How's the buildan going?
Dragon Quest Builders
doing nothing
I'm just waiting for final update and I'm planning terraforming IoA on 2nd save slot
>tfw I have to paly Alcatraz again
I sure hope that final update is worldwide. Would suck if we had to wait an extra 3 months or more for our monsterbuddies to come back home.
>Would suck if we had to wait an extra 3 months
maybe more?
Apparently, English version have much more dialogues than Japanese version.
They will add their "localized" dialogues in update too.
port to pc you shits
buy DQ11
I'm going to buy one of these games today, but I want to ask you guys for advice on which one. I hear there's a lot of QoL changes that make DQB1 hard to play after DQB2. But at the same time, the demo for DQB1 impressed me much more... though I hear the DQB2 demo is infamously shit, so I probably shouldn't let it bias me.
I guess my question is, should I get DQB1 first or just skip to DQB2? Is the first game worth experiencing on its own, either for story, characters or gameplay, or will I just get the same thing but better if I go straight to the second?
I don't understand how or why the illusory world was supposed to fool the scions of Erdrick. As far as I could tell the only purpose it served was to revive Malroth.
I never played the mainline games so maybe there's something I don't know.
I want to reset my whole Isle of Awakening
My buildings are just blueprints from other player's islands. I decided I want to make my own buildings
probably as good of thread as any to ask, I'm playing through DQ1-3, just finished DQ1 on android and while I liked it, I can't stand the stupid mobile controls anymore. Should I play the NES/SNES/GBC version or keep stomaching the mobile versions
This a good game? I've heard it gets laggy in end game but I kind of want a sandbox rpg to play in.
I've started play it this week, finished the first island. How many more islands are there, and how much of the game is spent in the isle of awakening vs everywhere else?
From what I understand it's only laggy on switch and only if you've built a really big city
Just buy the PS4 version, Switchcucks should kill themselves for playing this under 30fps
I'm playing the first one and I'm kinda just slogging through the second chapter. Not really feeling this level in particular but the first one was great
I'd personally go for the GBC versions. Ridiculously easy to emulate, full games, comfy graphics. But my childhood memories are probably biasing me.
>"i played a game with a control scheme i didn't enjoy, i have other means of playing the games but i thought i'd ask in a slow ass thread even though i literally answered my own question"
skip 1
In DQ2, you are trapped in the illusory Midenhall castle which Hargon made.
no need to get so butthurt bro, I picked the mobile version for the orchestra music, official translation and the fact there are glitches in the snes fan translation, so if you can provide your insight on the other versions I'd appreciate it
play GB version
NES DQ2 is the one of the most ridiculous JRPG ever
>skip 1
Okay. Thank you.
GBC DQ2 got stupidly difficult and grindy by Rhone. I don't even want to imagine what the NES version is like.
How is 2 compared to 1?
I just finished the story to 1 and i want more
That's the only charm of DQ2, you just grind to waste time
The hidden area is fucking bullshit, and poison tiles are so fucking obnoxious.
I find both 1 and 3 to be far superior to 2. In fact, I'd feel confortable saying 2 is the worst in the franchise.
Buy DQB2 for PS4, if you have a switch then throw it away and get a PS4
But what if i have both a PS4 and a Switch?
Get PS4 version obviously, why even ask a question with a no-brainer answer
>In DQ2, you are trapped in the illusory Midenhall castle which Hargon made.
and in DQB2, you can see the world outside of the castle
>you can have party members
>huge world
>many magics
>now you have a ship and can go sailing
it was a big deal back then
to be fair, DQ2 is the mother of JRPG's turn-based combat
Really? This must be why my father loved DQ games so much
I need a bigger pool...