What are you emulating during this Sunday?

What are you emulating during this Sunday?

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i stopped emulating since emuparadise closed

nothing, i'm not gay

Are you that new? Emuparadise is still up by the way

yeah but it's empty

I think the roms/isos are still up

yeah but you can't download them

I tried some months ago after the "shutdown" and you could

im on the website right now as we speak and i can't do it!

Use the plugin,just do a google search and you'll find it

>and i can't do it!
i wonder why, brainlet



Use the plugin work around. Or if you want to give a small guy traffic try vimm.net doesn't have the same library size as emu but it's still worth using

Any tips for Panzer Dragoon? It's really annoying to turn around so much
Also is it worth getting a Saturn controller for emulation?

I think that a Playstation controller is good enough for Saturn emulation unless you plan on playing a lot of fighting games

>tfw still no fm2 translation

But there is? Its not complete but still

Either Neo Turf Masters or Ms. Pac-Man. But I will most likely just be playing FF1 on my real NES.

Attached: neo turf masters.jpg (400x300, 21K)

Likely Metroid prime
Can't stop me cunts I have till 1 am I have to be awake today and secondlife can only fill so many hours next weekend is going to be WEIRD


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Persona 3 FES

Way to get them to block it you idiot stop telling people about it FFS

What game senpai? Looks full of soul

Fuck off with this fucking buzzword
Anyway the game is in incredibly easy japanese on the spine


Triple fucking triad

Getting Your Ass Kicked by Matador: The Game

There are two spines and one is written in goddamn english

btw is this clean? do i get virus?

Way to spoon feed you fucking idiot

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if you have to ask that then you really shouldn't be posting on here

Portable Ops, want to see Gene and why this game is not canon, Gene is voiced by Norio Wakamoto, seems like a decent character.

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>portable ops
Are you really asking for 20fps?

Im about to go to Nirude's, I never noticed before how the game picks up when you return from Magyscar, the part between Lizard's Den to Magyscar is mostly filled with the worst dungeons of this game then after Magyscar is mostly very good dungeons for the most part

Attached: alundra.jpg (700x350, 237K)

Some of you all need a course on interesting writing this is atrocious

Don't mind it, actually.

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I have only played FM3 at release but is it my imagination or does this look better graphically?

Its your imagination,FM2 unit sprites and 3D are not that great,the character art is better than FM3 though.

I just finished Patapon 2 yesterday. After hearing all the praise I expected a much better game but it ended up being the exact same game as the first one with much more grinding. I think I'll just ignore Patapon 3 for a while.

Now I'll try that new 60 fps patch for Demon's Souls

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Apparently fm3 was a downgrade from 2 in all things

the game or what I wrote

game is good


I think I'm going to finally start Silent Hill on Mednafen. Either that or Metal Gear Solid.

Nah,FM3 has a better soundtrack and graphics

I did all the .cue and .m3u stuff, but how do I actually change discs in mednafen?

just open it

You need to start the game (and by that i mean on Disc 1 by running the .m3u file,then when you need to switch discs go to Disc Control change the disc index to whatever disc you want to run and press Disc Cycle Tray status.
Another way is to make a save (most games with multiple disc let you do that) when you finished a disc and then reboot with the next disc and load that save.

Oh and i'm talking about Mednafen+Retroarch


Imagine being blind

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don't mention vimm. That's how these places get noticed and then you have dumb sites like slowtaku making articles about it.