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i don't have friends
only on switch??? wtf
I'm just relieved that it's not a fucking mobile game.
Yet. Mobile port for these types of games are inevitable.
>4 freinds
>on switch
way to alienate the audience you're selling to.
I remember when Yea Forums helped Bub & Bob beat Halo and Metroid in some stupid gamespot poll. Then they "recounted" the results to give Nintendo their prestige win.
what? switch is the go-to system for couch multiplayer.
no switch owner over 16 has friends. you can't fool me.
Didn't know there was Bubble Bobble 3. Unless it's just the pun of "4 friends"
Do you receive all your information about the outside world from console-wars?
Based fellow oldfag
>Local only co-op
The best kind of co-op.
It's interesting that Bub & Bob are eluded in most Smash Bros. discussions about roster when they're probably the better picks the game would have by now.
>Switch only
Hes in
No Bubu, no buy.
Is it going to have other Taito games cameos?
Yea Forumsub and Yea Forumsob deserved better
Fucking Taito. Where's the Rainbow Islands love?
If it goes the way of that new Bomberman game, then probably.
>just bump
>not bumple bobble
I'm doing my best user.
Peb and Pab are in so it's not unlikely.
Frick yeah!
Is this porn?
Why did sqoon work with sssonic
sssonic is a fucking autist and his art is awful
It already has the obligatory Space Invaders cameo, so I think is highly probable. At least if you could unlock or download characters it will have the obligatory Sayo, Time Gal, Otto and Breakout paddle...now I want an Elevator Action DX port to PC, so it wont get lost forever.
Yes and it's not even good
Oh man, Rainbow Islands was great. I remember downloading a rom and playing it to 100% completion on MAME, solely because I liked some of the music in later stages that you couldn't access normally.
Then later I tried doing the same on the PS1 EX version, the one that came bundled with Bubble Bobble and had improved graphics. Only to find out that they hadn't included those stages in that version. I was hoping there was a higher quality remix of the music to be discovered, but alas.
>beat metroid
Unfortunately that didn't happen. He beat Captain King and Sanic though.
Bubble Bobble was my favorite arcade game. Many coins were lost to it.
>Not using the original games music
They had one job.
It's just a 30 second trailer, relax. Original music will probably be in as an unlockable.
>Yet ANOTHER game on late 2019
Holy fuck man I don't have money for all this shit
Puzzle Bobble was always the better game
The NES port was solid too.
What are the differences?
>fucking love puzzle bobble
>hate bubble bobble
I mean, it's nice that the IP as a whole isn't dead, but god damn I just don't like Bubble Bobble at all. I wish they'd use Bubble Mechanics in a more normal platformer.
I read something about how the actions you take in the NES version can determine the special item that appears on each level. Which is why you might notice the same items appearing on levels if you handle them the same way every time on repeat playthroughs. I don't have a list handy of all the differences, but I think that was an NES addition.
Okay, sorry
>no switch owner over 16 has friends
They're pretty much the only ones with irl friends.
I like Puzzle Bobble too, but "hate Bubble Bobble?" What the hell, man? Why?
>tfw seeing the cute as fuck new designs (aside from the weird gloves)
It almost makes me forget that they're probably gonna make us look at the fucking ugly human versions of Bub/Bob, too.
>Develon isn't playable
No thanks
>implying he won't be unlockable
What's the best way to play Puzzle Bobble outside of arcades?
I thought about getting the PS4 port but it's $8 and I'm a cheap poorfag.
>not Puzzle Bobble
The fuck are they doing I need my bobble busting action RIGHT NOW
Play the numerous Puzzle Bobble clones.
Play the MAME version of Puzzle Bobble 2X and the PS1 versions of Puzzle Bobble 3/4.
>How do I play Puzzle Bobble?
>Play this thing that isn't Puzzle Bobble.
If you have a toaster play the gba game.
What's the best NeoGeo emulator?
I think they tend to count Rainbow Islands as the follow-up to 1 & 2.
I'm telling you that if you're that cheap you can't afford $8 then play the games you deserve.
What you don't want to play this glorious game?
Wasn't Bubble Memories's Subtitle Bubble Bobble 3?
Rainbow Islands is officially Bubble Bobble 2
Parasol Stars is officially Bubble Bobble 3
>Parasol Stars is officially Bubble Bobble 3
It seems we have reached an impasse.
>Squenix owns taito
I'll never get over this shit
What were they thinking with this box art?
>Rainbow Islands is the Story of Bubble Bobble 2
>suddenly this happens
They weren't...
The same thing they were thinking with those Puzzle Bobble boxarts.
Someone with too much power wanted their child's terrible scribbles on the game cover no doubt. Or they were convinced low effort art was quirky and set them apart.
what's the best bub design and why is it bubble memories bub
It's a bit complicated, officially as it was said Rainbow island is considered Bubble Bobble 2 and Parasol stars is bubble bobble 3
However actual sequels to bubble bobble were released, titled Bubble Symphony and Bubble Memories
I guess using both it would still add to 4
I miss captain king
someone post the smash moveset