1 more week

>1 more week

We're going home bros...

Attached: the warrior experience.webm (1280x720, 2.77M)

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yeah i cant wait to auto walk 40 minutes across barren wastelands
and to be forced to use multiple ranks of the same spell because the game is so badly designed that you dont even have enough mana to cast the highest rank shit
and to run all the braindead pve content

Take off your nostalgia goggles you faggot, it wont be the same and try hard min/maxers will ruin the little fun there is.

Would have preferred a “fixed” retail over classic. The classes in retail currently are all unique and fun to play. Still gonna play classic to 60 tho.

Streamers will ruin this game

>the classes in retail are all unique

Attached: laughing girls.png (449x401, 490K)

Attached: 1565372101984.jpg (1492x812, 942K)

I never played vanilla but from what I can see and what other's have told me it seems really fucking boring.
I have an active sub but I don't even think I'll install classic since it'll just be a waste of space.

How is any of this bad?

Maybe you don't have enough mana because you downrank. As a general rule (if there's an exception to the rule, I don't know what that is) higher ranks have higher damage per mana: it's only with spell damage when lower ranks start becoming more efficient, and you're not going to see that stat for a while.