It's time to discuss the best RPG ever made

It's time to discuss the best RPG ever made

Attached: aaa.png (1600x1200, 3.33M)

Other urls found in this thread:!R8dhiCCA!HHdFVt4aD19kQfiYzk9rBi8K5rVU0SsRN09LtkY5qcg


But that’s not New Vegas.

that's not planescape

Thats not gta 5

That's not my 5.

Sure, Konung was fucking great. What did you like the most about it?


Attached: 1565953331474.jpg (1024x574, 69K)

play Fallout 1 and 2 if you really think that

That's not first Gothic

if you were making a remake what would you change?

Attached: 1558172876454.webm (480x480, 1018K)

>posting an RPG made after the mid-90s and claiming it's the best
Old Apple II and DOS RPGs are god tier.


Attached: cvbjmvbbn,.png (1355x964, 1.1M)

Weapons hitting non targeted enemies. Hotkeys for potions.

so you would make the game aimed at zoomers?

first person perspective so zoomies will play it

A remake of Gothic 2? Make it possible to steal everything a merchant sells after you've knocked him out, just like in the first Gothic. Oh, and I'd bring back the item screen from the first game as well. You know, the one that had one dedicated to weapons, and one to armours and so on. Other than that, I wouldn't change much else.

That's not Oblivion or Witcher 3

gothic 2 has hotkeys for potion, you just need to enable them in the gothic.ini file (and the comment in that file says that that options is for lamers, I agree)

i know, i used to play mage with them activated. I just think it should be on by default.

maybe, but that would make for a different game in a way. If you can heal up during the combat you will approach the enemies differently. I also really like witcher 3 where you can drink potions and attack many monsters at the same time, I like both games for different reasons.

Make nights dark
Make torches useful
Make guards light up camp torches every night
Make it possible to become a baal
Use aiming system from G3 for crossbows and bows

Based smart quacker

>Make nights dark
>Make torches useful
already exists with the dx mod

if you like gothic 2 and beat it many times you gotta try the returning 2.0 mod. It adds shit ton of content to the game and makes it much much harder. It's a Russian mix of all kinds of smaller mods, so sometimes it might feel like a dbz mugen, but the mod devs even got the original Russian voice actors for some npc and main character so its all voiced. Play it like stalker or metro, russian voice, english (or polish jezeli jestes polakiem cebulakiem jak ja) subtitles for the absolute gothic cheeki breeki kino.

>get fucked up by the wolves on the road to the tavern in chapter 1
>they've now respawned in chapter 2 and I can kill them in 1 hit

Attached: 1545629451882.jpg (240x280, 40K)

It's great and all, but I find vanilla Returning borderline unplayable. The Alternative Balance patch fixes a lot of the bullshit.

That's one of the things I really like about gothic, bo random monster spawns, they are all predetermined. Only a new chapter triggers new spawns and if you don't kill these wolves in chapter one, you'll have twice the wolfs in chapter 2, the old ones from ch1 and the new ones. Also the fact they never scale up is just bueno, makes for natural barrier where you can go or not on certain level

Use the G1 system for melee damage.
Every time I play G2 I get so tired of the fucking roulette combat where both you and your enemy do either minimal damage or fucking one-shots.

Gothic 2 Patching guide with graphics mods

Download this and install the patches in the correct order (read the installation order text file). You have to install these for the Steam or the GoG version or else the game won't run properly.!R8dhiCCA!HHdFVt4aD19kQfiYzk9rBi8K5rVU0SsRN09LtkY5qcg

Then download this and extract everything to the "system" folder in your Gothic 2 folder
This makes the graphics a lot better, adds new shaders, increases the draw distance etc + fixes performance issues.

Additional Graphics mods (choose ONE of the two). Both of these work with the DX11 mod above. Both of these are installed by simply dropping the .vdf file into your "Data" folder (with other .vdf files in it)
Vurt's Graphics Overhaul:
This is the most vanilla-friendly graphics mod. It mostly only improves the textures/meshes.

L'hiver Vanilla Edition:
Changes the graphics + changes and expands the map. Edits certain locations and models, adds new buildings, new objects. It offers the best graphics imo but the downside is that it adds too many unnecessary trees in some locations.

Here are screenshots comparing the two mods:

If the in-game videos are very small go to the Gothic.ini file in the "system" folder and make these two lines have these values:

Attached: Gothic 2 Screenshot 2018.12.01 - (1920x1080, 3.74M)

The percentage of your weapon skill is equal to the chance of critical skill, so an npc with master sword skill (60 or 90%) will crit you a lot...

Attached: GOTHIC 1.08k_mod 17.08.2019 14_19_02.jpg (1920x1080, 1.91M)

That's not PT:Torment tough

Attached: GOTHIC 1.08k_mod 17.08.2019 14_06_04.jpg (1920x1080, 1.37M)

Pokemon Emerald?


Attached: GOTHIC 1.08k_mod 17.08.2019 14_07_03.jpg (1920x1080, 1.92M)

Attached: GOTHIC 1.08k_mod 17.08.2019 14_09_35.jpg (1920x1080, 1.91M)

Attached: GOTHIC 1.08k_mod 17.08.2019 14_10_30.jpg (1920x1080, 1.68M)

How is that even an "RPG"? Are you retarded?

Attached: GOTHIC 1.08k_mod 17.08.2019 14_15_15.jpg (1920x1080, 1.85M)

Now some old screens of Gothic 2 with DX11 + L'Hiver

Attached: Gothic2 2015-07-22 08-37-40-66.jpg (1920x1080, 2.16M)

Attached: Gothic2 2015-07-23 06-17-17-64.jpg (1920x1080, 2.02M)

High crit chance is not an issue, the massive crit damage is the real problem. NPCs have ridiculously high stats and because of that some random fisherman can kill you in one hit with a stick because he secretly has 100 strength.

Attached: Gothic2 2015-07-22 08-36-58-95.jpg (1920x1080, 1.75M)

summerfag its been posted for the past 2 years at least.

Attached: Gothic2 2015-07-22 08-19-10-47.jpg (1920x1080, 1.03M)

Attached: Gothic2 2015-07-22 08-29-37-45.jpg (1920x1080, 1.81M)

Attached: 1.jpg (1528x1080, 578K)

Is NotR the best add-on/dlc in existence? Nothing beats hanging out with your pirate bros, exploring canyons, sneaking into the swamp

is gothic 1 even playable with the graphic mod?
I heard that rain fucks up your savegame

But not every day.

that and TFT and Lord of Destruction take the throne.
and pls don't call it dlc even if the zoomies don't understand.. it just sounds wrong

Attached: Gothic2 2017-12-22 14-33-50-85.jpg (1824x1026, 354K)

it's really good, but not the best just because back then it was expected to have such an expansion to a successful game. In recent years I'd say the Blood and Wine for witcher3 is the best expansion

Its Dwarf Fortress case closed