

Attached: starting cars.png (917x369, 523K)

Hachi Roku

>game gives you slow cars only at the start
>pick any
>dude that's seriously weak
why was the lady such a stupid bitch?

good ol mx5
never let me down in nfs
didnt let me down in gt

86 or 180

Wouldn't piss on Euro Econoboxes if they were on fire and I'm not a hairdresser therefore I am not legally allowed to own an MX-5

Always picked the Miata. Fucking loved driving that thing in NFSU1&2.

106 master race
hon hon hon

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Best handing starter tier.

Attached: Focus.jpg (1280x720, 117K)


VW Golf

uninstall exe and install a good game like kaido racer 2

these aint America hours son

Miata. Has the best handling in the game imo.


Attached: Too much boost Dagumi.webm (640x512, 2.9M)


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I always started these off by crashing into the other car from behind at max speed and then speeding off while they tried to gain control of their car.

It's gonna be miata every time

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>takes a 90 degree corner without breaking
Heh, nothing personnel kid.

anybody who didnt pick the 240x is a retard
that car was viable until the endgame

Attached: 2Q==.jpg (225x225, 9K)

ill show you viable until the endgame *unzips*

Where is the Honda Civic Si Coupé?

>that car was viable until the endgame
I used the Miata for the entirety of the game, including the final race.

Every car is viable because of rubberbanding

This was less of a race against the other driver, but a fullboost+fullboost run
I stack enough to almost fill the second level of boost that gets kicked in as I storm past him.

Every car was viable and the actual fastest cars in the game was 240 for drag, golf for drift and corolla for everything else