Is 3 the worst God of War game?

Is 3 the worst God of War game?

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ascension is the worst. that's what i heard from the internet. haven't played it lol

GoW 3 blows the PS4 game out of the water.
Open world was a mistake and the zoomed in camera/FOV bullshit
ruins it even more. I'm sure the story is great, just too bad
the other parts drag the rest of the game down.

>waah muh camera
Casuals leave.

the combat is the best it's ever been

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It's just poorly done.
Just zoom the camera out a bit. Why build this beautiful open world
only to have Kratos back blocking 50 percent of the views?
I get it, but I don't get it.

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Learn to keep track of your space and listen to audio cues. Play God Hand.

>muh camera
I bet you wouldn't be able to finish first level in God Hand if you have problems with following enemies unless you are tiny ant on screen.

Are you retarded?

the old games were better
this is just another sony movie with rehashed enemies
fuck loki and fuck nu kratos

>Are you retarded?
are you? Because yours is the typical "I'm a confused retard" response when people don't know what else to say

should've bought ascension then

I showed you video that completely disproves your statement, Kratos doesn't even take 20% of the screen there. You are retarded user, sorry.

How having better story makes game a movie/?
>rehashed enemies
So did old GoW's

>Play a better game

That would be Ascension.

God Hand has, even more, zoomed camera than GoW. Suddenly that's not a problem?

>I showed you video that completely disproves your statement
Get your head checked, you posted no video. And a game's quality is not directly proportional to how little of the screen the character takes up you fuckin pea brain

God Hand is a beat em up, not open world last of us souls skyrim ubisoft mashup.

Are you just pretending to be retard for attention?

But I did retard. Not my fault that you are still in butthurt denial state.

>it's better because have smaller world
>camera argument is suddenly irrelevant xDD
t. retard

God Hand is ugly and isn't trying to be cinematic.

where's the video then faggot

So being more ugly is better? Ok.

t. retard

3 > 2 > 1 > GoS > 4 > Ascension > CoO

Camera is annoying because it's mixed with styles that don't complement each other at all. Game's just a mess in general.

4>1>2>3 Haven't played others.

I never had a problem with combat because of camera. Maybe you should git gud a little.

If game is ugly, then it's not really a problem if player can't view the world. But God Hand devs crafted this insanly pretty world, why would you have Kratos' ugly ass blocking big part of it?

That's my video you fucking brainlet, he didn't "show me" my own video to "completely disprove" my own statement.
God you faggots are so incredibly autistic

>cinematic slowdowns that break up the pace
>attacks auto target enemies and make you look like you're sliding on fucking ice
>all those flashy particle effects that make it even more difficult to see what's going on
Is that supposed to be impressive? I see it being posted here everytime and it looks fucking awful

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I don't have a problem with the combat, but the game being a weird jack of all trades. Who the fuck wants in depth combat while looking out for a stupid kid and reading lore. Those only worked separately in more focused games like God Hand, Souls and Last of Us

Nu-GoW is worse because it introduces a stat system that literally doesn't matter.

2 > 4 > 3 > 1 > Ascension

Didn't play the PSP ones

Holy shit, it's irrelevant who posted it first, I gave you link to it therefore show you fucking video that disproves your statement about camera. Please don't reproduce.

Yes combat is superior in 4 not to mention everything else story, character development, world etc., The combat
feels much more strategic, refreshing and different, don't even bother replying these retards they try to be le edgy because they didn't finished the game

>who the fuck wants in depth combat
oh no

Yes, combat is superb.
>all those flashy particle effects that make it even more difficult to see what's going on

If you can't tell what's going on there then maybe videogames just aren't for you grandpa

Some other retard said that God Hand is better because look more ugly. This thread is hilarious.

Just because you didn't want it doesn't mean it doesn't matter

How could he play japanese games that are 10 times more flashy.
>Don't matter
What? Every stat is important.

Let me simplify it for you, would God Hand work if Gene had a stupid kid on his side at all times?

No, the stats literally don't matter.

If a weapon has a higher level, but worse stats than it still does more damage because all that matters is how close your overall level is to the enemies

atreus it's just another weapon

if you are fighting enemies who are around the same level as you (as you usually are), stats matter a lot

I never even made any mention of the camera moron, I just said the combat was good and you immediately blurted "Are you retarded!?" and assumed I was talking about the camera because you're another asspie who just assumes everyone's talking about the same thing you are (even though it was only 1/2 of one sentence of your post )

Yes, but if you have a weapon that's level 5 with say 10 strength and compare it with a level 6 weapon that has only 2 strength, the latter would still do more damage because it has a higher level.

God Hand's camera will make walls invisible if they get in the way of combat while GoW cares more about being cinematic and looking pretty than actually doing its fucking job.

The combat in 3 was so good, they gave you a ton of viable combat options rather than the two combos you'll spam the whole game in 1&2. Shame the level design fell off once you got out of Hades and they just didn't know how to design enemy encounters that escalated in an interesting way. Combat probably makes it better than 1 but it still can't top 2. Still haven't gotten around to playing the new one yet.

I was responding to this post you retard.
On topof being completely mentally challenged it seems like you failed to follow up simple reply chain or remember own posts.

No man, that game is awesome

1-3 are action games so are better than 4 by the fault.

>God Hand camera is better because make walls dissapear
>God Hand camera is not cimenatic but GoW is
Oh god

Didn't play Acension

All of the God of War games are bad.

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What the fuck are you even talking about? Because it sure as hell doesn't sound like GOW 2018. One of your two weapons gaining levels just adds +x Strength or +x Runic to Kratos' stats. The weapons themselves don't have their own strength values that uniquely determine their damage, their damage is determined by Kratos's overall stats, to which they just contribute a certain amount to his stats

Why does he have walk and talk segments then?

Because he's an addition to the story too.

Exactly. That kind of mix for me didn't work here and I enjoyed both Last of Us and God Hand.

Real sour grapes

And still we have no new games that made escorting your AI partner interesting and fun. Kid can't be killed and I spit on any game that does "invincible AI partner" thing, same shit as Biocuck Infinite and TLoU. Maybe I would respect it if I was responsible for a boy but meh, too much work I guess.

>I was responding to this post you retard.
maybe you shouldn't format your posts *exactly* like you are replying to two separate people then, dipshit

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>God Hand camera is better because make walls dissapear
Yes, like I said GoW camera just gets in the way of gameplay because it cares more about being cinematic than helping the player play the actual fucking game
>God Hand camera is not cimenatic but GoW is
Who are you quoting? Anyways, God Hand's camera IS cinematic but it doesn't sacrifice its camera for its gameplay. Games CAN be cinematic without compromising gameplay, Bloodborne's camera has its problems but I think it's a good example of this. Metal Gear Rising is a another good example too.

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I actually liked Atreus except for that part when he becomes a literal cunt when he finds he's a god, im happy that part didn't last tho

Only game where that worked is Resident Evil 4. People also mention Ico but Yorda has fuckawful AI.

He’s like Agni and Rudra fully explored.

ashley was a useless piece of shit you had to carry all through the game

Atreus is fantastic

>fully fleshed out Agni and Rudra
My sides are in orbit.

>That kind of mix for me didn't work here
No, only according to your opinion, and that's a big difference.

Never had any problems with her. She can hide in the trash just fine.

First 30 minutes of gow3 you're in the back of Gaia, climbing mount olympus to face Zeus, then you fight and kills Poseidon in one of the best boss battles in the franchise

meanwhile in the ps4 game you're chopping wood, navigating in a lame ass boat, with all that boring cutscene, a stupid child and the first enemy is a generic giant

not to mention that the rest of the game is extremely boring, not just the start. There's less gore also.

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>Yes, like I said GoW camera just gets in the way of gameplay because it cares more about being cinematic than helping the player play the actual fucking game
I didn't see people having problems with camera in GoW.
>God Hand's camera IS cinematic but it doesn't sacrifice its camera for its gameplay.
God of War dosen't sacrifice camera either. You are only casual who has problem with camera in GoW.

>then you fight and kills Poseidon in one of the best boss battles in the franchise
Cinematic QTE every 5 seconds is a good boss fight for you?

I have the game, overall graphic look ok, the gameplay is not that bad, but the camera is garbage, the story is mediocre and bosses are worse. But i guess is aimed for zoomers, especially that slow-motion and over the shoulder camera

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No, unlike Ashley Atreus is useful, not a drag on you have to constantly watch.

>only according to your opinion
Yeah no shit. Still an easy case can be made for God Hand being a better beat em up or Last of Us having better cinematic segments than GoW.

Not an argument.

That's a lie.
And even if it was true, doesn't validade that it is much more interesting than the ps4 one, wich is boring ass hell.

No, it's not, for whole fight you are either mashing square or use QTE, it's cinematic visually appealing fight, but in terms of gameplay even troll mini bosses from GoW4 shits on it, don't even talk about real bosses like Baldur or Valkyries.

God Hand is a better beat em up because it has a fully selectable moveset and boss fights such as Elvis and the guitar moron. The Last of Us intro is more movie like and cinematic than anything in Gow if you care about that sort of crap.

You have selectable moveset in GoW too, as well as amazing boss fights. There is plenty of cinematic stuff too.

*changes you into a chihuahua*

selecting moves from a menu during realtime combat is fucking stupid

Naw, 3 is great. It was amazing a technical level and was the most solid gameplay wise of the original games. That prequel one that came after is the worst

Too bad it's short as fuck, offers nothing new and has retarded story and characters.

>18 months later
>Still daily seethe and cope threads about GOTY 2018

Based Chadtos does it again

Attached: game of the year 2018.jpg (693x877, 219K)

>meanwhile in the ps4 game you're chopping wood, navigating in a lame ass boat, with all that boring cutscene, a stupid child and the first enemy is a generic giant

this is the main reason why I have not gotten the reboot. It just doesn't feel like GoW anymore. Doesn't help that the commercials on other sites were having Kratos say shit like "self control" and "discipline", shit that he would NEVER say in the real GoW games

True, but whats good about it is very good
And its still not the worst.

Nah the correct answer is.
2 > GoS > 3 > 4 > 1 > CoO > Ascension

>Chains of Olympus THAT low
Did you even play it?

That's great, because after first game he was one dimensional edgy retard butthurt at everything. I'm glad they improved him in sequel without pussyfing his character.

>I'm glad they improved him in sequel without pussyfing his character.

He sas shit like "self control" and "discipline". He was pussified

>what is character development
Kratos literally destroyed the world and let a little girl die in his quest for vengeance. He killed himself at the end of 3 because his revenge was ultimately hollow but doing it also released hope into the world.

By 4, if ANYONE should know the cost of unbridled anger, its him. And if you played the game, you'd see its still a work in progress, he's still a pretty angry guy, he's just trying to raise his son to be better

Chains had potential but the game is way to short and the levels and bosses aren't as great as he other GoW's. The best thing about that game was the story.

>self control
That's actually values of masculinity dear zoomer.

What are the chances of the Blade of Olympus making a return in the sequel? It was the best weapon in the series.

1 is fucking shit, game aged like milk.

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To be fair, every original god of war game is pretty short

Definitely possible if Athena ever returns as more than a ghost harassing Kratos

True, but Chains felt like it was two hours long.

3 > 2 > GoS > 1 = CoO

I have Ascension but never touched it and 2018 looks awful (combat, that shitty kid, Kratos' character being raped, etc...) from footage I have seen

I liked it more than 3 and 2. It's basically the same game with better music and story.


You are as delusional as trannies

>rawr, I'm so mad, they didn't let me do as I please, rawr, I will kill them, rawr I can't even talk normally anymore, I have to shout everytime, rawr

Maybe you should give it a try. Combat is actually pretty alright once you get the hang of it and start unlocking tools and kratos's character wasn't "raped", 4 is a natural progression of where he left off in 3.
The kid is annoying at first but its deliberately so

Betrayal > GoW > 3 > 2 > GoS > 1 > Ascension > CoO

>Is 3 the worst God of War game?

No, that would be the 10 fps PS2 release of GoW2. The whole opening was a slide show.

>the cellphone game
But why

Maybe because you're 13 years old. Hit tracking, off screen one shots and bloated hp pools to simulate difficulty are a cancer and only faggots like you are the ones promoting this shit

GOW3 had far better combat

maybe as a retooled dagger or dart for Loki

>Hit tracking, off screen one shots and bloated hp pools
He was talking about GoW4, not GoW3.
>square mashing and QTE with one build
>good combat

Everytime I see people thinking Kratos should be just killing and being angry all the time without reason I feel like they didn't get the character from the start

Hell, Kratos at the end of God of War 3 came to realize how his personal vengeance ended up fucking the world and decides to kill himself to free the power of Hope among the mortals to give them a chance to survive and recover instead of just giving it to Athenea and have her manipulate mortals again like past gods

God of War 4 follows that ending, Kratos no longer has a personal vengeance to go after, he has no reason to be angry or kill, he can focus on rebuilding his life for once and so he tried, he doesn't want to make the mistakes he did in the past that ended up killing his wife and daughter so he tries to be different with Atreus, I don't see how that's raping a character when you're giving continuity

what reason would BoO even have in norse pantheon?

Not surprised that the same people who pollute every thread with completely unwarranted comments about trannies are the same people who are contrarian for the sake of it.

>Maybe you should give it a try.
eventually. It just looks unappealing and there are other games that look more appealing, like Spiderman or Dragon Star Vanrir or DQB2

>The kid is annoying at first but its deliberately so
I heard he is an annoying piece of shit for the entire game.

Well kratos's presence has already screwed up norse mythology by Baldur being killed so soon. I dunno how the BoO would enter the realm but it could, especially if it gets used for an "outsider magic" thing like the blades of chaos

Its sorta like how people get mad about thorfinn's character development in vinland saga. Some people just want edgelords without any character development, despite the fact that such a character isn't perpetually sustainable in any story with much of a plot.

Im glad this retard is being belittled right now. Fucking lmao defending a shit game that scoots you to the enemy when you attack

Not to mention that Kratos still does some pretty brutal shit in 4. Splitting jaws and ripping bodies open. Sure it's not as frequent but moments like that are given a lot more weight when they aren't happening every 5 seconds.

lads so how many non-repeated bosses are there?

2 > 3 > 1 > CoO > GoS > shit > Ascension
I have yet to play DadofWar.

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>being retarded and not knowing the games are mimicking greek storytelling
God i fucking hate you its so unreal

>cinematic slowdowns
Which is present in Bayonetta, DMC and God Hand, but how would you know that when you don't even play action games.
>attacks auto target enemies
Bayo, DMC God Hand Ninja Gaiden all do that too.
>all those flashy particle effects that make it even more difficult to see what's going on
Time for glasses gramps

Why does the autotarget in dadofwar look and feel so shit compared to bayonetta?

Absolute chad taste

so hows the 'build your own combos or moveset' fit in?
and hows the upgrades

I was just pretending to be retarded, user.

Not when ASScension exists.

2>1>3>Ascension>God of War

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>Which is present in Bayonetta, DMC and God Hand, but how would you know that when you don't even play action games.
None of these have any kind of cinematic slowdowns in gameplay like those in nu-GoW, not even while parrying in DMC with royalguard nor witch time in Bayonetta nor the Roulette in God Hand. They're all gameplay mechanics which enchance gameplay, not slow it down. But how would you even know that when you don't play action games right?
>Bayo, DMC God Hand Ninja Gaiden all do that too.
I don't think you know what autotargeting means user, in most action games you have to lock on the camera to a target so that your attacks face the position your target is in, but they don't actually make your fucking character slide all the way over where your target is so that your attack can actually hit.

Low effort, no (you)

Why do people hate 3 again? The only problems were Gaia betraying Kratos and the final boss being weaker than 2's

3 is goon on its own, but the ending of 2 set up for much more and better than 3 ultimately offered.
Also, the little girl sucked.

the nu combat is fucking shit

>None of these have any kind of cinematic slowdowns in gameplay
That changed with the release of DMC5.

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Because you are butthurt that GoW is Sony exclusive and it's higher-rated than Bayonetta. This is the reason I think about.

>but they don't actually make your fucking character slide all the way over where your target is so that your attack can actually hit.
Yes they do, in Bayo and DMC character moves towards target when you press atttack button. Nice bait though.

Are you ready for Odin

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Which myth you are talking about retardo? GoW 3 Greek gods are parody of their true origins.
No they don't, keep being a retard though.

frigga pls

>No they don't
Yes they do retardo. Stop making laughing stock of yourself and play these games.

The fact that Barlog also directed GOW2 is insane to me, how can the same guy be behind the best game in the series and the most onions muh mature will make you cry experience?

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moving camera far away from you can give cinematic feel and sense of scale but combat suffers from it hard. This is why new GoW is better.

maybe if you're like 15 years old and prefer 4

3 is much more simplistic. You must be younger than OP.

a complex game does not make a good one

3 is also much more fun to play because it has actual epic bosses not just reskinned trolls and Connor McGregor
All have great personality and scale in their fights and actual brutal finishers which is what God of War has always been about

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so much this

the bosses were lazy as fuck in nu god of war

GoW 1 only had 3 bosses because it was the first game in the series and either they didn't bother making more or had budget/time constraints, same with GoW PS4, especially considering they had to make a new engine and start anew since they couldn't recycle absolutely anything from previous games, so having few/shitty bosses was expected. Don't doubt for a second they will address that in the sequel, just like they did with GoW 2.

Yes, it does.
Not an argument. Especially if those bosses are mediocre.

Sigrun is better than any single boss in franchise. On highest difficulty she is one the best bosses in action game ever.

Amazing gameplay user. Be back when you grow up a little.

Nah it's no GOW2 Zeus
Also terrible idea to force you to fight 8 weaker reskinned versions of her before the actual boss

Attached: god-of-war-2-zeus-boss-fight.jpg (977x518, 64K)

Not really because they have different attacks. I prefer reskinned good bosses over QTE fest boss "fights" like Cronos where you spend more time watching combat than actually playing.

Reusing the same boss 8 times feels excessive(of course this is the same game that reused the troll 10 times)
By the time I got to Sigrun I was long bored of their designs and the reused death animation

>Is 3 the worst God of War game?
That's ASScension.

>having few/shitty bosses was expected
No it wasn't the bar was raised after 2 and 3 you shouldn't excuse them for how disappointing the bosses were

It's not the same boss because:
>different attacks
>different design
Tell me which boss in GoW3 is better than any Valkyrie boss?

>Also terrible idea to force you to fight 8 weaker reskinned versions of her before the actual boss
I liked because it trained you on how to dodge all her attacks. Sigrun was 20+ different attacks if most of those were new it'd be pretty ludicrous.

So GoW3 is better because has 2 more bosses? And... that's it?

Mechanically the Valkyrie fights may be better(I inherently dislike nuGOW's combat but if you like it whatever) but what makes a boss truly great is the sum of its parts
>sense of scale
>boss personality
>gory finisher
God of War has always emphasized the presentation and spectacle of its bosses over complex gameplay

Odin as final boss, and Freya and Thor confirmed as bosses too.

It has more and better bosses than nuGOW

Feels like Freya as final boss is more likely atm considering the set up

Square Square Square Square

>God of War has always emphasized the presentation and spectacle of its bosses over complex gameplay
And GoW4 improved that. If you prefer watching games instead of playing maybe you should watch movie instead?
By the way, I liked Valkyries music and designs better than any GoW 3 bosses.

It has worse bosses and only 2 types more. If you like QTE so much and lower difficulty, play some movie game.

People love 3 now for some reason, but man were people disappointed with it when it first came out (besides the beginning, which is the best part of the entire series obviously).
>immediately sent back to Hades
>all weapons are just blades
>Cronos fight is literally just a set piece against minor enemies
>Awful entire last act, epecially the perspective puzzles

2 > GoS > 1 > 3 > CoO > Asc

I really don't remember how good GoS is, but I loved it the only time I played it. Could be shit if I returned to it for all I know. And I did love 4, but it's so different and clearly just building up to 2 and 3, unlike GoW1 which is its' own full experience, that I just can't rate it.

It would and should have improved it, but unfortunately only the dragon felt like the old GoW games. The story and spectacle were better in the old ones so far at least

more like fag of war
nugow is an awful video game

Not every game should be rehashed for eternity, especially that GoW franchise got extremely stale. Big boss =/= better boss.

>if you prefer watching games instead of playing maybe you should watch movie instead
lol the irony of a nuGOW fan to say that
Also you must be brain damaged if you think the valkyries have a better theme than Hades

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>lol the irony of a nuGOW fan to say that
How so? It's who say that watching fights is more important than actual gameplay. You are zoomer.
>Also you must be brain damaged if you think the valkyries have a better theme than Hades
>you must be brain damaged if you don't share my taste
Seriously faggot?

>all weapons are just blades

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Gow 3 had ugly environments and the whole game was dark as shit. Also fuck the big Cerberus fight with the Satyrs, what the fuck were they thinking.

The last act of 3 is nowhere near as bad as the middle of 2
Seriously? The first game has aged really badly compared to 2

and Blood Omen has a full gameplay movie in 1h

Nu GOW has fucking atrocious cues

He's a retard. GoW4 has around 2 hrs of cutscenes which is lowest movie to gameplay ratio in GoW franchise.

Gameplay does matter I find the classic GOW combat to be much better because of the camera, better weapon variety, and having the blades of chaos from the beginning instead of the axe
The classic GOW games are also better in every other category besides graphics

That intro with poseidon is the hypest shit ever

>2>3>1>Ascension>Nu-GoW>Ghost of Sparta>Chains of Olympus

That combat was a fucking joke.

The only boss that kinda resembles the old God of War games is the worst boss, you barely fight this dragon

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Ascension isn't bad. It just doesn't take the plot anywhere so critics didn't like it. Because we all know the most important thing in a hack n slash action game is the plot.

GoW4 combat is better because encourage variety instead of mashing square. Camera is closer so you can aim at enemies weak spots and solve riddles.
>The classic GOW games are also better in every other category besides graphics
No, they have worse story, less content, linearity, too much QTE and are much shorter. They are basically worse at everything except having 1-2 boss types more.

That looks fun. I never played it because Yea Forums kept telling me it's a literal movie with no actual gameplay.

Anyone that says 4 is the worst in the series hasn’t played Ascencion or even CoO. 4 is basically tied with 2 with 3 being at the top

That weapon is shit, not fun, and has a counterpart in every other GoW too. 3 is 90% just same tier blade weapons while the others have geniunely various different weapon types

Still better than Cronos fight which i a fucking joke. You don't even fight him, just his minions and press QTE buttons for cinematics. Poseidon fight is not much better.


It literally doesn't
It's really annoying how every game has to have one retard autismo who does nothing but spam all day, every day, the same wrong shit just to spread misinformation. Shit usually dies quick though. NuGOW has been out like two years now

Yeah. It's not the best but anyone who claims it's even close to the worst is a shitposting moron.

>worse story
It's up to your tastes.
>less content
You can't even act like this is objectively a worse thing than GoW4's open world, especially because GoW4's non-linearity aspect is not even close to being fully realized or great.
>too much QTE
Really? You want to say that when both times you fight Balder it's like 10% gameplay and 90% QTE?
>are much shorter
Again, you're saying like something is objective when it's not.

I definitely prefer the gameplay in 4, but the older games have superior music, enemies, designs, environments, bosses and more that I'm probably forgetting.

It reminds me of that one autist who forced the "Celeste is about abortions" meme and ruined any chance of discussing that game on Yea Forums indefinitely

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>worse story
The story is simpler but better told, the tragedy of Kratos as a character and how he ruins everything around him is great
NuGOW's story of dad Kratos and boy on a quest to get to a mountain bored me to death after the world ending events of 3
>less content
yes such great content like reskinned bosses, open world navigation, Ubisoft tier side missions and a loot system
>much shorter
Why is linearity a bad thing? Why does everything have to be open world and 50 hours long? I'd rather have a better paced and designed linear 10 hour game than a more open 40 hour game with awful side content
>too much QTE
lol way to miss the appeal of one of the most important parts of the series since day 1

so youd say its worth getting?


>It's up to your tastes.
Basically most people agree with this.
>You can't even act like this is objectively a worse thing than GoW4's open world, especially because GoW4's non-linearity aspect is not even close to being fully realized or great.
It's not a full open world but it's far less linear than any GoW game, This is a fact.
>Really? You want to say that when both times you fight Balder it's like 10% gameplay and 90% QTE?
No, you have much less QTE than in GoW3 for example.
>Again, you're saying like something is objective when it's not.
Lol, what? Even without sidequests GoW4 is at least 3 times longer than GoW3. This is objective fact.
>but the older games have superior music, enemies, designs, environments, bosses
Nope, that's only your opinion. Which bosses are better than Valkyries or Balduer by the way?

The cestus is great you fag better than the hammer in 2

>it dosen't count because I said it's bad!
Are serious? This is your argument?
>QTE are good and most important part

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What the fuck were they thinking with Ascension? I did play it through when it came out but remember almost nothing of it. The combat felt shittier too

>said something dumb
>learn how to read

Yeah right the combat is slow as shit for most of the game

It's faster and more dynamic than previous GoWs

Refute any of my points if you can faggot
Are you actually defending the shit open world content that felt like nothing but padding?

3 > 2 > 1

>it's less linear and bigger so it's shit
What kind of autistic argument is that?

GoW 4 has such a slow start holy shit, but once I got into it I didn't drop like I did the previous 6 times I tried to play it. Game doesn't really get good till the boy gets sick. Game is also much better on NG+.

>exploration for loot
>story parts
>new riddles and fights
>even new worlds with new challenges
>more content is bad
What a gay you are.

Did you miss the part where I mentioned the side missions, time wasted navigating the world on the boat, or the loot system?
Do you honestly think all of these things are a good addition to the series?
Why did you say the classic GOW games being linear was a bad thing? Or that the games were too short when nuGOW is only 40 hours because of all this new "content"?

>Is 3 the worst God of War game?
Unambiguously yes. It's an awkward hybrid thing that is the worst of all worlds. The first two were DMC-lite games, particularly the very first, and had the quickest and best gameplay, though the first especially was only actually very fun on "hardest" difficulty which was locked at the start. Fucking stupid.

GoW4 went full cinematic, but it's comfortable with that. Norse theme is really good, whole thing feels appropriately awesome, more scripted stuff fits better when it's just unapologetically that kind of game.

GoW3 is in between, it's way too cinematic and broken up for even a DMC-lite but it doesn't get the movie thing right either and the pacing is off. At the end of the day it just wasn't very enjoyable. I did everything in the first two, everything in the 4th, doubt I'll ever replay the 3rd though.

Attached: 12wp02_1280.jpg (1280x1024, 146K)

>Do you honestly think all of these things are a good addition to the series?
Yes, more content and variety is good addition especially if I pay 60$ for fucking game and don't want to finish it in 2 evenings. This isn't rocket science but for a zoomer like you seems like unusual concept.

Imagine being so dumb that you don't play a game because of Yea Forums, a place that hates literally every fucking game especially if it's popular elsewhere

It's shit content compared to the main story or any of the other games
GOW's core gameplay loop is
Making the game open world-lite does nothing to benefit any of the core mechanics it just serves to pad out game time so they could advertise how long it is to retards like you

>It's shit content
Not an argument. Why you use your shitty personal taste as argument? You can't be serious.

you never played a single GoW game in your life you dumb corporate whore

you never played GoW4 in your like you dumb corporate whore.

I'm not the user you're replying to, but
>Do you honestly think all of these things are a good addition to the series?
I don't take any issue with you not liking the direction the series has gone period, it's completely fine if you preferred the original idea behind it. I liked the original direction myself. Having said that, I also enjoyed GoW4 a lot, and yeah I do think all those things add something to that particular type of game. It's just not the type of game that GoW1&2 were, but I still think it's a good game of its type, and I think it's better then GoW3 which was sort of inbetween. I'd prefer they went fully back to the original, or fully stuck with "cinematic", not try to bridge the gap.

I'm also more at peace with it maybe because it represents a clean break with before, the original trilogy is self-contained and ends the greek saga. So if they were going to do something totally different in a game way later, well as good a time as any.

So yeah, if you want to just drop the series totally understandable. But I still enjoyed the ride a lot anyway for what it was.

>ignoring the second part of my post
And answer the question why is linearity a bad thing?

Wait, isn’t that god of war 5?

>And answer the question why is linearity a bad thing?
Why is non-linearity a bad thing? Your post is just
>this is the only kind of game i like therefore if the game isn't this gametype it sucks
which is just circular. For anyone who doesn't hate other game types it does nothing.

>making open world dosen't benefit
It does, it gives you exploration, more content and metroidvania feel with sense of discovery.
>why is linearity a bad thing
Because more open structure increase game lifespan. How linearity is good?

What? There have only been 4 so far, plus side story one(s) like that PSP game, chains. First 3 covered greek gods, 4th is start of norse. 5th is in development, probably will be a ps5 title.

I understand it's a soft reboot of the series but it annoys me that they're still using Kratos as a character and trying to appeal to old GOW fans when it's so different to the original games
I'd be much more forgiving if it was a new protagonist

God of War was never good

I like the new one because it's nothing like the old ones

I like that it's very realistic

GoW 4 is the worst (didn't play Ascension)
>No enemy variety
>Fighting the same boss for like 8 times
>Too many walking/boat sections
>Fight only one real god boss (who looks like a hobo)
>Pointless open world

>I like that it's very realistic

Attached: 1564689537120.gif (300x200, 1.57M)

>No enemy variety
It has the same enemy variety as other games.
>Fighting the same boss for like 8 times
No, that's sub boss.
>Too many walking/boat sections
Walking sections lasts like couple of minutes.
>Fight only one real god boss (who looks like a hobo)
3, compared to 1 in first game
>Pointless open world
How so? World is rich and full of content.

>Because more open structure increase game lifespan.
I'm that other user replying who liked GoW4 a lot. But this isn't right either user. Both linearity and non-linearity can result in more game lifespan in different ways, and they're both techniques that can be used well or used badly. A good lasting linear loop has relatively shorter runs each time, but with more depth to combat and ways to do stuff and such so that you want to and are rewarded for lots of playthroughs, that's directly part of the design. The first is most surprising, but later ones are rewarding in new ways, you can see yourself getting better and pulling things off you couldn't before and taking on more challenges. And you can't miss much of anything.

Non-linear tends to just have maximum content and play in one playthrough which might be a long time, you have tons and tons to do and see, huge great journey. But when you're done you're done usually. And of course it's more possible to miss stuff in some cases.

There isn't anything wrong with either one in the hands of a skilled dev, though they're different feels, and have different issues with players.

Linear games usually benefit from better level design, story/combat pacing. and polish than more open games

Ascension is the worst followed by the first game.
Gow 2 is the best in the series

>Linear games usually benefit from better level design, story/combat pacing. and polish than more open games
How does it relate to GoW? I don't care if you liked enemies or bosses in classic GoW more user.

>I understand it's a soft reboot of the series but it annoys me that they're still using Kratos as a character and trying to appeal to old GOW fans when it's so different to the original games
I mean, it worked for me. I played through GoW1 a number of times, liked it more on 2nd & 3rd on God difficulty then the first actually. Almost didn't replay and glad I did because that's when it actually got really fun and felt rewarding to actually learn all the enemy attack patterns and such and counter and not just button spam.

But using Kratos definitely made GoW4 what it was also, and plenty of moments were only truly awesome if you were a fan of the previous ones and knew a lot of the history like he did. When he took back up the chaos blades once again for example, I make no apologies for feeling "fuckyes" there. And seeing how he'd changed only was meaningful because of playing him for 3 games before. New protag would have sucked and made no sense.

dont. I played it for 5 hours and was mostly annoyed to shit by the bad combat, VERY POOR 10-20 fps and shit ass 'story'.

It's good, but it would be better without that kid.
Stop listening to Yea Forums, fuckers made me fall for TLoU is a bad game meme.

>10-20 fps
Why Nincels are still butthurt over this game? It won GOTY but it was last year. Have sex.

>Connor McGregor
>QTE fest dragon
>discount Thor brothers
>trolls X10
>valkyries X9
>McGregor again
The first game didn't have that many bosses but I'd pick the Minotaur over any of the new bosses

Attached: minotaur.jpg (1280x720, 67K)

>QTE fest dragon
He has least QTEs than boss you posted. Typing in retarded memes dosen't help you at all.

>but I'd pick the Minotaur over any of the new bosses
If you think Minotaur is better boss than Rota or Sigrun you are just casual shit eater user. GoW4 is too complex for you.

My bad there weren't any QTE's it was just really cinematic with the gimmick of throwing bombs at it
Still not a good boss my point still stands about the Minotaur

>>valkyries X9
Valkyrie Queen was a great fight though.
>complaining about any QTE in FUCKING GOD OF WAR
holy shit the sea monster right at the very start of the very first one itself was the originator of so many "hit O" joke comics and shit. Dumb meme poster.

You now realize most GoW4 detractors who claim the originals are so much better never actually played them and only want to start console wars

>Still not a good boss my point still stands about the Minotaur
the fuck it does

>cinematic gimmick
Cool buzzword.
> my point still stands about the Minotaur
No, that's only your bad taste.

Who's belittling? There was the faggot barking "retard! retard! retard!" when he didn't even mean to call that guy a retard and they were both actually defending GOW

Funny how people will defend the dragon but shit on 3 all the time for Cronos

Most funny thing is that Yea Forums always shitted on GoW because of square mashing system and QTE for normies, now that GoW4 won GOTY they are suddenly gems. Even QTE is cool now.

>Valkyrie Queen was a great fight though.
but pain in the fucking ass man it felt great to take down that bitch. guess the feel of "terrifying ultra elite war spirit" was there though.

Becuase unlike Cronos you are actually fighting him, without QTE every 3 miniutes. It's boss fight rather than cinematic sequences interrupted by normal enemies fights. Play the game before talking about them.

>implying the whole saga isn't already aged

QTE was always cool only autists who can't stand pressing on screen buttons for 5 seconds don't like them

Attached: Resident Evil 4_ffb943d2afd472a39268c83fe077954e1420875248-full.png (1070x469, 661K)

GoW4 is not bad but it's one of the most soulless games ever made

Ascension is 4, it’s just set as a prequel and 5 is rebooted in Norse universe

Not if happens too often.

>Funny how people will defend the dragon
I don't defend the dragon particularly, I didn't hate it or anything but I didn't find it one of the more memorable battles either. Valkyries were more interesting to me. Though I kind of wish there had been some bit of world change for finishing those fights, like if you went back to Hel and the stream of souls was a bit smaller or you saw a few warriors being taken to Valhalla or whatever once in a while. That's just my own autism though, I'm a sucker for little details and non-game rewards like that.

>but shit on 3 all the time for Cronos
I just "shit" on 3 period, no Cronos in particular. I mean, "shit" in scarequotes because I'm not sorry I finished 3 once before playing 4, it did put a cap on that trilogy. But I didn't find any of it that satisfying either. And I never once had issues dying even a bit, whereas two of the Valkyries took me a few tries.


It should have been on Switch.

>Ascension is 4, it’s just set as a prequel and 5 is rebooted in Norse universe
No. I mean, by that logic technically it's the seventh game in the franchise user, which would make Dad of War "GoW8". But that makes no sense. It's just a prequel released out of sequence as a hold over between main games. It makes more since to consider each trilogy as mains and the others as side games, not that there is any official numbering there. But personally I don't think most people go purely by release order when they think of the games, or for that matter that most played all the side games.

Chains of Olympus was the worst.


>5 is rebooted in Norse universe
It's not a reboot, it's a direct sequel, some number of years later (forget exactly, probably a few decades). It's the start of probably another trilogy since it sold well.

Dad of war is a sequel, not a reboot. I guess mechanically its a reboot, but narratively its definitely a sequel

Not really, like you said they are side games 1.5 and 2.5

Nah, we have the PSP games and Ascension that were all fairly decent, but felt hollow or incomplete in comparison to the others. I'm of the opinion that all three base games are of equal quality in different aspects. 3 has superior graphics and tells the story the best, but 1 and 2 have takes on combat and music that sadly didn't return later on, like the interconnected world of 1 and the weapons, time manipulation, and bosses of 2. They're equal in different ways, not unlike the first three Halo games, "best" feels more like a personal preference amongst them.

I'm in between 1 and 4 being my favorites. 4 isn't perfect, but it has its own flare and style that I find enjoyable. I'd have preferred the classic style we had before, but for what it's worth I do enjoy what they did with it, and it's the only recent 3rd person game like Uncharted or Last of Us I've enjoyed that particular perspective. Hopefully they'll give us faster combat and better boss fights next time.

Storywise it’s a sequel gameplaywise it’s a reboot

Chains was a prequel too though. Ascension would be the earliest, like a decade before GoW1, Chains somewhere between Ascension and GoW1, and so on. Chronologically it goes:
>Ghost of Sparta
>"GoW" (2018, norse)
They reset the name for marketing reasons, but pretty much everyone just numbers by main titles.

Story wise it's a soft reboot meant to bring in new fans
You could play the game by itself and understand most of the story you'd just think Kratos has a dark mysterious past and leave it at that

I hope they give the next game a subtitle instead of just calling it GoW2 again
Discussing these games is going to start getting annoying

Both fights are shit but at least Cronos actually manages to provide actual spetacle with the sheer ridiculous fucking scale which is something that every God of War, even the shitty reboot, try to convey.

>Storywise it’s a sequel gameplaywise it’s a reboot
I've honestly never seen "reboot" used that way user. "Rebooting" a series is used explicitly for plot and characters, as it implies meaning that they're going to wipe all the previous history and go a new way.

But gameplay changes, sometimes radical ones, between titles is just a given. I mean shit user, Betrayal was a fucking 2d side scroller that doesn't mean it "reboot" the series that's silly.

The new trilogy is a direct sequel, and they've changed the game style somewhat, though it's still 3rd person beat 'em up overall. Some open world/loot/minimal skilltree window dressing doesn't change that.

>Both fights are shit
No, only Cronos.
> to provide actual spetacle with the sheer ridiculous fucking scale which is something that every God of War, even the shitty reboot, try to convey.
Dragon looks amazing and actually moves instead of standing in one place.

I dont have a pro fucking fanboy, the 10-20 fps was godawful.

That's Ascension. I was really disappointed with 3 but that game had a massive commitment to scale and power fantasy. The game made sure you fought gigantic creatures and armies of smaller creatures when you can.

Ascension was a fucking tired, complacent and completely devoid of energy. It's the "Guess we gotta make another game since the trilogy is famous" game. As much as I hate 4, at least it has a vision.

It dosen't run at 10 fps on regular PS4 dear Nincel.

>Story wise it's a soft reboot meant to bring in new fans
It's just not a reboot at all though. Nothing in the past is erased or even retconned. Trying to make something relatively standalone (particularly common with long running vidya because old games might just seem to aged for modern kids and remastering is expensive) is different from rebooting. You can definitely play the new one standalone, but I personally think you'd miss a certain amount of context and feeling.

Although I guess interestingly there is a bit of story dichotomy that matches the player split now that I think about it. If you played the originals, then your point of view is Kratos. You know what he knows. If you didn't, your point of view is Atreus, you find out what he finds out. Kind of clever actually if that was intentional.

>I hope they give the next game a subtitle instead of just calling it GoW2 again
Yeah for sure, though you can always just use year if you want. "GoW 2018" is unambiguous if long. Or else just go "GoW4" like most people do.

>Actually moves

Strange, he sure didn't when he opened his big fucking stupid mouth waiting to gag on my magical Norse grenades.

They're both garbage but Cronos still provides a better show, champ.

Reboot just mean restart
Remake means do over
Rehash would make more sense for what your saying

it fucking does. the framerate is worse than DAS on the ps3, get bent fucking casual.

>That's Ascension. I was really disappointed with 3 but that game had a massive commitment to scale and power fantasy. The game made sure you fought gigantic creatures and armies of smaller creatures when you can.
>Ascension was a fucking tired, complacent and completely devoid of energy. It's the "Guess we gotta make another game since the trilogy is famous" game. As much as I hate 4, at least it has a vision.
Definitely agree with all of this. 3 is my least favorite of the main games, but it aimed high. 4, even if you don't like where the series went, is committed to it at least and knows what it was trying to be.

Ascension definitely felt more like filler. Also they tried the multi-player meme and damn was that a flop. I'm really glad they did that exactly once, if anything it was a pleasant surprise they didn't try to shoehorn MP into GoW4 too because for awhile there it seemed fucking everybody was doing it whether it made any sense or not.

Because you can stagger him. He does moves most of the fight unlike Cronos who just stand until you use QTE. Dragon is far better boss fight.
It's really not, Nincel.

stop shilling for the worst GOW underage TPS shitter

>got btfo
>call someone shill out of buttpain
Why are you so mad Nincel?

>Reboot just mean restart
And? When people talk about "rebooting" a series, they're explicitly talking about starting from the beginning again and wiping all previous development as they wish. Like, a reboot of God of War would be if they did the first game again except now Kratos wasn't Zeus son or something and it went off some different way, even if you saw characters you'd seen before everything in the original games wouldn't have any canon influence.

GoW4 isn't a reboot. Everything that happened in all previous games still happened. It's a time skip and meant to be understandable without having to replay the old titles (necessarily, since I think only GoW3 officially can be played on a currently selling platform?), but that's it.

>defending 10-20 fps tps nu-dad insult to one of the better brawlers

dont respond to me again zoomer

That's why I said it's a soft reboot
The older games are still canon and are occasionally referenced and we have Kratos carried over but it's in a new setting, with new characters and a new story that isn't tied to the orignal games at all
It's like the new Star Wars movies or Jurassic World, it appeals to some old fans with rsome characters, references,and fanservice but also tries to do something new and attracting new fans

>projecting and lying about game because he can't play it
It's not my fault you are third world nigger

>Also they tried the multi-player meme and damn was that a flop.

Jesus Christ, even that was fucking boring and completely aimless.

The director who made that garbage shit is making the new single player Star Wars game. Anyone thinking it'll be good is fucking delusional.

Attached: mandatory_reading.jpg (260x401, 23K)

People always shit on the trolls but nobody ever talk about the Ancients, and those were muuuch shittier fights than the trolls, explain.

Why do you show me your lectures? I know you are retarded, you should go for therapy though.

I don't think anyone remembers them they're just mediocre

>Jesus Christ, even that was fucking boring and completely aimless.
If it saved us from them ever trying it again though I'm honestly thankful. I could see a worse timeline where they tried to force it in a main game and fucked it. Now if any bosses say "but muh MP engagement numbers!" they have that shit to point at.

they were too easy, they felt like little minibosses while the trolls felt like actual bosses that were just super devalued by all being the same shit

>People always shit on the trolls but nobody ever talk about the Ancients, and those were muuuch shittier fights than the trolls, explain.
The Ancients were essentially just bigger regular monster fights though user, or at most sub-sub-bosses. Nobody ever talks about them because there were no expectations there. You ran around, attacked the core, the end. They were mildly longer then random mobs and that's it, just a bit of light variety, just constructs too.

The Trolls were actually named and seemed to be bigger bad asses in design and setup and then, well, weren't. So while personally I just mostly forgot about them I can see what some people were more disappointed, because they expected more from the build up.

>have to fight the Bridge Keeper in Helheim
>get the blades of chaos
>descend into the Norse underworld
>great build up and atmosphere
>"finally time for a real bos-"
>it's just another troll

Attached: 1508622067989.jpg (361x330, 20K)


Thor bros were based

Attached: Magni Modi.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

>By 4, if ANYONE should know the cost of unbridled anger, its him
Yeah, but the problem is that Kratos had legitimate reasons to be angry before, and I understand him trying to be the better man, but "we have to be better" is a pointless advice when the other guy sees nothing wrong with fucking you up.
I would have liked it more If Kratos had just allowed Balder to kill Freya, it was not his problem, sometimes walking away from other people bullshit is the right choice.

This looks like hot shit.

He was showing God of War 4 combat, not your sex life.

As they say in the game, Freya was still good, Balder was not. Killing the guy who is trying to kill you the entire game, as well as having been ordered by Odin to capture or kill you, versus letting the woman die who had done nothing but help him and his son, is still Kratos trying to do the right thing. Old Kratos would have let things be and walk away. Being that Balder was still a threat, it definitely was his problem, but one he tried to talk his way out of first to his credit

3 and GoW PS4 are tied for first.

I likes GoW4 but its worse than all the 3 other games mainly bc the obvious Son TLOU ripoff mechanic and unoptimized combat such as

>When using rune moves you dont take less damage on the windup
>Son arrow mashing

The game shouldnt try to be a RPG a action game and a Movie TLOU ripoff all just held the game back also the bosses suck and have too many checkpoints during the fight

>GoW 123 are a muh QTE fest

Dude GoW has literally a retard dragon fight throwing shit at its mouth stfu

>When using rune moves you dont take less damage on the windup
holy shit git gud, this is an intended mechanic to make sure runic attacks aren't even *more* OP than they already are. You are supposed to stagger enemies and create openings for yourself to do Runic attacks, not just do them into the attacking enemy's face and expect the game to make you invincible for the duration



>Worse cimbling mechanic than previous gow now its a shitty unchated ripoff
>No tits and sexuality bc kratos "grew up"
>No jumping nor icarus wings
>Talk and walk segments
>Bunch of filler ghost sidequests that only retards that play asscreed would do for shitty flavour text and better rpg stats in a action game...

I know it works most of the time but its specially shit against valkyries that can oneshot you during it because it also doesnt stagger the camera sucks for this kind of game too

I don't think ascension is the worst but it's certainly the easiest. There's only one difficult part....which was patched to be easier.

I'm clearly making this up but after replaying it on the hardest difficulty I think the game was made with everything one level easier than it was supposed to be. Like "normal" is actually "easy" and "hard" is actually "normal". That's not to say that any GoW is particularly frustrating, just that I found ascension to be pathetically easy, except for one specific part.

how is that edgy

>GoW has literally a retard dragon fight throwing shit at its mouth stfu
How is this qte? It's not dragon that is retarded but you.
>TLOU ripoff
They play nothing alike. Yeah, you are retarded.

the combat is pretty boring desu but it could be a lot worse. the real problem with this game is that the story is boring and there's so much garbage padding to give the game the illusion of being bigger.

camera is ok, you just suck at game.

I wouldn't say "edgy", but calling the combat in that webm "retarded" or "shit" or "a fucking joke" is pretty hyperbolic, and just for the sake of getting a rise out of people who liked it

She does suck, the whole Pandora crap is what finally ruined the game for me.
I can't believe there are people out there who liked 3 more than 2, this game was an absolute shitfest.

>uncharted invented climbing
>classic GoW somehow had good climbing
>asscreed invented sidequests
>non gameplay cutscenes are better than voice acting when you travel
>tits while traveling with kid in northern cold land
Zoomer pls go.

I just finished the game.
>imagine having different bosses in the game instead of having one shitty troll and reuse it FOR THE ENTIRE GAME

I was refering to people on the thread saying previous gow were qte fest with worse combat when bosses like GoW 1 2 and 3 Zeus Medusa Perseus Hydra exist also many other fun bosses better than constant interruption constant checkpoints during boss fights in GoW4 Baldur was easy as fuck so was the 2 nors brothers and the gimmicky dragon also the influence of TLOU and uncharted in the game are undeniable stop being a contrarian faggot

But classic GoW's were QTE fest, in new GoW QTE is heavily toned down. Bosses were easy as hell with qte scripted sequences.
>he influence of TLOU and uncharted in the game are undeniable
They play nothing alike.

imagine being this shitty a father that you can't even tell your own son that kind of behavior is not okay.

this is the first god of war game i've ever played, and Kratos is so fucking annoying it's insane BOY BOY BOY BOY BOY BOY BOY TAKE IT BOY

Fighting the same troll with the same wooden stick for the entire game is a good kind of boss fight to you?

Three is definitely the best of the original trilogy in just about every single aspect.

You're literally both arguing that shit games are in fact good. Just take a step back and realize that you're both retarded and then please kill yourselves.

>Valkyries, Baldur, Dragon, Thor brothers
>same troll for entire game
>fighting with wooden stick
t. retard.

And yet another GOTY that I didn't enjoy whatsoever

>The climbing and icarus wings and platforming in gow1 2 n 3 were better and less retarded than 4 so were the environments specially in 1 and 2 the feeling of grandeur shits on the copypaste skyrim environment filled with nothing in 4
>Sidequests in the game are garbage rather have the world map filled with mario coins for betas like you to collect
>GoW 1-3 cutscenes are great the dialogue while traveling isnt bad but the game slows down way too much for dumb shit
>Yeah i wouldnt be talking about tits and gore if the director didnt say kratos "grew up" and how gow 1-3 were toxic masculinity

What are you talking about

>it's bad because it's garbage, retarded, shit etc
Zoomer pls go

Not really. GoW2 is far better

>mashing attack
>throwing the axe a few times
>a counter
>a special AoE move
if this is the game at its best I'd hate to see it at its worst

Attached: 1564956244973.jpg (712x720, 79K)

>Shittier alt weapons
>Every level is literally brown and grey
How is that better

yeah, combat has variety, not like previous shit games in series.

>voice acting when you travel
that's not what a walk and talk segment is

Even the PSP games were better.

>that's not what a walk and talk segment is
Walk and talk segments take like few minutes in game. I don't understand how non playable cutscene is somehow better.

>10-20 fps and shit ass 'story'.
It runs at 45-60 on the pro in the resolution mode.
There's just no way the base console cannot run it at a stable 30.

*Performance mode

>GoW4 bossfight

>GoW3 bosses

Zoomers Onions fuckoff

2 > 3=PS4 > Ascension > 1

2 is just so fucking good that I hope going all out with new weapons is the point of sequel of the PS4 game. Getting weapons from different cultures where Tyr traveled would be a good way to do it besides eventually getting Thor's hammer

because cutscenes can be skipped

Not an argument seethe more

They will probably focus way more on enemy variety, since that was the chief complaint everyone had about GOW PS4

And that was the best fight in GOW4 btw.
I didn't like GOW4, should I try the third game? I watched the videos, and it looks fun.

Why is this game's fans' idea of praising it just shitting on the previous games in the series?

Attached: 1545854277330.png (500x500, 29K)

Yeah play all 3 games and the psp in order all worth it imo

>zoomer use it's shit, garbage, retarded as argument
>complain about non argument use
Zoomer pls go.

>And that was the best fight in GOW4 btw.
No, not even remotely. Best and most challenging fight was the final valkyrie.

>I didn't like GOW4, should I try the third game? I watched the videos, and it looks fun.
It's the worst of the four so maybe it's right up your alley. But if you really want a change I'd suggest playing the first two instead.

>because cutscenes can be skipped
They can't in classic GoW's

Enemy and boss variety. There was so many opportunity for good story bosses
>go to fucking Helheim to rip the heart out of the guardian of the bridge
>its not some crazy gigantic bird
>its a reskinned troll that teleports

The climbing is just like ladders in dark souls to allow the levels to be connected together in a vertical fashion. It's not supposed to be considered actual platforming, it's just a way of getting around to the different flat areas of the level.
It's better than old GOW climbing anyway because platforming in old GOW was lame bullshit that killed you 10x more often than the actual enemies did, with the stupid fixed isometric camera as you try to platform across a narrow beam at some weird angle

is that supposed to make walk and talk segments any better?

>No, not even remotely. Best and most challenging fight was the final valkyrie.
Those are optional.
>But if you really want a change I'd suggest playing the first two instead.
I only have a PC and a PS4, but I'll check them out, maybe I can emulate them

>Why is this game's fans' idea of praising it just shitting on the previous games in the series?
But it's not you fucking retard. Thread is full of people saying they liked the first two a lot, and thought they were the series at its best. Some also liked 4 despite it being a dramatic shift because it's an honest game to what it wanted to be and executed well, but it's also understandable that some fans of the series from the start wouldn't like how the series changed.

The third though was a genuine let down and low point. Trying to conflate justified criticism of that one (or side games like ascension) with people "shitting" on the good ones is your own turbo faggotry.

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>i didn't buy my ps4 for two games guys, i swear
enjoy your nu-male woodchopping simulator

yes, because they are very short and you actually can progress.

> GoW2 >GoW3>GOW>GoW>Psp GoW>Acension

>square, square, square, qte, square, square, qte, square...
I don't understand why anyone thinks GoW3 combat is better, it was outdated already during release.

Valkyries are optional.
>Baldur, Dragon, Thor brothers
Sure, three actual boss fights with the rest being trolls with sticks

but a cutscene would be just as good and skippable on repeat playthroughs

>they're optional so they don't exist

Next level cope

t. Nincel
I knew it. Go play your bing bing wahoo and leave adult games for others.

They do, and they are fine bosses, but they are optional. If you didn't like the game, you wouldn't even bother to find them.

dont insult my bing bing wahoo, furfag

>Valkyries are optional.
Irrelevant. They are part of content.
Nope, 4. More than first game and trolls are sub bosses.

>Those are optional.
So fucking what? It's a more open world game type, having to go find some of the stuff goes with the territory vs a fully linear game where you cannot miss any fight.

>I only have a PC and a PS4, but I'll check them out, maybe I can emulate them
You can for sure if your PC isn't a toaster, those PS2 titles were solved a long time ago even with the hacks PSCX2 has. They weren't some of the really hard titles to emulate like the AC ones.

Or if you want you can get a PS3 with games off of craigslist or whatever these days for like $50-100, max. Like I just looked and I literally see 3 for $50-60 listed in my area right now. Then you can just get God Of War Saga on the PS3 which has 5 games at once. Plus there were a few other PS3 titles that were good and never got and may never get ports and are still worth it for $5 a pop or less.

They rarely force you to walk or even jog. Usually the talking happens while sprinting or rowing at full speed, or climbing, but climbing is just for interconnecting vertical areas without having to make you run around out-of-place straight / spiral ramps every time

>if you didn't like the game you wouldn't play it so they don't count
Hahahaha, wow

It's the best in the series, I used to rank 3>1>2 but after replaying 2 again I now put it before 1. Didn't get to play the PSP game or their port but they seem decent. It's hard for the devs to fuck up the classic formula, they are very straightforward and simple game. Mechanics are barebones compared to other game of the genre and it's much more cinematic but they are fun
3 had perfect pacing but it's mainly brought down by the lack of variety regarding weapons. They are all very similar, blades with chains, even the Ceastus (which is probably the most unique weapon in the game) had chains.
Ascension was even worse with its color coded blade of chaos

>Best fight
Not at all. It's about mid-level in terms of difficulty and low in complexity. Both Baldur fights, the Magni-Modi fight, and the Valkyrie Queen are all much more complex and difficult than that one.

The GMGOW boss fights would have been way better if they didn't have checkpoints dividing them up

>but they are optional
This is stupid when you're comparing an open world game to a linear game user. I mean, if you just plain don't like open world period and part of that is that it doesn't throw literally everything into your path that's fine, but it's bullshit to skip over the whole point of the game and then claim that one of the few scripted fights is "the best fight in the game". No, it isn't. In fact in open world game types it's usual that the few scripted ones are NEVER the best fights from a Yea Forums perspective, because the devs purposefully make the hard awesome ones optional so normie casuals can skip them, which frees the devs to make them better despite it being AAA. But if you're not a normie casual and skip it that's your fault.

>If you didn't like the game, you wouldn't even bother to find them.
It's 2019 user. It's just not credible these days that someone wouldn't figure this stuff out from the net or even glance around if they cared in the slightest.

proportionally less than GOW 2019. Won't deny that there were recolors, at least 1 for each type of ennemis but at least you had a large variety of monsters from greek mythology. Meanwhile GOW 2019 has from the top of my head
>Old hag or something like that
And don't get me started on the bosses, the same trolls get reashed, the Valkyries too (though they get different moves each time). I won't shit on Baldur getting a rematch as I'm a sucker your humanoid getting a rematch but the fights weren't that interesting

>this shit
>the best
Fucking lmao

Let me explain. I didn't like a single boss fight in the main game. Some were okay, some were just annoying trolls. I beat the first Valkyrie, and it was a good fight, but since I didn't like the game all that much, and the combat was my least favorite thing about it- I didn't want to do things that I didn't like (fighting the same enemies aka grinding) to fight those "GOOD" Valkyries. You act like one of those people who say shit like, "oh lmao you only played the game for 10 hours, it gets better after 15 lmao". If the main campaign bosses were good, then sure, I would want more and would go explore to find those Valkyries.

2 =4 > 3 > 1 > Ghost of Sparta > CoO > Ascension

in my language dub, they replaced the dub by Atreus, it feels more natural desu, and the equivalent would have been weird

Hey let's use the objectively strongest Norse God Baldur in the first game and kill him like he's weaker than a skeleton warrior , i felt really threaten by Baldur when kratos overpowered him overe and over . Baldur is the god of vengeance he's one of the only god to survive ragnarok , he would have been the perfect final boss after you kill thor and Odin

>but at least you had a large variety of monsters from greek mythology.
Cyclops, undead, harpies and uuh?

Nobody cares about your shit taste and your story, this isn't your blog, I just laughed because you said that Valkyries don't count because nuh uh. You must be butthurt or something.

Giants ,mermaid ,Gorgons,minotaur, centaur etc

Except he is a perfect setup for kickstarting Ragnarok way earlier than predetermined plus the mistletoe thing was a good way to get Kratos even remotely close to being able to fight any of the big Norse gods in the first game. Don't be surprised when Thor just destroys Kratos at the start

>obvious Son TLOU ripoff mechanic
>TLOU was the first work of fiction ever to have parent/child interactions as part of the story
ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS. A huge fucking theme of, you know, all of Greek fucking Mythology is the whole parents and offspring thing, particularly for gods. Cronos/Zeus, and then GoW takes that further with Zeus/Kratos. Kratos then having a son and try to change how things went vs his father and his father's father is far more logical continuation then most others.

It's a very different story then TLOU, Atreus is much younger and still being raised and learning to become a man himself, as opposed to a teenager who was fairly independent already. The dynamics of fatherhood and the choices made and history are different. Gameplay is also very different.

You are either the king of retards or just looking for anything at all to be mad about.

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based. The old God of War games are absolute dogshit, you can basically use whether or not Yea Forums likes it as a general indicator that it's probably trash. Like Lobotomy Corporation, that shitty Korean mobile port that keeps getting threads.

>It's 2019 user. It's just not credible these days that someone wouldn't figure this stuff out from the net or even glance around if they cared in the slightest.
See Also, yes, I didn't care in the slightest. I didn't like the combat, and the main campaign was supposed to show me that the game has good combat and bosses, not some optional "hidden" bosses.
It's like saying:
>I didn't like dark souls 3 combat because it's too easy for me
>Lmao, beat the whole game and then find a secret boss (Midir), and then talk about it being easy.
The game itself has to be good to make the player want more of it.
>Nobody cares about your shit taste
Sorry, user, but thinking GOW4 has good boss fights literally means you are the one with shit taste.

No my guest is thor gets rekt right away so that kratos changes the Axe for the Hammer

>Gameplay is also very different.
No it's not. Combat is, the rest is literally the same

Here are some from the top of my head, some aren't from greek mythology as far as I know but my point still stand, the ennemies in GOW4 aren't that numerous but they don't even make up for it for quality and mechanical dephts, so I'll take the variety of classic gow over that
>elephants men
Overall thats the line up for 1,2 and 3, elephant were only in Ascension.
It's the same thing for boss, there are much more of them and they all have a better presentation and memorable moment than all the reskins in 4 which is still a decent game but not a direction that I like for futur gow

The first and second fights with Baldur were really good. Every other boss fight was definitely serviceable. I didn't play it for the boss fights though, I played it for the interesting story, cool characters, and fun core gameplay, which I definitely received.

And GoW4: Ghosts, werewolves, ancients, trolls, draugrs, witches, elves, ogres, bandits, hel warriors, etc.

>I didn't play it for the boss fights though, I played it for the interesting story, cool characters, and fun core gameplay, which I definitely received.
I didn't play it for the boss fights either, or the combat for that matter. I would've dropped it pretty fast otherwise.

>Sorry, user, but thinking GOW4 has good boss fights literally means you are the one with shit taste.
It has amazing boss fights that literally shits on previous games. Game is just too complex for you because you are shitter.

Let me explain: that's your own fucking fault. You even admit you thought the 1st Valkyrie was a decent fight.

If you didn't want to do any more fighting fine, whatever. But that doesn't justify you saying "dragon was the best fight in the game" when it literally is not the best fight in the game. If you don't want to seek out all the cool bits of an open world then that type of game just isn't for you. Also:
>fighting the same enemies aka grinding) to fight those "GOOD" Valkyries
There is none. Most of the Valkyries you can just go to, their chambers have zero enemies leading up or anything, once you can access them you just go up and that's it, whenever you want. Two of them you need to fight to get to but it's not "grinding" to go through various challenges, you don't need to "gain levels" or shit like that. And once you've defeated them all you simply go to the final circle and again, that's it. God of War mercifully doesn't do the whole "you must fight tons of mooks each time to get to the hard fight".

What didn't you like about the combat? Everything was really responsive and you have a good set of abilities/weapons to play around with.

I didn't play the previous games.
>Game is just too complex
good one

Nah the Hammer is end game. Kratos will get destroyed so the story can be structured with 2 playable characters, and Atreus starts to side with Odin. I don't know how Kratos would get out alive if Thor just destroys him at the start of the game, besides getting sent to Helheim and escaping like usual. The problem they've started was the only way to access the realms is from the Lake of the Nine bridge. So Kratos needs to steal/get the method the Norse gods are using to travel around.

>Combat is
But that's the main gameplay difference when it comes to parent/kid stuff, how Atreus vs Ellie interact with and fight (or don't) with their father/"father figure". Their interactions, relationships and development are also quite different but that's arguably not gameplay.

I doubt Atreus is going to be playable yet, that sounds like a gimmick they'll save for #3.

Don't you just find ways to go forward and ask the kid to reach things you can't?

He didn't fight any Valkyries because he's too shitty. He even proved he knows nothing about game.

>Don't you just find ways to go forward and ask the kid to reach things you can't?
Uh, no? Atreus isn't much at the start but he's a pretty major part of your combat power and battle options by mid-way through the game.

>If you don't want to seek out all the cool bits of an open world then that type of game just isn't for you.
I don't, and it isn't.
>There is none. Most of the Valkyries you can just go to
Don't you have to get better gear first though? That's literally what the game says when you finish it.
And once again, I just don't agree with the whole argument that an open world game doesn't need to have good content in the main campaign, and you need to find the "cool bits" yourself. The way I see it is that the main campaign should have the best kind of content the game has to offer with the side content being for those who enjoyed the main story and want more.
>He even proved he knows nothing about game.
>He didn't fight any Valkyries because he's too shitty.
Nice reaching.
We aren't talking about the combat. See again

On the big console i would say Dad of war is the worst one . 1 -2- 3 were pretty good really fucking good actually.

They even designed the giant Polyphemus just to waste it on the multiplayer

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It doesn't need to be huge long segments, just what he is doing when he is taken from Kratos and showing Asgard before Kratos gets there in game 3. Doesn't even need combat since they've put story emphasis, but maybe "bribery" to Atreus to get him toward their side where he uses the tools they give him against them later

The #1 issue with the trolls was the one in Helheim, and the one in Tyr's bridge area with the combat floors. Hyping up Helheim and the blades for a reskinned troll killed any hype there, until Zeus salvaged it. The Tyr one was just "oh, another fucking troll".

everything felt weak and repetitive

>I don't, and it isn't.
Then that's it then. But it doesn't make that game type "bad", and it definitely doesn't justify ignoring the point of the game to claim it's worse. Just don't play them. I don't like sports games myself so I don't play them, but I'm sure there are good sports games that do everything right. Not every game in the world has to be made for me, my backlog is a mile long anyway.

>Don't you have to get better gear first though?
Depends on how good you are. I mean, I doubt anyone can finish all the Valk fights with like their starting gear or whatever. But merely by going through the game and even the slightest exploring you'll find lots of far more powerful stuff without actually ever needing to do any extra work.
>doesn't need to have good content in the main campaign
This stuff IS part of the "main campaign", the whole Valkyrie thing has a lot of story going for it. Just because it isn't part of the ultra bare minimum you can possibly do if you speed run doesn't mean it doesn't count. Come on.

>The way I see it is that the main campaign should have the best kind of content the game has to offer
Well you see it wrong. Seriously. You, I, every user here is a tiny niche. This is the reality of an AAA game: it's made for a huge audience, so the publisher funding it wants even the dyslexic down's syndrome disabled kid (or even game reviewers!) to hopefully be able "to get to the end" on Easy. But serious players won't like that. One tool devs have is difficulty but it's a blunt hammer. "Optional" content is another way to square that circle, they can have the real awesome fights a publisher wouldn't let them put in the minimum path.

I mean, I'm not saying that's ideal. But it's commercial reality right now, and I like it better then not having any good fights at all.

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>We aren't talking about the combat. See again
We are talking about the combat, since that's what's "gameplay". I mean, there are other differences like Kratos carrying Atreus around, or how they have conversations and tell stories and have other interactions all the time as things progress, or differences in how puzzles get solved (Atreus has a more active role with arrows then Ellie does, has restorative item power, etc), but that's all kind of minor as far as gameplay goes. I specifically said "gameplay" in the post you just cited. What NON-combat GAMEPLAY were you thinking of?

You're right user. It wasn't my kind of game, and I once again tried to like it and made myself finish it because "I bought it".
I still don't agree about one thing. Boss fights don't have to be hard to be good. There are other ways to make them satisfying, so I still think the boss fights in the main story could've been better.
See this for example

>What NON-combat GAMEPLAY were you thinking of?
Walking around, figuring puzzles, boosting the kid to areas I couldn't reach myself

>The #1 issue with the trolls was the one in Helheim, and the one in Tyr's bridge area with the combat floors. Hyping up Helheim and the blades for a reskinned troll killed any hype there, until Zeus salvaged it. The Tyr one was just "oh, another fucking troll".
Yeah. Classic issue of hyping creating letdown that wouldn't have existed so much if it hadn't been hyped at all, although Helheim just needed something better anyway. Granted, I guess maybe part of the idea is that you never truly get THAT far into Hel, and the real serious stuff is meant to be in the second or third game. Like that giant bird or something. But the GUARDIAN was definitely hyped up way too much to be Another Troll Same As Previously. Trolls felt odd really, like it was a story and fight effort that devs meant to do more with, then they somehow, dunno, ran out of time? Forgot about it?

Was just pathetic by the final one. It seemed hype at first when you see it frozen there and you just know it'll unleash eventually, then after the previous ones you know it'll be a bore. And it is. Welp.

The only trolls that should have been forced, main story route bosses are
>the first one with the deer
>the Tyr Fire/Frost ones because you got the Blades and now its about swapping types and them healing each other
and that is fucking it. Not the one before Freya's boar, not the one frozen when you get the chisel, not the one in Tyrs combat floor. Plus there is like 2-3 optional trolls.

Maybe throwing in a Valkyrie to replace one of them would have sufficed for a big moment, since those are all optional anyways.

>I still don't agree about one thing. Boss fights don't have to be hard to be good. There are other ways to make them satisfying, so I still think the boss fights in the main story could've been better.
FWIW user I don't disagree with you on that part, at least not entirely. I think some of the required fights could definitely be more interesting and I'm one of those completely agreeing that the trolls were lame. So lame in fact that it's odd, like , dunno what even happened there. Maybe even with a game like that they couldn't do everything before the deadline, or ran out of ideas or who knows.

Only thing I really disagreed with you on was just that "dragon was the best fight" when you're comparing to GoW3. If you just want to say that some of the required fights were unsatisfying then yes, that's totally fair. And there is nothing wrong with not wanting to hunt around everywhere in an open world either! I happen to like both in some cases, but even so I still play a minimum of open world games if only because my autism OCD causes them to be huge time sinks because of how I play, which sucks. I'm one of those people who does literally everything before every single unlock, explores every last crack they can find, etc, which means I'm missing out on tons of other great vidya.

To be fair, Head only says he needs the heart of the bridge keeper and his axe is useless in Helheim, that doesn't mean the only thing he will encounter there is that guy, but every creature there is going to be inmune to his axe. I don't remember Mimir saying "the guardian is the strongest enemy you've ever faced" or similar shit.
Anyway that fucking bird should have been the boss, I hope the sequel doesn't disappoint with the bosses.

>Only thing I really disagreed with you on was just that "dragon was the best fight"
I was wrong.
>I'm one of those people who does literally everything before every single unlock, explores every last crack they can find, etc.
That's why I can't enjoy these types of games. There's just too much to do, and I feel bad about skipping things even though I clearly never wanted to do them in the first place.

>Anyway that fucking bird should have been the boss, I hope the sequel doesn't disappoint with the bosses.
I really hoped it'd be.

Yeah, they'd have needed at least a few off the trolls to be replaced with real bosses though. Or alternately, they could have like, just put more effort into the trolls. Given a few of them really different styles or weapons or something, stage gimmicks, more/different/variable weak points, anything to make them more interesting. Though
>Maybe throwing in a Valkyrie to replace one of them would have sufficed for a big moment, since those are all optional anyways.
Neat idea, though not sure how it'd work thematically. Maybe one more escaped one? How about
>You get to Hel guardian
>it reveals
>fuck damn it, another Troll
>Insane valkyrie comes screaming out of the sky, cleaves the fucking troll in a few hits, troll dies like a bitch. Valk says its unworthy.
>the fight is on
I'd enjoy them poking them poking a bit of fun at themselves there even, like if they were forced to do that after running out of time. story valk fight would probably be too much of a blocker for normalfags though unless they nerfed her a ton.

>To be fair, Head only says he needs the heart of the bridge keeper and his axe is useless in Helheim, that doesn't mean the only thing he will encounter there is that guy, but every creature there is going to be inmune to his axe. I don't remember Mimir saying "the guardian is the strongest enemy you've ever faced" or similar shit.
True. But I mean, The BRIDGEKEEPER OF HELHEIM and being all huge and watching over all the dead souls and guarding the gates and shit still seems like a fairly big role yeah? I mean, I guess maybe this is a bit of a guilt-by-power-inflation here, it's not like this is Valhalla, the souls going to Hel are the normie weak ones mostly and by that standard even a random Troll with a magic thing is still a demigod. Maybe it sort of fits in-universe and Kratos is just that good, and it's an excuse, but still seemed like something cooler (harhar) should have been there.

>That's why I can't enjoy these types of games. There's just too much to do, and I feel bad about skipping things even though I clearly never wanted to do them in the first place.
It's a curse. I super rarely play them though so it feels a little fresher to me maybe. At any rate I didn't mind going through it all in this game, mostly, though I wish fast travel was something you got a lot earlier.

>bunch of anons actually talking about vidya and gameplay and strong/weak points and acknowledging each other rather then just calling everyone fags
>on Yea Forums
what is this madness

at least they did not make the series into a mobile game. if ea owned it would already be plundered probably.

Attached: god of bahamut.jpg (850x949, 216K)

Yea Forums doesn't like any character that isn't completely one dimensional like in their Japanese visual novel games.

>What are the chances of the Blade of Olympus making a return in the sequel? It was the best weapon in the series.
>what reason would BoO even have in norse pantheon?
I'm pretty sure the blade was toasted at the end of GoW 3, all its power was expended as part of the finale and when Kratos stabbed himself with it to release "hope" going by the Pandora myth. So even ignoring the norse thing I think the blade lived and died with Olympus itself in-game (or at least with Zeus). Which would make sense anyway, it was forged by Zeus after all.

Could see Kratos getting ahold of Gungnir though which could be a pretty hype weapon if modeled well.

God of Soul

Attached: troll kill.webm (1280x720, 3M)

im so tired of this animation

They did but it was at a time where mobile games didn't mean money sink for whales, unironically one of the best ones

Attached: dims.jpg (225x278, 28K)

>can't even jump, 2 weapons, no bow, no speedboots etc, combo cooldowns

Yeah this lack of variety for previous games. Nice try retardo.

wasn't that like written in java or something? can't remember exactly when released but think it was 2006, 2007 or something like that, like right on the dawn of the modern smartphone era. kind of wild looking back, wonder if it's even still possible to run it, like some symbian emu

Not a good camera for an action game fucking directional Counter strike projectile system stfu

Yeah Java 2 Micro edition, there are a lot of J2me emulators for windows and android if you want to emulate that stuff.

Muh story gow4 is better bc my feefees i have a weak father rolemodel i play games for deep storytelling shitty gimmicky bosses samey enemies amazing ai son throw rope to kratos omg futuuuureee naughty dog mountain climbing

Grug hit fire enemies with ice weapon and ice enemies with fire weapon

Its a masterpiece 10/10

No, the newest one is by a long shot. Yes, I've played the PSP games.

are you ok?


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R2 R2 cleave is the best axe combo
For blades, it's the stabby stance-switch attacks

Attached: 1566162198818.webm (1280x720, 2.85M)

>2 weapons

Attached: 1472577035724.png (758x1061, 540K)

Those are useless trash though that die when you breath on them, awful example. Against actual strong opponents where what you do might matter cleave is almost always too slow to hit with. Maybe with hel's touch in some cases but even then I think valks will still break stun and move/punish before cleave comes out.

He's an elf lord miniboss, not any old elf, and the R2 R2 cleave has a perk from high cooldown stat that makes it faster than normal. But the move is still super fast anyway

Attached: Elf lords.webm (768x432, 3M)

Kind of? They do more things with throwing and all the runic light/heavy attacks, he can still just go unarmed and beat the shit out of things with his fists, and he's got his shield which can be used offensively/tactically as well. Then there is also all of Atreus' abilities, the bow, light/lightning elemental shifts, and summons.

Doesn't feel off from the rest of the series frankly. In the first game you mainly just had the blades, sure there was that big artemis one but mostly it was the blades and then the four big spells (blade of the gods was special purpose for the ares fight). It was only in the second game where it went to the 4 weapon types plus 5 magics.

Overall I don't think combat variety felt any worse, though I wish it was just plain faster.

I played all the previous games but they should have at least had a few special items like the medusa head. it was special to work towards getting a power/weapon rather than just digging it up from your house

>I played all the previous games but they should have at least had a few special items like the medusa head. it was special to work towards getting a power/weapon rather than just digging it up from your house
But you still have to work towards gathering powers, new attacks, boosting the weapons, summons, and getting shit like that infinity gauntlet callout that shoots the magic missiles. While it's a different style of progression it's definitely progression.

The talismans are great

Attached: Shattered Gauntlet of Ages.webm (1280x720, 2.84M)

Remember when you could actually fight in the air in GoW? People who think the new GoW was good certainly don't.

>Remember when you could actually fight in the air in GoW? People who think the new GoW was good certainly don't.
dumb faggot. tons of anons freely say gow1/2 had the best combat, it was faster, closer to the dmc-lite clone idea. 4 is still good though it just became a different kind of game.

>tons of anons freely say gow1/2 had the best combat,
And none of those people think the new GoW was good. Your worthless post won't change that.

There's plenty of progression in the new GoW you mong.

How many of the weapons that weren't blades of chaos and the cestus felt actually good to use though? The old games just went for quantity, especially in 3 where all the non cestus weapons were just blades on chains.
You may only have 2 weapons in 4 but they both feel good to use and have their purposes

Lets not pretend that phone games back then were generally anything to write home about. Most were garbage

Hope wasn't in the BoO, it was in Kratos. Athena pulled it out of him and took it, so she probably still has it

>forgetting the Blade of Olympus

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That was just a supermode though. But yeah it too was fun to use