.
stop posting your OC
What track best summarizes WBAWC Youmu:
>Rules of Nature
>Red Sun
>Stains of Time
>The Only Thing I Know For Real
It hurts
Do this quiz if youre so great sporcle.com
whens a true sequel to puppet dance performance
DDC was a great game and had a great cast besides the stage 4 tsukumogamis.
stains of time since it's the one that plays when raiden actually activates jack the ripper mode
>people complain about new characters being forgettable
>bet you cant remember all of them
yes, that's the point
Why aren't 10 gallon hats more popular in Gensokyo?
Marisa was jealous so she got herself a new mom!
>great cast
Raiko, Shimmy and Seija.
Explain to me why you would want to program an AI with the ability to be smug?
In my defense the last game I played was TH14 before being without a computer for a long time so I don't know anything about LoLK or HSiFS, so I'm now trying to 1CC WBaWC first, then I might start all over again from 6. I used to be able to 1CC IN with ease but right now I'm very rusty.
Doesn't help that my keyboard is hot trash.
Waggysaggy, Sekibanki and Kagerou are the most popular non-eosd first bosses
>Keine going up against the protags and exposing her half-youkai side for no other reason than helping Mokou
Was it love
Keiki is Marisa's new mom in almost all her endings
What happened between Marisa and her family?
Lmao Kogasa is much more popular than them. Pretty sure Nazrin, Kyouko, Nitori and Alice are as well.
Nope, it as sorority
>Popular newhou
>mandatory 16
Hope: aun, expectation: nemuno
>mandatory 17
Hope: chickenhou, dragon turtle, expectation: HOWDY, dragon turtle
>retro pick
Hope: yukari, sukuna, Expectation: remi, patchouli
>Free pick
Letty, mystia
something last word
>so I don't know anything about LoLK
Shit nigger, you missed the best modern era touhou. You go play that next, if your asshole can handle the clown.
Given it's going to be a new engine again in all likelihood I wouldn't expect a very large roster.
Marisa finally has two moms!
You're counting separate games.
Nobody really gives a shity about Kyouko, or Letty, or Wriggle or Ichirin.
Why do you hate DDC so much? Did Seija bully you into submission or something?
We like Mystia?
>get eiki wrong for a full minute because you had to put in the wrong fucking name
really need to brush up on my PC-98 characters, wew
still, 132/153 isn't terrible
Dancers and Mayumi will be playable to maintain the two cats as the only unplayable Stage 5
Yeah the quiz is weird, you can just put in Prismriver for all 3 of them and China for Meiling, but for some others you have to be specific
I do, at least
chin chin haha
Am I a weirdo for liking Extra Love?
something something Ran has no free will in canon
haha so le funneh xD
I love r/touhou I mean Yea Forums threads
um please don't post my art without my permission
not bad for a secondary
I'm talking about the nice little flourishes that come out when you kill enemies
stop it or i'll call the police.
Someone explain the plot this time to me. I reached stage 6 and saw Reimu mention the boss is apparently human? Or is that the spirit possessing Reimu talking to Reimu herself? They did mention 人間 a fuckload during their conversation and also mid-fight right before the spirit spam.
>China for Meiling
>eagle being useless and glare.
Would unfocuse-buff shot type ever works?
a lot of that is just the spirit referring to your character as human but the boss is a god summoned by the humans in hell praying. she supposedly protects them but I dunno it sounded pretty fucking shady to me
>it's timed
>it asks me to type their names
ugh no thanks, that's way too much effort. can I have like, put a name to an image with multiple answers, or a popup book, or something?
especially since there are 2 other chink touhou now
>Reimu overthrows Apartheid regime
>Reimu plunges a neutral country into anarchy
Preach brutha
I want to thank the puppets game for teaching me some PC98 names
>Gremlins brainwash Gensokyo
Oh I've read this doujin
this is digital larceny. i am LITERALLY being robbed right now and none of the bystanders are helping.
It's literally all in her profile.
What the FUCK is Junko's problem?
With a tomato and basil marinade maybe.
There was no real moral argument for Reimu in 10. It's literally her saying "Fuck you, I was here first and don't need LESS profit."
hello is there one for the great and honourable crown prince toyosatomimi no miko divine reagent and heir to the eternal throne of japan mankind's savior in the face of evil (peace be upon her)
that one ain't mine.
>Aliens enslave Buddha
I get it, it's the doujin where Nue rapes Murasa
Please, if it don't make no money, it's all the youkai's fault
We imagedumping mspaint scribbles now?
>Can perfectly remember the theme names, design, even spellcards of almost every character
>But can't remember the names the second I am asked to
>Waste 7 minutes trying to remember what was Sanae's name
>End up getting 74/153
>Memory suddenly returns after timer runs out
What the fuck was that about
why would Junko care about the well-being of the abortion youkai?
user, Reimu only took action during 10 because Sanae kept sending her threatening letters, and she only decided to confront Kanako because she was obviously causing conflict on Youkai Mountain.
Well, i'm all out, you win
Hey fuck you Wriggle is a cute boy.
i'll post the rest of the collection
That's too autistic. Names are easier to remember
Mystia a cute, I wanna eat her grilled lamprey.
Thats what happens when youre in a quiz situation. The other day I did a capitals of the world quiz and I forgot what Bucharest is. I even have a good friend living there but I just wouldnt remember
Bird youkai are not food!
Fuck off faggot
It's about average, maybe above average.
Kind of like HSIFS but better. Only thing I don't really like is the cast which for WBAWC kind of feels underwhelming. It feels like the game & what Reimu/Marisa/Youmu undergo should have a much bigger scope & some more intense characters but I've never felt that way. Maybe it's too abstract for me.
Sorry, just reread the prologue
Sanae came to the shrine, started shitposting, and Reimu decided "yeah she's probably a youkai I'll beat her up later" and then MoF happened.
And in the end it did jackshit as all Youkai mountain now worships the Moriya Shrine so good going, Youkai Shrine Maiden.
She's an angry mom hellbent on revenge for her dead son and doesn't want a skank to ruin another child's life
Her food sucks, you only buy it because she cursed you and won't lift it until you pay her money.
>nope, it was shanghai
>mfw trying otter for the first time
I'm sure blindness doesn't affect my sense of taste, user.
Reminder that you shouldn't be posting in these threads if you cannot name this character.
Go play the games.
Jackie Chan
Prime 2hu
Yatsuhashi Prismriver
my oc touhou character
Hashjazz Benkumo
Medicine 3.0
Needs more Shinmyoumaru
Benben the other one
Shimmy is not for lewd
user this is just a picture of a panda, what did you mean by this?
>he can't see sukuna
what's it like having shit eyes user
Not bad. PC-98 section fucked me up though. Somehow forgot Rinnosuke and some midstage bosses but not Youki and Mimi-cham.
By what right is a youkai this cute?
>caring about DDC
FUCK the misc section, Tokiko isn't even his assistant canonically last I checked
haha cute little critter
Um I don't remember Aunn and Reimu being that stacked
>he doesn't know about nitori's latest jewish scheme
remember to buy some kappa milk!
>no orin
it's shit
Chen is the better cat
What's with recent games and big scale incidents?
ZUN has learnt the concept of "story arcs"
increase human unrest and distrust so we can finally gear up for the gensokyo civil war
now that the protagonists have canonically beaten up a god who's sole job was protecting humans we're all set for the great youkai war
fuck PC-98 btw
Reminder that none of this would have happened if we had crushed the Kappa and the Moriya Shrine for trying to industrialize Gensokyo.
>fuck PC-98
secondary faggot detected
I'm sorry, I only play good games.
That's right goy, keep blaming the Moriya's
You would like them if you saw their spell cards.
4 and 5 are better than touhou 9-14 combined
Name even a single thing that Yukari did wrong
And the villagers learn of this... how? If there are no witnesses, there is no problem.
Is ZUN antisemitic?
We know Sanae is a fucking Jew and her shrine has been the root cause of most of Gensokyo’s biggest problems.
There are other characters that look/act like stereotypical jews (such as Unzan and Jo’on)
And Wily Beast and Weakest Creatures has you go beat up an artist protecting her people because the people attacking them told you to do it (as an allegory for WWII)
Who is the better pet: Orin, or Okuu?
They’re both really cute
Nobody cares about the villagers, they're less than cannon fodder at this point. Which makes me wonder if we'll even get a villager character rising after witnessing so much bullshit happening and threatening them constantly.
Aya WILL find out and she WILL drop an extra in your garden
>that toilet paper causing actual unrest
Go to bed Aya.
Villagers are under an agreement to not be harmed by any faction in Gensokyo, killing human villagers constitutes a violation of the NAP and is grounds for immediate extermination. Only outside world humans who get brought over by Yukari are in serious danger.
very good. a return to form after the underwhelming HSiFS
Aya is right there in the Extra stage, are you blind?
No alternative for both to be able to form your own unbiased views
124/153, not bad
They deliver fundamentally different news, user. You'd never find an unbiased equivalent to the day-to-day stories that Bunbunmaru publishes by reading the Kakashi news because Kakashi news is a quarterly paper that dedicates itself to in-depth exposes about bigger issues. They're just not the same kind of publication.
Aya is not a cowboy
Best stage 5 theme:
Haha whoops user it appears that you've pasted the wrong link
Yeah well Hatate will never ever be popular
>that thumbnail
why is Orin so sad?
Hatate will always be better than Aya
Poor girl lives in a shithole
not bad, missed Akyuu and Konggara for some reason though.
tfw no bodies to cart
Yeah, yeah, SA stage 5 is great and all that.
Though a lot of the charm this theme has disappears without background noise from orbs rushing at you./spoiler]
not playable
She disowned them to get high in the woods
Holy crap this fight with Kaguya is not fucking fair
which one
Easiest boss fight desu
IN last word
Kaguya's Last Word is not supposed to be fair at all, is one last survival rush for scoring reasons.
It's not fucking fair, why does Kaguya never stop winning?
Extend Ash
Last Remote
Tomorrow will be Special
Alice in Wonderland
World of Nightmares
UFO Romance in the Sky
Who Done it?
Shining Law
Centennial Festival
No More Going Through Doors
Because you're not gittin gud enough.
Okay, so.
Who's the baddies in touhou 17?
animal invaders because of progressive corruption in their realm
literally (you)
The furry mafia.
Alice in Wonderland belongs in its own tier.
>beast niggers vs benevolent god
Geez, hard to say
I hate it
Why was the most popular TD theme the stage 4 theme of all things.
Not even the boss themes compare to it.
touhou has 20+ games, now go dilate
I got a jellyfish and a cow
Reimu is always the baddie
Title theme is the best though
Memes aside, objectively the terracotta soldiers for subjugating everyone.
I prefer the stage 6 them for them bass
the only newhu I don't like is the dragon girl because that shit on her back
Does Yea Forums still hate Alice?
Yea Forums hates Alice memes like LMAO SHOVEL HAHAHA
I don't she's cute (but not as cute as Shimmy, Futo, Miko or Mamizou)
I feel like a dummy for missing out on this meme, I just don't get it.
Every time you post Alice gets hit in the head with a shovel, what's there to get?
It's /jp/nese "humor"
It's a shitty forced meme like Padkuya
There are a lot more than 17
>flirting with ZUN's wife
She started it
Marisa is C U T E
What would Alice do if she actually succeeded in making one of her dolls sentient?
>tfw no drunk inchling gf
how strong is Japanese beer?
>tfw no drunk oni gf
Some user said that the brand she's drinking is alcohol free
Lets just say:
>tfw no drunk touhou GF
So if Mamizou leads the tanuki, the Great Tengu leads the tengu, Hecatia leads hell and Nitori leads the kappa, who leads the foxes?
The wolf girl that I cant remember the name of?
that's a can of asahi dry zero if im not mistaken
>wolves are led by a horse
>otters are led by a dragon
>eagles are led by a sheep
But that's a cat girl
Has ZUN ever published an official ranking of his favorite beers?
Dress it up in frilly clothes
I think he said Kirin was his favourite once
He does a beer podcast so there's probably some information out there
Japs are alright
Looks like shit.
>muh thicc
why did Keiki make her main weapon a dildo?
>had to circle the entire picture before finally noticing Yoshika
christ I don't remember sucking this much at where's wally books
>big tits
20 replies from seething lolifags incoming
Okina, Hecatia, Seiga and Yoshika
Did I miss anyone?
Closest thing to the cock
So she can fuck her enemies into submission.
where is she exactly?
Left part of the image
I can't tell who this is
literally me
Alice is for boot fetishists.
Great looking boots
And anal
there are multiple better girls who wear boots
That doesn't contradict my statement.
I need more Keiki art
I really like these boots and want more pictures of 2hus wearing boots like them
Then CREATE some!
What is this art class
Fine I'll get back to practicing
Eat you are cake
Oh come on! That is too cute!
Keiki hijack
Physical impact isn't allowed by the spellcard rules right?
I havent liked a newhu this much in a while
Bad quality
meiling uses kicks of danmaku in StB where you'll still die if you get hit by the kick even if you wipe all the bullets, so they must be allowed
>all this keiki art.
>None is on danbooru.
What Happened? They used to get all the art.
Give it some time
Explain me why everyone relates Keike with cake instead of shit (study her lore).
Go upload and tag them yourself
Lazy users who don’t upload. Like you!
Keikis design is great but the color scheme is awful
no one bothers because they're so anal about tagging that if you haven't tagged every slight detail in the first five milliseconds it gets deleted
>danbooru arbitrarily knocks off some art
>pixiv was invaded with shit
>twitter is unusable as any kind of database
Fuck twitter.
All the newhus suck except for the kutaka and saki.
The new game in general is shit and I'm getting sick of Touhou.
Not to mention they are elitist as fuck, most of the keiki art posted here won't pass their shitty "three days evaluation process".
Her hair is great!
Does anyone else feel like this one's a major mood shift? Like, there's something implacable about it that makes the plot feel reminiscent of something from the early windows era.
it being set in an actual new location we've never explored (at least in windows era) helps
apart from the lunar capitol we haven't really had a new location since the divine mausoleum in TD
> otter spirit possesses player character
> this is literally the only way anyone in the cast displays even the slightest remorse for ruining the happiness of dead children
The entire cast are fucking serial killers.
How does her headdress work?
It’s tied underneath
getting shit off twitter is another shape of hell
Mercy is for the weak
>see a nice picture on twitter
>forget to save it at the time
>remember it a day or so later
>first have to find the guy himself
>then have to scroll through approximately a thousand gachashit and food images
>and he might have deleted it in a fit of autistic rage
>Inverted castle
>Dream passage
>The sea where one's home planet reflects
>Backdoor dimension
>Backdoor dimension
You can’t just pull a dimension out of your ass like that
What was that? Zun didn't catch that. It sounded like, would you like another beer sir?
>The sea where one's home planet reflects
That's the Sea of Tranquillity, that isn't new.
Saki screams of Utsuho styled heavy hitter in floaty fighters.
>see a trailer for a sukuna themed umihara kawase fangame
>Forget to note the author's name or any sort of identity
>Figure the major fuckup one week later
>No trace of that guy anywhere
>Remember the guy doing high quality touhou pixel art porn linked the trailer
>Scroll his whole profile through nonsensical ~6 moonrune messages, wwwwwwwwww moonrunes and linking to someone else's lewd down to the bottom of his history
>The fucking madlad has done nearly a thousand of these in a fucking week
How could fucking twitter of all things create the bootstrap system and shake the whole world of web design with it and be so fucking bad at designing a web themselves despite making such a solid system
practically all of this could be solved with a gallery system for images, or a fucking tag system since hashtags are entirely optional
20 fucking 19 and still no good platform for fanart
The platforms are there, the problem is people don't use them
>gallery system
>in a site where all content uploaded is transient
it's too bad no one thought to make a 2hu specific booru years back
at this point it'd be impossible to set one up
and jews
Thoughts on Hatatatate?
>High quality pixel porn
Is the one that made the koakuma giving a "thighs blow"?
she's pretty cute, but I like her depressed version social commentary version better
16 is only a low point because of how hard it sticks to the "stage 1-3 are completely irrelevant to the incident at large" rule.
The komainu that literally LIVES AT THE SHRINE fails to be acknowledged in any way beyond her stage.
16's cast isn't just irrelevant to the incident, they're irrelevant to Gensokyo at large. It's insane. Okina, Satono and Mai are perfectly memorable, because they have a reason to exist.
I doubt 17 will be any different, given its entire plot happens in the afterlife. Which is probably also why it feels so "different" from what I'm used to- at least one character from all the previous games, since as early as 10 if not earlier, had some kind of lasting impact on the overworld.
She gets too much depressing shit, someone scanned a doujins where she and a shota get kidnapped, they bond and make an egg, the humans kill the shota and smash the egg (with the last of his strength the shota screams for help and a whole army of tengus arrive), hatate becmes a shut in. Years later hatate gets a picture in her magic cellphone of some little crow girl with nuclear power in the old hell...
Cute and best tengu.
... I feel like I need to read this. Got a source?
There's only one relevant tengu
>posts the one who lost Zun's interest
the very same
but playable in 16
>Satono and Mai are perfectly memorable
Look, dude, all I said is that they're memorable, not easy to remember which is which. I'm not going to forget that bombs and lives are explained in-universe now.
>Satono and Mai
>Okina which is a Junko's clone
I liked the game, but user, those designs were shit and forgettable as fuck.
Umm why is Hata expression emotions?
That's just a sign of your poor taste.
Once again: characters dropping bombs and lives has been explained in universe. I'm not going to just magically forget the ones responsible for that.
even though they seem to have taken a holiday and let fish spirits fill the gap in 17 what the FUCK zun
Her face is still static
I just 1CCed WBaWC on normal earlier today! It's probably the easiest Touhou game to 1CC that I've played. Is this the game we should recommend to beginners from now on?
Also, Keiki is ZUN's most recent precious gift to mankind.
ok sure but also fuck off with your stupid fucking game theory tier fan theory and kill yourself.
The one with poor taste is you my friend, she has nothing original going for her.
Her powers are just Yukari's copypaste abilities with some buffs, her personality is plain and her design is just Junko MKII.
>reddit trannies still seething over okina 2 years later
Yep. I'm thinkin she's based.
>Junko's clone
She's Yukari's clone you retarded secondary, she even has some of necrofantasia snuck into her theme.
With all that pickable shit floating around the screen the game is defo not easy
But they're not. The only thing people remember about stage 5 is the music, and Okina is only remembered for cripple memes and because Zun couldn't be bothered to make an extra boss.
Yukarifag on anal devastation mode now that their deviantart marysue got dethroned
I was talking about the design you retard. I even explain that here but I can't expect some retard on Yea Forums to read.
Junko didn't invent tabards you unironic retard. That was the uniform of the sages before she even existed.
>she has nothing original going for her.
She's Marisa's mommy.
>inb4 Mima
Nah, even if I can't tell Satono and Mai apart, I remember their patterns fairly well, and the stage itself had unique visuals.
Far more distinct than, say, poor man's Prismriver Sisters (duet edition) against a generic storm background.
Okina was a great extra boss. I really enjoyed the fight and the gimmick of her spells. Good shit
Also, Junko>>>>>Sage Junko
Okina doesn't manipulate boundaries so they are not a copy. As a god, her ability to control vitality is far different from Yukari, and her ability to make doors is just a device to allow her to travel and make magic flow, like with Aunn for example.
She has quite a defined personality, being a ostentatious god that is prideful and makes grand displays of power to draw attention to herself. She also pities her servants, though she does not seek to replace them. I'm pretty sure no other Touhou character really acts in this manner.
As for her design, the only reason people compare them is because they're "blonde" in fanart. However, Junko has orange hair in her fanart, and Okina is blonde. Aside from that, there's really no similarity. Even their tabards are far apart from each other in design, and Okina mostly takes from the old paintings of the god she represents.
Her lore also far separates her from the two you compare her to. Enough so that calling her a clone is just a bland insult.
I like Okina though.
I just think your head canon is retarded.
eric, simply eric
You know, I've actually noticed something surprising.
You faggots totally have a Zelda cycle going on, I remember when 16 was just released, everyone was shitting on 16 and 15. Now that 17 is out, it and 16 are taking the brunt of it, while 15 is now seen as kino.
What? Is not about the auras, is about her similar hair and similar face.
As for the energy she has flying about, it's starting to become a trend with gods in Touhou. But it's also relating to her lore.
Matarajin was related to the big dipper (which is why she has that on her tabard), which they used to tell the seasons. Thus, Okina's energy that seeps out of the door is seasonal energy (at least when she succs it up) and she can effectively control it all.
Junko has tails, which are quite different.
I haven't see people talking shit of 17.
>similar face
>in ZUN style
This is pretty much a non-complaint.
Junko's hair is orange in-game, Okina's is blonde.
I still think IN is the easiest, followed closely by MoF. I haven't played TD in years but I remember 1cc'ing that one on my first try so it's probably up there as well.
>similar hair
Junko has long orange hair. Okina has long blonde hair. Many other characters have long blonde hair.
>Similar faces
Okay you have to be some to be some sort of troll, ALL of ZUN's modern art has sameface.
>similar face.
Oh shit, it's Benben
Beginners already have their hands full trying to survive the simplest of spellcards, adding having to pick up all the otters would just get them killed
>Also, Keiki is ZUN's most recent precious gift to mankind.
You're retarded, WBaWC is nowhere near the easiest 2hu, and it's an awful place to start with how unique it is mechanically.
Have you considered that maybe you've just gotten better at these games?
No Touhou game is easy, but it is the easiest of the ones I've played. If you need bouncy spirits urgently, you can just bomb and grab them while you are invincible.
>Final Boss of Gensokyo.jpg
>Have you considered that maybe you've just gotten better at these games?
That's why I said 'probably'. You're also absolutely correct that it is not representative of a typical Touhou game, and the abundant spirits may teach new players some bad habits.
Her ability to open doors is the exact same gap windows bullshit Yukari has.
Her design is shit because is too similar to Junko's, not because her hair is orange bullshit which helps to this because orange and blonde are similar.
Is like Aya and Aya 2.0 even if their powers are different their design is so similar that you would call it a copy.
I wasn't talking about the lore, in which case I agree.
>Enough so that calling her a clone is just a bland insult.
Come on now, you are taking this personal like you were some kind of fanboy.
>enjoyed the fight and the gimmick
Really? I thought it was pretty dull. Weak survival card, too.
I don't get why people say IN is so easy. I think the fact that you cannot unlock stage 6B for practice unless you can already 1CC the B route already is enough to make it harder than PCB and EoSD.
It's a really good game, though, with a lot of cool spellcards, extra content and playable characters. It might be the best Touhou game.
>kutaka is extra mid boss
The death-bomb window is huge and the patterns are easy compared to most touhou games.
>thread derailed by the okinafag.
We all know you are pissed off that your girl is not popular, stop being pathetic.
The game showers you in bombs for nothing, you get plenty of lives too, death bombing is super easy, and the patterns are generally simple (thanks in part to destructible familiars).
She shite m8
>Her ability to open doors is the exact same gap windows bullshit Yukari has.
>windows bullshit
Gaps aren't windows, they do very different things.
Also, Yukari can't do pic related. So you are wrong.
>Her design is shit because is too similar to Junko's
It's similar because you have shit eyes. Saki and Aya look nothing alike, and Junko and Okina are easy to tell apart if you aren't brain dead. I guess Yukari is just purple Junko.
The patterns aren't very hard, it only starts to get tough on stage 5 (or 4 if you're fighting Marisa, at least for me) and the game is pretty generous with lives and bombs. The game also gives you three billion years to deathbomb. Yeah, it costs two bombs but that's still better than dying and wasting all of them anyway.
What do you call her hat?
>thread derailed by seething okinahater.
What is it about Okina that pisses off spics so badly?
>How do you know he's a spic?
Obvious ESL poster and generally shitposters in 2huthreads are spics for whatever reason.
Why do /vg/ fags have to force their dumb drama into the thread?
Stage 5 is unironically piss easy with Reisen being easily one of the weakest Stage 5 bosses in the series.
Yeah now that you mention it, I remembered struggling with her but I think it was mostly one spellcard in particular which I never bothered practicing because losing lives isn't as big of a deal when the game is easier overall.
Youmu is easier imo
>Gaps aren't windows
user please.
>Saki and Aya look nothing alike
You really are in denial, people call her Aya 2.0 for a reason.
>Yukari is just purple Junko.
Not at all, their designs are very different with different colors compared to Junko/Okina.
>do stages 1-3 perfectly
>die once at stage 4
>try again
>can't get past stage 3 without dying once
>Not at all, their designs are very different with different colors compared to Junko/Okina.
There is no green in Junko's design, user. And no orange on her clothes.
>do lazy ass run with zero intent of actually clearing
>die in stage 2
>manage to 1cc
I always think that one or two deaths are allowed
>create character
>give her wings
Just power through, dying on stage 4 doesn't mean the run is over.
this is even funnier since aya canonically doesn't even have wings
Youmu fucking wrecked my shit. For me, Sakuya and Seija are easier.
Also Mayumi was kind of easy when playing with Youmu, since you just kill her haniwa. Fuck her nonspells though.
My rule of thumb is that if I die and I'm at least on Stage 4, then I just keep playing. You still need to practice, so it's in your worst interests to reset after just 1 late death. If I die like a retard on stage 1 or 2 while trying to get into the Item Collect Zone, then I instareset.
user I...
she does, but most of the official art overlooks it for some reason
>fan depiction
she's never ever had wings in ZUN art
>This excuse again
ZUN approved it.
Let it go user.
I don't remember Aya having huge tits. Wouldn't those hurt her aerodynamics?
like all of ZUN's art
>ZUN approved Aya having wings
>but not Hatate having wings in the exact same picture
you ever heard of artistic license?
those are nowhere near huge though????
There honestly isn’t a ’bad’ one. Well, DDC’s may be a bit forgettable. They’re consistently better than the boss themes... just like most regular stage themes.
user, you are insane.
stop browsing /d/, those are bretty big titties
>There's proof that Aya has wings.
>Nothing in canon says she does not.
>Not even a ZUN quote on it.
>She maybe can hide her wings, and that would explain pic related also approved by ZUN.
I don't know user, you ever heard about common sense?
You shouldn't reset unless you've at least lost two lives early, or maybe if you lose a life on stage 1. Your motivation and focus is a precious resource, and resetting depletes this resource.
Even though it is logical to reset when trying for 1CC, I find it more fun to almost almost never reset, and always push yourself to get as far as possible with the resources you have left.
stage 6 and ex touhou have retarded outfits, the worst yet.
Good job
Um I thought Momiji was supposed to be tough
She is.
I don't care if it's been 6 hours.
Delete this.
Momiji is a mute footsoldier with rabies.
I dunno man she looks pretty small and huggable there
I wanna run my fingers across her collarbone
She can be both.
Don't listen to those two cocksuckers, not only is SA stage 5 a terrible song on it's own (maybe the worst) but IN stage 5 is the best stage 5 theme
>SA-5 is bad
>Okina haters on the loose
How does it feel knowing that she's the next big character and that she will probably appear in the next fighter?
I love IN stage 5 but SA's isn't bad by any metric you fucking faggot.
One butthurt samefag isn't a group of people user
Touhou 17 is out and it’s good, you don’t have to defend Okina anymore
Feels great. Though, I expect her dancers to be in the fightan.
Does Rin deserve the bullying?
I might just become another okinahater if this okinafag keeps this shit up
What bullying?
Is shitposting really the main reason people every mention her? How sad.
Everyone hates her and her bossfight.
Hating specific character unironically is a grand display of autism at work. Why can't people just have fun?
dumb esl go back
They will probably assists like Ran and Chen
I feel like they'd work best if they were just a tagteam of agents like in Stage 5.
Their attacks could have Okina helping them via doors though. And she could come around for the ultimate.
But I wouldn't have an issue with either of them taking stage.
Forgot Kasen somehow, and it didn't accept Layla when I typed it multiple times.
>forgot Kasen
I'm retarded sometimes.
Its OK, Kasen is a hermit. She's supposed to be forgotten.
Kasen is for sex and unprotected creampies though
Have you read Kasen's manga? If you do, you'll become a perfect 153/153 human being in no time.
That's not how you reach nirvana, so no she isn't
>Defeat Keiki
>Get the Bad Ending
alright, where did I fuck up you reckon?
You fucked up the moment you pressed the Continue button
>alright, where did I fuck up you reckon?
The part where you beat up a poor god that did nothing wrong
by the end of HM she was trying to overcome autism
but I like her swap-masks-as-emotions gimmick
I'm on chapter 14.
I never said she was good at it
You mean impregnating oni doesn’t feel like nirvana?
How am I supposed to know what's the plot of the game? I've wondered for years, I usually just read it online but there has to be something within the game?
Read the manual
and the printworks too
learn jap
Hey, I saw a bunch of bullets flying to me and forgot what everyone was telling me about the spirits being evil and shit, I’m only human
That said, was I supposed to let Kek shoot me down in the final phase or something?
>Read the manual
I fucking knew it was hidden in the manual
Of fucking course not you moron, you kick their asses with some danmaku and then invite them to a bitchin' tea party as always.
Don’t come to me with that attitude you absolute mutation, I just got home from a baby shower expecting to try out that new Touhou game all blindlike
And you can keep the tea because tea in general tastes like ass
>And you can keep the tea because tea in general tastes like ass
Get the fuck out of my face you double spoiler.