So what happens to all my games when It dies?

So what happens to all my games when It dies?

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Other urls found in this thread:

You download them all beforehand and apply simple cracks to them

Stfu heathen Steam:copyright: is eternal, Gabe will never abandon us as long as we keep believing in his power.

Steam is too big to just die.

>my games
That's where you're wrong chump

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You can play them all offline.

Just use the physical disc to reinstall

Games were never real, just like your waifu

>valve won't take your gam-

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>what happens when steam dies
we'll become pirates again


Steam will never shut down.

In case Valve goes bankrupt someone else will purchase it and make money with it. Not like that will ever happen - Steam basicly runs itself and it generates millions each month.

Just pirate them.

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Better question: what happpens if gmail dies? Do I lose access to all my shit?

Yeah, pretty much.

>That profile
This isn't even a profile thread what the fuck

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That would be EGS. Steam isn't doing retarded decisions

so? Just buy new mac

you pirate them guilt free and possible legally allowed

Serves you right for playing games on a mac, you anime larping weirdo.

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Not comparable.

If a ship sinks its gone.
Steam pretty much costs nothing while generating millions of profit. The worst thing that could happen is Gabe Newell abandoning all the free money and shutting it down simply because they can.

Valve has around 300+ employees.
2017 Steam generated over 4 billion USD in revenue. From a business perspective this thing is pretty much secure.

How is that a better question?

I guess I won't be giving shit about my current accounts the day gmail dies anyway

Because it's something that might actually feasibly happen

Steam haven't made a decent decision in 5-10years

Where is the new UI for steam

Steam is more likely to shutdown than gmail lol.

But they haven't made terrible ones so it balances out.
In fact if Steam doesn't change anything in the next 5 years it will still be afloat without issues.

i think steam will outlive you op

>So what happens to all my games when It dies?

You get a DRM free copy of the Orange Box/Half-life series (if you didn't have it yet).

Or nothing. Enjoy.

What happens to your games when YOU die?

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You lose your whole library. This is why Sony fanboys want Epic to kill Steam.


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People like you 2 also seem to have very big brains, you will also never die.

>Steam is too big to just die.

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We will die first so no worries

but i don't trust cracks

Nice profile macfag.

>participating in consolewars 8th gen (???)
>steam vr
>paid mods
what am I missing?

Make your own private email server from your own domain.

>citation needed
also you're a total dumbass, even for a tool.

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I wonder how many accounts out there belong to dead people

Hopefully there is a fat man's switch that turns off the DRM if it dies.

Sales getting worse every years

Imagine not having terabytes of old game ISOs with patches and cracks backed up on external hard drives lmao

>it dies
you will die first

Steam isn't 'too big to fail' in that sense, it's too big to fail in that it's literally so profitable that even if valve HQ were to burn down and everyone in the company died, it would immediately be taken over by someone else. The only thing that can kill Steam is pretty much intentional internal sabotage, or a competitor/alternative service gaining market share over many, many years (we're talking decades).

gaming is just dying. we need a reboot so commerce can refocus on innovative gameplay instead of either cheapass indie pixelshit with RNG outta the ass or gay moviegames.

Steam pretty much just generates money, it'd take something completely revolutionary to make Steam have to die; even if Valve as a company died, someone would buy it just because it'd be worth it to support it for the cash flow that goes through it.

Over decades? really? user, stop being pathetic. I'm sure your parents would be ashamed if they saw your words right now. Steam fanboys are more delusional than nintenbros.

Go back to China, nigger.

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holy shit, did you forget your autism pills bro? I laugh at you, I'm not 'championing' a DRM launcher, unlike you, dumb faggot, holy shit kys.

Also your parents are really ashamed now.

Okay and what am I supposed to do with new games which are 50GB-100GB each? All storage going to poof one day with all your data. It much safer to store any stuff in cloud. Unlike any physical storage Steam is actually the most safe place to have your vidya library. There is a reason why people switched to digital.

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ching chong ching chong epic games is good
faggot stop speaking chinese and fuck off

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Well, whoever takes over what Gabe built will fuck things up so much, you most likely won't like video games any more any way.

>hurrrr you dont like my shilling? you must be from china!
Must be a /pol/ tard, thinking the world is binary. I wonder what its like being you. Shilling unironically for some vapid company that ads nothing to the table but paywalls and DRM. Pathetic.

Attached: steambros.jpg (1600x1067, 512K)

You'll die first.

I wonder how that guy is going to feel when Epic don't offer him any bribe sales and they knock his shit back for being too low quality.

OP stop being retard
it will never die
cap this

trust this one

this is why digital is the future

If you are going to posst cunny, at least post a good one

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it's funny because the guy posting the screencap is the guy who posted that

it will never die
At least not before you do

It will be a seamless transition to the windows store after Microsoft purchases Valve

you'll be grateful for what you get, ungrateful user!
there are kids starving for cunny in africa right now

It would be lost.

Ps: you’ll be dead before the service goes extinct.

They are never yours to begin with.

Unlike mine.

Cool, but I can download them as well.

>wasting resources twice

Unlike you I aim for efficiency.

>daily reminder egs is no drm launcher
this kills the steam bro

>selling your game for $8 on EGS instead of $10 on steam
This never happens.

Why worry about steam when theres actual games that had server access disabled and you literally actually cannot play them after having bought them?
Steam drm is optional to uphold, it can be broken. Dead servers cant be revived.

What resource might I be wasting again

Best question: what happens if the internet dies? How will life continue?

They'll probably disable Steam DRM so you can download and play your games. Anything which has more aggressive 3rd party DRM is possibly fucked unless the original devs step in. Anything which depends on other Steam functionality for online/multiplayer modes will also be fucked without developer intervention. A lot of these games will probably die out and become unplayable, especially if they're older and aren't actively making a profit for their owner.

What happens when the epic servers die?

honestly I would love to stop being dependent on the internet

Tim will celebrate because he hates consumers.

> egs is no drm launcher
Source on that please.

well epic will literally outlive valve easily with the current speed ------> fortnite,UNREAL,tencent,disney,KKR, ICONIQ Capital, Smash Ventures, aXiomatic, Vulcan Capital, Kleiner Perkins, Lightspeed Venture Partners and more

Read the TOS. Steam guaranties that it’ll remove the DRM on all the games you own if the service ever goes down. Shitposters can fuck off.

was made to fail get woke

>they will provide bandwidth for millions of people because they're a charity
fucking retard lmao

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oh look, another retard

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epic doesnt have drm, means you need to pay as a developer for drm (steamworks drm is free, so almost every steam game has it)

>all these people that are expecting returns on their investments
>but epic is privately owned tho

some zoomers will hang themselves norhing more

Don't sign your posts.

What happens to all your games when you die?

Gabe already said that in the unlikely event of that occuring, your games will be make available to download DRM free for you to store somewhere.
Obviously that means most online games will stop working.

>>all these people that are expecting returns on their investments
pretty easy money for tim,see football club sponsors, its more about advertising stuff (see marvel-fortnite colab)

I wouldn’t worry about it, OP. Steam may die someday but it sure as hell isn't going to be in your lifetime.

>bought my Steam account in 2003
>bought my last physical game in 2006 or 2007
>still have all my Steam games I ever purchased
>have since lost or misplaced all my physical games
>don't really care about any of the physical games since I rebought one of them for pennies, and all the others I haven't ever played again or pirated them

Download repacks

what happens to my emails when hotmail dies?

This post is giving me anxiety.

what happens to all my riches and slaves when I die?

Attached: mummy.jpg (885x432, 35K)

Just switch to hotmale instead.

Bandwidth.memory.time.the need to ask that stupid question.

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donate them
problem solved

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You'll die before it dies.

>Launch steam client
>Whoops, cant connect to server
>Would you like to start offline?
>Proceed to play games offline
Just make sure to save your registry and files in case you ever need to upgrade pc

yet you're wasting all of that with posting here.

Real answer: who knows, might not be feasible
Valve answer: everyone will be compensated with physical disks in such an event

>Valve answer: everyone will be compensated with physical disks in such an event
hey updated their terms and service a long while back and removed that line bruv. should've read before you clicked accept on the new terms

>should've read
as if I give a fuck, i don't even like games

>Steam is sold to *Facebook* *Google* *Microsoft* *EA* *Ubisoft* *Epic*
>Agree to updated user agreement or lose all your games
Isn't DRM great?

That never was in their terms of service.
Terms of service always said you own nothing

>not loli
is this the "summer Yea Forums" I've heard about?

>accuses people of being visitors while outing self as a newfag
weird flex but okay

no it was part of the original terms of service that valve would compensate you by giving you physical copies should the company go under. I actually read the terms unlike you so i noticed when it changed unless you're a zoomer who joined steam after the new conditions were already put out

1."cunny" didn't exist outside of Yea Forums six months ago
2,you can't call someone a newfag and say "weird flex but okay" in the same post

penis :3

>namefag larper who shits up threads
Hahahaha fuck off

They didn't take away your games though. You never owned them.

why are you lying on the internet?

Isn't Steam dying thanks to Valve's lax work politics? IIRC there's like two guys working on it

The dinosaurs were too big to die, yet they still died. Is Gaben as big as the dinosaurs?

they'll remove the drm.

If a meteor has enough impact on humans as a species to kill off all the purchase data and all instances of literally selfrunning steam app, I think if my games are still available is one of my least problems.

>my games
user maybe you should look more into how Steam works

"I will be the last! And you will go first..."


Just reinstall them on an actual computer

Someone from Valve uploads a steam_api{,64}.dll that works with every game.
If the game has other DRM implementations it's not in their power to remove them.

Write a will for your steam account

He bought a mac, that's to be expected.

well maybe not the real original terms but it was in there at one point

The same thing happened to Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista
It will happen to Windows 7, Windows 8 and so on.
If you got a computer from 2004 out of the basement and tried to install Half Life 2 on it it wouldn't work. Steam won't connect and won't let you install Half Life 2.

Watch as this post gets ignored by Steam drones.


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If Steam does eventually die, you'll be able to keep all of your Valve games and maybe a few indies. Any game publisher/dev that has more than ten people will immediately tell Valve to fuck off.

Attached: 1408841242336.jpg (781x586, 85K) - before you post here

what do you mean i can't play black ops on my 486?

>price reduction

Gmail will probably live on, but Google may or may not discontinue any of its service whenever it wants. It already did so for some services, like Google+.

>releasing on EGS will be a choice for developers
>EGS will lower prices on games
This post really didn't age well

It means Valve has retroactively removed the possibility to install Half Life 2 on computers that meet recommended requirements printed on the box.

>Lives in San Francisco

Gabe said repeatedly that if Steam shuts down, you'll be able to keep your games. They would just need to release a custom dll.

>this claim for the 10000th time despite never being proven
Post a source or fuck off.

inb4 your source is some forum post by literally nobody and certainly not by Gabe Newell

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>publishers put their games on Steam with the understanding that those games will be protected by Steam's DRM
>Valve just cracks all of the games when Steam shuts down
I'm sure there would be no legal repercussions.

>a screenshot of a private message which could easily be fake
>it's not from Gabe Newell
I thought Gabe said it repeatedly. Surely that would be easy to prove. Where's the source for that? Aren't you going to provide evidence of your original claim?

>Procedes do delete completly all the hentay games whit 1k+ hours before writign my will

>my games
Look at this silly buy fag, thinking he owns the games he paid for.

Meanwhile, piratefags will own their games forever.

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>c-could be fake!
c o p e

I assume my sister would take my account whenever my family would get around to searching my computer. Along with finding all the porn I have.

>no source
>no public statement
Even if that was real it would not be legally binding. If you tell a single customer something it doesn't mean it applies to every customer.

>tech support tells you to kill yourself
>can't sue because its not legally binding
retard logic right here

How is that anything the Steam management should be even remotely concerned about? Shouldn't have let it die, disloyal customer!

Nothing, steam runs in offline mode, implying you have them saved on your harddrive.


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If tech support tells me to kill myself, I can sue but nobody else can. If tech support makes some vague claims about something to a single customer doesn't mean it's a legally binding statement for anyone else.

Also it's fucking fake as fuck. If Valve actually had such "measures in place" they would publicly advertise it.

Offline mode only works for currently installed games on your current machine.
Even if you make backups of all your games Steam won't let you install in offline mode.

Most likely this. Barring Valve working some DRM-lifting miracle the "own it until you have to "steal" it" adage sadly applies.

ah yes semantics, the last refuge of a retard

Are you going to provide evidence of the original claim (that Gabe said it repeatedly) or not? Even if it's real, you're just moving the goalposts by submitting a screenshot of some minimum-wage tech support guy's claim as evidence that Gabe said something.

Why does steam need a new UI? The current one works fine

>Gabe said repeatedly that if Steam shuts down, you'll be able to keep your games.
>Gabe said repeatedly
You mean anonymous people on Yea Forums repeatedly posted a screenshot of someone else saying it.