Fuck the christchurch and kyoani, THIS IS THE GREATEST TRAGEDY OF 2019

fuck the christchurch and kyoani, THIS IS THE GREATEST TRAGEDY OF 2019

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Other urls found in this thread:


nobody care

i knew they'd wipe my lewds eventually

this entire imageboard was supposed to be ephemeral

OC threads gone, Bloodborn lore discussion gone, the original thread where this pic was created GONE
it's a nightmare

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The "its on the internet forever" meme has always been pique stupidity, you want to keep something around YOU have to make sure it keeps existing


where will I find my new avatars if I can't search for steam avatar threads on fireden

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>april fools surrender/chocogirls threads are nuked

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do any of these games have nude mods?

An amazing day for revisionists.

Why didn't you fucks have an extra archive? At least the other boards like Yea Forums had desu.

>OC threads gone, Bloodborn lore discussion gone
Good riddance

Gurumin does, I checked
for Ape Escape there's... a remove the skirt mod. Can't find the youtube link now

if the archive is gone maybe we could have a comfy thread every now and then where we share our infographics with each other?

A bunch of wojaks being wiped out isn't a tragedy

>can't search image hash for finding sauce
>can't prove autistic reposters like in XB2 threads anymore


it was a blessing

>look it up
>all the results are on the Yea Forums archive

why did they drop Yea Forums

The archive is worthless it didn't archive the old days before the 2010s because there was none

>up to May
well it's something, thanks.

Attached: despair.png (517x453, 209K)

>all of Yea Forums's quality is gone, lets get back to posting wojaks and calling everyone a tranny!

Yeah because video game flavored Yea Forums totally has content worth saving

the main theory seems to be a child porn spammer who was active on Yea Forums and Yea Forums

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that idea refers to the fact that you shouldn't post stupid shit on the internet that can be tied to you, not that everything magically exists on the internet forever.

>archiving a fucking anonymous website that is meant to have threads disappear without a trace
You're just as bad as the idiots who fucking killed Usenet with near-infinite retention and that NZB crap.

u're trannee

Attached: 13f.gif (498x594, 97K)

I use Yea Forums archives more than Yea Forums these days. If there's a subject I want to see posts about I just search it on the archive instead of trying to get a decent topic going on a board that's inevitably being spammed by some dumb arse drama nobody will care about in 2 days.

Attached: retard pills.png (573x358, 11K)

Nobody cares 2bh


what caused this?

shut up zoomer


Anyone else miss the good old days of 4chanarchive? Back then you had to band together and get enough votes to archive a thread...

ceepee attracting feds

archives have been around for a long time. they're useful

If you care about this, then that means you will never touch a woman

Ah shoot the /tg/ archives held some good shit.
Rip hulking hurler build thread from my first few months here

this is the way it should be, no one needs several thousand söyboy wojak bait threads archived

monkey likes to slide, monkey likes to slide, 40% of transgenders commit suicide

Attached: le 40 percent suicide number.png (109x112, 5K)

I hope they nuke the Yea Forums archives, I said some cringy stuff on there.